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Hot 16, Part 2

"She wasn't ready to do it yet, but she was having fun getting close to it."

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Sandy had ripped the bottom off a t-shirt so it not only didn't cover her panties – the only other thing she was wearing, but even showed a few inches of her midriff. It was just her and Bob in the house. The parents were already gone for the day.

Before venturing out of her room where Bob might see her dressed as she was, Sandy needed to make sure Mom didn't return unexpectedly. She sent a text message, Mom, if you leave work early, call me. I need something from the drug store if you're coming this way.

Sandy looked at herself in the mirror. Yes, it was pretty daring, especially when you consider she was expecting to be seen dressed this way by Bob, her only slightly older stepbrother. He's seen me in my underwear, topless, and even felt of my bare tits. I ought to be able to do this. Sandy opened the door and headed for the family room. Just so Mom doesn't come home.

Bob must still be in his room, she thought as she turned on the TV and sat down in her favorite chair. She clicked the channel over to “Good Morning America”. As she did, Bob showed up.

Bob took one look at his sixteen-year-old stepsister. “Wow,” he said, his pecker jerking to attention, “That's even better'n I was hoping for – crop top, no bra, thin panties –”

“You like huh?” Sandy said blushing.

“Yeah, really do. I could get used to this.”

“Then help me keep from getting caught.”

“Well, Dad always calls me when he's leaving – early, late, whenever – in case he needs to bring me something. Your mother? That's up to you.”

“She's taken care of, at least for today.” The doorbell rang. “Who the hell?” Sandy asked, “It isn't even ten yet!”

“Probably Charlie,” Bob replied with a grin.

“And I suppose you're expecting me to answer the door dressed like this,” Sandy said sarcastically.

“And you don't want to?” Bob asked with a grin, the bulge in his shorts, substantial.

“But we don't even know it is Charlie,” she replied in a pleading tone.

Bob, having noticed his stepsister didn't say she wouldn't do it, continued to plead the case. “Well, who else could it be?” he demanded.

Sandy stood as if to do it. She crossed her arms over her breasts, then sat back down. “No, no, I'm not doing it. You go.”

The doorbell rang again.

“Coming,” Bob hollered. Then still pressing, he asked, “And if it is Charlie?” He looked over his stepsister's temptingly bare flesh. “I can invite him in, right?”

Charlie was standing and Sandy studied the pulsing in his shorts. “You'd like that wouldn't you?” she replied with a grin.

“And you wouldn't?” Bob snapped.

Sandy's mom had married Bob's dad a couple of years before. At first it had been pretty much touch and go between the stepsiblings, but lately, their relationship had taken on a new dimension. Sandy was now sixteen, and justifiably proud of her developing curves. And she was making sure that Bob, her eighteen-year-old stepbrother – and his friends - noticed.

“And what makes you think -” Sandy looked at herself and smirked. “uh, other than family of course – I want anyone to see me in panties and crop top?”

“But you do though don't you?” Bob teased.

Just then the doorbell rang for a third time. Sandy blushed as she continued studying the bulge in her stepbrother's shorts. “Yeah, well whatever, just answer the door.” Bob turned for the door with a knowing grin on his face.

Sandy heard Charlie's voice. “In here,” she hollered. She looked at herself again. A shiver of excitement went through her. Shit. Two guys and me almost naked? Mom better not find out about this!

Charlie came into the room, followed closely by Bob. “I was about to get Bob and me some sodas. You want one?” she asked nervously, getting up and turning toward the kitchen.

“Oh my god!” Charlie exclaimed when he saw how Sandy was dressed. Then he turned and looked at Bob who was mostly bare too, wearing only a pair of cutoffs. “Oops, I think I came in at the wrong time.”

Sandy looked in Charlie's direction, a trace of red in her cheeks. “Huh?” she said. Then looking at herself and Bob, she expressed a sudden understanding, “Oh, now I see what you're thinking... but you're wrong. Nothing going on between Bob and me,” Sandy paused, looking toward Bob's crotch. Then smiled and added, “Except maybe some wishful thinking.”

“Right, just wishful thinking,” Bob quipped.

Sandy's indignation came to a boil. “You know,” she spat out, “Just because I'm dressed this way, doesn't mean there's something going on. After all, he is my brother... well ok, stepbrother...” Sandy looked at the 'and I got a bridge I wanna sell you' look on Charlie's face. “So you can just get those sick thoughts out of your head, buster,” she screeched, stomping her feet.

