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Don't Mess With Magic (part 2)

"Maybe he shouldn't have listened to her..."

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Author's Notes

"Hardcore unrealistic transformation fun returns~"

Cora couldn't believe it when the money was actually deposited into her account. Although prone to impulsivity, Cora had been somewhat sceptical when she'd been offered a chance to make money helping a deep web company sell its fake magic crystals. But there it was, lovely lovely bitcoin. Cora pushed her computer chair back from the desk and span it around, giggling happily before she caught herself on the desk and brought the spin to a stop. Her hair hadn't even settled back into place when she received an IM from another person she'd been trying to persuade. 

Lucas BrownJust Now - 'Hey I am not a virgin ok I just like my money where it is'

Cora smirked. She'd teased Lucas something fierce to try and convince him to buy. 'They all think I'm an idiot' Cora thought. 'But they're sooooo easy to manipulate.' 

That thought made her question whether what she was doing made her a good person. She looked at Lucas' icon in the corner. Even though they were years out of school, he still had a picture of him as a teenager there, all dressed up in the school's letterman. The sight recalled a wave of bad feelings in Cora. For all they'd done, being cheated out of a little money was the least they deserved. It did make her feel a little better. What would have made Cora really feel better was to drop her nice act, pull back all of the fake friendship she'd built with them in order to wait for such a chance to screw them over and really hurt them. 

'Remember what you used to do to me? Do you remember, you sonofabitch? The Hell you put me through? Oh yeah you want to be nice now that I'm pretty but you didn't back then did you? You and your whole group of snobby bitches.'

Cora took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She'd left Lucas on read for a little too long now. If she didn't keep the ruse going in a believable manner he'd grow cold or worse, suspicious. The key to all of this was to convince them in such a way that they felt they'd made a decision themselves, not been forced to. That way, hopefully, Cora wouldn't deal with any more backlash than disgruntled moaning about it being a waste of money. She wouldn't even mind if they boasted about how they'd been right and she'd been wrong.

She typed; 'Viiiiirgin virgin!!! So many excuses!! You asked me how I got hot and it's cuz I took chances. Man come on if it doesn't work I'll show you my tits ;p'  

Lucas started to type almost immediately. 'Is that a promise?'

'Yup, but you gotta send me a pic when you get it as proof, k?' 

'Shit can't believe I'm doing this for some titties'

'Lmao virgin'

'S2g Cora don't talk me back out of it'

'Kk pics when it's here, I gotta go do stuff, byeee'

Cora logged off and allowed herself another childish spin in her chair. She had some commissions to work on. It was still daylight where she was, whilst for Lucas it was almost night. 

'Gee, wish I'd got to move town' Cora sighed. She needed to clear her head of the bad thoughts. She'd been lingering on the past more and more lately. In fact, ever since she'd received that e-mail about the crystal selling, it was just coincidence. Cora was determined not to be both consumed with revenge and superstition. It was time to get to work, both on her commissions and her next victim.


Lucas hesitated a long time before he finalised the payment. "Fuck, I'm an idiot, she probably won't even show me her tits." He leaned back in his chair. The back creaked behind him as he stared up at the ceiling. Most everything in his house seemed to creak. Despite living so close to the city centre, his house was pretty old and seemed to constantly need repair. "And I've just wasted a shit ton of money on something dumb." He finished the thought out loud. Whatever, he just wouldn't tell his parents. They were still under the impression he wasn't working, so he could lie about this too. 

A large yawn escaped his body and Lucas considered a cup of coffee to keep him going (like Hell was he going to bed this early) when there was a loud crash from downstairs. Lucas jumped and turned to stare at the door to his bedroom as if he'd never seen a door before. 

His pulse quickened. Lucas slowly got up, steadied his legs and listened carefully. When he heard nothing more (footsteps, for example) he grinned at his own cowardice and headed downstairs. He'd never been the big brave jock type at school but he had prided himself on being very intelligent in a variety of aspects. Due to the quality of the sound he'd just heard and the general direction, he knew it had come from the fireplace. It wasn't unheard of for a small animal to come tumbling down. Well, he supposed that was what he got for not sealing it up. It was on his to-do list.

Lucas didn't actually use the fireplace, so there was relatively little soot on the floor from whatever had fallen down and bounced once before it landed outside of the bricked area. It was a small box, perhaps six inches long, addressed to him. 

