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No Rules

"Did 'no rules' mean they were free to do anything with anybody?"

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Brad's door was closed. Ashley knocked. “Come in,” he hollered.

Ashley pushed the door open. She looked at the clothes strewn around the room. “Yuck, you really need to clean this place,” she snapped. Brad had just cinched the belt to his jeans. Ashley looked at his bare chest and imagined what was hidden below the belt.

“I'm on my way to Jarrad's so I can't do it today.” Brad looked up. His stepsister was wearing a string-type black bikini and nothing else.

“I was going swimming.” Ashley put her hands behind her head and turned a little in each direction, showing off her barely covered breasts.

Killer body! Brad thought to himself as he ogled the abundance of bare skin.

“I was hoping you might want to join me,” Ashley cooed suggestively.

Brad drooled over the sight of her nearly naked body and the suggestive movements she was making to encourage his attention. No way that bikini would last five minutes once we got to fooling around in the pool. He shook his head. “I sure do wish I hadn't promised Jarrad, but I did.”

“Too bad,” Ashley said as she turned toward the door.

Calling after her, Brad cautioned, “Don't forget about the yard guys. Today's their day.” And if she's at the pool dressed like that, it really will be their day.

“Thanks for the reminder,” Ashley said flippantly as she wiggled her butt and closed the door.

My god, Brad thought. I can't believe I'm actually living with a fox like that. Brad and Ashley were stepsiblings. They were the same age and had been thrown together several years ago when her father and his mother had married. Each thought the other attractive but it was not until they had both graduated from high school that the sparks began to fly.

For the last couple of years, Brad had been fascinated by the tantalizing development in Ashley's body, but then this summer Ashley had gotten to where she was actually encouraging him, (and his friends), to look. She had always been into short skirts, but now when she was at home and it was just Brad alone or Brad and his friends, it was t-shirt and panties, lingerie, bra and panties, a towel, a man's shirt with panties or sometimes, nothing under.

She had even taken her top off while swimming with Brad and his friends. Brad being her stepbrother, she had at first insisted on a lot of rules, but those gradually got thrown out, all but the one that kept her a virgin. Recently though, even that had been thrown out. Ashley called it 'no rules'.

Disappointed that Brad couldn't go swimming with her, Ashley returned to her room and waited for him to leave the house. Probably just as well he's going, she thought. With what's been happening between us lately, we really do need to cool it.

A lot had transpired in the last few days. Ashley had lost her virginity to a guy that was visiting from out of town. Then after he was gone, she'd taken on her stepbrother, which was what she'd been wanting to do for some time anyway. But had it been more than a sport-fuck? She found herself feeling like it had meant more than that to her, and she hoped Brad felt the same way. On the other hand, she thought, he is my stepbrother and we ought not let it get too serious.

Remembering the warning Brad had given her about the yard guys, Ashley grabbed a shirt she had appropriated from her father and pulled it on over the bikini. As she buttoned it she thought, Those yard guys can't be much more than twenty-five and they are kind of cute. I wonder... Can't tease Brad today, but it might be even more fun with a couple guys I barely know. With the shirt securely buttoned over the bikini she slipped through the sliding glass door into the backyard.

It was deserted. Ashley took the opportunity to pull the outdoor table over to the edge of the pool. She brought three of the chairs as well. Then she stretched out on a nearby lounger.

So what's the drill, she asked herself. Nothing should happen that I don't want to happen. These guys have been coming here every month now for more than two years. I guess Daddy mails them a check so they have to know that he knows where they live. And besides, I was out here last summer and they didn't bother me. Of course I was still sorta flat-chested then, and my bikini wasn't so skimpy.

Ashley took the shirt off and turned face down on the lounger. She undid the strings on the top. Oh yeah, she thought, with the top undone and such a tiny bottom, it'll be almost like I'm naked. Just then she heard a truck in the drive and soon after, the gate creaking open. She cradled her head in her arms; her face was turned toward the gate but with her eyes nearly shut, looking as if she was asleep.

