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How I Came To Be Me Part 3: The Cruise

"Celine and Tam continue their affair as Celine's confidence builds"

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Tam and I unpacked in our stateroom after leaving mom in her room to unwind and get some sleep before dinner. Our room was more like a cabin than a stateroom. It was at least a third of the size of the hotel room we'd stayed in during our Paris stop. It came with a queen bed instead of a king so, Tam and I were going to be very close, which wasn't a bad thing.

After unpacking, we took a stroll around the ship. Most of the vessels in the cruise line we prefer are relatively the same so, I knew my way around. I showed Tam the tiny little workout room, which got a giggle from her. We went up on deck, where we played around with the giant chess pieces for a bit. We met a few of our fellow passengers. We even talked for a good thirty minutes with a couple from Wisconsin.

We watched as private cars, limos, and mini-vans dropped people off to join our excursion. We didn't see anyone close to our age. Most were at least mom's age or older, which wasn't a surprise to me. We'd comment quietly to each guessing where each couple or group originated. In my cruising experience, most come from the states, Canada, England, or Ireland. Mom and I did meet a lovely Japanese couple from Canada last time. We listened to their stories and told them a few of our own.

It was getting close to six when we went below to change for the get-together. That's when the Cruise Director introduces the Captain and all the department heads. They serve champagne, and it lasts a little over an hour, which is a segue to dinner. When we'd finished dressing, we checked on mom, waking her so she could get ready. She probably wouldn't stay long at the introduction since she'd been feeling poorly. She enjoys those meet and greets, which do nothing for me. She needed to eat something substantial living on soup for the past couple of days, and dinner is usually ready right after the meeting.

We joined our fellow travelers sipping champagne and listening to the introductions. It was fun, Tam had never heard so many different accents and smiled the entire time. Mom sat through it all without coughing, which was a good sign. After the introductions, we walked mom around a bit then down to dinner. We quickly ate so mom could get back to bed. Is was a shame because some of the wait staff can be very entertaining. Tam and I enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine with dinner while mom had water.

We walked mom back to her room as the ship got underway. It was getting dark, and on this particular cruise, they head East from our mooring first to look at the Eiffel Tower before heading West. Mom had seen it before as had I. She was happy to go back to her cabin and sleep, hoping it would help break her illness. Tam and I escorted her, making sure she got settled then went up on deck to look at the lights.

Tam was in awe, and it was a bit cool, so we locked arms to keep a bit warmer. The warmth we created not only comforted me, but it also aroused me. I could feel my body anticipating what would probably occur when we got back to our room after viewing the lights. Despite being a somewhat romantic show, we maintained our composure with the other passengers around. I didn't want any hint of improprieties while we were on the ship. We watched as the ship paused to look at the tower marveling in its light. One of the wait staff handed out shots of liqueur as the air grew cooler as the ship did an about-face to continue on our journey. Tam snapped quite a few pictures with her phone, a few selfies, and some of us together via helpful passengers. She made sure to whine a bit out loud about mom not being up on the deck to take in the view, which I thought was a nice touch.

When did a one-eighty back under the bridges, passing our original mooring. The tower faded off into the distance, so we figured it was time to call it a night. Slowly walking through the ship, we greeted other passengers heading back to their cabins after such an excellent beginning to what would be a most memorable cruise.

We checked on mom who was reading before calling it a night. She seemed to be feeling a little better, asking how the tower was and if Tam enjoyed the view. Tam described it in great detail, her eyes lighting up as she recounted the ship's upper steering area being lowered to clear one of the arches spanning the river. Mom smiled, telling her she was glad she was enjoying the trip so far. Tam sighed, wishing mom were there to enjoy it with her. I felt like I was invisible for a few minutes watching them talk. After about twenty minutes, mom yawned and asked us to wake her for breakfast. Tam mentioned we were going to try the little gym as soon as it was open. Mom laughed, telling her she was nuts; this was a vacation.

Tam smiled, nodding her head.

We left mom to sleep then walked the short distance down the passageway to our room. We said goodnight to a few couples who passed us then entered our room. As soon as the door was closed and latched, Tam swept me into her arms for a long-awaited kiss.

