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While Tom's Away...

"... the Cat will play."

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1. Prologue.

Catherine is a young, vibrant, beautiful and very, very bored young woman. She married her husband Tom at a young age, and did not have much experience at the time. He was a young and attractive man, though a little older than her, and with great career prospects, so they seemed like a good love-match to all their friends.

Catherine hadn't really bargained for how hard Tom would have to work though, the long hours and the lengthy trips away from home, and how tired he would be when he was present.

They had a very comfortable life in many ways. A nice house in the country with open garden space all around, near to British country towns with luxury shopping centres; friends and relatives nearby, all within easy reach by their expensive cars; regular holidays in the sunspots abroad at least a couple of times a year. In fact, almost everything a young woman could ask for, in any material terms.

And yet, there was an emptiness in her soul. She spent a lot of time alone at home, finding unnecessary 'chores' to do around the house, and waiting, waiting, waiting endlessly it seems, for something EXCITING to happen. She was so, so bored!

She was aware that the 'spark' had gone out of their marriage, and had tried her best to revive it, with online purchases of sexy lingerie designed to excite Tom. It worked to some degree, and they had some wonderful times together, but Catherine found that the lingerie excited her rather more than it did Tom. She was just thrilled by the sensual feel of silk, satin and lace against her skin; sometimes even leather and latex.

Just by dressing in these ways, she felt so alive and so sexy, admiring herself in the mirror, taking 'selfies', practicing her dramatic entrance into the bedroom, seducing him. But somehow, the reality never quite matched up to her hopes and expectations. They had sex, of course, but it was not the vibrant, exhilarating, toe-curling experience she needed; it had become more like the routine fulfilment of a marital obligation. They still loved each other, but the sexual energy between them had faded.

She explored her thoughts and desires through erotic fantasy, both by reading and by writing some herself. The blank page allowed her to speculate about her own desires in a safe way, and clarify her own thinking. It did not lead her to any real fulfilment, beyond masturbatory experiments with toys, alone at home. They were fun and exciting, at the time, but she felt the need for real, prolonged physical contact with another body. A male body. A male body other than Tom's.

Then Tom introduced her to his old friend, Simon.

2. Introductions.

Simon is an older friend of Tom's, but had followed a very different career-path, avoiding corporate business entirely. He worked independently, as a designer, operating from home and did not live very far away, but Tom had lost connection with him until he had reason to engage a designer for his own corporate brochure.

He invited Simon to come round one evening, to discuss the design brief, and asked Catherine to host, as she usually would for his business associates. She had vague recollections of Tom talking about Simon, but could not recall meeting him before.

She dressed as attractively as possible, of course, without being provocative, and when Simon appeared, she was pleased that she had taken some trouble over her appearance. Her tight, body-hugging dress emphasised her curves, and was short enough to show her long, shapely legs, tanned in the Caribbean sun that summer.

They seemed to establish an instant rapport when their eyes first met. She melted a little when he politely kissed her hand, looking up at her, and she felt a minor thrill course through her body. Nothing earth-shattering, but a definite physical response. She was sure that her nipples had responded, and thought Simon had noticed them instantly push against the smooth fabric of her high-necked dress.

She sashayed away to get Simon a drink, and felt sure she could feel his eyes follow her across the room, as she swayed her hips and wiggled her ass. She found his attention very exciting, and knew that she must control her urge to flirt, but Tom did not seem to notice anything untoward.

Tom was briefing Simon on the design job, at the dining table. Catherine delivered their drinks with an ostentatious flourish, and as Simon looked up at her, she smoothed her hand up over her right breast, lifting it slightly, and pausing at the erect nipple.

She noticed his hand drop to his thigh and smooth over the taut denim of his jeans.

Tom continued talking about the design brief, and Simon refocused on that, but Catherine knew that she had made an impact on him, just as he had on her.

When their meeting was over, Tom asked Simon to deliver his design ideas as soon as possible. Simon said that they would have to be hand-drawn sketches to begin with, and he should be able to bring them round next week, for comments and review.

Tom was likely to be away on business next week, so he suggested that Simon could deliver the documents into Catherine's hands at the house, and that was agreed.

As he left, Simon leaned in to give Catherine a hug, and their eyes flashed at each other, while Catherine lightly moistened her lips. The chemistry was undeniable.

3. First impressions.

Simon arrived at the appointed time and rang the doorbell.

Catherine had been nervously preparing all morning, after Tom had left for the day. She had showered meticulously, her soapy hands dwelling between her thighs and massaging her sensitive breasts, arousing her firm nipples. She imagined that her hands were Simon's, and that he already knew exactly what turned her on. He was slightly older than Tom, and somehow seemed more worldly and experienced.

