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Tom, Cat, And Simon...

"... the eternal triangle"

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1. Prologue.

That morning was spent talking together about their proposed joint venture, and afterwards Tom invited Simon to stay yet another night. It would be less formal than the 'celebration' evening, he said, not knowing quite how celebratory Simon and Cat had been in the Guest room last night!

Of course, Simon agreed but had to go back to his rented apartment briefly, to gather a change of clothes and some bathroom items. Tom suggested that he might as well bring enough to stay until Monday morning, when he would have to return to work.

Simon and Cat exchanged intense glances and casual touches when Simon left, and that did not go altogether unnoticed by Tom, who was sober at this stage.

It had been agreed that Cat would produce two or three examples of lingerie items she would like to make and market; Simon would devise promotional materials, such as photographs, and design websites; Tom would provide financial backing, though very little was called for until and unless the enterprise became a success.

While Simon was absent, Tom suggested that Cat should show off some of her own favourite lingerie, and talk about how she might change or modify them, in her own proposed range. At first, she was a little reticent about showing revealing lingerie in front of Simon, while Tom was present, but Tom rightly pointed out that she would have to when Simon was taking promotional pics and videos of her, in due course.

She said she would be prepared to do that, with Tom's approval, that evening.

Tom tried to appear very blasé about the whole business, and said he thought Simon would appreciate such a show, as he would himself. He said, “I think Simon finds you very attractive, Cat, as any man in his right mind would, and I've noticed that you tease him sometimes in your manner. Do you also find him attractive?”

“You know I love you, Tom,” she said, “but yes, I have to admit that Simon is physically attractive, and he is an intelligent and experienced man. It is nice to have his full attention!”

“Well, it certainly seems you have that, from what I've observed,” said Tom. “I'm sure you could tease him beyond endurance if you wanted to. Perhaps you will flirt a bit, this evening?”

Cat was a little surprised, but said, “Can I be clear about this, Tom? Are you giving me permission, and even encouraging me, to tease Simon? Do you want me to seduce him, Tom?”

“Not exactly,” said Tom, “but as you say yourself, he is an experienced 'man of the world' and he may be able to give us to some new ideas we might learn from as a couple. I know that I don't spend enough time with you, and I may not satisfy all your needs; I work hard to provide for you financially, but that is exhausting in itself, so when we do get together, I know I'm not always up to the job.”

“Don't torture yourself, Tom,” said Cat. “I think it would help if you didn't drink so much, but I chose to marry you because I love you, and I know how hard you work for me. Perhaps we can have some sexy, flirty conversations with Simon this evening, and see where it leads us. I admit I do find him attractive, but it is you I love, Tom.”

At that moment, Simon rang the doorbell, and reappeared with an overnight bag, now equipped to stay for the rest of the weekend. He was unaware of what was in store.

Cat welcomed him in again and led him back to the Guest room where they had had such exciting sex only the night before. Cat was trembling with excitement now, and with some confusion too, after everything Tom had said. She tried to explain, briefly and swiftly, that Tom wanted her to be playful with them both this evening, and for them to engage Simon in some sexy conversation.

She wanted Simon to be as restrained as he could, and certainly not give away the depth of their relationship already, but to act calmly and follow Tom's lead.

2. Saturday night.

After a relatively simple, but nevertheless delicious dinner, and probably much too much wine, Tom said “Do you think you could bear to watch Cat show off some of her existing lingerie, Simon? Her own designs will differ, of course, but it will show you what sort of thing she really likes.”

Simon laughed and said “How could I refuse such an offer?! As long as Cat doesn't mind showing off, it will give us both some practice at what is to come. I may need to restrain myself, Tom, if these are really sexy outfits. I guess you will have seen them before?”

“Indeed they are,” said Tom, “and I think you will find them arousing too. I know Cat enjoys showing off, and it will make a change for her to have a fresh, new audience.”

“Stop it, Tom!” said Cat. “You make me sound like an exhibitionist! Only you have seen me like that, but it's true that Simon will have to, when I make my own designs. He will have to take pics, won't he? So I suppose this is a rehearsal, and you'll see how we get on together.”

