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The Reunion

"A coming together of old acquaintances"

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I look across the room in the Coffee Shop, and feel certain that I recognise the pretty young woman sitting quietly in the corner. She is working on her laptop, and oblivious to her surroundings.

I sat back and study her intently, as she taps at the keyboard with her long fingers; her nails are trimmed short, and simply varnished, unlike many young women of today. As she stares at the screen, occasionally moistening her lips, I feel a stirring familiarity, as my eyes rove over her body. She has fairly large breasts, and from the way they move as she leans back in her chair, then forwards over her laptop, it seems that they are unhindered beneath her grey-striped, business-like blouse. She occasionally crosses and uncrosses her long legs, inside a tight black pencil skirt, which clasped her thighs tightly.

It had been some years since I visited my home town, and I feel sure that this young woman is familiar to me in some way. As I focus my attention on her, she glances up and catches my eye. In that moment of eye contact, it comes flooding back to me.

I now feel sure that she had been a fellow student at college here, and I struggle to remember her name, but as our eyes make contact again, I think “Lucy!”; that was it!

She was a fellow student some years ago and I had lusted after her privately, but she was very shy and withdrawn, and I had never known quite how to approach her. I don't think anyone did know how to get past her defences, and I suspect she never formed any close relationships with the rest of her classmates.

I know, though, that I had lusted after her, on many occasions, alone in my own rooms, imagining what it might be like to be with her. She had a great body, and clearly still has, but she had made herself almost unapproachable, and I gave up any ambition to pair up with her. Now, though, I feel that perhaps we have both matured and that I should take this opportunity to connect with her.

I look directly at her and she meets my gaze; her eyes flick briefly downwards, but then re-engages with mine. I see a flicker of recognition in her eyes, but then she blushes deeply and looks away; she tries to return to her work, but one hand strokes her hair and she is obviously conscious that I am studying her. She gently moistens her lips, before looking straight at me again, almost defiantly.

I take this as a sign of interest, and move over to her table, asking politely whether I can join her, and whether her name is Lucy. She looks a little taken aback but allows me to share her table. I was right about her name, and as we talk, it emerges that she remembers me too... “Its Simon, isn't it?” she says.

Of course, I am delighted that she should remember me too, and we exchange something of our life stories since our college days. She is still rather reticent but relaxes more as our conversation develops. It seems that she had never moved away from our home town, but all her acquaintances- she did not call them 'friends'- have left, and she has inherited her parental home. She has no life-partner but has settled into a very demanding office job which occupies all her waking hours.

As she talks, it becomes clear that she is very lonely. I sympathise, because I too feel rather isolated by my pressured working life. This trip back to my home town is rare, and is only for work purposes; I feel no sentimental attachment to the place, though I have some good memories of my college days, and the vision of Lucy in particular.

We talk about those times, and I boldly tell her that I remembered admiring her. She casts her eyes down and says that she had admired me too, and sometimes wishes we had connected at that time.

Then she suddenly looks me straight in the eye and says, “Would you like to connect now, Simon?”

I am a bit taken aback by her uncharacteristic boldness, but obviously, something is going on inside her head, which I can't quite decipher. “Of course,” I stammer, “Yes, Lucy, I would love that. You wouldn't believe how much I thought about you in those days, but I just never got the courage to ask you out. I didn't think I was worthy of such a beautiful girl as you and I'm not very good at handling rejection, so I tend to avoid the risk.”

“I know exactly what you mean, Simon,” says Lucy, “ I suffer from the same problem myself. I must admit that I thought about you on many occasions, when I was alone in my rooms. In fact, my imagination ran riot sometimes, and I had some very naughty thoughts about you. It's sad that we never made a real connection, isn't it? I don't have any real friends to spend time with now- just work colleagues, who I don't really like, to be honest.”

“We can do whatever you want, Lucy. I'm here for several days, in the hotel around the corner. Would you like to come around this evening, for a drink and a meal?”

“I don't often drink, Simon, but I would like to spend some time with someone who might understand me. Especially now.”

“What do you mean?” I say, “It feels as though there's something you're not telling me?”

Hesitatingly, she says, “The truth is, Simon, that tomorrow is my birthday, but no one knows that and I have no friends or relatives to share it with. It feels as though no one cares for me, and it would be lovely to spend some time with you. I have taken the day off work tomorrow, but I just don't know what to do with it! If you have the time too, perhaps we could make up for some of the missed opportunities of our past? I'd love to just talk with you.”

I am astonished and tell her so, but of course, I am keen to make her birthday memorable- for myself too. We arrange to meet at the hotel bar in the early evening and when we part I hope she feels as happy as I do. This feels like a wish come true- a wish I had almost forgotten I ever had.