We stood making out still fully dressed, enjoying our lips together. When Tam had me thoroughly worked up, she cut me loose and told me to undress her.

I unzipped her jacket, placing it in the closet. Then her blouse, followed by her bra. She stopped me at that point as she cupped her small breasts. It was obvious what she wanted. Still fully dressed, I placed my arms around her waist. Then I gladly leaned in and began to suckle. Her fingers slipped through my hair as I tugged and sucked as if I were a newborn. For some reason, her smaller breasts aroused me more than I realized.

As I got into it, she softly whispered, "Slow down, kitten, it's still early."

With that, I eased up slightly, my hands massaging her bare hips. She moaned quietly, enjoying my attempt to please her. After a few more minutes, she instructed me to finish undressing her. I left her breast with a loud 'pop' grinning as I did.

She smiled, cupping my face with her hands, "On your knees, Cee."

I dropped down to remove her shoes, slipping each one off in turn. I carefully set them aside. Then I reached up to unbutton her slacks. Easing the zipper down, I let her wiggle, her pants dropping to her ankles where I helped her step out of them. I ran my hands over her calves, enjoying the softness. I continued up her legs from behind as I got up on one knee. Then reaching over her butt cheeks, I slipped my fingers into her waistband to ease her panties down her legs. I could tell she was enjoying my little show because a dark spot was visible in the front of her panties. Smiling, I didn't say a thing, lowering her lacey panties down her legs. Tam could tell I was enthralled as I gently touched her taut muscles. She stepped out of the bundled lace at her feet, offering her hands to help me up. Slipping my fingers between hers, I rose.

She began undressing me, taking her time as did I. Only she would pause to tease me with a kiss here and a kiss there. When she finally got to my panties, she commented on the dark spot, giggling as she teased me about it.

I blushed, “You knew it was there. How could I not be aroused by you, Tam.”

“I'm glad you are.” She sighed, “I wish I could spend much more time with you. So many things we could do together. Plus, I'd get that confident woman that's in you and yearning to break free out.”

I smiled at her, hugging her tight, "I know you could. I'd love that. I've gotten better, I think., but the shy, insecure girl keeps fighting her way back."

"I know, and I adore you when you're like that, but I think the real you wants to surface, and I'll do all I can to help her. Right now, I want you to make love to me."

I smiled. I knew this was going to be a short affair. I was going to make the most of it.

“I've never...”

She cut me off, “You'll do just fine, Cee. You'd be surprised how natural it is.”

I looked into her eyes, feeling jealous of my mother. Tam wasn't what I thought she was. She seemed to care more than I realized.

She left my grasp to lay on the bed. Propping the pillows slightly, she smiled at me as she curled her finger, beckoning me to her. I crawled onto the bed, making little growling sounds as I moved to her. She giggled as I curled next to her. We began making out like two horny teenagers. This, for me, was mainly to build up my confidence, I'd never gone down on a woman before. I'd kissed Tam after she'd gone down on me, which wasn't unpleasant. However, going down on someone was a completely different ballgame. Emotionally I was more than willing to, even eager, but there was still something about putting my mouth where Tam relieved herself that had its drawbacks. All of this concern had been in the back of my mind all day. Right now, all I wanted to do was please Tam, and I was going to do my best.

When I felt I was ready, I stopped with the heavy kissing and pulled away, nuzzling her neck as I proceeded down her body. Her sweet words of encouragement helped build me up. I kept smiling as I licked and kissed my way to the promised land. Moving between her legs, I took a deep breath as I leaned forward, hooking my arms around her firm thighs. My fingers gently touched her tummy while I lowered my face to her pussy. I could tell she was aroused, in the dim light of the room I could see a slight shimmer over her labia. I made my way up her thighs alternating between licks and kisses. Tam kept moaning, telling me I was how good she felt. Her words helped as I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue to sweep over her lips. Her moan grew louder, and my actions became more intense. I could taste her on my lips and tongue, and the warm secretions were close to my own.

