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The Vacation Switch (2)

"The girls finally get what they want while watching their husbands with their friends."

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The next morning, the sun was already blazing high, casting a shimmering glow over the villa’s pool. I stood by the water’s edge, letting the cool spray from the fountain mist my skin. My mind was still buzzing from the night before, that subtle thrill of flirtation that had hung between all of us like an unspoken secret followed by the near frenzied love-making with Jack. 

I glanced over at Mark, who was lounging on a chair nearby, his sunglasses hiding his eyes, but I could feel the weight of his gaze on me. I had felt it from the moment we stepped out into the sun that morning — that spark between us hadn’t faded with the night. In fact, it was stronger. The air was thick with it, charged like a storm waiting to break.

I dipped my toes into the pool, letting the cool water ripple around my ankles as I turned slightly toward him, pretending not to notice the way his eyes followed the movement of my body. “It’s going to be a hot one today,” I said casually, glancing at him over my shoulder. “We might have to find some way to cool off.”

Mark chuckled, the sound low and a little strained. “Yeah, looks like it.” His voice was casual, but I could hear the tension underneath it, the way his words came out just a little too fast, like he was trying to keep control.

I tilted my head, letting the sunlight catch the curve of my neck as I ran a hand through my hair. I could feel the heat of his gaze as I turned fully toward him, the hem of my sarong swaying gently in the breeze, teasing the tops of my thighs. “What do you think, Mark? Fancy a swim?” I smiled, the question innocent enough, but the way I asked it was anything but.

He hesitated for a moment, clearly weighing the situation, before pulling off his sunglasses. His eyes met mine, dark with something unspoken, and I felt a jolt of excitement run through me. “Yeah,” he said, his voice quieter now, more serious. “I could go for that.”

Without waiting for him, I slipped out of my sarong, letting it fall in a soft pool at my feet. The feeling of the warm sun on my bare skin sent a thrill through me as I stepped toward the water. I could feel Mark’s eyes on every inch of me, the way his breath seemed to catch as I waded into the pool, the cool water lapping at my thighs.

I turned back to him, watching as he stood up slowly, his muscles flexing slightly as he peeled off his shirt. My breath hitched just a little — I wasn’t used to seeing him like this, not really paying attention to the way his body moved. But now, every shift of his shoulders, every step he took toward the water felt deliberate, heavy with the same tension that had been building between us since the previous night.

He waded into the pool, stopping just a few feet from me, the water swirling around us. For a moment, we were both silent, the only sound the soft lapping of the pool and the distant call of seabirds. The sun beat down, the heat almost unbearable, but there was something else in the air — something electric. I could feel it in the way he was looking at me, the way his eyes lingered on my lips, then my collarbone, then lower still.

I splashed a little water playfully in his direction, breaking the silence with a laugh. “Don’t just stand there. I didn’t invite you in to make it awkward.”

Mark smiled, that same easy grin he always had, but now it was edged with something else — something darker. “I’m not awkward,” he shot back, moving closer, the water parting for him in slow, deliberate waves.

Before I could say anything else, he was right in front of me, close enough that I could feel the heat of his body even through the coolness of the water. His eyes locked on mine, and for a moment, neither of us moved. The tension hung heavy between us, thicker than the humidity, more intense than the sun. I could feel my pulse quicken, my breath catching in my throat, as the space between us seemed to shrink, inch by inch.

I let my hand float lazily on the surface of the water, brushing ever so slightly against his arm. It was barely a touch, but the contact sent a jolt of electricity straight through me. Mark’s gaze flickered down to where our skin had touched, and when his eyes came back up to meet mine, they were darker, more intense. That same desire I’d felt the night before was now fully visible in his expression.

“So,” I said softly, trying to keep my voice steady, playful. “What do you do for fun when you’re not working late nights?”

Mark smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I think you’re seeing it,” he replied, his voice lower now, rougher.

The moment hung between us, thick and steamy, and for the first time, I could feel the line we were toeing. A dangerous, exhilarating line. The water swirled gently around us, but everything else felt still — like the world had narrowed down to just the two of us, standing too close in this quiet, sun-drenched villa.

I smiled, biting my lip just slightly as I stepped back, feeling the cool water ripple around my legs. “Well,” I said, my voice light, teasing, “I guess we’ll have to see what else you’re good at.”