She watched as the yard guys came toward her. Both were shirtless and wore shorts. They were even better looking than she had remembered. Ashley made a few small movements, the type she might have made if actually sleeping, just to be sure they noticed her.

They stopped abruptly, about ten feet away. “Whoa, uh, uh, looky there!” one of the guys whispered urgently to the other.

“Uh yeah, she's the one lives here,” the other replied, also keeping his voice low. “Remember, we saw her last year.”

“Uh huh, but she din't look that good las year and 'sides, she's damn near nekkid.”

Ashley's eyes popped open. She feigned shock and surprise at seeing the two of them. “Oh my god,” she blurted, hastily clasping her hands over her nearly bare butt.

“Didn't mean ta scare ya,” the one said. “Maybe we should uh... leave and come back later?” He felt his cock stiffening and hoped the girl wouldn't send them away.

“Uh no, that's not necessary,” she said, removing her hands from her butt and resting them on the edge of the lounger. “After all, I'm the one who forgot you were coming.”

The spokesman licked his lips and said, “That's right kind of ya. Now jus git back to yur sunnin and forget we're here. We'll be gone 'for ya know it.”

“Fine,” she responded, “but if you guys will keep your backs turned long enough for me to get my top retied, I'm sure I'll feel a lot better about you being here.”

The guys nodded their agreement and walked off in the direction of the flower beds. Their job was actually gardening but they called it landscaping. They took care of the shrubs and other plants along the fence line at the far edge of the yard.

Ashley followed them with her eyes, making sure their backs remained turned away. She sat up, leaving her bikini top on the lounger. She was topless and facing the guy's backs. They weren't supposed to turn around, but Ashley knew it was still a possibility. Her nipples hardened and a shiver of excitement went through her body.

After a few seconds, she picked up the bikini top and reluctantly tied it in place. The gardeners were now a good fifty feet away, almost to the far side of the yard. Ashley pulled the back of the lounger into a sitting position. She was sure that eventually they would look back in her direction. She wanted to be sitting when that happened.

Ashley picked up a paperback book and began reading. She deliberately held it high enough so it didn't hide her breasts. The guys might be working but Ashley expected they would also be watching. She peered over the top of the book to verify her assumption. They were kneeling in front of the flower beds, but yes, they were also turned sideways, definitely keeping an eye on her.

Continuing as if she were reading the book, and pretending to be unaware that she was being watched, with her free hand she coaxed the triangles of black cotton covering her breasts, little by little, away from the center and toward the sides.

One of the workmen whispered urgently to the other, “Ron, you watchin?”

Ron's eyes snapped quickly from the flower bed and focused on Ashley. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “Her nipples are damn near showin!” Ashley dropped the book and looked down at her half bared breasts. “Quick!” Ron whispered as he jerked his head back, “Look like you're workin.” Hastily, both turned to their work.

As if it had just occurred to her that they might be watching, Ashley looked in their direction. Without taking her eyes off them, she undid the string from around her neck and retied it under her arms and behind her back. She looked down at her breasts again, confirming that the nipples were still covered. Ashley put her fingers under the edges of the bikini top and pulled it down until her nipples were barely concealed. Then she picked up the book and resumed her reading.

Ron took a peek. “Oh my god, JR, I'm not believing this.”

“What?” JR said as he turned quickly. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” he intoned, then turning back to Ron he asked, “You think she knows we're watchin?”

“She must,” Ron replied.

“Then that means...”

“Yeah... means she wants us to watch.”

Ashley peered over the top of the book again. She saw that all work had stopped and she had their undivided attention. She held the book high, making sure it didn't obstruct their view. When she adjusted the top she had felt of her nipples. They had already been as stiff as they were going to get. She felt moisture building between her legs. Her hand, as if it had a mind of its own, slid down the bare expanse of her stomach.

JR knew they had work to do but he couldn't pull his eyes away. “Oh, oh, please no,” he moaned as Ashley's fingers crept inside the bottoms.

