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Goddess (Part Three)

"The one-night stand reaches a climactic conclusion as he finally learns the identity of the mysterious woman."

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Two things woke him from his slumber, the sunlight pouring in through the open curtains and the sound of the shower running in the en suite bathroom. He got up and padded across the thick fur rug that covered the cold marble floor and cracked the door to the bathroom. Steam leaked out, obscuring his view, so he pushed the door open and stepped inside. The bathroom was huge, bigger than his kitchen at home. A long deep bath sat along one wall, and he found himself fantasising about what he and this mystery woman could get up to in there. However, it was the walk-in shower opposite that rapidly drew his attention.

It was set in the corner of the bathroom and had a glass wall on one side. A large circular showerhead cascaded a torrent of hot water over the naked woman standing under it. She was facing him with her eyes closed and head tilted back into the stream of water, her fingers running through her long wet hair. The action had caused her chest to thrust forward, and he felt himself swelling at the sight of the water running over her perfect breasts, down her stomach and between her legs.

"Good morning." His gaze snapped up to her face and her amused expression. "I see someone has fully recovered." She nodded at his engorged member. He realised that this was the first time he had heard her speak, breathless and orgasmic swearing notwithstanding. She was clearly English and had an accent that spoke of a private education but wasn't the cliché bray of a Sloane Ranger. It was surprisingly normal for someone who clearly had wealth and confidence in spades.

"Why don't you come and join me?" she asked, and not needing a further invitation, he stepped towards her. She opened her arms and pressed herself against him as his hands encircled her waist. They kissed as the water cascaded over them. It was a deep kiss that lasted a long time. He sensed, though, that something had changed. Before, her kisses had been passionate and aggressive. These were the deeper kisses of established lovers. Their hands roamed over each other as they kissed. His cupped and squeezed her behind, then moved up the small of her back to stroke her hair. Her's stroked across his back and lingered on the raised scratches that her nails had caused the night before, then drifted down to squeeze the taut cheeks of his bottom. His penis lay pinned between them, pressed hard against her stomach, and she felt it harden. Her body responded in kind, and she felt her loins tighten and tingle as their kisses became more passionate.

He broke the kiss first and pulled her head back, kissing down her neck towards her breasts with one hand. She arched her back to present herself to him and cupped his head as he kissed down her chest. His questing lips kissed around her breast and then brushed her nipple. She moaned appreciatively as his tongue flicked out to lick and tease her nipple to full hardness. She pressed his head to her and moaned louder as his mouth clamped onto her, and he sucked hard. His other hand drifted around from her behind to the cleft between her legs, his fingers grazing over her wet skin. She parted her legs slightly to help him as his hand pressed onto her pubic mound. His fingers found and then parted the wet outer lips of her sex. She shivered as he ran his middle finger between them. He pressed first one, then a second digit inside her and began to move them in a slow, rhythmical motion that sent gentle waves of pleasure through her.

His mouth broke its seal on her nipple and returned to her lips. His penis pressed against her stomach once more, and she reached down between them to grasp it in her hand. Her slim fingers encircled him and gently began stroking him up and down. He groaned in her mouth, and for a while, they just stood under the cascading water and gently pleasured each other, slowly letting the pressure build.

He broke the kiss first and withdrew his fingers from between her legs. He gripped her right leg and lifted it so that it hooked over his hip. Sensing what he intended, she wrapped her leg around his back and moved his penis to brush against her sex. She ran the tip of his penis up and down her outer folds, enjoying the sensation and its effect on him. He tried to push forward to enter her, but she twitched out of reach slightly, smiling at his grunt of disappointment. She kept the gentle rubbing until she could take it no more and guided him to her entrance. Released now, he thrust forward and sunk into her wet embrace. They both groaned in unison, her at the sudden feeling of fullness, him at the warmth and tightness of her sex as she gripped him. He held himself there as one hand supported the small of her back, and the other held her raised leg. She began moving her hips in small circles, grinding herself against him, then switching to a slow back and forward motion that drew his penis almost from her before sliding back into its full length.

