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Over The Pond

"Their online love, just got real..."

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Author's Notes

""This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental." "No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.""

Was I crazy and out of my ever-loving mind? Possibly, but the pull to her was as real as it gets, and I couldn’t deny the sheer need for her; I needed that first touch, that first smell, and that first taste.

Like a starving dog walking the mean streets of downtown looking for the next meal, I couldn’t find what I needed here. The only answer to feed me was to be with her.

“Oh, Generosa, why must you be stuck across the pond from me?” Andre thought to himself before contemplating the problems he faced.

Problem one: She lived halfway around the world from where I stood rooted; trying to figure out how the hell I would pull this off was a problem.

Problem two: Leaving everything and everyone I knew behind was a serious undertaking.

I knew the minute I decided this was what I wanted, the company and my former life could disappear.

I didn’t know for how long, but I knew that returning would be a while if all went as planned.

“I needed a clean break from all the constant noise consuming my life,” Andre told himself.

“I need to be able to breathe fresh air again, which he knew was Generosa; her beauty and mind had taken him by the throat months before and drove him to want a change in a real way,” Andre thought inwardly.

“My Company was easy,” he thought; I could remotely connect from anywhere and convince my staff that I would be customer searching for a time.

How long was anyone’s guess.

Leaving everyone I knew was going to be the hardest part.

“Fuck it, extended vacation due to being over-stressed by work,” Andre thought as he grabbed his suitcase and started packing it.

“I’ll figure out the rest as I go,” Andre told himself.

“Wonder if they will even notice me gone after a week or so,” he chuckled while folding his clothes in his suitcase and closing it.

Problems solved. Now, where is my wallet?…


“I can’t believe it,” Generosa shouted inside her head.

“Oh God, he said he would meet me in Paris; what changed?” Generosa spoke to herself while looking around the computer screen.

“Why did Andre agree to this now? How would he fly here, still having to run his company, and what about all the people in his life?” thought Generosa in a panic.

Standing in her small apartment, Generosa's mind was warped with all these thoughts.

She rose from her chair, grabbed her luggage from the hall closet, and started throwing outfits on the bed.  

Frozen in place, Generosa questioned what to wear, what to take, and how long she should pack for.

She had no idea this could happen from just chatting online for the last two months. 

She couldn't help but feel the heat rise as she thought about their chance meeting and how that could go.

He consumed her; she didn’t know why; he was much older than herself, and she wasn’t sure how her heart landed squarely on him.

But she knew he was the one, and that’s all that mattered to her.

“Fuck it,” Generosa thought while she flung outfit after outfit, lingerie after lingerie pieces, into her suitcase and headed for the door.

“What if he doesn’t show? What if he cancels at the last minute?” thought Generosa, putting her hair in a quick bun and closing the front door.

Looking down at herself, she was already wearing what she figured she would meet him in anyways; she knew what he liked and what turned him on,” She thought, adjusting the sundress that was a sketch too short.

The fact she had no panties on gave her stomach a few butterflies and her thighs a sudden shiver as she walked her steps to the sidewalk, where she hailed a cab for the train station.


“Well, this is nice,” thought Andre when he sat in the first-class cabin.

While Andre waited for the plane to be fully boarded, his mind drifted back to the beginning of this crazy connection.

He remembered his writings and found a place to vent those writings on a very discreet website. He had made a few connections there, but all had to do with his stories until she messaged him.

He remembered seeing her gorgeous photo and thought, what is a beautiful woman doing on a website like this, and why did she want to talk to me?

She was untouchable and way out of his league. She was also much younger, which wasn’t his thing, but something about this woman mesmerized his every thought.

She could light a street up in the pitch dark just by walking down it.

It wasn’t just that she was drop-dead gorgeous; she was intelligent, outspoken, and a bit stubborn some days, but she was brave and strong as hell.

Her eyes also had their own story to tell, and he yearned to know everything about her.

He remembered their first chat like it was yesterday.

How just talking and asking about each other had flowed like a river of fluidity, eased by the fact that although age and location separated them, their shared wisdom was as though they were the same age. 

Their wants and cares all lined up like he had known this woman his whole life, and the conversations were only stopped by time and work that forced them to log off.

“What if she cancels or doesn’t show?” he suddenly thought.

“Maybe it was all a lie; maybe she isn’t real, maybe it’s just too fucking good to be true,” his mind raced with visions of being left at the café with his dick in his hand and nothing but a first-class ticket to show how stupid he was.

“Knock it off, Andre,” he chided.

“Get your shit together and remember why you took this chance.” He adjusted his seat and straightened his suit for the flight.

When he got the reservation, the Flight attendant dropped in on him with a glass of sparkling water and the Scotch on Ice he had pre-ordered.

“Here’s to nothing,” Andre thought before downing the scotch.

“Would you like another, sir,” asked the flight attendant with judgmental amazement in her eyes.

“Yes, please, and make it a double,” Andre said with pure nervousness in his voice like the room went bone-chilling cold, making his teeth chatter on edge.

He took the fresh scotch from her and mulled the drink in his hands while his memory went back again. He pictured the photos in his mind that she had sent him.

He remembered how beautiful she was, like a goddess from some other timetable that wasn’t supposed to be in his. Her dresses and swimsuits fit in all the right places and a few risqué ones he would never forget.

They were risqué, but they were tasteful. Her body lines were perfect, and her skin looked like silk stretched across a beautifully curved surface. Her hair flowed like honey, and her eyes could pierce any man's soul.

She took his breath away, and he always looked forward to their chats and sharing of photos. It was the highlight of his day if he had been honest with himself. 

He just hoped for his sake; it was also a highlight for her. All he wanted was one touch of the light she brought into this world and to see her shine before his eyes.


Generosa grabbed her boarding pass and found a quiet spot on the train. She was contemplating everything that had led up to this moment.

A steward passed by and asked if she wanted anything. “Yes, can I get a glass of water with a lemon slice and a glass of Chardonnay, please,” Generosa replied quickly, wanting the steward to move on so she could think straight.