“So, bro,” Charlie said with a smirk as he turned to Bob, “Does she always dress like this, or did you tell her I was coming over?”

“No, I do not,” Sandy shouted. Then more calmly, but still indignantly, added, “And if I had known you were coming over I would have dressed more appropriately.”

“You mean you can get even sexier?” Charlie asked in disbelief?

Sandy had been caught off guard by the question. She blushed, smiled and responded, “So, you think I'm sexy, huh?”

“Well yeah. I mean like, body to die for...” Charlie was pretty sure Sandy wasn't going to be upset about him bragging on her body. “Cut off t-shirt, skimpy panties? Sure,” replied Charlie, “but what is Bob going to think about me sniffing after his hot sister.”

Bob shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't all that keen on Charlie being so inclined but still managed to eke out, “Better you than someone I barely know.”

Oh yeah! Sandy said to herself, resuming her trek to the kitchen.

When she returned Charlie and Bob were seated on either end of the couch. She handed them their sodas – canned – popped the top on her own and sat down. Hoping to hide her excitement – over how she was dressed and Charlie's interest - she started what she thought would be an unrelated conversation. “So what you guys doing today?” she asked.

“No plans yet,” Charlie responded. There had been a stirring in his pants when he first saw how Sandy was dressed. Now, though, staring at her barely covered breasts and nipples, he was growing a solid erection. “We could hang out with you... if you don't mind, that is,” he offered hopefully.

Sandy saw where Charlie's gaze was directed. She saw also that Bob was looking in her direction. No question about their interest! But, not wanting to appear anxious, she responded “Yeah, that might work. Bob's off today. You got nothing either?”

Charlie shook his head, pretty sure his suggestion would take hold.

Sandy remembered being topless in the pool with them, two days earlier. She incautiously suggested, “We might even go swimming later.” Can't believe I said that. From the enthusiastic looks she got though, she knew she'd said the right thing.

Charlie could not imagine a better way to spend the day than looking at, maybe even playing with, Sandy's body. Well, he thought, there might be one thing better, but knew that wasn't likely to happen anytime soon. “Got all day too,” he said emphatically, just to be sure there was no doubt about his availability and desire.

It was going to be a long day. Sandy needed to stretch things out. “I've got a movie I've been meaning to watch. We could start with that,” she suggested sheepishly.

Bob looked at Charlie, gaging his reaction to Sandy's proposal. Unable to detect any meaning from the look on Charlie's face, but guessing the movie was probably of the 'chick flick' type, he agreed, albeit somewhat reluctantly.

Sandy, sensing Bob's hesitation, quickly added, “It's not a 'chick flick'. It's more action type, something you guys will like.”

She got up from her chair and rummaged through a shelf of DVDs near the television. “Here it is,” she said, holding it up. “Mom brought it home last week. It's a hi-def remake of a movie she liked ten or fifteen years ago. Take a look,” she said, tossing it to Charlie.

Looking at the DVD Charlie responded. “Yeah, Top Gun - I've heard of that. It's older than we are but Dad says it's fantastic. He's been trying to get me to watch it for a couple of years, but I never have.” He handed it to Bob.

“Yeah, me neither,” Bob said. “I think Dad does have another copy of it someplace, but I'm sure it's not hi-def.” He pitched it back to Sandy.

“So, is it okay then?” Sandy quizzed. “You guys want to watch it?”

“I do,” Charlie said.

“Me too,” added Bob.

Sandy put the DVD in and started the player. Then, instead of returning to her chair, she sat down on the couch between Bob and Charlie. Now let's see what's more interesting – me or the movie. The couch wasn't really big enough to be called a couch, more like a settee, but it was big enough for three – or almost anyway.

Both guys were looking at Sandy. She looked first at Bob, then at Charlie. Each had a noticeable rise in his pants. She blushed. “I know it's tight and I could sit over there but the view is better here.” Sandy saw that both guys were ogling her mostly bare body. “Of the movie I mean,” she said.

Charlie put his arm around Sandy's shoulders and pulled her tightly into his side. Bob parked his hand on Sandy's bare thigh so close to her panties he could feel the heat of her pussy.

Sandy, well aware of what was happening but pretending not to have noticed the moves, looked straight ahead at the television. Charlie and Bob likewise made a pretense of paying attention to the movie, but as Sandy knew they would be, were far more interested in her lack of clothes.

