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Trust - Part 3

"Libby learns more about life, and love, when Ryan takes her under his wing. Series finale."

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It was a good thing I was practically finished with school, because I found it impossible to concentrate during class. I thought only of Ryan and when I'd be able to see him again. I continued going to his apartment in the evenings, and as we spent more time together, I began to feel like we were a couple. We still had sex every chance we got, but we also shared meals at his kitchen table, and we watched movies while sitting on his couch. When I discovered he was a great dancer, I asked him to teach me, so we spent hours moving around his living room, with music playing from the stereo.

As our trust deepened, we grew comfortable sharing our secret fears and desires. I learned Ryan wasn't particularly close to his parents, who lived several states away. His father had wanted him to pursue a career in finance and was furious when Ryan chose to work for a nonprofit.

I revealed to Ryan that I'd never felt like I fit in anywhere, and I sometimes feared I'd be an outcast my entire life. He held me close while listening to me speak. "High school's a shitty time for a lot of people, Libby," he said. "You're going to flourish once you get out of that place, I promise."

I held onto his words as graduation approached. When the day finally arrived, I put on the dress I'd bought for the occasion. Mom's boyfriend, Greg, was going to give us a ride. As Mom and I left our apartment and headed toward his car, I glanced over my shoulder at Ryan's balcony. Of course, I didn't spot him there. Still, I was hoping he could have seen me in my almost-new dress.

The graduation ceremony itself went by in a blur. I heard my mom cheering like crazy when I went on stage to receive my diploma. Afterward, I hugged the few friends I'd made during high school, and we promised to keep in touch.

During the drive home, I gazed down at the diploma I held. Now, I told myself, my real life could begin.

Mom turned in the passenger seat and beamed at me. "I'm so proud of you, honey!" She blinked back tears, and Greg reached for her hand. "I didn't do half bad, raising you all on my own."

I returned her smile, fighting my own tears. "You've been an amazing mom."

Once the three of us were gathered in the apartment living room, Mom gave me a check for a surprisingly large amount. "That's from me and Greg," she made a point to tell me.

I profusely thanked them both, feeling a rush of gratitude. The money would help me pay for college tuition. Mom pulled me into a fierce embrace, while Greg's hug was far more formal.

"Libby, why don't you go get changed, and we'll head to Greg's?" Mom suggested. "He's bought steaks to cook on the grill."

I glanced at Greg and noticed that the polite smile remained fixed on his face. While I was glad he treated my mom well and seemed to be crazy about her, I always felt like a third wheel whenever the three of us did anything together. I tried to give them plenty of space. And that afternoon, there was someone else I desperately wanted to see.

"You know, I'm actually kind of tired," I said, managing to fake a convincing yawn. "I guess all the excitement of the day has caught up with me. Do you mind if I stay here and take a nap?"

Mom seemed a little disappointed, but Greg didn't even blink. After they left, I rushed from my apartment to Ryan's. His car was in the lot, so I hoped he was home.

As soon as Ryan opened the door, he reached to draw me into his arms. "Congratulations, baby!"

I hugged him back, unable to suppress a squeal of excitement. "I'm so glad to be finished with school! And I think my mom's happier than I am. You should have heard her carrying on when I got my diploma."

"Oh, I heard her!"

I withdrew from Ryan to give him a bewildered look. "Wait... you were there?" It was then that I noticed how nicely dressed he was.

"Of course!" he said. "I wasn't going to miss seeing you graduate." His gaze was full of warmth as it swept over me. "You looked beautiful up on that stage, by the way."

"Oh, my God, I can't believe you sat through that entire ceremony just for me!"

Ryan took my face in his hands and gave me a deep kiss. "I just wish I could have cheered you on, too." He looked over his shoulder, and I followed his stare to a vase full of roses on the coffee table. "And those are for you."

No one had ever bought me flowers before. I felt my bottom lip quiver as I struggled to control my emotions. Hurrying to the flowers, I lowered my head to breathe in their scent. "These are so beautiful, Ryan! Thank you."

Neither of us mentioned that I'd have to leave the flowers at his place. Mom would ask a million questions if I took them home. Next to the vase was an envelope with my name neatly written on the front. I grinned at Ryan while opening the card, but my eyes grew wide when I saw the check for one hundred dollars. "Ryan, I can't take this!"

He only smiled. "Of course you can."

"It's way too much!"

He closed the short distance between us and placed a fingertip against my lips. "No arguments, Libby."

