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The Vacation Switch - One Year Later. (2)

"Amy and Matt finally succumb to the seduction of the other couples. But can they cope with seeing their partner with another?"

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The chalet was buzzing with warmth and laughter as we all returned from dinner, the evening settling into a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. It had been a long day of skiing and socializing, but something about the way the night was unfolding kept my energy high. The others seemed to feel it too, the playful energy that had been simmering between us all day was only getting stronger.

We settled into the living room, the fire crackling in the hearth, and the six of us spread out across the plush sofas with drinks in hand. Bex and Katie had been particularly lively, their laughter ringing through the room as they joked and teased. Amy and I exchanged glances every now and then, both of us aware that something strange, yet exciting, was unfolding.

Katie and Bex weren’t letting up. They had been subtly, and not so subtly, flirting with me all night, their touches lingering, their compliments becoming more suggestive. It wasn’t just in my head; I could feel it in the way they looked at me, like they were testing boundaries, waiting to see how far they could push things. And across the room, Mark and Jack were doing the same with Amy. I couldn’t help but notice how their attention lingered on her, their voices lower, their smiles full of intention.

But despite the confusion, I wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, I was more intrigued than anything else. Flattered, even.

As the conversation flowed around us, Amy gave me a look, her eyebrows raised slightly. She tilted her head toward the kitchen, gesturing with her drink. “We need more wine,” she said casually, standing up and giving me a quick nod to follow.

I got the hint immediately and stood to join her, following her into the kitchen. As soon as we were out of earshot, the easy smiles we’d been holding onto all evening slipped away, replaced by a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Amy set her glass down on the counter and turned to face me, her expression serious but tinged with curiosity. “Matt… we need to talk.”

I leaned against the counter, already feeling the tension in the air. “Yeah, I know. It’s been a weird night.”

She nodded, glancing over her shoulder to make sure we were alone. “Bex and Katie… they’ve been hitting on you, haven’t they?”

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, relieved that she’d noticed it too. “Yeah, they have. And I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining it, but it’s been going on all night. I didn’t know how to bring it up.”

Amy laughed softly, though there was a nervous edge to it. “You’re not imagining it. Mark and Jack have been acting the same way with me. It’s… weird.”

For a moment, we both stood there in silence, processing what was happening. I could feel the excitement building in me, the curiosity about where this was all going. But at the same time, I didn’t want Amy to think I had been encouraging it. I didn’t want her to feel like I was crossing any lines.

“I just…” I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. “I don’t want you to think I’m initiating anything. I don’t want to upset you, but… I mean, I’m not uncomfortable with it. Honestly, I’m kind of enjoying the attention.”

Amy’s eyes softened as she looked at me, her lips twitching into a small smile. “I’m not upset,” she said, her voice gentle. “Honestly? I’m enjoying it too.”

Her words hit me like a relief I hadn’t expected. I felt a weight lift off my chest, the tension between us easing just enough to let that excitement breathe. “Really? So… what do we do?”

Amy bit her lip, thinking for a moment before looking up at me with a determined expression. “Let’s just go with it. I mean, it’s pretty harmless, right? We can enjoy it, but we need to be careful.”

I raised an eyebrow, my heart beating a little faster. “Careful, how?”

Amy gave me a quick, playful smile. “Okay, here’s what I’m thinking. If either of us sees something happening that we’re not comfortable with, like if things start going too far, we use a safe word. Something obvious.”

“A safe word?” I repeated, my curiosity piqued.

She nodded. “Yeah, something simple. Let’s go with… ‘oranges.’ If one of us says ‘oranges,’ the other one has to stop. No questions asked. Just stop.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the randomness of it, but it made sense. It was a way for us to keep control, to stay in sync even if things started getting more intense. “Oranges, huh? Alright, that works. No one’s going to think we’re just casually talking about oranges.”

Amy laughed, and for a moment, it felt like some of the tension had lifted. But then I asked the question I had been thinking about since dinner.

“Is there… a limit?” I asked, my voice quieter now. “Like, how far are we going to let this go?”

Amy paused, her eyes flicking away as she considered the question. I could tell she was weighing it carefully, trying to figure out what she was comfortable with, and what she wasn’t. Finally, she looked back at me, her expression thoughtful.

