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Their New Year’s Eve Tradition 2021

"Weightless sex on New Year’s Eve puts a couple in orbit."

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"DTF means Down To Fuck, so UTF correspondingly means Up To Fuck."

Brad could see the tension on Janet’s face next to him as they hung upside-down, held firmly in place by belts around their waists as well as padded bars over their shoulders and chests. He hoped it was for the right reason.

He was so hard and turned on from the kissing and fondling they had done before they were locked in that he was sure he could cum, even without being able to touch himself. The jostling that he couldn’t control—and the squirming of his hips that he could—had him on the edge.

Although men generally can ejaculate with the least provocation, in some ways, it would be easier for her. The bulbous end of the cleverly designed sex toy was inside her, pressing and throbbing against her g-spot; the flatter end nestled and buzzed against her clit. Using the remote, she had put it in overdrive. Finally, despite the extreme circumstances, it launched her.

“Hallelujah!” he heard her yell over the noise and the other raucous voices. Not a word she would normally use, it was her signal that she was successful. Humping his raging organs against the bar between his legs, he erupted.

“Hallelujah!” he shouted back. The rush of pleasure was amplified by the falling sensation as the roller coaster picked up speed following the loop and turning them right-side up. He filled the condom that trapped the evidence of their lewdness.

Holding each other for support as they staggered to the exit, the pair paused to kiss and laugh as the pleasure echoed through them. The other riders would assume it was from the normal dizzy exhilaration that the thrill ride was designed to provide.

It was the first time they had peaked at the same time since they began experimenting and training. In the afterglow of making love more conventionally in their bed at home that night, they agreed to proceed with their plan.

Since their first New Year’s Eve together, Brad and Janet had always managed to reach orgasm simultaneously at the stroke of midnight. Two years ago, only a last-minute, risky improvisation kept them from ending their streak. Last year had been particularly challenging because they were separated by the pandemic. Although they never discussed the full story, they had managed to continue their tradition using virtual reality remote sex.

Widespread vaccination had allowed them to resume much of their lives by summer. Wanting to have an event to look forward to and plan together, they resolved to do something special for New Year’s Eve to dispel the malaise of the past two years. Over time, they grew a list of different locations and scenarios, enjoying discussing the pros and cons.

“With those billionaires going into space, I wish we could do it in orbit,” Brad had mused after seeing a news report.

“I’m afraid we’re a few zeroes short of being able to afford that,” smirked Janet.

It was some days later that Brad called her over to his computer.

“I searched for ‘sex in space’ to see if anyone had claimed to have done it yet. I found a clip that seems to show a guy cumming in zero gravity.” He played the video, which showed a blowjob that ended with several jets of semen that turned into globules in the air.

“What a mess!” Janet exclaimed, after watching the blobs of spunk suspended in the air for a dozen seconds before falling onto the man, the woman, and everywhere else. “It looks real. If it had been computer-generated, they probably would have made it look better.”

“The jizz finally fell because they weren’t actually in space; they were on that plane that’s used to train astronauts. They’ve also used it to film weightless scenes in movies. It got me thinking.” He took a breath. “What if we did it that way?”

“Don’t they call that plane ‘the vomit comet’ because people get sick in it?” She was dubious.

“True, but there are now companies that offer it for thrill-seekers, so maybe…,” he wondered. “I’ll do some research and we can put it on the list of possibilities.”

Brad discovered it would not be cheap. It cost him some cash just to get a response from some of the companies, and when he hinted at his true objective for the New Year’s Eve event, most balked. He was ready to scratch it off the list because the only remaining candidate was in a foreign country, but he checked with several video producers who had used them and they said they were reliable.

Meanwhile, Janet had scouted the roller coasters that could provide the closest thing to that experience on the ground so they could see if sex was even possible with the stomach-churning the flight would involve. Their initial tests were not encouraging, but as they learned how to prepare and got accustomed to the disorientation, they found sexual arousal not only possible but enhanced by the excitement of the physical stresses.