They kissed gently as the passion and pleasure built. She knew she would cum soon and began to press herself harder against him. He responded in kind, feeling his own orgasm building and moved against her in long, deep strokes. He felt her body tense. Her fingers dug into the muscles of his shoulders, her breath came in ragged gasps, and she pushed herself against him so hard that he almost fell. She gave one deep shudder and arched her back as she climaxed, her head thrown back and her mouth open in a silent scream.

He continued penetrating her as she climaxed, but he was not far behind. Her sex had contracted around his penis and gripped him tight. He groaned as his own orgasm built. With a final spasmodic jerk, he thrust himself deep inside her. He grunted as he flooded her, triggering another orgasm in her. She clung tightly to him as they both rode the crest of their climaxes.

They stood like that for a while, enjoying the closeness of their bodies as the hot water cleansed them. She eventually broke the embrace and began to wash under the shower, a sight that only served to reawaken his ardour. She noticed her soap lathered body's effect on him and smiled. She rinsed off and dried herself with a soft white towel before throwing on an ivory white silk robe that clung to every contour of her body.

"Come and join me for breakfast when you have finished." She called as she left him to his own shower.

When he emerged, he had thrown on a towelling robe and found her sitting at the dining table delicately slicing into a plate of thick pancakes. He joined her, and they ate in comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at one another.

"So, am I ever going to find out your name?" he eventually asked.

"Maybe. It depends on whether I think that I can trust you."

"And what do I have to do to earn that trust?" He asked.

She smiled and leant forward, pressing her fingers together under her slightly pouting lips. "Well, your first round of the interview process has gone very well, " she joked, "But I think we need to get to know the real you." He grinned back at her playful tone but also got the impression that she was only half-joking.

"Tell me about yourself," she commanded.

He leant back in his chair, trying to appear nonplussed by this woman who was clearly used to getting her own way and being obeyed. He told her his name and that he had just left the Army after sixteen years as an officer and hoped to start a writing career.

She seemed satisfied by his answer and questioned him more thoroughly on his career and life. He did his best to answer, all the while trying not to stare at the tantalising glimpses of flesh revealed by the silk gown. His musings were interrupted by the chime of the lift, and he looked up to see a maid entering carrying his cleaned and pressed dinner jacket.

"I had it dry cleaned for you, and I got a new shirt to replace the one I tore." She explained as she stood up from the table. He rose with her. "Now, I hate to be mean, but I have some business to attend to."

He must have shown his disappointment on his face as she prowled up to him and pressed her silk-clad body against his. She caressed his cheek with her nails and reached inside his robe to stroke his rising penis.

"Don't worry, darling. We will see each other again. I like you, and I think we can have a lot of fun together." She kept stroking him, enjoying the flush that rose on his neck and how his breathing had quickened. She kissed his neck but batted away his hands as he tried to reach for her. She kept up the gentle pace, not letting him touch her but gently kissing his neck and face as she did so. He could take it no more and felt himself boiling to the edge. He gripped the table with one hand and gasped as he climaxed. She kept stroking him throughout his orgasm until he could take it no more, and he was forced to pull back. He opened his eyes to find her smiling at him.

"I wouldn't want to send you home frustrated." She kissed him on the lips and turned back to the bedroom. "Leave your phone number on the table, and I will be in touch", she called over her shoulder as the door closed behind her.

He dressed quickly, wondering when the maid had left, and then took the lift to the lobby. He hailed a cab and headed home, wondering if he would ever see this mysterious goddess again.

 The next few weeks passed in a blaze of mixed emotions for him. He alternated between pinning over her, desperately checking and re-checking his phone like a love-sick teenager, to frustration and anger at the lack of contact. He tried to find out more about her through internet searches and enquiries at the hotel and ball, but nothing came of it. He had just entered the acceptance stage of grief, convinced that she would never call, when a letter landed on his doormat.

