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The Awakening: Episode 2

"Now, her learning experience becomes more intense..."

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Author's Notes

"Acknowledgement is due to Marisa, for her support and inspiration..."

Lori stays at Sara's apartment that night, as does Simon, but they just cuddle and sleep, dozing late into the morning, when Simon has to leave for work. Sara and Lori stay to chat because their work hours begin later.

Sara asks Lori what she felt about the previous evening, of course, and Lori admits that she had had a small 'panic attack' during the night, about what she had done, and was still worrying about cheating on Aaron. Sara calms her down, saying that he will only ever know what you choose to tell him, and anyway, all she has done is suck Simon's cock, and not even make him cum!

Lori laughs and says, “But he did make me cum! And I feel a bit guilty about that.”

“Why would you feel guilty about having such a pleasure?” asks Sara. “Who knows what Aaron has been up to? I don't mean to suggest that he has, but the point is you wouldn't know unless he told you!”

Lori can only agree, and before she goes to work, she tells Sara how much she had enjoyed her physical contact with her too, the previous evening. She feels that their friendship has entered a new phase now, where they can share absolutely anything and know that the other is being honest.

“Good,” says Sara. “That's how I feel about my friendship with Simon, and I hope you will come to value him in the same way. He is a great lover, but an honest and caring man too. We don't want to tie each other down...” Then she laughs and says, “Unless its for a bit of light bondage!”

They agree that another meeting between the three of them would be fun, and aim to get together at the weekend.

The next days pass slowly for Lori. She is constantly distracted by memories of the last encounter and is asked more than once by her workmates what she is daydreaming about. They would have been SO shocked and surprised if she had told them!

She is also more concerned each day as the time to speak with Aaron approaches. She wants to tell him something, but she can't find the words and is scared of how he might react- she does NOT want to lose him. So she stays silent and follows the usual pattern of conversation, both of them signing off with “Love you!”

What she is really looking forward to now, is her next meeting with Sara and Simon, and she resolves to fuck him this time (or to let him fuck her? She isn't entirely sure!). She knows that she is safe with them, and will not be subjected to anything she doesn't consent to. That is an enormous reassurance to her and gives her confidence as the day approaches.

Like last time, they gather for a meal at Sara's apartment, but the atmosphere is much more relaxed this time; obviously, barriers have been broken, and a new phase of their friendship has begun. They discuss their days, but not in the way that Lori does with her husband; that has become a routine script which they just repeat time and again.

These discussions range from high politics and deep philosophy to the day-to-day trivia of jokes made by workmates, or their poor choice of clothes today. Lori finds it all so refreshing and easily talks about her past experiences of sex and her hoped-for future experiences too. She gathers a lot of information about Sara and Simon, and their past adventures. She envies so many of their tales, compared to her own limited experiences.

Not surprisingly, they end up in the bedroom again but do not immediately throw off their clothes. Sara says she thinks it would be good for Lori to undress both of them herself, beginning with her, and to take her time and enjoy the process. Lori is a little taken aback at the idea of undressing her friend but understands that Sara is trying to build her self-confidence in these matters.

Simon joins her to help undress Sara. It is not a difficult matter, as none of them are wearing any elaborate or layered clothing, but Simon tries to get Lori to enjoy the sensuality of the occasion. As each item of clothing is removed from Sara's body, he encourages Lori to touch, stroke, fondle and play with the newly exposed body part. He does not hesitate to join in too, but for Lori, it is a new experience to touch her friend in such a sexually-arousing manner.

Sara clearly finds it arousing too. As Lori strokes and fondles her breasts, feeling their weight in her hands, Sara's nipples become erect. Simon teases them a little too and licks them to lubricate his touch.

When Simon helps Lori to remove Sara's undies though, Lori is a little more hesitant to explore between her legs, but she notes the dampness already spreading from Sara's pussy. Simon is less hesitant, and his fingers probe deeply between Sara's thighs, his thumb playing with her clit below the arrowhead of trimmed hair.

Sara is completely naked now, but calls a halt to proceedings, by saying, “Simon's turn now, Lori!”

Indeed it is, and the two of them unbutton Simon's jeans and remove his shirt, to leave him standing before them in only a pair of briefs. At least most of him is in the briefs, but Lori cannot fail to note the head and top inch or so of his cock pressing out above the elastic waistband.

