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The Vacation Switch (3)

"The four friends end the night together in a passionate foursome."

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The air was still thick with the scent of chlorine and sweat as we made our way from the pool to the living room, bodies still humming from the intensity of what had just happened. The tension between all of us was palpable, a raw energy that hadn’t dissipated even after everything that had just unfolded outside.

I wrapped a towel loosely around my shoulders, not bothering to cover much as we settled onto the plush sofas. Jack was next to me, his skin still warm from the pool, his eyes glinting with something between satisfaction and curiosity. Across from us, Mark and Bex took their places, equally casual about their nakedness, their expressions still charged with the afterglow of what had just happened.

For a moment, no one spoke. It was like we were all waiting for someone to break the silence, the weight of what we’d done hanging in the air. But there was no awkwardness, no regret. Just an understanding that something between us had shifted — permanently.

I glanced over at Jack, our eyes meeting in a silent exchange, and I smiled. There was no jealousy there, no lingering doubts, only excitement. It was as if what had just happened had unlocked something new in us, something we hadn’t even realized we wanted.

“So,” Bex finally said, her voice light but filled with unspoken promise. She leaned back against Mark, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest, “what now?”

I chuckled softly, leaning back into Jack as I let my towel slip off my shoulders. “Well, that’s the question, isn’t it?” I said, my eyes sweeping over the three of them, taking in the way each of us seemed to be waiting for the next move.

Mark shifted slightly, his hand resting on Bex’s thigh as he spoke. “We could stop here,” he said, his voice low, but the look in his eyes made it clear he wasn’t eager for that option, “or we could keep going. It’s up to everyone.”

Bex looked at me, her lips curving into that familiar mischievous smile. “I’m definitely not ready to stop,” she said, her eyes dark with desire, “but I think we need to talk about where this goes next.”

Jack finally spoke, his voice calm but full of intensity. “No one’s stopping, then,” he said, his hand resting on my thigh, his fingers grazing my skin in a way that sent a shiver through me, “but yeah, we should figure out what we’re doing. No one wants things to get complicated.”

I nodded, biting my lip as I thought about everything that had happened. There was no denying how incredible it had been — the excitement, the rush of being with someone new, of watching our partners let go of every inhibition. But we needed to be clear, to make sure this wasn’t going to unravel something between us.

“So,” I said, taking a deep breath, “I think the key is to be open about everything. No secrets, no jealousy. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it together. No one gets left out, and we all talk about it.”

Bex nodded quickly. “Agreed. If we’re crossing lines, we need to make sure everyone’s on the same page.” She looked at Jack, then Mark. “This isn’t about replacing anything. It’s about adding to it.”

Mark’s hand squeezed her thigh gently, his gaze flicking to me. “Right. And if at any point anyone feels uncomfortable, we stop.”

I felt Jack’s hand tighten on my leg, and I glanced up at him, seeing the fire still burning in his eyes. “I don’t feel uncomfortable,” he said softly, his voice sending a thrill through me. “In fact, I want more.”

Bex laughed lightly, shifting in Mark’s lap. “You’re not the only one.”

There was a shared silence then, a collective understanding that we were all in this together, that what had just started wasn’t going to end any time soon. We were rewriting the rules, creating something new — something that was as thrilling as it was dangerous.

The energy in the room shifted as soon as the decision was made. We were all in this together — the boundaries had been blurred, but something deeper was happening now. The raw, physical desire that had driven the night so far was giving way to something more. There was an unspoken understanding, a bond forming between all of us. It wasn’t just about the thrill anymore; it was about connection, trust, and experiencing something new together.


The living room was bathed in a soft, golden light, the air still thick with the lingering warmth of our shared release. I could feel the gentle rise and fall of Mark’s chest beside me as he caught his breath, and I saw Jack leaning back, eyes half-closed, his body still radiating heat from the intensity of the evening. But despite the calm settling over us all, there was still an undercurrent of energy humming through me, an unspent tension that hadn’t quite released its grip.

Katie, sitting across from me, caught my eye. The way she looked at me — that knowing, mischievous glint — told me she felt it too. There was something still between us, something that hadn’t yet been explored. My breath hitched slightly, the idea sparking in the space between us, and I could feel the weight of the moment hanging in the air.