“Why am I doing this?” Generosa thought while adjusting her dress to avoid drawing attention. She remembered back to the beginning of how this connection had started.

The talks were long and in-depth; his nature and words mesmerized her and left her longing for more.

It took four weeks before she genuinely got a look at him as she remembered he was very skeptical of showing his natural face online.

At first glance at him, his features, skin tone, and face were alluring, coupled with his words that danced across her thoughts; she knew right then she was falling for him.

She couldn’t help it; between his nature, words, and body, she was captivated by his being and wanted nothing more than to touch his soul. 

The buildings and homes passed by the window as she leaned against it. Peering out, she could see distant farmlands and old mills of a long-ago French past.

Her mind couldn’t shake the feeling it was too good to be true, that they would finally meet, only to be denied.

She shuttered when her body ran gooseflesh across her entire body, and her thighs ached for his touch.

She shifted in her seat and noticed a few men looking her way.  She didn’t mind the attention, but she only wanted Andre’s attention, and these men could fuck off for all she cared.

She had to keep reminding herself not to uncross her legs; otherwise, she might get all the unwanted attention.

The train flowed down the tracks while all the thoughts of him danced before her eyes.

“I just hope he shows,” Generosa thought, taking a deep drink of the wine. The alcohol helped relieve her nervousness; she wasn’t much of a drinker, so it quickly did its job calming her down. 

Knowing he only had about five hours left before he landed and she had just departed Bayeux for Paris, it would be close for her to beat him to the Café, and she wanted to be there first.

“Hopefully, I get to touch his soul in a few hours,” Generosa thought as she continued to sip her wine.  


“Taxi,” Andre shouted from the edge of the worn sidewalk.

The taxi pulled forward, and Andre threw his luggage into the back seat. 

He decided to pack light, figuring if she didn’t show, he would only have to lug the one bag back with his manhood left bare, and if she did show, well, he would love nothing more than for her to go shopping with him. 

“Oui, monsieur?”  the taxi driver hailed to the back. “Uh, I am sorry, I don’t know French, sir,” Andre replied, a little out of sorts.

Why did it not dawn on him to at least download an app that could translate? He hated being one of those Americans who never bothered to at least try and understand others' languages.

“Where are you going,” the taxi driver responded. “Oh, the Mandarin Oriental Paris, merci,” He replied.

At least he knew how to say thank you, but he set a reminder to download that communicator application so he didn’t run into communication issues again.

The taxi whirled down the streets while Andre watched the buildings pass by. It always amazed him how much he loved this city.

He had been here a few times and remembered his guy's trip about ten years ago as they traveled across France, Ireland, Scotland, and Iceland. 

“Such good times,” Andre thought, watching the people walk and smoke their cigarettes.

He knew he had chosen well when they pulled up to the double doors and saw the stunning view of the Eiffel Tower laid out before him.  

“She will be thrilled with this view,” He thought before heading in and checking into what he hoped would soon be their “get to know each other better” room.

Andre smiled to himself, thinking about how good it could be when he felt his cock shift beneath his dress pants.


First-time jitters and butterflies crept over Generosa’s body when she exited the last step onto the train platform from the Gare Saint-Lazre and bid it farewell.

The day was sunny and warm for an August day, but she could feel her nakedness beneath her dress while the slight breeze around her flowed under it.

She could feel her mind race and her body tingle. She was glad she packed light, thinking if he stood her up, she could get another ticket back and hide herself forever from society and anyone she knew. 

 La Bulle Parisienne Café was an hour's walk, so she hailed a taxi. The car pulled up, and she put her bag next to her in the seat.

“Oui monsieur,” asked the driver. “La Bulle Parisienne Café, merci,” Generosa replied in her kindest voice, so hopefully, the driver didn’t light a cigarette.

“Je peux aller jusqu’au grand Palais ephemere, trop de circulation a cote de la tour Eiffel,” replied the driver.

“Well, that’s just fabulous,” Generosa thought; he could only get me to the Grand Palace due to traffic, about six blocks of walking. 

“Merci,” replied Generosa while she gathered her thoughts. 

The car drove on, and Generosa watched the busy city flow by her with citygoers’ destinations set and their cigarettes lit.

She couldn’t help but think if this was all just a waste of time and Andre wasn’t who he said he was.

“Oh, God, what if the photos were fake, and what if he isn’t even a man?” Generosa’s mind swam with all the probable issues she might encounter until she was fully flustered and felt sick. 

The car pulled up to the curb with a jolted stop, waking Generosa from her thoughts.

Generosa stepped out. “Merci,” Generosa said as she entered the passenger window and handed the driver fifteen euros. 

Which was a large tip, but she knew never to skimp on a French taxi driver; otherwise, your clothes would smell like cheap cigarettes for the rest of the day. 

Generosa started walking west on the Av. Charles Floquet as she pondered her soon encounter, still with an uneasy stomach.

She imagined all the possibilities and possible failures as she strolled down the sidewalk, gazing at passersbys and enjoying the sun's warmth on her face.

Her memory kicked in as she crossed Av. Joseph Bouvard and kept heading west. 

Her body tingled as she remembered their first online sex chat, which was a while after just getting to know each other.

She had never done it before, and neither had he, but they went headfirst into it with dirty chat and dirty photos of other couples doing all the things they talked about doing to each other. 

She could feel her center go wet while strolling through memory lane and remembering how they both masturbated to each other's dirty talk and photos.

Her body temp rose as the memory of the final orgasm hit them both, and they came together over the chat at the exact moment.

Now thoroughly wet while taking a right on Av. Gustave Eiffel, Generosa had to stop herself from cumming on the spot and quickly changed the memory to when she had found out he had some baggage.

At first, it hit her hard; if she had been honest with herself, she probably should have moved on, but his honesty made her think twice and kept the chat open for them to talk if she was sincere, she had already fallen for him and didn’t want it to end.

He was easy to talk to. He came across as well-educated, intelligent, and erotically well-written, with just a bit of mystery that left Generosa wanting more and more of him.