That's when I quit thinking and began to enjoy the moment. My enthusiasm swelled as I continued drinking from Tam's sweet pussy as if I had trekked across the Gobi desert with no water and had finally found an oasis. I could hear and feel Tam's excitement grow to a new intensity as my arousal drew me close to climax. I must have been between her legs for half an hour. She'd have me slow down, speed up, then slow a few times again as she taught me the fine art of pussy licking. When she was satisfied, I'd gotten it down; she had me focus, bringing her to a roaring orgasm.

I watched as the sweetness of my first attempt rippled through her body. I did it! Tam coaxed me back up to kiss me. I was glowing with my accomplishment.

“You're a natural, Cee. I haven't felt like that even with your mother.”

I blushed how kinky is that?

I thanked her with a few more kisses. We cuddled, falling asleep in each other's arms. The sun shining through our balcony woke us. We talked about the previous night while showering. I called over to mom to see if she were awake. She was a bit groggy but coherent. Breakfast wasn't until seven so, Tam and I walked around on top watching the French countryside sail past us. It was quiet and peaceful as we strolled the little track oval. A couple joined us strolling, we smiled, saying good morning as we passed. After about twenty minutes, we headed to mom's cabin and knocked before we opened her door. She had showered and wasn't looking too bad for being sick the past few days. We escorted her to breakfast, chit-chatting along the way, and the entire time we ate.

Our first day touring was in a small town, Les Andelys, that held Château Gaillard, the former stronghold of Richard the Lionheart. It was a long hike up to the castle, so mom decided to stay aboard. Tam and I enjoyed the walk. It was a good hike, which we did easily.

We met a few more of our fellow passengers. I introduced Tam as a family friend which was true. I just didn't tell them how friendly we were. Most of the people with us weren't in as good of shape as we were since the tour guide catered to the group we strolled along with them. The view of the town from the castle was amazing. We could see the ship docked below. It looked so small from above. The rest of the day, we wandered around the little town looking at some shops and got a couple of souvenirs.

We had lunch in a little bistro with a cute English speaking waitress. She was maybe five feet tall if that, one side of her head was shaved, and the rest was in a short pixie style cut, blonde with streaks of pink. She had multiple ear piercings in each lobe and a nose ring. Tam was her usual self flirting to the max. The girl would smile and blush each time Tam would say something to her. I started to get embarrassed until Tam told me she'd quit but, I had to take up the slack. I realized this was a test for me.

The girl repeatedly swept by our table, seeing if things were going well. I managed a few compliments in English. Then I switched to French, which made a huge impression on her. I told her my French wasn't that great. That I'd love to have a tutor, asking her if we came back, would she mind? She blushed, asking if both of us were part of the deal. I said yes if that was alright. She shivered, both Tam and I could see that excited her. Goosebumps rose from her small arms as she looked around to be sure nobody was paying attention. She leaned in to whisper to me in her native tongue she'd love to have us both with an emphasis on having.

I smiled at Tam, winking as I did. I told her we were on the cruise ship, but we visit France quite often. She smiled, then went about her duties. We kept flirting until we'd finished lunch; all three of us were getting into it. I astounded at myself at how easy it was to flirt. When we finished, she handed us our bill with her cell number on it. I stashed it away in my purse just in case we had time later. We left her a considerable tip, which got us a lovely hug from her. We said goodbye, slowly walking away, turning to see her watch us as if she'd just lost a puppy. When we were out of sight, I had to stop to tell Tam how much fun that was along with the fact I couldn't believe I did that.

All she had to say was she knew I had it in me. I just needed to practice more. She looked around then pulled me into a small alley where she laid a huge kiss on me. I kissed her back. She released me to continue our trek back to the ship. When we arrived, mom was on the top deck, watching everyone return. We waved then headed up to see her.

She smiled as we approached, hugging us both, asking how our was. We took turns telling her all about the castle and then the bistro, leaving out the flirting part. She said she was feeling much better but one more night alone if we didn't mind. Tam and I joked that we were ready to kill each other, which caused mom to laugh. It was good seeing her in better spirits. We retired to our cabins, Tam staying with mom for a while while I rested a bit before taking a shower. When Tam returned, we showered together, making out again and fooling around.