Ashley had intended to tease, but when her fingers came in contact with her clit she lost control. Her head went back as she vigorously attacked her pussy. Ron and JR watched in awe as she pushed the bikini bottom down and pressed what looked like two fingers inside her. Then she suddenly remembered she was being watched. She had gone too far, and she knew it.

Ashley jerked her hand from between her legs and tugged the bottom of the bikini up as far as it would go. She reached to the deck beside the lounger and snatched up the shirt, hastily covering herself from neck to knees. She leaned back and looked up at the sky, not wanting to acknowledge what she had just done.

Ron said quietly, “I think the show's over.”

“Yeah, think so, Bro. Better get back to work”

They turned to the flower beds. Ashley reclined the back of the lounger and spent several minutes on her back, watching the movement of the clouds. Thank god they were so far away. Probably couldn't see anything anyway. At least she hoped not.

Ashley propped herself up on an elbow and looked in the direction of the gardeners. They were still turned from her, pulling the weeds. One of them stood up and with a pair of clippers began trimming the hedge, but his back remained turned to her. Ashley debated with herself over what to do. Maybe I should act as if nothing has happened.

She pulled on the shirt and buttoned it securely from top to bottom. Now if I can just maintain my composure. Ashley stood and walked over to where the guys were working. She stopped a few feet away. “Uh... “ Both turned abruptly. Each gave her a quick once-over. Ashley's face turned red but she managed to stammer out, “I was going into the house to get a beer... thought you guys might like one too.”

“Uh, yeah,” replied a very surprised JR. “That'd be great!”

“You too?” Ashley said turning to Ron who was nodding vigorously.

“Yeah him too,” confirmed JR, “He's bashful but I know he wants one.”

“Three beers coming up,” Ashley said as she turned toward the house.

She returned via her bedroom door, the same way she had come out. She hastily undid the shirt and tossed it on the bed. Slut, she thought as she caught sight of herself in a mirror. She considered putting on some regular clothes, or at least a less revealing bikini, but nixed both. She did straighten up the one she was wearing and retie it properly, so it at least covered what it was supposed to.

She did intend to tease a little more, that would be part of acting as if nothing had already happened. I'm just going to have to be more careful. She picked up the shirt from the bed and put it on over the bikini as she walked toward the kitchen. She didn't button it though.

She took three bottles of beer from the refrigerator, one for each of the guys and, although she wasn't yet old enough, just eighteen actually, one for herself as well. She popped the cap on each. Juggling the open beers while holding the shirt closed, she went out the kitchen door to the backyard.

Putting the beers on the table and sitting down she yelled, “Beer break!” Ashley was seated in the chair opposite the pool. The workmen hastened to the table. She motioned them to the two empty seats, the ones closest to the pool. She handed each a beer, clinked her bottle against each of theirs and took a small swallow.

The one that had been doing the talking took a long pull on his beer, announcing, “Oh yes!” The other nodded his agreement. Ashley turned to the talker, who she also suspected was the boss, and queried, “So what is your name?”

“JR” he replied. “Well, not really my name but that's what everyone calls me.”

“Does JR stand for something,” Ashley asked.

“Junior, I guess. Mom called me that when I was growin up. My friends though, always jus call me JR”

“And you?” she said, turning to the other one.

“He's Ron,” said JR, “and I think that is his real name. But like I said, he's kinda bashful.”

“Well, I'm Ashley and I'm glad to meet both of you.”

There was an awkward silence, then JR finally said. Han't seen you since las summer. Thought ya mighta moved out or somethin.”

“No, just try to stay in the house when you guys are here. Not trying to avoid you, you know, just don't want to get in your way.”

“Guess ya forgot we was coming today, huh?”

Ashley's face turned pinkish as she lied.

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“Uh yeah, I did forget.”

“Yeah, kinda guessed you probably din't want anyone seein ya in that bikini. Now don't you take that the wrong way. I'm meaning, you do look awful good in it.” He looked her over, trying to see what she had under the shirt. “I guess ya put on somethin else when you was in the house, huh.”

