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The Awakening: Episode 1

"A young wife begins to cast off her inhibitions ..."

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Author's Notes

"Full acknowledgement is due to Marissa, for her help and inspiration."

Married life is perfect for Lori. She has the perfect husband, from her old home town and the same church. They have great ambitions to create their own family home, and pursue their traditional values into the future through the children they are yet to have.

Their upbringing had been quite strict, in every sense, but particularly the focus on sex being for procreation rather than merely for pleasure or self-indulgence.

That is not to say that their sex life is not enjoyable. Her husband, Aaron, is well-endowed, and satisfies her needs regularly, if perhaps in rather conventional ways; usually in bed, at home, and in the appropriate “missionary” position. Both of them tell each other every day that they are happy and that they love each other, and indeed, they do.

However, the pressures both to earn a day-to-day living and to build a financial base for their future children lead them to work all available hours. Both of them contribute to this, and life just becomes more and more tiring; they are 'living to work' rather than 'working to live'.

Her husband's devotion to working for their future leads to more and more frequent absences from home, sometimes for extended periods, while Lori also works locally to contribute to their savings and their plans for the future. However, as his trips away become more common, and are sometimes for extended periods, Lori begins to feel that life should be less lonely, tiring and functional.

Although she can not bring herself to believe it, she inevitably harbours some worries about her husband's fidelity during his trips away. They speak every day, and she knows he loves her, but nevertheless, she also knows there must have been temptations placed in his path, staying at business hotels. Might he have 'strayed'? She thinks not, but... perhaps she is feeling temptation herself?

During her lonely evenings, after she has told her husband in their nightly call that she loves him, she becomes ever more restless in mind and body. They do not indulge in 'phone sex'- the thought has never even occurred to them- but Lori feels the need for greater stimulation during his absences.

Her background, and indeed Aaron's, has led them into a very inhibited lifestyle and she feels that other people are having much more fun than they are. She envies the lives she imagines all around her.

She wants to understand her own needs and desires more fully. She goes online to order a vibrator, delivered to her door in discreet packaging. It is of a modest size, in the scale of these things, and at seven inches, reminds her of her husband. She experiments with it during his absence, but when he is at home, she hides it in the drawer containing her undies- he would never look there!

She uses the vibe, and enjoys the sensations it delivers to her clit and pussy, but it is all somehow soulless and sterile, even though she can bring herself to orgasm by closing her eyes and imagining Aaron is with her.

She knows something more is necessary, and begins by reading light romantic fiction. This only reinforces her feeling that something more is missing in her sexual life- and it is not romance.

Talking to her girlfriend, Sara, leads her to believe that there is a world of sexual pleasure which she and her husband had just never explored. She does not know how to start exploring, but she does know she wants something much more adventurous, and when Sara introduces her to an erotic fiction website, she finds the new ideas and fantasies much more exciting.

With the help of her vibe, but while reading erotica in private, she discovers much more intense orgasms than she has ever known before.

Lori explores the erotic fiction more and more avidly, and is introduced to ideas and practices completely foreign to her and her husband. She reads not just of alternative positions, oral and anal sex, but of female partnerships, and of group sex, and so much more.

Not all of the ideas appeal to her, of course, and some actively repel her, but nevertheless she learns that there is much more to sex than procreation.

She also learns that different people can enjoy very different things and that it is not necessary to indulge in them all, and certainly not necessary to censure anyone who likes something 'different'.

She reads about exhibitionism, and decides that that is something she could easily experiment with.

The next time Aaron is away, she summons up her courage to act. She puts on a more revealing blouse than she would normally wear, and with one button undone. More excitingly, she removes her panties, and puts on an unusually short skirt. She studies herself in the full-length mirror before she goes out, and likes what she sees.

The feeling it gives her, when the cool air plays on her pussy as she walks to her local shops, is quite exhilarating. She feels more free than ever before, even though she is not actually exposed to anyone's view. Simply knowing that her clean-shaven pussy is only one flimsy layer of clothing out of sight makes her very excited. She can feel herself getting wet as she walks around her usual shops, smiling at the male assistants, because only she knows the full secret of her hidden nakedness.

