Since our expansion, business has been very good. The lady that takes care of the cards has even said her sales have increased. She said as soon as she sits down to figure out her new profits, she will increase our compensation. Claudia and I looked at each other and smiled. Claudia told Helen that her compensation was just fine as it was. She was very grateful.
Dave our delivery man came for his usual twenty-minute coffee break. It was a time we enjoyed. He asked if we could take our deliveries on a Thursday. Not a problem for us. Things were going well.
It was on a Friday, Paul and I had just finished lunch, and my dad walked through the door. He had his briefcase, not a casual visitor. The briefcase meant business, or he left mom for good.
“Hey Dad,” Paul said smiling. “How are you feeling? You look great.”
“Well Paul, when you are finished with what is your greatest aggravation, you look and feel better. Unlike you, you married my baby girl, and you look better. But I’m sure you guessed, I am here with a proposition. We can talk here, or you can invite me over for one of Claudia’s outstanding lasagna dinners.”
“Dad, you can come over anytime, but if it’s lasagna, you bring chianti. I know you will bring the best one for the meal. You always have. Even Paul will share some wine with us. He’s learning, Dad.”
Paul spoke up, “Can you give us an idea of your proposition?”
“Yes, I can, Paul. It will take more work for you two, but you will not have any monetary outlay.”
Claudia and Paul looked at her dad, “What?”
“Mr. Garrison is an investor. He has looked over your Dunn and Bradstreet and is impressed. He wants to open a flower shop in the city, downtown, and he wants you to manage it. You will get ten percent of the gross for managing the store. If the store has a loss, you get nothing. You have made an impression on some influential people, and Garrison is one of them. His wife was at Mrs. Stuff-Shirt’s garden party. She was very impressed with your arrangements.”
Claudia and Paul were looking at each other trying to ponder how much extra effort another shop would be. They have very little time off together as it is. And with Paul’s freelancing, there were times when they had no time together. And who would they be able to trust the first shop with?
Paul spoke first, “Baby, my freelancing covers our bills at home. I can’t remember the last time we had to use some for the shop. We have that in our back pocket. We will have to hire someone. If it’s for here, it comes out of our profit. If it comes from the other shop, will Garrison cover the new salary? We have a ton of shit to consider.”
Claudia’s voice was shaking a bit, “I know. I don’t want to over-extend us, financially. I sure don’t want to overextend us. And I’m not sure whom we could trust to run the second shop. My brain is on overload already.”
“Kids, there is one very positive aspect to this I want to point out. I know both of you will support the other no matter what. The second thing I can tell you is Garrison is a reasonable man. He is a shrewd businessman in the corporate world, but in a situation like this, he loves seeing entrepreneurs succeed. If they work hard, he will do everything he can to help them win. And admittedly, it helps his profits.”
After they closed the shop, they headed for home. They stopped at the deli, and Paul ran in for some sandwiches. Claudia sat in the car running things through her head. She had wondered if Helen would be able to or even want to open up a card section in the new shop. Her head was spinning.
When they got home, they ate and relaxed for a while. Claudia showered first. When Paul finished his shower, he found Claudia fast asleep. He knew she was mentally exhausted. Paul was not far behind her.
The next morning it was typical. Paul made the coffee and lunch for them, while Claudia got ready. With the coffee and a couple of microwave breakfasts, they were out the door. They opened the shop and started their morning chores. It was a normal day.
They sat down in the new warehouse section and continued the conversation about the offer. Their biggest problem was whom they could get to work in one of the shops. And if Garrison would fork out the salary for another employee. So much, just so much to consider. Paul went over to Claudia and knelt next to her.
“Honey, one thing is for sure, there is ONE benefit a new employee will not be receiving."
She looked down at Paul with a puzzled expression. When she caught on to what he was implying, she started to smile, then broke into a hearty laugh. The laugh is what they both needed. Some tension had finally been released.
The day was coming to a close. For Wednesday it was a profitable day and both were happy about the good revenue. Claudia was closing the front of the store, and Paul was checking the cooler temperature and water levels for the flowers in the new section.
“Paul, when you finish over there, there is something that you need to look at over here.”
Paul came around the corner, and Claudia was lying on the table naked. He walked up to her with a wide smile on his face.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” Paul asked.
“No, Baby, I am seducing you,” Claudia responded sensually.
Paul undressed and got on the table next to Claudia. He wrapped his arms around her and was kissing, but Claudia was already fondling his cock. Her soft hand had a firm grip on him, and she was stroking him up and down. Paul was getting harder. He was sucking her breast and fondling her butt. Both of them were working into a sexual frenzy.
Paul rolled Claudia on her back and got between her legs. The tip of his cock was just at her sweet vaginal lips. Claudia looked at him and closed her eyes. Paul was kissing her as his cock entered her waiting pussy. Claudia moaned with pleasure.