Now, I did cry a little while hugging him tight. "Thank you," I whispered, "for everything." I planted kisses all over his face until he began laughing.

"Are you hungry?" he asked. "I can make lunch, or we could order whatever you want."

Flashing a sly smile, I placed a hand between his thighs. "There's something else I want right now."

Ryan released a faint moan. His stare grew hot as it locked with mine. "Then you'd better get undressed."

I took his hand and tried to pull him toward the bedroom, but he didn't budge. When I gave him a puzzled look, it was his turn to grin.

"Undress right here." He lifted an eyebrow, and I understood he was daring me.

Raising my chin defiantly, I turned my back toward him, then lifted my hair so he could unzip my dress. "What about you?"

"I'm keeping my clothes on for now," Ryan replied.


"No arguments, Libby," he repeated before lowering his lips to my bare shoulder.

Once I was standing naked before him, I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I felt strangely exposed, being the only one undressed. He sat down on the couch and moved his stare slowly up and down my body. When he began stroking himself through his pants, I had to purse my lips to keep a moan from escaping them. He knew how much I loved to watch him masturbate.

Ryan's smile grew devilish as he crooked a finger at me. "Come here."

I immediately obeyed, though I was clueless as to what Ryan planned to do. He grasped my wrist and drew me even closer until I ended up straddling his lap. Our kiss was so fierce, so hungry, that I couldn't stop myself from reaching between us to feel how hard he'd become.

His erection pulsed beneath my fingers, but he broke the kiss to whisper, "Not yet, baby. Right now, this is all about you."

I smiled, still confused. Before I could ask what he meant, he dipped his head and took my nipple in his mouth. I immediately arched my back, thrusting my breasts in his face. He showered attention on both, and soon I was rolling my hips, betraying my longing to ride him.

"I'm going to get your nice pants wet," I said in a high, breathy voice. By this point, I was dripping.

Ryan looked up at me and licked his gorgeous lips. "That's not all you're going to get wet."

While I was still on his lap, he moved to stretch out on the couch, lying on his back. I began fumbling at his pants, desperate to take out his cock, but he again grabbed my wrists to stop me. I shot him a look of pure frustration, which only made him chuckle. Then, his stare took on the heat of arousal. I knew he was fully hard, and I had no idea why he was making me wait for what I so clearly wanted. I felt the word, please rest on my tongue, waiting to be spoken.

"Come up here and sit on my face," Ryan murmured.

It was as if his command was a lust-filled current, with my body serving as a perfect conductor. He'd gone down on me plenty of times, so expert in orally pleasuring me that I usually orgasmed in just a few minutes. But we'd never done this! I hesitated, suddenly unsure.

Ryan propped himself up a little. He said my name again, his voice firmer now. "I want to eat you out. I want your juice all over my face, and I want my tongue inside your sweet pussy."

I couldn't suppress my moan this time. He'd never said things like that to me before, and though I was blushing furiously, I realized I loved his dirty talk. As I moved to plant a knee on either side of his head, he grinned and settled back against the couch.

I knew just how fast my heart was beating at that moment because I could easily feel my pulse between my thighs. Spread wide above his face, I remained hesitant, inching downward.

"Don't get shy on me now," Ryan said, the grin obvious in his voice. Then he grabbed my hips and drew me to his waiting mouth.

There was no teasing swirl of his tongue, no exhalation of warm breath against my skin. Instead, he began licking my folds with an enthusiasm that made me cry out. I gripped the back of the couch, my muscles tense. Yet I relaxed at the sound of his contented moan. He clearly loved doing this! When he homed in on my clit, my breath hitched in my chest. He licked me so fiercely that I soon grew exquisitely sensitive.

"Ryan!" I squirmed in his grasp, and he reluctantly let me go. The moment I lifted myself off his face, I heard him draw in a lungful of air. Then he pulled me down again.

His tongue continued its merciless stimulation, making my hips rock. As I rode his face, I squeezed my eyes shut. Part of me wanted to tell him it was too much, too fast, but my quaking thighs revealed my excitement. Finally, he loosened his hold on me so I could put a little space between us. While my hips continued moving, Ryan extended his tongue. Now, it only skimmed my pussy, but I loved that sensation! Each time his tongue swept over my clit, I couldn't help but whimper with need. As aroused as I was, I knew it wouldn't take me long to come.

But Ryan had other plans. When he took hold of my hips again, I whined even while yielding to him. He positioned me exactly how he wanted, and I tensed, waiting for the overwhelming pleasure his mouth gave.

It was then that he began working his tongue into my opening.

