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How I Came To Be Me Part 4: New Beginnings

"Celine starts dating..."

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The return to our Paris hotel was uneventful. We had a good time aboard the ship visiting all the marvelous places along the Seine, but it wasn't as fun with Tam in mom's stateroom. Tam and I didn't have any more intimate encounters, obviously because mom was pretty much back to normal health-wise, which was nice.

We did tour Paris this time around taking in the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre Museum, along with the Arc de Triumphe. Tam was impressed with those and French cuisine. All of us were unimpressed with crowds and traffic. We did pass by Princesse Tam Tam, which got a wink from Tam and tingle between my legs.

I sighed out loud, recalling Tam and I trying on the lingerie as we drove by, though nobody said anything when I did.

The flight home was long and tedious. I watched another four movies since I can't sleep on airplanes. It's way too loud with the engines and uncomfortable sitting up. It's the only thing about river cruises in Europe I dislike.

We went our separate ways after stopping at mom's house. I took a couple of days off work to unwind and do laundry, catch up on my sleep, and just be lazy. I felt lonely having been with Tam and mom for nearly two weeks, continually gabbing and enjoying their company. I thought about calling Tam to see if we could hook up but thought better about it. Our brief affair was in the past, I had to get over it.

I'd missed my gym time during our trip. The few times I'd spent working out didn't offset the guilt I felt eating and drinking as much as we did. I needed that rush only hard workout can give.

I went in later than my usual time, having slept in since I didn't have to go to work. The gym was a little more crowded than I expected. Then it dawned on me the women here were most likely moms that had gotten their mates off to work and their kids off to school. It's was their 'me' time.

I didn't see Tam around, figuring she was with mom or her place getting over her jet lag. The atmosphere seemed a bit lighter too. They were small groups of ladies gossiping around a couple of weight machines. A pair were talking as they ran on the treadmills. It seemed more like a social hour than a gym.

I changed into my workout attire in the locker room, then headed out to my favorite elliptical to get my heart rate up. I was about five minutes into it watching some Hallmark show on the television hanging from the ceiling. My playlist was going through all my upbeat music. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman climb up on the machine next to me. Turning to her, I smiled and said hello. She smiled back, saying something I couldn't completely make out with my airbuds in my ears.

I removed one, turning the music off, “I'm sorry. I didn't hear what you said.”

She laughed, “I said, hello. How's your morning going?”

I smiled, “Good so far, thank you. Yours?”

Then we started talking, something I hadn't done at the gym before. I mean being more social. Usually, I get in, get my workout done, say hello to a few of the ladies then go on my way. I guess different times at the gym you get different people with different views on working out depending on their lifestyles.

Monica introduced herself after pausing her machine. She gave me a brief 'sizing up' you might say and a complimentary smile. I had glanced at her while we were still moving. She had an adorable face, no make-up, and a smile that made me tingle.

She must have been pushing mid-thirties, her yoga pants fit nicely over her slight bubble butt. She wore a tattered tee over her sports bra and had her red hair tied into a long ponytail. Her body had just enough curves to make me want to see more. She wasn't athletic by any means, which wasn't a bad thing. She looked soft and delectable, probably due to having kids.

She asked if I were new; I smiled and told her I wasn't. I usually worked out very early before work. Explaining about my trip and the reason I was here so late. She beamed asked all sorts of questions about France and the cruise. I didn't tell her about Tam, not wanting to start any rumors. I just mentioned mom and I and that we vacation together annually. She thought that it was terrific that we could do it sighing as she did. She told me she was married, had a couple of young children who were her world. She didn't talk much about her husband, which seemed odd to me.

We talked the entire forty-five minutes on our machines. I mentioned my marathon goal, which Monica found impressive. She'd run track in High School but wasn't good enough in college. She'd gotten out of shape having her kids and was trying to work that off. The time seemed to fly, talking with her. During our 'talk time', she'd wave and say hi to other 'mom types' as they passed by.

She was sweet, funny, a bit lonely, I thought even though she greeted everyone. When we'd finished, we said our good-byes telling each other how nice it was to talk and hoping to do it again sometime. I went to the free weight area, and she wandered off to a small group of women clustered around an ab machine.

