“Ooops!” Sandy said as she retreated into the hall, “I thought you were still in bed.”
Bob was seated at the kitchen table with his back to the hallway door. At the sound of his stepsister's voice he turned. “Still in bed?” he asked, “At 9:30... why would you think that?”
Sandy was mostly hidden behind the door frame. “Well uh... your bedroom door was closed, so I just assumed -”
“Bad assumption,” he said, “And why are you hiding in the hall? Come and have some pancakes. I made enough for both of us.”
Sandy, at sixteen, was two years younger than Bob, and although she hadn't of late been very modest in her dress around him, she still had a few reservations. “Uh, yeah, well, I'm not wearing much, just panties and a bra and there's not much to either. I need to put something more on.”
“Right, like I haven't already seen you in less,” Bob snapped, “For Chrissake, Sandy, I've even seen you practically naked, now get in here!”
Sandy had grown to enjoy having Bob check her out, had even been giving him reason to do so. Still she persisted, “I think I ought to put on something a little less revealing.”
“Ought to? Who says,” Bob asked. “You know you like me looking.”
“Right,” replied Sandy, “But I still think it's a good idea to be careful when it's just you and me.”
“Hey, we talked about that. You wanted to be my sexy sister and have me as your protective big brother. I promised I would never let anything happen to you, and I meant it.”
“You still promise then?”
“Of course, now come have some breakfast.”
“If you're sure.”
“I'm sure. Come sit down.”
Sandy walked slowly back into the kitchen and sat down across from Bob who looked her over carefully while letting out a long, low whistle.
“Hey, you promised,” Sandy snapped.
“I promised nothing would happen to you. I didn't promise I wouldn't enjoy looking. I mean, jesus, that has got to be the skimpiest bra and panties set I've ever seen.”
“Oh... you've seen a lot then, I guess.”
“Uh, well... and such a gorgeous body, and I'm supposed to protect you from lechers like me -”
“Yeah, well if you hadn't agreed to do that there is no way I would be sitting here like this.”
“Oh, I'm sure you'd find some excuse. You know you like it as much as me.”
“Well, whatever,” smiled Sandy, quietly accepting Bob's judgment. “I guess if I'm going to eat I better get a plate and silver.” Sandy got up to retrieve the necessary items from the dishwasher. Bob's eyes zeroed in on her panties, a very skimpy bikini style in white cotton. While not see-through, they were tight enough to showcase a nice outline of what some might refer to as her 'camel-toe'.
When she turned her back to him he saw just how skimpy the panties really were. There was a small strip of cloth covering the crack in her butt, however her ass-cheeks were almost entirely bare. Bob adjusted the growing appendage in his shorts.
As Sandy sat down at the table she saw with considerable satisfaction that she had her stepbrother's full attention. Over the last few weeks she had learned that it excited her to expose her supposed-to-be-covered parts to Bob and his friends, especially Charlie. “You know, I am sorta interested in your friend Charlie...”
“Do you think he's interested in me?”
“How could he not be?” Bob looked across the table at his near-naked stepsibling. The bra Sandy wore, in spite of being nearly transparent, still covered only a small part of her breasts. The breasts themselves were exquisitely shaped and looked fairly substantial, but considering Sandy's petite size, were likely only a 'B', certainly no more than a 'C'. “I mean, why do you think he comes over here so much?” Bob added.
“Really? You think he likes me, then?”
“Oh for sure, you're all he talks about.”
“And what does he say?”
“Uhm... I'm not sure I should say... but it's all good!”
“I think I can imagine some of it... but, do you think he wants to kiss me.”
Bob was startled by the question. He spit out his reply. “You mean he hasn't?”
“Uhm no.”
“You mean to tell me he's seen you in nothing but a pair of panties, even played with your bare tits, and you two have never kissed?”
Sandy had acquired a sheepish look. “Right. But we've never ever really been alone. Always been somebody else – mostly you.”
“Sorry to be cramping your style. Just doing my duty ma'am. But to answer your question, well, of course. I'm sure he wants to kiss you. Probably a lot more than that!”
“And you?”
“Huh,” Bob replied, not sure he had heard correctly.
“Do you want to too?” Sandy patiently and clearly asked. “Kiss me, I mean.”
Bob hesitated. Looking at Sandy he sighed, then in a less than enthusiastic tone said, “But I am your brother... er stepbrother... er whatever,” Bob stammered, “and I'm not supposed to want to kiss you... at least not the way I think you mean.”
“But would you anyway?” Sandy asked again.
Bob wasn't sure how he was expected to answer. He evaded with, “But, what about Charlie?”
Sandy dealt with the evasion patiently, “As you know, he's gone someplace with his father for a couple of weeks.”
“So wait until he gets back.”
“I could but I wanted to be all practiced up when he gets back.”
Sandy was the stuff that wet-dreams were made of but apparently hadn't even been kissed yet. “Practiced up?” Bob asked with a tone of obvious disbelief, “You mean -”
“Right, I've never kissed a boy before and I want to be sure and do it right. Will you teach me?”
Bob was still not believing what he was hearing. “Teach you? You want me to teach you how to kiss?”
“Yeah,” Sandy said, drawing the word out as if it had at least two syllables, maybe even three, “That is. if you can forget about that stepbrother stuff.”
“But I can't,” Bob protested. “I told you I would behave even if you didn't want me to.”
“Right, but that's to keep me a virgin. I never said we couldn't kiss.”
It was finally registering with Bob that Sandy really did want him to kiss her, but he didn't want to sound as anxious as he really was. He responded as if it was a chore, “Oh... well, if you're sure.”
“I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't sure. Does that mean your answer is yes?”
The bulge in Bob's pants grew as he imagined a hot 'make-out' session with this gorgeous teen. Bob was definitely willing but he answered cautiously, “Uh, yeah... sure, uh, when did you want to do this?”
“After breakfast?”
That would work for Bob. He would have time to masturbate privately before starting, (necessary to keep from shooting off in his pants), spend some time practicing with his hot stepsister, and still get to work on time. Trying to hide his anxiousness, and anxiety, Bob carefully replied, “Yes, I think that's doable. I'll get ready for work while you finish your breakfast.” He got up from the table and headed down the hall.
Bob went straight to the hall bathroom. With one hand he locked the door while the other undid the buttons on his shorts. Pushing his pants down was almost painful as he yanked them over his erect cock. As his pants and undershorts dropped to his ankles he lay down on the cold tile floor and wrapped his hand around himself.
Bob visualized a hot make out session with his practically naked stepsister. He imagined having his hands on her bare ass-cheeks and pressing his cock between her legs. He still could not believe Sandy had actually asked him to 'teach' her how to kiss. He shot his load while dizzily imagining the possibilities.
In the kitchen, Sandy thought about what she was about to do and how she was dressed. Sure it would be fun making out with Bob, dressed as she was in nothing but bra and panties, and he had said he wouldn't let anything happen to her, but still... she had seen how Bob was looking at her this morning and it would be too easy for it to get out of hand... no, she better put some clothes on.
As Bob came out of the bathroom he ran into Sandy en-route to her room. “Uh... I'm ready anytime you are, just needed to brush my teeth.” Wearing shorts and a t-shirt, Bob was already dressed for his summer job.
Sandy saw the way Bob was looking at her and knew she had made the right decision. “I'm going to put on some clothes... so we don't forget it's just practice.”
Bob was disappointed, but at the same time relieved. He had been worried about whether or not he could be strictly brotherly. “Uh... probably a good idea. I'll be in the den but don't take too long. I still have to get to work.”
“Right,” Sandy replied as she continued down the hall, “I'll just be a minute or two.”
It was more like ten minutes before Sandy showed up in the den. She had had difficulty in deciding what to wear. She didn't want to provide too much temptation but on the other hand didn't want to wear something she wouldn't wear, if it were actually Charlie instead of Bob, that was waiting in the den.