She is fascinated by this sight and sits back a little to admire the view. Sara says, “Time to reveal it all, I think, Lori!” and they both slowly pull down Simon's briefs to expose his erect cock standing firmly in front of his body.

Lori is kneeling in front of him and reaches out hesitantly to touch his cock, but Sara grasps her hand and presses it more firmly towards Simon. Lori grasps his cock with one hand, and his balls with the other, and almost doesn't notice that Sara is now undressing her. She becomes more aware as Sara's hand slips between her legs and begins to stroke her shaven pussy.

She is buzzing with sensory overload now. They are all completely naked, touching and stroking each other without any reservation, and she relishes all the sensations of sight, touch, sound, taste, and scent.

Lori says, “It's no good, Sara, I need to have him inside me this time...”

“Fine,” says Sara, “how would you like him? I recommend from behind- perhaps you can pretend it's your husband?”

“I don't want to pretend anymore,” says Lori, “ this is all so real now, and I can't go back.”

So, Simon directs Lori to kneel on the edge of the bed, much as she had done when he took her pics for the website, and to rest forward to support herself on her hands. She trembles as she feels him approach from behind her, not with a camera this time, but with a hard cock, ready to thrust inside her open pussy.

But he approaches gently, and teases her pussy lips apart with the head of his cock, sliding it smoothly back and forth along the groove of her pouting lips, and making her squeak with a little shock each time it touches her exposed clit.

While Simon prepares her in this way, Sara manoeuvres herself in front of Lori, who now finds herself facing directly, and close-up, into her friend's pussy. It is a clear invitation, and one which Lori will not decline now.

She has never been so close to another pussy before- even her own, which she has struggled to examine with a mirror! It is all so new to her, but she manages to put her hands on Sara's thighs to part them. Looking up at Sara, she is reassured by her smile and moves down to clamp her mouth on Sara's pussy.

While Simon continues to probe around Lori's pussy, without entering her yet, Lori recalls how he had used his mouth and tongue to tease her before. She tries to copy that, licking and probing with her tongue, inside Sara's vagina, and sucking on her clit. Sara's head falls back and she makes appreciative noises which encourage Lori to continue.

Lori is pleased with Sara's reaction to her amateurish efforts, but her focus on Sara has distracted her from Simon's activities behind her. He finally locates the head of his cock at the opening of her vagina, and presses very slowly inside her, inch by inch, while she continues to play with Sara.

As he begins to move remorselessly in and out of her, she feels her mouth being pressed against Sara with every inward thrust by Simon. As his thrusts become deeper, harder and faster, she is pressed more and more firmly against her friend. It seems almost as though Simon is fucking them both at once- he is certainly dictating the pace.

Sara is beginning to groan now, and Lori joins her as she feels every inch of Simon's cock sliding smoothly and deeply in and out of her. His pace picks up and both Lori and Sara are breathing heavily now, and their progress towards an orgasm seems to be synchronised.

He rams harder and harder, faster and faster, deep into Lori, until she can stand it no longer. She gasps with the release of her pent-up orgasm, and begins to shake and tremble all over.

Simultaneously, Sara squeals with delight and grasps Lori's head between her thighs, pressing her hard against her fluttering pussy. Lori is able to witness Sara's orgasmic response in close-up, and imagines that her own pussy is also trembling; it is certainly gripping Simon's cock rhythmically, trying to draw him deeper inside her, if that were possible.

Simon stops, deeply embedded inside Lori, while their orgasms subside a little, but Lori has not felt him cum. She turns her head to look behind her, and feels him slowly withdraw his still-erect cock. She has a moment to admire it gleaming with her juices, before he gives it several firm strokes with his hand, and she sees, and feels, his cum shoot from it over her back.

She squeals as the first shot lands between her shoulder blades, and again as the second reaches the small of her back. Simon rests his cock between the cheeks of her ass, and the final dribbles of cum run onto her back. She arches her back with pleasure, and feels cum running from her shoulders down to join the cum running up from her ass, to form a puddle in the small of her back.