At one point, she studies her reflection in a shop window, and looking side-to-side first, undoes another two buttons to her blouse, revealing a little more of her pert young breasts. She feels her nipples hardening from the thrill as she walks along, and thinks perhaps there are more appreciative glances in her direction than she would normally expect.

This is a very new and exciting feeling for her, but she cannot bring herself to actually expose herself to anyone; the repercussions in her local neighbourhood could be devastating to her reputation, and to her husband. So she simply returns home, and lies back with her vibe playing under her short skirt, teasing herself to a shuddering orgasm in private. It is delicious to her.

The next day, she confides what she did to her girlfriend. Sara asks whether Lori has explored the website beyond the erotic stories it offers, and she admits that she has not.

Sara sits alongside her, and logs on to the site, showing her own profile, which includes some explicit but anonymous pics, some of which Lori finds a little shocking. Sara suggests that Lori should create her own online persona in a profile, and satisfy her urge towards exhibitionism by posting her own pictures, as innocent or as racy as she wants. Only unknown strangers will see them, and not know who she really is.

This appeals to Lori, and as they explore the website together, she realises that there is a great deal of material which she would describe as Porn; some at the 'softer' end, but plenty more which she would count as 'hardcore'. She is a little shocked, but Sara doesn't seem in the slightest perturbed by it, and indeed, points out some of the explicit videos of sex, and pics of erect cocks. She seems slightly amused that Lori finds it all so shocking, and indeed that feeling fades as they explore more and more together.

Sara helps Lori to sign up and create her profile name, and shows her how to upload pics, then says she will leave her to post whatever she wants.

Lori only has a few 'bikini' pics taken by her husband, which she loads to her profile. She explores other profiles for comparison, and feels that she is not doing herself justice, but when she tries to take some 'selfies' to upload, she is not very satisfied with them either.

The next day, she asks Sara whether she can help to create a more flattering profile, including pics. Lori knows that Sara is a good amateur photographer, and hopes she will help in that way. However, Sara says that she used a male friend, Simon, to take her own profile pics, because it really needs the “male gaze” to provide suitable but tasteful views, even to appeal to gay females on the site.

Lori is surprised that her friend used a male photographer for the very intimate pics she shows on her profile, but she asks whether it would be possible, and safe, for her to use Simon in the same way.

Sara laughs and says “Of course! Simon is a gentleman as well as a good photographer, and if it would reassure you, you can meet him at my place to take the pics. I can act as a chaperone, but he is a very good friend of mine, and you can trust him.”

Lori arrives at Sara's apartment with some trepidation. She knows that Sara has posted very flattering pics of herself naked, and she would like equally flattering pics of her own, but it will mean exposing herself to a man she has never met before. He will be the first man (other than her husband) to see her completely naked since she married.

Sara invites her in and introduces her to Simon, who seems very professional in his manner, and she secretly thinks is quite handsome. Sara says that she has explained the situation to Simon, who took her own profile pics for her, so he knows exactly what is expected- sexy, provocative, adventurous but anonymous pics

Clearly, Lori is a little nervous, so Sara and Simon sit with her to discuss the session ahead and they all share a few glasses of wine. That and the relaxed conversation helps Lori to settle down. Sara suggests that they should use her bedroom for the pics, just as they had for her own, a little while ago.

Simon is very matter-of-fact about the whole prospect, it seems, and Lori wonders for a moment whether he might be gay. That thought allows her to discuss the sort of pics she would like, without inhibitions, but taking advice and recommendations from both Sara and Simon.

It is agreed that Lori should stand at the end of Sara's bed and undress as Simon requests. First he asks for her to remove her modest blouse. She does so slowly, allowing Simon to take numerous pics as she does so, and is both pleased and encouraged by his frequent complimentary remarks about her breasts and body.

She begins to feel aroused now, as Simon asks her to lift her short skirt, to reveal her panties, and then to turn away from him, and bend forwards over the bed. She is excited by his appreciative noises and Sara says how great she is looking too.

