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17 and Hot, Part 2

"Was he really okay with the way she 'played' with this friends?"

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Sandy stood in the sunlight of the open doorway, wearing what appeared to be nothing more than a very worn man's white shirt. It had only two buttons remaining, one near the bottom of her breasts, the other near her belly button. With her nipples trying to punch through the thin fabric, it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. The hem of the shirt was high on her thighs, perhaps two inches below the spot where her legs came together. A light breeze toyed with the hem, exposing a pair of thin white panties.

Earlier that morning, as had been expected, Sandy’s phone had rung about 10:00 AM. The caller id had said ‘Charlie’ but it really was Bob, calling from Charlie’s phone. “Sandy,” he said, “Charlie told me you had my phone.”

“Oh yeah, hi Bob. Mother found it in the den.”

“Yeah, that’s what Charlie said.” Bob had been Sandy’s stepbrother before their parents divorced. He had just finished his first year of college.“I hope you didn't get in any trouble.”

“No, Mother's really pretty cool. She does like you a lot, you know. It’d be okay with her if you came over any time you’re on this side of town. Okay with me too.”

Bob now lived across town with his father. “Well, I am over at Charlie’s house right now and uh, well I do need to get my phone.”

“So come on over then. Bring Charlie and Paul. We can go swimming again - that is, if you want.”

“Yeah, well sure. I know they'd love to. They're still talking about the other day.”

“How about you? Would you like it too?” Sandy asked.

Bob couldn’t help but remember how hot, seventeen-year-old Sandy had become. “Uh, yeah, sure. It’s okay with your mother, then?”

“Not a problem. I told her about going swimming with you guys the other day.”

“Uh... how much did you tell her?” Bob had asked.

“Well, not everything, of course, but she is cool with you being here.”

“You going to...”

“Take my top off again?” Sandy finished the question. Bob was silent. After a brief pause, Sandy allowed, “Maybe. Do you want me to?”

“Well, I think that's up to you, but uh... it'd definitely be okay with me if you wanted to.”

Sandy teased, “Then maybe. We'll see. What time?”

“How about right now? Paul’s on his way. Just take us a few minutes to get there. Will that work?”

“Yeah, okay.” Charlie lived over back. “Whenever you get here.”

Ending the call, Sandy raced to her mother’s closet. She knew what she wanted to wear. She’d seen her mother wear it around the house. Has to be in her closet. It was an old shirt of her father’s. She rifled through the hanging stuff until she found it, then carried it to her room.

Sandy stripped off all but her panties and held the shirt up, considering what to wear with it. Her mother normally wore jeans and generally a bra. You could always tell about the bra - it showed through the thin spots in the shirt.

Sandy was still trying to decide when the doorbell rang. Sure did get here quick, she thought. Sandy went to the intercom and looked at the video from the front door. Yes, it was them, she confirmed. “I’ll just be another minute,” she said into the intercom, trying to give herself a few more seconds. She hastily finished dressing and hotfooted it to the door. She threw the door wide, presenting the guys with an unobstructed view of herself.

Bob and his friends knew that Sandy was a bit of a showoff, but none had been expecting what they saw. They knew by now that Sandy wasn't going to get upset with them for looking. In fact, they even suspected she rather liked it, and look they did. Bare legs, all the way to heaven’s door, an occasional glimpse of bikini style panties, and nipples protruding beneath a ragged shirt. Sandy was their living wet dream and they were glad they had been invited to go swimming with her.

“You gonna go swimming in your shorts?” Sandy asked as she motioned them inside, “Or do you need to change first?”

“No, just what we're wearing,” Bob said as they followed Sandy through the house.

“I got a small problem,” Sandy said over her shoulder as she led the parade. “There is no way I can wear that same suit I was wearing the other day. It’s not big enough and the top keeps slipping off.”

At her announcement, there was a collective, but almost inaudible, groan that came from the three behind her. Sandy continued, “My other suit is broken.” She avoided mention of the tanning-only suit. “So I'm going to have to wear just what I'm wearing. You don't mind, do you?”