Growing more confident after achieving the ‘hallelujah’ goal on multiple occasions, they put down a large deposit and made international travel plans. The two continued their training, traveling to southern amusement parks that were still open in November and December.

The boost to their sex lives—while planning at home as well as while being spun and jerked around in public—helped bring them out of the doldrums of the past two years. Even if it didn’t work out and they had to fall back to a more mundane version of New Year’s Eve sex, the fantasy was paying dividends.

They worked out how they would actually do it. Once the plane reaches cruising altitude, it flies a sequence of parabolas. First accelerating upward, they will feel almost two Gs, twice normal gravity. When the plane noses over, it and they will essentially be falling—faster and faster—but inside they will seem to hover weightlessly for almost thirty seconds.

When it pulls out of the dive, they will once again feel gravity as their fall is slowed. It will be about a minute from when they land on the deck, then become extra-heavy as the plane ascends until the next parabola sends them floating.

“We can do five cycles,” Brad explained. “We’ll time the fourth one to be midnight and have the fifth if we miss it. It takes a while to reach cruising altitude, so we should both be on the brink by the time we start.”

“You’d better not be on top of me when we hit two Gs,” Janet warned during one of their practice sessions. “You weigh fifty percent more than me in normal gravity. You’ll flatten me!”

In the darkened cabin of the overnight overseas flight, they snuggled under their blankets. Brad had been taking liberties, stroking and squeezing Janet’s tender places. She slipped her hand to his crotch and caressed the rigid lump in his pants.

“Would you be interested in joining the ‘mile-high club’ today?” she teased, mimicking the flight attendant’s voice when she earlier made the pitch for the airline’s frequent flier program.

“Um,” he gulped. His tingling balls were ready to sign up, but his brain was more cautious. “It would be tragic if we got caught and it disrupted our plans,” he lamented. “Besides, we’ll definitely join tomorrow!”

They checked into the hotel, showered, and had a gentle quickie before drifting off to sleep to adjust to the time change and be ready for that night.

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On the outside, the plane looked like a common older airliner. Inside, there were only a few seats, so most of the passenger cabin was open space. As they had requested, in the middle of the floor, a thick foam mattress was fastened down. With grins all around, the pilot and co-pilot disappeared into the cockpit as the couple took their seats for takeoff.

It would take twenty minutes for them to reach the altitude and location for the flight maneuvers. As soon as the seat belt sign turned off, the two jumped up and stripped, leaping onto the improvised bed, giggling like teenagers. Their play turned more sexual as they prepared each other for the main event.

“Two minutes to start,” the captain’s voice reminded them of their mission. Heads between each other’s legs, they had settled into a side-by-side sixty-nine. Brad savored the juices he was inspiring while Janet made his rod slick and stiff. They rearranged to lie face-to-face when they heard him say, “Going up.”

Hugging each other in anticipation as the engines roared, they were pressed into the mattress like they were being launched into space.

“Five seconds,” came the announcement as their eyes locked in anticipation.

Suddenly, they were weightless. Despite their practice and their arms holding tightly, their legs flailed instinctively, launching and spinning them above the mattress. The length of clothesline they had prudently tied around their waists in case they drifted apart was no help in arresting their gyrations.

Wordless utterances were all they could manage. It was much worse than any amusement park ride. The room turned around them wildly as they tumbled out of control. The plummet seemed to go on forever or at least long enough for them to wonder if something had gone wrong.

“Five seconds,” a voice intoned.

After that interval, they landed on the floor, bouncing off a wall and rolling to a stop. Nervously laughing in relief, they scrambled back onto the mattress.

“That was intense!” Brad exclaimed, doubt coloring his voice.

“I think the problem was the spinning,” Janet was already thinking ahead as the next ascent weighed them down. “We should hold onto the bed until we’re weightless so we control our position better.”

“Good idea,” he tried to be optimistic. “This time, we’ll know more what to expect.”

She nodded and gave a hopeful smile as the five-second warning came. With hands gripping the sheet, they slowly rose up then gingerly let go, moving gradually and steadily.