She says, “ Can you pull your panties aside a little, Lori, so that Simon can see your pussy?”

Hesitantly, Lori does so, and Sara says, “Wow, Lori, that is beautiful. Simon is going to take some close-ups I think!”

Lori's mind is spinning with the excitement of what she is doing, in front of her best friend and a man she has never met before. She is conscious that her pussy lips are swelling and moist now, and a little embarrassed, but the compliments flowing from both Sara and Simon persuade her to continue.

Ultimately she lies completely naked, spread-eagled on Sara's bed, while Simon prowls around to find the best angles. She is sure that her pussy lips are now wet and pouting openly at Simon, as though offering her to him.

She hears constant clicking from the camera, until Simon says he thinks that is enough for today. When she adjusts her clothing and turns to face Sara and Simon, it becomes clear that he is not gay; his jeans are bulging with his now-erect cock, and Sara rubs up against him provocatively.

Sara smiles at Lori and says, “Well done. That was a great first session, I think. Simon will give you the camera card now, so you know that you are the only one with those pics. Take them home, upload the ones you like, and tell us if you need another session for more.”

Simon smiles, and gives Lori the SD card from the camera, while trying to hide his erection. It is clearly time for her to leave, and Sara opens the bedroom door for her. But as she says “You know your way out, don't you, Lori?” she winks conspiratorially, and doesn't fully close the door behind her.

Lori is unsure what Sara intends, but hesitates at the bedroom door, to peer back through the narrow gap.

She sees Sara go to Simon and say, “I can see you enjoyed that, Simon. Can I help you to recover?”

He smiles as she drops to her knees in front of him and unbuttons his fly, allowing his hard cock to appear in front of her face. It is clear to Lori that this is not the first time Sara and Simon have done this; it seems that he is a friend “with benefits” in the terminology that Lori is now learning.

Sara is also aware that Lori is peeping through the doorway, and her eyes fix on Lori's as she slowly wraps her lips around Simon's cock and sucks hard on the head, making as much slurping noise as she can. One hand strokes Simon's cock while the other fondles his balls.

Lori is fascinated by this uninhibited live display in front of her eyes, and cannot look away, She has changed from the “exhibitionist” before Simon's camera, into the “voyeur” watching her friend relieve Simon of the excitement he had built up.

She finds that she positively enjoys watching her friend playing with Simon's hard and large cock, and when Sara's hand drops to play with her own pussy, Lori's hand also drops to her own. The two girls lock eyes while each pleasures herself, and Sara brings Simon towards a climax.

He begins to thrust his cock through Sara's hand, into her mouth, and his groans foretell the orgasm to come. Sara joins in with her own groans as her free hand works on her clit, still locked in eye contact with Lori, and the slurping noises seem louder and louder in Lori's ears.

She is finding it hard to stay quiet herself now, and has to bite on the knuckles of her own free hand when Sara pulls Simon's cock free of her mouth and allows him to cum over her. His cum shoots up into her hair, and drips down over her face. Lori thinks what an enormous volume of cum is released over Sara.

Sara looks directly at Lori as she licks the dribbles of cum into her mouth, while more drips from her chin, and she winks secretly at Lori with a smile. It is time for Lori to go before she gives her presence away to Simon, and she slips quietly away, wondering at the sights she has just seen.

She returns home and has to resort to using her vibe, imagining now that it is Simon's cock thrusting in and out of her pussy, just as she had seen it entering her best friend's open mouth. She comes with a shaking orgasm as all the experiences of recent times flash through her mind, and she decides she wants more.

In the following days, Lori has several conversations with Sara, who has now become her guide to the real world of sex. She has known Sara for many, many years but had never realised quite how sexually adventurous she is until she watched her with Simon.

Sara explains that she has always been very conscious of Lori's inhibited outlook, and has never wanted to risk their friendship by over-stepping some invisible boundary. She has always erred on the side of caution in that respect, especially knowing how much Lori loves her husband.