The guys were thinking something like, We're going to mind? … really now... Well, she could wear a bra and panties... that would be kind of neat... but then that old shirt looks pretty good too... and when it's wet... Charlie was the first to voice approval. “Of course we don't mind . You wear whatever you want.”

Sandy led them out the back door to the stairs at the shallow end of the pool. The guys stripped off their t-shirts and flip-flops before following her in. When they joined her, Sandy was already sitting on the bottom in two feet of water, her chin barely above the surface.

At first nobody had anything to say, certainly nothing of importance. The guys were sure that Sandy's shirt would be almost transparent when wet but she hadn't stood up since they sat down. They waited patiently.

Charlie and Paul had positioned themselves across from Sandy and were trying desperately to see whatever they could under the water. Bob was sitting pretty much next to her, and although he was regularly sneaking looks at Sandy, he pretended not to be interested.

Sandy finally broached a topic of considerable interest to all of them. “You know,” she said, “we really should play some kind of game. Anybody got any suggestions?”

Paul chimed in, “We could play keep-away.”

Sandy looked at Paul. “You're just looking for an excuse to get your hands on my boobs again,” she said.

“Thats not fair. We were just having fun and you know it,” Paul countered.

“He's right,” Charlie added. “Keep-away just happens to be a fun game, especially in a swimming pool. If it was just the three of us guys, we'd still want to play it.”

Bob offered her a way out. “If you're afraid there will be too much touching, you could sit on the side and watch.”

Sandy bit her lip. “No, I think I'd rather play. I know that no-one is going to do anything on purpose.” She winked at Bob. “Besides, I got a shirt on today.”

“Great!” said Paul. “You get the ball then, Sandy. I forgot where you keep it.”

“Likely story. You just want to see what I look like when my shirt's wet,” Sandy snapped.

Charlie didn't help the situation with his remark. “Oh yeah. You looked damn fine in that shirt when it was dry. Wet's really going to be a killer.”

Sandy sucked on the tip of her finger a few seconds as she looked first at Charlie, then Paul, then back to Charlie. “Yeah, I guess you're right,” she said as she turned toward Bob and winked, “I might as well get used to it.” She stood up, facing Charlie and Paul.

Wet, and with water dripping off, Sandy's shirt clung to the contours of her breasts like it had been painted on. The shirt was so thin it even took on the color of her skin.

After a few seconds of letting them look, Sandy teasingly asked, “Well... Can I get the ball now? Or do you want to look some more?”

“My god, you are beautiful,” Charlie said.

“Yeah, me too... I mean, I think so too. But yeah, get the ball,” Paul added.

Sandy turned and went up the stairs, knowing that three pairs of eyes were glued to her backside. With the shirt wet, the view from the back was almost as good as it was from the front. Granted, she did have panties on, but they too were so thin you could practically make out the freckles on her butt.

After Sandy was out of earshot, Bob said to Paul and Charlie, “Hey guys, c'mon. Cool it a little. ”

“What the hell, Bob. You know she likes it,” Charlie shot back.

“Yeah, but she is still in high school for chrissakes,” Bob argued.

“Well, we're not about to ignore her. I mean, she is so hot! Surely you think so too, Bob,” Paul begged for agreement.

Bob tried to sound rational, “Of course, but that doesn't change the fact that we’re still her friends.”

“Well maybe so, but I’d fuck her,” Paul snapped.

“Thats pretty rough, Paul,” Charlie piped up. “I mean, like you’ve known her most of your life.”

“Look guys,” Bob said. “I know she's hot, and I know she likes our attention, but please... let’s take it easy. Make sure she stays comfortable with us.”

Just then Sandy returned with the ball. She stood at the top of the stairs, her shirt still very wet, and held the ball at her side, affording the guys a tantalizing look. Her long legs nicely accentuated the package displayed in the wet shirt.

Sandy went slowly down the steps, like she was making an entrance down a grand staircase. When her feet reached the bottom, she took a couple of steps toward the center of the pool, put the ball behind her, holding it with both hands, and yelled, “I've got the ball! Who's going to take it from me?”