It was made of thick ivory white paper with a prominent watermark and smelt faintly of perfume. His heart quickened, and his stomach tightened with nerves as he pulled out a note written on the same high-quality paper. He scanned the note;

Patience is its own reward.

London City Airport. Next Thursday, 1 o'clock.

Pack for the beach.


At the very bottom of the note was another imprint of her crimson lips. He grinned at the mystery of it all but resolved to not let it bother him and just enjoy the ride.

The next few days were spent in a frenzy of packing, preparation, and anticipation, but the days still crawled by. Finally, when Thursday came around, he took the tube to London City airport and at one on the dot, he stood in the check-in lounge wondering what was going to happen next. A voice called his name, and he looked around to see a young woman in the uniform of an air hostess walking toward him. She flashed a brilliantly white smile and asked if she could see his passport. He did so, and she asked him to follow her. She offered to take his bag, but he politely declined. He was always one for carrying his own kit. He followed her through a private door and into a quiet corridor that led through the airport and onto the tarmac. There, a black Range Rover Sport was waiting for them. The hostess held the door as he slid into the back seat, and then she got into the passenger seat. The driver pulled smoothly away and drove past the lines of parked planes towards a hanger near the end of the runway. They drove through the hanger and right up to the steps of the private jet that was waiting inside. The door was opened for him again by the hostess, who gestured for him to board. When he asked about customs and security, she smiled and said it had all been taken care of. He felt a twinge of apprehension but decided to stick with his original plan of just going with it and boarded the jet.

The inside of the jet was beautifully appointed with a thick royal blue carpet, real wooden panelling on the walls and ceiling and deep, leather seats. He was disappointed to see that he was the only occupant. He had been hoping that she would be there to greet him and hoping that he might finally be able to join the mile-high club.

The cabin door thumped closed behind him, and the pitch of the engines changed as it began to taxi out of the runway. His earlier assumption that his mystery woman had wealth and power proved itself right. Only someone with both could have a departure this meticulously planned and executed. He sat in one of the chairs and enjoyed the novelty of being in a private jet for the first time. He watched as London receded below him as the jet climbed and then turned east. He tried to ask the hostess where they were headed, but she smiled and evaded his questions. He sighed and, adopting a practice from his time in the Army, fell straight to sleep.

The hostess woke him, gently shaking his shoulder to tell him that they were beginning their descent, so he looked out of the window to try and puzzle out where they were. They were flying over a cerulean blue sea that glistened and sparkled below them. Given the time he had been asleep and the direction of flight, they must be somewhere in the Mediterranean, probably Greece, maybe one of the islands in the Aegean. They circled a large island and landed on a local airfield, where they were met by another Range Rover. He was ushered into its air-conditioned luxury, and they sped off. He was beginning to suspect that this woman was either very powerful, a Bond Villain, or both.

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A short journey later, the car pulled through a set of electric gates and past the outer wall of what must be a huge estate. They stopped in front of the villa, and he gaped at its size and elegance. He was greeted by a butler who took his bag and led him into a grand, marble-clad lobby and upstairs to a guest room.

"The mistress of the house invites you to join her for diner on the beach." The butler stated, "You can refresh yourself and change here. I will take you to her when you are ready."

He looked around the room, taking in the simple elegance of it. Cool marble tiles clad the floor, while the ivory walls brought light into the room without it being glaring. Not wanting to waste any more time, he threw his bag onto the king-size bed, had a quick shower and threw on his navy-blue shorts, a pair of deck shoes and a loose linen shirt which he left undone at the top.

As promised, the butler was waiting for him and led him out of the villa, past the twinkling waters of the swimming pool and down a series of steps cut into the hillside on which the villa was built. The steps led down to a secluded bay encircled by two jutting arms of rock that left only a narrow channel through which he could see the deep blue of the sea. The bay's waters were a brilliant turquoise, and the sands against which they lapped were white and crunched like brown sugar underfoot. Wooden decking ran from the base of the steps across the beach to a wooden jetty that jutted out into the bay. Moored alongside was a beautiful yacht. It was easily a hundred-footer with two masts jutting from a large cabin and deck made of wood that shone a deep brown in the sun. The hull was a deep royal blue that matched the sea beyond the bay. From the stairs, he could just make out a figure lounging on the prow.