With that, she disappeared in the direction of the Master bedroom, but managed to give Simon a sly wink over her shoulder, as she left the room.

Tom nudged Simon, and said, “You're going to enjoy this, I think!”

Simon shifted uncomfortably in his seat when Cat entered the room, wearing a tightly corseted basque of dark green silk.

The vertical ribs between the shining panels of green sparkled with diamanté insets. Her breasts were squeezed upwards to bulge over the top, creating a deep cleavage and threatening to spill out altogether. The basque was edged, top and bottom, with black lace trim. Her naked pale thighs were exposed and framed by black stocking tops, held in place by green suspenders. They also framed her brief panties, made of black lace interwoven with deep purple threads, shimmering in the light of the room.

It was a spectacular sight to behold, and both Simon and Tom drew in their breath sharply, as she advanced across the room towards them, on her ruby red stilettos, with her hips swaying. She turned and bent herself double, showing her yoga training, and her beautiful ass.

Tom nearly choked on his whisky and Cat turned again to face the two men now sitting uncomfortably on the sofa.

“Wow!” said Simon, as Cat approached him, staring deeply into his eyes, although they occasionally flickered across, to look for Tom's approval. It seems she saw what she wanted, because she approached even closer, dropping onto all fours, and crawling slowly nearer, between Simon's knees.

She placed her elbows on his knees, and raised herself, spreading them wider, while Simon stared down into her tightly-bound cleavage. “Mmm, you're pleased to see me!” she said, staring fixedly at his crotch, and then rising to stand between his thighs. She turned to face Tom, with one raised eyebrow, giving a questioning look, and licking her red lips.

Tom chuckled and said, “Simon, you are an experienced man- more so than me, I dare say. What are your thoughts about oral sex? I know it's great fun, but really it is just foreplay, isn't it! It isn't real sex, after all; it's not like Cat and I have, is it!”

Simon also laughed and said “Well, President Clinton denied that it counted as sex, but I don't think I do agree with that, Tom; at least, not if it's done properly! It is one of the things I most enjoy in my sexual life, whether receiving or giving it, and my partners have usually agreed. ”

“Wow,” said Cat, “there's a challenge, Tom, if ever I heard one! It's not something you enjoy doing at all, I know, but perhaps Simon could teach us a thing or two?”

She looked across at Tom, engaging firmly with his eyes, summoned all her nerve, and boldly asked, “Would you like a demonstration by Simon, Tom?”

Slightly to her surprise, Tom said, hesitatingly, “Yes Cat, I think I would. It is just … 'play', isn't it? I do think I would like to see that, if you and Simon are both agreeable.” He broke eye contact and looked away, to pour himself another whisky.

In that moment, Cat knew that all the power in the room had transferred to her. She had the initiative now, and happily grasped it. “Are you agreeable, Simon?” she smiled, looking down at his bulging crotch, “It looks like it from here.”

Wielding her new-found dominance, Cat swayed her hips back and forth, then looked directly at Tom again. She was definitely completely in charge of the situation now, and announced “I have one condition, Tom. I suspect that Simon is quite accomplished at this, and I would like us both to experience that. But then I would have to relieve him in some way, wouldn't I?”

Tom seemed transfixed. He was unmoving, almost in a trance, staring at Cat and Simon, both within touching distance. He nodded dumbly in agreement, while Cat turned to face Simon, and said, “Simon, are you happy to demonstrate your oral skills to us both? You can expect my attention in return,” and winked knowingly at him.

Simon laughed and said, “If you are both agreed, then so am I. I am very happy to accept whatever comes! It would be my very greatest pleasure!”

Nodding, Cat turned and walked confidently away from the two men, flicking her hips like a catwalk model, to roll her ass hypnotically in their gaze. She gathered a straight-backed chair and returned to place it facing Simon and Tom, then stood in front of them, feet apart.

Simon dropped to his knees in front of Cat, and took hold of her black panties at each hip, to roll them down, over her suspenders, and down over her thighs, to the floor.