I got another pep talk from my temporary lover praising me for flirting with the waitress. I admitted it was fun and exciting all rolled into one. We talked after getting out of the shower about Tam moving back to mom's cabin. I was going to miss her, and she felt the same. We both knew this was only temporary but, still, we felt a bond neither of us had expected.

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Dinner was excellent as usual, we sipped wine and talked. Mom was feeling better. Our waiter ( we switch tables each night until we get one we like ) was funny, continually filling our wine glasses and making jokes. I had a good buzz when we'd finished. We went up on deck, but it was starting to get chilly as we sailed to our next destination, Le Havre.

We went back to the main level to hear a lovely young woman singing French love songs for the evening entertainment. Tam and I winked at each other when mom wasn't looking recalling our little flirt session. Mom started getting sleepy mostly due to the wine after about thirty minutes, so, during the singer's break, we politely escorted mom back to her room. Tam went in to tuck her in bed then joined me back in ours.

We stripped down again in a similar fashion as we had the night before. This time Tam suggested I lay down first. I did, of course, and we made out until we were both all hot and bothered. I was wondering what she had planned for us, each night was a little different and I loved it. She had me stay as I was, prone under her. She spread my legs a bit more, then positioned herself on me. Placing my left foot at her shoulder, she slowly started moving back and forth, her moistened pussy skimming over mine. I couldn't believe how delicious that felt. She was going slow so that we wouldn't make much noise but soon got a bit more passionate doing circles on me. I grabbed her hips to help steady her. I hoped we weren't too loud even though neither of us had seen our neighbors if we had any.

Tam continued gyrating on top of me. We were getting closer to a mutual orgasm, which I didn't realize at the time. Her slips over me varied as she lost and then regained that feeling between us. When she did, she put extra effort into it, bringing us both to a satisfactory climax. I could believe how good it felt. She paused to let her orgasm rush through her as I laid under her, watching and experiencing the most wonderful sensation ever.

She grinned before slipping back beside me, holding me tight while whispering how much she loved my body and my mind. I was falling in love. I knew I shouldn't but, Tam was special, and I told her so. She made me hush even though she felt it too. We couldn't do that to mom, and we both knew it.

We laid together kissing and whispering until we both closed our eyes, dreaming beautiful things.

The morning came way too early. We decided to do the gym thing since we skipped it the day before then walk up on deck. Today we were going to Honfleur via a bus from Le Havre. A small picturesque harbor town with brightly colored buildings. Hopefully, mom would join us. Our workout was lite, and the walk up on the deck was refreshing.

We returned to our or my cabin to take a shower. I couldn't help myself while we were in there, dropping to my knees I dined on Tams bare pussy. She wasn't expecting it, which was nice. She complimented me on my newly acquired skills after I'd finished.

I smiled, holding her tight.

“You've taken to pussy eating very quickly, girlie.”

I grinned, “I love the taste and how it makes you feel. I get so aroused doing it too.”

She slipped a finger between my legs and began fucking me. I purred to another delicious orgasm.

When she'd finished, we washed each other down. We talked about how we were going to deal with the rest of the cruise. I knew we could maintain our ruse so that mom wouldn't know. Hopefully, she never would. I planned on slowly revealing myself to mom, becoming more assured of myself in dealings with her. It would be difficult at first, but the new me had to surface. I liked her so far, and I wanted to live my life like that and not the shy wallflower I was.

After the shower, Tam picked up mom from her room while I continued getting dressed. I met them both for breakfast as we talked about our day. Mom was going to try the tour with us. We both cheered at the same time, much to the curiosity of our fellow diners. Mom smiled when she saw how well we were getting along.

The tour was lovely, and we got a bit of history while walking around the town's central section. After that, we on our own until the bus due to depart. We strolled around, keeping an eye on mom to be sure she was okay. She seemed fine, which I was grateful. I hate to say it but, I wished she wasn't recovering so quickly so I could spend more time with Tam. I know that sounds mean, I do love my mom, but, I was smitten with Tam.

It was a great day, we mostly shopped, buying a few mementos, taking lots of selfies along with pictures of the brightly painted buildings.