His gaze followed me, the heat between us undeniable, crackling with energy. And I knew — we were just getting started.


The villa’s home bar had this cozy, intimate vibe, tucked into the corner of the living room with soft lighting and a polished wooden counter. It was the perfect place to slip away from the others and have a little fun. I leaned against the bar, swirling the drink in my hand, the ice clinking softly. Jack stood behind the counter, mixing something, totally unaware of how much my eyes were lingering on him.

I watched him closely, the way his strong hands moved confidently as he poured the rum, his forearms flexing with each motion. It was hard not to notice, especially now that we’d thrown all our cards on the table. There was this energy between us, something unspoken, simmering beneath the surface. And I was ready to push it.

“Not bad, Jack,” I teased, my voice light but laced with something more. “Who knew you had such bartender skills?”

He grinned, glancing up at me from beneath those dark lashes. “You learn a few things when you’re married to Katie. She likes her cocktails, and I like keeping her happy.”

I smirked, leaning forward just enough so he could catch a glimpse of my neckline, the low dip of my dress teasing him without being too obvious. “Well, you’ve got a talent for it. I think Katie’s lucky.”

Jack chuckled, but I could see that flash in his eyes, the one that said he wasn’t totally oblivious to my flirting. “What about Mark? Does he have the same knack for cocktails? Or is he more of a straight-up beer guy?”

I raised an eyebrow, taking a slow sip of my drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol and the charge of the moment mix inside me. “Oh, Mark’s good at a lot of things,” I said, my tone playful. “But sometimes, it’s nice to have something different, you know? A little variety.”

Jack’s smile faltered for just a second, and I saw that flicker of awareness, of understanding. He glanced at me from across the bar, something dark and smoldering behind those usually easygoing eyes. “Variety, huh? That’s an interesting way of putting it.”

I leaned in closer, resting my elbows on the counter, making sure he couldn’t miss the way my body shifted toward him. “I’m just saying,” I murmured, my voice dropping into something softer, sultrier, “there’s nothing wrong with a little change of pace. Keeps things exciting.”

His hand paused over the cocktail shaker for a beat, his eyes locked on mine, and I could see him processing my words, feeling the pull of whatever this was between us. The air between us was thick now, charged with that same tension from before, only more intense, more real.

“You think Mark would mind?” Jack asked, his voice quieter now, almost a challenge.

I shrugged, letting my lips curl into a slow, teasing smile. “Why would he? It’s all just fun, right?”

Jack’s gaze dipped, just for a second, to my lips, and I felt that thrill run through me. He was hooked, whether he’d admit it or not. I reached out, my fingers brushing against his hand as I took the drink he’d made. The contact was brief, just a soft touch, but the effect was immediate — like a spark leaping between us.

He didn’t pull away. If anything, his body seemed to tense, like he was holding himself back, but the way he looked at me now, with heat simmering just below the surface, told me he wasn’t entirely opposed to what was happening.

I took a slow sip of the drink, my eyes never leaving his, letting the moment stretch out. “Mmm, you’re good,” I said, my voice low. “I knew Katie wasn’t exaggerating.”

Jack swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he watched me, clearly trying to keep his cool. “Glad you think so,” he replied, but there was an edge to his voice now, a weight that hadn’t been there before. “I aim to please.”

I set the drink down, licking a drop from my lips deliberately slow, knowing exactly what I was doing. “Oh, I’m sure you do.”

For a moment, we just stared at each other, the space between us practically buzzing with unspoken desire. The game we’d started was no longer just playful — it was real, the heat between us undeniable. I could feel it in the way he looked at me, like he was seeing me differently now, not as Bex, his wife’s best friend, but as someone who was offering him something, tempting.

“Think you could make me another?” I asked, breaking the silence, my voice a little breathless now, teasing.

Jack’s grin returned, but it wasn’t the same casual, easy grin from before. This one was darker, hungrier. “I think I can handle that.”

As he reached for the bottle again, I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs slowly, letting the fabric of my dress slide higher up my thigh. His eyes followed the movement, just for a second, but that second was enough to know — we weren’t playing anymore.

We were in dangerous, thrilling territory, and neither of us wanted to back down.


The glass felt cold in my hand, but the heat between Bex and me was suffocating. I tried to keep it casual, tried to focus on the drink I was making for her, but my mind was buzzing, racing. This wasn’t just harmless flirting anymore. Every glance, every brush of her hand — it was all building up, pulling me into something I wasn’t sure I could handle.