The lovers lay on the table locked together kissing and loving as they had done so often. Paul slowly began moving his cock in and out of Claudia. She had locked her legs around his waist. They would kiss for a while and then Paul would suck her breasts.
As he alternated his sucking, he was keeping a slow rhythm with his cock. She pushed her wanting pussy up to meet his thrusting. Slowly they were edging each other to their climax. This was part of their love Claudia cherished the most. This time it seemed to have much more meaning.
Claudia started first. Her hot breath on his back as Paul devoured her breasts one at a time. His constant pumping was making it impossible for Claudia to wait any longer. She released all of the love she had for Paul. When he felt her warm climax flowing down his cock, he released a stream of semen. Claudia could feel his climax washing down her inside walls. Paul did not stop until Claudia had finished, and his strength had been exhausted as his cock slid from her.
They lay on the table wrapped in each other’s arms. Their hearts beat as one. Slowly they recover their breathing. Paul strokes Claudia’s hair. She cooed and cuddles closer to him. Their love binds them closer together. They cling to each other.
They got home, heated leftovers, and had a beer or two. Claudia, as always showered first. This time she came back into the living room. Paul could tell, she wanted to talk. He showered quickly and joined her in her living room with a fresh beer. He sat down next to her and kissed her.
“Claudia, what are you thinking? Or should I ask what part you are thinking about?”
“Paul, we work so well together. And the love we shared before we left is amazing. I know there have been days that you had to work on web design, but those days are not that many. I am excited about having another shop, but I worry about separating us. How can we be certain the person we hire would be someone who cares as much as we do?”
“Claudia, I’m going to be just pure honest with you as I always have. I do not have the answers to those questions. I wish to hell I did. I am going to suggest we have another talk with your dad. He’s a lot smarter in these things than we are. What do you think, Baby?”
“I agree,” said Claudia. “Dad is a good businessman, and he knows a lot of the ins and outs. I think I want to ask him about Helen putting in the cards as well. And he has the legal staff to look over any of the documents. I’ll call him tomorrow and see if we can meet Saturday.”
Thursday was a typical day, and Friday was doing quite well. Around three-thirty, a fancy black car pulled up in front of the shop. A gentleman opened the back passenger door. A very well dressed my got out of the car and was heading into the shop. Claudia and Paul could only look at the man as he walked in. Claudia walked up to him and greeted him with her professional smile.
“Good afternoon, Miss. My name is Maxwell Garrison, my company is McCormick and Garrison. Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”
“I’m Claudia Jacobs, I am the owner.”
“Excellent, then you are the young lady married to Mr. Paul Jacobs, correct?”
“Yes, I am very proud to say,” Claudia answered.
“Is he available, please?”
“Yes, please wait here.”
“Paul, there’s a gentleman to see you. It’s Mr. Garrison.”
“Huh, what, who?”
“Mr. Garrison, I’m sure it’s the man dad was talking about.”
“What does he want with me, I’m poor.”
Paul went out to the front of the shop. He still had no recollection of the gentleman standing there.
“Mr. Garrison, Paul Jacobs. It’s my pleasure to meet you, sir. How can I be of assistance?”
“Mr. Jacobs, you have been commissioned in the past by my company for your outstanding freelance work. McCormick and Garrison are expanding. We are going to Europe with our products and enlarging our marketing department. We had a Board meeting this morning. We are looking for a web designer. No one had anyone in mind and immediately thought of you.”
“I had the marketing department bring up some of your past designs. The Board was well pleased. I am here to make you an offer. I know you and your wife are considering my offer of another shop, which is in no way included in this offer.
I am here on behalf of the Board to offer you full-time employment with our company. You will be able to work from home. We are not prone to making ridiculous deadlines. I have a contract for you to review. I am quite sure you will be conversing with Mr. Thomas; I encourage you to do that. If I may, I would like a response by Tuesday midday.”
“Mr. Garrison, this is an honor. I will talk this opportunity over with Mrs. Jacobs and Mr. Thomas. I shall give you an answer as soon as possible. Thank you again, sir.”
Claudia looked at Paul, “Paul? PAUL! Are you all right?”
"Baby, pinch me or slap me. I think I have been hallucinating for the past twenty minutes.”
While Paul was mesmerized by the paperwork in his hand, Claudia was calling her father.
“DADDY, OH DADDY. GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT!” Claudia only called him Daddy when she was over the top about something.
“Claudia slow down, Honey. Your B/P must be over four hundred. What’s going on?”
“Daddy, does Mr. Garrison work for McCormick and Garrison?”
“Yes, he does, Claudia.”
“He just left the shop. He has offered Paul a full-time job in the marketing department as their web designer. He wants an answer by Tuesday morning. He has given Paul the contract to sign. Daddy, what do we do now?”
“I’ll meet you two at your apartment after you close the shop. We will look everything over, starting with Paul’s job offer. But, Claudia,” her father said with a stern voice, “the final answer must come from you and Paul. You know I will do everything I can. See you later.”