Remembering his writing of erotica is what caught her eye in the first place and drew her to him.

The air smelled sweet with the blooming of cosmos, dahlias, and Japanese anemones that surrounded her in a kaleidoscopic explosion of floral colors and scents. 

She felt the fountain spray hit her calves as she strolled underneath the Eiffel, working to the La Bulle sign.

She stopped just short of the lift door and pondered a thought. “No turning back once you walk through this door, Gen,” she muttered, knowing she wasn’t turning back. She keyed the lift and walked in.


“Shit,” Andre yelled to the mirror, trying to fix his hair just right. His suit was to perfection, he thought, but his hair was being a real pain in the ass.

“Go down, stupid cowlick,” He rebuked himself because no one else was there to listen or even respond.

Finally getting it down and where it should be, Andre headed for the door. He had laid specific instructions for the concierge and said that he needed to do a few things for him before and after, hoping they would both be returning to his room.

Andre stepped to the curb and hailed the nearest taxi. He could have walked the eight blocks but didn’t want to show up sweaty in his suit from the warm August day. 

He instructed the driver where to go with the new app he had downloaded, and they took off down Rue Saint-Honore Street.

The people strolled past, and buses rolled by as the taxi passed over the Seine River and onto the Quai d’Orsay road that took him straight to the Eiffel.

Andre nervously stepped out of the taxi and gave the driver ten euros for his trouble, and the fact he didn’t light a cigarette helped the tip as well. His senses landed on the flowering smell and the faint mist from the fountains in the distance that rode itself on the slight breeze around him. 

Andre walked cautiously towards the door and pictured his inevitable future that hung like a willow branch in the winter before his worried eyes. “What if she’s a no-show? What then?” He thought with genuine concern, looking at the café.

“What do I do?” he thought. “Should I walk in and just look around, or do I walk in and go for an espresso first, then look around, or do I just head straight for the bathroom because now I am sweating?” the idea’s swimming in his mind. He stood frozen in place, his body starting to heat up.

“Quit being stupid, walk in and see if she is even there, then grab an espresso and leave if she is not,” He chided himself for what was the fifth time today. He moved forward, keyed the lift, and the doors opened.


The excellent AC unit above the door hit Generosa’s body, sending a slight chill down her spine when she entered through the doorway, and the Crystal Dome wrapped around her like an igloo set in some far-off distant place. 

She was mesmerized by the views through the dome. As crystal glass should be, it was clear and crisp, letting in a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view from the first floor of the Eiffel Tower.

She stood still, taking in all the surroundings.  

The lunch crowd had passed through already, as half the seating was still open, and she picked a spot on a tall table farthest from the entry door.

She sat to see the door clearly to catch him coming in, hopefully. She was watching the door intently when the waiter walked up to her.

“Qu’aimeriez-vous boire?” asked the waiter, startling Generosa from her stare.

“Je veux un espresso, merci,” Generosa responded.     

The drink came a few moments later, and she sipped it slowly, taking in the warmth and flavors the beans had made.

Her nervousness was palpable as she looked around at the customers and staff.

She couldn’t help but think maybe she had traveled all this way for the world’s most expensive espresso and would leave empty-handed and emotionally crushed.

Then the lift doors opened, and she saw for the first time the man she had traveled for, the man who she had given her heart to for the last few months and had given her body over to on the internet for his pleasure.

Her body vibrated, and her heartbeat rose like a drum at a Polynesian pig roast.

The warmth that hit her was hot and palpable as her body let loose every endorphin it had, all at once.

Her bright and sparkling white smile lit even the slightest shadows hiding in the low corners of the dome as he moved forward and opened the door.


Andre moved from the lift and took in the exterior of the dome. He was mesmerized by the sheer architectural design and flawless construction.

He strolled towards the door, looking through to see if she was already seated. Not seeing her, he grabbed the door and opened it.

He quickly peered around and sat in the center next to the bar, not seeing her.

He figured this seat would give him the best view when she walked in. Andre quickly ordered a café crème from the bartender behind the counter he sat at.

He sipped the coffee as soon as it was placed, keeping his eyes on the door, hoping she would walk into his life.


Generosa couldn’t believe her luck; a man decided to stand as Andre came through the doors and looked her way. He didn’t see her, and now she may have to walk to him, which wasn’t part of the plan. 

She rethought her plan and came up with an even better one.

She knew that once he showed, she wanted to have one last, no-hands rendezvous with him before he swept her off her feet and into his arms, changing their lives forever.

She spotted a higher table across from him and slowly moved around the dome, making sure he didn’t spot her before she sat across from him on the opposite side.

She sat quickly with her espresso still in her hands. Looking straight at him, she slowly opened her legs and made sure the view was wide open for him. 

She knew if the bartender turned, he would also get an eyeful, but she didn’t care; this show was for him and him alone.


“Oh, God, she isn’t coming,” Andre thought as he sighed a bit, still looking at the door. “Shit, what did I do wrong?” he thought, mulling it over in his mind.

Finally giving up the idea she would show, Andre turned back to his Café and took a swing.

Looking upright as he drank, he gagged hard, almost making the coffee come through his nose. His throat burned, and he sputtered.

He was transfixed on a woman sitting across the bar through it all. “No, that’s not right,” Andre thought.

“That’s not just any woman; that’s the women, the only women, the most beautiful women he had ever laid his human eyeballs on,” murmured Andre.

Frozen in place, he could see that smile he had fallen so deeply in love with. Her golden blonde hair cascaded like a waterfall down the shoulders of the most beautiful body he had ever seen.

She was sitting right in front of him, wearing a shortcut sundress, and her legs were spread, wearing no panties.

Andre took in the view, watching her move her legs open and close slowly for his amusement as she smiled brightly at him.

His bulge swelled beneath his dress pants, and all he wanted to do was grab it and stroke it to completion, watching the goddess in front of him dance with erotic pleasure.


Generosa smiled when his eyes finally fell on hers. Moving slowly, she opened and closed her legs in repetition, watching his delight unfold in front of her.