She had dressed in her sexiest short skirt, with high heels, and a simple, colourful silk blouse, unbuttoned to show a hint of cleavage emphasised by her black lace bra.

She studied herself in the full length mirror of the bedroom, before she answered the door, and told herself to keep calm, because nothing would probably happen- at least not this time, surely.

She welcomed Simon in and offered him coffee, while he placed his documents on the dining table. He accepted the offer and sat as he had before.

While she walked back and forth, like a catwalk model, her mind racing, Simon said, “You know how attractive you are, don't you, Catherine!”

She giggled and said, “You are very kind, but please call me Cat. I think you are a very handsome man too, Simon!”

They sat together at the dining table and as Cat passed the coffee cup to Simon, their fingers touched. Cat felt an electric thrill run though her body, from her fingertips to her pussy, and she stirred in her seat. There was a definite spark between them.

They exchanged something of their histories, and Cat learned that Simon was well-travelled, but perhaps in a less luxurious style than she was accustomed to. He was single, but had had a number of partners during his travels, and never intended to “settle down” until recently.

His eye for design, whether in terms of shapes, colours, textures or materials, had led him to his current role, and he used his skilled hands to draw freehand designs, as well as including photographic and textile elements whenever necessary.

Cat decided that he was a very sensitive and intelligent man, as well as being quite handsome, she thought. She leant forward on the dining table, emphasising her breasts even more, and noted his undoubted interest. Her hand fell to his thigh and she said, “Simon, I'll be honest with you. I know you're a friend of Tom's but I found you very attractive from the moment I set eyes on you. He is away from home such a lot, and I would love to have some male company, your company, if just as a friend !”

Simon covered her hand with his, resting on his thigh, and said, ”Cat, I would love to be friends. It is quite a while since I really knew Tom, and he has only revived our friendship now because he needs my skills. I would value your friendship more.”

Cat felt a shiver run though her body, “I'm pleased,” she said and her voice trembled slightly as she realised that her flirting might lead to something serious, and quickly!

Simon looked into her eyes again, and his hand guided hers up his thigh, while his other hand pulled her head towards him, turning her face to his.

At the moment their lips touched, she felt his hard cock beneath her hand, but she didn't know whether to focus on that or on the softness of his lips and his darting tongue. All she knew was that things were moving very fast, and she was enjoying every second of it all.

Their kiss became deeper and more passionate, locking their mouths together while tongues entwined and tasted each other. He released her hand, but it stayed pressed against the hard cock she could feel growing ever larger inside his jeans. His hand moved to her breasts, and felt their weight, while his fingers probed inside her bra to tease her nipples.

After what seemed an eternity to Cat, their mouths broke apart, and she gasped for breath. “Wow, Simon! I think we've made friends!”

“Well, you've been teasing me since the moment we first set eyes on each other,” said Simon, “I haven't been able to think of anything else since we met, and it was so difficult to focus on my work. I think I only completed it because it was my excuse to meet you again, and alone this time.”

“Do you believe in instant attraction?” said Cat, “I certainly felt it too, when we first met, and I've been looking forward to seeing you again as well.”

“Shall we see how deep the attraction goes?” said Simon.

“Oh my God,” said Cat, “from what I could feel, it would go so very deep, Simon!”

They stood and hugged closely, face-to-face. Cat could feel Simon's hard, erect cock pressing against her belly. Simon could feel Cat's soft breasts pressing against his chest, with the hard nipples forced against him.

“Shall we?” said Simon.

“I think we must,” said Cat, and led him by the hand to the Master Bedroom.

4. The end or the beginning?

Cat stood before Simon, at the foot of her marital bed, as the afternoon sun streamed in through the open curtains, wafted by a light breeze.

Simon unbuttoned her silk blouse slowly, down to her waist, and opened it over her shoulders and down her arms. Her breasts were heaving, and Simon helped them out of her lacy black bra, admiring her perfectly round, soft brown areolae topped with a firm, slightly darker nipple. He lifted them both slightly and dropped his head to circle each in turn with his tongue, before taking each nipple in turn and drawing it inside his mouth, sucking firmly and teasing the hard nipples with his circling tongue.

Cat threw back her head in pleasure, and her body trembled with anticipation.