When she did finally get there, Bob was nervously looking at his watch, realizing it was getting close to the time he needed to be leaving. Bob stood as she came into the room.
"Sorry it took so long,” Sandy apologized, “I know it's getting late but I hope we still have time to practice.”
Before Bob could reply, Sandy closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around him. She had put on a blouse and shorts, covering much of the previously bare flesh, but she had taken off the bra. Bob felt her hardening nipples press against his chest. From a few inches lower her eyes looked into his. He bent forward and their mouths came together.
Their lips barely touched. Bob was cautious, not wanting to scare Sandy. He brushed his lips slowly across hers and was shocked to feel her lips slowly part. Bob's mouth opened and the tip of his tongue slowly slipped between Sandy's lips. He was afraid this might spook her but the tightening of her arms around his neck told him there was no reason to worry.
Sandy's mouth opened wider and she sucked Bob's tongue into it. She quite clearly needed no instruction but Bob was not about to tell her that she didn't at least need practice. In spite of his recent relief he had already acquired a rock hard erection which right now was pressed firmly against Sandy's midsection. Sandy sighed and clung even tighter.
Bob didn't want to break the kiss and Sandy apparently didn't either. Nevertheless they were forced to. Each took great gulps of air and their lips met again. Bob was worried about how Sandy would react to his very obvious erection but the tongue action now was even more feverish and Sandy was grinding herself against him. She not only showed no sign of being offended but even acted as if she might be enjoying it.
The passion increased, for a couple of minutes at least. Then Sandy abruptly put her hands on Bob's chest and pushed him away. There was no anger or rebuke associated with her action but Bob wasn't sure of it's meaning. It seemed like it might have been a compliment, like saying, 'It's too good, I can't take any more', but Bob wasn't sure. He looked into Sandy's eyes, trying to understand her meaning. She looked back at him, but, other than struggling to catch her breath, gave no clue as to why she had pushed him away.
Sandy eventually spoke. "Wow," she gasped. "I think I'm understanding why people like kissing so much.”
Bob was still afraid he might have offended her and attempted to apologize, “I'm uh sorry -”
Sandy cut him off with a quick peck type kiss, not at all like the one they had just experienced, but still enough to set Bob's mind at ease. It was clear that she was not upset by his 'boner'.
"You are a great kisser," Sandy said, “Did I do good too?” She glanced down and saw that Bob's still hard appendage was threatening to rip out the front of his shorts. She smirked a bit as she said, "Uh, you don't have to answer that. It looks like I get at least a passing grade."
Bob didn't have to look down to know what Sandy was talking about. “Uh yeah... right...” he said as he turned toward the hallway, “I guess I better brush my teeth again before I head to work.”
Sandy lay down on the couch and waited while Bob brushed his teeth. She was pretty sure she knew what he was really doing. She wanted to do it too. She put her hand between her legs and felt the dampness of her shorts. She wanted to take them off, her panties too, and let her fingers play. She knew though that she would have to wait until Bob left.
Bob eventually did come out of the bathroom and blew Sandy a kiss as he hurried out the door. Those have got to be the cleanest teeth in the county, Sandy thought. She imagined running her tongue over Bob's 'teeth' and tried to visualize him 'brushing' them. Her hand was again between her legs but she needed the privacy of her bedroom.
Sandy had her blouse and shorts unbuttoned before she reached her room. Once she had the door safely closed she let the shorts fall to the floor and stripped off her blouse. As she headed into her bathroom she pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. Naked, she entered the shower.
As the water cascaded over her she thought about what had happened. Sandy knew from what she had been told that kissing was going to be fun, but she hadn't expected it to be so exciting with Bob - Charlie maybe, but not her stepbrother.
Sandy had one hand between her legs and the other playing with her breasts. It didn't take long before the pace of her breathing increased and she started to feel tingling sensations throughout her body. In the past this had been a precursor to a quick ending with a small shudder.
Today, however, the feelings continued to intensify. Her toes curled under and she felt flushed and weak. She leaned back against the side of the shower to keep from falling. Her hands moved faster as her excitement increased. As it peaked she let out a scream that would have brought the whole household running – if there had been anyone else home – but fortunately there was not.
Something about her practice with Bob had slammed Sandy's sex drive into high gear and turned her orgasm into a mind-shattering experience. In her wildest imaginings about sex with Charlie she had reached similar peaks, but only after considerable thought and effort. Today had been fantastic and Sandy wanted more.
She stayed in the shower until the hot water began to fade. Practicing with Bob had definitely been a new experience. Maybe it had affected him the same way. Maybe that was why he took so long 'brushing his teeth'. Sandy wondered, Could Bob possibly have any idea what I've been thinking since he left.
The next morning Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table in her underwear when Bob came out of his room for breakfast. He paused and looked at her from the doorway. “Not quite as skimpy as what you were wearing yesterday,” he observed, “But still mighty fine.”
“You approve then,” Sandy asked, pushing her chair back and dropping her arms to her side.
“Yeah... I mean what man wouldn't.”
Sandy was in full tease mode. She locked her hands behind her head and leaned her chair back a little, offering Bob an unobstructed view. A teasing smile crossed her lips as she asked, “So what do you like.”
“Huh... what do I like... you want me to tell you,” Bob asked, not believing she really wanted to hear him say it.
“Yeah, I want to know. You already said it's not as skimpy as yesterday,” Sandy made it obvious she was looking at the growing bulge in Bob's shorts. “But I see that you still approve, so tell me what you like.”
Bob was afraid Sandy was trying somehow to trap him. He answered cautiously, “Uh ... well uh ... bra and panties? ... underwear? … sexy girl? ... what else do I need to say?”
“So you think I'm sexy,” Sandy asked.
Still wondering where this was headed he answered, “Yeah, of course... I mean you do want to be, don't you?”
“Sure, I told you I wanted to be your sexy sister didn't I?”
“Yeah, and -”
“Well, am I being sexy enough for you?”
Bob was sure there had to be some reason for all these questions, “Lord yes. I mean I don't know what I'd do if you were any sexier.”
Sandy relaxed and smiled like she was satisfied with Bob's answer. But as he began to drop his guard, her smile turned to a mischievous grin. “Well...” she said slowly, “You could brush your teeth more often.”
Bob's face turned bright red. She must have known what he was really doing in the bathroom yesterday. And of course she knew full well what she was doing to him now. Bob felt as if she had actually opened the door on him. “Uh... I uh...”
Sandy interrupted Bob's stammering. She knew she had gone too far. “Hey, relax. I'm flattered. I like knowing I have that kind of effect on you. My questions were to find out if you wanted me to continue.”
“I sure don't want you to stop if that's what you mean.”
“And I don't want to either. In fact I was kind of hoping you'd want to practice some more.”
Bob's eyes widened. “Sure, you mean right now?”
Sandy didn't want to appear to be rushing him, “We could eat breakfast first... if you're hungry that is... but after, sure, how about it?”
Bob would have gladly foregone breakfast for another make-out session with Sandy but he knew he had already sounded too eager. He tried to back-peddle a little, “I am hungry, so maybe after.”
Sandy nodded her agreement. As Bob sat down, Sandy got up to serve the fruit and cereal she had previously prepared. Bob couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Sandy's nearly nude form as she made several trips between the preparation counter and the table.
Bob was seated at the kitchen table with his back to the hallway door. At the sound of his stepsister's voice he turned. “Still in bed?” he asked, “At 9:30... why would you think that?”
Sandy was mostly hidden behind the door frame. “Well uh... your bedroom door was closed, so I just assumed -”
“Bad assumption,” he said, “And why are you hiding in the hall? Come and have some pancakes. I made enough for both of us.”