Her thighs yearned for his embrace, and her stomach did cartwheels as she thought about taking him in all the ways they talked about.

She could see below the bar right between his legs, and she could have sworn his cock bulged and moved.

“It’s working,” she thought as she reached below the table and dipped two fingers into her thoroughly drenched crevice.

Moving slowly, she glided her fingers up and down and then circled her clit with both fingertips edging her way to an orgasm.

She knew she didn’t want to cum right then and there because she wanted him to do it; it had been too long since her last actual orgasm from someone else.

They both traveled to be here, and she wanted all of him to make her release the tidal wave within.

His eyes went wide with satisfaction, watching her put on a show, and Generosa loved every second of it.


“Holy fuck,” Andre mouthed as Generosa’s hand made its way south to her perfectly shaped pussy and its sweet young lips.

“Fuck, my pants are already showing my hard-on, and he could feel his pre-cum pushing to the top.

His dick went rigid the minute he saw Generosa look down at his crotch.

“Oh, God, don’t let me cum here and now; I want her to do it; I need her to do it,” he thought to himself, still eyeing her beautiful young mound with more intensity than he intended.

Caught up in the moment, he moved below and unzipped his pants.


“Oh, my, God,” Generosa said under her breath with her own eyes going wide now, watching Andre’s cock unsheathe from his pants under the open table he sat at.

She remembered him sending a photo or two but had chalked it up that it probably wasn’t his so she wouldn’t get her hopes up. 

What was displayed in front of her, and only for her own eyes, was what she had seen in the photos.

Andre's python squirming between his legs was nearly nine inches long and two inches thick.

Generosa’s pussy suddenly released her essence more and more at her initial excitement, and the thought of that cock going deep inside her had her hips squirming from her touch as she let out a shallow moan.

Her fingers, now wet with her essence, moved at a faster pace across her clit.

Her neckline turned pink hue from her body heat rising from every stroke she forced on her delicious mound.


Andre could feel his fingers stroking against his thick cock as it dangled out between his thighs. He was loving every second as he watched the world's most beautiful woman finger her sweet clit.

Watching as her neckline ran pink and knowing she was seconds away from exploding all over her dress and the chair.

 Andre pulled short and re-holstered his long gun.  He would love nothing more than to see her cum in public in front of him, and he would probably cum just by witnessing it.

One day, he hoped they would do this again, but he wanted their first time to be together, not separated by tables and chairs. 


“Oh, thank god,” Generosa sighed as Andre put his cock back into his pants.  “Oh, my,” she thought, coming so close to cumming right there, and right then, her hand shook uncontrollably. 

Generosa pulled the skirt of her dress back down and crossed her legs, still feeling like one breath would send her over the edge.

She took the final sip of her espresso, trying to calm herself, and sat back in her chair, watching Andre get up and move towards her.


“What do you say the two of us get out of here and take a walk to cool off?” Andre said, strolling up next to her. Looking down, Generosa could see his excitement was still hanging on as his bulge was still swollen from all their excitement.

“Deal, I almost lost it there for a second, handsome,” Generosa replied.

“I know, that’s why I stopped. I wanted our first time together to be together physically, but I wouldn’t mind revisiting this scenario one day,” Andre said with a wink and a stunning smile as he leaned in and embraced her with a hug.

Generosa’s body heat hit the roof at the feeling of his warm body hitting hers. Her endorphins rose while gooseflesh covered her body.

His dark hair and above-average fit body made Generosa squirm just looking at him as he pulled back from embracing her.

He was handsome, and she admitted he was much, much older by age than her, but she didn’t care; men her age were children to her and interested her not; she found them annoying and not worth the time of day.

She knew what stood before her now was a real man with natural intellect, and now confirmed, he was a very well-endowed man,” she thought with an inward laugh and a butterfly feeling in her stomach.

The couple paid their bills and took the lift to the ground floor.

“Where to now, Love,” Andre asked, turning to Generosa.

“Where are we staying?” Generosa asked with a sly smile as she looked down, her luggage still in tow.

“Oh, what was I thinking? Of course, taxi,” Andre said, turning to the curb and hailing the first taxi.

“We are staying at the Mandarin Oriental Paris,” Andre said while Generosa handed her bag to Andre so she could slip into the taxi.

“Nous restons au Mandarin Oriental Paris, merci,” Generosa spoke before Andre could even get into the backseat of the taxi.

“You amaze me, G; I hope that never changes,” Andre said with a smile.

“It won’t,” Generosa retorted with a sly smile and her wink; they both chuckled a bit as the taxi headed down the street.

While the taxi drove, Andre and Generosa took in the scenery quietly, making the car ride a bit awkward. Andre looked over at Generosa as she peered out the side window.

He took in her natural beauty with her blonde flowing hair, followed by her shapely breasts above her tiny waistline that stood on two of the sexiest legs he had ever seen. 

He had to admit that she took his breath away and was hard to look at for too long. Andre followed her body back up to her breasts, which at the angle Andre had, he could now see she had no bra on, making his cock bulge in his pants again.

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Feeling his cock twitch, he quickly turned from her and peered back out his window.

Generosa’s mind flipped from scenes of the past with Andre. The computer screen lit up with all the future chances of their meeting, and what Andre wanted to do to her when they met sent heated waves down her body again.

It sent her nipples darting through her dress, and her mound re-lubing itself as she re-read the chat in her mind.

Turning from her window, Generosa peered over at Andre, who was looking out his window. She took in his trimmed, shortened mohawk hairstyle above his darker complexion to check out his mid-size frame before landing on his bulge, which seemed more prominent than when they had entered the taxi.

She watched it with anticipation and want. Her eyes widened with thoughts of all the things she wanted to do with him, and her thighs burned with lust to have him right there in the taxi.

Both woke from their thoughts as the taxi bumped the curb before their hotel.

“Votre Hotel Monsieur,” said the taxi driver while they came to a stop.

“Merci,” replied Andre, handing the driver another ten euros.