I focused on my lifting for the next half hour. With all the mirrors in the gym, I could see Monica move from little group to little group, use the machine in turn, then glance my way when she thought I wasn't looking. I felt flattered seeing her stare for brief moments until someone would say something, then she'd laugh or comment. Her attention gave me that familiar warm feeling between my legs that I enjoyed so much. She was married and had kids. I wasn't going to practice my flirting on her.

I finished up what I wanted to do, grabbed my things to take a shower, and change. I opened my locker, stripped-down, placing my sweaty gym clothes in my bag. I took my shampoo and body gel along with my towel to the shower. The showers are not all open but have curtains that afford a bit of privacy. I pulled mine closed with a quick swipe noting a small gap at the end where it didn't meet the wall. I could see out, but not the entire locker room.

As I was soaping down, I heard someone enter, a locker door opening, along with a deep sigh. I thought nothing of it, just another 'mom' who had finished her attempt at regaining some of her youthful figure.

I finished soaping, rinsing then lingering under the hot water. After turning the shower off, I flung the curtain back, not realizing how hard I did it. I stood there, dripping wet as a startled Monica in all her naked glory stood there, startled by my sudden opening of the curtain.

“Oh god, Celine. You scared the hell out of me!”

“I'm sorry, Monica. I didn't realize I yanked the curtain that hard.”

She looked me over with an appreciative eye, "I'll live. I should have been paying attention. Celine, you are buff, I wish I could get back to that kind of fitness."

I blushed, grabbing my towel, covering up, "Thank you, Monica. Have you tried any of the trainers here? I was kind of lazy in my workouts until I had a session with Tam, I mean Tamera. She helped me set goals and also had a diet plan for me. Maybe you should talk to her or one of the other trainers."

She sighed as I looked her over. She was nice looking, sure having a couple of kids took its toll. She was curvy, far different from Tam. I kind of liked how she looked, soft and cuddly. I could picture myself devouring her lovely well-rounded breasts. I glanced down, noticing her full bush. Next to it on the inside of her hip, she had a small 'Winnie the Pooh' tattoo. Its paws were covering its mouth as if exclaiming, "Oh My!" I smiled when I saw that.

“I love that tattoo, Monica. It's so cute!”

She blushed deep red, "Thanks, I got in college. My husband wants me to remove it, but I won't."

“Nice, special meaning?”

Her blush remained as she stood there, letting me ogle it, "Yes, it does. You like it?"

She moved her hips side to side, showing 'Winnie' off along with that full bush. This girl was a total flirt. I loved it.

"I do! I was thinking about one, a hummingbird. It's hovering ready to sip nectar from an orchid, right about where yours is. I just need someone to draw it for me."

She grinned, "That sounds cute and sexy. I don't know anyone, sorry. This one was a long time ago."

I smiled as I started to wring my hair with the towel, “That's okay. I'm not in a hurry. Have a great day, Monica. I'll see you later.”

I grabbed my stuff and headed to my locker, smiling at her and glancing down at 'Winnie' one last time,

“That sure is cute.”

She smiled, a mischievous grin on her face, "It was nice meeting you, Celine. I hope we can workout again soon. Take care."

I got dressed then headed home, Monica's tattoo and full bush on my mind. She sounded flirty to me if our schedules were more in sync. I'd like to get to know her better. She was adorable with such luscious curves along with that cute grin. Her husband must be an idiot to ignore her.

I had her on my mind that night when I went to bed, me suckling those sweet, full breasts then paying a visit to Winnie's honey pot for a lengthy serving of sweetness. My fingers slipped between my legs as I pictured sweet Monica rolling in sexual bliss, begging me for more. Naturally, I obliged her. Then we swapped places, so my little Hummingbird could get my nectar.

I went back to my regular early morning workout schedule as I looked at training methods for my marathon. I found a bunch of ways online that had coaches you could pay without even seeing them in person. That wasn't for me.

I did find a running store near me. It offered a schedule that would train for distances up to and including a marathon. The price was fairly reasonable, but it met on Saturdays, which would mean no more running with mom. I decided it was time to cut the cord and signed up for the marathon portion of the group thing.