Even though the movie had very little sexual content, and what it did have was several minutes away, Bob and Charlie were each displaying a noticeable excitement in their shorts. Sandy's attire - panties and cutoff t-shirt, bare legs, and no bra - was making it very difficult for them to concentrate on the movie.

Sandy was not immune to the situation either. Being sandwiched between two virile males while wearing so little was certainly inviting something. With Bob's hand on her bare thigh and Charlie's hand inches from her unfettered breasts, Sandy felt the excitement mount within her.

She took hold of Charlie's hand. She pulled it down from her shoulder and placed it against her chest, just above her breasts. She felt Bob's hand creeping along her bare thigh, so close to her panties. She was okay with what was happening, she just didn't want it to happen too fast. She turned loose of Charlie's hand and took hold of Bob's wrist, slowing down any further movement. However, as they watched the movie's sole sex scene, they were prompted to make their own.

Charlie was the first to make a move. His hand dropped to the top of Sandy's breast. He paused before reaching the nipple, allowing her time to stop him, but she didn't. Charlie's finger-tips repeatedly brushed against the flimsy material covering Sandy's breasts. He toyed with her nipples and felt them grow hard.

Sandy's hold on Bob's wrist discouraged him from moving it any closer to her panties. He was however, able to slide his hand off the top of her thigh, where it had been resting, and snake it downward. Sandy opened her legs enough to allow Bob to slip his hand between her thighs.

Charlie was teasing her nipples with his fingertips. His hand was still on the outside of the t-shirt though and Sandy wanted it inside, playing with her bare nipples, like he and Bob had done in the pool the other day.

With her free hand Sandy grabbed Charlie's and moved it under her shirt, pressing it against her bare breasts. She loosened her grip on Bob's wrist and squeezed her thighs closed, trapping his fingers against her panty covered pussy.

Sandy was making short, nervous jerks. Her breathing became heavier. Her head went back as she sighed heavily.

Charlie had both hands under her top rolling her nipples between his fingers. Bob's fingers found their way under the edge of Sandy's panties and slid along the surface of her damp pussy lips.

Sandy gasped and pushed their hands away.

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She jumped up from the couch, stammering, “Uh... uh... I think we better stop. I mean I'm into this as much as you guys are, but I think it might be better if I watched the rest of the movie from the chair... over there... alone...”

“Understood,” Charlie hastily replied, trying to avoid a full-blown confrontation.

Bob was still not quite grasping what had happened. “You know there is no way I would let anything really happen,” Bob said.

“Yes, I know, but I think I was wanting it to happen anyway.” Sandy paused, looking a few seconds at each of them. Then she continued, “I am still a virgin, and I want to remain that way.” She cracked a smile. “At least for a while yet.”

“I can respect that,” Charlie said. “But just for the record, I would have never let anything happen that you didn't want to happen.”

“ That's the problem,” blurted Sandy. “I think I did want it to happen, and in another couple of minutes I probably would have been begging. Hey, I was having fun too, likely more than you. We need to stop. Okay?”

“Yeah, I get it,” said Bob, “And I'm sure Charlie does too. We'll watch the rest of the movie and then go swimming.”

“Maybe,” Sandy quickly inserted.

“That's what I meant, maybe. No problem.” Charlie was disappointed at the turn of events and he suspected Bob was too. He wanted to pretend otherwise though and quickly added, “Let's finish the movie. Can you back it up, Sandy?”

Sandy took the remote and pressed the back button momentarily, getting the movie back to where it had been when she jumped up. She walked over to the easy chair and sat down - alone.

As the movie ended, Bob got up and said, “Great movie! Now, how about that swim?”

“I'm up for it,” Charlie agreed.

Sandy remembered how close she had come to losing control the last time she was in the pool with these two, and then again a few minutes ago. She responded slowly, “I don't think I'm ready for that yet.” Then adopting a more cheerful tone, “But we can go out to the backyard anyway. The weather's decent and I might even be able to get some sun while we talk.”

“But you're okay, I mean the way you're dressed,” Bob quizzed.

“Oh yeah, backyard's plenty private,” Sandy responded, then looking closely at Charlie, in a low tone of voice, she added, “At least it will be today.”

“Okay then, let's do it,” Bob said as he led the way to the back door.

In the backyard, Sandy took possession of a lounger and motioned her companions to nearby chairs. She sat down with both guys watching closely to see if the outdoors was going to prompt any change in her attire, not that any was really needed.

“So what are you waiting for?” Sandy asked, “You think I might be taking the shirt off?”