I shifted slightly, pulling myself away from Mark, and Katie did the same, her body leaning forward, her lips curving into a slow smile. The connection between us was magnetic, undeniable, and as she moved closer, my heart raced with anticipation. The guys were watching, I knew they were, but this was for us now.

Katie knelt in front of me, her hands resting lightly on my thighs, her eyes searching mine for permission. I gave her a soft nod, my pulse quickening as she leaned in, her touch soft, tentative, but charged with the same electric energy that had been building all night. Her fingers slid up my legs, her movements slow, deliberate, sending a shiver through me as I leaned back, giving in to the moment.

I could hear the soft, steady breaths of the guys as they watched, recovering from the night’s intensity but still very much aware of what was happening. The idea of them watching made the moment even more potent, their eyes on us as Katie’s touch became more confident, more sure.

Her hands roamed my body, her fingers grazing my skin, teasing me as she explored the places that made my breath catch in my throat. I reached out, my hand finding hers, guiding her closer, pulling her into me as our lips met in a soft, teasing kiss. The warmth of her breath, the softness of her skin, it all sent a surge of desire through me. This was different, softer than what had come before, but no less intense.

Katie’s lips trailed down my neck, her breath hot against my skin as her hands moved lower, and I let out a soft moan, my body arching into her touch. It was pure, raw bliss — the culmination of everything we had shared tonight, and the anticipation of everything still to come. My hands found her waist, pulling her closer, my body responding to her every touch, every kiss.

I could feel the guys watching us, their breaths steadying as they recovered but clearly still captivated by what was happening. Their presence made the moment even more thrilling, the idea that they were witnessing this bond between Katie and me, the shared release we were giving each other.

Katie’s fingers found my most sensitive spots, and I gasped, my body trembling under her touch. She knew exactly what I needed, her hands moving with a skill that left me breathless, each movement pushing me closer and closer to that edge. I could barely focus, my eyes closing as I surrendered completely to her, the room fading away as my world narrowed down to the feel of her hands, the warmth of her body.

I opened my eyes briefly, catching Mark’s gaze. His eyes were dark with desire, watching, not with jealousy but with admiration, and it only heightened the sensation coursing through me. Jack was the same, his focus completely on Katie and me, his chest rising and falling as he took in the scene before him.

Katie’s pace quickened, her movements more insistent now, and I knew I was close. My breath came in short, sharp bursts as I leaned into her, my fingers digging into her skin as I rode the waves of pleasure building inside me. My body arched, my mind spinning, until finally — bliss.

A cry escaped me, my body shuddering with release as Katie held me close, her hands guiding me through it, steady and sure. I felt her lips on my neck, soft and comforting as my body pulsed with aftershocks, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

When the moment finally ebbed, I opened my eyes, my gaze meeting Katie’s. She smiled at me, a soft, knowing smile, and I returned it, feeling a deep sense of connection with her — a bond that went beyond anything physical.

The guys were still watching, their gazes heavy with appreciation and admiration, but there was a sense of calm now, a collective understanding that this moment had brought us all closer, had deepened the emotional bonds between us.

I reached for Katie’s hand, squeezing it gently, and she squeezed back, a quiet confirmation of everything we had shared. We had all crossed boundaries tonight, but instead of feeling lost, I felt more connected to her, to Jack, to Mark. This was something new, something beautiful, and I knew it was only the beginning.


The room was buzzing with the warmth and satisfaction from the night. Bex leaned back against the cushions, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her release, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she caught her breath. She was watching me, her eyes soft and filled with something deeper than just physical pleasure — it was connection, trust, a shared experience that bound us closer together.

But even as I exchanged a glance with her, I felt the weight of both Jack’s and Mark’s eyes on me. The room was thick with an unspoken understanding — a need still lingering in the air, unfulfilled. My body hummed, still aching for that final release, and I could see the same hunger in both of them.

Mark was next to me, his hand resting lightly on my thigh, his fingers grazing my skin with a softness that sent a shiver through me. Jack sat beside him, his gaze locked on me, dark with desire but softened by the trust we had built through the night. We had crossed lines we never thought we would, and yet it felt natural, even beautiful.