I glanced at her again, sitting there so confidently, legs crossed, her dress riding up just enough to make me look. And I hated how much I wanted to look. My mind was a mess of conflicting thoughts — the attraction was real, no doubt, but I couldn’t shake the guilt twisting in my gut.

This was Katie’s best friend. My wife’s best friend. What the hell was I doing?

Bex’s smile hadn’t faded, her eyes locked on me like she knew exactly what was going on inside my head. She leaned forward a little, her fingers trailing the rim of her glass as she spoke, her voice low and teasing. “You seem tense, Jack. Something on your mind?”

I forced a chuckle, trying to hide how much her words were affecting me. “Yeah, just, this is kind of crazy, isn’t it?”

Her eyes narrowed playfully, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “Crazy, maybe. But fun, right?”

Fun. That’s how it started. Just a game, harmless flirting. But now, it felt like it was teetering on the edge of something much bigger, much more dangerous. My heart pounded in my chest as I stood there, staring at her, every instinct telling me to pull away — to stop this before it went too far.

I swallowed hard, the words forming in my throat before I could stop them. “Bex, I can’t. I can’t do this. Not to Katie.” My voice cracked, but I meant it. The idea of betraying her, even with all this tension burning between us, was too much.

Bex didn’t react the way I expected. She didn’t look offended or disappointed. Instead, she smiled softly, like she’d been waiting for me to say exactly that. She tilted her head toward the window, nodding slightly. “Jack. Katie’s fine with it.”

I blinked, my heart stumbling in my chest as I followed her gaze. Out in the pool, Katie was leaning close to Mark, laughing at something he’d said. Her hand rested lightly on his arm, her body language open and flirty. My breath caught in my throat. I hadn’t noticed before, too caught up in my own tangled thoughts, but now it was obvious. Katie wasn’t just being friendly. There was a spark in her eyes, a playfulness that mirrored everything happening between Bex and me.

Bex leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Katie knows. She’s okay with this. In fact, she wants it. Look at her, Jack. She’s over there having her fun with Mark, and she’s fine with me doing the same with you.”

I stared out the window, watching Katie as she laughed and touched Mark’s arm, feeling my stomach twist. The jealousy, the confusion — it all hit me at once, but so did something else. Relief. Maybe this wasn’t betrayal after all. Maybe this was something else entirely.

Bex stood up, moving around the bar to stand close to me, her fingers brushing lightly against my arm. Her touch sent a shiver down my spine, my body reacting despite the war going on in my head. “You can stop this now if you want,” she said, her voice soft but full of promise. “But I think you know how much I want this. How much we want this.”

She was so close now, her breath warm on my neck, and I couldn’t deny the way my pulse raced, the heat building between us again. My mind screamed at me to walk away, to shut this down before it spiraled out of control, but the temptation was stronger than I’d ever imagined.

My eyes flicked back to the window. Katie was still there, laughing with Mark, her body language open, completely at ease. And that’s when I realized — she really was fine with this. She wanted it just as much as Bex did.

Bex’s hand slid down my arm, her touch gentle but firm, guiding me toward a decision. “You can walk away, Jack. But if you don’t I think we both know where this is headed.”

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding as I looked back at her. The desire was clear in her eyes, her body language screaming for me to take that final step. I hesitated, torn between the weight of my loyalty and the undeniable pull of what was right in front of me.

And in that moment, I knew I was on the edge of something I might not be able to come back from.


The water was cool against my skin, but it did nothing to calm the heat building inside me. Katie was pressed up against me, her body slick from the pool, her hands sliding across my chest as she leaned in close. Her touch was electric, every brush of her fingers sending jolts of desire through me. I could hardly think straight, my entire body buzzing from the way she was looking at me — like she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

Her lips were so close, her breath warm against my neck. I swallowed hard, trying to keep some semblance of control, but every second I spent with her pressed against me made it harder to resist. Her thigh brushed up against mine under the water, her chest lightly grazing me as she shifted closer, her eyes half-lidded and full of something dangerous.

God, I wanted her. I wanted her in a way that was consuming, primal. The thought of pulling her into me, of having my way with her right here in the pool, was driving me wild. But my mind kept flashing back to Bex, to the promise I’d made — the idea of crossing that line, even with how much I wanted it, gnawed at me.