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At the mention of her husband, Lori's demeanour crumbles and she confesses to Sara that she is terribly worried about Aaron and his reaction if he should find out how she is behaving in his absence. He calls her every day and every day it becomes harder to maintain the normal facade of their well-rehearsed conversations, especially when she is bubbling with excitement from her new experiences. She really wants to share her discoveries with the man she loves, but she doesn't even know how to raise the subject, let alone explain her feelings.

Sara had not had the same repressed upbringing as Lori and Aaron, so she could not advise, except to say that Lori had not done anything 'wrong', and should not feel so guilty about her explorations.

Nevertheless, Lori does feel guilty about keeping her daily reports so uninformative, when there is so much she really wants to share.

It does occur to her that Aaron might be feeling exactly the same, at the other end of the telephone call, if he has strayed from their self-imposed “straight and narrow” moral path during his trips away. She finds it difficult to believe, but equally, of course, he would never imagine what she has been doing in his absence.

On balance, she feels it best to keep quiet, not go “too far” in her research, and work out later how much or how little to reveal to him. How she will ever do that, she can't imagine. She is still surprised how relaxed Sara is about all things sexual, but Lori herself has a long way to go down that path, and might never catch up with her old friend.

Lori herself has only experienced the thrills of exhibitionism and of voyeurism, so far, and finds that she enjoys both, but she knows there is so much more for her to learn.

She has also uploaded several new (faceless) pics to her profile page and is delighted at the flattering responses from other users (male and female), all of whom want to know her better. Every compliment gives her a little thrill and lifts her mood for the day ahead.

Sara advises caution unless she wants a torrent of 'dick pics' (as she calls them) to arrive unbidden in her inbox.

Their conversation returns to Simon (several times) and it is clear that he is a regular, if occasional, partner to Sara. She always enjoys her sessions with him, but neither is exclusively committed to the other. They really are just 'friends' and Sara is happy to share him.

Understanding this now, Lori asks whether the three of them can spend some time together while her husband is away on his extended business trip. Of course, Sara agrees and says that she is sure Simon would love to meet her “properly”, as she puts it, flashing her eyes at Lori.

“Your photo session really got Simon excited, as you know, and I think you'd enjoy meeting him as a man rather than just as your photographer,” she says.

True to her word, Sara suggests a get-together at her apartment for the following week. In preparation, Lori is avidly reading erotica and exploring the outer reaches of the site, where explicit thoughts and images are shared so openly. She compiles a list of 'things she has not yet done', but can immediately cross off some of them.

She does not want anything involving pain or humiliation, though she might consider accepting mild restraint and blindfolds. She does not fantasise about gang-bangs, but would be interested in threesomes or even foursomes. She would like to explore sex with another female, masturbation with a partner, outdoor sex, oral sex and straight sex in any and every position, and she is intrigued by the idea of anal sex, though she is a little fearful. She has toyed with herself in that way, gently exploring with her fingers, and using her vibe, but has never summoned the courage to insert it fully.

Ideally, she thinks she would pursue all these thoughts with Aaron, but she does not know how to introduce such subjects to their conversation, let alone to their bedroom. He also needs 'awakening' to these possibilities somehow, but how?

When she describes all this to Sara, she laughs and says, “There is no hurry, Lori! Don't treat it all as a 'to-do list' with a schedule attached. You should just follow your instincts and let things develop and happen naturally. When you know what you truly like and what you truly want, you will work out a way to involve Aaron.”

“For the moment,” she says, “let's just get together with Simon, and a bottle of wine, and see what happens!”

And so, the meeting at Sara's apartment is arranged, but Lori is adamant that it has to be after her daily conversation with her husband. She may tell him that she is spending the evening with Sara because she knows that he likes and trusts her, but of course, he has never seen the true face of Sara, dripping with cum, as Lori now has!

Lori arrives at Sara's apartment, after her usual (rather uninformative) chat with Aaron, though she did tell him where she was going that evening. Sara has prepared a meal for them all, with Simon's help, but he is a little more interested in the wine than the food. It seems that Sara has not planned anything secretly with Simon, but is following her own advice to just “see what happens”.