Sandy, at sixteen, was two years younger than Bob, and although she hadn't of late been very modest in her dress around him, she still had a few reservations. “Uh, yeah, well, I'm not wearing much, just panties and a bra and there's not much to either. I need to put something more on.”
“Right, like I haven't already seen you in less,” Bob snapped, “For Chrissake, Sandy, I've even seen you practically naked, now get in here!”
Sandy had grown to enjoy having Bob check her out, had even been giving him reason to do so. Still she persisted, “I think I ought to put on something a little less revealing.”
“Ought to? Who says,” Bob asked. “You know you like me looking.”
“Right,” replied Sandy, “But I still think it's a good idea to be careful when it's just you and me.”
“Hey, we talked about that. You wanted to be my sexy sister and have me as your protective big brother. I promised I would never let anything happen to you, and I meant it.”
“You still promise then?”
“Of course, now come have some breakfast.”
“If you're sure.”
“I'm sure. Come sit down.”
Sandy walked slowly back into the kitchen and sat down across from Bob who looked her over carefully while letting out a long, low whistle.
“Hey, you promised,” Sandy snapped.
“I promised nothing would happen to you. I didn't promise I wouldn't enjoy looking. I mean, jesus, that has got to be the skimpiest bra and panties set I've ever seen.”
“Oh... you've seen a lot then, I guess.”
“Uh, well... and such a gorgeous body, and I'm supposed to protect you from lechers like me -”
“Yeah, well if you hadn't agreed to do that there is no way I would be sitting here like this.”
“Oh, I'm sure you'd find some excuse. You know you like it as much as me.”
“Well, whatever,” smiled Sandy, quietly accepting Bob's judgment. “I guess if I'm going to eat I better get a plate and silver.” Sandy got up to retrieve the necessary items from the dishwasher. Bob's eyes zeroed in on her panties, a very skimpy bikini style in white cotton. While not see-through, they were tight enough to showcase a nice outline of what some might refer to as her 'camel-toe'.
When she turned her back to him he saw just how skimpy the panties really were. There was a small strip of cloth covering the crack in her butt, however her ass-cheeks were almost entirely bare. Bob adjusted the growing appendage in his shorts.
As Sandy sat down at the table she saw with considerable satisfaction that she had her stepbrother's full attention. Over the last few weeks she had learned that it excited her to expose her supposed-to-be-covered parts to Bob and his friends, especially Charlie. “You know, I am sorta interested in your friend Charlie...”
“Do you think he's interested in me?”
“How could he not be?” Bob looked across the table at his near-naked stepsibling. The bra Sandy wore, in spite of being nearly transparent, still covered only a small part of her breasts. The breasts themselves were exquisitely shaped and looked fairly substantial, but considering Sandy's petite size, were likely only a 'B', certainly no more than a 'C'. “I mean, why do you think he comes over here so much?” Bob added.
“Really? You think he likes me, then?”
“Oh for sure, you're all he talks about.”
“And what does he say?”
“Uhm... I'm not sure I should say... but it's all good!”
“I think I can imagine some of it... but, do you think he wants to kiss me.”
Bob was startled by the question. He spit out his reply. “You mean he hasn't?”
“Uhm no.”
“You mean to tell me he's seen you in nothing but a pair of panties, even played with your bare tits, and you two have never kissed?”
Sandy had acquired a sheepish look. “Right. But we've never ever really been alone. Always been somebody else – mostly you.”
“Sorry to be cramping your style. Just doing my duty ma'am. But to answer your question, well, of course. I'm sure he wants to kiss you. Probably a lot more than that!”
“And you?”
“Huh,” Bob replied, not sure he had heard correctly.
“Do you want to too?” Sandy patiently and clearly asked. “Kiss me, I mean.”
Bob hesitated. Looking at Sandy he sighed, then in a less than enthusiastic tone said, “But I am your brother... er stepbrother... er whatever,” Bob stammered, “and I'm not supposed to want to kiss you... at least not the way I think you mean.”
“But would you anyway?” Sandy asked again.
Bob wasn't sure how he was expected to answer. He evaded with, “But, what about Charlie?”
Sandy dealt with the evasion patiently, “As you know, he's gone someplace with his father for a couple of weeks.”
“So wait until he gets back.”
“I could but I wanted to be all practiced up when he gets back.”
Sandy was the stuff that wet-dreams were made of but apparently hadn't even been kissed yet. “Practiced up?” Bob asked with a tone of obvious disbelief, “You mean -”
“Right, I've never kissed a boy before and I want to be sure and do it right. Will you teach me?”
Bob was still not believing what he was hearing. “Teach you? You want me to teach you how to kiss?”
“Yeah,” Sandy said, drawing the word out as if it had at least two syllables, maybe even three, “That is. if you can forget about that stepbrother stuff.”
“But I can't,” Bob protested. “I told you I would behave even if you didn't want me to.”
“Right, but that's to keep me a virgin. I never said we couldn't kiss.”
It was finally registering with Bob that Sandy really did want him to kiss her, but he didn't want to sound as anxious as he really was. He responded as if it was a chore, “Oh... well, if you're sure.”
“I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't sure. Does that mean your answer is yes?”
The bulge in Bob's pants grew as he imagined a hot 'make-out' session with this gorgeous teen. Bob was definitely willing but he answered cautiously, “Uh, yeah... sure, uh, when did you want to do this?”
“After breakfast?”
That would work for Bob. He would have time to masturbate privately before starting, (necessary to keep from shooting off in his pants), spend some time practicing with his hot stepsister, and still get to work on time. Trying to hide his anxiousness, and anxiety, Bob carefully replied, “Yes, I think that's doable. I'll get ready for work while you finish your breakfast.” He got up from the table and headed down the hall.
Bob went straight to the hall bathroom. With one hand he locked the door while the other undid the buttons on his shorts. Pushing his pants down was almost painful as he yanked them over his erect cock. As his pants and undershorts dropped to his ankles he lay down on the cold tile floor and wrapped his hand around himself.
Bob visualized a hot make out session with his practically naked stepsister. He imagined having his hands on her bare ass-cheeks and pressing his cock between her legs. He still could not believe Sandy had actually asked him to 'teach' her how to kiss. He shot his load while dizzily imagining the possibilities.
In the kitchen, Sandy thought about what she was about to do and how she was dressed. Sure it would be fun making out with Bob, dressed as she was in nothing but bra and panties, and he had said he wouldn't let anything happen to her, but still... she had seen how Bob was looking at her this morning and it would be too easy for it to get out of hand... no, she better put some clothes on.
As Bob came out of the bathroom he ran into Sandy en-route to her room. “Uh... I'm ready anytime you are, just needed to brush my teeth.” Wearing shorts and a t-shirt, Bob was already dressed for his summer job.
Sandy saw the way Bob was looking at her and knew she had made the right decision. “I'm going to put on some clothes... so we don't forget it's just practice.”
Bob was disappointed, but at the same time relieved. He had been worried about whether or not he could be strictly brotherly. “Uh... probably a good idea. I'll be in the den but don't take too long. I still have to get to work.”
“Right,” Sandy replied as she continued down the hall, “I'll just be a minute or two.”
It was more like ten minutes before Sandy showed up in the den. She had had difficulty in deciding what to wear. She didn't want to provide too much temptation but on the other hand didn't want to wear something she wouldn't wear, if it were actually Charlie instead of Bob, that was waiting in the den.
When she did finally get there, Bob was nervously looking at his watch, realizing it was getting close to the time he needed to be leaving. Bob stood as she came into the room.
"Sorry it took so long,” Sandy apologized, “I know it's getting late but I hope we still have time to practice.”