“Well, you know you could if you wanted,“ Bob suggested.

“You said you might want to work on your tan,” Charlie added, “We really wouldn't mind.”

“It's kind of hard to tan when there's no sun,” Sandy replied frostily, “It even looks like it might rain.”

Not really objecting, Charlie thought, just needs some coaxing. “So how about if we just admit we'd like for you to be topless?”

“So I'm not hot enough the way I am, huh.”

“Whoa, what a minute,” Bob snapped, “Nobody's saying that. Of course, you're hot, and we really like hanging with you. It's just -”

Charlie interrupted, “Yeah, all we are saying is if you want to take the top off – that is, if you want to take it off - well, we wouldn't mind.”

Sandy's response dripped with sarcasm. “Well, that's very nice of you. I really am glad to have your permission. But I still don't know why I should.”

“Alright, I'll say it,” Bob said. “We would like you to be topless.”

“And besides,” Charlie added, “I think you - just maybe - might like it too.”

“Okay,” Sandy said. “So now that you guys are being honest, maybe I can be too. I admit it would be cool, sitting here with you guys and being topless.”

“So, does that mean you're going to do it then?” Bob asked.

“How about we compromise,” Sandy offered. “I'll take it off, but I'm going to lie face down on the lounger.” At least for now. “How's that?”

“Hey,” Charlie said, “If you're cool with that – well, we're not going to complain – are we, Bob?”

“No way,” said Bob.

“And you promise not to make any smart remarks,” insisted Sandy.

“Promise,” the guys replied in unison.

Sandy put the back of the lounger down flat and stretched out face-down. She grabbed the bottom edge of the shirt and, momentarily breaking contact with the lounger, pulled it up her torso and over her breasts. Giving the guys only a brief peek, she remained face-down as she freed it from her arms and yanked it over her head.

Sandy's sole remaining garment wasn't very modest. Her panties were bikini style and although not completely transparent, they were thin enough, and clung so tightly to her butt, that it was as if she wasn't wearing anything at all. Sandy might not have been naked but she felt as if she was. A feeling of excitement coursed through her.

The guys drooled over the expanse of young flesh exposed as Sandy stretched her arms over her head to get the shirt off. And although she did remain face-down, with Bob and Charlie only a few feet away, the sides of her breasts were deliciously exposed. She did however, manage to keep her nipples buried in the lounger's cushion, at least, most of the time.

Sandy had imagined this might be fun, being outside, with two guys, and wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy panties. She knew she was being a hell of a tease but was also loving it.

Turning toward Charlie, Sandy tossed the shirt to his feet. As she did so she raised up on her elbow, freeing one of her breasts from contact with the cushion, but keeping Charlie from a totally unobstructed view by the placement of her arm. “I think Bob wants a sexy sister,” she teased. “What do you think, does he get his wish?”

“Oh, yeah, for sure. I'm just glad I'm his friend,” Charlie replied, trying to see around Sandy's arm. As he moved his head, Sandy moved her arm, frustrating his desire to see her bare nipple.

Satisfied that she had tormented Charlie enough for the moment, Sandy dropped to the lounger and turned toward Bob. She had to get his attention away from her panty encased butt. “Uh, earth to Bob, come in Bob,” Sandy chimed.

Bob snapped out of his trance and looked into her eyes. “You say something?” he asked.

“I was thinking,” Sandy said coyly, “When Mom and I moved in, you pretended real hard that I didn't even exist. Seems like something's changed. So what's different?”

Bob opened his mouth to answer but Sandy cut him off, “No, don't answer that.” She raised up on her elbow, like she had done with Charlie, only her arm wasn't as much of an obstruction.

Bob moved slightly to one side, giving him a clear view of her nipple. Unlike she had done with Charlie, Sandy did not move her arm to block Bob's view. “I think I know what it is that has your attention.”

Sandy dropped again to the lounger and the three of them talked about the movie they had watched. She raised up on her elbows, her nipples hovering just above the surface of the lounger. The guys kept looking as Sandy kept teasing.

As they talked, Sandy lifted her legs, bending them at the knees and bringing her feet almost to her barely covered backside. The attention attracting motion was not wasted as Charlie and Bob divided their time between an occasional glimpse of bare nipple and studying Sandy's shapely legs and barely covered butt.

Bob looked skyward. The sun continued to be pretty much blocked by clouds. He was guessing that Sandy's exposure didn't have anything to do with suntanning. It seemed that she just liked being nearly naked.

