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Trust - Part 2

"Ryan teaches Libby more about sex, and she proves to be an eager student."

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I lay in Ryan's arms, a faint smile on my lips.

"How are you feeling?" he whispered while drawing me even closer to him.

I struggled for the right response. Above all, I was still in disbelief that this had actually happened, but if I had any doubt, the lingering tenderness between my thighs let me know it was no dream. I finally grinned and said, "Awesome."

He laughed low and soft. "I'm so glad because I'm feeling pretty awesome right now, too."

While I hated to move, the urge to pee had grown pressing. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Baby, you don't need to ask. Just go right ahead."

I placed a hand on his chest. "Will you stay here, though? I'll be right back." I didn't want this closeness between us to end.

Ryan gave me a drowsy smile. At that moment, he looked like the picture of relaxation. Then he took my hand and kissed it. "I'll be waiting."

It was growing dark outside, and I made my way through the room's deepening shadows. In the bathroom, I relieved myself, and after wiping between my thighs, I checked the toilet paper for blood. Just a trace. At least I hadn't bled all over Ryan's sheets.

Minutes later, I lay at his side again. Though I was a little sleepy as well, something Bruce had said earlier continued to nag at me. "Can I ask you a personal question, Ryan?"

His fingertips grazed the side of my breast. "Of course."

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. This might be a mistake, I realized, but I figured it was best to find out now rather than later. "Who's Jackie?"

Ryan tensed ever so slightly at my question. Then he growled from low in his throat. "I'm going to wring Bruce's fucking neck."

"You don't have to answer," I said quickly.

"No, it's okay," he sighed. "Jackie and I dated for over a year, but we broke up about six months ago. Bruce clearly thinks I made a mistake ending the relationship."

"Why did you break up?" I dared to ask.

Ryan was quiet for so long that I began to think he wouldn't reply. "Jackie is worldly, and sophisticated, and..." He flashed a humorless grin. "And so unbelievably full of herself."

I pondered what he said for a moment. "In other words, the complete opposite of me."

"Not quite." Ryan kissed the top of my head. "Jackie's beautiful, and so are you."

I pressed my face against his chest, trying to hide my smile. "But you had to know she was full of herself when you started dating her," I pointed out.

"I did, but I hoped she would change. And to be fair, she tried." His voice grew a little distant as he went on. "Then she started pushing for marriage. I told her I wasn't ready, and she said I should feel lucky she'd chosen me instead of one of the rich guys she always has on a string."

I couldn't help but cringe. "I'm sorry, Ryan."

"It's all water under the bridge now." He released a faint moan while stretching his arms over his head. When he embraced me again, I inhaled deeply. I couldn't get enough of his scent, which had become intoxicating to me. "The important thing to remember," he continued, "is that Bruce is full of shit, and you shouldn't listen to anything he says."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," I said through my laughter.

Ryan turned his face toward mine. "Are you hungry? If you don't have to go back to your place right away, I can make dinner."

I was able to stay since Mom worked late on Thursdays and would be stopping at her boyfriend's house once her shift ended. And while I was indeed hungry, the feel of Ryan's bare skin against mine was making me increasingly horny, too. "Do you think we can, um, make love again?" I asked shyly.

He drew in a sharp breath at my words. "Now?"

"Well, soon." Slipping a hand under the sheet, I gently grasped his cock. "But I want to give you a blowjob first."

Ryan moaned, letting me know just how much he enjoyed my touch. Still, he said, "Libby, you don't have to."

"I want to," I insisted. "But you'll have to tell me what to do."

He pressed his lips to mine, his kiss fervent. When he spoke again, he was breathing a little faster. "I will, baby."

Before I got started, Ryan leaned to turn on the bedside lamp. Part of me wished I could make my first attempt at this while remaining in the dark, but I understood his desire to see me. Kneeling at his side, I took hold of his cock. My eyes widened a little when I felt it stir. I began stroking him, recalling the way he'd touched himself while masturbating earlier.

"Ah, that's nice!" he sighed.

It didn't take long for him to harden even more in my hand. It was a fascinating contrast, how rigid his cock was beneath such soft skin. Tracing my fingertips along his veiny length, I blushed while meeting his stare. "So I, um, just suck it?"

He grinned, clearly amused by my question. "That's about the gist of it, yeah."

My brow furrowed. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Why do they call it a blowjob instead of a suck job?"

That made Ryan crack up laughing. "You know, that's a good question, Libby. I couldn't begin to tell you why."

I laughed, too, relieved he didn't think I was completely stupid. Then I lowered my head until my lips hovered just above his cock. I didn't take it in my mouth right away. Instead, I gave the tip a tentative lick.

Ryan let out a pleasured groan, so I continued swirling my tongue over his skin. With a gentle touch, he lifted my hair and draped it over my shoulder so he had a clear view of my profile.