Before Bob could reply, Sandy closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around him. She had put on a blouse and shorts, covering much of the previously bare flesh, but she had taken off the bra. Bob felt her hardening nipples press against his chest. From a few inches lower her eyes looked into his. He bent forward and their mouths came together.
Their lips barely touched. Bob was cautious, not wanting to scare Sandy. He brushed his lips slowly across hers and was shocked to feel her lips slowly part. Bob's mouth opened and the tip of his tongue slowly slipped between Sandy's lips. He was afraid this might spook her but the tightening of her arms around his neck told him there was no reason to worry.
Sandy's mouth opened wider and she sucked Bob's tongue into it. She quite clearly needed no instruction but Bob was not about to tell her that she didn't at least need practice. In spite of his recent relief he had already acquired a rock hard erection which right now was pressed firmly against Sandy's midsection. Sandy sighed and clung even tighter.
Bob didn't want to break the kiss and Sandy apparently didn't either. Nevertheless they were forced to. Each took great gulps of air and their lips met again. Bob was worried about how Sandy would react to his very obvious erection but the tongue action now was even more feverish and Sandy was grinding herself against him. She not only showed no sign of being offended but even acted as if she might be enjoying it.
The passion increased, for a couple of minutes at least. Then Sandy abruptly put her hands on Bob's chest and pushed him away. There was no anger or rebuke associated with her action but Bob wasn't sure of it's meaning. It seemed like it might have been a compliment, like saying, 'It's too good, I can't take any more', but Bob wasn't sure. He looked into Sandy's eyes, trying to understand her meaning. She looked back at him, but, other than struggling to catch her breath, gave no clue as to why she had pushed him away.
Sandy eventually spoke. "Wow," she gasped. "I think I'm understanding why people like kissing so much.”
Bob was still afraid he might have offended her and attempted to apologize, “I'm uh sorry -”
Sandy cut him off with a quick peck type kiss, not at all like the one they had just experienced, but still enough to set Bob's mind at ease. It was clear that she was not upset by his 'boner'.
"You are a great kisser," Sandy said, “Did I do good too?” She glanced down and saw that Bob's still hard appendage was threatening to rip out the front of his shorts. She smirked a bit as she said, "Uh, you don't have to answer that. It looks like I get at least a passing grade."
Bob didn't have to look down to know what Sandy was talking about. “Uh yeah... right...” he said as he turned toward the hallway, “I guess I better brush my teeth again before I head to work.”
Sandy lay down on the couch and waited while Bob brushed his teeth. She was pretty sure she knew what he was really doing. She wanted to do it too. She put her hand between her legs and felt the dampness of her shorts. She wanted to take them off, her panties too, and let her fingers play. She knew though that she would have to wait until Bob left.
Bob eventually did come out of the bathroom and blew Sandy a kiss as he hurried out the door. Those have got to be the cleanest teeth in the county, Sandy thought. She imagined running her tongue over Bob's 'teeth' and tried to visualize him 'brushing' them. Her hand was again between her legs but she needed the privacy of her bedroom.
Sandy had her blouse and shorts unbuttoned before she reached her room. Once she had the door safely closed she let the shorts fall to the floor and stripped off her blouse. As she headed into her bathroom she pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. Naked, she entered the shower.
As the water cascaded over her she thought about what had happened. Sandy knew from what she had been told that kissing was going to be fun, but she hadn't expected it to be so exciting with Bob - Charlie maybe, but not her stepbrother.
Sandy had one hand between her legs and the other playing with her breasts. It didn't take long before the pace of her breathing increased and she started to feel tingling sensations throughout her body. In the past this had been a precursor to a quick ending with a small shudder.
Today, however, the feelings continued to intensify. Her toes curled under and she felt flushed and weak. She leaned back against the side of the shower to keep from falling. Her hands moved faster as her excitement increased. As it peaked she let out a scream that would have brought the whole household running – if there had been anyone else home – but fortunately there was not.
Something about her practice with Bob had slammed Sandy's sex drive into high gear and turned her orgasm into a mind-shattering experience. In her wildest imaginings about sex with Charlie she had reached similar peaks, but only after considerable thought and effort. Today had been fantastic and Sandy wanted more.
She stayed in the shower until the hot water began to fade. Practicing with Bob had definitely been a new experience. Maybe it had affected him the same way. Maybe that was why he took so long 'brushing his teeth'. Sandy wondered, Could Bob possibly have any idea what I've been thinking since he left.
The next morning Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table in her underwear when Bob came out of his room for breakfast. He paused and looked at her from the doorway. “Not quite as skimpy as what you were wearing yesterday,” he observed, “But still mighty fine.”
“You approve then,” Sandy asked, pushing her chair back and dropping her arms to her side.
“Yeah... I mean what man wouldn't.”
Sandy was in full tease mode. She locked her hands behind her head and leaned her chair back a little, offering Bob an unobstructed view. A teasing smile crossed her lips as she asked, “So what do you like.”
“Huh... what do I like... you want me to tell you,” Bob asked, not believing she really wanted to hear him say it.
“Yeah, I want to know. You already said it's not as skimpy as yesterday,” Sandy made it obvious she was looking at the growing bulge in Bob's shorts. “But I see that you still approve, so tell me what you like.”
Bob was afraid Sandy was trying somehow to trap him. He answered cautiously, “Uh ... well uh ... bra and panties? ... underwear? … sexy girl? ... what else do I need to say?”
“So you think I'm sexy,” Sandy asked.
Still wondering where this was headed he answered, “Yeah, of course... I mean you do want to be, don't you?”
“Sure, I told you I wanted to be your sexy sister didn't I?”
“Yeah, and -”
“Well, am I being sexy enough for you?”
Bob was sure there had to be some reason for all these questions, “Lord yes. I mean I don't know what I'd do if you were any sexier.”
Sandy relaxed and smiled like she was satisfied with Bob's answer. But as he began to drop his guard, her smile turned to a mischievous grin. “Well...” she said slowly, “You could brush your teeth more often.”
Bob's face turned bright red. She must have known what he was really doing in the bathroom yesterday. And of course she knew full well what she was doing to him now. Bob felt as if she had actually opened the door on him. “Uh... I uh...”
Sandy interrupted Bob's stammering. She knew she had gone too far. “Hey, relax. I'm flattered. I like knowing I have that kind of effect on you. My questions were to find out if you wanted me to continue.”
“I sure don't want you to stop if that's what you mean.”
“And I don't want to either. In fact I was kind of hoping you'd want to practice some more.”
Bob's eyes widened. “Sure, you mean right now?”
Sandy didn't want to appear to be rushing him, “We could eat breakfast first... if you're hungry that is... but after, sure, how about it?”
Bob would have gladly foregone breakfast for another make-out session with Sandy but he knew he had already sounded too eager. He tried to back-peddle a little, “I am hungry, so maybe after.”
Sandy nodded her agreement. As Bob sat down, Sandy got up to serve the fruit and cereal she had previously prepared. Bob couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Sandy's nearly nude form as she made several trips between the preparation counter and the table.

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He marveled, as he had so many times before, at the flatness of her stomach, the narrowness of her waist, the youthful curvature of her hips and those tantalizing legs.
Sandy saw how Bob was looking her over and guessed that he was as anxious as she to continue the practice. She had dressed in bra and panties again today in hopes that she would have the nerve to stay that way and not change clothes like she had yesterday. She was sure it would be more 'fun' this way, especially if she could get Bob to ditch the t-shirt he was wearing.
As Bob ate his breakfast he continued to study Sandy, bare except for bra and panties. In his mind he replayed yesterday's hot session and tried to imagine what today's might be like. He sighed audibly and thought, If only she would remain dressed as she is now. It was a good thing his lap was shielded from view by the table.