As the wine flows, the conversation drifts inevitably towards sex, life, the universe and everything. Lori begins to reveal her anxieties about her newfound sexual appetites, and how she can explore while still remaining faithful to Aaron, and how, ultimately, she can take him along with her on her journey.

Simon says, “We know you love your husband, Lori, but you have to distinguish between love and sex. In an ideal partnership, of course, they will go together, but they don't have to! You can love your parents, your children, your dog, but you don't have to have sex with them. In fact, you probably shouldn't!” he laughs.

Sara says, “You didn't know that Simon was a philosopher as well as a photographer, did you, Lori!”

“Well,” says Simon, “I know that you and Aaron have been raised to think that sex is only for producing children in a loving environment. That is all as it should be, but my point is that love doesn't require sex, and sex doesn't require love. If you can have both at once, that is ideal, but that is not to say that they can't happen separately; quite clearly, they do, for many people, and for much of the time!”

They all sit back and pour another glass of wine, to mull over those thoughts. In particular, Lori goes very quiet and thoughtful. Eventually, she breaks the silence by saying, “I know you two are just friends, but you must be very good friends, even if you wouldn't say you're in love?”

“Of course,” says Simon, ”We are 'lovers' in the sexual meaning of the word, and our friendship is very strong; we both trust and respect each other.”

Sara says, “Lori, you and I have been friends for a very long time, but don't you feel that that friendship has deepened recently, as we've shared our more intimate thoughts and desires? I think it is all a question of sharing, in the end, and being honest and open.”

Lori ponders for a minute or two, but then asks whether she can also become friends with Simon.

“I think you already are,” says Simon. “You have trusted me enough to let me photograph you naked, and in case you don't realise, Sara did tell me that you watched us both together after that photo session!”

Lori blushes at the memory of seeing Sara suck Simon's cock and him cum over her face, but he immediately notes that and says, “Don't worry, it doesn't concern me at all- if you had asked, I would have invited you to watch anyway, but Sara had to tell me afterwards!”

“Would you like to join with both of us, this evening?” asks Sara, and when Lori hesitatingly says, “You mean...?” she adds, “Yes, Lori, I mean do you want to join us both in bed together?”

Lori's heart seems to stop for a moment. But then she gasps, “Yes, Sara, yes; I would like to very much. I admire you both, and trust you to treat me gently. This is all very new to me, of course.”

There is no rush to the bedroom. They all sit and continue talking and drinking, while Lori takes in what she has just done. But eventually, Simon and Sara both stand and each takes one of Lori's hands to lead her to Sara's bedroom, where the photo shoot had taken place.

It feels very natural to Lori, when Simon and Sara undress, in a very casual manner, and they help her to undress, as they had before. She stands while they do so, noting Sara's shapely body and breasts, above a neatly trimmed triangle of black hair which seems to point provocatively towards her pussy.

She also notes Simon's body, of course. She had seen his erect cock before, as it is now, but she can see more clearly this time; it is of a similar size to Aaron, possibly a little larger, and certainly stands more proudly erect. She is very tempted to drop to her knees, as she had seen Sara do, and take him in her mouth, but looks Sara in the eye and resists, thinking that perhaps she would not 'perform' as well as Sara had done.

Sara takes Lori's hand and says, “I know you like to suck Aaron, but I think you said he wasn't a great fan of going down on you? I know you said he does do it, but not with any enthusiasm?”

“That's true", says Lori, ” I think he does it to please me, but he doesn't really enjoy it himself.”

Sara smiles and says, “Well, in Simon, you have a great enthusiast, so why not just lie back and let him pleasure you?”

Lori reaches out to touch Simon's cock for the very first time now, and says, “But I do like to suck too, and I could practice with Simon, ready for Aaron's return?”

In the end, Simon lies back on the bed, while Lori is guided to straddle him, offering her swollen pussy to his mouth, and she leans forward to take his cock into her mouth. She has already learned to take a cock deeply, but in this position, she can take Simon very much more deeply than she is used to, and relishes the feeling as his cock reaches to the back of her throat.