Andre helped Generosa out of the taxi and grabbed her luggage. They stood frozen, looking at each other as the cab drove away. 

The street noise around them was busy and loud, but neither seemed to be phased by it while they stared into each other's eyes.

“Um, well, this is finally happening,” Andre said, breaking the silence between them while he felt his cock swell between his thighs.

“Yes, um, I guess it is,” replied Generosa, feeling her thighs tighten and her mound swelled with anticipation.

“Um, we may want to move to the room; I want to kiss you so bad right now; I might not be able to let you go, and we might make a huge scene right here if we don’t,” Andre said, followed by a small nervous laugh.

“Uh, yeah, I think that’s probably best,” replied Generosa, thinking the same thing while her thoughts burned inside, heating her thighs to the boiling point while her neckline turned a pale pinkish tone.

They both quickly turned and walked side by side into the hotel.

Andre holding her luggage in one hand and grabbing Generosa’s hand with the other. She looked up and beamed a huge smile at him when he did.

Andre felt reassured that Generosa was here and that everything would be okay as his heart skipped a beat, feeling her warm palm against his; he still felt this nagging feeling that he hoped he could live up to her expectations.

Being in her mid-twenties, Generosa made Andre feel a bit old and hoped he could go the distance with her much younger physique and energy levels. 

He scolded himself for thinking that but knew he had to push to make that lasting impression. 

Generosa could feel Andre’s warm palm against her while they walked to the elevators.  She felt giddy like her heart wanted to leap from her chest.  She couldn’t help but quickly glance at his stature and looks.

She felt like Alice, who had fallen down the proverbial hole of holes, except in her wonderland, Andre held the queen of hearts, and she knew she was in for the ride of her life.  

Generosa felt the hunger build beneath her dress as they entered the elevator. She noticed that Andre had hit the terrace level suites, and her giddiness took hold of her again.

“You went all in on the room, Andre,” Generosa said while looking up at him.

“Well, I figured my Generosa would appreciate the finer things in life,” an amused Andre said with a bit of swagger. 

“Andre, I have told you Gen is fine, or even G. Generosa is a mouthful if you have to say it every time we talk,” Generosa chided Andre with a smile.

“Okay, G, I guess I will use that, but just so you know, your name is beautiful, and I like using it, so I won’t promise not to use it sometimes,” Andre said, smiling back and squeezing her hand.

Generosa’s body went red hot when he squeezed her hand, and she could feel the warmth beneath her dress climb up her abdomen, working its way to her newly hardened nipples.

“God, G, you’re just so damn stunning,” Andre whispered into Generosa’s ear when the elevator doors opened.

“Not too shabby yourself, Andre,” Generosa said, pushing her petite shoulder against his arm. Generosa and Andre stepped from the elevator into a very lavish hallway with two old console tables with ornamental flowerpots and elegant rose bouquets in each one over the top of large squares of modern tile flooring.

“Jesus, Andre, look at this room,” Generosa said with eyes vast and astonishment profound in her voice.

“This is just the foyer, G. I hope you like the rest,” Andre smiled and opened the door to the terrace suite.

 What was laid out before Generosa was breathtaking; the large modern room was adorned with large windows stretching the length of the entire suite that overlooked Paris with its outdoor walkway to its balcony. 

Generosa investigated the large bathroom with his and her sink areas that flowed down to a full glass-incased shower and foot-clawed tub in the corner.

The far area had its couch, desk, and chairs set up for entertainment, but she was interested in the full king-size bed facing the windows and all the mirrors surrounding it. 

“I hope this is to your liking, G?” Andre asked nervously.

“It’s beautiful, Andre; it’s almost too much,” Generosa said, still looking around the room.

“Nothing is too much for you, G,” exclaimed Andre as he grabbed Generosa by the waist, leaned in, and deeply kissed her. Generosa's wet, soft lips sent Andre’s head swimming into the beyond as the kiss lasted for what seemed forever.

Generosa looked up as Andre leaned in; she had been waiting forever for this very moment. Their lips locked, and Generosa could feel his soft lips pressing against hers.

The feeling sent her body into overdrive while Andre grabbed her lower back with both hands, bringing her body into his.

The couple kissed harder and faster as the minutes ticked by. Andre moved from Generosa’s lower back down to her petite firm ass, grabbing it with both hands, threatening to lift her off the ground and fully into his arms.

Generosa reached Andre’s front and began to undo his belt, button, and zipper.  She pulled down, letting the garment hit the floor, and Andre’s belt buckle rang audibly off the marble flooring. 

Andre stepped from his pants, and to Generosa’s surprise, he was commando underneath as his girthy cock flopped down before her. Andre returned his kiss deeper from her response, and their tongues collided inside each other with ferocity.

Generosa took Andre’s cock in both hands and softly but firmly worked her hands and fingers around Andre’s shaft. 

An audible moan flowed from Andre’s mouth to hers when she started fingering his bulbous head and softly cupping his sizable balls.

“Mmm, G, mmm,” was the only words Andre could get out between tonguing Generosa and slipping his fingers between her soft, supple ass cheeks.

“Mmm, God, Andre,” Generosa replied, still working Andre’s cock into its hardened self. Her hand rubbed his vein-covered shaft while her fingers melded around the base and rubbed his sack.

Andre could feel his fingertips get wet when he finally penetrated Generosa’s wettened lips. He worked methodically across her opening before sending two middle-row fingers deep into her cavern.

“Oh, fuck, shit, Andre, ugh, fuck me,” Generosa moaned into his mouth as the couple continued to swap tongues.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Andre breathed his own words into her mouth before pulling back, picking her up, and tossing her on the bed playfully.

“Mmm, I like that, Andre,” Generosa said as she got on her knees and pulled her dress over her head, letting her perfectly shaped breasts drop so Andre could take her goddess body all in as he walked towards her, undoing his dress shirt.

“Jesus, G, you are undoubtedly the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen,” Andre stated, dropping his dress shirt to the floor.

Generosa reached between her legs and rubbed her heated mound for Andre’s pleasure. He watched, standing at the edge of the bed.