We boarded the bus, mom, and Tam sitting together as we headed back to the ship. Mom managed a nap as we drove through the French countryside. Luckily, our tour guide took notice of the many passengers napping and didn't speak much. When we returned, I helped Tam pack up to move to Mom's room. It was slightly painful for me, but I kept a cheery outlook teasing her in front of mom that I was glad to get her out of my room. She recognized my play-acting, teasing me back. Mom thought it was funny, but she knew we were getting along. Hopefully, she'd never know how well.

Dinner was delicious, as usual. We moved to a third table with a new waiter. He was just as funny as the last, keeping us laughing along with filling wine glasses at every opportunity.

We ended the night watching a comic in the main room. Not really to my taste, he focused on elder people jokes. Mom and Tam thought he wasn't that funny either. The rest of the crowd enjoyed him.

Day three, we had an all-day tour of the Normandy beaches. There was a wreath-laying ceremony for our trip to Omaha Beach. The entire day was heartbreaking, seeing all the grave markers, what was left of gun emplacements, viewing short films of the daunting task of wading ashore with bombs bursting around and bullets whizzing by killing people you thought of as friends. We couldn't have imagined the courage it took to attack from the ocean to free France and Europe. The three of us found a new respect for men and women who fought at Normandy and Europe during world war two.

On the road back and when we returned to the ship, we weren't our usual bubbly selves. The tour made us think about how lucky we were.

Tam and mom went to their room until dinner. My melancholy was amplified by not having Tam around. I was missing her already. I made sure my door was securely locked, undressed, then laid on my bed, fingering myself to a sweet little orgasm thinking of my former lover. I lay there, panting, regaining my breath, and soon fell asleep.

I was rudely awakened by pounding on my door. It was Tam; she'd given me my door card back since she was with mom now. I looked at the clock as I jumped out of my bed, still naked from my playing.

"Crap, Tam, I took a nap, and you just woke me," I told her through the door.

I could hear her laughing.

“It's not funny!”

"Oh, yes, it is. We'll be out on the deck, come up when you've cleaned up."

“Fine! See you two in a bit.”

I could hear her and mom walk down the passageway giggling at my predicament. It took me about fifteen minutes to get washed and dressed. I met them up on deck after seeing what was on the menu for dinner. They were locked arm in arm softly talking to each other. I was jealous, but I remembered I had to let it go. I took a deep breath then slipped my arm in mom's to join them. We stayed out there for about twenty minutes, talking about the day and what was in store for tomorrow.

We went down to dinner sitting where we had the previous night. Our waiter was the same guy, making jokes and keeping our glasses full. When dinner was over, we strolled the top deck for a bit, not wanting to see the evening's entertainment.

I went back to my cabin before mom and Tam went to theirs. I could tell I was starting to get in a funk, and I had to figure out a way out. I decided to get up early and hit the gym. A good sweat would help take my mind off my problems.

I got up about five-thirty. The gym is open for use at six, and breakfast starts at seven. I went to the parlor, or whatever it's called it where the general meeting and entertainment occurred. There's always fresh coffee, so I grabbed a cup. I stood watching the lights of rural France stream by us through the wall of plate glass windows.

When I finished my coffee, I placed the dirty cup back by the machine, greeting one of our female servers in the process. She smiled, telling me 'Good Morning' in her thick Eastern European accent. The uniform she was wearing didn't compliment her body. However, I did notice her somewhat larger breasts through her shirt and tie. She was one of the drink servers we'd seen during our meals. Her long brunette hair, dark brown eyes, and the cutest dimples when she smiled, made her stand out from the rest of the female members of the crew.

We started talking as she checked the coffee maker and tidied up around it. I decided to try my flirting, complimenting her and asking her questions, trying to get to know her. She seemed to enjoy the attention as I took my baby steps in seduction. I kept it up, watching her blush and fidget as I got a bit more personal with her. Nothing overtly sexual, but hints that I thought she was lovely. She began returning the compliments as we stood idly chatting away. Unfortunately, one of the male stewards showed up, and she got back to work.

I left her a tiny bit flush and, hopefully, feeling better about herself than when we met. I was feeling good about my first solo flirtation with a stranger. I doubted she was allowed to mingle with the guests, which could get her reprimanded or worse. I wasn't going to continue my flirting unless she followed up with me.