“Let’s just play it by ear,” she said softly, her voice full of uncertainty but also excitement. “We’ll see how things go. And if it gets to be too much, one of us will say ‘oranges,’ and that’s that.”

I nodded, feeling the excitement building in my chest. The way Amy was handling this, the way she was open to exploring whatever was happening between all of us, made me feel a rush of adrenaline. I had no idea what the rest of the night, or the trip, would bring, but there was a charge in the air now, something electric that had me hooked.

Amy stepped closer to me, placing her hand on my arm. “We’re in this together, okay? No pressure. We’ll just see what happens.”

I smiled, relieved that we were on the same page. “Yeah. Together.”

With that settled, we grabbed the wine and headed back into the living room, where the others were waiting. But now, there was a new undercurrent between Amy and me, a shared understanding that whatever happened next, we were ready to face it together. And as we re-joined the group, the excitement in the room felt even more intense, like we were all on the edge of something thrilling and unknown.


I leaned casually against the wall just outside the kitchen, making sure I was out of sight but close enough to catch what was going on inside. Amy and Matt had disappeared in there a few seconds before, and I had a feeling something important was happening, something we had all been waiting for.

Bex and I had been pushing the boundaries with Matt all night, testing how far we could go, and it was clear that Amy had picked up on what Mark and Jack were doing with her too. The flirting, the teasing, the subtle touches, it had all been building up, but the real question was: would Amy and Matt go with it?

I strained to listen, catching bits of their conversation over the low hum of the rest of the group’s chatter in the living room. Matt’s voice was quiet, nervous even, as he admitted to Amy that Bex and I had been hitting on him. I held my breath, waiting for her reaction, unsure of whether she would shut it down or let things continue.

Then, Amy’s voice, softer but confident: “Let’s just go with it.”

A grin spread across my face. Yes.

They were on board. Amy wasn’t backing down, if anything, she seemed curious, excited even. I barely held back a giggle as they continued, talking about a safe word, oranges. That was perfect. If they were setting boundaries but still willing to play, it meant everything was falling into place.

I heard them wrapping up and scrambled back to the living room, my heart racing. I slipped into my spot on the couch, making sure I was next to Bex and across from Jack and Mark. Before Amy and Matt emerged from the kitchen, drinks in hand, I caught the others' eyes and gave them a quick thumbs-up, mouthing, We’re in!

Bex’s face lit up, and we both exchanged a look of excitement. This was it, the moment we had been working toward. Everything was set.

When Matt sat down between Bex and me, I noticed right away that something had shifted. He wasn’t as tense anymore, wasn’t trying to hide his reactions. There was a new openness in his posture, and I could tell that he had accepted what was happening. I moved closer, letting my leg brush against his, and he didn’t pull away. In fact, he seemed to relax into the touch.

Bex was on the other side of him, her laughter soft and flirty as she leaned into his other shoulder. Between the two of us, we had him surrounded, and the energy in the room was thick with tension.

I let my hand drift slowly down to rest on his leg, just above his knee, my fingertips tracing light circles against the fabric of his jeans. His body tensed slightly, but he didn’t move away. Instead, I felt him shift, almost as if he were adjusting to get more comfortable with our closeness.

Bex glanced at me over Matt’s shoulder, her eyes sparkling with mischief. We were playing with him now, taking it slow, pushing just a little further each time. My hand lingered on his leg, and when he didn’t object, I let it slide just a little higher, slow, deliberate, giving him time to react.

But he didn’t stop me.

My fingers moved up his thigh, my touch featherlight as I brushed against his trousers. I felt the tension building in him, his breath catching as my hand travelled closer to the heat I could sense between his legs. I was careful, subtle, my movements deliberate but slow enough that it could almost be mistaken for an accident. Almost.

And then, I felt it, the unmistakable hardness pressing against the side of my hand.

I smiled to myself, glancing up at Matt to gauge his reaction. His eyes were wide, his breath coming in shallow bursts, and I could see the conflict in his expression, excitement mixed with hesitation. But what really caught my attention was the way he looked across the room.

Matt’s gaze landed on Amy, and I followed his line of sight.

