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Arizona Awakenings (ch. 4)

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It was her birthday and Faith was happy. She had just turned sixteen. She would be a junior in high school when school started. This was going to be so much fun she was sure. All of the most popular kids were seniors, of course. But the junior class was just as good, she thought. Maybe this year she'd be popular.



But it was still summer and she'd have to wait to start one of the best years of her life. She was stuck at home with her foster family. Sidney was okay. He was in foster care, like her. They were the same age, actually. They hadn't been together all their lives. Just for about two or three years, here. Her foster mother, Debby, and her foster father, Fred, were just there mostly. Sometimes she would visit Beth Simons next door, and she was a senior, so that was cool.


She really didn't have anyone her own age to talk to about what was going on. She had things happening to her body, and she needed to talk to someone. Debby was okay. But she just gave her the talk. Men and women did stuff and babies came. But it didn't explain what was happening to her.


When she first had the bleeding start it frightened her so much. That was about two years ago. She finally went to Debby and her foster mother explained about periods, and the curse, and stuff like that. So anyway, Faith had to start putting those pads in her panties when Aunt Flo came to visit every month. It was a hassle but it meant she was a real woman now.


Now her chest was starting to grow. It had been a little late happening. Other girls had been maturing for years it seemed. She had swellings coming out and some of the boys were pointing and laughing when she was in class at school. She was happy when summer came. But that wasn't all. Her hair was growing out on her underarms and her legs. And on her pussy. It was soft and curly and she knew it was natural. Who could she talk to?


It was almost a week before high school would start. She was ready for it. She wanted to make new friends. Most of her friends from last year had already started dating. She wanted friends that she could talk to about everything. More mature like she was becoming. Girl friends who had breasts grown out and hair on their pussies. She was kind of looking forward to gym class now. Before they had made fun of her. Now she had something to show them.


Sidney was down the block playing on his roller skates. They had sidewalks all around the block and he used to spend lots of time out there. Not so much now that he was going to be a junior, too. But he was out there with some buddies now. Debby had gone shopping for some cake mix and other stuff for her birthday. She had asked Faith if she wanted to come but it was so hot outside. It had got to over a hundred degrees last week. Faith said she wanted to stay at home.


So just Faith and Fred were there in the house that afternoon. He was watching sports on TV. He loved to watch baseball. They were sitting at each end of the couch. A commercial came on. Fred looked over at her.


"Say, young'un. I think you may be turning into a woman. You're looking like a lady now. You know that Faith?"


She could feel herself blushing. "I guess so Fred. I don't know."


"You are sweetie. Yes, you sure are. You know, it's been a long time since you sat on my lap. I reckon you're too old for that, right?"


Faith giggled. She got up and moved down the couch to Fred. She wasn't afraid, but she couldn't remember the last time she sat on his lap. It seemed a little strange to her. But she sat and put her arms around his neck. He smiled at her and she felt good. Fred didn't always smile a lot. She liked making him smile.


"So darlin', you're gonna be a junior in high school. Is that right girl? That means you're almost grown up for sure. Just this year and another and you'll be a full grown adult. But I can see you're already a full grown lady. Yes, you are, honey."


"Yeah, I suppose so. I'm still growing though. I know that Fred."


"Well, you've grown up enough for me girl. Yep, you sure are grown up. You got those titties there on your chest and that means you're a woman now. You know that, girl? You're a woman for sure. You should be treated like a woman."


Faith was blushing now but she liked hearing that she was a woman. That was what she wished for. To be grown up and treated like an adult. While she was taking that in she felt Fred hugging her closer now. Then his hand was rubbing her bare leg. She was wearing shorts and a little top. The day was hot today.


"Tell you what girl, I'm gonna give you a kiss. Give me a little kiss baby."


This was special to Faith. Fred had never kissed her before. But she trusted him. So she gave him a kiss. Then he put his hand on her head and he kissed her back. It was wet and his beard was a little rough and his tongue was touching her lips. She opened them and his tongue was in her mouth now.


Her body was feeling strange. She was sort of tingling inside and also in parts of her body. Her nipples felt like they were getting harder and her crotch area in her panties felt wet for some reason. It was probably the heat. But his hand was moving up and down on her leg and her hairy pussy was feeling funny.


"Is this okay to do this Fred? Is this alright? It feels funny. I didn't know kissing could feel like this."