Ashley grabbed at the shirt. It was still unbuttoned but she held it closed to keep the bikini hidden. “Uh, yeah, right,” she lied, her face turning a slight crimson.

Ron stared. Not only was the color of her face giving her away, but he could also tell that whatever she was wearing under the white shirt was black, like the bikini had been. A broad grin came across his face as his bashfulness gave way to the realization that Ashley was probably still wearing that skimpy bikini she'd been wearing earlier. “Ya din't change, did ya?” he said.

The flush on Ashley's face turned a deep red as she looked over at JR, realizing that he too had figured out the truth. “Uh, no,” she said, looking from JR to Ron and back again, “but I don't see why it makes any difference – I mean, I do have the shirt on.”

“But I bet ya'd like to take it off,” JR pressed.

“Maybe... if I was alone.”

“If you want ta take it off, we won't mind,” Ron suggested.

Ashley swallowed hard. She did really want to but was afraid they might read it as an invitation for some other things. “I think I'd better not,” she said half-heartedly.

JR detected the 'want to' in her response. “Shame to keep such a beautiful body all covered up.”

Ashley felt dampness between her legs. Her nipples stiffened. “Thanks for the compliment but...”

“But what?” JR asked, a grin spreading across his face.

“Well, I uh... I was going to go for a swim after you guys went back to work...” She sat up straight in her chair and with a trace of fear in her voice, hastily added, “But I could do that while you guys finish your beer... If you don't mind that is.”

“Shit no,” JR said, his eyes brightening. “We wouldn't mind that at all, would we Ron?” Ron shook his head dramatically from side to side.

“Alright then, you guys look toward the house until I get in the pool and say it's okay.”

“Sure, we're good on that.” JR looked at Ron and got a thumbs up.

Ashley pushed her chair back and stood. The guys looked toward the house. She stepped behind Ron and shrugged the shirt from her shoulders. Once again bare except for the tiny bikini, she dove in and pulled hastily up to the side. She surfaced and started to announce okay but saw they were already looking in her direction. “You said you'd wait until I said okay.”

“Yeah well, I heard the splash and figured it was okay.”

“Me too,” echoed Ron.

“I guess it doesn't really matter,” Ashley said with a trace of crimson to her face. She turned and flipping her nearly bare butt toward Ron and JR, set off toward the deep end. When she reached the wall, she turned over and backstroked the length of the pool to the other end, her perky breasts snapping to attention at every stroke. She leaned against the edge for a few seconds, then dove under and swam submerged, back to where the guys were sitting, watching.

Ashley's feet were on the bottom but she kept her knees bent such that her shoulders remained under water. Her bikini covered breasts were not only submerged but since she was also close to the edge, they were pretty much hidden.

The guys had pulled their chairs to the edge and were bent over looking at her. “We ain't done with our beers,” JR lamented. “Okay if we jus sit here and talk to ya for a bit?”

Ashley was sure they were just stalling, hoping to get a glimpse of something more, but the tingling between her legs told her she didn't mind. “Sure, take your time,” she responded cheerily.

The guys were sure that because Ashley lived in such a fancy house, had a swimming pool in her backyard, and her own car, that she was rich. Ashley argued against the idea, claiming she was no different than JR and Ron, only lucky. As they batted this back and forth, Ashley gradually put some distance between herself and the pool wall. She also straightened her legs somewhat until her bikini covered breasts were just above the surface of the water.

The pretense of unrelated conversation ceased. The guys were staring openly at Ashley's breasts and she was loving it. Ashley was also lightly rubbing a hand between her legs, but they couldn't see that. The water blocked their view.

“Ya know,” JR said, “If you were to skooch down in the water some, like ya were at first, ya wouldn't even need to be wearing that top.”

Ashley smiled. “I think the top needs to stay.” At least for now. She reached behind her neck and retied the top strings a little tighter, exposing an inch or so of her lower breasts. Then she loosened the main tie string, the one that went around her back, allowing even more of the white bottom flesh to show.