They all jumped up and lunged toward her. Three pairs of hands encircled her, trying to get the ball loose. Charlie and Paul tried to come at Sandy from the front, but from behind, Bob grabbed her hands, forcing her to let go of the ball.

As the ball came loose, Sandy fell backward against Bob, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his butt with Sandy sitting on top of him. As Charlie and Paul fought over the loose ball, Bob's hands came from behind and cupped Sandy's breasts through the shirt. She closed her hands on top of Bob's and held them there a few seconds before turning to help him up.

Sandy winked at Bob and glanced at the front of his shorts. Licking her lips suggestively she turned toward the other two. “Time, please,” she said. “If we're going to continue playing keep-away, I need to put something else on. The buttons holding my shirt together aren't going to make it.” She turned toward the stairs.

“Just take it off,” Charlie said.

“Yeah, it isn't like we haven't seen you topless before,” Paul added.

Sandy hesitated at the bottom of the stairs, appearing to consider the suggestion. “Nah,” she said, “Not a good idea,” and put her foot on the first step.

Before she could take the second step though, Paul pleaded, “C'mon Sandy. We want to see your tits again. Please... We'll be good.”

Sandy had stopped and lowered her head as Paul made his plea. Now she turned and looked first at Charlie. “I don't suppose it would hurt anything.” She looked at Paul. “You promise to behave?” He nodded. She turned toward Bob. “How about you, Bob, what do you think?”

“Uh, I guess it'd be okay,” Bob said noncommittally. Then remembering what he'd said the day before, he added, “If you want to, I mean.”

Sandy stood there a few seconds, seemingly deep in thought. She took her time looking first at Paul, then Charlie, and finally Bob. Still looking at Bob, she slowly undid the two remaining buttons. The wet cloth clung to her body and stayed in place until she gripped it with her hands and spread it apart, announcing, “Ta daaa!” There was a collective gasp as her breasts popped free.

Sandy avoided making eye contact while she peeled the wet garment from her shoulders and coaxed it down her arms. After she had separated it completely from her body, she threw it on the pool deck.

Sandy turned to face the pool and the three guys. They were staring intently, their mouths hanging open. “What,” she said, “They're the same boobs you saw two days ago.”

Then she realized they were staring, not at her bare breasts, but at her panties. “Oops, forgot how thin these are,” Sandy said with the same nonchalance as if she had just tipped over a salt shaker. With the shirt gone, and her panties wet, it was as if she wasn't wearing anything.

Her pussy lips were shaved smooth and the thin wet material of her panties created a gallery of lipreaders. The little strip of hair just above her clit showed clearly as well. In spite of her near nudity, Sandy acted like it was an everyday occurrence for her to be so exposed while in the company of three college age guys.

She could have easily squatted down in the water, or made some other attempt to cover herself, like with her hands, but she didn't. It was as if she might actually be enjoying the situation.

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“Maybe we ought to move the game into deeper water, at least up to my waist,” she chided. “I mean, come on guys... You've seen panties before. What's the big deal?” Sandy turned and waded toward the deeper water.

From the backside, the view was also spectacular. The 'big deal' was that the thin panties didn't hide much when dry, but when wet, it was like they didn't even exist. Had Sandy been wearing a thong, her butt could not have looked any better .

“Come on, lets play,” she said from the middle of the pool.

“Okay, but you first,” Paul said as he tossed her the ball.

Sandy pushed the ball under the water and sat on it. It provided her with just enough extra height so she could sit in the deeper water and still keep her head above the surface. “I'm ready, come ahead,” she said.

The three guys all started toward her at once. “Stop! Hold it!” Sandy shouted. They were still a good ten feet away and stopped at her pleading. “Uh, this isn't going to be fair - all three of you at once,” Sandy said. “I think I got a better idea.”

“If you can't take it,” Paul said, “do like Bob suggested, just watch.”

“Yeah, this better be good,” Charlie added.

“Hey guys,” Bob said, “Give her a chance. It might be better than you think.”