"Course it's alright girl. Freddie wouldn't ever do anything wrong. You know that. Does this feel bad? Here, let me show you something."


Fred's hand was inside her shorts now and his fingers were lifting the edge of her panties. She could feel his fingers rubbing up and down on her pussy lips. She was a little afraid because her body was doing things that seemed to be naughty. She didn't know. Fred wouldn't do anything bad. Would he? All she really knew was that she liked it. She liked it a lot. 


"Oh, Fred, that feels funny. I'm sorry, but I'm getting wet. I think I must be a bad girl."


"No girl you ain't bad. You're being a good girl. Yeah, that's real good. Here, you sit yourself down beside me. I want to show you something else. Something you'll like, I promise."


Fred was wearing some Wrangler jeans, and something was big inside the denim. He reached in and pulled out his pecker. That's what Debby had told her men called it. Boys had a pecker and girls had a pussy. Fred's pecker looked awfully big and purple and hard.


"See here girl? This is something good, you know. My pecker has to be good. It's what men use to make babies and that's good, ain't it? Of course it is. Touch it girl. See what it feels like. Go on."


She reached out and traced one finger up the hard pecker. From the bottom by the two round balls and up to the tip top. It was leaking a little. Maybe Fred had to pee. But he groaned as she was touching him. Maybe she was hurting him. But she didn't think so. She was pretty sure he wasn't hurting at all. She liked this.


"That's it girl. Wrap your hand around it now. Good. Now hold it and rub it up and down. Good, girl. That's a good girl."


Faith wondered at what was happening. She seemed to have some kind of power over Fred. She was making him feel real good. Just like she had felt good when his finger was in her pussy. Now he put his hand down into her shorts and began rubbing her wetness. She tingled. It was feeling very good again. She liked this a lot.


"Kiss it little darlin'. Go on now. You go ahead and kiss it. It's okay, girl. You can do that. Men like that. You want to make me happy, don't you, Faith? That's it. Kiss it and lick it for me."


Fred grabbed her hair and forced her to start licking his hard pecker. She had been a little afraid. But not now. Now she was feeling good to be a woman for him. He was gripping her hair as her tongue lapped at the purple head of his pecker. He was moving his hips now and trying to poke it into her mouth.


"Get on the floor now girl. Get on your knees for me. Get down and suck that cock girl. Suck it good for Freddie. Ah shit, yeah. Suck it for me, honey."


Faith did what he asked. She didn't know what she was doing but she knew it made him happy. Now he was forcing his cock into her mouth and her throat. She was gagging and her eyes were watering. It was so strange. She felt powerful now as he groaned. He was forcing her to suck all of his hard pecker. She could tell he really liked it. And she liked it, too. She surely did like it.


"Yeah, that's it you little cutie. Suck that cock, girlie. I knew you were a cock sucker. I knew it. Oh shit, suck it down girl. Take it all, godammit!"


Fred was ramming his pecker into her throat and she almost threw up, but her hand was in her own pants now. She wanted those good feelings to spread all over her. She did what she was told. All of a sudden something was filling her mouth and throat.


"Dammit girl, suck down that cum. Yeah, suck it all down. Swallow it for me. Swallow all of it. That's Freddie's little girl. Swallow it now. Ah shit, that's good fucking. Good cock sucking. Ahhh."

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He was standing up now. She kept touching herself. She didn't think he would care. Not now. She almost couldn't take all of the sticky stuff coming out of Fred's pecker but she swallowed all of it. It tasted a little like cigarettes and beer. He pulled his cock out finally and Faith licked her lips, making sure to get it all. She was proud of herself.


"I saw you liked that. Yes, I saw that. You're still touching your cooter, too. That's good, girl. Now, Debby don't need to know anything about this. You hear me girl. You just played with Freddie. No need to tell anyone. You understand that girl? Good. You can go on to the bathroom and clean yourself up. But let me lick your fingers first. I bet I'll like the taste of your pussy."


Faith did as she was told. She let Fred taste her pussy juices. He grinned and she giggled. She went in and washed her face. Then she decided she needed to wash her pussy, too, because it was all sticky now. She took her pants down and her panties and washed herself off. While she did it she felt a tingling so she rubbed a little more and something rushed through her body once again. It felt funny but good.