Amy was sitting with Mark, her body angled toward him, and I noticed his hand resting on her stomach, his fingertips just barely dipping beneath the waistband of her pants. It wasn’t anything overt, but it was intimate enough that it made my own pulse quicken. Amy seemed relaxed, almost serene, as she talked with Jack, but there was no mistaking the way she leaned into Mark’s touch.

Matt’s gaze lingered on Amy for a moment longer, as if checking her reaction, but she didn’t seem uncomfortable. If anything, she looked… content. I could see the small smile on her lips as she listened to the conversation, and it was clear that she was aware of what was happening but completely at ease.

That was the green light Matt needed.

I felt his leg shift slightly under my hand, as if he were giving me permission to keep going, and my heart raced with excitement. Bex caught the movement too, and I saw the playful glint in her eyes as she leaned in closer to Matt, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder.

I let my hand drift just a little higher, brushing against the hardness beneath his jeans, and this time, there was no mistaking it. Matt let out a soft breath, his body tense but clearly receptive to the attention. We had him, and he was in.

I shared a quick glance with Bex, both of us silently thrilled at how well this had gone. This was the beginning of something much bigger, something we had been building up to all day. And as the flirting continued, the tension between all six of us growing, I knew that things were only going to get more exciting from here.


The warmth of the fire crackled in the background, casting a soft, flickering glow over the room. The laughter and conversation around me felt distant, almost dreamlike, as my focus narrowed on what was happening just beneath the surface.

Mark was sitting close beside me, his body heat radiating in the small space between us. We had been inching closer all night, the unspoken tension building with each passing moment. His hand rested casually on my stomach, just above my waistband, but it was anything but innocent. Every time his fingers brushed against me, a current of electricity shot through my body, igniting something deep within me.

I glanced across the room at Matt, my heart pounding in my chest. He was sitting between Katie and Bex, both of them leaning into him, their hands resting a little too comfortably on his legs. There was a new openness in his expression, something more relaxed, almost… playful.

That unspoken understanding gave me a boldness I hadn’t expected. I had spent the entire day feeling the playful advances from the others, from Jack and Mark’s lingering touches to Katie and Bex’s subtle comments. It had been confusing at first, but now, in the dim light of the chalet, it all felt perfectly clear. The energy in the room was thick with anticipation, and I knew I was ready to let go, to see where this would lead.

Mark’s hand slipped a little lower, his fingertips teasing just beneath the fabric of my waistband. A sharp intake of breath escaped my lips, my body responding instantly to his touch. It was gentle, almost tentative, but the promise of more sent a wave of excitement coursing through me. Every inch of me felt alive, buzzing with anticipation, my heart racing faster with each second.

I glanced over at Matt again, watching him closely. Katie and Bex were both still beside him, their hands on his thighs, their touches lingering longer and longer. I could see the tension in his posture, the way his body leaned into theirs, and I knew he was feeling it too, the same thrill that was coursing through me.

With a deep breath, I decided to be bold.

The teasing, the flirting, the slow build-up, it had all led to this moment, and I wasn’t about to shy away. My hand moved, almost instinctively, reaching for Jack, who was sitting just to my left. My fingers traced over his trousers sliding my hand up his leg. I felt the steady rise and fall of his breath as my hand slipped up a little further, feeling the firmness of his cock beneath my touch.

Jack stiffened slightly, his breath catching as my fingers grazed against him, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he shifted just enough to let me know he was welcoming the contact, his body responding in kind. The excitement in my chest bloomed, the thrill of knowing we were all moving toward something more, something deeper.

The room felt smaller, the space between all of us charged with the tension we had built up all day. Mark’s fingers continued their slow exploration just below my waistband, his touch light and teasing. I bit my lip, trying to contain the rush of heat that was spreading through me. My hand tightened slightly around Jack, my own boldness surprising even me, but I didn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop.

Every movement, every glance, every shared touch felt like it was pulling us all closer to the edge of something thrilling and unknown. My heart pounded in my chest, the anticipation almost overwhelming, but I felt alive in a way I hadn’t in a long time. The others had been playing with us all day, pushing the boundaries, testing how far they could go, and now, I was ready to see just how far we could take it.

The atmosphere in the room was growing heavier by the second, the air thick with unspoken intentions and shared glances. I could feel the anticipation mounting, my pulse quickening as the minutes passed. Mark’s touch hadn’t left my skin, and each teasing stroke sent sparks of electricity through me. His fingers hovered just beyond the edge of my waistband, the gentleness of his touch almost unbearable in its restraint.