I told mom about the group thing, and she wished me well. She might run with me for the first few Saturdays just to see if she liked it. A marathon was not something she wanted to do. She was happy with six miles.

The group started meeting in January; it consisted of all sorts of people. We all started with the same distances for training, different speeds, some walking, some running. The first day was more of a meet and greet doing one mile. Mom didn't show up but, my sweet Monica did.

I was surprised to see her. She had dressed in yoga pants, sports bra, and long sleeves, it was cold out. We hugged and talked a bit too much, being shushed by someone wanting to listen to our 'coach.' We giggled then listened to our leader as she outlined the program. Monica was just going to do the 5K program since she was not a runner, and her time was limited. After standing around listening for about thirty minutes, we followed some experienced people out to a parking lot for a 'dynamic stretch'. Monica and I continued visiting while stretching. She told me I inspired her to get out more, which made me smile.

Since we were poles apart in our abilities, we decided to meet after for coffee so we could talk more. I think I ran just a tad faster than usual because my heart was racing, thinking about sweet Monica. I did arrive about five minutes or so before a sweaty, huffing, puffing Monica arrived. I grinned as she walked towards me. The look on her face told me I better not say a thing about how out of shape she was.

I grinned, “You survived!”

She laughed, "I did, barely. I don't think this isn't going to be as fun as you made it out to be, Celine."

"You're starting from scratch, silly. Of course, it's going to be hard. Let's get a latte. I'm buying."

"You certainly know the way to a girl's heart. I'm in. Let me get my keys from the dropbox inside."

We walked the two blocks to the coffee shop, ordered, and sat waiting. We talked about the run we just did along with what we'd been up to since we first met. I mentioned a guy I was thinking about asking out, and she wanted to know all about him. She, in turn, showed me pictures of her adorable kids. We sipped and chatted for at least an hour. It felt good just to relax and talk.

I asked her if she had a final race planned. She said her husband was friends with the CFO at a local dog hospital, and they put on a 5k. You can run or walk with your dog if you have one. They didn't. Her girls loved his Golden Retriever 'Molly' so they would walk Molly while she ran the race. They'd walked her in previous years while James, her husband's friend spent time emceeing. She showed me a picture of James with Molly. Both very good looking and she let slip that James was single. I laughed at her blatant attempt to play matchmaker, telling her I was happy being single at the moment, and indeed they were both cute.

She suggested I do the walk too. I told her I'd think about it and let her know.

Each of the next Saturday running sessions, Monica would ask about the race. I finally caved and signed up much to her delight. When it finally arrived, I met Monica along with James, Molly, Amber and Crystal, Monica's adorable daughters. Monica's husband was playing golf.

I began to realize why Monica was so frustrated. Was golf more important than a family outing? What a jerk.

The race was fun, Crystal and Amber walked the very friendly Molly while Monica and I ran the race gossiping the entire time. I'd sneak glances at Monica's boobs as they bounced while she ran. I may have gotten caught once or twice because when I looked at her face, she was blushing. James did his announcing thing while stealing moments to do a little flirting with me and check up on Molly.

After the crowd had dispersed, James and I talked for a bit as Molly wagged her fluffy tail at everyone walking by. He asked me out for coffee, and I gave him my number. Monica and the girls were busy talking to some woman who had a litter of puppies she was fostering. They were in a small wire enclosure with the girls giggling and laughing as the puppies smothered them with attention.

I saw Monica glance over at me several times as James and I talked. I'm not sure if she were jealous or happy that her matchmaking was working. I decided to speak with her while James wrapped up the event and the girls were distracted.

I walked the few yards to the puppy area, smiling. Watching the girls roll and tussle with the dogs was so adorable. When I reached Monica, she spoke first, "Got a date, huh?"

"You set me up, didn't you, naughty girl."

"Yes, I did," she grinned, blushing, and with a wink, she replied, "I can be a naughty girl at times, Celine. James is quite the catch."

I grinned then looked to make sure the girls weren't listening, “I think I like you, naughty, sweet Monica.

I could see her chest rise and a bit of a shiver when I said that. Her eyes lit up, and then just as quickly, she was back to normal.