Sandy was still sitting on the ball, her tits covered by the water. She looked down and pinched her nipples a couple of times. Still holding her nipples, she looked up and said, “It might be better. You want to hear about it?”

Three heads nodded in unison. She turned loose of her nipples. “Then listen carefully. It is kind of complicated. Should be fun though,” she said.

“The person with the ball is it ,” she began to explain. “The first person, other than it, who hasn't had a turn yet, gets sixty seconds to try and take the ball away. The other two watch. Got it so far?” Sandy was met with three puzzled looks, but all eventually nodded.

Sandy continued, “At the end of the sixty seconds, the person with the ball is the new it, or still it, and the next person in line gets a turn.”

“How do we know who's next?” Paul asked.

“We'll go by age. Paul, you’re the oldest, so you're first, then Bob, Charlie, and finally me,” Sandy responded. “But if you’ve already been it that round, you don't get a turn 'til the next round.”

“Sixty seconds? Who's the timer?“ Charlie asked.

“Duh... Use your head Charlie,” Bob chastised. “The clock on the back of the house has a second hand. Anyone watching can do it, even you.”

Charlie back-pedaled, “Yeah, yeah, I got it, lets play then.”

“Hold on a minute.” Sandy stood up. “One more point.” Her panties might have still been hidden by the water but her bare breasts got instant attention.

“Looks like two points to me,” Paul quipped, “and nice points too.”

Sandy looked down at her boobs. “Looks like the cold water is making 'em kinda hard.”

“Ain't the cold water doing that,” Charlie quipped as Sandy took hold of each nipple. “Oh shit! I'm not believing this!”

Still looking down, Sandy rolled her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Mouths opened and tongues hung out as the guys stared longingly. Bob remembered that he had told Sandy yesterday, it was okay for her to 'play', but he thought this might be going too far.

Sandy dropped her hands to her side and looked up. “As Paul said, there really are two points – first, you can't do anything thats going to hurt anyone, but second, distracting someone, making the other person think about something other than the ball, that's okay.”

“Does that mean...” Charlie started.

“I thought you were the one that was anxious to get on with it,” Sandy interrupted. “Just play the game. You'll figure it out quick enough.” She sat back down on the ball. “C'mon Paul, you're first. Somebody start timing soon as he gets to me.”

Paul dove headlong the last couple of feet, trying to knock Sandy off the ball. With her hands holding the ball tightly, she pushed back a foot or two, just as a Paul reached her, keeping him from knocking her off balance. Paul sputtered to the surface on his knees in front of Sandy.

With forty seconds to go, Paul said, “Remember, you made the rules.” His hands moved forward along the tops of Sandy's thighs. Sandy was sure she knew what was about to happen, but Bob had told her that as long as it was just playing, it was okay with him.

Sandy wasn't sure what it was going to be like to have someone else's hand inside her panties, but she didn't think it would be so bad – might even be fun. Whatever, Sandy was not going to lose the ball. Bob was next and she wasn't about to give up that opportunity.

As Paul's hands contacted the front of her panties, Sandy caught her breath, waiting for the inevitable, but then, just as Charlie called out the fifteen second mark, Paul's hands shot upward and closed on her breasts. His touch was gentle. As his fingers caressed the mounds of flesh, his palms brushed her nipples.

As Charlie called 'time', Sandy took hold of Paul's hands and carefully removed them from her breasts. “I'm not sure who got distracted,” she said. “I've still got the ball though. But thanks, I think I liked that.”

As Paul headed back to sit next to Charlie at the shallow end of the pool, Bob waded toward Sandy. “Be prepared to lose the ball,” he said as he approached her.

“I was figuring I would,” Sandy responded, “but you seem more determined than I expected.”

Just then, Charlie hollered, “Sixty seconds.”

Bob dove under and tried to pry the ball loose from Sandy's hands, but her hands were only part of her grip – she was also holding it in place with her weight. Bob came to the surface empty handed.

“Paul seemed more interested in playing with my boobs than going for the ball,” Sandy said. “Tell me why you want it so bad.”