I swallowed hard, my breath coming a little quicker now. It wasn’t just Mark, it was the whole room. The six of us, all bound together in this web of flirtation and intrigue. The playful looks, the laughter that had started out innocently, had shifted into something much more intense, something thrilling.

From across the room, Matt’s eyes flickered to mine once again. His expression was soft but curious, and I knew he was asking the same silent question I had been asking myself: How far was this going to go?

Katie and Bex had him flanked on either side, their hands resting on his thighs, but this time there was no hesitation in their touch. Katie’s hand was now clearly resting on his cock and I could see how hard Matt was beneath her.

I could feel my own heartbeat quickening at the sight of it. We had agreed to go with the flow, to see where this led, and so far, it felt exhilarating. My hand remained on Jack’s leg, my fingers idly tracing patterns through the fabric of his trousers. The weight of his breath, the subtle shift in his posture, told me that he was as caught up in this as I was.

Mark shifted beside me, his fingers dipping a little lower, just teasing the edge of my underwear now. My skin tingled with anticipation, and I fought the urge to close my eyes, to lose myself in the moment. But I couldn’t look away from Matt. I needed to know he was okay, that we were still on the same page, even as the heat between us all threatened to blur the lines.

Matt caught my gaze again, and I watched as his eyes dropped for a split second, glancing down at my hand on Jack. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but I knew he had seen it. His expression didn’t change, there was no sign of discomfort, no hesitation. Instead, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he gave the slightest nod of approval. He was fine.

That small gesture sent a rush of relief and excitement through me. We were both in this, both navigating the strange but intoxicating situation together. It was like we had crossed an invisible threshold, and there was no going back now.

Mark’s hand was still lingering just beneath the fabric of my waistband, and the tension between us was palpable. The fire crackled softly in the background, casting shadows on the walls, and for a brief moment, everything felt suspended, like we were teetering on the edge of something far bigger than we had anticipated.

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I took a deep breath, steadying myself. “So,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the crackling of the fire, “what happens now?”

Mark’s fingers stilled for a moment, his eyes locking with mine. His voice was low, almost a murmur, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips. “I guess… we see where the night takes us.”

My heart skipped a beat, the promise of more hanging in the air between us. I glanced over at Matt again, and this time, I caught the faintest flash of mischief in his eyes as Bex’s hand moved higher up his leg to join Katie’s. The sight of it sent a shiver of excitement through me.

This was real. This was happening. And despite the uncertainty, the strangeness of it all, I found myself embracing it fully.

I shifted in my seat, letting my body relax into Mark’s touch, allowing my hand to more firmly massage Jack through his trousers. The energy in the room had shifted completely now, there was no more hiding, no more pretence. We were all caught up in it, swept away by the thrill of the moment.

The conversation around us had softened, replaced by the quiet hum of excitement that filled the room. Every touch, every glance, felt charged with meaning, and I knew that tonight was just the beginning.


I could feel Bex and Katie close beside me, their hands still trailing over my trousers, their touches soft but deliberate. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention, especially from both of them at once, but I couldn’t deny how good it felt. The day’s events had been building toward this, and now, with the room bathed in the warm glow of the fire, I could feel the shift in the air.

I looked over at Amy, watching her closely. She seemed calm, relaxed even, her body leaning into Mark’s touch. His hand was resting on her stomach, his fingers just barely beneath the waistband of her pants, and the sight of it sent a ripple of something through me, something I couldn’t quite name. I wasn’t uncomfortable, not in the slightest. In fact, the excitement building inside me was almost overwhelming.

Amy’s hand was still on Jack’s leg, her fingers moving slightly as if testing the waters, and I realized we had both reached a point of no return. Whatever this was, we were in it together.

I caught her eye again, and the smile she gave me was all the reassurance I needed. We weren’t just letting this happen, we were a part of it, making the same decision, feeling the same rush of excitement.

Bex’s hand slid up just a little more, her fingers brushing the inside of my thigh, and I felt my breath hitch. I wasn’t used to being the focus of this kind of attention, but I couldn’t deny how much I was enjoying it. I let myself relax into the moment, the excitement, the uncertainty, all of it swirling around me in a heady rush.