While Bob was guessing that what Charlie had said about his stepsister wanting to be topless, was very likely true, Charlie was all but certain of it.

If Sandy had ever harbored any fears over being so exposed, they had definitely washed away. She was eating up the attention she was getting. It was fun being almost naked, and teasing the guys. Looking at the tents in each of their shorts, she guessed that Bob and Charlie were having fun too.

Sandy was ready to take it further but didn't want it to look like her idea. “Throw me my shirt,” she said to Charlie.

“Okay, but please don't tell me you're going to put it on,” he replied as he picked up the shirt and tossed it in Sandy's direction.

She let it fall to the deck beside her. “Yes, I am going to put it on. I'm wanting to sit up and I'm not about to do that with my tits bare.” At least not until you talk me into it.

“Why not? We wouldn't care. And you can get some more sun.”

“Hey, we already covered the lack of sunshine today. Let's not go through all of that again.”

Charlie knew he'd been caught again. “Uh, yeah.” He decided to gamble a little. “But you're enjoying yourself, I think. Why stop now?” He hesitated, waiting for Sandy's response.

Sandy didn't respond. She was wanting more coaxing.

Charlie continued, “Besides, it's not like we haven't seen your tits before, so it's not that big a deal.”

Sandy responded playfully, “Then why are you making it such a big deal?” She got no answer. She looked at Bob, but he wasn't saying anything either. She turned back to Charlie. “I think you just want to look at my tits, don't you. Go ahead, say it.”

“Okay, so I'd like to look at your tits. You have really beautiful tits. And I'm sure Bob would like to look too.”

Sandy looked first at one, then the other. No doubt in her mind, the shirt wasn't going back on. It was clear from the reactions of the guys, that if she was going to spend the rest of the day with them, she was going to be topless. It was even likely that she would be bottomless before the day was over.

She turned over, baring her tits to their startled looks. She looked at each questioningly, then said, “Well it is what you wanted, isn't it?”

“Uh yeah,” Bob said, devouring the sight of her bare tits. “Just really didn't think you'd do it.”

“What he means is,” Charlie injected, “You have to know how difficult it is going to be, not to talk about such gorgeous uh...”

“Tits,” Sandy said.

“Right, uh, tits. And you made it pretty clear you didn't want us talking about them.”

“Yeah well...” Sandy pinched her already hard nipples. “They're not really all that big and I just didn't want you making smart remarks about 'em, is all.”

“Hey, they couldn't be much more perfectly sized. Right, Bob”

“For sure,” Bob said as Sandy's eyes widened.

“So they're okay then?” She asked of Bob, putting her hands down on the arms of the chair, offering him an unfettered view.

“Shit yeah,” Bob exclaimed, “Fantastic.”

Sandy looked inquisitively in Charlie's direction.

“Oh yeah, fantastic,” he said.

“Okay then,” Sandy said, “So now can we talk about something else?” She notched her chair back a bit and closed her eyes. Just then her phone rang.

Sandy opened her eyes and looked at the caller id. “Hi, Susan,” she said cheerily as she answered the call.

The guys wanted to listen but could only hear Sandy's side of the conversation.

“And you want me to go too,” she said.

This did not sound promising to Bob or Charlie.

“No, not doing anything special,” Sandy said in response to the unheard caller.

They clearly did not like the sound of this.

“In an hour then,” Sandy said.

Again the guys were treated to silence as Sandy listened patiently.

“Great! I'll be ready,” she said as she pressed the disconnect button.

“That was Susan. We're going shopping.”

“So we guessed,” Bob said with a long face.

“Hey, don't look so dog-faced.”

“Right,” Charlie said. “We'll find something to do.”

Sandy saw disappointment written on both of their faces but she told herself it was for the better. They had all summer and things didn't need to be moving as fast as they had so far today.

Sandy expected that the panties would not have lasted much longer, and she was fearful about what might have happened after that. She didn't really want to leave but she was thinking that Susan's call might have been for the best.

“You guys are going to have to excuse me,” she said as she stood up. “Susan is picking me up in an hour.”

Sandy was standing between Bob and Charlie, seemingly oblivious to, but actually quite aware of, the fact that she was naked except for a pair of thin panties. She stooped to pick up her shirt, then turned and walked toward the house, not bothering to put it on.

With disappointment dripping from every pore, Bob and Charlie watched as Sandy disappeared into the house.

Written by TraceEkies
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