“Because I don’t want Charlie getting the same chance.”

“Fifteen seconds,” called out Charlie.

Bob took Sandy's head in his hands and pressed his lips against hers. Her lips parted and his tongue shot between her teeth. She started to fall over backward and put out her hands to catch herself. When she did, Bob knocked her off the ball and snatched it up, just as Charlie called 'time'.

Lurching back to the surface, Sandy spit out some pool water, gulped in a lungful of air and said, “Whew! That was worth losing the ball for. Keep Paul and Charlie from getting it. I want a re-match.”

“Kissing your sister, huh,” Charlie said to Bob as he waded toward him. “I knew you weren't the saint you've been pretending to be.”

“Mind your own business, creep,” Bob fired “She’s not my sister anyway!”

“Sixty seconds,” called out Paul as Sandy sat down next to him. As the struggle for the ball began between Bob and Charlie, Paul turned to Sandy, “Charlie actually is jealous. He has really got the hots for you.”

“Well you haven't exactly been running the other way,” Sandy observed.

“Hey look, I'm the dumb jock of the bunch - you know, gotta be a blond airhead with big tits for me. Don't get the wrong idea though, I do think you're cute. You're sexy and smart too. I do wish I had a girlfriend just like you. It's not hard to figure why Bob's so crazy about you.” Paul looked up at the clock. “Thirty seconds.”

“Crazy about me? I didn't think he even noticed me until you guys came over here a couple of days ago.”

“Look, Bob can have any girl he wants, but in a year away at college, I don’t think he dated once,” Paul said. Sandy gave him a puzzled look. Paul continued. “What I figure is he compares every one to you. Those other girls just don't measure up.” Paul announced, “Fifteen seconds.”

“But he...” Sandy started.

“...never comes on to you?” Paul guessed. “He still thinks of you as his sister. Doesn't mean he wouldn’t like to change that though.” Paul hollered, “Time!”

Bob had hung onto the ball. As Paul got up to try his turn at taking it away he said, “Bob understands that with you and me, its just playing. He knows I understand what 'no' means. He's not so sure about Charlie.”

Sitting down was providing at least partial cover for Sandy's bare breasts, and sitting down, even in two feet of water, had caused her transparent panties to be all but forgotten. As Charlie approached however, Sandy got up, exposing her breasts and once again drawing attention to her almost non-existent panties.

Up to this point, Sandy had been okay with the stares and lewd remarks her state of undress had been causing. Now however, considering what Paul had just told her, she wasn't totally comfortable with the looks she was getting from Charlie. “Call the time, Charlie,” she commanded in a loud voice, then added, ”I'm going in the house a minute. Anybody want anything?”

As she mounted the stairs, she looked back to see if Charlie was watching her. He was and she was glad she had decided on this time for her bath-room break. She was glad she wasn't going to be alone with Charlie, not even for a couple of minutes.

Bob, Paul and Charlie had been watching Sandy topless for close to an hour now. They were well aware that she was wearing nothing but a very thin pair of panties, and that those panties had become almost transparent when soaked with the pool water. Still, they paused in their conversation to watch Sandy as she exited the back of the house and walked toward them.

There was something especially sexy about Sandy's lack of concern over her own modesty. She showed little concern for her near nudity or the effect it was having on her male companions. All eyes watched as she entered the pool and waded toward Bob and his friends.

“Bob still has the ball,” groused Charlie, “so it's Sandy's turn to try and take it from him.”

Sandy was of course, still topless, but standing alongside the guys in the shallow end of the pool, also exposed her wet and nearly transparent panties. Bob looked at the wet panties, then suggested, “We can go to the deeper water if you want.”

“If you think we should,” Sandy answered. She looked downward and made a minor adjustment to her panties with her thumbs. Glancing at Paul and Charlie she added somewhat sarcastically, “On the other hand, it is probably a little late to be trying to hide anything.”

“Understood. I was just trying to be a good friend,” Bob said as he took a couple of steps away and sat on the ball. “Give us some room guys. Somebody call time.”