When they finished eating, Sandy stood to clear the table. She began to turn from it toward the sink but stopped abruptly, “Uh... you said you like what I'm wearing -”
Bob was being treated to an unobstructed view of the petite teenager. It was impossible not to notice her delectable orbs, so enticingly encased in a strapless bra, or those beautiful white lace panties that drew his attention to her narrow vee of heaven. “Yeah, I like it,” he said, licking his lips, “And I hope you're not going to change again, like you did yesterday.”
“So it'd be okay if I stayed as I am?” Sandy asked unnecessarily. “I mean, I am counting on you to make sure nothing happens.”
Even though it was hidden by the table, Bob's hand shot to his lap to cover his erection that had snapped to attention at the thought of having that near-naked body wrapped around his. “Yeah, well, it could make it hard for me, but I'll suffer, and yes, nothing is going to happen.”
Sandy smiled at Bob's response, then put on a serious face. “One condition,” Sandy said.
“I knew there'd be a catch somewhere,” Bob responded as he felt the vision being shattered.
“If I'm going to stay the way I am,” Sandy paused, guessing that Bob was thinking the worst, “Then you've got to take that shirt off.”
“What!” Bob exclaimed in shock, “That's all?”
“Uh huh,” Sandy responded with a grin on her face, “I mean, I think I'm entitled to feel some bare skin too.” Sandy finished clearing the table then turned toward the den. Bob got up from his chair and followed her.
In the middle of the den, Sandy stopped and turned to Bob, “So take the shirt off,” she demanded. Then with a mischievous smile she asked, “Or would you rather I go change.”
“Uh no,” Bob hastily replied as he pulled the shirt over his head.
Sandy put her hands on Bob's bare chest. Her fingers lightly grazed his skin as she marveled at the smoothness. “I've been wanting to do this ever since that day a few weeks back when you and Charlie and I were swimming.”
In spite of how good it felt, Bob wasn't all that sure he liked the way he was being used. “I'm surprised you even noticed. I mean, it looked like it was Charlie that had really caught your eye.”
“You are my stepbrother, Bob,” Sandy explained as her fingers traced his nipples. Although sometimes I've wished you weren't. Sandy's arms reached up and encircled Bob's neck. She looked into his eyes, angling her head upward, inviting his kiss.
Bob forgot the jealousy he was feeling. All he could think about was the gorgeous face turned upward to his, waiting to be kissed. As their lips met Bob's arms went around Sandy's waist and pulled her against him. Their mouths were already open and their tongues immediately became entangled.
The way in which Sandy was grinding her mid-section against him made it abundantly clear to Bob that Sandy was not bothered by the feel of his erection. Sandy's panties were already damp from her excitement and it was only their height difference that was keeping her from having Bob's cock nestled between her legs.
As their tongues explored each other's mouths, Bob's hands slipped over the back of Sandy's panties. He was tentative at first, not sure if this would be okay with her. Sandy almost immediately broke the kiss. Bob jerked his hands away, sure he had gone too far, but Sandy breathlessly said, “The couch... how about if we lie down on the couch. Would that be okay?”
Bob nodded vigorously and grabbing Sandy's ass-cheeks, propelled her backward to the couch. When Sandy backed into it she stumbled and fell back, pulling Bob with her. Furiously trying to maintain physical contact with each other they situated themselves on their sides, lengthwise on the couch, facing each other.
They were nose to nose, staring into each others eyes. The height difference now was an advantage and positioned Bob's cock directly between Sandy's legs. He had a raging hard-on which Sandy dutifully wrapped her legs around. He was ensconced firmly between her thighs while only a flimsy layer of lace separated her nearly naked breasts from his chest.
Bob pushed his midsection into Sandy, praying that she would not react unfavorably. The answer was a firm push back, accompanied by a sigh and two arms that wrapped tightly around him. “This is so much better,” she whispered. He pushed again and leaned in to kiss her. This led to yet another push from her and soon they were dry-fucking with a vengeance.
Bob had one hand at the back of Sandy's head, pressing her lips into his. His other hand was caressing her butt and helping to push her against him. Her lace panties only covered about half of each butt cheek so his hand was mostly on bare skin. As they were humping he let his fingers slip under the edge of Sandy's panties.
Sandy immediately broke the kiss and with labored breathing pleaded, “Uh, please... I love the feel of your hands... and you can do anything you want... but please... only on the outside... not under... please.”
“I understand,” whispered Bob, “I'm sorry... just got carried away... won't happen again... I respect your wishes and nothing is going to happen... but you are making it hard for me.”
Sandy burst out laughing at the double meaning of what Bob said. “Making it hard? How much harder can it get?” she asked as she pushed his hips away from her. With a smile on her lips, Sandy's hand slowly traced Bob's cock. She remained smiling and stared into Bob's eyes as her hand continued to stroke the front of his shorts. She pressed her lips to his as her hand accelerated its motion along the length of his shaft.
Sandy sucked Bob's tongue so far into her mouth that she actually caused him pain. Her hand wrapped around his cock as much as was possible through his baggy shorts. At the same time, Bob's hand was between Sandy's legs, firmly stroking her panties where they were the wettest. It was hard to say who was more excited.
Sandy broke the kiss and pulled her face back a couple of inches. The motion of her hand on Bob's erection came slowly to a stop. She was still moving her panty covered pussy against Bob's hand, but she had slowed it too. “Bob,” she said carefully, “We've got to stop. I don't know about you, but I'm close to the point where I won't be able to stop.”
“Yeah,” Bob said disappointedly, “Right now I can still keep anything from happening but I'm not sure how much longer that will be true.”
“You're so good Bob.” Sandy kissed him lightly on the lips while she continued to slowly stroke his erection. “I don't want to leave you like this.”
Bob looked at his watch. “I've still got time to brush my teeth.”
“Oh no you don't. You're going to stay right here with me until you have to leave.” Sandy's hand began moving faster. “Put your arms around my neck. I want to do this.” Bob did as he was told. As Sandy looked steadily into his eyes from only a few inches away, her hand on his crotch began slowly tugging at his zipper.
“What are you doing,” Bob urgently asked.
“Just what I've been wanting to do ever since I began imagining you brushing your teeth yesterday. Now relax and let me have my fun.”
Bob started to protest but Sandy put a hand over his mouth. Her other hand finally got Bob's shorts undone. She reached inside and took hold of his bare cock. As she carefully drew it out she began slowly stroking it.
“Umh, uh, uh,” Bob mumbled through Sandy's hand. She took her hand away. “Please be careful... oh shit... oh god yes... careful, its really sensitive... oh jesus -”
Sandy was keeping a light touch but the pre-cum had so lubricated Bob's cock that it was easy to move her hand rapidly over it and still not exert a lot of pressure. “Am I doing it right,” she asked.
“Oh god yes... just a little more... oh shit... now, faster...” Sandy's hand became a blur sliding over the length of Bob's cock. “Oh yesss... yesss...” The cum shot out of Bob's cock. “Easy now... oh lord yes... stop... please stop.” It continued in spurt after spurt. It landed on Sandy's thighs, on the couch, and all over his shorts. “Jesus, that was fantastic,” Bob breathlessly said as his mid-section spasmed again.
Sandy kissed Bob lightly. “It was exciting for me too, just knowing I can give you such pleasure. Promise you'll let me do it again.”
“Uh, yeah... sure,” Bob replied. He wondered where Charlie fit into all of this. Sandy was wondering the same. Bob got up from the couch and tucked his cock back into his shorts. Looking at his cum all over them he said, “I'm going to have to change. I'll bring a wet cloth.”
“Good thing the couch is Naugahyde,” Sandy observed.
Bob quickly changed and came back with a wet washcloth. Sandy let him wipe the spunk off her thighs but pointed to his watch when he started to clean the couch too. “Get going or you're going to be late for work. I'll get this.”
“Thanks, I owe you a big one,” he said.