The guys oohed and aahed. Ashley backed, to around the middle of the pool. She turned her back to them and untied the strings. Turning slowly she held the top firmly against her breasts. Then suddenly bending her knees and submerging all the way to her chin, she pulled the top loose and threw to the guys.

“Happy?” she asked laughing. She knew they couldn't see much, being so far away and her being so covered up by the water, but it was still exciting and Ashley positively beamed.

JR could tell she was loving it. “Bottom too,” he urged.

What the hell, thought Ashley, They're not going to see anything anyway. She ducked under the water and stripped off the bottom. Popping her head above the water she tossed it to the guys as well.

“Anybody want to go for a swim,” she taunted. “Oh I forgot, you guys got to go back to work.”


Brad pulled into the driveway. Ashley's car was there so she was likely still at home. But there was also a beat-up pickup truck, probably belonging to the yard guys, so he and Ashley wouldn't be fooling around in the pool until they left. “Ashley,” he hollered as he entered the house. There was no answer.

Brad had escaped early from Jarrad's house. He had claimed to be coming down with a sore throat. In reality he had been thinking about his stepsister, how she had come into his room wearing that skimpy bikini, wanting him to go swimming with her. He hoped he hadn't missed out completely by going to Jarrad's. He called out for her again as he went down the hall toward her room. Still no answer.

Her door was open. He stuck his head in and called her name again. Silence. He crept across her room and looked through the sliding glass door toward the pool. He could see her head bobbing above the surface. She looked to be talking to someone but there was a tree blocking the view of whoever was at the table.

She might be talking to the landscapers, he thought. They should be done by now and might have stopped to say something to her on their way out. He hoped she wasn't wearing that same bikini she had worn into his room earlier in the day. Brad went up the hall from Ashley's room to his own.

He stripped out of his jeans and t-shirt, undershorts too, and pulled on a pair of long-legged but loose fitting swim shorts. He grabbed a towel from his bathroom and turned for the door. Like Ashley's, his room had a sliding glass door that opened onto the backyard. He stopped before opening the door and looked in the direction of the pool. Ashley was still talking to someone but now he could see them too. He guessed it was the yard guys. There must have been some problem.

He opened the door and walked soundlessly toward the three of them. The two guys were bent over from their chairs at the edge of pool, looking in Ashley's direction as they conversed. As he approached the table he figured out what had their attention. Yes, Ashley had been wearing that skimpy black bikini, but now it was on the table. A feeling of dread overcame him. Ashley was very likely wearing nothing.

The three were engrossed in their conversation or whatever it was they were doing and didn't notice his approach until he was practically on top of them. Now he could tell for sure, the guys did have a front-row seat to Ashley's bare tits.

“Oh hi, Brad,” Ashley chimed as she looked up. JR and Ron turned quickly to look as well. “My brother, Brad,” Ashley hastily explained. Then to Brad she said, “This is JR and Ron. They're the landscapers.”

Brad said nothing. JR and Ron looked from Brad to Ashley, then to the bikini on the table. “Your brother?” JR said, not believing what he was hearing.

“Well actually, my stepbrother,” Ashley clarified.

“Uh huh,” they both said, nodding their understanding, but also registering their astonishment.

Brad finally spoke. “You guys done with your work?” he asked.

“A tad more,” JR replied cautiously. He was afraid they were about to get fired.

“How about getting to it then,” Brad urged politely. “I need to discuss some stuff with my sister.”

“Sure nuff,” replied JR, happy they still had a job. As he and Ron got up from their chairs he added, “Just a coupla minutes, then we're gone.”

“You're home early,” Ashley observed as Brad plopped down on the edge of the pool.

“Kinda looks like it might have been too early. Sorry to have interrupted,” he said icily.

“Oh, Brad,” she said as she came toward him, “don't be so stuffy. I was just having fun.”

“Having fun? Showing off your tits?”

“They couldn't really see anything and besides, seems to me you've spent a good bit of this summer trying to get me naked, especially when your friends were around.”