When Lucy walks into the hotel bar, my jaw drops. She is stunningly beautiful and dressed immaculately in a tight green sheath dress which accentuates all her curves, while the slit up her thigh reveals her shapely long legs to best advantage.

“Wow,” I say, “you look spectacular! I often imagined you but this is better than anything I could have conjured up. Thanks so much for meeting me here.”

As we take our drinks to a corner table, Lucy asks me what exactly I used to imagine. I stumble over my words, too embarrassed to tell her the true details, but admit in general that I used to fantasize about her body and what I would like to do with her. She seems very amused and teases me by asking exactly what I imagined.

I say, “It will take a few more drinks before I will have the courage to tell you that!” and my mind spins with all the images I once had of her revealing herself to me and giving me the freedom to use her body as I wished. These thoughts all set my pulses racing and I can feel my cock responding, twitching and growing.

Lucy smiles and says, “It can't have been any more than my own fantasies about you! I often pictured you naked in my imagination, and doing whatever I wanted with you. It helped me to satisfy myself when I was alone and so frustrated.”

It seems that we are both very much on the same wavelength, yearning to make up for lost opportunities of the past, and it may not be long before some, at least, of our fantasies became real. Our conversations become more and more explicit, as the drink flows, and I can hardly believe the images Lucy conjures up - this is a girl I had thought prim, proper and shy! On the surface, of course, she was. But years of unrelieved frustration seemed to be unbottled now, and she becomes more uninhibited with every passing minute.

When I return to our table with fresh drinks, she blatantly focusses her gaze on my crotch as I stand before her (literally!). She can see that I am aroused and looks up at me, moistening her lips.

“I've imagined you, Simon,” she said, “but I've never seen the real you. Do you think you will meet my expectations?”

“That depends on how exaggerated your imagination is!” I say. “But I hope the reality won't disappoint. I know I won't be disappointed in you because you look stunning, but I'm fascinated to see more of you.”

I sit alongside her, and her hand rests on my thigh before stroking upwards to my cock, pressing urgently against my pants. She gives a little sigh and says, “I don't think I'm going to be disappointed, Simon!”

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I try to compose myself, but it is becoming difficult, as my past fantasies and present realities seem to be merging.

I ask whether she really wants to eat, and she says, “Not a meal, Simon, but you perhaps?”

I am astonished at this apparent change in her personality, but delighted. It seems that she is shy and retiring in public company, but in private, can be very different. The seclusion of a corner table in a dark bar, and possibly the effect of unaccustomed alcohol, has been enough for her to reveal her “true” self.

I ask if she would like to come to my room and she readily agrees. We both know what is in prospect now and the anticipation seems to excite us more. As we finish our drinks, Lucy says, “I want to see you naked, Simon, and I want you to see me too. I think we have both yearned for this for a long time, and now we can make it real.”

We make our way from the bar, Lucy walking slightly ahead of me, which hides my prominent erection from sight, but when we reach the elevator, she stops suddenly and I bump into her clumsily. “Wow,” she exclaims, “ you are ready for action! And bigger than I ever imagined!”

I am embarrassed but she smiles widely and strokes my cock slowly as we enter the elevator. Once inside, she turns to face me, then drops to her knees in front of me and rubs her face and cheeks against my cock, pressing against my pants. She looks up and says, “ Simon, I have dreamt of sucking your cock, and you cumming over me, but now we can do whatever we like...”

I pull her to her feet as the elevator reaches our floor, and hurry out, pulling her behind me. We almost run to my room, and I fumble clumsily with the key, but eventually, we are inside.

Lucy stands at the end of the bed and I press myself against her, reaching around to unzip the sheath of her dress. It is so tight to her body that it does not simply fall to the floor. I have to peel it from her body, uncovering her naked breasts, and dropping to my knees to pull it down over her hips, and reveal that she is wearing no panties. Clearly, she has prepared for this evening!

I am kneeling in front of her closely-trimmed pussy now. She stands with her head thrown back while I gently part her thighs and feel the dampness of her pussy lips. I kiss her briefly and run my hands up her body, to fondle her breasts and lightly pinch her nipples.

I stand, while she now sits on the end of the bed facing me as I undress fully and expose my hard cock pointing skywards in front of her face. She gasps and sighs before one hand encircles the shaft of my cock, while the other gently grasps my tight balls. Massaging them slowly, she says, “Mm mm, Simon, you seem ready already! What do you want to do now?”