Paul and Charlie scrambled away in the opposite direction. Paul looked at the clock as Sandy reached Bob. “Sixty seconds,” he shouted.

Sandy stopped a couple of feet in front of Bob, her wet panties at eye level with him. She put her hands on her hips. “You don't think you're going to keep that ball do you?” she asked teasingly.

Bob attempted to look upward, into Sandy's eyes, but couldn't get past the sight of her bare breasts. He studied her perfect orbs for a couple of seconds, then let his gaze drift slowly downward, past her belly-button ring, and across her smooth stomach to the swatch of wet panties that was getting ever closer to his face as Sandy came toward him.

“No, I don't imagine I'll keep it,” Bob answered, “but I am going to make sure I enjoy losing it.”

Paul called out the thirty second mark as Sandy straddled Bob's legs and sat down abruptly on his lap, her bare tits, inches from Bob's face. She pressed her panties against the bulge in Bob's shorts and whispered, “Lick my nipples.”

Bob's tongue flicked out and made contact with one of them. She squirmed in his lap, pressing her panty covered pussy against the hard spot in his shorts. She snatched the nipple away from his tongue, then grabbed the back of his head and pulled his greedy mouth onto the other one.

“Holy Shit!” exclaimed Charlie, watching the scene not ten feet away, “That is so hot!”

“Fifteen seconds,” yelled Paul. Then to Charlie, he whispered, “I think Bob just forgot all that shit he's been preaching to us about.”

“Get rid of your friends,” Sandy whispered to Bob, “I'll fix us some lunch.”

Bob let go of the ball and squeezed Sandy's butt. “You know we’re never going to hear the end of it.”

Sandy put her mouth to Bob's ear. “I don't care”, she said. “Do you?”

“I, I guess not,” replied Bob.

Sandy knocked him over in the water and scooped up the ball just as Paul called time. “I won,” she announced, holding the ball over her head.

“You might have the ball,” said Charlie, “but it looked to me like Bob was the real winner.”

“Yeah, I think Charlie understands that distraction stuff now,” Paul joked. “I'm next.”

Bob was once again on his feet. “Hey guys, I'm really sorry,” he said, “but we're going to have to quit.”

“Are you shitting me?” Paul blurted out, “and just when it's my turn?”

“Please, can't help it,“ Bob apologized, “Sandy and I have some family stuff we need to discuss.”

“Don't worry about it, we'll leave,” Charlie piped up. “We understand, and we know what family stuff means.” He had held up his hands, making quote mark signs, when he said 'family stuff'.

Written by TraceEkies
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Another hot, erotic and seductive tease. Keep ‘em coming!
This is the kind of stuff that's easy to write. I just have to remember what 16 and 17 year-old girls did, (or I wished they'd done), when I was in high school.
Now that my dear friend was HOT! keep it coming because my hunger just went insatiable....
When you have said it is HOT, BK, I know I have accomplished something. Thanks. Stay hungry, (er that should be horny), my friend.
Sandy is a wonderful tease. Looking forward to the next chapter?
So glad this has caught your attention. Part 3 should be on-line by weekend. I think you're going to like it.
Trace--And the heat just goes up and up and up . . . Wonder what Sandy is planning to "cook" for lunch with Bob? As usual, Trace, the tease continues, for your readers and for Bob and Sandy, too, it seems. This was a fun read, very well done, and I'm glad to hear that ch. 3 is soon to arrive. I'll be watching for it!
It seems to me it is something boring like a BLT. But then the lunch is just an excuse anyway. Sure am glad you're liking it, so far.
Oh Boy!!!!! Green with envy. Thank you Trace.
And who are you envious of, Jim? Would it be 'Bob'? Sure can't blame you there.
Really like the direction in which this seems to be moving. Great writing, as usual. Wish I had your imagination and talent.
Sure do appreciate your comments, MM, (Marathon Man). So glad you're liking my stories.
Excellent hot erotic sexy story. Loved it. Thank you so much.
And thank you, Chris, for your support.