The next day my shift started in the early afternoon with attending a team meeting with the concierge and a few of the reception staff. I must admit, I had a difficult time concentrating on the topics of the meeting since the last night had been quite eventful. Louis had left us after a little nap, but Ruby had, thankfully, stayed over and helped me tidy up and change the bedding after we had truly soaked the linens. I had made her breakfast and she had explained to me in more detail what had happened between her, and Mr Jones the evening before. Thankfully she had left out the raunchier parts.
I was still on the fence but slowly warming to the idea of meeting Jones in a completely dark room. Ruby had suggested I shouldn’t talk too much since he knew my voice so well. And of course, I had the advantage in a dark room, even though I, too, had to acclimate to these circumstances. We both knew full well that the whole dark room idea was an absurd construct. Since Ruby already knew Jones, she could have just gone to his room and earned some easy money. She had seen the opportunity for me. To find out if reality could reach the picture my imagination had painted. Ruby seemed to have everything thought through. Perhaps I should just agree. Have my little fling and, as she said. Get it out of my system.
After the meeting the concierge and I stayed behind, finishing our coffee, and chatting a bit about recent events, inside and outside the hotel. I was sitting with my back to the door. Facing the big French windows of the bar and enjoying the warm afternoon sun on my face when I heard someone enter the room from the hallway on my left.
“Ah! Mr Nelson, the girl at the desk told me I would find you here. You told me about the library yesterday and that you would have a key if I needed one?”
I froze when I heard the voice.
Mr Jones. He sounded much livelier today. Ruby's -virtual- touch, I assumed.
Across from me, the concierge got up and I turned around in my seat.
Call it a reflex or old habits die hard, but as long as I still can see a little bit I will turn around and “look” even though looking and seeing are two very different things for me.
I could make out his shape a little more defined in the bright room and nodded politely.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Jones, yes indeed I keep the key to the old library in my office. I will get it for you immediately. Miss O’Riordan and I were just about finished, anyway.”
When he mentioned me by name I again nodded toward the shadow, which had slightly shifted.
“OH! You are Miss O’Riordan! The beautiful voice from the telephone!” There was a subtle undertone in his voice. We shared a secret.
I blushed.
Getting up I extended my hand towards his general direction. Fabric rustled and a soft-skinned hand took mine and shook it firmly.
“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones.”
I smiled up at where I, vaguely, could make out the shapes of his face.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
Reluctantly I let go of his hand, noticing that his grip lingered a second longer.
He addressed Nelson again, “Please I didn’t mean to interrupt, I won’t take you away from such pleasant company.”
I heard the concierge snicker. “Well, I can have that company any time since our offices are quite close to each other.”
“Miss O’Riordan may I leave you to your coffee?”
Having used all my composure to keep upright I simply nodded and smiled. When I heard them turn and leave, I also turned and stuck out my hand to find the back of my chair. Feeling my way, I sat back down again, not trusting my knees to support me any longer.
A wry grin on my lips.
I felt someone approach and heard a cup and saucer being placed in front of me.
“Now I know, you’re faking it!”
There was distinct amusement in Katrinas' voice. She would open the bar soon and had served our drinks earlier.
Inhaling the aroma, I nodded. “Faking what? Thanks for the coffee but I think the other cup should at least be half full.”
“Yes, and completely cold.” She laughed. “You can’t tell me you didn’t fully see him. You looked directly into his eyes.”
I laughed. “Usually, it’s enough to look in the direction the voice comes from and hope for the best.”
“He has no clue you’re blind.”
“Yepp and I reckon the moment he finds out he is flabbergasted and starts waving his hand in front of my face.” I snickered.
I had heard those words often over the years. “But you don’t look blind!”
No, I don’t. Mainly because I don’t wear sunglasses, since light actually helps me see a little bit, I appreciate bright rooms and high contrast. I also try to look directly at people when they talk to me.
I shook my head. Lifting my watch to my ear I tapped the display and the voice announced that I was already running late. I turned my head to where I assumed Katrina was still standing. “I should get behind my desk.”