Sara has slumped back on the bed now, exhausted by the orgasm Lori had delivered her, while Simon folds forward over her ass, to rest on her sticky back. Slowly, Lori subsides to the bed, sandwiched now between Simon above her, and Sara below. All of them lie there for a while, in complete satisfaction, before slowly parting and repositioning themselves to cuddle together again.

Lori has had her first fuck by another man since her wedding and her first experience ever of bringing another woman to orgasm. It is astonishing to her that all this can be possible, and she doesn't really understand how she has never known of such pleasures before. She thinks there may be more to come, though, and drifts off into a happy sleep alongside her friends.

When Lori wakes, she feels she has been very naughty but also feels good about herself.

There is a moment of slight guilt when she recalls that Simon had been the first man to fuck her as a married woman, but that fades as she remembers how much she enjoyed it all. And he hadn't cum inside her, she thinks...

She ponders whether there might be a second (or third?) man in the future, because Simon is really Sara's friend, even though Sara seems very happy to share him. She doesn't know how she would make contact with another man for sex, though; it is not something she has ever sought out before, and Sara had delivered Simon to her on a plate.

She wonders whether Sara would help her yet again, and resolves to ask after Simon has left.

Over breakfast, later, Lori explains to Sara what she has been thinking.

Sara replies, “Well, the usual way to meet someone in real life is at a club or bar. I know you aren't in the habit of drinking or partying, but you should give it a try! Is there anything particular you're looking for because I might be able to point you in the right direction? What do you want- a guy or a girl? A one-nighter or a friend? Anything kinky?“

Lori explains that first she just wants to meet a new guy, by herself, and see what happens. She also admits that exploring the website has piqued her interest in 'big, black cocks', but again, she would need Sara's advice. She is also wondering whether bondage might appeal. And what else...?

Sara suggests that she should take one step at a time, and go with her to a club she knows. She will introduce her and stay a while, then leave her to her own devices, if she seems confident enough.

That is agreed, but Sara also notes that Lori's “to-do list” seems to be lengthening rather than anything else!

Lori admits that may be true, but says she is really just searching to find out what satisfies her and laughs as she adds, “It may take two or three goes at each, to really be sure! I just don't know.”

So they agree to go out on the town later that week, and Sara advises on 'dress code', knowing that Lori's usual prim and proper public appearance would be inappropriate at the club she has in mind.

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When the chosen evening arrives, Lori has been persuaded to abandon her conservative blouse and jeans, and her mid-length dresses, in favour of a sheer and low-cut top, revealing cleavage much enhanced by a tailored bra. Her breasts are not large, but they are shown to the very best advantage by the light bra and almost see-through top. She feels a little reticent about the unfamiliar exposure of her body but accepts Sara's advice in these matters.

Her skirt is very short and light, flared to flounce around her as she swings her hips, showing her shapely legs and potentially a flash of her bright pink panties. Sara's assurances overcome her nervousness about her unfamiliar style of dress, which her upbringing would suggest might mean that she is a “loose woman”.

So they take a cab downtown together, away from likely neighbours, to a very loud, dark (except for the neon) and subterranean club, with a bar and hotel above. At first sight, Lori thinks it seems rather 'seedy', but that is her previous conditioning trying to take hold yet again. Once she enters, on Sara's arm, her confidence grows and her eyes shine at the spectacle of a crowded dance floor moving as one to the musical beat.

They both stand at the bar to order their first drinks, and immediately attract the attention of several young men, offering to get their drinks for them. At first, they refuse (on Sara's advice) and simply take their own drinks to a side table by the dance floor. Lori is very conscious of the eyes of several men on them, but tries to avoid meeting their gaze.

They drink their drinks and order more. Sara advises her not to leave her drink unattended at any time, nor to accept any drinks from anyone, because of the dangers of 'spiking' with Roofies, or other drugs. Lori takes this warning rather too much to heart, and downs one drink after another, without pause.

She has been admiring some of the dancing and wonders whether she can perform in such uninhibited ways, but with the lubricant of alcohol, she eventually takes to the floor with Sara. Slowly, she loses her self-consciousness about being watched, and throws herself with more and more abandon into the pulsing beat of the music. The darkness, the heat and the excitement combine to transport her into a different reality.

After a while, a few more drinks, and a few more dances, Sara asks Lori if she can safely leave her on her own. It seems that someone has caught Sara's eye, and she wants to slip away with him. Lori wonders how that happened without her even noticing, but says she will be fine, and Sara disappears from her side.