Katie seemed to sense the hesitation because her hand slid up, fingers teasing the back of my neck, her voice soft and intimate. “What’s wrong, Mark?” she whispered, her lips brushing against my ear. “You seem a little… distracted.”

I let out a shaky breath, trying to focus, but all I could think about was how close she was, how badly I wanted to pull her into me and let go of every ounce of restraint I had left. “Katie, I—,” I started, my voice rough, strained with the effort of holding back. “What about Bex? I don’t know if she’s okay with this. I don’t want to, you know, mess things up.”

Katie’s smile was slow, teasing, her fingers still trailing along my skin, making it impossible to think clearly. “Mark,” she murmured, pressing her body even closer, her breasts now lightly grazing my chest. “Bex knows. She’s fine with it. We’ve talked about this.”

I stiffened slightly, trying to pull back enough to see her face, to gauge if she was serious. “You’re sure? I mean, I don’t want to do something—”

Katie cut me off with a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “I’m sure. Trust me, she’s okay with this. We both are.” She let her hand drift lower, tracing small circles on my stomach under the water, her fingers dangerously close to the edge of my swim trunks. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath catching in my throat as I felt myself inching toward the point of no return.

“Look,” she said, nodding toward the villa. I followed her gaze, my heart thudding in my ears. Through the large windows, I could see Bex and Jack at the bar, their bodies close, Bex leaning into him with a look of pure desire on her face. Jack’s hand rested lightly on her waist, his body language tense but clearly wanting her. There was no mistaking the heat between them, and it hit me like a punch — this wasn’t some secret affair. It was all out in the open.

Katie’s hand slipped lower, her fingers brushing just above the waistband of my trunks, her touch making my entire body tense with need. “See?” she whispered, her voice a seductive purr. “We’re all on the same page, Mark. You don’t have to hold back.”

I turned back to her, my mind spinning, the last threads of doubt unraveling as I stared into her eyes. Katie’s lips were so close now, her body pressed against mine in a way that left nothing to the imagination. I could feel every curve of her, every inch of her skin against mine, and the tension between us was unbearable.

“Unless,” she added, her voice barely a whisper now, her lips brushing against my jaw, “you want to stop. You can walk away if you want. But I think…” She pressed even closer, her hips grinding gently against me under the water. “I think you want this just as much as I do.”

She wasn’t wrong. Every instinct was screaming at me to close the gap, to give in to the desire that was burning through my veins. Bex was fine with this. Katie wanted it. I wanted it. There was nothing stopping us now — nothing but the last remnants of self-control I barely had left.

I swallowed hard, my hands coming up to rest on her hips, feeling the soft, slick skin beneath my fingers. “I, err, I don’t think I can stop,” I whispered, my voice raw with the effort of holding back.

Katie’s smile was triumphant, her eyes flashing with desire as she leaned in, her lips grazing mine in a way that sent fire shooting through my entire body. “Then don’t,” she whispered, her mouth finally meeting mine in a soft, tantalizing kiss.

The last thread of restraint snapped, and I pulled her into me, my arms wrapping around her waist as the kiss deepened, my body pressing into hers with all the pent-up desire I’d been holding back. The water lapped around us, cool and refreshing, but it did nothing to cool the heat between us. Every touch, every movement felt like it was leading us closer to the inevitable.

Katie’s hands were everywhere — sliding up my chest, tangling in my hair, pulling me closer, urging me on. My head was spinning, my body completely consumed by the need to feel her, to lose myself in her.


I stood at the window, drink in hand, watching as Katie and Mark drifted closer together in the pool. My heart had been pounding in my chest, tension gripping me as I wrestled with what was happening between Bex and me. But then, I saw it — the way Katie pressed up against Mark, her hands sliding over his chest, their bodies moving together under the water.

For a moment, I froze, unsure of how to feel. The logical part of me expected jealousy, some wave of anger or regret. But instead, something entirely different washed over me.


My breath caught as I watched Katie’s lips graze Mark’s, their bodies tangled in the water, the air between them thick with intimacy. The sight of my wife — her skin glistening, her hands on another man — didn’t spark the panic I thought it would. Instead, it lit a fire inside me, the tension I’d felt with Bex suddenly dissolving, replaced by something hotter, deeper. The thrill of seeing her like that, knowing we were all a part of this, was overwhelming.