Tom's gaze, as well as Simon's, was fixed on what was slowly revealed. Cat's neatly trimmed vertical blonde strip, slightly darkened by her wetness, appeared as Simon lowered her panties. It was framed by a small pale triangle of skin, untouched by the sun, which in turn was framed by sun-bronzed skin. That area, in turn, was framed by the black lace trim of the basque, the black stocking tops, and the green suspenders.

It was a sight of such eroticism that both Tom and Simon gasped in unison, and Cat had to control her own trembling in response. She could feel herself getting wetter with each passing moment, as she looked down at her secret lover and across at her husband.

Cat stepped out of her brief black panties, kicking them away from her red stilettos, and settled on the chair in front of Simon, who now knelt between her thighs. She spread her legs as wide as the chair would allow, while Tom moved slightly to gain the best vantage point.

Simon felt a little inhibited by Tom's presence, but tried to approach the task as an educational demonstration for him. He knew that both he and Cat would enjoy the occasion (again!), but Tom's presence was a new factor for both of them. Cat just shut her eyes and lay back, saying, “Tom, this is what I wish you could do for me, and enjoy for itself, as I think Simon will.”

Simon placed his hands on the pale inner thighs of Cat's legs and slid them slowly upwards until his thumbs were against her pussy lips. He teased her wet lips apart with both thumbs, and said, “The important thing, Tom, is to take your time. There is no need to hurry, and you can prolong the situation until Cat can simply not wait any longer. I'm sure she'll let us know when the time to come has come!”

Tom grunted as Simon spread his wife's pussy open before him, revealing all the inner complexities, shapes and shades of colour, lubricated by Cat's flowing juices. He had never studied her so objectively before. On the rare occasions when he did go down on her, there was an element of panic as he felt so unsure about how best to proceed. He knew that he tended to hurry onwards, towards what he considered to be the 'main course'. This time, he could observe Simon slowly tease his wife to a climax and perhaps reap the rewards himself.

Simon licked each side of Cat's pussy from back to front, slowly and deliberately, pressing hard with his tongue, then pressing his whole mouth against her, deep-kissing her pussy and pressing his tongue inside her. She groaned loudly with each stroke, lick, kiss, and probe, and her hips began to move against Simon's mouth. It seemed she was more excited than ever by Tom's presence.

Simon sat back a little, and said, “I think it's time to introduce a finger or two, Tom, and focus your attention on Cat's clit. She has a firm red button waiting for you now, you see!”

He pressed against her mound, pushing upward to reveal her erect clit to both men. Tom was also breathing heavily now, as he watched Simon slip one long finger inside his wife's vagina, up to the knuckle, and simultaneously clamp his mouth over Cat's clit.

“O my God!” shouted Cat, “that feels so good! Keep doing that Simon; lick me and suck me and probe me, and fuck me with your fingers!” She pushed her hips forward and writhed upon the chair, her head back and looking to the sky.

Tom was also becoming aroused and stood to move around the chair and cradle Cat's blonde head. All he could really see now was the back of Simon's head buried between his wife's thighs, but he could witness the dramatic effects upon her as her climax built to a crescendo, when Simon forced a second finger deeply inside her and curled them against her vaginal wall to tease her sensitive spot.

Tom looked down at her face as her blue eyes rolled back inside her head and her entire body shook, while she pressed Simon's head between her legs. She could not form words as the tremors wracked her body, but she turned her face to press it against Tom's crotch and rubbed her cheek against his hidden erection.

As she slowly recovered herself, gasping for breath, Simon lifted his head to look up and see her open Tom's trousers and take his cock readily into her mouth, while Tom held her blonde head still. He pumped steadily in and out of her open, suckling mouth, while she used one hand to play with his balls.

Cat reached down now to feel for Simon, who rose to stand between her thighs. She unbuttoned his jeans without even looking and deftly pulled his hard cock out into the open. Tom's head was back and he was almost in a trance as Cat sucked him hard and deep; he may not even have noticed that his wife lubricated her hands with her own juices and reached out to grasp and firmly stroke Simon's cock up and down, again and again.