Sandy hoped it was an orgasm he was talking about. Oh my god, what am I thinking?
For a couple of days nothing happened. Bob had to go to work first thing each morning and Sandy wasn't willing to chance anything late in the day or at night when their parents were either at home, or might arrive unexpectedly. Sandy hadn't told anyone yet about the practice sessions with Bob and wasn't sure she was going to.
The next day though was Bob's day off and he and Sandy had agreed they would resume their practice. Sandy and Bob continued to refer to their make-out sessions as practice, although both were already suspecting it was probably something more – they just didn't know what yet, and they for sure weren't ready to admit that it might be something more serious.
Early in the morning of his day off, Bob was awakened by the sound of the garage door as his dad and Sandy's mother left for work. Bleary-eyed, he got up and traipsed into the bathroom to relieve himself. As he returned to the bedroom and began considering what clothes he would wear, there was a soft knock on the door.
Bob hastily jumped back in bed and pulled the sheet over his naked body. “Come in,” he said. The door opened and Sandy shuffled barefooted to the side of the bed.
She was wearing a button-front sleep shirt that hung down almost to her knees. Bob had seen the bare legs and feet when she came through the door, but as Sandy came closer he noticed also, that the top three buttons of her shirt had been left undone, making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.
Sandy slowly looked over the length of Bob's prone form. He was flattered by the once-over he was getting and slid upward, using his pillow to prop himself against the headboard. His torso became bared sufficiently to leave no doubt that he was naked under the sheet.
Sandy licked her lips. “I was wondering what I should wear,” she asked.
Bob looked at her, liking how she was dressed and guessing that Sandy was probably not wearing panties. “How about what you're wearing,” he offered.
Sandy blushed a light shade of pink as she said, “I'd have to put some panties on.”
So she isn't wearing any. “Why,” Bob asked.
Sandy came back, “Why what?”
The thought of making out with Sandy with her in just that shirt and no panties caused the little head under the sheet to snap to attention. “Panties,” he said, “Why would you have to wear panties.”
Sandy watched mesmerized as Bob's imaginings caused the sheet to rise, almost to the point of lifting it off his abdomen. She remembered its silky feel as she had stroked him to orgasm three days previously, and the way his hips had jerked in ecstasy while rivulets of semen shot from his cock.
While continuing to stare at Bob's growing erection, Sandy spoke with some difficulty, “I'm sorry. What was it you were saying.”
“I was wondering why you wanted to wear panties,” Bob said, not quite repeating his earlier question.
Sandy was wondering the same thing. She also realized that what she was considering was certainly not practice, but used the word anyway. “Can we practice here, on your bed?”
Bob recognized too that they might still be calling it practice, but it was rapidly taking on the characteristics of something quite real. “Uh, sure, but I'm not wearing any clothes,” he warned.
“Right,” Sandy acknowledged as she undid the remaining buttons of the shirt and shrugged it off her shoulders. Naked, she stood momentarily at the side of the bed as Bob looked over her bare breasts and fixated on the faint trace of hair where her legs came together.
Sandy crawled onto the bed, taking up a cross-legged sitting position at Bob's side, facing his body as if she were the pianist and he the piano. As one hand caressed Bob's chest and abs, the other slid under the sheet and wrapped itself around his steely hard shaft. After a couple of sensuous strokes she turned him loose and took hold of the sheet, tossing it toward the foot of the bed.
With his mid-section now fully exposed to her gaze, Sandy wrapped her fingers around Bob's erect penis and stroked it slowly while studying the pre-cum seeping from its head. Continuing to stare longingly at his throbbing cock, Sandy ran her fingers over its crown and spread the milky substance down the sides, her hand now able to glide easily over the slippery surface.
As she slowly stroked Bob, Sandy unfolded her legs from under her and stretched out alongside him. She coaxed him from his sitting position into one mirroring her own, causing their lips to meet. While his tongue explored her mouth Bob's hand slipped between Sandy's thighs. She rolled over on her back, inviting his hand to caress her moist labia. As she opened her legs to Bob's touch, her pussy lips parted, inviting his fingers to explore further.
As Bob's fingers slid along the inner wall of Sandy's love canal she tightened her grip on his cock and sucked his tongue deep into her mouth, rewarding him with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Bob tore his mouth from hers and twisted his head around to plant a series of kisses down her neck and onto her chest.
Bob's lips slid up the slope of the nearest breast as his fingers went deeper into Sandy's vagina. As his thumb gently attacked her clit she threw her head back. Bob assumed a kneeling position at Sandy's side as his lips nibbled on first one, then the other of her nipples. As his body slid lower Sandy was forced to turn loose of his manhood.
Sandy's hands, both now free, gripped the sides of Bob's head as he moved lower, planting a succession of tiny kisses along her abdomen. Sandy's legs spread wider, allowing him to insert first one knee, then the other between hers. He sucked on her clitoris, causing Sandy to allow a little moan to slip from her lips.
Removing his now soaked fingers from between her legs, Bob gripped Sandy's ass with both hands and buried his face in her pussy. As his tongue entered her, Sandy raised her legs, putting them over Bob's shoulders. With her legs locked around his head she drew him in even deeper. “Oh my god,” she murmured, “I can't believe how good this feels.”
As his tongue lapped along the sides of Sandy's pussy and he sucked the juice out of her, Bob mashed his rigid cock into the mattress. He desperately wanted to have it where his tongue was but knew that could not be. He had promised he would not let that happen.
Sandy writhed in ecstasy at the ministrations of Bob's tongue but wanted another part of him inside her. She wanted to release Bob from his promise but knew he had also promised not to let her do that. Although she now regretted having forced him to to make the promise, she knew it had been done specifically for times like this.
Sandy regretted causing the pain to Bob that she knew he must be experiencing. She knew they should stop and released her leg-lock on Bob's head, attempting to push his head away with her hands. But Bob was not be thwarted. He was consumed by Sandy's pleasure and obsessed with causing her to experience an orgasm from his tongue.
Unable to push him away, Sandy's hands caressed Bob's face as her legs again locked around his head. She would let herself experience this pleasure. As his tongue sampled her nectar he inhaled her aroma. The tip of his nose made contact with her inflamed clit. He nudged at it gently as Sandy emitted little whimpers of pleasure.
Sandy felt the signs of an impending orgasm. She could tell it was going to be nothing like she had experienced in her shower. She tightened her legs around Bob's head as her hips rose, forcing Bob's tongue deeper into her. She wanted to scream but couldn't. Instead little gasps came from her lips, “Oh... oh... yes... yes... now... please...” Her body shook as the sensations built.
Far from being oblivious to what was taking place, Bob rubbed his nose more vigorously against her clit and darted his tongue out and in, so deeply he felt his tongue was going to be ripped from his mouth.
Sandy's hips were bucking and she cried out, “Oh yesss...” louder still, “ohhh yesss...” Sandy screamed, “Ohhh my goddd....” and the lights went out. She loosened her leg-lock and pushed Bob's head away. “No... no more... please, no more,” she stammered breathlessly, pulling Bob's lips to hers and kissing him passionately.
As she savored the taste of herself on Bob's lips, Sandy whispered, “That was wonderful,”and playfully grabbed hold of Bob's cock. Ignoring her sensitivity she rubbed the head of it against her engorged pussy lips.
“What are you doing – we can't,” Bob said.
“I know, I just want to feel it,” Sandy whispered. “I can dream, can't I?”
Sandy saw how Bob was looking her over and guessed that he was as anxious as she to continue the practice. She had dressed in bra and panties again today in hopes that she would have the nerve to stay that way and not change clothes like she had yesterday. She was sure it would be more 'fun' this way, especially if she could get Bob to ditch the t-shirt he was wearing.