Simon's hand dropped to her waist and deftly unbuttoned her skirt. It was tight, and he had to wriggle it down over her hips, but once passed, her skirt fell to pool around her feet. She stepped out of it, still wearing her high heels but now only with the briefest pair of black panties below her firm, flat belly. It was very clear to Simon that she kept herself physically fit and apart from three pale triangles, her body was naturally suntanned.

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Before Simon could go any further, Cat pushed him back a step, and unbuttoned his shirt too, pushing it back over his shoulders. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him.

She could already see the bulging growth in his jeans, only restrained by the tight belt around his trim waist. As soon as she released that, she saw his cock rise, and gasped as it emerged above his waistband. “My God!” she said, and hastily unbuttoned his fly, folding them open and allowing his jeans to fall to the ground.

The head of Simon's cock, plus and inch or two, stood above his bulging briefs. Cat gingerly pulled the elasticated waist forwards and down, to release the full package. She was open-mouthed in surprise and delight at what she saw, as Simon stepped out of his briefs. His cock was not only large, in both length and girth, but it stood straight up against his belly, and his balls were clutched tightly beneath.

She could feel her pussy tingling at the thought of this cock pushing inside her. It was certainly much larger than Tom's, and indeed, larger than any she had previously encountered. But she would be delighted to experience this!

She stood and pressed herself against Simon, feeling how far up her belly his cock reached. “That is magnificent, Simon!” she said, “I must have sensed that you were an extraordinary man... I must say, it makes me a little nervous. You will be gentle with me, won't you...”

Now Simon dropped to his knees and gently rolled Cat's wet panties over her hips and down her thighs, to join the skirt at her feet. The musky aroma of her moist sex attacked his senses, and he groaned as he saw her smooth mound with tightly furled pussy lips tucked back between her thighs.

He reached around to grasp her ass with both hands and pressed her towards his mouth, his strong tongue forcing its way between her tightly-clamped thighs, licking up the glittering drops of dew which leaked from her.

Then he stood too, and as he did so, his cock slid upwards along Cat's thighs and she automatically parted her legs in welcome. However, neither of them were in any hurry for their pleasures to end too soon.

They sat naked alongside each other on the marital bed. Cat could hardly draw her eyes away from Simon's cock, which seemed to fascinate and frighten her in equal measure.

Cat said, “ Earlier, I was wishing that I had dressed in my finest, sexiest lingerie for you, Simon. I do love to dress up and feel the sexy material rubbing against my body. Tom likes it and it helps to excite him, too, but it seems you don't need that.”

“I certainly don't need it, when faced with a body as fit and sexy as yours, Cat, but like you, I do love the visual impact of lingerie, and the feel of the materials. I will have to use my 'designer's eye' to choose something for you... but perhaps for another day?” said Simon. “Now I think we have to finish what we've started, don't you?”

Cat dropped her eyes, and said, “I hope you know that this is NOT something I do lightly! I love Tom, and have always been faithful to him, but he has been so distracted and tired for such a long time now, that I have got really, really frustrated.”

“When you came round the first time, I was instantly attracted to you, even though Tom was in the same room. It was you who made my nipples harden and my pussy lips swell and part.”

“But now that we are here and I have seen you, I am very nervous. I want you to fuck me, Simon, but please be gentle... I've been told I'm very small down there, and that my pussy is very tight, so I am a little worried by the size of your cock.”

Simon said, “Of course, Cat, don't be concerned. Just lie back and I will prepare the way. I have done this before, you know!”

So Cat laid back at the edge of the bed, while Simon knelt between her thighs. He gently pressed her knees apart as wide as they would go, and stroked the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs, upwards from her knees to her pussy.

Cat moaned and wriggled each time his fingers brushed her pussy lips, and began to press herself against them at each stroke. He let his fingers begin to dwell there, stroking along the length of her moist pussy lips, encouraging them to swell and part even more, until he could finally press one long finger inside her.

She was indeed very tight, even around a single finger, and Simon complimented her on her fitness as she gripped his finger with her muscles, while he moved it slowly in and out of her. She attributed her fitness to weekly jogging and yoga exercises

While he continued probing, Simon dropped his head to lick between Cat's pussy lips, up towards her clit. He pressed against her mound with his other hand, forcing her small but firm red clit to emerge, so that he could clamp his mouth over it. Cat squealed out loud as he did so, and her hips moved against his mouth, while her pussy quivered around his finger. He took the opportunity to force a second finger inside her.

He slowly moved both fingers in and out of her pussy, now dripping with her juices, and sucked and twirled his tongue around her swollen clit. Cat groaned and said, “Tom never goes down on me now, and never did it like that anyway! It's so wonderful, Simon!”