I finally decided to just go for it. Opening my mouth wide, I took the head of his cock between my lips. All the while, I was mindful of my teeth. As I sucked his tip, my tongue continued its eager licking.

"Mmm, yes, just like that!" Ryan urged.

Encouraged, I slid my lips farther down his shaft. He moaned again, even louder this time, so I kept going until his pubic hair tickled my nose. The feel of his dick in my throat wasn't exactly comfortable, but I soon grew used to it, pulling off only when I needed to take a breath. Eyeing his rock-hard cock, I saw that it was almost entirely covered in my spit.

"Holy shit, Libby!" he cried.

I tensed, fearing I'd done something wrong. "Was I not supposed to do that?"

"It's not that. It's just..." He shook his head in astonishment. "Not many women can take that much of a guy's dick. At least, not without plenty of practice."

And that was how I learned my gag reflex was almost nonexistent. "Soo... that felt good?"

"It felt fucking incredible!"

I didn't try to hide my grin. Finally, something about sex that came naturally to me! With unbridled enthusiasm, I resumed sucking Ryan's cock. I felt him grow even harder between my lips. When I, again, took almost every inch, he rested a hand on my head.

"Libby, my God!" His voice was thick with arousal.

I stopped only long enough to say, "Will you guide me? Because I'm not sure how fast you want me to go."

Again, his eyes widened. "Are you sure?"


Ryan was so careful weaving his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes, basking in his touch. Though he was now in control, he remained gentle when I welcomed his cock into my mouth yet again. More saliva trickled from my lips as he pressed me farther down his length.

He soon worked up to the rhythm he enjoyed most, and I found I loved letting him use my mouth for his pleasure. I could trust him completely, I realized, for he often pulled me back so I was able to draw in a lungful of air. Not once did I have to struggle against his hand.

"Are you getting tired?" he asked through heavy breaths.

I flashed a smile. "Not at all," I said. And down I went again.

"You are so sexy, taking all of my dick!" he murmured.

I moaned around his cock, which seemed to drive him wild. As he guided my mouth up and down at an increasingly rapid pace, I remembered to fondle his balls, handling them as if they were fragile.

"Libby, wait, I'm getting too close!"

Ryan released my hair, and I reluctantly withdrew from him. The sight of his cock, hard and pulsing, was enough to get me soaking wet. I'd actually done that to him! With my mouth! A surge of triumph mingled with my lust. Displaying a confidence I had no idea I possessed, I looked at Ryan and said, "Get a condom."

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He immediately complied. Before he had a chance to open the wrapper, I took it from him. All the while, he stared at me in a kind of daze, as if I were a stranger who'd just appeared in his bed. My hands were surprisingly steady as I sheathed his cock. Those lessons in health class had paid off, after all!

Ryan remained on his back, with his head on the pillow. When our eyes met, he swallowed hard. "Are you sure, Libby? Aren't you still sore?"

I was, but not enough to dampen my arousal. "I'm fine," I promised.

As I straddled Ryan's thighs, that needy ache began inside me again. Even after the pain of my first time, my body wanted more. Looking down at Ryan, I saw his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. I gave him what I hoped was a self-assured smile, then reached between us to grasp his cock. I made sure to slide the tip between my folds, just as he'd done before. Doing my best to relax, I sank downward. My legs began quaking as I was stretched open yet again. It still hurt, but not nearly as much as the first time.

Ryan must have seen me wince, for he slid his palms over my thighs as if to soothe me. "Take it slow, okay? No need to rush."

I nodded, then lowered myself farther down his shaft. Now that I was setting the pace, I was able to relax more. Ryan stared between my thighs, seeming captivated by the sight of his cock disappearing inside me.

"My God, you're so tight!" he moaned.

"And you're so big!" I finally managed to take every inch. As I rested for a moment, waiting for the pain to fade, my skin grew flushed. I was actually panting a little as I said, "I did it!" It was impossible to hide my relief.

"You sure did," Ryan replied with a grin.

I knew I needed to start moving, but I wasn't quite sure how. I was clumsy and uncoordinated, lacking all rhythm. When I tried to rest all my weight on my knees so I could lift myself upward a little, I felt like I was about to tumble forward. I was already regretting my choice of sex position.

Ryan grabbed my hips to steady me. "It's okay; I've got you." He lifted his hands so his palms faced me. "Lean against me, Libby."

I braced my hands against Ryan's. Feeling much more secure, I began tentatively rolling my hips. I found this to be worlds easier, and I decided I'd try to bounce on his dick when I was more experienced.

"Oh, that's good, baby!" Ryan breathed.

When I dared to move faster, it was as if my body discovered an instinctual rhythm, dormant until this moment. As my excitement grew, I no longer needed to hold onto Ryan. Instead, I placed my hands on my thighs while I rode him.