“Want me to take you there?”
Her voice came from behind the bar, opposite where I had assumed her to be.
Well, you can’t win ‘em all. “Thanks, but I’ll manage.”
I got up and sighed, I had not even sipped the fresh hot coffee.
Katrina had noticed. “Go ahead. I will bring your coffee in a second.”
“You’re a gem!” Unfolding my cane, I made my way down the hallway towards my office.
Back behind my desk, I needed a moment to myself. I waited till Katrina had brought my coffee and the door had closed behind her till I finally exhaled deeply.
That brief encounter! But still such an impact.
I had to admit to myself I knew nothing about that man. I knew his voice, had a vague idea of what he looked like, due to some friend’s descriptions. But I had no clue about the person.
I know, for an easy fling there was no need for a character study. But I had to admit, it scared me that I reacted so violently to just a voice and totally disregarded the person behind it.
And I had to admit that this encounter had now swung me completely towards Ruby's idea.
I took out my cell phone and sent her a message. “I’m in.”
Thirty seconds later my phone chimed, and the little computer voice told me her answer. “Let’s talk tonight. I will pull some strings.”
The afternoon shift dragged on, I didn’t get enough sleep the night before and there were no interesting inquiries or requests to help me pass the time. Also, I had to admit, I was a little sore. Louis’ aftermath.
Again, close to the end of my shift, my headset announced an incoming call from Mr Jones's room.
I pushed the button to answer the call. “Good evening, Mr Jones. How may I be of service?”
“Good evening, Miss O’Riordan, how are you tonight?” There was a warmth in his voice, and, like this afternoon, he sounded more upbeat.
“Quite well, thank you.”
“I just wanted to call, to thank you for your help yesterday. I think this afternoon wouldn’t have been the right opportunity to do so.”
I stifled a giggle, if he knew the things Nelson and I had pulled off together for guests he would have been amazed. “You’re welcome, Sir.”
“It was nice meeting you in person.” Jones sounded a little shy.
“The pleasure was all mine.” I smiled as I thought if you only knew…
“Somehow I had always figured you as a ginger.”
“It’s the name and the accent. I hope you’re not disappointed now?” My voice was equivalent to an eye roll.
“I apologise. I didn’t mean to offend you. And this shade of dark brown brings out your unusual eye colour.”
He had noticed my eye colour, which meant he must have looked at me very closely. I felt a pleasant shiver. I would have liked to return the compliment. But alas…
“No need for an apology, the red comes out when I get more sunlight. It will also turn me into a lobster, but my hair will get a reddish tint.” I laughed and heard him exhale in relief.
“Is there something else I can help you with tonight?”
He cleared his throat. “I wanted to let you know that the woman from yesterday, Miss Ruby, will call again.”
I wondered if should tell her that he called her Miss Ruby, she’d have a field day. “I have been notified.” As much as I wanted to find out what he thought about the whole affair, I knew better than to probe him. I had noticed the slight shift in his tone.
“As soon as Miss Ruby calls, I will directly connect to your room.”
She wouldn’t call him that night. I knew it but he didn’t.
The next day Ruby and I met for lunch before my shift started and she told me that she had commandeered a room in a museum, of all places. They were changing exhibitions on the top floor and since it was one of those new artsy places the floor had no windows. All the light came from the lighting for the different exhibitions. This wasn’t a normal room. Ruby knew everyone, everywhere and everyone owed her a favour.
There was no need to be concerned about residual light from windows, and no accidental finding of light switches since there were none. Some of the walls would be fake for the new exhibition. The building crew got a nice stack of money, and they would build us a room for our special needs. There would be a camera and a microphone to keep it safe for me. But no recording devices.
As we were talking the room was being furnished.
Ruby would call Mr jones later and let him know the details. I got my briefing during lunch.
The most difficult thing, though, would be to hide my accent, we had agreed that if I whispered my he probably wouldn’t recognise my voice. My accent was a different cup of tea. There wasn’t much of it left anyway but since he knew my voice so well, I should keep talking to a minimum. Also, we weren’t there for a book club meeting.