“That's different though.”

“How so?” Ashley looked pointedly at the bulge in Brad's shorts. She had reached the side of the pool where Brad was sitting. She put her hand on the inside of his thigh and slid it up into his shorts until she reached his cock. She wrapped her fingers around the hardened shaft. “Feels to me as if you liked finding me with my clothes already off,” she said as she tightened her grip.

“But I thought that... well I mean after Sunday I was kind of thinking...”

“Thinking we are now an item?” she offered as she continued to play with his cock.

“Uh yeah, something like that I guess. Like you said, there aren't anymore rules.”

“Right, no rules, which means, we can fool around all we want, even if we are sort of related, but it also means I don't own you and – it also means you don't own me.”

Brad was beginning to breath heavily. He leaned back and looked at the sky as Ashley continued to stroke his cock. “You want to fuck them?” he asked.

“No way,” Ashley protested vehemently. “But you should know by now that I like flashing my tits, even taking my clothes off, whatever it takes to get you guys hard.”

“So is that what you're doing right now? Just trying to get me hard?”

“Brad,” she said pleadingly, “You know that's not true.” Ashley paused, trying to figure out how to express the importance to her of their relationship, without getting herself into a pack of trouble. “My feelings for you, and I hope your feelings for me, go way beyond what is healthy for a stepbrother and stepsister. We have to be careful.” she pleaded, “Besides, I kinda thought you liked having me fool around some.”

Ashley's hand was spreading Brad's precum around the head of his cock. “Oh yeah, just like that,” he gasped. “And uh yeah, I guess I do like it. At least the little head thinks it's cool.” Brad's hips began to rise and fall. “Oh shit yeah... I just gotta get the big head... jesus that feels good... uh get the big head to understand and... and like it too.” Brad's face twisted. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed.

Ashley looked around. The yard guys had finished and gone. She turned loose of Brad's cock, grabbed the side of his swim shorts and pulled them off. She pushed him back flat against the deck, cushioning his head from the concrete with his shorts. With both hands she steadied his twitching cock, sliding it past her lips and against the back of her mouth.

“Oh jesus, that is good. I'm going to cum. Quick, get on top. I want to cum in your pussy.” Ashley scrambled up onto the deck and with her legs on either side of him, slid her pussy down the length of his cock until she felt his balls. “Oh yes,” he screeched as Ashley slid herself up and down his shaft.

Ashley knew Brad was close to an orgasm but wasn't really expecting one herself. She was therefore quite surprised to feel one building within her. The sexual games she had been playing all afternoon had her ready to burst. Fighting to satisfy her own urges, she rode his cock even harder, constricting the walls of her pussy as she slid up and down, literally milking Brad's cock until she felt his hot semen shoot into her. She plunged his cock even deeper into her, until she also erupted in pleasure.

Collapsing on top of her stepbrother, she pressed her hardened nipples against his bare chest, locked her lips to his and tried to suck his tongue down her throat. At that moment she was sure she wanted Brad's cock in her for the rest of her life, and Brad was sure that's what he wanted too.

They were jolted from their reverie by the sound of the garage door. “Oh shit, it's Mom and Dad,” Ashley said with a look of terror on her face as she bounded to her feet.

“Take it easy. Don't panic,” Brad coached. “It'll be a few minutes before they get into the house. We've got time to get to our rooms and get some clothes on.” He jumped to his feet and grabbed Ashley's bikini and shirt off the table. He scooped his shorts from the pool deck and took Ashley by the hand. The two raced naked toward the house.

Handing her bikini to her, Brad pushed Ashley toward her own room, He slid open the door to his and hurried in, closing it behind him. He dropped the shorts he was holding and grabbed the jeans he had worn earlier. He hastily pulled them on over his naked body. Grabbing his smart phone, bare footed and bare chested, he walked briskly into the kitchen. Brad had just sat down when his mother and Ashley's dad opened the doorway from the garage.

“In the kitchen,” he shouted.

Written by TraceEkies
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