Her saliva runs down his cock as she moves gently in and out, and while supporting herself with one hand, the other gently plays with Simon's swollen balls. She is a little surprised that Simon does not thrust into her mouth, but allows her to play with him at her own pace, and to her own chosen depth.

When she pauses, Simon begins to play with her pussy, and this becomes such a distraction that she almost forgets to play with his cock. He licks slowly up her outer pussy lips, using his tongue to part them; this is not difficult as they have swollen and already begun to part.

Then he probes more deeply into the folds of her inner lips, finding the hidden depths of her vagina, darting his tongue in and out, and circling around the opening before pressing his tongue deeply into her again. Then her moves to attend to her clit, now swollen and exposed, while his fingers find their way inside her well-lubricated vagina.

As she becomes more and more excited by Simon's attentions, she raises her body over him, sitting up and pressing her pussy more firmly against his mouth and probing tongue. It is clear that he is well-practised at this and Sara sees that Lori has temporarily lost interest in Simon's cock, while she builds towards her approaching orgasm.

Sara climbs across the bed now, and swings one leg over Simon's hips, to face Lori. She leans forwards into Lori's body, pressing their breasts together sensually, and moving slightly from side to side, so that their erect nipples play against each other.

She holds Lori's head and kisses her deeply; the first time they have ever kissed in any sexual way.

Meanwhile, Simon is still playing with Lori's clit and pussy, but his cock is now free for Sara to pull between her legs. She is also very wet and open now, and Simon's cock slides easily up inside her, to its full depth.

Sara and Lori wrap their arms around each other and kiss again, while they both move gently on Simon's cock and mouth respectively. Lori is feeling so many new and exciting sensations all at once, that she cannot focus her attention on any one.

But Sara sits back on Simon's cock now and begins to press up and down more forcefully, riding him harder and harder, faster and faster. While Lori finds this sight, so close to her, quite amazing, she is also released to focus on the pleasure Simon is delivering to her pussy. The feelings start to swell and then pass over her in waves, starting at her clit, her pussy, and sweeping up her body, making her gasp for air.

She feels that Sara is also building her orgasm, thrusting harder against Simon's cock now. Sara says, “Cum, Simon, you have to cum soon... please!” and Simon's hips begin to move subtly, in counter to Sara's thrusts.

Somehow, Lori feels that he makes his tongue and lips play with her in the same rhythm now, so that they are all building in synchrony towards a communal orgasm of massive proportion. And so it is; all three of them cum within a few seconds of each other. Sara and Lori press into each other's arms again and share their shaking, trembling bodies, while they kiss yet again. Simon gives one more deep thrust up into Sara, and stops, pumping surge after surge of cum inside her, then falls back to the bed.

They all stay very still for a moment or two, and Lori sobs a little with the release of pent-up tension. Sara looks enquiringly at Lori, but she smiles back broadly, and says, “That was the most exciting thing I have EVER done!”

Sara smiles too and lifts gently off Simon's slightly softening cock, allowing a torrent of cum to flood from her pussy, and over his groin, forming puddles below her. Lori lifts herself from Simon's mouth, and swings her leg aside, to bend down and kiss Simon deeply. She is not at all concerned by the juices she has spread all over his mouth, and enjoys the taste of her own orgasmic reaction.

Simon is slightly amused by the pair of them, but pleased that he was responsible for such satisfied smiles. He was equally satisfied, and remarks that he has never understood why so many men seem not to enjoy giving pleasure orally- he just loves it.

When they have all recovered, showered and dressed in loose robes, they gather to talk again. Naturally, Lori is the focus of interest, as Sara and Simon have enjoyed each other's company so many times before.

Lori says that there were so many ' firsts' in that hour or so, that she had lost count; it was the first time she has touched, let alone sucked, another man's cock since she married, the first time she has experienced such an intense orgasm from oral sex, the first time she has kissed and touched another woman sexually, and certainly the first time she has experienced a 'threesome'.

Still, she thinks there is much more to learn... and there is.

Written by simoncam1
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