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I felt their eyes on me, waiting, and something inside me shifted. I wanted this. I wanted them both — the two men I cared about deeply, and I wanted to share this moment together.

I glanced over at Bex, who smiled encouragingly, as if to say, I’m here. I’m watching, and I’m with you. That was all the permission I needed.

I turned toward Mark first, my hand sliding up his chest, feeling the heat radiating from his skin as I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine. The kiss was slow, deliberate, but full of the same tension that had been building between us all night. His hands found my waist, pulling me closer, his touch steady and sure as he deepened the kiss, our bodies pressing together.

I could feel Jack’s presence beside me, his breath warm against my shoulder as he watched. My heart raced, the desire burning through me even more intensely knowing that Jack was there — part of this, sharing it with me. I broke away from Mark, turning toward Jack, my lips finding his, tasting the heat and want that had been simmering between us for hours.

The shift between them felt effortless. Mark’s hands were on me, his touch firm but gentle, while Jack’s lips explored my neck, sending waves of pleasure through my body. The sensation of both of them was overwhelming — two pairs of hands, two sets of lips, and the growing connection between us. It wasn’t just lust anymore; it was something more profound, something that made my heart race just as much as my body.

Jack turned me round so I was sitting on his lap and facing outwards. I could feel him position himself behind me. Mark looked over my shoulder and seemed to reach a wordless agreement with Jack. He moved around to spread my legs exposing my slit to him. Together in perfect harmony they slid inside me. 

As I lay there, feeling Mark's large member sliding in and out of me, Bex watched us with a smirk on her face. Her eyes were glued to the sight of Mark pounding into my core while Jack took me from behind. My heart raced as their hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch.

The room was filled with an electric tension that seemed to crackle between us all. Their bodies moved rhythmically against mine, each stroke sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. It felt like I could hear the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing off the walls.

The three of us moved together in perfect harmony, each of us attuned to the other’s needs, the unspoken bond between us growing stronger with every movement. I glanced at Bex, who was still watching, her eyes half-closed, her expression soft with contentment. She was part of this too, even in her stillness, and that only heightened the intimacy of the moment.

Jack's fingers dug into my hips as he pumped away at me from behind. His breath hot against my neck, his words whispered against my ear. "Fuck, Katie. You feel so good," he growled before biting down on my earlobe and thrusting harder.

Meanwhile, Mark's thrusts grew deeper, his hands gripping my thighs tightly as he pushed himself further into me. His sweaty forehead rested against mine, our bodies moving in sync. "Oh god," he groaned, his voice barely audible over the sound of our passionate coupling. "You're so fucking good."

It was then that Bex finally lost control. She stood up from her seat and walked towards us slowly, her eyes never leaving our intertwined bodies. As she got closer, I could see the desire gleaming in her eyes. Her hands reached out to touch my breasts, rubbing them gently before moving lower down my stomach.

She pressed her lips against mine, kissing me passionately while still cupping my breasts. Just as suddenly as she appeared, Bex broke our kiss and moved away from us again. She looked back at Jack, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you ready for round two?" she asked with a grin. Jack’s hands found mine, his grip tightening as his breath hitched, I squeezed back. 

Mark, his face flushed with passion. He lifted me off Jack and sat me on his lap, his cock still buried deep within me. He then looked over at Jack who was standing up now, his cock hard and ready. "Ready when you are," he whispered to Bex.

She smiled back at him before straddling Jack's waist. Their bodies fit together perfectly, their hips moving in perfect sync as they started to fuck each other. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen.

The room echoed with moans of pleasure and sweat-soaked gasps of anticipation. The air filled with the scent of sex and desire, making my heart race even faster.

As Jack slammed into Bex, I continued to ride Mark. Our fingers danced over every inch of skin they could reach, lips locked in passionate kisses that spoke volumes about how much we wanted each other.

Bex looked over at me, her eyes glinting with lust. Her breath was hot against my ear, her words whispered into my ear. "Oh God. This feels so good," she moaned before biting down on Jack's neck and grinding harder.

Mark groaned loudly, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he pushed himself further into me. His sweaty forehead rested against mine, his voice barely audible over the sound of our passionate coupling. "Oh god, Katie. You feel so fucking good."