"Oh, my God!" I wailed.

Again, he moaned as his tongue inched deeper. I started trembling all over. It felt like every nerve ending in my pussy was pulsing with lust. I couldn't believe he wanted to do this. I couldn't believe I was letting him! It made me feel dirty, sexy, and desired all at once.

By the time Ryan withdrew his tongue from me, I was right on edge. He only had to lick my clit with the same frenzied speed he'd used before to make me come hard on his face. I bit back a desperate scream while the contractions shuddered through me. Ryan's tongue grew tender, merely caressing my clit, but even that became too much. I wriggled out of his grasp, hot and panting. Scooting downward, I straddled his thighs and set about freeing his cock from his pants. As soon as I had it in my hand, I began stroking him to full hardness.

When our eyes met, I saw my helpless need reflected in his stare. His hair was mussed, and his lips were glistening, still coated with my juices. Like me, he was breathing fast. I positioned myself so the tip of his cock was right at my entrance.

"Libby, we need a condom." As he spoke, he wasn't looking at me. Instead, his gaze was fixed on my pussy, which was poised to take him.

"We'll stop when you get close." I didn't want to wait for us to take this to the bedroom. I wanted to feel him inside me right then, with no barrier between us. He let out a loud groan when I took every inch of his cock. Of course, I figured sex without a condom would feel good to him, but I had no idea just how good, until I saw the look of fierce pleasure on his face.

"Libby!" His voice was almost a whimper.

When I began riding him, he sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. With my hand on the back of the couch for balance, I fucked him hard and fast. By now, I was confident enough in this position to bounce up and down, the way I'd wanted to during our first evening together. My tits jiggled with each movement, and I threw my head back, basking in a bliss that only continued growing. I couldn't believe I was already close to coming again!

Ryan grabbed my hips. "Baby, wait!"

Looking down at him, I saw the pleading in his eyes. I didn't want to stop; I didn't even want to slow down. My body was determined to climax. "I'm almost there!" I promised him. "I'm gonna come!"

"I'm too close, Libby!" His fingers tightened their grip.

Before I could speak another word, the orgasm washed over me, stealing my voice. I felt each blissful spasm through my entire body. My eyes rolled, and Ryan's helpless shout grew distant to my ears. As I writhed above him, my pussy rhythmically tightened around his cock. I'd never before come without clitoral stimulation, and this climax felt different, as if it had arisen from deep in my core.

I returned to my senses only when Ryan cupped my ass in his hands to lift me off his dick. Realizing we'd reached a critical point, I eased my body upward until he slid out of me. When our eyes met, I was shocked at how different he appeared, with the ferocity of his lust so clear on his face. He lunged for me, and I let out a startled yelp. Yet he wasn't rough while guiding me onto my back on the couch.

Now it was his turn to straddle my thighs. He took hold of his cock and gave it just a few strokes before a rope of semen shot forth to strike my belly. I stared in fascination as more soon followed. One spurt was so fierce that it landed on my chin.

Ryan's lips were drawn back from his teeth as he continued pumping away at his dick. He seemed determined to drain himself of every drop of cum. His grunts competed with my faint moans, and he eagerly watched while I stuck out my tongue and licked some of his semen from my skin. It was thick and salty, still warm when I swallowed it down.

After Ryan was finished, he let his head fall back for several moments as his breathing slowed. Then he looked at me again. "That was too close, Libby. I almost came inside you."

I averted my stare, flooded with shame. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Ryan leaned forward to caress my cheek. "We just can't take a chance like that again." He climbed from the couch, and when I started to get up as well, he said, "Stay put. I'll be right back."

I stared at the ceiling, feeling my pulse pounding in my throat. Had I ruined the wonderful afternoon he'd planned for us? Was he angry that I indulged in such risky behavior?

Ryan returned carrying a wet cloth, and I lay still as he wiped his semen from my skin. I was relieved to find his gaze full of tenderness.

"I understand that was too risky," I began quietly, "but did you like being inside me without a condom?"

He closed his eyes for a brief moment while taking a deep breath. A faint smile appeared on his lips. "So much, Libby!"

I decided then that I would make an appointment to see a gynecologist so I could request a prescription for birth control.

That appointment was one of many firsts for me in the weeks that followed. I also started looking for a job, and since Ryan usually walked to work, he told me I should borrow his car to go on an interview. "It needs to be driven, anyway," he said. "You're doing me a favor."