As Bob ate his breakfast he continued to study Sandy, bare except for bra and panties. In his mind he replayed yesterday's hot session and tried to imagine what today's might be like. He sighed audibly and thought, If only she would remain dressed as she is now. It was a good thing his lap was shielded from view by the table.
When they finished eating, Sandy stood to clear the table. She began to turn from it toward the sink but stopped abruptly, “Uh... you said you like what I'm wearing -”
Bob was being treated to an unobstructed view of the petite teenager. It was impossible not to notice her delectable orbs, so enticingly encased in a strapless bra, or those beautiful white lace panties that drew his attention to her narrow vee of heaven. “Yeah, I like it,” he said, licking his lips, “And I hope you're not going to change again, like you did yesterday.”
“So it'd be okay if I stayed as I am?” Sandy asked unnecessarily. “I mean, I am counting on you to make sure nothing happens.”
Even though it was hidden by the table, Bob's hand shot to his lap to cover his erection that had snapped to attention at the thought of having that near-naked body wrapped around his. “Yeah, well, it could make it hard for me, but I'll suffer, and yes, nothing is going to happen.”
Sandy smiled at Bob's response, then put on a serious face. “One condition,” Sandy said.
“I knew there'd be a catch somewhere,” Bob responded as he felt the vision being shattered.
“If I'm going to stay the way I am,” Sandy paused, guessing that Bob was thinking the worst, “Then you've got to take that shirt off.”
“What!” Bob exclaimed in shock, “That's all?”
“Uh huh,” Sandy responded with a grin on her face, “I mean, I think I'm entitled to feel some bare skin too.” Sandy finished clearing the table then turned toward the den. Bob got up from his chair and followed her.
In the middle of the den, Sandy stopped and turned to Bob, “So take the shirt off,” she demanded. Then with a mischievous smile she asked, “Or would you rather I go change.”
“Uh no,” Bob hastily replied as he pulled the shirt over his head.
Sandy put her hands on Bob's bare chest. Her fingers lightly grazed his skin as she marveled at the smoothness. “I've been wanting to do this ever since that day a few weeks back when you and Charlie and I were swimming.”
In spite of how good it felt, Bob wasn't all that sure he liked the way he was being used. “I'm surprised you even noticed. I mean, it looked like it was Charlie that had really caught your eye.”
“You are my stepbrother, Bob,” Sandy explained as her fingers traced his nipples. Although sometimes I've wished you weren't. Sandy's arms reached up and encircled Bob's neck. She looked into his eyes, angling her head upward, inviting his kiss.
Bob forgot the jealousy he was feeling. All he could think about was the gorgeous face turned upward to his, waiting to be kissed. As their lips met Bob's arms went around Sandy's waist and pulled her against him. Their mouths were already open and their tongues immediately became entangled.
The way in which Sandy was grinding her mid-section against him made it abundantly clear to Bob that Sandy was not bothered by the feel of his erection. Sandy's panties were already damp from her excitement and it was only their height difference that was keeping her from having Bob's cock nestled between her legs.
As their tongues explored each other's mouths, Bob's hands slipped over the back of Sandy's panties. He was tentative at first, not sure if this would be okay with her. Sandy almost immediately broke the kiss. Bob jerked his hands away, sure he had gone too far, but Sandy breathlessly said, “The couch... how about if we lie down on the couch. Would that be okay?”
Bob nodded vigorously and grabbing Sandy's ass-cheeks, propelled her backward to the couch. When Sandy backed into it she stumbled and fell back, pulling Bob with her. Furiously trying to maintain physical contact with each other they situated themselves on their sides, lengthwise on the couch, facing each other.
They were nose to nose, staring into each others eyes. The height difference now was an advantage and positioned Bob's cock directly between Sandy's legs. He had a raging hard-on which Sandy dutifully wrapped her legs around. He was ensconced firmly between her thighs while only a flimsy layer of lace separated her nearly naked breasts from his chest.
Bob pushed his midsection into Sandy, praying that she would not react unfavorably. The answer was a firm push back, accompanied by a sigh and two arms that wrapped tightly around him. “This is so much better,” she whispered. He pushed again and leaned in to kiss her. This led to yet another push from her and soon they were dry-fucking with a vengeance.
Bob had one hand at the back of Sandy's head, pressing her lips into his. His other hand was caressing her butt and helping to push her against him. Her lace panties only covered about half of each butt cheek so his hand was mostly on bare skin. As they were humping he let his fingers slip under the edge of Sandy's panties.
Sandy immediately broke the kiss and with labored breathing pleaded, “Uh, please... I love the feel of your hands... and you can do anything you want... but please... only on the outside... not under... please.”
“I understand,” whispered Bob, “I'm sorry... just got carried away... won't happen again... I respect your wishes and nothing is going to happen... but you are making it hard for me.”
Sandy burst out laughing at the double meaning of what Bob said. “Making it hard? How much harder can it get?” she asked as she pushed his hips away from her. With a smile on her lips, Sandy's hand slowly traced Bob's cock. She remained smiling and stared into Bob's eyes as her hand continued to stroke the front of his shorts. She pressed her lips to his as her hand accelerated its motion along the length of his shaft.
Sandy sucked Bob's tongue so far into her mouth that she actually caused him pain. Her hand wrapped around his cock as much as was possible through his baggy shorts. At the same time, Bob's hand was between Sandy's legs, firmly stroking her panties where they were the wettest. It was hard to say who was more excited.
Sandy broke the kiss and pulled her face back a couple of inches. The motion of her hand on Bob's erection came slowly to a stop. She was still moving her panty covered pussy against Bob's hand, but she had slowed it too. “Bob,” she said carefully, “We've got to stop. I don't know about you, but I'm close to the point where I won't be able to stop.”
“Yeah,” Bob said disappointedly, “Right now I can still keep anything from happening but I'm not sure how much longer that will be true.”
“You're so good Bob.” Sandy kissed him lightly on the lips while she continued to slowly stroke his erection. “I don't want to leave you like this.”
Bob looked at his watch. “I've still got time to brush my teeth.”
“Oh no you don't. You're going to stay right here with me until you have to leave.” Sandy's hand began moving faster. “Put your arms around my neck. I want to do this.” Bob did as he was told. As Sandy looked steadily into his eyes from only a few inches away, her hand on his crotch began slowly tugging at his zipper.
“What are you doing,” Bob urgently asked.
“Just what I've been wanting to do ever since I began imagining you brushing your teeth yesterday. Now relax and let me have my fun.”
Bob started to protest but Sandy put a hand over his mouth. Her other hand finally got Bob's shorts undone. She reached inside and took hold of his bare cock. As she carefully drew it out she began slowly stroking it.
“Umh, uh, uh,” Bob mumbled through Sandy's hand. She took her hand away. “Please be careful... oh shit... oh god yes... careful, its really sensitive... oh jesus -”
Sandy was keeping a light touch but the pre-cum had so lubricated Bob's cock that it was easy to move her hand rapidly over it and still not exert a lot of pressure. “Am I doing it right,” she asked.
“Oh god yes... just a little more... oh shit... now, faster...” Sandy's hand became a blur sliding over the length of Bob's cock. “Oh yesss... yesss...” The cum shot out of Bob's cock. “Easy now... oh lord yes... stop... please stop.” It continued in spurt after spurt. It landed on Sandy's thighs, on the couch, and all over his shorts. “Jesus, that was fantastic,” Bob breathlessly said as his mid-section spasmed again.
Sandy kissed Bob lightly. “It was exciting for me too, just knowing I can give you such pleasure. Promise you'll let me do it again.”
“Uh, yeah... sure,” Bob replied. He wondered where Charlie fit into all of this. Sandy was wondering the same. Bob got up from the couch and tucked his cock back into his shorts. Looking at his cum all over them he said, “I'm going to have to change. I'll bring a wet cloth.”