I felt weird when I stepped out of the shower, it was my day off and Ruby had managed everything so our little meeting with Mr Jones would go smoothly without anyone noticing. I had showered, shaved, and trimmed the important areas, had put on a nice perfume and then just some generic slacks and a blouse. He wouldn’t see it anyway. Ruby had collected me that morning to give me a little preview of the room. I had familiarised myself with the room and the furniture. I hadn’t admitted it in front of Ruby, but the completely dark room had crept me out. For all I knew, this could be my future. One day I could wake up to complete darkness.
I shook off the grim thought as I put on my coat and grabbed the bag with essentials and my cane. Outside my building I didn’t have to wait long, I heard a car approach and saw a dark limousine coming to a halt in front of me. a window motor hummed, and a familiar voice greeted me. Hola mi Corazón, I heard you needed a ride?”
Louis! I walked towards his voice and my cane hit the metal of the passenger door. Luis opened it from the inside, and I folded my cane and got into the car.
Ruby was in the back, and we chatted a little until we reached the hotel. The light conversation helped me to get over my nervousness. They explained to me how the windows of the car were all opaque, except the windshield, of course! And that there also was an opaque pane of glass that would divide the driver from the backseats soon. When we reached the underground parking of the hotel, I heard the humming of the motor that closed the window between the sections. Ruby would fetch Jones now. And I got nervous again.
He entered the car, and I could feel he also was quite nervous. Ruby explained to him about the windows, that no one could see him and that he couldn’t see where we were going.
She also explained a bit more of what was about to happen.
“Mr Jones, to make sure you’re not recognised I advise you to only whisper. The room will be absolutely dark. There’s a little room to the side where you can put your clothes. This room will also be dark. When you enter the room. The woman will already be there. There will be someone close by so if you need help, shout. This is very important. The woman who agreed to participate is not a prostitute. She has a clean bill of health and is to be treated with the utmost respect.”
I smiled. Someone seemed to move behind me, I heard leather and fabric, and then I heard Mr Jones's voice, “What’s the woman’s name? how does she look? This is a bit weird; don’t you think?”
“Yes, it’s weird but it can also be an amazing experience. But if you’d like to cancel, just say the word. And we’ll turn around.”
“No, no. but tell me a little bit about her.” He sounded a little defeated.
“Since the room will be all dark, she can look like whatever you want her to look like it’s all your imagination. Her name is Chiara.”
I froze in shock! How could she tell him my real name? I was quite sure he only knew my last name, but still. I felt Louis lean closer. His voice was the faintest of whispers.
“Would you really want him to call you by another name during sex?”
He was right. This got even weirder.
The car slowed down, Louis made a sharp turn and I felt us drive down a tunnel. The sound around us changed. We had arrived.
Ruby would take him up the stairs, talk a little more to him, and help him whilst Louis would take the elevator with me, to give me a head start.
The building crew had done an amazing job. There were separate booths for us to undress, I peeled out of my clothes put them on a little table, and entered the room. Someone had used some aroma oils or lit some sort of ambience candle. The room no longer smelled like fresh paint and wood but like a normal bedroom. A faint hint of flowers and something a bit more earthy. I liked it.
I knew it was nine paces from the doors of the booths to the bed which was in the middle of the room. There was some other furniture, but I was sure Jones wouldn’t care. Slowly I walked towards the room, counting in my head, and sticking my hand out to find the bed. I took a little to get accustomed to the bed and get my general bearings when I heard another door open and close again.
“Hello?” A male voice whispered. I recognised Mr Jones even though he was whispering, I just hoped he wouldn’t recognise me.

“Hello? Chiara?” I whispered.
“This is awkward.” I heard him shuffle around. “Where are you?”
“Follow my voice, I’m already on the bed.” I remembered my role, “What’s your name?”
So, he was using his real name, too.
“Nice to meet you.” I giggled. I heard a thud and felt the bed move. “I see you found me.”
“Ouch, yes.”