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My pulse quickened, and I felt the last of my hesitation fade.


Mark's hands gripped my waist under the water, his touch steady but full of that simmering tension. Now we were past the point of hesitation. I pressed closer to him, feeling his body react as my fingers traced the lines of his chest, teasing him as I moved slowly, deliberately. I wrapped my legs around him the water supporting me. I could feel his erection pressing against my crotch through our swimming clothes.

As his grip tightened, I glanced toward the villa’s window, my lips still lingering against his. Through the glass, I saw Jack standing there, watching us. For a split second, I expected jealousy in his eyes, a flash of something that would make me stop. But instead, I saw something that sent a thrill through me — desire. He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t upset. He was turned on, watching us with the same heat that burned between Mark and me. 

A slow, wicked grin spread across my lips as I caught Jack’s eyes through the window. My heart pounded as I turned my focus back to Mark, feeling the heat of his body under the water, but now with a new idea forming in my mind.

I was going to give Jack a show.

I leaned into Mark, letting my fingers trail up his chest, feeling the tension in his muscles as he responded to my touch. His breath was uneven, his grip on my waist firm, but he still seemed to hold onto a shred of control. Not for long.

With a soft, teasing smile, I whispered into his ear, "Jack’s watching us."

Mark stiffened slightly, his eyes widening for a second before flicking toward the window, where Jack stood, his gaze locked on us, Bex standing beside him also transfixed her hand gently rubbing at Jacks crotch through his trousers. I could see the pulse quicken in Mark’s throat, the idea sinking in, turning him on even more.

I didn’t stop, letting my hands explore his chest, sliding down slowly, deliberately. "He likes what he sees," I murmured, my lips grazing his ear. "So let’s give him a little more, hmm?"

Mark’s breath came out in a low groan, his hands tightening on my hips as I pressed against him, my body moving in a slow rhythm, teasing him. I knew Jack could see every movement, every intimate touch. The thought of him watching, getting turned on by it, only made the fire inside me burn hotter.

I tilted my head back, my eyes half-closed, giving Jack the full view of me and Mark, my body practically moulding to his. I let my hands drift lower, pulling his erection out of his swimming trunks my touch sending shivers through him. His breath caught, his hands gripping me tighter, but I could tell he was fully in it now, just as caught up in the moment as I was.

I glanced back at the window, catching Jack’s gaze again. The heat in his eyes, the hunger there, made my pulse race. I bit my lip, giving him a slow, sultry smile, my body pressing harder against Mark, making sure every movement was deliberate, slow, and sensual. His breath coming in rough, uneven gasps as I continued to grind against him, every motion purposeful, every touch charged with sexual tension.


My breath caught in my throat as I stood there, watching Katie and Mark through the window. The way she moved against him, her body pressed up close, teasing, deliberate — it was like nothing I’d ever seen before. I should have felt jealous, angry even, but all I could feel was this intense, burning desire.

She knew I was watching. Every touch, every slow grind of her hips was meant for me as much as it was for Mark. And damn, if it wasn’t working. My pulse pounded in my ears, my body tense with the need to touch, to act on the raw energy that had built up inside me.

Bex stepped up beside me, her hand sliding slowly up my arm, drawing my attention away from the scene in the pool — but only for a moment. Her eyes followed mine, her lips curving into a knowing smile as she leaned into me. “They look like they’re having fun,” she murmured, her voice thick with desire.

I swallowed hard, still unable to tear my eyes away from Katie. “Yeah,” I managed, my voice rough. “They do.”

Bex pressed closer, her body warm against mine, and I could feel the heat of her skin even through the fabric of her dress. Her hand slipped down to my chest, fingers tracing slow circles, and I felt myself reacting instantly to her touch. It was impossible not to — the air between us was charged, electric. But I couldn’t stop watching Katie, the way she moved against Mark, her eyes half-closed, her body languid and sensual. She was putting on a show, and it was driving me wild.

Bex’s fingers slid lower, tracing the edge of my waistband, her touch light but intentional. “What do you think, Jack?” she whispered, her breath warm against my ear. “Think we should join them? Or…” She let her hand drift down, teasing me through the fabric of my shorts, “maybe we start our own fun right here?”