I could feel myself close to orgasm, my body shaking with need. The thought of Bex joining us added another layer of excitement to the scene. It was like a wild ride, each person pushing their limits and exploring new territory.

Suddenly, Mark's thrusts grew deeper, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he pushed himself further into me. With a soft gasp, I felt the release begin — a wave of pleasure so intense it stole my breath, my body trembling as Mark’s hands gripped me tighter. As the waves of pleasure ebbed, Mark's cock throbbed inside me, I could feel his hot semen building up, ready to burst forth. Just as I thought he was about to cum, he pulled me off and pushed me onto the sofa, causing me to gasp in surprise.

The moment he released his seed, it shot out from his penis, coating my face and chest. It was sticky and warm, tasting slightly sweet. I could feel it dripping down my body. There was so much especially considering this wasn’t his first one today. 

I heard Jack grunting and looked over to see him covering Bex in his own cum, globs of it hitting her face and running down off her chin onto her breasts. 

As he finally subsided and collapsed back down to the sofa Bex looked over at me "Wow," she said, wiping some of the cum off my cheek. "That was amazing."


The room had settled into a quiet, comfortable warmth. Our bodies were still tangled together, but now the intensity of the night had melted into something softer, more relaxed. I leaned back against the cushions, my body finally still, feeling the rise and fall of my breath slowly return to normal. My skin was still flushed, my heart still beating a little faster than usual, but it was the good kind of exhaustion — the kind that comes after you've shared something real, something profound.

I glanced around at the others — Katie, Mark, and Jack — all looking as blissed out as I felt, but there was something else there too. Satisfaction, sure, but also connection. The intensity of the night had opened something between us, something deeper than just the physical. There was an unspoken bond now, a quiet understanding of what we’d all just experienced.

Katie caught my eye from across the room, her lips curving into a small smile, her eyes still glowing with the aftermath of the session. I smiled back, feeling that familiar warmth between us, the kind that comes when you’ve shared something intimate and real. We hadn’t just crossed boundaries tonight; we’d rewritten them.

“So,” Jack said, breaking the comfortable silence, his voice low and a little rough around the edges, “that was, something.”

Mark laughed softly, leaning back into the cushions beside me. “Yeah, I think ‘something’ doesn’t even cover it.”

I chuckled, running a hand through my hair, still catching my breath. “Understatement of the year,” I murmured, glancing at Katie, who nodded in agreement. There was no awkwardness, no regrets — just this collective sense that we had done something bold, something liberating. And it had been incredible.

Katie shifted in her seat, her voice softer now but full of that same easy confidence she’d had all night. “You know, we still have a few days left of this holiday,” she said, her eyes flicking between all of us. “No reason we can’t explore this again.”

Jack grinned, his hand resting casually on my leg, the touch familiar now. “I like the sound of that. No pressure, just seeing where it takes us.”

Mark nodded, his hand still resting lightly on my waist. “Yeah, no rush. Just letting it happen if it feels right.”

I smiled, feeling a thrill of excitement at the thought. It wasn’t just about the sex, although that had been incredible — it was about the freedom we’d found together, the trust that had grown between all of us. We’d discovered something new, and the idea of exploring it more, of seeing where it could take us, was both exciting and comforting.

Katie leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Agreed. Let’s see what happens over the next few days. No pressure, no rules. Just, us.”

I felt Jack squeeze my leg gently, and I leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. Mark rested his hand on my back, his touch familiar and reassuring. Katie’s smile widened, and I knew we were all on the same page.

“We’ll play it by ear,” I said softly, my voice full of promise. “But I think we’re all up for exploring this a little more.”

Jack laughed quietly, his arm wrapping around my shoulders as he settled back. “Well, then I’d say this holiday just got a whole lot more interesting.”

The four of us shared a quiet, contented silence, letting the weight of the night settle between us. There were no doubts, no awkwardness — only anticipation for what was to come. The connection we had found tonight would stay with us, not just for the rest of the holiday, but beyond. And as I leaned back into Mark’s arms, feeling Jack close beside me and seeing Katie’s smile, I knew we’d made the right choice.

This was just the beginning.

Written by KatieTheWriter
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