The bed moved as he slowly crawled onto it.
“What now?” He sounded sheepish.
“Less talking.” I had the advantage, and I knew it. And I was willing to use it.
My outstretched hands felt his skin and he flinched a little surprised by the contact.
“Don’t be afraid.” I let my hands explore his body. His thighs were more muscular than I had imagined, his hips and torso weren’t as ripped as I had thought, but softer and more comfortable. I felt one of his hands touch my arm. Clumsily he felt his way around my body. He was nervous. I put my hand on his chest and felt his heart race. His breathing was quick. My hand slowly wandered up his chest to his neck and I found his chin, getting closer I let my lips touch his. I shuddered as he opened his lips, and his tongue carefully entered my waiting mouth. I took his face in my hands, feeling the shape of his brow and cheekbones, completing the image I had of him in my head.
His hands found my waist and pulled me closer, I felt him explore my breasts, my nipples already erect and waiting. I sighed as I felt his touch. My hands slowly guided him to lie down on the sheets. I bent over him to kiss him and again and my hands wandered down his body. My arousal filled the room, the scent of my juices enveloping us, mixing with his scent. He smelled so good. There was the faintest hint of cologne, but his scent was so intense. There was this little note of cinnamon and coffee.
I found his pubic area, also well-trimmed, his penis not completely erect yet I took it in my hand and softly stroked it.
“I’m sorry, I’m a bit nervous” he whispered shily.
“It’s ok.” I kissed my way down his torso and started mapping out his member with my tongue. Massaging his balls, I took him in my mouth, and it didn’t take long till I felt him grow in my mouth.
I heard his hand move across the sheets and find my thigh. He groped around, apparently not sure what he just found. Still kneeling I spread my legs a little and with my free hand, I guided him up my thigh.
I felt his fingers carefully explore. My juices already coating his hand he groaned, and I gagged as his cock hardened even more inside my mouth. He wasn’t as huge as Louis, but still, well endowed.
He pushed a finger inside me and started to carefully fingerfuck me, trying to give back some pleasure. Again, my free hand wandered between my legs, and I guided him to my clit. He understood and started rubbing and massaging my swollen button.
My movements on his member got more forceful as I noticed he was close to orgasm. I just hoped he was more than a one-hit wonder.
“Oh god, I’m coming already!” He groaned and at the same instance the first shot of sticky hot cum hit my throat. Louis had trained me well, as I took his cock and swallowed everything, he had to give me.
He had stopped rubbing as the orgasm overtook him. Leaving me all hot and bothered.
I licked his cock clean and moved up his chest again, his cum still on my lips I kissed him. Giving him a taste of himself.
“Um, David?” Didn’t you forget something?” I whispered close to his ear.
“Oh dear! I’m sorry but it has been a while. And…” He trailed off. I felt him grope around till he again found my hip. He carefully turned me on my back and started to get down on me. As two of his fingers entered me, I felt his thumb on my clit and automatically bore down. His mouth found my breast and I felt him tug and nibble on my sensitive nipples. It took mere seconds for him to make me come. I put my hand on his to stop him from pulling out his fingers. Flexing my vaginal muscles around them my signals were clear.
David slowly started rubbing again, pushing his fingers deeper as he turned to face me. He found my mouth and kissed me forcefully, his tongue taking over my mouth as he pushed my legs apart with his thigh. Resting in the missionary position I felt his, still soft member brushing against my labia.
He stopped rubbing and his hand left me, and I felt his cock move and slowly stir.
“Do we need a condom?” he whispered between kisses.
“No. I’m protected.” I spread my legs even further to signal how welcome he was.
We kissed and touched and before long he was again fully erect and entered me with a bold push.
My recent escapade with Louis had prepared me well, I took him deep and without issue. He immediately started pumping and just as I had resigned myself to the fact that this was more about him than about me, I felt one of his hands between us. He found my clit and started massaging it in sync with his thrusts.
I moaned and tried to tilt my hips towards him.