I did my workout in the tiny gym, feeling very good about myself. I met mom and Tam after showering and changing. My flirtation did get a response from Magda. She fluttered around our table more than any other. That gave me a lovely feeling between my legs as she smiled, refreshing our breakfast drinks, making sure we were happy. Tam noticed the extra attention and gave me a questioning look. I smiled at her deciding to tell her when mom wasn't around.

Our morning tour today was on a bike in the city of Rouen. After breakfast, we adjourned to our cabins to dress for our bike tour. I was almost ready when I heard a knock on the door. It was mom and Tam waiting to escort me up on deck. We watched as the crew unloaded and prepped the bikes until our cruise director made all the announcements regarding our day ashore. We listened until she said it was time to mount up on our bicycles before joining a few other hardy passengers. We went about selecting bikes and helmets, testing their little handlebar bells while laughing and teasing each other. We paid attention as our tour leader explained the rules of the road, making sure we all understood. As we were listening, Tam and I noticed Magda. She was nicely dressed as she walked past us, smiling as she did. We both smiled back, each with a head nod. I whispered to Tam when mom was getting her seat height adjusted that I'd flirted with her before hitting the gym. Tam smiled, telling me that I was on the right path, and I'd made an impression.

When our lecture was over, we mounted up. All fifteen of us had the same idea; try out the bike to see how it fits. Luckily as we all rode up and down the quay wall, nobody collided. I'm sure the crew watching had a good laugh as we swerved and weaved our way around each other. When we'd had enough of that, our leader motioned for us to depart, and like ducklings, we all followed momma duck.

The tour wound through the streets of Rouen, we'd stop and talk about how old buildings were, what they used to make them with, fires that destroyed things, invaders, and other assorted tidbits of history.

We saw the Notre Dame Cathedral, the square where Joan of Arc was martyred, as well as the Medieval Quarter and The Great Clock. It was a fascinating tour. I mapped a few shops I wanted to go back to after we put the bikes away and ate lunch. I did see Magda again on board smiling and fussing over us as we ate. It was a nice feeling for me. Tam grinned at me whenever Magda would stop by focusing on me first. I admit I got all warm and yummy inside when she did.

After lunch, Tam went with me back to the shops I'd located. Mom was worn out from biking. She stayed on board to relax and read. Tam and I gossiped and giggled the entire time we were shopping. I teased her about lingerie shops, and of course, she teased back. I was a walking mess. It felt good to be with her again, even if it wasn't in bed.

The evening was relatively quiet. We had a marvelous dinner with my little bird Magda fluttering about us the entire time.

Our next stop was Vernon, where we visited Giverny and Monet's house and garden. It was breathtaking with all the gardens and artwork. We took our time strolling the property, talking about all the fun things we'd done on the cruise. I was thankful. Mom was getting stronger each day. I was beginning to feel like mom was mellowing or something. She was very different from Tam around. More friendly and laid back. When we'd done cruises before, she was always barking orders at me, planning our day, and just being a bitch. At times I wondered why I went with her. But, with Tam around, it was like night and day. I was beginning to see mom in a different light.

Back on our ship, I kept flirting with Magda, it made me feel good, and she seemed to enjoy it. I got up each day after and made sure I was at the coffee bar before heading to the gym for some private flirtations with her. She returned my gestures with her own, which sometimes made me blush. Then I'd bounce back with one of my own, and she'd blush. Our times together were short. There always seemed to be some other person interrupting us. We both knew she couldn't do anything, which made it all the more fun.

Our last stop was Auberge Ravoux in the heart of Auvers-Sur-Oise, the last home of artist Vincent van Gogh. It was a brief tour which wasn't as interesting or as scenic as Giverny. If I could go back, I'd spend more time in Rouen and Giverny. Maybe someday on my own.

Our final stop was returning to Paris. We stayed at the same hotel, the same rooms. Unfortunately, this time it was uneventful. I pondered what happened here and on the cruise while watching the tower our last night in Paris. It had been an eventful week. I knew my time with Tam before and during the voyage had changed me. I felt it was for the better, and I intended to remain the confident, independent woman I'd become. Time would tell if that would happen.





Written by _O2_
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