Spreading his fingers inside her, he slowly eased her open, ready for his cock.

However, when he raised himself over her and placed the swollen head of his cock between her pouting wet pussy lips, she shuddered. As he pressed forwards, her pussy went into spasm and she locked up tight, physically refusing him entry. Simon tried again, but it was impossible to ease his cock inside her wet but tightly-clamped vagina.

He rolled aside, and Cat apologised profusely, saying she didn't understand. She DID want him to fuck her, but for some reason her body was simply refusing entry.

Simon said, “Don't worry, Cat, I do understand. I've known it happen before. I think you need to take charge now and progress at your own speed. Let your body relax as you control everything.”

He rolled onto his back alongside her, and guided her to straddle him, his cock resting along the groove between her spread pussy lips. She rocked her hips back and forth along his cock, jumping and squeaking each time the head rubbed against her exposed clit, and lubricating the entire length with her juices.

Simon reached up to play with her proud breasts, while she played with him. He teased her breasts and tweaked her nipples between his fingers and thumbs, pinching and pulling them gently. She quivered with passion when he did so, and her pussy moved more firmly against his cock.

She raised Simon's cock to press the head against her, but her vagina still resisted.

She leaned over him to reach the bedside drawer and pulled out a spray of silicon lube. Simon raised his eyebrows at this and said, “Do you use that with Tom?”

Cat said, “No, Simon, it isn't usually necessary, but every now and then, Tom likes to fuck my ass. Not for a while now, I must say, but when he does, we use this to ease the way.”

Simon said he doesn't want to do that now, but Cat assured him that she doesn't either. “I don't think that would work at all! I just want to get you inside my pussy!” she said.

She sat back across Simon's thighs, and generously lubed his cock, until it was dripping from his balls. Then, she held him vertically beneath her, and poised herself over him. She imagined herself in her weekly yoga class, with Simon below her.

Slowly, she introduced the head of his cock, gently swaying her hips to ease the way forward, while Simon lay still on the bed, still idly playing with her breasts. Cat made slow progress, inch by inch, but finally gasped as he became fully and completely embedded so deep inside her. She felt the head of his cock pressed against her cervix, while her dripping pussy lips spread over his balls, and her juices and the lube ran down between his thighs.

For a few minutes, she relaxed there, pleased with her achievement, and enjoyed the feeling of being fuller than she had ever felt before. Her only movements were subtle ones, angling her hips to create pressure at her most sensitive points, experimenting with every angle and noting the different effects.

Simon enjoyed being used like this, of course, but soon began to feel the build-up to an imminent climax. “I'm sorry, Cat,” he said, “but I don't think I can wait much longer! Are you ready now?”

“God, yes!!” said Cat. “It won't take me long if I ride that cock hard now!”

And so she did. While Simon held her breasts as they bounced above him, Cat pumped slowly up and down on his cock, enjoying the sensations of friction, despite all the lube. Her movements steadily sped up and became more forceful with each stroke, crashing harder against the root of his cock with each thrust, and gasping at each full depth blow to her cervix.

As they both began to groan and gasp with each stroke, it took only three or four more thrusts before she collapsed on him, shuddering and shaking throughout her body. As she did so, Simon felt her vagina grip him tightly, deep inside her.

She screamed and Simon shouted out loud as they both felt the surges of cum rush up his cock and spurt deep inside her, pulse after pulse flowing from him into her.

They bound close together, arms holding each other tight until the surges subsided, and Cat kissed Simon deeply and passionately on the mouth, tongues twisting and tasting each other again. They fell into a short doze, Simon's cock softening inside her while she laid upon him, still locked together.

When they roused themselves a few minutes later, Cat rolled aside, allowing a rush of cum to spill from her. It ran down between Simon's thighs and between Cat's, and she laughed out loud. “I will have to change the sheets!” she exclaimed, smiling across at Simon. For now, though, they cuddled together to recover in the afterglow of what had become a marathon session, especially considering it was their first!

They discussed what might happen in future and agreed that this could not become too frequent a liaison, but that when either became too frustrated to bear it any longer, all they would have to do would be to make contact.

If necessary, they would use a code, and it was agreed that if either sent the other a sexy pic of themselves, it would indicate a need to be fulfilled. They exchanged private numbers and email details to enable their future trysts to be arranged.

This first, quite spontaneous occasion had been a great success, and Tom would never know anything of it, so they convinced themselves that no harm had been done. In the future, more planning would be required, in the full knowledge of what they were intending.

Is it possible to capture planned spontaneity? They are likely to try, I think.

Written by simoncam1
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