This wasn’t just flirting anymore. This was something else, something that had been simmering beneath the surface all day, and now, it was finally coming to a head.

The room had become a haze of heat and soft murmurs, every sound amplified by the silence that had settled over the group. My body was humming with a mix of tension and excitement, my mind racing to keep up with everything that was happening around me. The touches, the stolen glances, it had all been leading to this moment, and now it was finally here.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Amy shifting in her seat beside Jack. She had been quiet for a while, her focus entirely on the subtle but deliberate movements of Mark’s hand on her waist. I could see the way her body responded to his touch, the way her breath hitched as his fingers slipped a little further under her waistband. But then… then her hand moved.

My breath caught as I watched Amy’s hand slide down into Jack’s trousers, her fingers disappearing beneath the fabric as she took hold of him. I could see the faint movement beneath the material, the rise and fall of the fabric as her hand worked its way along his length. Jack’s body tensed, his lips parting just slightly, and a soft groan escaped him, quiet but unmistakable. The sound sent a jolt through me, a mixture of disbelief and arousal flooding my senses.

I didn’t know what to feel. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions, my thoughts tangled in a web of confusion and lust. Part of me wanted to stand up, to step back and process what was happening. But the other part of me, the part that was winning, was captivated by the sight of Amy so freely engaging with Jack, her fingers moving with confidence and ease. She was enjoying this, no doubt about it.

I felt a flicker of panic rising in my chest, a familiar feeling from earlier in the evening. Each time a new line had been crossed, I had felt that momentary surge of anxiety, wondering if this was too much, if I could handle it. But each time, the sight of Amy, relaxed and confident, had grounded me. This time was no different.

I glanced over at her, needing to see her face, needing to know she was okay with all of this. And there she was, her expression soft but filled with something else, something I hadn’t seen in a long time. Pleasure. Contentment. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyes half-lidded as Mark’s hand dipped lower, fully inside her waistband now. She wasn’t just okay, she was enjoying every second of this.

And if she was okay… then so was I. More than okay, actually. I was great.

I felt Katie’s hand slip into my trousers. The sensation hit me like a shock of electricity, her fingers wrapping around me with expert precision. My entire body stiffened, a gasp catching in my throat as she began to stroke me in slow, deliberate motions. The pleasure was immediate, overwhelming, and my mind struggled to keep up with the sensations rushing through me.

Katie’s hand moved with a steady rhythm, her touch confident and teasing at the same time. I could feel my pulse quickening, my body responding to her in ways I hadn’t expected. I had been so caught up in what was happening with Amy that I hadn’t even realized how much I had wanted this, how much I had needed this.

“Katie,” I whispered, my voice barely audible, more of a breath than a word. She didn’t say anything in response, just continued her slow, intoxicating rhythm, her fingers tightening ever so slightly with each stroke. God, she was good at this.

And it wasn’t just Katie. On the other side of me, Bex’s hands were traveling over my body, her fingers exploring the lines of my chest, my stomach, running through my hair. Every touch, every caress added to the overwhelming pleasure that was building inside me. It was like they were working together, their movements synchronized, designed to drive me wild.

My mind was still a mess of conflicting emotions, but the lust, the lust was winning. Every second brought me closer to the edge, the pleasure pushing out any doubts I had left. I glanced over at Amy again, needing that reassurance one more time, and what I saw only heightened the intensity of the moment.

She was still focused on Jack, her hand moving rhythmically under his trousers, her body leaning into Mark’s touch as his hand now deep into her trousers and the shapes I could see through the fabric showed his fingers were exploring her even further. The way her body responded to both men, the way she was fully in control of what was happening, sent another wave of desire crashing through me.

Amy looked… incredible. And she was clearly enjoying herself. Seeing her like this, knowing she was comfortable, made me relax even more. She was okay with this. She wanted this. And if she was feeling that way, then I didn’t have to hold back anymore.

Katie’s hand squeezed me a little tighter, pulling a groan from my throat. The sound seemed to escape before I could stop it, but there was no shame, no embarrassment. I was past that now. I was right where I wanted to be, caught up in the moment, surrounded by pleasure and excitement.