Lori decides to throw herself completely into the dancing now. She squeezes through the press of dancers, into the centre of the floor, closes her eyes, raises her arms high in the air, and begins to move with the music. She is transported to another world, and moves sensuously, swaying her hips and flicking her dress from side to side; then she puts her head back, licks her lips and begins thrusting her hips back and forth, as though fucking the invisible man. She is well aware of the fact that she is attracting male attention, but delights in that knowledge, as they gather around her, and dance in equally suggestive ways.

She knows that her energetic dancing may be revealing her panties, but tells herself again that it is too dark to see anything anyway. She wonders what her mother would think if she could see her now! She knows the answer to that, but continues to throw off the bonds of her upbringing, and dance more and more uninhibitedly, surrounded by young men, and, she guesses, their aroused cocks. Her pussy certainly thinks so, and her panties become wetter and wetter as she dances.

She becomes exhausted now, not just physically, but also emotionally, and retreats to the bar again when a slower-paced track begins to play. Several men follow her, but she refuses all their offers of drinks and more. She has taken to drinking tequila shots now- one after another.

She finds a quiet, dark corner in which to sit alone and recover, but several young men pursue her. Most simply accept her refusals of their company, though one or two are unpleasantly persistent. She ignores them and they drift away to find other prey, but one young man in particular speaks politely with her. She smiles at him in the darkness, but cannot see him at all clearly; he says he is Michael, and asks if she is OK; she notes his very deep and attractive voice, but no more contact develops between them and he moves away, just saying, “Bye, hope to meet you again sometime.”

Lori takes yet another drink and decides she needs some fresh air, so rather unsteadily, she follows the signs up to the rooftop patio. Once there, she leans against the balustrade to take in deep breaths of the cool night air, to clear her head, while the music from the basement continues to pound.

As she leans there, she feels someone approach her from behind, and she jolts in surprise as hands rest on her hips, and a chin rests on her shoulder. A deep voice whispers, “You have the most beautiful ass, you know, and you move it so well on the dance floor. I've been admiring you all evening.” Was it the same voice? Was it Michael?

She tries to turn to see her admirer, but he presses her hips against the balcony, and she feels his hard cock against her ass. Her mind spins with drink and lust, as she feels his hands slowly raise the hem of her short skirt, and fondle her ass cheeks firmly.

“Hmm, these panties seem unnecessary,” says the mystery man behind her. “Don't worry, its dark up here and no one can see us. All you have to do is to stay there and look at the night sky if you want. Perhaps you'll see shooting stars...”

Lori smiles and says, “Perhaps I will if you fuck me well enough!”

He sighs in her ear, and she feels him suck on her earlobe, then flicker his tongue inside the shell of her ear. She is thrilled by the touch of his warm mouth, while his hands pull her hips more firmly back against his hard cock.

Her senses are massively heightened, and she thinks he slips to his knees behind her because she feels the palms of his hands sliding up the smooth skin of her thighs until his thumbs reach her panties. He grasps them on each side and slowly tugs and rolls them down her legs, to her ankles. She obligingly raises one foot after the other, to step out of her damp pink panties.

The stranger is still on his knees behind her and begins to probe between her legs to part her damp, swollen pussy lips. He grunts his appreciation of her readiness, and stands behind her again, leaning forward to whisper, “Do you want me to fuck you now?”

She nods her head and leans forward further over the balustrade, while she thinks she hears the slight sound of unzipping behind her. She was correct because the next thing she feels is the hot swollen head of her companion's hard cock nudging delicately between her pussy lips, forcing them to open before him.

As she leans even further forward, his cock locates inside the dripping entrance to her vagina and nudges gently in and out very slightly, to ensure that he has aligned properly, before entering her fully. His hands press against her ass, opening her up, as he slowly and smoothly slides the full, long length of his cock inside her in one simple movement, stopping only when he reaches full depth. He stops there, and she can feel his thick cock throbbing inside her now.

Lori cannot stand the suspense any longer, and says, “Fuck me, please fuck me now, I can't wait any longer, just fuck me hard!”