I began working at a small store which opened at nine in the morning and closed at seven in the evening. I accepted as many hours as possible in order to save up for college. My coworkers were great, not at all like my former classmates, and I loved that my evenings were free to spend with Ryan. My manager assured me she'd work around my schedule when I began attending college in the fall.

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Throughout all of this, I turned to Ryan for guidance. At almost thirty, he definitely had his life together. He was the one who helped me open a bank account and sat down with me to look over the degrees offered at the nearby community college. I decided I'd follow his suggestion to pursue a career in healthcare. Since I could only afford to take a class or two each semester, I understood I'd be in school far longer than just two years in order to earn my degree. Still, it felt like a huge step to have a plan for my future.

And since I was feeling more confident, I even grew brave enough to buy some cosmetics, which I asked the saleslady to show me how to use. The first time Ryan saw me wearing makeup, he looked a little stunned, and I immediately feared I'd applied it incorrectly. "You don't like it?" I asked, pressing a hand to my face.

"You look beautiful!" he hurriedly assured me. "It's just that you've covered up your freckles, and I'm going to miss seeing them."

I couldn't help but grin. I'd always hated my freckles, but knowing Ryan was such a fan of them made my self-loathing fade. My primary reason for wearing the makeup wasn't to conceal my freckles, however, but to look older. All done up, I thought I could easily pass for a woman in her early twenties.

That summer, Mom practically lived at Greg's when she wasn't working, so it was easy for me to continue seeing Ryan. If any of our neighbors spotted us together, they didn't care enough to mention it. And while Bruce made it no secret that he disapproved of my relationship with Ryan, he didn't blab about me to their circle of friends.

I did my best to be discreet, always mindful of my promise that I'd never cause trouble for Ryan. His workplace was preparing for a huge fundraiser in late July, and I could tell he was stressed about it. I offered to volunteer at his office one afternoon when I wasn't working, since I knew he could use the extra help. Studying his face closely for his reaction, I half-expected him to tell me we couldn't risk it.

Instead, he gave me a grateful smile. "I work with some wonderful people, and I'd love for you to meet them, Libby."

I was so nervous when Ryan introduced me to his colleagues. I feared they'd immediately realize how crazy I was about him. When he and I left the office hours later, I knew he was pleased with me. More than that, he told me he was proud of how helpful and friendly I'd been with his coworkers.

"You are an incredible young woman," he said, then reached for my hand during the drive home. I beamed at his praise, thrilled and relieved I'd made him happy.

As the fundraiser approached, I sensed Ryan was feeling the pressure to make sure everything went off without a hitch. A few days before the event, I let myself into his apartment with the extra key he'd given me. He was working late, and I knew he'd be tired when he got home. I decided to do all I could to help him relax.

It was after eight when Ryan stepped into the apartment. I'd turned on the living room lamp so he would have seen its illumination from outside, even with the blinds closed, and realized I was inside waiting for him. But he was clearly surprised to find me sitting on his couch naked with my legs spread wide. His exhausted expression immediately sharpened into one of arousal.

"What have we here?" he murmured, a grin appearing on his lips.

In response, I stood and slowly approached him. As his gaze moved over me, I noticed his breathing quicken. Caressing his cheek, I said, "I know you're tired, but I hope you don't mind being on your feet a little longer."

Ryan quickly shook his head. "I don't mind a bit."

I pressed my lips to his, the kiss intentionally chaste. Then I sank to my knees before him. I took my time unbuckling his belt and pulling it from the loops. My fingers were slow, almost languid, in unbuttoning his pants. He stroked my hair, his touch gentle even when I freed his semi-hard cock and swirled my tongue around the tip. He was always so careful with me, but tonight, I wanted him to abandon all that caution.

Looking up at Ryan, I saw the eagerness in his eyes. He longed for more than just a teasing lick, but he would never demand it.

"Right now, you're going to use my mouth however you want," I told him.

My words made him gasp. Already, he was shaking his head. "Libby, I don't think"

"No arguments, Ryan." I grasped his cock, which was now fully hard, and licked the underside, my tongue lingering over his frenulum. He let out a moan as his hips thrust forward ever so slightly. When our stares met again, I said, "You don't need to hold back; you know I can take whatever you give me."

Ryan was quiet for several seconds. It was strange, I thought, for him to be the unsure one. His hand moved to my face, and he ever so gently slid the pad of his thumb along my cheekbone.

"Sweetheart, the thought of being rough with you doesn't turn me on," he said. "I would hate myself if I ever hurt you."

I closed my eyes, nestling against his palm. "I just want you to feel good."