With the room and bed staying where they were supposed to be, this time they enjoyed the weightless feeling. Brad reached out to flick Janet’s buoyant breasts, chuckling as they wobbled independently. She reached for his penis, easily moving him through the air when she tugged it. Their grins showed their delight and it seemed far too soon that they were settling back onto the mattress.

“Are you DTF, or should I say UTF? “ Brad joked, stroking between her legs as the plane ascended again. He was reassured to find her pussy was still wet from his earlier attention.

“I’m ready if you are,” Janet replied as she pumped to restore his cock to full length.

It was showtime!

As they had rehearsed, when they were floating again, he held onto the mattress while she climbed over him. Although she managed to press his cockhead against her opening, without gravity to push her down, he had to grab her ass to pull himself inside.

“Hallelujah!” they chimed in unison as they squirmed together. Weightless, it combined the best of cowgirl and missionary as she was able to wrap her legs around him and he could watch her tits dancing. They quickly discovered the writhing movements that did the most good.

“Will it work?” Brad asked as gravity returned. She had stayed upright on top of him. Fighting to raise his arms to her now-drooping boobs, he rolled her swollen nipples the way she liked.

Janet’s groan conveyed her answer. She was grinding hard against him and he hoped her furrowed brow was for more than the forces pressing down on her. If they were on schedule, this time would be the stroke of midnight.

“I’m so close,” she sounded triumphant as the intercom announced the approaching zenith.

Brad began to buck up into her even before they were airborne.

“Fuck me, my love,” Janet growled. “You’re gonna make me cum.”

His last bounce before weightlessness had gently pushed them upward. Unfortunately, without her weight against him, his movements weren’t having the complete effect. He grabbed her hips and used his arms to augment his thrusting.

Feeling precarious, Janet reached around his neck and pulled, mashing her breasts against his chest, the new angle providing more pressure on her clit. Greater stability allowed them to increase the pace with which he rammed his hard burning cock into her clutching depths or she rode her hot slick cunt up and down his throbbing pole—depending on your point of view.

Sweaty bodies found the movement and rhythm to drive them to the brink of that earthy yet heavenly cliff. Searing eyes sought and reflected their mutual passion. Open mouths gasped and grunted to prove their urgent need for culmination.

At some point, the flight crew played a countdown. At some point, the planet rotated and revolved through the designated astronomical spot. At some point, two lovers exploded in ecstasy. At some point, the world for two people was put aright.

The cries of joy were more primitive than the “Hallelujah” they had planned. The throes of pleasure sparked spasms that were unfettered by weight or boundary. The confluence of sensations—physical, biological, and ethereal—that overwhelmed them made those moments both fleeting and permanent.

Settling back onto the foam block as the acceleration squeezed them together, in passion and post-orgasmic bliss, they welcomed the forces to try to merge their bodies. Lost in pleasure, they were surprised to find themselves floating again for the final dive. Laughing, they reluctantly parted, floating and trying to swim in the air until the rope reached its limit. Using it to draw themselves back together as their time concluded, they landed on the mattress, kissing and murmuring words of love.

Please you must return to your seats for landing.” The copilot had opened the cockpit door and tried not to stare at the naked couple who had been oblivious to his three previous announcements.

Giggling, they jumped up, grabbed their clothes, and buckled in.

“Happy New Year, dear wife,” Brad sang, cradling her head and kissing all over her face as well as he could with them strapped in.

“Welcome to the mile-high club, dear husband,” Janet snickered.

Back on the ground, they thanked and tipped everyone for working New Year’s Eve. As they were leaving for their hotel, the co-pilot caught up to them.

“Don’t forget your videos,” he said, holding out a thumb drive. “There are six cameras, nothing fancy, that record while we are in flight.”

“Thanks, I forgot about that,” Brad said.

“Do you think he kept a copy?” laughed Janet when they were alone. “Maybe there will be some new results the next time you search for ‘sex in space’!”

“Perhaps I’ll be the one to upload them!” he chortled, tossing and catching the little storage device.

Written by Trousseau
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