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There was a shout from Tom as he came inside Cat's mouth, and she juddered again, with a renewal of her climax, but her hands kept stroking Simon more and more quickly, more and more firmly. Tom's head was back, and though he must have known, he seemed oblivious to Cat's attentions to Simon's cock, while she sucked him dry.

Simon began to thrust quickly through her hands and was clearly preparing to cum too. He synchronised his thrusts with her strokes, and let out a roar as he pressed through her tightened grip, to shoot streams of cum up over her. The first spurt reached her throat and dribbled down into her exposed cleavage, while subsequent spurts splattered her shiny green basque with white. Cat's climax reached a third peak now.

Simon's cum ran over her lingerie, between her breasts, and down between her thighs, contrasting with the black stocking-tops. Tom withdrew his softening cock slowly from Cat's mouth, and she allowed a little of his cum to escape as she looked up at him, and licked her lips in an exaggerated pout.

Meanwhile, Simon quickly tucked his cock away, as did Tom, and they both stepped back. Cat was stretched back on the chair, her beautiful lingerie spattered with cum, and dribbling from between her smiling lips. She was a picture of satisfied sexual bliss, as she swiped the last dribble of Tom's cum into her mouth and sat up straight.

The two men sat on the sofa facing her, looking rather discomforted and self-conscious now. They avoided each others eyes, but Cat said “Thank you, both, that was such a wonderful experience!”

The three of them, led by Cat, quickly relaxed, and were able to talk more openly.

Both Tom and Simon had been so focused on their own experiences that they had not closely observed the other, but of course they knew what had happened- the proliferation of cum was all the evidence required!

Cat was clearly very happy and the conversation between the two men returned to sex, while she went to get a bathrobe.

It seemed that having shared such an intimate experience had freed them to talk more openly about their desires and worries, though Tom spoke the most. He said that he was very impressed with the height of passion that Simon had induced in Cat, with his oral attentions, and that he would try to replicate that himself. He was a little surprised that he felt no sense of jealousy at Cat's response; in fact, he felt excited by her extreme arousal, even though it had been brought about by Simon.

When Cat returned, Tom was admitting to Simon that he realised that Cat was frustrated by his frequent absences, and had worried about her being tempted to be 'unfaithful', although he knew that she really did love him.

Cat joined in the conversation immediately, saying half-jokingly that it would be good for her, and for them, if she had a friend like Simon to call upon occasionally, instead of having to resort to vibes for her solo pleasure.

Tom was a little taken aback, but fully understood her frustration, and agreed that a 'friend with benefits' who was known to him could act as a safety valve for her. They all sat back to consider these thoughts for a while, and conversation drifted to more mundane matters.

Eventually, they all became overwhelmed with tiredness, and Tom took Cat's hand to lead her off to the Master bedroom, while Simon went to the Guest room. All three showered thoroughly, but Tom and Cat probably enjoyed the process much more than Simon, on his own in his en suite.

As he drifted off to sleep, he thought he could hear the sounds of vigorous love-making from the Master bedroom, and hoped that Tom had prepared Cat as he would have done.

3. Sunday.

As the morning sun filled the room, Simon was roused by the sound of the bedroom door opening.

Cat was standing there in her red baby-doll nightdress, with red satin panties; her hips swayed from side to side as she crossed the room towards him, not fully closing the door.

Simon was instantly aroused, but unsure of the situation.

Cat announced quite loudly, “Don't worry, Simon, Tom knows I've come to you; in fact, he suggested it this morning. We had our best sex for ages last night, and it seemed that Tom had learned a little from watching you before he fucked me. He wondered whether we could learn even more from you, and said I should come and find out! I will have to report back to him before lunch.”

Simon was a little taken aback, but pleased at Tom's newfound liberalism, and stood to embrace Cat. She could already feel his cock pressing hard against her belly, and she whispered, “Don't worry, Simon, everything is OK, but Tom may be watching through the doorway.”