The butler led him to the gangway, past the wheelhouse and main cabin towards the front of the yacht. They stopped and waited for the woman who lounged languidly on the sunbed built into the forward deck. She sat with her back to them. The butler coughed politely, and she turned to look over her shoulder at them. Her blond hair was whipped back in the gentle breeze and fluttered out like a banner as she lowered her sunglasses and looked at him appraisingly. She nodded to the butler, who turned and left. She waited until he had gone and then smiled at the man who still stood before her.

"I told you we would see each other again."

"I was beginning to worry you wouldn't call", he admitted, "but I didn't expect anything like this." He swept his arm out to encompass the yacht and villa.

"I know it's a little extravagant, but it's my favourite retreat, and I was beginning to miss you. Come sit." She gestured to the sun lounger next to her, and he stepped round to join her getting to see her properly again for the first time. She was wearing a simple black string bikini that clung to her breasts and nestled contentedly between her thighs. Over this was a plain white linen shirt that fell open to allow the sun to caress her skin. He felt himself becoming aroused by the sight of her, and she smiled again at the effect that she was having on him.

"I see that you missed me." She joked and beckoned him closer. He moved to stand in front of her as she cocked a finger and drew him closer still. He knelt between her bent legs and grinned as she slid a finger inside his shirt and gently pulled him forward. He placed his hands on either side of her head and leaned forward to kiss her. She lifted slightly to meet him, and their lips gently touched. It began gently enough at first, lips brushing and barely touching, but soon their passions took over. Their kissing became more intense, their lips mashing and grinding as they devoured each other. She held his head in both hands as if to prevent him from ever leaving again. She would never admit it to him, but she had been craving this reunion almost as much as he had, and her frenzied arousal attested to that. 

She tugged at his shorts, worrying at the drawstring until she loosened them enough to tug them down. She grasped his penis and stroked it to full hardness as he reached between them and pulled aside the small black triangle of fabric that covered her sex. There was no teasing or gentle play now. Both of them were far too aroused to even pause and consider it. He penetrated her with a single thrust, his entire length sliding into her and his coarse pubic hair grinding against hers, sending electric shocks shooting through her from her sensitive clitoris. She uttered a wordless shout as he penetrated her, followed by breathless exclamations and encouragement as he mercilessly ravaged her. The frustration and confusion over the last few weeks fuelled him as he pounded her with long deep strokes that brought his penis to the very edge of her sex before ramming home deep inside her. Her fingers clawed at his back through the thin fabric of his linen shirt, then dug deep into the muscles of his bottom, gripping and squeezing the clenching cheeks to encourage him to ravage her harder.

Neither could last long, so frenzied was their lovemaking and desire for release. She felt him tense up, knowing he was fighting to prevent his release before she did, and she desired him even more for that consideration. Her own orgasm was building. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she whispered encouragements to him, and the familiar sensation built in her loins and stomach. He felt her tense and stepped up his efforts, pounding her with even deeper and longer strokes. He was practically hammering her into the deck. She finally came as he thrust into her and held himself there, grinding hard against her clitoris. She let out a wail of pleasure that could be heard in the villa and clutched at him as her entire body tensed. Her sex clamped down on him like a vice, her deep muscles gripping him as if to pull him deeper. His own orgasm came then, and he released himself deep inside, his back arched like a bow, keeping the pressure on her clit. She shuddered as this pressure triggered another orgasm, and she bit down on his shoulder to stop from screaming again.

They clung to each other, panting, twitching and shivering as their orgasms subsided. Both were reluctant to release each other as even the slightest movement threatened to set them off again. Eventually, he softened enough to slip out of her, and he rolled onto the neighbouring sunbed, panting from their frenzied sex. As they rearranged themselves, he looked over at her and smiled at the absurdity of the situation. She sensed his eyes on her and looked back at him.