I heard the smile in his voice. "You always make me feel absolutely amazing, Libby."

Gazing up at him, I opened my mouth to invite him inside. I heard his sharp intake of breath before he rested his hand on my head. A pleasured sigh escaped me at the feel of his fingers weaving through my hair.

Then Ryan slid his cock between my lips. He was well aware of how much I was able to accept, but he still took his time giving it to me. Entering my throat, he released a lust-filled moan. For a long moment, he was completely still while holding me to him. My nose was buried in his pubic hair, and though my lips were wrapped around his shaft, saliva began leaking from them. I tried to remain motionless, but my weak gag reflex finally kicked in, making my throat muscles tighten around Ryan's dick.

He pulled me back so I could take a breath. My eyes were watering a little when I looked up at him. "More," I whispered.

Ryan's stare was hot and full of longing. He guided my mouth to his cock again, and this time, he didn't slide his entire length between my lips. Instead, he thrust deeply enough to satisfy his need, but not so deep that he risked hurting me when the movement of his hips grew more powerful. His grip on my hair tightened a little as he fucked my mouth with a steady rhythm. I began trembling while eagerly sucking his cock, for I wanted, more than anything, to make him come.

"Fuck yes, Libby!"

As the sound of Ryan's grunts carried to me, I squeezed his firm ass. That seemed to spur him on even more, and he soon tensed beneath my hands. When he withdrew from me yet again, I knew he was close. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for another round. Instead, Ryan knelt before me. His kiss was hard enough to make my lips ache.

"I want to fuck you from behind," he said in a guttural voice.

I rushed to get on my hands and knees. Flushed and sweating, I waited for him to enter me. The feel of his cockhead massaging my clit made me release a needy whimper.

"Why are you trembling, Libby?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but when Ryan positioned his tip right at my entrance, I only moaned. Finally, I managed to whisper, "Because I want your cock."

"What was that, sweetheart?"

"Because I want your cock in my pussy!" I cried.

"That's more like it." Ryan chuckled, clearly pleased. "I love making my sweet girl talk dirty," he added, then entered me with a powerful thrust.

"Yes!" I breathed. "God, yes!" My knees weakened a little as Ryan took me hard. Our fucking grew raw and wild; each time his body slapped against mine, my tits bounced. Soon, I was shaking and moaning, begging him to come inside me. I had no idea how he managed to last, as he was already plenty aroused from the blowjob, yet he held back even while his grip on me grew almost painful.

"Libby, please!" he panted.

Just when I started to fear I wouldn't get there, the first orgasmic spasm made my muscles clench around Ryan's cock. He swore, his thrusts growing even more fierce. I cried out his name until I could no longer speak; I only shuddered in his grasp.

I hadn't finished coming when he erupted inside me, his desperate shout reverberating throughout the room. The blissful sensation of his semen bathing my inner walls coaxed forth even more contractions from my body. Even when he was finally spent, I continued trembling. We sank to the floor, and he gathered me in his arms.

"You are incredible," he said, planting a kiss on my temple.

I grinned while striving to catch my breath. "I wanted to help you relax this evening."

"Oh, you certainly did!"

Moments later, I felt Ryan's cum begin to seep from my opening, and I moved to sit up. Before I could, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him again. The tenderness in his gaze made me grow very still as I waited for him to speak.

"I love you, Libby," he said.

I smiled even as my eyes filled with tears. I'd never imagined it was possible to feel so happy. Part of me wanted to tell Ryan that my feelings for him were so powerful that I sometimes feared my body wasn't strong enough to contain them. And I wanted to tell him how desperately I'd hoped to hear the words he now readily spoke. Instead, I kissed him, then whispered, "I love you, too."


The rest of the summer went by at a speed that felt almost disorienting. The fundraiser at Ryan's work turned out to be a huge success, and I shared in his joy, for I understood how much it meant to him. Now, as the end of August approached, I was about to start college. Thinking ahead to the fall, I realized I was more excited than nervous.

One evening, I left Ryan's apartment at around nine and headed to my own. Mom had mentioned during a phone call to me earlier that she planned to be home that night, as Greg was leaving town to visit family. I wanted to make sure I was in our apartment when she got there. She was scheduled to work a later shift, so I figured I had plenty of time. Bounding down the steps toward the second level, I had a blissed-out smile on my face. My hair was disheveled, and I could feel the blush still heating my cheeks.

It was then that I came face-to-face with my mother on the landing outside our apartment. My eyes widened, and though I hadn't done anything wrong, I felt like I'd been caught out. "Mom, what are you doing home so early?" My voice rose to a high pitch of alarm, which only made me seem guiltier.