I groaned softly, my mind spinning as I finally glanced away from the pool, turning my attention to Bex. Her eyes were dark, full of the same desire I felt burning inside me. I leaned in, my lips brushing her neck as my hand found her waist, pulling her closer, my fingers slipping beneath the hem of her dress. She gasped softly, her body pressing into mine as I let my hand wander, feeling the smooth skin of her thigh.

We both turned back to the window, watching as Katie’s head tilted back, her lips parting as Mark’s hands roamed over her body. My grip tightened on Bex, my breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps as I mirrored their movements, my fingers exploring Bex’s skin, her body responding eagerly to my touch.

Bex leaned her head back against my shoulder, her lips brushing my ear as she whispered, “They’re putting on quite a show, aren’t they?” Her voice was teasing, but the edge of desire was unmistakable.

I nodded, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene outside. Katie was completely lost in the moment, her body moving in time with Mark’s, every touch driving me crazy. It was like watching her through a new lens, seeing her in a way I hadn’t before — powerful, confident, and completely in control.

Bex’s hand slid back up my chest, then to the back of my neck, pulling me down toward her. Our lips met, slow and deliberate at first, but it didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen, the tension between us building rapidly. My hands moved with more urgency now, pushing her dress up higher, my fingers grazing her hips as I pressed her against the counter.

I could still see Katie, could still feel her presence even though Bex was the one in my arms. It was a heady mix — watching my wife, feeling Bex, knowing that we were all part of this same, unspoken game.

Bex pulled back slightly, her breath coming in short gasps, her lips swollen from the kiss. “Still watching her?” she whispered, her eyes glinting with mischief.


The heat between us was unbearable, building with every second that passed. Jack’s hands were all over me now — strong, insistent, driving me wild as they explored my skin, sliding up my thighs, gripping me with just enough pressure to make me gasp. My pulse was racing, my breath coming in short, sharp bursts as I pressed my hips back against him, urging him on, wanting more.

But even as I lost myself in his touch, my eyes never left the pool. Katie was there, her body entwined with Mark’s, her head tilted back in ecstasy, the water rippling around them as they moved together. The sight of her, so free, so sensual, sent a surge of desire through me, heightening everything Jack was doing to me. It was like we were all connected — one moment feeding off the other.

Jack’s breath was hot against my neck, his hands working me expertly, knowing exactly how to bring me to the edge. His lips grazed my ear, sending shivers down my spine, and I couldn’t hold back the soft moan that escaped me. His fingers found their way between my legs, teasing me, pushing me closer and closer to that point where everything blurred and all I could feel was the heat between us.

I bit my lip, my eyes locked on Katie as Mark pulled her closer, his hands gripping her hips under the water, the same intensity playing out between them. The way she moved, the pleasure etched on her face — it was like watching my own desire unfold in front of me, and it pushed me to the brink.

“God, Jack,” I gasped, my voice breathless, barely able to form the words. My body trembled under his touch, every nerve alight with tension as his fingers worked me, bringing me closer and closer to that inevitable release.

His grip tightened on my waist, his lips brushing my neck again, and I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. My eyes flickered between Katie and Mark, their bodies tangled in the water, and Jack’s hands on me, driving me wild. It was too much, too intense.

And then it hit.

A wave of pleasure crashed over me, my body arching back into Jack’s, my eyes squeezing shut as I moaned his name, lost completely in the moment. The world fell away — the pool, Katie, everything — as my body pulsed with release, my breath coming in ragged gasps as Jack’s touch carried me through it, steady, sure, unrelenting.

When I finally opened my eyes, my body still buzzing with the aftershocks, I glanced back at the pool. Katie was staring back at me now, her lips curved in a knowing, satisfied smile. She had seen everything. And from the look on her face, I knew she wasn’t done yet.

Neither were we.


My breath caught as I watched Bex. The way her body trembled, arching against Jack, the raw, unfiltered pleasure on her face — it sent a shockwave straight through me. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, the sight of her completely undone, moaning Jack’s name, pushing me over the edge of control.

I was still wrapped around Mark, his hands gripping my hips under the water, his body pressed hard against mine. But now, all I could think about was the release I needed — my release. Watching Bex, seeing her shudder as Jack took her there, had only fuelled the fire burning inside me, and I was ready to let it all go.