"Oh uh huh, that's fucked up." 

He knew what it was. It couldn't be anything else. Well, he had ordered from the deep web after all. Who knew how long they'd had someone tracking him, just waiting to throw this down if they got his money. Feeling a little paranoid, Lucas walked around his house with the box to make sure everything was locked. He pulled his curtains closed and checked his security cameras were on. They hadn't caught anything and that spooked Lucas even more.

"Please don't be the murderous deep web type, I bought the crystal, you have my money. Okay? Okay." Lucas didn't feel foolish speaking aloud. They could be listening in right now, after all. 'They' being the various elites of the deep and dark web. Suddenly, he somewhat regretted telling his friends how to access such places. If he hadn't, Cora would have never found the site and never convinced him to mess with something. Still, she had some banging tits and he had fantasied about them often enough for a glimpse to be a just reward. Maybe he could convince her to do a small video show...yeah...

Lucas sat down at his dining room table which was stacked with various bits of tech he'd been taking apart and opened the box. The crystal looked even more phalic in person. "It's actually kinda funny." He snorted, brandishing it around like a sword. Oh right, he had to show Cora a picture so she'd believe him. He headed back upstairs and snapped the picture. He was more than a little disappointed that she wasn't online any more. Probably working on one of her weird but arousing body art pieces. 

Cora wasn't shy about sharing her art and describing in detail the sensation of covering the front of her body in paint and pressing it against a canvas. Lucas had never seen her do it, but he could imagine and when he got to see those tits, he'd be able to imagine even more clearly. Just the thought got him aroused.

Suddenly not feeling all that tired, Lucas sat on his bed and shimmied his trousers down a little. Just enough to get comfortable playing with himself, hand comfortably in his underwear. He was already pretty hard when he realised he was still holding the crystal and it had started to feel pretty hot. He left his cock making a tent in his pants and turned the crystal over and over in his hands. Lucas couldn't think of what could be heating it up like this, but he felt that he probably shouldn't be touching it. 

He hadn't even considered where he might put it before a wave of heat and pleasure hit his cock so violently that he dropped the crystal unceremoniously onto the floor. He heard its heavy thunk and the sound of it rolling under his bed, but was too busy looking at his cock as it started to stretch and grow. 

"O-oh God...fuck..." 

Lucas moaned. His balls felt tight and he groped them, his fascination grew even more as he felt them swell under his grip. What would usually be a cause for great alarm only created a feeling of pleasure and excitement deep in Lucas' belly. His mild four and half inches had grown to eight, then ten. It stood proud and erect without so much as a touch from Lucas. His tip leaked precum, creating a small damp spot in his stretched underwear. "Nnng...fuck yeah..."

There was another brief surge of warmth and his cock ripped through his underwear, a monster in length and girth, at least 14 inches long. Lucas had no idea how he was even erect without passing out and didn't care. His balls had swelled in proportion with his cock and now hung, huge and heavy, between his legs. Using both hands, Lucas masturbated furiously, barely stopping to dump some of his favourite tingly lube all over it. 

The air was filled with the wet sounds of his self-love. The muscles of his legs trembled. Lucas scrambled for an old shirt hanging over the back of his bed and barely managed to catch some of his massive new load. He'd wanted to throw that out anyway. 

His erection was slowly sinking, but his feeling of horniness had barely diminished. Lucas took off his trousers and walked to the downstairs bin to dump his cum-shirt. His thick cock and balls swung as he walked in a way that was satisfying and filled him with newfound confidence. He may have lied to Cora, but he really was a virgin. With this mega cock on his side, Lucas felt it was time to lose his v-card for good. 

Even the roomiest sweatpants he owned barely hid his package. No one was going to believe this, but he'd show them soon enough. Every small sensation against his cock was almost unbearable. Even the small vibrations of his car as he drove was making him nuts. The night was still young, but many people were already drunk when he slipped into a nightclub shortly afterwards. It wasn't the fanciest place in town and the bouncer barely cared to glance at the people he let in, which worked to Lucas' advantage as he were hardly dressed his finest. 

Lucas scanned the environment until he saw a smoking hot blond who bore a resemblance to Cora and boldly went up and started to grind on her. She gasped and turned around. She looked down at his crotch in such an unashamed way that Lucas couldn't help but feel even more aroused by her.