I shifted in my seat, letting myself sink further into the sensations. The room felt smaller now, the space between us closing in as the boundaries we’d once held so carefully dissolved completely. My mind was still spinning, but it was spinning in the best possible way.


The warmth from the fire wrapped around me like a comforting blanket, and as I let myself sink more deeply into the moment, the tension in my body slowly began to ease. Mark’s hand still moved gently under my waistband, his touch familiar but electric, and Jack’s steady presence on my other side added to the heady swirl of sensations coursing through me. I could feel the heat between all of us, and the longer it went on, the more I found myself letting go of the uncertainty that had been lingering in the back of my mind.

This wasn’t what I had expected when the day began, but somehow, it felt… right.

I glanced over at Matt, watching him as Katie and Bex leaned in close, their touches on him growing more confident, more deliberate. A flicker of something, maybe concern or hesitation, crossed my mind, but it faded almost as quickly as it appeared. He looked comfortable now, relaxed even, as Bex’s hands began to unbutton his shirt, her fingers trailing across his skin. Katie, meanwhile, had never stopped her slow movements under the fabric of his trousers. The way Matt’s breath hitched with each touch was a clear sign of his growing pleasure, and I found myself smiling.

This wasn’t about jealousy or competition, it wasn’t even about possessiveness. It was about sharing something new, something that connected us all in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

I turned my attention back to Mark, feeling his gaze on me as I reached out with my free hand, brushing my fingers against his thigh. The angle was awkward, and I struggled to get a good grip, my fingers sliding against the fabric of his trousers without making much progress. Mark chuckled softly at my effort, his breath warm against my neck.

Before I could say anything, he lifted his hips and, in one smooth motion, slipped his trousers off entirely. The movement was so sudden, so bold, that I couldn’t help but giggle, the sound bubbling up from somewhere deep inside me. Mark was the first to fully expose himself, and there was something almost liberating about it, the way he didn’t hesitate or hold back.

I grasped him easily now, he was already hard and leaking precum, which made my hand slippery as I gripped him tightly, finding my rhythm as I balanced between him and Jack, who followed Mark’s lead and shifted to give me better access. Jack’s trousers slid down, and I settled between them both, feeling their warmth surrounding me as I slowly pleasured them. The room felt smaller, more intimate, as the boundaries between us blurred even further.

I leaned back, letting my head rest against the cushions as I took in the scene around me. On either side, Mark and Jack responded to my touch, their breaths ragged and shallow, and yet I couldn’t help but glance back toward Matt.

He was still sitting with Katie and Bex, but things had shifted. Bex had moved in front of him, her fingers working at his belt with practiced ease, and within moments, she had pulled it free. I watched, fascinated, as she undressed my husband piece by piece, her hands moving with slow deliberation, as if savouring the act itself.

Matt’s eyes followed Bex’s every move, his chest rising and falling with increasing urgency. There was something captivating about watching him like this, seeing his eyes devour the sight of Bex, taking in the way she stripped off her clothes with graceful ease. She knelt in front of him, her bare skin glowing in the light of the fire, and replaced Katie’s hand with her mouth, the change drawing a deep, guttural groan from Matt’s lips.

And yet, as I watched this unfold, a realization dawned on me, something unexpected but strangely comforting. I wasn’t jealous. Not even close.

Instead, there was a sense of connection, of shared experience that filled the room. This wasn’t like cheating, wasn’t about secrets or betrayal. This was different. This was Matt and me, together, choosing to explore something new, something that brought us closer by letting us experience pleasure in ways we never had before. It was intimate, but not in the way I had once feared it might be.

Mark's fingers slid into my hair, tangling in the strands as he kissed me deeply, his hips thrusting rhythmically against my hand. Jack, meanwhile, had slipped one hand between my legs to replace Mark, and was playing with my clitoris, rubbing it gently. The sensations were overwhelming, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to keep up with their rhythm. The air seemed thick around us, charged with lust and desire.

I let myself relax into the moment, my body moving with ease between Jack and Mark, and my heart steady as I watched Matt. We had crossed so many lines tonight, lines I once thought would be impossible to face. But now, as I leaned back into the cushions, the warmth of the fire on my skin, I realized that we weren’t just crossing lines, we were rewriting them.

And it felt incredible.