"We'll have to talk about that when we have more time. Did I tell you I signed up for the 10k program? I've enjoyed our time together, and the running has helped tone me some. Plus, I like the time away."

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“Oh, that's great! The girls love the puppies, why don't you all have a dog?”

"Changing the subject, cute. Someone is allergic. The girls would love to have one. It would end up being my responsibility, though. I have enough to do already."

Without warning, I gave her a huge hug. Then making sure the girls were busy, a soft kiss on her neck as we embraced.

When we separated, she whispered how delicious that felt and that we need some 'girl time'. I nodded and licked my lips, which made her shiver once more. I said my goodbyes to Amber and Crystal then headed home. I showered picturing Monica's soft sweet breast in my mouth, masturbating to that lovely image.

Over the next few weeks, James and I had a couple of dates. He was by far miles ahead of any of the 'boys' I'd dated before. James was kind, considerate, and treated me like the lady I am. On the fourth date, I decided to see how good he was in bed. I was not disappointed.

We went to an upscale restaurant on a Friday night. James had made reservations right after our first date in anticipation of us liking each other. Maybe he knew something. I dressed in subtle sexuality, low back little black dress with slingback heels to match. He was dashing in a tailored suit, which showed off his broad shoulders and slim waist.

We took our time, talking and sipping wine before we ordered. I liked the fact that James wasn't in a rush with me. We talk for hours at a time when we're together. A couple of times when we've gone for coffee, it's gotten cold before we've had our first sip.

We finally ordered dinner when our little waitress seemed to be frustrated. We were happily chatting away while all her other tables had ordered and eating. I got one of their specialties, a delicious Salmon filet with a salad. I didn't want o to overeat since I planned on being very active with James after dinner. He ordered a petite filet mignon which looked and tasted amazing. We swapped samples, which was fun all by itself. We fed each other little bits, and I giggled while he laughed, savoring the flavors.

We both noted our frustrated waitress and toyed with her a bit, debating dessert and then not having any. James left her a generous tip with a small note about appearing too anxious. It wasn't rude, just suggestive. I'm sure the tip made up for the editorial comment.

We drove back to James's place to the ever giddy Molly. James started to scold her for getting hairs all over my dress when I simply told him I'd take it off. His eyes lit up as I told him to sit on the sofa. He sat as Molly went back to her bed, content that her daddy was home. I turned so he could watch as I raised my hands to unhook the top of my adornment. As slowly as I could, I turned in a small circle once the fastener was released to show off my wares. He sat as if glued to the sofa, eyes focused on my body. I eased my dress down one side, then the other showing him just a touch more of skin as I did.

He'd look at the freshly exposed part of me then back to my eyes. I could tell by his squirming he was enjoying my little show. I dropped the dress down to the tops of my breasts and teased him by turning my back to him and bending over. I felt like a stripper, though never having seen one live. I was having fun, hoping he was also. I turned back around to expose one breast then quickly hid it only to reveal the other, never giving him a view of them both.

He whined, “You're killing me, Celine. I love it!”

I grinned then dropped my LBD to the floor, revealing my bare breasts and black lace bikini bottom. Still, in my heels, I moved closer to him just out of his reach. I stood, hands on my hips taunting him.

His only comment and it was in a slight stutter was, "Gawd, you're more fantastic then I had imagined."

I questioned him, asking how often he'd thought of me, just to play with him. His reply was daily. I blushed at that then lowered a knee between his legs, leaning my breasts to his face. He reached up, but I playfully slapped his hands away, telling him he could only use his lips. He smiled, leaning in to kiss my nipple and softly suckle, his hands slipping to my waist to hold me. I liked this being in control thing. Not that I was going to press it much further. However, I felt very yummy.

I let him suckle for a few, making sure he sampled both breasts. My fingers wandered through his full head of hair, holding him in place while he dined on each boob. When I was ready, I moved my hand under his chin, lifting his face to look at me. He pouted until I kissed him on the lips. We stayed like that, kissing passionately for quite some time. I broke the kiss telling him it was his turn to dance for me.