"Doris wanted to trade shifts with me," Mom said slowly. Her stare drifted over my shoulder. "Libby, what the hell is going on?"

I had no convincing lie ready to spill from my lips. Honestly, I never thought I'd be in this situation. I could only stammer, "I... I, um..."

Mom's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Did you just leave Ryan's apartment?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out.

Losing patience with my floundering, Mom pointed at our closed door. "Get inside. Right now." Once were were both in the living room, she turned on me in a fury. "How long have you been seeing him?"

I looked all around the room in a desperate attempt to avoid meeting her eyes. "A few months."

"What?!" She closed the distance between us so quickly that I couldn't stop myself from cringing away from her. "That man is way too old for you, Libby!"

I struggled not to roll my eyes. "Mom, he's only twenty-eight."

"Too old!" she practically shouted. "I trusted you to act responsibly while staying here by yourself."

"I am being responsible!" I insisted.

"Bullshit!" She grabbed my upper arms and gave me a shake. "Do you want to end up like me when I was eighteen? Knocked up and completely on my own?"

I yanked free of her grasp. "I'm on the pill."

Mom's face fell. For a moment, she looked utterly heartbroken. Then, the fury flashed in her eyes once more. "I forbid you to see him again."

I recoiled from her words, which had the force of a slap. "You can't do that!"

"Like hell, I can't." She folded her arms over her chest, and I knew from her stance that she wouldn't relent. "While you live here rent-free, you'll do as I say."

My face grew hot, and my nose burned as tears welled in my eyes. "Then I guess I won't live here anymore," I choked out.

"And where will you go?" Mom let out a bitter laugh. "You think your boyfriend will ask you to move in with him?"

I briefly closed my eyes, trying not to let what she said wound me. "I'll use the money I saved for college to rent an apartment."

"What about school?" she demanded.

The thought of abandoning my plans for college made me fight back a sob. "School can wait." I started toward the door, and Mom didn't try to stop me. Looking over my shoulder, I said, "You're wrong about Ryan, you know."

She only gave me a sad smile. "I hope so, Libby. For your sake. But if you find out I'm right, you can always come home once you're ready to follow my rules."

I left the apartment, gently pulling the door closed behind me. Then I broke into a run, taking the steps two at a time on my way to Ryan's. As soon as he answered my knock, I burst into tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Ryan's eyes filled with alarm as he pulled me close. I was crying too hard to speak, so he led me to the couch, where we sat side by side. He kept a comforting arm around my shoulders while I drew in several shuddering breaths.

I finally calmed down enough to explain what had happened. "I won't be able to go to college, but I have enough money saved to cover a security deposit and the first month's rent on an apartment. If I can just stay here until I find my own place"

"Libby, look at me." Ryan's voice was so tender that it made me ache. When I met his eyes, he pressed a hand to my cheek, then leaned to kiss my swollen lips. "You're not renting an apartment. You're going to college, and you're moving in with me. In fact, I want you to start working part-time so you can take classes full-time and get your degree in two years."

Fresh tears threatened to spill over my lids. "Ryan, I can't! It might cause trouble for you if people found out I was living here."

Ryan gave me one of his sweet smiles as he took my hand. "Not if you're my wife."

I froze, stunned into silence. My heartbeat thundered in my ears. When I finally managed to speak, my voice was barely audible. "Ryan, wait..."

But he didn't wait. Instead, he rushed on, his excitement growing. "I understand if you want to make it a long engagement. We can wait until you're finished with school. And I know your mom is really pissed at me right now, but I'll win her over, I promise. We can go ring shopping tomorrow"

At first, my mind stubbornly refused to make sense of what Ryan was saying. There was no way he was actually proposing to me! I just continued blinking at him stupidly. Then he moved from the couch to get down on one knee, and the reality of what was happening finally began to register.

As Ryan took a deep, steadying breath, I realized he was just as overwhelmed with emotion as I was. Reaching for my hand, he held it between both of his. "Libby, I'm sorry this isn't the most romantic proposal, but since our first evening together, I knew you were the one. I love you so much, and nothing would make me happier than being your husband. Will you marry me?"

I started crying yet again, but this time, it was because I couldn't contain my joy. "Yes!" I said, my voice thick with tears. "I love you, Ryan, and I'll marry you."

Ryan's face broke into a huge smile. Then he held out his arms, and I sank into the embrace of the man who was always there to catch me.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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