Simon resisted looking in that direction, and put all thoughts of Tom from his mind. That was not difficult when Cat stood squarely in front of him and wriggled her belly against his erection, which now threatened to emerge from the waistband of his shorts.

Perhaps for Tom's benefit, Cat feigned surprise at the size of Simon's cock, and commented on it's thickness and rigidity as he revealed himself to her; from time to time, her blue eyes flickered towards the doorway, perhaps looking for approval.

Simon was naked now, and sat at the end of the bed, facing the doorway. Cat sat alongside him and stroked his cock gently from balls to tip, while he teased her breasts, massaging them with increasing pressure. His thumbs teased her hard nipples and circled her areolae through the silky, see-through fabric. It seemed that they were both putting on a performance for Tom, without acknowledging his presence at the door. Even so, Simon thought he could hear sounds of heavy breathing from that direction, but it was not difficult to focus his attention on Cat.

She stood in front of Simon now, and lifted her short nightie over her head, to stand there in only her panties. He reached to each hip, where they were secured in a simple bow and grasped the end of each ribbon. He pulled on them simultaneously, to release the bows, and her panties fell away to reveal her pale triangle, split by a dark strip of hair, running up from her pussy. She was already so wet, and her panties too, that they clung there for a moment, before she parted her thighs and allowed them to fall to the ground.

Simon groaned with the pleasure of seeing her in all her nakedness, and reached round to grasp her ass and pull her belly towards his face. He gave her a kiss, and his tongue flicked between her legs, before she pushed him back.

“No, Simon,” she said, “this time I want to take YOU in my mouth, before I fuck you. Lie back on the bed and relax, while I use you!”

Simon did not hesitate to comply, and Cat sat alongside him. She forced his cock into a vertical position, and looked towards the doorway to ensure that Tom had a good view of proceedings. Again, she commented on Simon's size, and demonstrated it by wrapping both hands around the thick shaft, one above the other, then lowering her head to wrap her lips around the throbbing red head.

When she sucked and swirled her tongue around him, his swollen balls clenched and twitched in response, and she dropped one hand to cradle them, squeezing gently. She looked towards the doorway again, and decided that Tom had seen enough of her preparation of Simon, not that he had needed much!

She lay down alongside Simon, and quietly whispered, “Simon, you know it can be difficult for me to take your cock. Will you just lie there and let me straddle you like before?”

“Of course,” Simon nodded, and lay still while Cat mounted him. She surprised him, though, by turning into the reverse position on him, to face the doorway, presumably so that Tom could witness everything when Simon entered her.

Simon's view of her small, firm, tight ass was delightful, as she wriggled down his belly to force his cock to stand up against her belly.

She said, “My God, Simon, you ARE big aren't you!” and he suspected that she winked towards Tom. “I think I will need some lube,” she said, and reached for the silicon they had used before, spreading it on her hands, then stroking it down the full length of Simon's cock, from tip to balls. She made sure there was plenty at the tip.

She raised her body above him and used the slippery tip of his cock to slide back and forth along the length of her pussy lips, jolting with an electric shock each time it pressed against her erect clit, already prominent.

“I will have to take my time, Simon,” she said, “I need to take you in slowly.”

She used her hands to position Simon at the entrance to her vagina, and using all her yoga-trained muscles, lowered herself onto him a fraction at a time. She gasped as the swollen head successfully entered her, stretching her wide, then gripped tightly around it. Tom could see the full length of the shaft waiting to be enveloped, as she played with Simon's balls, now tightly clamped against his body.

Using her practised bodily control, Cat lowered herself onto Simon, an inch at a time, pausing to appreciate the sensation of each inch as it entered her. If anything, it got more difficult to progress because the shaft thickened towards the base, so each additional inch stretched her wider and wider.

She leaned forwards to accommodate his length, and Tom had a clear view of her fully impaled on Simon's cock, while Simon had the delightful view of Cat's ass sinking down to press against his belly.

Cat shuddered with pleasure, impaled upon her lover, watched by her husband, and enjoying every aspect of the occasion- not only the unique sensations Simon gave her, but also the thrill of 'performing' for her husband. She knew he would be excited beyond belief, and would probably want to fuck her himself, the moment she returned to their marital bed.