“Good thing the couch is Naugahyde,” Sandy observed.
Bob quickly changed and came back with a wet washcloth. Sandy let him wipe the spunk off her thighs but pointed to his watch when he started to clean the couch too. “Get going or you're going to be late for work. I'll get this.”
“Thanks, I owe you a big one,” he said.
Sandy hoped it was an orgasm he was talking about. Oh my god, what am I thinking?
For a couple of days nothing happened. Bob had to go to work first thing each morning and Sandy wasn't willing to chance anything late in the day or at night when their parents were either at home, or might arrive unexpectedly. Sandy hadn't told anyone yet about the practice sessions with Bob and wasn't sure she was going to.
The next day though was Bob's day off and he and Sandy had agreed they would resume their practice. Sandy and Bob continued to refer to their make-out sessions as practice, although both were already suspecting it was probably something more – they just didn't know what yet, and they for sure weren't ready to admit that it might be something more serious.
Early in the morning of his day off, Bob was awakened by the sound of the garage door as his dad and Sandy's mother left for work. Bleary-eyed, he got up and traipsed into the bathroom to relieve himself. As he returned to the bedroom and began considering what clothes he would wear, there was a soft knock on the door.
Bob hastily jumped back in bed and pulled the sheet over his naked body. “Come in,” he said. The door opened and Sandy shuffled barefooted to the side of the bed.
She was wearing a button-front sleep shirt that hung down almost to her knees. Bob had seen the bare legs and feet when she came through the door, but as Sandy came closer he noticed also, that the top three buttons of her shirt had been left undone, making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.
Sandy slowly looked over the length of Bob's prone form. He was flattered by the once-over he was getting and slid upward, using his pillow to prop himself against the headboard. His torso became bared sufficiently to leave no doubt that he was naked under the sheet.
Sandy licked her lips. “I was wondering what I should wear,” she asked.
Bob looked at her, liking how she was dressed and guessing that Sandy was probably not wearing panties. “How about what you're wearing,” he offered.
Sandy blushed a light shade of pink as she said, “I'd have to put some panties on.”
So she isn't wearing any. “Why,” Bob asked.
Sandy came back, “Why what?”
The thought of making out with Sandy with her in just that shirt and no panties caused the little head under the sheet to snap to attention. “Panties,” he said, “Why would you have to wear panties.”
Sandy watched mesmerized as Bob's imaginings caused the sheet to rise, almost to the point of lifting it off his abdomen. She remembered its silky feel as she had stroked him to orgasm three days previously, and the way his hips had jerked in ecstasy while rivulets of semen shot from his cock.
While continuing to stare at Bob's growing erection, Sandy spoke with some difficulty, “I'm sorry. What was it you were saying.”
“I was wondering why you wanted to wear panties,” Bob said, not quite repeating his earlier question.
Sandy was wondering the same thing. She also realized that what she was considering was certainly not practice, but used the word anyway. “Can we practice here, on your bed?”
Bob recognized too that they might still be calling it practice, but it was rapidly taking on the characteristics of something quite real. “Uh, sure, but I'm not wearing any clothes,” he warned.
“Right,” Sandy acknowledged as she undid the remaining buttons of the shirt and shrugged it off her shoulders. Naked, she stood momentarily at the side of the bed as Bob looked over her bare breasts and fixated on the faint trace of hair where her legs came together.
Sandy crawled onto the bed, taking up a cross-legged sitting position at Bob's side, facing his body as if she were the pianist and he the piano. As one hand caressed Bob's chest and abs, the other slid under the sheet and wrapped itself around his steely hard shaft. After a couple of sensuous strokes she turned him loose and took hold of the sheet, tossing it toward the foot of the bed.
With his mid-section now fully exposed to her gaze, Sandy wrapped her fingers around Bob's erect penis and stroked it slowly while studying the pre-cum seeping from its head. Continuing to stare longingly at his throbbing cock, Sandy ran her fingers over its crown and spread the milky substance down the sides, her hand now able to glide easily over the slippery surface.
As she slowly stroked Bob, Sandy unfolded her legs from under her and stretched out alongside him. She coaxed him from his sitting position into one mirroring her own, causing their lips to meet. While his tongue explored her mouth Bob's hand slipped between Sandy's thighs. She rolled over on her back, inviting his hand to caress her moist labia. As she opened her legs to Bob's touch, her pussy lips parted, inviting his fingers to explore further.
As Bob's fingers slid along the inner wall of Sandy's love canal she tightened her grip on his cock and sucked his tongue deep into her mouth, rewarding him with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Bob tore his mouth from hers and twisted his head around to plant a series of kisses down her neck and onto her chest.
Bob's lips slid up the slope of the nearest breast as his fingers went deeper into Sandy's vagina. As his thumb gently attacked her clit she threw her head back. Bob assumed a kneeling position at Sandy's side as his lips nibbled on first one, then the other of her nipples. As his body slid lower Sandy was forced to turn loose of his manhood.
Sandy's hands, both now free, gripped the sides of Bob's head as he moved lower, planting a succession of tiny kisses along her abdomen. Sandy's legs spread wider, allowing him to insert first one knee, then the other between hers. He sucked on her clitoris, causing Sandy to allow a little moan to slip from her lips.
Removing his now soaked fingers from between her legs, Bob gripped Sandy's ass with both hands and buried his face in her pussy. As his tongue entered her, Sandy raised her legs, putting them over Bob's shoulders. With her legs locked around his head she drew him in even deeper. “Oh my god,” she murmured, “I can't believe how good this feels.”
As his tongue lapped along the sides of Sandy's pussy and he sucked the juice out of her, Bob mashed his rigid cock into the mattress. He desperately wanted to have it where his tongue was but knew that could not be. He had promised he would not let that happen.
Sandy writhed in ecstasy at the ministrations of Bob's tongue but wanted another part of him inside her. She wanted to release Bob from his promise but knew he had also promised not to let her do that. Although she now regretted having forced him to to make the promise, she knew it had been done specifically for times like this.
Sandy regretted causing the pain to Bob that she knew he must be experiencing. She knew they should stop and released her leg-lock on Bob's head, attempting to push his head away with her hands. But Bob was not be thwarted. He was consumed by Sandy's pleasure and obsessed with causing her to experience an orgasm from his tongue.
Unable to push him away, Sandy's hands caressed Bob's face as her legs again locked around his head. She would let herself experience this pleasure. As his tongue sampled her nectar he inhaled her aroma. The tip of his nose made contact with her inflamed clit. He nudged at it gently as Sandy emitted little whimpers of pleasure.
Sandy felt the signs of an impending orgasm. She could tell it was going to be nothing like she had experienced in her shower. She tightened her legs around Bob's head as her hips rose, forcing Bob's tongue deeper into her. She wanted to scream but couldn't. Instead little gasps came from her lips, “Oh... oh... yes... yes... now... please...” Her body shook as the sensations built.
Far from being oblivious to what was taking place, Bob rubbed his nose more vigorously against her clit and darted his tongue out and in, so deeply he felt his tongue was going to be ripped from his mouth.
Sandy's hips were bucking and she cried out, “Oh yesss...” louder still, “ohhh yesss...” Sandy screamed, “Ohhh my goddd....” and the lights went out. She loosened her leg-lock and pushed Bob's head away. “No... no more... please, no more,” she stammered breathlessly, pulling Bob's lips to hers and kissing him passionately.
As she savored the taste of herself on Bob's lips, Sandy whispered, “That was wonderful,”and playfully grabbed hold of Bob's cock. Ignoring her sensitivity she rubbed the head of it against her engorged pussy lips.
“What are you doing – we can't,” Bob said.
“I know, I just want to feel it,” Sandy whispered. “I can dream, can't I?”