She liked to think about that time with Fred. It was a strange and wonderful thing. But she didn't tell anyone. Not yet. She started the new session at school and she learned in gym class that she had caught up with the other girls. They had hair on their pussies, and some had titties that were getting bigger than Faith's. But hers were nice. So she felt good. She was normal now.


It was fun being in high school even if she wasn't a senior yet. Some of the seniors were mean girls and would tease her sometimes. A couple of them were really bold and would touch her in the shower. She acted like she was upset but after the first time she looked forward to some of the teasing. It made her pussy tingle. She liked it when some girl would touch her nipples and watch them get hard.


That was just good fun of course. Other younger girls had the same thing happen to them. Some would cry and others would pinch and touch back. That would make some of the older girls laugh. They would touch themselves and tell the younger girls to look. Sometimes they made Faith and others touch them while they shivered in the showers. It was just good fun.


Anyway, Faith wondered if maybe she could play with another boy soon. She didn't know. It couldn't be bad. or it wouldn't feel so good. It had to be natural. She had learned how to make herself feel good. She didn't always have to use the washcloth on her pussy. She found other ways.


She could slap the little bud above her pussy and rub it with a thumb. That would make her tremble. It would make creamy stuff come out of her pussy. She was afraid of putting anything into her pussy yet, though. She wasn't sure if that would do bad things to her insides. And she was afraid to ask Debby.


Faith had always slept in the same bedroom as Sidney. For as long as they had been foster children here. It wasn't so bad. But after Fred played with her she started noticing that Sidney's pecker was getting bigger. He only wore his jockey shorts to bed. She wondered if his pecker would get hard and purple like Fred's had. Someday she might find out.


During this year they had the annual Slave Day. The seniors all got to buy the other students. It was all for charity. Senior boys could not buy girls, but senior girls could buy girls or boys. While they owned them for a day the lower class students had to push the seniors in carts, or pull them in wagons, to all of the seniors' classes.


Faith was bought by two of the senior girls, Kathy and Janie, who had been playing with her in gym class. They made her and another girl put on ballerina tutus, and slippers, and made them serve them their lunch in the cafeteria. It lasted all day. At one point when they were pushing a cart to a class the two senior girls had the two younger girls stop behind the gym. It was an alley and no one usually went down it.


Kathy gave an order. "Okay you two. Get over here. Now you both need to take those panties off. Oh don't look like that. It's all good fun and you have to do what you're told. So take them off. Okay, Faith. I want you to touch little Brenda here. Yeah, down there you silly twat. Touch her little pussy. I know she likes it."


Faith did as she was told. Her fingers were brushing against Brenda's pussy hairs and she could see it start to leak something out. Like Faith would leak when she rubbed herself down there. Brenda was close to tears but she was not stepping back.


It was Janie's turn to take command. "Now you, Brenda, you do it to Faith. You two are lesbos I think. Anyway, touch her now. You want her too, don't you Faith? You're both little sluts. Touch her now!"


Both girls were now touching each other and both wanted to cry but both also were getting wetter. They wanted to stop but they didn't. They were being forced. Faith just kept telling herself that she didn't like it but she had to do it because she was a slave today. And she kept feeling the juices running from her pussy. It was good but she wouldn't let them know.


At last it was getting late. They needed to get to class. Janie and Kathy laughed and told them to get their panties on. They called them nasty twats and told them to start pushing the cart again.


At the end of the day she had to walk down the hill to her house wearing the tutu. They couldn't change into their regular clothes. This was part of the tradition. As she walked down the hill with some other girls she saw Sidney walking down the hill, too. He had also been a slave. He was dressed in tights. She was a little ashamed to be seen like this, but she knew Sidney must really hate it.


"Hey, Sidney. How'd it go today?"


He turned around and grinned at her when he saw the tutu. Then he remembered what he was wearing. She could see him blushing.


"It was alright. I just wanna be a senior now and do some shit to other guys. You know?" She smiled and knew what he meant. She'd like to make a couple of girls touch themselves in front of her. She'd enjoy that.


Later that night while her Debby was in the shower cooling off from the heat Fred called Faith into his bedroom. She walked in wearing her shorts and cutoff tee shirt. He smiled at her.


"Sidney's out right now. He goes out a lot. That's fine as long as he gets back before bed time. So, Faith. I saw you today when you came down the hill. I was...

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Written by Green_Man
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