"Oh wow, is that real?" The blond groped his package and gave a small shriek of delight. "Oh wow! It is! I can feel how warm it is! Oh man." She flung her arms around him and started to grind up. Lucas swayed with her, thrusting forward a little as her short skirt rode up, allowing her pussy in its thin panties to rub up against his bulge. Her necklace said Alice and her eyes said 'take me now.'

 "You know... I was looking for a hookup tonight..." Her hot breath against his ear caused Lucas' massive cock to twitch. The blond moaned against him. "I can feel you're already excited. Bathroom, now, I can't wait."

There was already at least one cubicle with suspicious noises coming from it. Alice led him to the end, which was larger as it was made to admit a wheelchair user. 'Awfully accommodating for a cheap nightclub.' Lucas thought, letting her push him into the cubicle. She was taking off her panties as soon as she'd done locking them in and with incredibly practiced hands and procession. She noticed Lucas watching as she stuffed them in her tight skirt pocket. 

"Did you know that the current youngest generations have far less sex than those who came before?" Alice grinned, coming up closer and running her fingers over the bulge in his trousers.

"That so?"

"Yeah, the problem is people think being a slut is bad, but I'm always safe." Alice wiggled those expert fingers into the opposite pocket and pulled out a condom that was quite luckily XL. Lucas had seen them stretch over a person's entire arm and it would certainly spread over the part of his dick she'd be able to take. "Also, it's not like you didn't come here just looking for sex too. This is the best way to... get rid of our urges and not have the effort of keeping down a partner, right? I'm 19 and life is just too short." The pleasant squeeze she gave to his full balls made Lucas groan. 19. Jesus. He'd approached her believing she was just a dumb easy blonde and thus prey for him, but Lucas has started to see that the ease of her agreement was because she'd been hunting men all night. Nice.

"You know, I like men that barely talk." Alice giggled.

Lucas just smiled back. If he didn't do or say much, she wouldn't guess he was a virgin. He was still filled with confidence and this seemed like a good plan. He did help to take off his trousers though, without any of Alice's grace. She laughed as he stumbled back but the laughter soon died when she caught sight of how hung he was. Alice swallowed and licked her lips. Lucas saw her mouth the words 'oh damn' before she came over and kneeled between his legs. 

Lucas awkwardly dropped his sweatpants and leaned against the wall. The tiles felt nice against his hot skin as her expert tongue and lips began to work eagerly upon his penis head. It was his first ever blowjob and Lucas had to breathe deeply to stop himself going overboard. Still, he couldn't help but breathe out hot moans of delight. She smiled up at him and then took as much as she could into her mouth. Lucas grasped her hair; the wet hot tight glory of her throat was maddening. She was clearly having a good time, teasing him, playing with his balls and tickling her fingers up and down his length as her tongue worked a sensitive part underneath his length. Lucas' cock trembled. Alice pulled away and gave him a cheeky squeeze. 

"Ah ah, not yet big boy." Alice stood up and Lucas was once more impressed and turned on by the way she fitted the condom whilst she gave his neck gentle loving bites and kisses. She was pressed up close to him now, her wet pussy rubbing up against his length that had started to grow heavy and hard. "I'm a big girl too you know, let's see how far we can go in." 

Alice danced her way to the bar on the wall over the toilet. She grasped it and bent over, revealing her pussy and ass to him, both of which looked ready. Alright, alright...time to get this on. He could do this. 

Lucas held up his cock as he waddled over, balls swinging heavily. Alice lifted up her shirt and pulled down her bra, allowing her DD's to swing free. "Come on, come on... I need it so bad..." 

He positioned himself behind her and made his first attempt at penetration. Lucas slipped and went under her, the top of his penis brushing her underboobs. He thought quickly and started to rub the underside of his length up against her pussy, acting like this had been his intention. Alice moaned as the hot length worked her swollen clit, reaching to fondle the head when it came up to greet her. 

"Oh yeah baby, that's it, made me so wet," she half-whispered. The other couple were still going at it a few stalls over, and their sounds made Lucas feel even more aroused. He wanted to give them a run for their money and make them jealous of how much hotter his sex was going to be. 

Alice ground up and down on his cock, moaning desperately. Lucas backed up and tried again. This time he used both of his hands to guide his cock head to her waiting hole. Alice gasped and moaned pleasantly, rocking on his head. Lucas bit his lip. He pushed in bit by bit until she told him to stop, then started to rock his hips in time with her desperate quick thrusts back and forth. He allowed her to do her own thing for a while after that, not wanting to mess up the flow and having become too wrapped up in pleasure to think.