“Mmm, I want you to make my pussy hum for you, Andre,” Generosa said while two fingers worked her now thoroughly wet pussy.

Andre’s eyes widened at the statement as he moved onto the bed with her. Eagerly, Andre worked his mouth from her inside ankle and flowed down the inside of her right thigh, meeting her wet mound as his head leveled off between her thighs.

“Oh, Andre!” Generosa moaned when his tongue licked at her parting wet flower.

“Mmm, Fuck Me, G, you taste like cotton candy; you’re fucking delicious,” Andre stated between licking and sucking his way to her center.

Generosa could feel the heat of Andre’s breath as he slowly and methodically devoured her warm, melting center, and his fingers danced across her edges as one entered her starfish, making her gasp ever so slightly. 

Andre couldn’t believe how genuinely delicious she was, yes, it wasn’t precisely cotton candy, but damn if it wasn’t sweet and delicious anyways, and he just couldn’t get enough.

He felt her core pour forth her excitement, and he drank heavily as the heat generated between her thighs could be felt in both his ears.

Andre could feel his throbbing cock go rigid and hard like he was in his twenties again at the taste and feel of Generosa’s deliciousness.

It hurt as it pressed hard against his thigh, and he had to adjust it to the side before it felt like it would break in two.

“Oh, God, Andre, Fuck, Oh, God,” Moaned Generosa as her legs swayed in and out against Andre’s head while his tongue and fingers worked her heated core to a frenzy.

“Mmm, you like that, Baby, don’t you,” Andre said just long enough before diving his tongue back in and pressing his finger deeper into her ass.

“Fuck yes, Daddy, Fucking eat that pussy, Daddy,” Bellowed Generosa while clasping her thighs hard against Andre’s head.

She couldn’t help herself. Andre loved being called Daddy; honestly, she loved every bit of the Daddy/Baby play they performed online for months. 

It made her pussy got instantly wet at the thought of it when she was home, and now she was getting it live, and it was driving her body over the edge as he played along with her.

“Mmm, my dirty girl going to cum for Daddy, Cum for me, Baby,” Andre said between breaths while driving another finger into her asshole.

“Oh, Fuck, Fuck, yes, eat that pussy, Daddy, fuck me,” exclaimed Generosa as her orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer and drove her core to collapse in on itself.

“Mmm, Oh Fuck, Baby, you’re a Bad, Bad Girl,” Andre said right as he felt Generosa’s pussy clamped down hard and her legs closed against his head. 

Andre lifted her ass off the bed and drove his knees towards her, giving himself leverage as Generosa’s pussy released her essence in what he could only describe later that day as a tidal wave.

Andre drank her cum hungrily as she squirted hard. Her essence shot down his throat hot and heavy while some covered his goatee and cheeks as he drank her in.

The scream from her came a second later and would have woken the catacombs had the balcony door been thinner.

“Uggghhh, fuck, oh fuck, fuck me, Andre!!!!!” Screamed Generosa to the ceiling as her hips floated in mid-air, having two of Andre’s fingers buried in her ass.

Andre held her upright with his mouth cupped over her pussy like the end of a firehose, with some of her cum flowing back down to her belly button. 

Andre kept his mouth on her as her last juices flowed from her entirely devoured pussy.  Her legs released his head as he lowered her hips back down.

Andre finally moved from between her shaking legs and lay next to her on the bed.  Her smell would have driven any man wild, like freshly baked cookies mixed with saltwater taffy.

He couldn’t believe he was here with her in Paris as he held her against his chest, letting her relax and enjoy the aftermath of her orgasm.

“God, Andre, if I knew it was going to be that good, I would have flown to you,” Generosa said quietly in his ear as they basked in each other's arms.

“Had I known you tasted that good, I would have flown to you months ago,” Andre replied with a smile, tightening his hold around her petite frame.

They both laughed a bit as they held each other there for a few more moments; Generosa rose and kissed Andre deep and wet.

She worked her way down his neckline to his chest, kissing here and there as she moved farther south.

Generosa kissed Andre’s hardened shaft, and it was at full attention. Using her hands, she grabbed his thick shaft and caressed it as she admired it.

“It must be my birthday 'cause god sent me the biggest present of them all,” Generosa said with wide eyes while licking her lips.

“You like Daddy’s cock don’t you, G?” Andre said in a deep voice as Generosa pulled his cock off his stomach and parted her red lips, sliding over Andre’s swollen head.

“Mmm, fuck that’s thick,” Generosa sighed while trying to open her mouth wide. She could feel the edges of her lips want to tear by the time her tongue hit underneath, and she was able to start taking him in and out.

“Holy shit,” Andre moaned while Generosa took his shaft deeper down her throat.  He could feel the back of her throat as it bent downward as she inhaled his cock.

“Wow, his cock is big; guess I am lucky I don’t have a gag reflex; otherwise, it wouldn’t be good,” Generosa thought to herself when Andre’s swelled head hit bottom, and she felt his colossal sack pressed against her chin.

“Oh, Baby, fuck, suck Daddy’s cock,” Andre chimed while Generosa started bobbing up and down.

Pulling back and off his cock, Generosa spat on his shaft and worked him with her hand.

“You like that, don’t you, Daddy?” “Is Daddy’s Baby doing a good job,” Generosa said in her best dirty girl voice.

“Fuck yes, Baby, Baby knows how to suck Daddy’s cock, fuck me,” Andre said, bemused but enjoying every moment her mouth and hand were rubbing his wet, throbbing shaft.

Generosa worked Andre’s cock like a fiddle as she bounced him down her throat and was licking his ball sack with her tongue ever so often when she hit bottom.

She was amazed at the sheer size of him, his cock was soft against her throat when she took him down, and she just hoped it would be the same when she took him into herself. 

She had to admit, she was highly nervous about mounting him. This was by far the most enormous cock she had touched, and she knew it was going to be a challenge for her.

She had seen big cocks in porn videos before and suddenly realized how hot that would be to make their own porn one day for their own viewing.