He smiled as I moved so he could have the floor. He'd already taken his suit jacket off when we arrived. I sat down in the vacant warm spot, waiting to see how he'd act. He smiled, straightening his pants, a nice bulge down one leg. I took notice, and he noticed me doing so.

He started off removing his tie, which he'd loosened after putting his jacket away. He was almost comical, sliding the knot down and removing it from his neck. I grinned, not wanting to spoil his little dance. When the tie was off, he tossed it over his shoulder. The problem with this was that it hit poor sweet Molly in her head, waking her from her brief attempt to get back to sleep. She got up, snatched the tie in her mouth, and began shaking it like one of her toys. James freaked as I laughed, watching him rescue one of his better silk ties from his playful pup.

When the commotion settled down, I caught the man's attention, curling my finger at him to sit with me. Molly resumed her position on her bed, confused as to why she couldn't play with the new toy. James walked to me as I rose from the sofa.

Embarrassed, he told me, "I'm not much of a stripper, I guess."

I smiled, my hands cupping his cheeks, "I'm not either, maybe we should go see what it's like some time."

"What! Seriously? You'd do that? I've never been to a strip club. That would be very different, going and with my girlfriend too!"

I giggled, "Maybe we'll see down the road. For now, Mister, I want to call it a night in your room. How does that sound?"

"Sounds nice to me, Let me walk Molly real quick, and I'll meet you in the bedroom. It's just down the hall on the right."

“Don't rush her. I'll be there.”

He smiled, found Molly's leash waking her once again from a sound sleep poor girl. When she heard her leash jingle though, she was up like a shot to go outside. I watched as they left. James looked hurried, which excited Molly. I had to smile because the whole scene had been cute with the tie and Molly.

I picked up my purse, popping a breath mint before wandering to the bedroom, bringing my dress with me. I hung up the dress, trying to avoid sweet Molly's hair. I knew it was pointless but made an effort regardless. I laid my purse down by the nightstand then slipped between the covers I looked around the bedroom. It seemed like a typical single male bedroom to me. It was sparse, and I guess functional, easy to maintain. He did have a picture on his dresser that I couldn't make out. I settled in, leaving the light on, the covers just above my breasts as I sat up waiting for James to return.

I heard the front door close and Molly shaking, her tags jingling as she did. James told her goodnight then shut the light off in the other room. When he entered the bedroom, he paused to gaze at me. He stood there with the biggest grin on his face.

“What?” I smiled.

Standing staring at me, he replied, "I was hoping this would happen at some point, but I didn't think we'd be here this soon."

I grinned, starting to exit the bed, "I can leave if you're uncomfortable."

He panicked, “No! No! I was just...”

I settled back, smiling, "Undress for me now. No dancing."

He grinned, his momentary panic vanished. Crossing the room, he began unbuttoning his shirt. I watched as he slowly freed each button, our eyes locked as he continued until they were all loose. Then he tugged the tails from his slacks, revealing a manly chest with just enough hair to make me grin.

He placed the shirt next to my dress in his closet. Next, he removed his belt, whipping it suddenly, scaring me with the crack in the air. He quickly apologized, tossing the belt into his closet, not caring where it landed.

Sitting in the lone chair in the room, he bent down to untie his shoes. They joined the belt thudding against other pairs of shoes that he'd lined up neatly. Socks got tossed near the shoes just before he stood to remove his slacks. The whole process wasn't sexy, but I enjoyed that he was focused on me watching him.

When he was down to his boxers, I could make out a nice bulge under the fabric. He smiled at me before turning out the light to join me. I laughed and told him to brush his teeth first. He sighed then got out of bed to brush his teeth hurriedly.

When he returned, he asked, "Better?"

I giggled, “Yes, much better.”

We slipped further under the covers fumbling around in the dark until my legs were entwined with his. We were face to face, whispering to each other just before we began making out like a pair of hormone-crazed teens. I could feel my passion building as well as his. His dick was gradually enlarging under his boxers against my skin.

The old me would have let him do his thing, laying back and allowing it to happen. The new me took it upon herself to get my orgasm before he was spent. He whispered about protection, and I told him I was on the pill. I'd asked Monica quite a few questions about him the weeks prior to this. From talking to her and James, I was very confident he was STD free.