That helpless look appeared on his face again. He brought his hands to my breasts, his fingers teasing my nipples. I cried out at his touch, and it was then that I began to enjoy the feel of his cock inside me. Before, I was merely thankful when it stopped hurting. But now? Now, my hips seemed to move of their own will, their pace growing fervent. Those strange cries escaped my lips, becoming continual.

"Fuck, you've already got me close!" Ryan said through his teeth. Knowing I'd brought him to the brink gave me a visceral satisfaction, but I didn't have time to relish it, for Ryan made it clear he wanted me to come first.

"Libby, lean toward me a little." His eyes looked wild as he spoke. When I did as he said, he cupped my ass in his hands. "Grind your clit against me!"

It took a little maneuvering, but again I managed to obey him. And my God, it felt so good! That stimulation against my clit while his cock was inside me soon had my body shuddering. I placed my hands on Ryan's chest, shameless in using him to heighten my arousal.

Since I was now leaning forward, he had more room to move beneath me. I wailed when he began fucking me with shallow thrusts. It was as if I no longer had any concept of pain or even discomfort. I only grew desperate to come.

"Yes, yes, fuck me, Ryan!" I pleaded.

He gasped just before driving himself deep inside me. I let out a choked cry, then fell silent as I came hard. The fierce contractions made my muscles clench around his cock again and again. I grasped for every strand of bliss unraveling within me, wanting it to last forever.

Ryan's thrusts grew frenzied until the moment he reached his own release. As a shout tore from his throat, his body grew taut. He let out a loud groan, and I knew he was coming. I wondered what those spurts of semen would feel like inside me.

While my orgasm slowly ebbed, I waited for Ryan to relax beneath me. Then I started easing off of him, and he quickly reached between us to make sure the condom didn't slip. "Thank you," I whispered, my flushed cheeks growing even hotter. Not for the first time, I was thankful I'd chosen someone far more experienced to introduce me to sex.

Ryan flashed one of those smiles that made my knees get weak. Once I was lying beside him, he removed the condom and discarded it. When he turned to me again, his stare held such an intensity that my own eyes widened. Cupping a hand against the back of my head, he guided my mouth to his. I released a needy whimper as our kiss grew fierce.

Ryan moved his lips to my ear, suckling the lobe. "I love how you don't hold back," he whispered. "You're already so free with me, Libby, and it makes me wild for you."

I grinned at his words. With anyone else, I probably would have remained shy, at least for a while longer, and I also would have been constantly second-guessing myself. But because I trusted Ryan so much, I felt no need to hide. And he certainly didn't hold back, either. I never had to wonder whether I was turning him on.

A little later, Ryan and I finally left the bed. We took turns using the bathroom, and after we got dressed, he started making dinner. I offered to help, but he insisted I relax at the table. Our conversation flowed easily while he whipped up a pasta dish that smelled fantastic and tasted even better. Once he set a plate before me, I practically inhaled the meal. "This is delicious!" I told him. I made no effort to take dainty bites, for I was ravenous. Ryan appeared delighted that I enjoyed his cooking so much.

By the time we finished eating, it was almost nine. I knew I needed to leave soon, but I looked for any excuse to linger in his apartment. While he washed the dishes and I dried them, we stood so close that I could feel the heat of his skin.

"If you ever feel unsafe while walking home from the bus stop," he told me, "I want you to come straight to my workplace, okay?" After I nodded, he proceeded to give me exact directions to his office. Knowing that he would continue to look out for me caused a pleasurable warmth to spread through my chest.

When Ryan finally walked me to the door, I grew a little nervous. Though I was exhausted, I still felt like I was humming with excitement. I didn't want to do or say anything dumb now that I was about to leave.

Ryan turned to me and smiled. "Thank you for a wonderful evening, Libby." He gave me a tender kiss, his lips warm on mine. "Can I see you again tomorrow?"

For once, I managed not to blurt out the first thought that popped into my head, which was that he could see me anytime he wanted. Instead, I grinned and said, "I'd like that."

Ryan walked with me to the second-floor landing, but before I could enter my apartment, he grasped my hand and pulled me to him for one last kiss. When he finally released me, I again had that weak-kneed feeling, and I had to place a steadying hand against the door.

"Good night, Libby," he murmured.

I managed to wish him good night as well, my smile so wide it made my cheeks ache. Once I was alone in my apartment, I cupped my hands over my mouth to muffle my shriek of excitement. This night had actually happened! It wasn't a dream.

All the while, the sensible, cautious part of my mind warned that I shouldn't let myself fall for Ryan. While we'd had an amazing time together, that didn't mean we'd end up in a relationship. He might get bored with me, or I might act like an idiot and screw everything up.

But telling myself to control my feelings for Ryan was like telling the Earth not to revolve around the Sun. It simply did no good. I could only hope that in time, Ryan would fall just as hard for me.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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