The very thought brought her wetness between her legs back and instantly turned her on as she felt Andre’s cock begin to release his load.

“Oh god, G, fuck me, Oh, God, fuck,” Andre Moaned while his cock swelled and released his hot, thick seed into Generosa’s warm mouth.

Andre’s legs shook at the sheer size of his orgasm; her hot mouth made his cock twitch and purge all he had been holding onto since he boarded the plane.

Generosa felt his thick, warmed seed hit her throat, and she drove his cock deep and let it spill all his warmth down her throat, licking under his ball sack as his cock pulsated, filling her airway so she had to hold her breath till it dripped its last drop.

Andre looked down at Generosa when his cum hit her throat; she was eyeing him hungrily as she drank from his seed well, and Andre’s sight went white; stars formed around the edges when the full force of his orgasm hit him.

The room was full of heavy moans and breathing mixed with licking and slurping sounds. It was music to both their eardrums as they drank it all in. Andre’s chest heaved a bit as Generosa crawled back up to him and kissed him deep and sultry.

Andre could taste the last bits of himself on her tongue, and he could feel his cock twinge to life again, wanting more of her.  Generosa laid against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and rubbed her hand against his shaft as she stared at it, watching it swell again.

“Fuck me, G, that was unbelievable; you really know how to drain a man,” Andre chided, looking down and kissing her forehead. 

“Your Baby will give Daddy whatever he needs,” Generosa replied in her dirty girl voice again, looking up at him, still stroking his cock. 

“Well then, Daddy needs to get his Baby wet again then,” Andre said with a smile and reached his hand down to her swollen clit. 

Generosa went instantly wet when Andre’s fingers hit her slit, sending an electric wave up her abdomen to her chest.

“Fuck Daddy, I need Daddy’s Cock, real bad,” Generosa moaned into Andre’s ear with a dirty tone and licked his earlobe, sending his cock pointing straight up again.

“Daddy needs his Baby on his cock right fucking now,” replied Andre with hunger in his voice.

Generosa slid over Andre’s chest, letting her soft, supple breasts lay against him. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed his cock and guided him toward her wet mound.

Generosa thought if she took the reins, she could take him in slowly, not wanting Andre’s hunger for her to take his body over and him slamming his bat hard into her. 

She felt his swollen head spread over her wet lips and pass through her first opening. The size took her breath away as she slowly lowered her hips down, and his shaft began to fill her cavern full.

“Mmm, fuck,” exclaimed Generosa when half was in, and she was having trouble pushing farther down.

“Oh, fuck baby, you are fucking tight,” replied Andre with his moan while she took him deeper.

Generosa could feel his head press deeper and stop suddenly; she took in a breath and pushed harder down onto him. The internal pop and pain sent her legs quivering when it ripped through to the bottom.

“Fuck,” Generosa screamed before his cock finally went all in.  The pain was immense; she had never felt anything like it, and her body wanted to reject what was happening to it as the cramping and electric shock slammed against her abdomen.

“Mmm, my Baby’s first big cock; well then, let’s take this slow,” Andre chided, a bit amused, but inside he knew he needed to tread carefully.

Most women know that there can be immense pleasure from the size, but if done wrong, there is tremendous pain as well. Andre knew what to do; he had done it a few times before. 

He slowly and methodically pushed his hips up and back, only moving an inch or so to start. 

He could feel her body was able to move more and more, her cavern releasing her essence onto his shaft. 

After a few minutes of slow riding, along with deep kissing and rubbing Generosa’s chest. His cock was able to move in and out without issues.

Generosa could feel her cavern contract instantly when he fully entered her, but she was determined to take everything he gave her. 

Leaning down and kissing Andre deeply, she felt him grab her breasts with both hands, rubbing his thumbs against her fully erect nipples, sending a shiver down her spine while Andre’s cock slowly and lovingly motioned inside her now thoroughly wet womb.

His bulbous head rubbed harder and harder against her internal spot, making her pussy wetter and wetter in the process.

Andre’s strong hands squeezed her breasts, and her body let loose all her endorphins at once.  The heat her body transferred could have heated the room alone, and her lips gave way to his cock in surrender as he proceeded to take her faster and harder.

“Oh Fuck, Andre, fuck me, Daddy,” Generosa screamed louder as Andre’s cock slammed her deep, filling every possible inch of space she was born with.

Generosa could feel her orgasm push to the forefront.

“Daddy is going to make you Cum, Baby,” Andre moaned, deep and hungry.

“FUCK,” Screamed Generosa when Andre’s head hit her cervix with a lightning strike. Her cum shot straight down Andre’s shaft, covering his abdomen as he pulled quickly from her.  Her pussy released spray after spray onto his stomach and chest while her internal walls cramped down.

“Holy shit, Baby, Fuck, Daddy made his Baby cum hard, didn’t he,” Andre said in astonishment and pride.

“Ugg, God, fuck, Oh, fuck me,” Generosa replied, out of breath and still feeling the electricity up her inner thighs and spine.

“Baby likes her Daddy’s big thick cock, doesn’t she,” Andre said as he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her deeply for a few moments. 

Releasing Generosa, Andre looked into her deep blue eyes and smiled. He had given her what he dreamed he could and was elated that it had worked out so well. He knew what he was going to do next and took full advantage of her continued waves of orgasm.

“Now it’s Daddy’s turn,” Andre whispered into Generosa’s ear.

Andre flipped Generosa on her back and lifted her legs over his shoulders. Looking between her legs, Generosa saw his rigid cock drive into her. She held her breath as her world went white with stars.

Andre gripped the comforter on the sides of Generosa and slammed his fat cock between her drenched lips. He went full hilt to the bottom and fucked her deep and hard, a man on a mission, and if this was his last fuck, he was going to hit it out of the park.

Generosa felt her body tense and release repeatedly as his cock hit every portion of her cavern; her second orgasm came quick and harsh. 

Her cum sprayed again, but this time he didn’t pull from her. Instead, Andre continued to punish her pussy for all its worth.