It was the happiest Lucas had ever been, right here, buried deep inside an eager pussy. He'd never thought it would feel so wonderful. Testing the waters, he spanked her ass and Alice cried out in delight. Lucas spanked her again and renewed with confidence, started to thrust again.

"Yes, yes, oh God you're so fucking big...!" 

Warmth spread down Lucas, the same he'd felt when the magic had started to work on his cock the first time. As he thrust, he started to sink deeper and deeper into her pussy until all 14 inches was buried in her growing pussy. It grew large and fat around his cock which didn't explain how she was taking it so well, but did make him feel so much better. 

"Ho-how??" Alice moaned in confusion, but was having too much fun to argue about it. Lucas' balls slapped against her thighs as they fucked harder and faster. Alice gripped the bar tighter, trying not to slip from the sweat their passionate fucking had created. She'd never had sex like this and almost screamed when she came once, twice, three times in the space of a few seconds. Her legs trembled with pleasure.

Lucas could feel his own orgasm as it edged closer. He pushed all the way inside of Alice and held her to him as he came. This load was even bigger than before and felt like a hose had been turned on. 

"Oh fuck I think the condom broke!" Alice moaned as his thick load pounded into her. She felt herself swell a little from the sheer quantity of semen. It leaked out of her pussy even before he pulled away and messily discarded the useless condom.

"I-I'm sorry..." Lucas panted, feeling high on his own orgasm.

"It's fine I'll... take the morning after pill..." Alice gasped. "Go on ahead I just need to catch my... breath." Her pussy was shrinking back to normal now it was no longer in touch with his literally magic cock. Lucas wiped himself up and put his sweatpants back on. He gave her a kiss, thanked her and left. He didn't reveal to her that she'd been his first, but in a strange way he was glad she had been. She was good looking, had taken charge and been patient with him. In another life, he would have liked to date her.

But nevermind that, he scolded himself. Lucas was back on the prowl and by the time 11pm struck, he'd already successfully fucked eleven other women. Needless to say, Lucas was feeling pretty damn good about himself. The second girl had let him go in without a condom and the feeling of her inner flesh against his cock had been even better than before. This was the best night of his life.

Lucas returned home just so he could change his sweat-soaked shirt and briefly wash his sweatpants. It was then that he remembered the crystal and whilst his sweatpants dried on the radiator, he went to find it. He got down on his hands and knees, the dangle of his cock brushing the floor as Lucas reached under his bed and retrieved the crystal from where it had rolled. 

"You're a life-saver!" Lucas kissed it. "I do believe in magic, I do I do! And I believe in tits and pussy and every girl being sexy as fuck!" He put it in his nightstand drawer and headed back out.

He'd backtracked and driven home, but decided to walk in the fresh night air since he was pretty cum drunk as well as still horny. Lucas hoped he wouldn't be horny forever. Not that he minded having so much sex.

As he drove, Lucas felt the warmth of the magic again but had learnt by now to just trust it. Or at least, he had trusted it until he felt a very strange sensation in the area just behind his balls and between his legs. He stopped walking and moved into the bushes to lean against a tree. He reached back and prodded the area. It felt soft and warm and... familiar. 

Panic started to rise up in Lucas. He pulled down his sweatpants and felt again. Yes, it was exactly what he'd thought. He couldn't see it but he could feel the lips of a large plump pussy. Lucas felt dizzy and started to shake. A pussy... he had a pussy.

Lucas was aware that he should be scared around about now, but instead it made him feel... horny? Now he'd had practice, Lucas knew where to find his new hole. He couldn't find a clit and thought maybe that was because he still had a cock and balls. He had to sit down to reach it properly and didn't care about getting a little dirty with all the places he'd had sex tonight. Lucas started to stroke his cock with one hand, the other gently brushing his sensitive new sex. His pussy prickled and heated up with arousal and started to grow wet. 

Lucas teased a finger inside and started to thrust it in and out as she stroked his cock. Oh yeah... that felt pretty damn good. It wasn't long before he had added a second finger, shifting to get more comfortable. His whole body was tingling again, changing. His chest started to grow heavy and fill out as lovely bouncy E-cups blossomed on his new soft but strong body. Since he was alone, he moaned out loud in delight. He removed his fingers right as his pussy came. It brought a whole new sensation of orgasm, closely followed by the more familiar spurt of orgasm from his huge cock.