The stranger responds immediately, beginning to thrust his cock steadily and deeply in and out of Lori's soaking-wet pussy. He glides easily in and out, but his cock is thick enough for Lori to feel every inch moving in, and out, and in. His pace increases and Lori's breathing gets faster and faster as she feels her orgasm approach; it has not taken long, after all the arousal of dancing.

He senses it too, and as her pussy begins to twitch and contract around him, she squeals out loud. He grasps her shoulders to hold her down and thrusts hard and deep until he stops still, embedded inside her, and shoots pulses of cum deep into her, again and again.

Lori is still trembling when he slowly withdraws his slightly softening cock and his cum flows down her inner thighs, mixed with her own juices. When she reaches back to feel him, though, he is beyond reach, and when she turns, the stranger has completely disappeared. If it weren't for the dripping of cum from her pussy, it could all have been a drunken hallucination. But then she searches for her panties, only to find that they are missing too- perhaps the stranger has taken them as a souvenir? She giggles as she calls to mind the story of Cinderella and the Slipper, but can't quite imagine the story of the 'Prince and the Panties.'

Lori looks around her in the darkness, but no one seems to have seen or heard what has just happened. She is alone on the balcony looking at a black, star-speckled sky, while her orgasm slowly subsides, and she breathes in the cool night air.

After a pause to gather herself and her emotions, Lori stumbles back down to the basement club.

Suddenly, Sara emerges from the gloom, and silently takes her arm, asking if she is OK. Lori assures her that she is, but admits that she has lost her panties and is ready to leave if Sara is too.

It seems that Sara had also found a companion earlier that evening, and had been looking for Lori. During the cab ride home, they exchange very few details of their experiences, but both think it has been a very satisfactory outing.

It was not until the following day, when Lori's hangover has subsided, that she realises the full significance of the previous evening. It dawns on her that the stranger (was it 'Michael?) had been the very first other man to fuck her and cum inside her since she married Aaron. Simon had also fucked her from behind but had withdrawn to cum over her, and she had excused herself that, just as she had excused sucking his cock.

This time, though, there was no escaping the fact that she had been 'unfaithful' to Aaron. Perhaps she had had too much to drink, but she had certainly consented, and she could not deny her lust.

She ponders this for a while, and showers herself very thoroughly, playing the intense spray onto her pussy, but this only serves to arouse her yet again. She decides not to dwell on the issue and far from trying to banish the memory, she replays it in her head time and time again. It is no less erotic the tenth time than the first, and she feels herself wishing for more new experiences to store in her memory banks.

After showering, she plays idly with her vibe while images, emotions and thoughts crowd into her mind. As she strokes her pussy lips with the tip of the vibe, she allows it to drift down towards her asshole and feels a tingling of excitement as she gently probes herself. She has done this before, but still cannot bring herself to press the vibe inside herself to any depth, even with the aid of a little lube. It is simply impossible for her to relax enough.

She remembers that she has mentioned anal sex to Sara as a possible new experience, but has not talked further about it. Since then, she has read a lot more, and indeed has found explicit video of anal sex online. Generally, it appears to be pleasurable for the woman, but occasionally seems painful, especially when it is imposed roughly. She does not want that.

Her research has led her to have an 'anal kit' delivered discreetly, but it is still hidden in her 'undies' drawer. And she is not ready to try that just yet. Though she has ordered the smallest set that seemed available, even the smallest looked rather frighteningly large and bulbous to her, but she understands that it might be the best way to prepare herself when the time comes.

She resolves to talk to Sara about it because the only person she feels she would be able to trust to initiate her gently is Simon. She did not even know whether Sara and Simon indulged in anal sex, nor whether he would be prepared to take her anal virginity, nor whether Sara would be accepting of that. She knew they were sexually very liberal, but assumed there were boundaries that even they observed, just out of personal preference.

The only way forward is to talk about it with her very best friend; a friend who has become so much closer since Lori first revealed her own desires, and discovered that Sara was actually very much more sexually-liberated than she had ever imagined in her wildest dreams. Sara has become her guide to a world of sex which has been hidden from Lori for so long.

Lori visits Sara that very evening to raise the subject privately, without Simon present. When she arrives though, Sara is keen to hear more about her experience at the club, and they settle down with a bottle of wine to elaborate.

Written by simoncam1
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