Now was the time to bring this 'show' to a conclusion, though, and she half-turned to say to Simon, “Are you ready? This is our thanks for your attentions last night!”

Simon nodded, and Cat turned to face her husband, now visibly peeping through the open door.

She began to ride up and down on Simon's slick cock; slowly at first, then faster and more and more firmly, until she was leaping up and down upon him, her back arched to gain maximum pleasure from each thrust. It did not take long before she screamed and gave one final deep thrust down, to force Simon's cock as deeply as it could possibly go.

She stopped there, at full depth, and her vagina gripped and milked Simon's cock as he pumped his cum up into her, while her thighs shook around him and her breasts trembled with the convulsion. She gripped and squeezed her own breasts as she reached orgasm, and contributed more by pinching and squeezing her own nipples.

Cat opened her eyes to see the bedroom door closing as Tom returned to the Master bedroom, leaving her to disengage from Simon. A flood of cum and pussy juices flowed from her gaping pussy as she lifted herself from him, and fell forward, treating him to a view of her perfect ass, with his cum dripping down her inner thighs.

She flipped around to lie alongside Simon and cuddled close, pressing her naked breasts against his chest, and they lay there awhile to recover. Simon kissed her neck and she turned to engage in a deep, passionate kiss, before they finally relaxed.

Simon drifted off to sleep, and Cat carefully slipped away to return to Tom.

Tom and Cat had lengthy private conversations about the occasion. Tom was a little perturbed by how much Cat had enjoyed Simon's cock, although he could understand it. However, he believed her when she said it was a purely physical release, and that it was Tom she really loved.

Neither Cat nor Tom were interested in any sort of 'threesome' action together, but Tom was persuaded that during his absences, an occasional 'release' with Simon was preferable to Cat exploring elsewhere, or harbouring frustrations against Tom. She assured him that her appetite for sex with him would not be dimmed, and might even be enhanced, by occasional dalliances with Simon. She promised to report each encounter to Tom, and speculated that he might find her accounts arousing.

They agreed that there was no need to make any formal arrangement between the three of them, but Cat would explain, and Tom would acknowledge, that Simon could be invited to satisfy Cat whenever she felt the need, in Tom's absence. It would probably never happen again, when both men were present.

They all gathered at the dining table over Sunday lunch.

Simon was a little apprehensive about events, knowing that Tom had secretly witnessed Cat fuck him that morning, but Tom did not even acknowledge that he had been there. It seemed that he preferred simply to accept the situation implicitly, without detailing his acceptance.

Tom simply talked about the 'friendship' between the three of them, and said he hoped that he could rely on Simon to look after 'anything Cat might need' during his absences. It would be up to her to let Simon know when she needed his help in any way.

Simon accepted his unspoken role happily, and focused on their specific joint enterprise in building Cat's lingerie business into the future. It seemed that it could be a very successful collaboration, and Cat raised a glass in toast to the two men in her life, with a wink to each of them.

4. Epilogue.

Simon and Cat made a small commercial success of her tailor-made lingerie business through a website illustrated by Simon's pics of Cat, with Tom's financial expertise behind them. It would never make them great fortunes, but it occupied, pleased, and entertained them all.

If anything, Cat's libido was heightened by her constant thoughts of the sensual feel and visions of her own lingerie designs, and probably by Simon's insistence that she should model each item for photographic display on the website. She enjoyed posing for him and sharing his pics with her husband. Some of them were a little too racy for publication and only reached Tom's eyes.

Tom also appreciated the website and new 'racy' pics during his business trips away and Cat gained numerous 'fans' who followed her frequent new product launches assiduously. The women loved her designs, and the men loved her pics.

It became accepted that Cat now had two men in her sexual life; Tom was top priority, as her beloved husband, but Simon came a very close second in his (frequent) absence, and provided her with a more sexually fulfilling experience.

Would they all live happily ever after?

Written by simoncam1
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