I turned back to Mark, my breath heavy, my body aching for more. His eyes were dark with desire, like he knew exactly what I needed. His grip on me tightened, pulling me closer, and the heat between us surged.

“Did you see that?” I whispered, my voice low, breathless, as my hands slid up his chest, my nails lightly dragging against his skin. “Bex. She couldn’t hold back.”

Mark’s hands slipping lower as he pressed me harder against him, his fingers digging into my skin in a way that made me gasp. “I saw,” he murmured, his voice rough, his eyes locked on mine. “And now it’s your turn.”

His words sent a wave of desire crashing over me, my body moving instinctively against him. The water lapped around us, cool but doing nothing to temper the heat that surged between us. I could feel the pressure building inside me, the tension winding tighter with every touch, every movement.

I glanced back at the window where Jack was still holding Bex, her body spent and trembling in his arms. The sight of him, the memory of what I’d just witnessed, only made my need more urgent. I wanted that same release — I needed it.

“Mark,” I breathed, my voice pleading now as I ground my hips against him, my body desperate for more. “I need—”

I moaned into Mark's ear, feeling his cock pulsing against my walls with every thrust. The water was warm and soothing, but it also felt invigorating as he moved inside me. His fingers found their way back to my clit, rubbing circles around it while he fucked me.

As Mark's thrusts increased in pace, so did mine. My legs wrapped around his waist, holding him close as I rode him like a wave. The water swirled around us, creating an erotic symphony of sounds that echoed through the pool.

I cried out his name, lost in the moment as we danced together in the pool. There was nothing else but this feeling—the exhilarating rush of being fucked while the water swirled around us. It felt like we were one with the world, moving together in perfect harmony.

I couldn’t think anymore. The sight of Bex’s release, the feel of Mark inside me, the fire burning through every nerve in my body — it all blurred together, and I was lost in it. My breath came in shallow gasps, my body trembling as I reached the edge, teetering on the brink of something uncontrollable.

“Don’t stop,” I whispered, my voice shaky, desperate. “Please, don’t stop.”

Mark didn’t stop. He moved faster, more insistent, and I could feel it coming — that powerful wave of pleasure, coiling tighter and tighter inside me until I couldn’t hold back any longer.

With a final cry, my body tensed, every muscle tightening as the release hit me all at once. My vision blurred, my entire body shuddering with the force of it as I gripped Mark’s shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as I rode out the waves of pure ecstasy.

I could hear my own moans, breathless and raw, as my body pulsed with the aftershocks, still clinging to him, my legs weak beneath me in the water. Mark’s hands held me steady, his fingers slowing their pace as I came down from the high, my body still buzzing, still trembling.


My body was still trembling from the release Jack had just given me, but as I stood and looked out the window at Katie and Mark, the sight of them only stoked the fire back to life. Katie’s body was pressed up against Mark, her movements slow and deliberate, her head tilting back as she moaned in pleasure. Watching her like that, fully immersed in the moment, sent another jolt of heat coursing through me.

I wasn’t done. Not yet.

Jack moved behind me, his hands gripping my hips firmly, his breath warm against my neck as he watched with me. I could feel the tension in his body, the way he was holding himself back, like he was waiting for me to tell him what to do next. But I didn’t want to wait anymore.

I shifted slightly, pressing my hips back against him, letting him know I was ready — ready for more, ready for him. He gasped slightly and I felt his hands tighten on me, pulling me closer, his body hard and eager against mine.

“They’re beautiful together, aren’t they?” I whispered, my voice low, breathless, as I watched Katie grind against Mark in the pool. I could hear her moaning softly, the water rippling around them, and it sent a pulse of excitement straight through me.

Jack’s grip on me tightened, his hands sliding down my sides, his breath coming in rough bursts. “Yeah,” he rasped, his voice thick with desire. “But you’re all I can think about right now.”

I smiled at his words, turning my head slightly to meet his gaze. His eyes were dark, full of that raw need I had felt building between us all night. I wanted him to lose control, to take me just like I knew he wanted to.

“I want you,” I whispered, pushing back harder against him, feeling the tension snap inside both of us as he groaned softly, his hands moving up to grip my waist more firmly. His breath ragged as he positioned himself between my legs. The feel of him pressed against me, his body hard and ready, sent another rush of desire through me. I could feel the heat of him, the way his body tensed, and I knew he was holding back, waiting for me to give him the final push.