Before I can answer, she forces my cock down towards her mouth, envelops the head with her lips, and strokes the shaft firmly downwards., while continuing to fondle my balls. She sucks noisily on the swollen head while stroking the shaft more and more firmly.

I cannot allow her to continue or our evening will quickly be over! I grasp her head and lift her from my cock, while she looks questioningly up at me.

I say, “We can play at length later, but I think we need to fuck for the first time now. I have imagined this so many times, and cum every time; now I really need to fuck you hard.”

Lucy says, “And I have imagined you fucking me, Simon. Now, I want you to do it for real and prove I wasn't just imagining all those feelings- make me cum, Simon.”

I push her body back onto the bed, holding her wrists above her head, and lower the weight of my body onto her. My cock finds its own way between her legs and probes between her pussy lips, until I feel myself engage in the wet opening she has already prepared for me. Once I am engaged, I pause and look down into her face.

“Are you ready?” I say. She smiles and nods, knowing what is coming next.

She is not disappointed when I suddenly thrust hard and deep inside her, in one single movement. Then I withdraw slowly and pause before another deep thrust inside. The head of my cock bangs against her cervix while the root of my shaft bangs against her swelling clit.

I continue the slow withdrawal and thrusting entry, but a little quicker each time, and Lucy's breathing becomes faster as she builds towards her orgasm. Her hips begin to buck against every inward thrust, pressing her clit against me, and feeling the head of my cock rubbing deeply inside her.

After a few more strokes, she spasms and shudders beneath me, while I hold her arms down against the bed. She briefly lies very still, while I slowly withdraw again. I wait with the head of my cock resting just inside her dripping pussy, and release her arms. She immediately wraps them around me, and clamps her legs around me at the same moment, holding me still inside her, while she recovers from her tremors.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck... “ she exclaims, as the shaking subsides. “That was even more intense than I ever imagined possible! But have you not cum yet?”

“Not yet,” I say, “Do you want me to cum inside you?”

You swallow hard and nod energetically, saying “I want to feel that explosion deep inside me, Simon. Please fuck me to a finish now.”

I reach around behind me, resting all the weight of my body on her, and unlock her ankles which clamp my ass tight. Bringing her legs around me, I force them upwards and lodge them on my shoulders, to bend her double beneath me. She squeals as I press so deep inside her now, her thighs against her belly while I tower over her. The angle of my thrusts has changed, and again I begin slowly.

Each deep hard thrust brings a gasp from Lucy's lips, as she stares deep into my eyes. I am completely in control and can speed up, slow down, thrust hard and deep, or tease her with shallow probing explorations of her pussy.

Again, her breathing begins to quicken, and my thrusts deepen and speed up, until she curses and digs her fingers into my shoulders, trying again to hold me still inside her. But the shaking begins again, spreading from her trembling pussy lips until it engulfs her entire body, and I can tell that the finale is due.

My balls are aching with the need to unload their contents and my cock is as hard as steel. I bang hard into her several more times, prompting even louder curses, but when I stop still to shoot my cum up into her, she screams out loudly. She is gripping me tightly now, and I can feel the tremors milking my cock.

I do not know how much she can feel of the pulsing of cum through my cock, and up deep inside her, but I certainly feel it happening. Each pulse throbs through me and squirts with such force that I feel she must feel it hit inside her, but I do not know whether she does. Each pulse becomes less forceful than the last, until I am completely emptied, and Lucy is completely full.

I release her legs, to fall either side of me now, and drop my full weight onto her soft yielding body. We both lie there, totally drained and exhausted, while cum and pussy juices leak copiously between our legs. After a few minutes of silence, we roll apart to lie alongside each other. Our breathing has calmed now, and we are able to talk.

“Wow,” I say, “That was something to remember. I had dreamt of fucking you like that, but the reality was out of this world.”

Lucy looks at me and says, “It was, Simon. I think you really did take me out of this world, to one where I am a more confident woman... and like you say, it was so much better than all the imaginary fucks I used to dream of with you. I hope we can repeat it soon.”

“Well,” I say, “ There's a lot more we can explore together, now that the first fuck has passed. I certainly need some time to rest and recover, and I hope you'll stay here with me tonight? After all, it is your birthday tomorrow, isn't it, and we can devote the whole day to experimenting with each other now. We can take our time to explore what we enjoy.”

“M mm, what an excellent thought,” you say, “I will easily compile a 'present list' in my dreams and I hope you'll be able to deliver them. This could be my best birthday ever.”

“I will do my very best”, I say, as we cuddle damply together in the afterglow of sex and drift off into our dreams for tomorrow.


Written by simoncam1
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