The room had become a haze of sensations, the crackling fire providing a steady backdrop to the shifting energy between us all. The earlier hesitations, the questions that had flickered through my mind throughout the night, had faded. Now, everything seemed to be happening with an inevitable flow, lines being crossed and blurred, yet each new moment felt like a natural progression from the last.

I had lost track of time, my focus entirely on Bex, who knelt in front of me, her eyes locked onto mine as her lips locked around my cock. There was something about the way she looked at me as she moved, slow, deliberate, and focused. Her eyes were filled with a kind of mischievous intent, and every once in a while, she would pause, glance up at me, and give me a look that sent a rush of excitement through me.

Her tongue darted out, tracing along the underside of my shaft as she moved, and I could feel the warmth of her saliva coating my skin. The sensation was intoxicating, each stroke sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.

Her eyes were locked onto mine, a sparkle in them that made it seem like she knew exactly what she was doing. With every stroke, her gaze would flicker up to meet mine, and then back down again, drawing me further into the moment. It felt as though time had stopped, our actions syncing perfectly with each other.

My hips started to rock involuntarily, matching her rhythm, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climax. My hands gripped onto the cushions of the sofa, knuckles white from the strain, as I struggled to control my own body's response.

As Bex continued, my breathing became shallower, the sensations mixing with the overwhelming thrill of what we were all doing together. I could feel the pull of anticipation in every fibre of my being, but something flickered at the edge of my consciousness. A movement from Katie.

She was stretched out on the sofa now, her legs open, her body inviting me to take that final step. Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, the room seemed to still. Everything around us, the sounds, the touches, the soft murmurs, faded into the background. It was just me and Katie, her gaze filled with an unspoken question. Was I ready for this? Was I really going to take that last leap?

A brief flicker of doubt crossed my mind, but as I held her gaze, I couldn’t help myself. The temptation, the excitement, it was too much to resist. Bex caught my eye one last time before pulling away, a satisfied smile on her face as she stood up. I felt the absence of her immediately, but my focus shifted completely to Katie. I moved closer, sliding into position between her legs, my hands resting on her hips as I leaned in.

There was a long moment of build-up, the tension mounting between us as we hovered on the edge. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in short bursts as I hesitated. But Katie’s hand reached out, gently brushing my arm, her touch reassuring me, urging me forward. And then, with a deep breath, I gave in.

The moment I entered her, a wave of heat rushed through me, the sensations overwhelming in their intensity. The connection, the closeness, it was unlike anything I had expected. I had thought this final step would feel different, but it was oddly freeing, as if I had let go of everything that had been holding me back.

Katie moaned softly beneath me, her body arching in response, but before I could fully lose myself in the moment, Bex moved again. This time, she straddled Katie, positioning herself just above her, her hands resting on the back of the sofa for support. The sight of them together, Bex hovering above Katie, their bodies so close, sent a jolt of excitement through me.

I watched in awe as Bex leaned down, her lips finding Katie’s in a deep, passionate kiss. The sight of the two women, so intimately connected, drove me wild, fuelling the growing intensity of the moment. My mind was a whirlwind of sensations, desire, excitement, and something else, something deeper, as I moved with Katie, our bodies perfectly in sync.

But then, just as I was beginning to lose myself completely, a sound caught my attention from across the room.

At first, it was faint, just a soft murmur, but as I turned my head, I realized what was happening. Jack was with Amy now, his body close to hers as they lay on the opposite sofa. They were smiling at each other, both of them caught up in the moment. Amy's expression was one of pure joy, her eyes bright and alive as she gazed up at Jack. But then I saw it, Jack moving to enter her.

My heart stopped.

I don’t know what happened, but something inside me snapped. Up until this point, I had been okay. I had embraced the situation, let myself go, and trusted that Amy and I were in this together. But seeing another man, about to cross that final line with her, was too much.

Panic surged through me, faster than I could control, and before I knew what I was doing, the word was out of my mouth.


The room froze.

Everything stopped, the laughter, the sounds of pleasure, the movement. Everyone turned to look at me, and the reality of what I had just done settled over me like a cold wave. Amy’s eyes were on mine now, her expression soft, concerned.

The sexual tension in the room dissipated in an instant, replaced by silence. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to catch my breath, the intensity of the moment catching up to me all at once. "What had I just done?"

Written by KatieTheWriter
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