I whispered against his ear, my voice rough with want. “Don’t hold back, Jack. I need you.”

That was it. With a low groan, Jack pushed into me, the sensation so intense, so overwhelming, that my head fell back against the wall, my body arching into his as he filled me completely. I gasped, my fingers gripping his shoulders, holding on as he moved, every thrust deep and powerful, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.

I could still see Katie, her body trembling, her moans mixing with mine as she came closer to her own release. The sight of her, the feel of Jack inside me, the heat between all of us — it was too much, too perfect.

Jack’s pace quickened, his hands gripping me tighter as he pushed deeper, harder, his breath coming in uneven gasps as we moved together. I was lost in it, my body burning with need, my eyes still locked on Katie and Mark as they reached their own climax, their bodies tensing together in the pool.

I couldn’t hold back any longer. With one final thrust, Jack sent me over the edge, my body convulsing in pleasure as I cried out, my fingers digging into his skin as the release hit me in waves. The room spun around me, my vision blurring, but I could still see Katie fucking my husband, still hear her moans, and it only heightened the intensity of my own climax.

Jack groaned against my neck, his body shuddering as he followed me over the edge, his hands gripping me tightly as we rode out the pleasure together.

When it was over, I was left breathless, my body trembling in Jack’s arms, both of us still watching the others in the pool, knowing that this was just the beginning of something even more exciting.


Katie was everywhere—her body pressed tight against mine, her hands sliding over my skin, her breath hot against my neck. I’d been holding back for what felt like an eternity, trying to keep control, but the way she moved, the way her body responded to every touch, was breaking down every last barrier I had.

The water swirled around us, cool against the heat between our bodies, but it wasn’t enough to dampen the fire. My hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer as her legs wrapped around me, the sensation of her pressing into me so intense I thought I might lose it right then.

I could barely think straight, barely breathe, as her fingers grazed down my chest, tracing patterns that made my skin burn. Her lips found my jaw, soft and teasing, as she whispered my name in a way that sent a shiver straight through me.

“Mark,” she breathed, her voice thick with desire, her body grinding harder against me, "I need you.”

That was it—the last shred of control snapped. My body moved instinctively, driven by the raw need pulsing through me. I pushed her harder against me, my hands gripping her thighs as I finally gave in, thrusting into her with a force that made her gasp, her head falling back in pleasure.

The sound of her moans, the way her body arched in response, only fuelled the fire. My movements quickened, more desperate now, as the tension that had been building all night finally reached its breaking point. I could feel her tightening around me, her nails digging into my shoulders as she clung to me, her breath coming in sharp, uneven gasps.

The water rippled around us, the coolness a stark contrast to the heat between our bodies as we moved together. Every thrust, every touch, drove us closer to the edge, the world narrowing down to just the feel of her, the sound of her moans, the way her body trembled under mine.

I was close—so close I could hardly stand it. My breath was ragged, my body tense with the need for release, but I wanted to hold on just a little longer, to feel her come apart in my arms before I let go.

“Mark. Oh Mark” she whimpered again, her voice breaking, her fingers gripping me tighter as her body began to tremble. I could feel it—she was right there, teetering on the edge, her moans growing louder, more desperate.

I thrust into her one last time, deep and hard, and that was all it took. Katie’s body convulsed, her back arching as she cried out, her release hitting her with full force. The sound of her pleasure, the way her body tightened around me, sent me over the edge.

With a low groan, I let go, the tension snapping inside me as I buried myself in her, my own release crashing over me in waves so intense I could barely breathe. My entire body trembled, my grip on her tightening as I rode out the pleasure, lost in the sensation of her wrapped around me, her moans still echoing in my ears.

I collapsed against her, both of us panting, our bodies spent but still trembling from the aftershocks. The water lapped gently around us, and for a moment, the world felt still—like we were the only two people in existence, floating in the aftermath of something so raw, so intense.

Katie’s hands slid up to my shoulders, her touch soft now, and I could feel her smile against my neck. I leaned back, meeting her eyes, both of us catching our breath as we shared a look of mutual satisfaction.

My head was still swirling with the idea that had just had sex with Katie while my wife was fucked by my best friend. 

But for now, all I could think about was the release, the way it felt to finally let go, and how damn good it had been to do it with her.

Written by KatieTheWriter
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