His voice was close to my ear, “Ruby told me you prefer it this way.” His voice and what his fingers did to me were all it needed for an earth-shattering orgasm to rip through me. I hadn’t squirted in a long time. Something that only had happened to me twice in my whole adult life. But now I felt the fluid gush out of me, and I felt him still moving inside me. he was deep inside, and I felt him clench and heard the moan as he again shot a load inside me.
We were both spent, and we knew it. His soft penis slid out of me as he hugged and kissed me, us both resting in the big wet spot we had left on the sheets.
For a while we just lay there, neither of us spoke. We just existed in this bubble of closeness together. Sharing this moment. A sudden melancholy came over me. I hadn’t got it out of my system. Now I longed for more. But I knew I couldn’t have it. Carefully I wiggled out of his embrace. “It’s time to leave.” I got up off the bed.
“But…” I heard him sit up. “Will I see you again?”
I trailed along the side of the bed till I found the corner, from here it was a quarter turn to the left and again, nine paces.
“You never saw me.” I couldn’t hide the sadness in my voice, “and I never saw you.” Walking I counted to nine and stuck out my hand, there was the doorframe, and I found the handle and turned it when I heard him. “How do I find out of here?”
I turned. “Get out of the bed on your right side and find the corner of the bed. Turn a little to your right and make nine paces. Or call Ruby.” I opened the door before I turned again. “Thank you, David. This meant a lot to me.” I crossed the threshold and closed the door without waiting for an answer. I could still feel his sperm seep out of me.
Hastily I cleaned myself up and got dressed. I knocked on the outside door to signal Louis I was ready. He opened the door and took my hand. “You ok mi Corazón?”
“Si, claro.” I sighed.
Let me bring you down. Mr Jones is still trying to find his way out.” He giggled quietly.
We made the way down to the limo and had to wait quite a bit till I finally heard their steps on the stairs. I was already sitting on the passenger seat, the window rolled up most of the way I felt my way up to the little crack to make sure Louis was still leaning on the door, blocking the view. My finger found the fabric of his jacket and I calmed down a little.
Leaning back into the seat I closed my eyes. I heard Ruby and David enter and soon after I felt Louis sit down next to me and the car engine started.
“I hope you enjoyed the experience?” Ruby’s voice was kind but a little inquisitive.
“Very much so. And I hope it was also enjoyable for Chiara?” I smiled and nodded as I heard Ruby answer, “Oh, I very much think so.”
“She was gone so fast; I’m still amazed how she found the door so quick I think I searched for ten minutes.”
I froze. Did I blow my cover? But then I remembered, he didn’t know.
“Woman's intuition.” I heard Ruby casually explain it away and exhaled.
“I would very much like to see her again.” David sounded hopeful.
“I’m sorry. That is not within my powers.” Ruby shut him down.
And I was torn.
Torn between wanting to get to know him and starting a relationship with him. Hell, if I could have, I would even have his children! On the other hand, there was the big A-list celebrity, the crazy bitch ex, and the media circus. Not to mention he officially was still married. And what if the media found out how we met?
And, I felt the knot in my stomach get heavier and heavier, what if a little blind action is a nice kink but a blind girlfriend is just too much of a hassle and doesn’t look as nice on the red carpet? After all, there was a reason I lived alone.
I tried to shake off those thoughts. The car again entered a garage, we had reached the hotel and David bid his goodbyes.
Ruby and Louis offered to take me out to dinner, but I felt I needed to rest a little. And I needed a shower. For me, the scent of sex was still so strong on me I wouldn`t have felt at ease in public.
I decided against a shower in favour of a hot bath.
Whilst I was running the bath, I opened the bottle Louis had left me a while back. I couldn’t remember what the label said but trusted in Louis's good taste. On any other day, I might have called the Be My Eyes app and have someone read the label to me. Now I felt too exhausted.
What had happened? I just had amazing sex with the man who had been the centre of my fantasies for days. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker and opened my playlist. Melody Gardot's voice filled the bathroom as I slid into the tub. “Some Lessons…”
I had tasted the forbidden fruits. Now I had to suffer through the blues. Or was it the lover’s grief?