He had thought he was alone, but now he was no longer touching himself, Lucas could hear the sound of someone else jerking their meat. "Who is it? Come out. I don't bite." His voice hadn't changed, he heard. The voyeurist came out again, taking out his phone to shine a light over them. 

"Damn, a real dickgirl," he said, his own cock still out and hard. 

Not knowing how or if he should try and explain anything. He stood up, pulling his sweatpants up as he did so. His shirt had started to rip from the size of his tits but Lucas didn't bother to try and hide himself. Instead, he beckoned with one finger and started to walk off. The man, dumb with lust, followed Lucas all the way back to his house and seemed to forget he had a wife back home.

The groping hands of the watching man were upon Lucas the instant they were inside and they only made it to the living room rug. He muttered nonsense about how sexy Lucas was and Lucas started to wonder why women put up with men like this. They couldn't shut up for a second. He suddenly agreed with Alice. Men were better when they just fucked and didn't talk too much.

"Can...can I go in your ass first?" 

Lucas had been enjoying getting naked on his plush rug until that question was asked. "Sure." He'd move them upstairs to do that in a moment, but right then his new confidence had him take this strangers cock into his mouth like it was no big deal. He blew the guy just enough to get him hard and then pulled away and started upstairs. The man lumbered after him again, once more groping for Lucas before they were even in the room. This time Lucas kept him at bay and called him to the bed. 

He rubbed lube into the guy's cock and his own, then guided the man's hands to it. Lucas moaned as those large hands rubbed his aching cock. He felt one hand let go as it sneaked three fingers into his pussy. That was fine. Lucas laid back and closed his eyes. He moaned and thrust in delight. 

He had only a few seconds to register the man had moved before he felt a hot cock rest on his chest. Lucas opened his eyes to see that the man was stood over him, cock ready for his tits. Lucas sighed and pushed them together over his cock. The man thrust into his tits, grabbing the headboard and rattling it with his effort.

"A..ass?" He questioned again, still thrusting into Lucas' fat tits. 

Lucas nodded and the man stopped, which allowed Lucas to turn around and brace himself. Lucas wasn't thinking much any more. His inhibitions had been dropping steadily as the night went on. The man gave his ass a good smack before he pushed his way inside. Lucas grunted and then moaned as he was fucked.

"Oh dickgirl ass is the best mmm!" 

Lucas wished the man would stop using that term. What a fucking weeaboo. It was the last negative thought he had as just that second, the overcharged man cursed and came, filling Lucas' ass with semen. 

"Fuck, fuck..."

The man pulled out and started to aggressively masturbate again. To his surprise, it started to get hard almost instantly. Lucas of course, knew why. They were very close to the crystal. He turned around and spread his legs, touching his own cock with lust-filled eyes. The man positioned himself, nudging his tip at Lucas' dripping pussy and then thrust inside. Lucas grinned to himself. This guy had no tact or technique, but it felt incredible so Lucas barely minded at the rough hungry way he was now being fucked. This... this was different. The thrill of having his pussy filled and fucked made his hips twitch upwards to get more. 

"Ooo fuck me stud, cum deep into my pussy!" 

Faster, harder, Lucas came from his pussy and then from his cock, splattering his tits with semen. The man grinned at the dirty sight, holding Lucas' legs open so he could really rail Lucas' pussy. 

"You're so wide, I bet you could fit another cock in here." 

Now that Lucas was a little softer, the man took Lucas cock and moved it downwards. Lucas hissed from the slight bending motion, but his cock was soft enough to pierce his own hole. It rubbed up against the man's own thrusting cock, creating a second new situation.

'I'm fucking my own pussy, oh my God, I'm losing my virginity to a stranger again and to my own cock, oh my God, oh my God!'

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These thoughts were still going around and around in his head when they both came and filled Lucas up with two lots of thick cum. His stomach bulged from the great load and the man pulled out, slumped to the side and seemed to pass out from the effort. Wow. Lucas panted and laid there, rubbing his swollen belly. He could feel his tits and pussy disappear as they shrank away and his body became more normal except for his huge cock. 

Cora... this had happened because of the crystal and because of her. He couldn't wait to show her. 



Written by BEL0VER
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