Generosa could feel her cavern wrap his cock like a wool sock while he pumped her deep and hard, sending her body shuttering.

He was a crazed man, and she loved every minute of it; his cock hit her in places she didn’t even realize she had. Her cum coated his cock like oil covering a piston. She grunted and screamed with every thrust he put into her.

Andre felt Generosa’s second orgasm, and it sent him to the moon with pride. It had been a while since he was able to do that.

The fact that she was now leaning into his punishment made his entire year, so he just leaned into it with her and drove his shaft harder and deeper.

“Daddy made you cum again, you dirty girl,” Andre moaned out while taking in a breath.

“Fuck, Oh God, Andre, Fuck, Your Cock is amazing, fuck me, fuck me harder, Daddy,” Generosa yelled between her deep breaths.

“You want it, you got it, Baby,” Andre yelled back, and he leaned in hard, slamming her pussy for all its worth. An audible sound could be heard every time his cock head hit bottom.  Hitting her cervix sent her legs into a shaking fit while she moaned and screamed his name.

Andre pounded and pounded; his shaft glistened with her excitement, and her flower melted from the intense movement.  She unfolded to him like a wet envelope, and he, in turn, hardened beyond his measure.

Generosa could only scream incoherent words when her third orgasm racked her petite frame, and her pussy gushed once again.

“Fuck me, Baby, you're on a roll,” Andre moaned, feeling more of a man than he had ever felt in his life. He had never had a woman cum three times in one session, and he was loving every minute his cock was driving her wild.

Generosa’s body quivered from her neck to her toes when the third one hit her, she had never cummed this much or this hard in her entire life, and she knew right then she was never letting this man go.

Andre could feel his orgasm working its way up, and Generosa, for her credit, could feel it, too.  Generosa split her legs wide and wrapped them around Andres's lower back, knowing what she wanted to do.

“Oh, Baby, Daddy is going to cum hard; Mmm, fuck me, where do you want it,” Andre exclaimed in a harsh breath, still pushing deep into her and pulling back far enough so his cock head rubbed her G-Spot.

“I want your cum deep in me, Daddy, cum hard, and let me take it all,” moaned Generosa, lowering her feet to his ass and pulling him towards her, forcing Andre’s cock deeper.

“Oh, fuck, Baby, fuck, fuck me,” Andre yelled right as his throbbing cock pulsated against her cervix. Andre looked into her eyes as his cum pummeled her cavern, and his shaft pumped her like an empty gas tank.

“That’s it, Daddy, give me your life,” Generosa screamed back as a tidal wave of hot cum was felt deep inside her.

She could feel it as it filled her cavern full as Andre’s cock swelled even more prominent, stretching her to her limits while he pumped his life seed into her. 

The warmth sent her back into shutters, and her pussy cummed a large wave back at him. 

They rode each other through and beyond their orgasming waves, and the sweat and smell brought them to the edge and back while they basked in it.

After a few moments of slow penetration and moans, they flowed from them back to each other's eyes.

“I love you, G. I have never felt like this in my entire life,” Andre whispered above her a few moments later as he looked deep into her eyes.

“And you, Andre, are my one and only; I love you more than words could ever describe,” Generosa whispered back to him, taking his eyes in as she did.

“I’m never leaving you,” Generosa said, staring deep into Andre’s eyes and kissed him longingly.

“I’ll never want you to,” Andre replied, giving his deep kiss while his cock went rigid again inside Generosa.

Moans and sighs could be heard down every hallway on their floor as the two continued to make deep, sweet love to each other. 

The two souls blended as one while their bodies melted around each other throughout the night.


It was midday when Generosa’s eyes opened, and she looked up to see Andre watching her sleep.

“Hello, Beautiful,” Andre said, looking into Generosa’s eyes.

“Hello, sexy,” Generosa responded with a smile.

“Well, what would you like to do today,” Andre asked as he reached down and ran his fingers through her golden hair.

“Um, I don’t know, how long do I get you for,” Generosa whispered to Andre.

“For as long as you can stand me, the question is, do we stay here, or do we catch a train and see where this rollercoaster takes us,” Andre said with his smile.

Generosa momentarily contemplated where they would start as he leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. What would be their next stop, and how long would they travel?

“Let’s decide that after a shower and some food,” Generosa said, leaning up and kissing him again.

“Works for me, now, about that shower you speak of?” Andre said, laughing as he ripped the sheets off the bed, picked Generosa up, and walked her into the bathroom.

They both pondered their next destination as they washed each other's bodies. It wasn’t long before the two were making love standing up, and Generosa’s body pressed against the glass wall.

Andre took her Slow and deep, not wanting to rush the experience.

Generosa could feel every ridge and vein when she came, her legs almost giving out before she wrapped one around Andre’s ass.

Andre felt his hot surge release into her, and both let out a loud moan and grunt when the couple released against each other.

Both heard a knock at the hotel door when their climax finally dropped, and they hurried to rinse and throw on the hotel-provided robes.

“Good afternoon, Sir; I got a ring from this room. Was there anything that you or she need?” Asked the hotel man when Andre opened the door.

He noticed him eyeing Generosa when she walked behind Andre and followed his eyes while Generosa stood by the bed.

“Well, you have that map of Europe that I requested yesterday,” Andre asked, turning to Generosa as she turned and smiled at him.

“Yes, Sir,” said the hotel man, eyeing Generosa again before handing the map to Andre, then turning and walking to the elevators.

“You know, it’s going to take some getting used to guys eye fucking my woman like that,” Andre said sarcastically with a chuckle as he turned around while Generosa walked up to him.

“Let him look; you’re the only one who will get any of this,” Generosa lustfully said as she opened her robe and let it drop to the floor.

“Mmm, yes, only me, my Love,” Andre said wide-eyed, with his cock swelling again.

“Now, how about you draw that map of Europe on my body and see what spots we can travel to,” Generosa said, smiling while she laid back on the bed, knowing their travels and lives had just begun...




Part 2 of Generosa and Andre Coming Soon…

Written by James253
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