My fingers searched for the glass on the table next to the tub and I took a sip. The man had good taste, I had to admit.
Leaning back against the tub again I remembered the afternoon. David’s voice, his scent. The feel of his skin and his touch.
My hand wandered between my legs where the warm water was mixing with my juices. I touched myself and knowing that a bit of his sperm was still inside me brought me closer to orgasm as I rubbed my clit, remembering how his hand felt there.
I climaxed quickly and my only hope was that I’d always remember his touch.
It had been a few days since our encounter and with relief I had noticed that Mr Jones didn’t suspect a thing and that I slowly had worked past it, too. I could acknowledge that I’d always have more than just a soft spot for him. But it was better this way. He would move out soon since the media circus was dying down and his ex had wasted all her powder.
He had still called every day. With his typical errands and lists and a kind word here and there. We had our little rituals.
It was Friday afternoon; Nelson had fetched me from my little den in the basement to talk to a computer technician at the front desk who was about to rewire parts of the phone and computer setup.
He filled me in on some minor changes and I, in exchange, explained a few settings I would need for my screen reading app.
Nelson had offered to take me back down to my office, but I told him I would stop by the bar first. Katrina had announced that, in celebration of her recent birthday, she had brought in cupcakes for the staff.
“Oh dear! I nearly forgot the cupcakes! If I may I’ll accompany, you and get one for myself to take back to the main desk.” Nelson beamed. He linked arms with me and led us towards the bar.
The bar had opened an hour earlier so there would be no opportunity to spend some time in there, eating a cupcake and having a relaxed cup of coffee. But it was quiet at the counter. Nelson snatched up a cupcake and excused himself since he had to oversee the front desk.
I always enjoyed the bright interior of the bar, so atypical to the common dark hotel bar. But today the high French windows didn’t let in as much light since it was a typical British autumn afternoon with a lot of rain. A few tables were taken as I heard voices around me and noticed some moving shadows gesturing.
“Here to sneak a cupcake, too?” Katrina stepped towards me from across the counter.
“Yes, and if I may, I’d also ask for a café au lait to go with it. And both for takeout?”
I looked at what I assumed to be her face and tried my cutest face.
“I do you one better, Sue will come on in a minute and then I’ll bring your order down.”
“You’re a gem!” I trailed along the counter as I grabbed my cane from my back pocket to unfold it.
“Oh, Chaira?” Katrina raised her voice a little, somewhere ceramic clashed. “Cream for the cupcake?”
“Hmmm yes, please.” I let go of the counter and made my way out the door. Cane in front of me a little more careful since there were guests about.
As I reached the stairs, I heard quick steps behind me. Out of reflex, I stepped closer to the wall to make way for whoever was in a hurry. Someone stopped in front of me.
“It was you.” Even before he spoke, I noticed the scent of cinnamon and coffee. He must have been at the bar and heard Katrina call me by my first name.
“Why didn't you tell me?”
I looked up, “what is there to tell?”
“But it was you, that afternoon.” I felt his fingers touching my hand and cane. “This is how you managed in the dark room.”
I had to steady myself against the wall. “Yes.”
“How much do you still see?”
I smiled, there he was, the man who understood, the man who didn’t wave his hand in front of my face.
“Apparently not enough to notice you at the bar. Right?” I tried to smile.
“Apparently not.” There was a smile in his voice. “Where do we go from here?”
I shrugged. “Nowhere. This isn’t some variation on Pretty Woman. I am an employee; you are a guest. There are paragraphs in my contract about interacting with guests.”
“You could still say you didn`t see those.”
I smiled. If only.
“At least give me a chance to get to know the woman whose voice mesmerized me from day one and who turned out to be one of the best lovers I’ve ever had.”
I blushed and leaned in for a kiss. The light in the hallway was just bright enough as I broke the kiss, I stayed close to his face.
“Who’d have thought, you have blue eyes!”
“Does this mean yes?”
“Maybe?” I smiled.