I cooed and moaned as we kissed, he was a good kisser, so I decided to see how good he was at pussy eating. I mumbled as I moved my hands to his shoulders that I wanted him to kiss me further down. I applied a bit of pressure pushing so he'd get the idea. It didn't take much effort for him to slip down my body after flipping back the sheets. Kissing and licking his way down, complimenting me as he moved further south.

He was practically worshipping my body, which delighted me. Tam had been the only one to talk to me as we made love, which added to my arousal. When he arrived in a position to remove my panties, I lifted my tush to help him. James eased them down my legs, caressing me, taking his time. When my undies were on the floor, he cupped my ass and dove in.

I don't know if someone taught him or he was just a natural, but James loved eating pussy. His tongue teased me in so many beautiful ways that I was close to begging him to finish me off. I refrained, hoping we could cum together. Reaching down, I fumbled for him to mount me, hoping he was ready and fully erect. He quickly removed his shorts then slipped over me for our first of many lovemaking sessions over the weekend.

Much to my delight, he was as hard as he was going to get. He eased himself inside me with some help from my hands. I could feel how lovely his dick was as I aided in guiding it to my anxious pussy. When he did slip inside, I was pleasantly surprised at how he felt and acted. He took his time moving back and forth in me, telling me how good I felt. I hate to keep ragging on my previous male lovers, but James was very different. He wanted me to enjoy this as much, if not more than he did.

We kissed as he humped away, my hands gliding over his body, my words telling him the truth about how good he felt inside me. I panted and moaned as he varied his thrusting inside me. I hadn't had a real dick in me for such a long time it felt delicious.

I cupped his ass holding him trying to keep him deeper inside me. It didn't last too long as his head massaged my swollen clit, bringing us both to a gigantic mutual orgasm. I wish I could have seen his face as he grunted while releasing his warm juices within me. I had that wonderfully warm, full feeling once more only this time it was so much better than I remembered. He apologized for going off sooner than he'd wanted to, explaining I felt way too good, and it had been a while.

I told him I enjoyed it more than he could imagine, which seemed to boost his ego back where it should have been. He was good, and I was going to discover more about how good for the remainder of the weekend.

We lay cuddling, softly whispering about how we felt until we both simultaneously yawned. James excused himself for a moment going to the bathroom to get a towel so neither of us would have a wet spot to sleep on. I thanked him as I got up to use the toilet before going back to bed. We laughed before kissing goodnight then off to a night of deep sleep.

In the morning, we made love again before showering and dealing with Molly. We spent the majority of the weekend in bed, occasionally dressing when we either went out to eat or ordered in. James didn't have a lot of food in the cupboard, which I expected. We walked Molly a few times, holding hands and making small talk before going back for another lovemaking session.

We never rushed anything and discovered what we both liked and disliked. That was something I'd only done with Tam. James was a breath of fresh air in my stale atmosphere of dating men. He was worth being with, and I told him so.

We swapped taking the lead in our lovemaking, which the new me completely got into. I didn't tell James about enjoying the company of ladies, that might happen in the future. Right now, it was just the two of us enjoying sex and each other.

When I left Sunday night, I was one sated young woman. I'd have to get Monica a gift to thank her for introducing us. James and I agreed to continue our relationship to see where it might lead. I was still thinking about Monica despite wanting James. At some point, those two worlds would collide, and I'd have to deal with it when it happened. Until then, James and I would date and enjoy each other.

I called mom and told her I met a guy, and we were getting somewhat serious. Her reaction was one of complete joy for me. She wanted to meet him as soon as I was ready. We talked for over an hour back and forth. About James, what other things were going on in our lives. At one point, there was an awkward silence from her. I asked what was going on. I could hear a sniffle as if she was tearing up.

She managed to tell me she and Tam had broken up. Tam had found a younger lover and had been cheating on her. For a minute, I thought she meant me. Then she described the girl who was a new member at the gym barely out of high school. I felt some relief coupled with a sadness for my mother.

Mom was now single again, not looking for a lover trying to get over being hurt. I felt like calling Tam to lecture her instead, when I hung up, I removed her from my phone. Women can be as bad as men sometimes.

Written by _O2_
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