"Hi" was all he said, but it made her smile and laugh. She leant forward and kissed him softly on the lips.

"So, are you going to tell me your name yet, seeing as you seem to know so much about me?" He asked.

She didn't answer but stood up and walked to the front of the boat. She dropped her shirt and, with a wink back at him, gracefully dove off the prow. She knifed deep into the water, and he watched as she swam a few elegant strokes underwater before surfacing and looking back at him expectantly. He dropped his own shirt and kicked off his shoes before stepping up to the rail. He balanced there before arcing forward and entering the water with barely a splash. He swam to join her, and together they enjoyed the crystal-clear waters of the bay, treading water and watching as the sun began its journey towards the horizon.

The shadows were beginning to lengthen as the sun became an angry crimson ball on the horizon's edge. They swam back to shore and wadded up the beach to find that someone had laid out two towels for them and rescued their clothes from the yacht. He was slightly behind her as they left the water, but the sight of the water running down her smooth back and the way her long legs and taught cheeks moved inflamed him once more. He reached for her and turned her towards him, pulling her into a gentle embrace. She melted against him as they kissed and held one another.

Eventually, he broke the kiss and led her by the hand to where the towels were laid out. They sunk down together and lay on their sides, facing each other. They gently kissed again, slowly exploring each other's lips and mouths. Their hands caressed the contours of the other body, stroking over a hip, resting on a leg, gently squeezing a thigh. They had abandoned the frenzied passion of before and had moved to a deeper, more intimate level that, though neither would admit it, scared and excited them at the same time.

The caressing could only last so long before the flames were rekindled. His hand brushed her breast through the thin material of her black bikini, and she shivered with arousal at his touch. Her nipple hardened at the continued caresses as his searching fingers tweaked and rolled the sensitive flesh. She moaned at his touch and slid her own hand down his muscled chest, over the hard ridges of his stomach and over the hard bulge of his manhood. She stroked him through the thin material and smiled at his groans. Soon his hand left her breast and slid down her belly and onto the smooth material covering her sex. She raised her leg to grant him better access and moaned as his strong fingers caressed her. She reached inside his shorts again and pulled him out. Her hand encircled and cradled his penis, moving gently up and down the shaft.

He reciprocated and slid his fingers inside the bikini bottoms to caress her naked sex. He stroked his fingers along her outer lips and brushed over her clitoris, sending shivers through her body. A single finger pressed against her and gently parted her lips. He ran his finger up and down the moist interior before sinking his finger into her. His finger curled upwards, searching for the rubbery flesh of her g-spot and brushed against it. She moaned quietly into his mouth as he slid a second finger in and began to massage her with a slow, beckoning motion. Her hand matched his pace as they lay together in mutual pleasure. The sun slowly set on their gentle lovemaking, and the sounds of the sea gently lapping at the shore were their accompaniment.

She released him first, rolling away to present her back to him. She held his hand and pulled him close to her so that they spooned together. She gently pulled his penis towards her, guiding him in. He pushed forward as she lifted her knees to expose her sex to him. He gently pulled aside the bikini bottoms and pushed into her. He groaned at the tightness, knowing that he would not last long in this position. It took a few more thrusts until he was fully committed, and he lay down behind her and draped his arm over her chest to cradle her. For a moment, they lay together, just enjoying the closeness of their bodies and the intimacy of being joined. Soon enough, instinct took over, and he began to rock his hips back and forward. She twisted her head backwards to kiss him as his hand pushed aside her bikini top to caress and squeeze her breast. She moved against him as her free hand slid between her legs to add their own contribution. She rubbed in slow, gentle motions, occasionally reaching down to run her nails across his penis as it entered her.

The sun continued to fall, and the sky darkened as the pressure built in them, but this wasn't the sweaty, screaming, shuddering orgasm that had been the norm until now. This was the slow, intimate orgasm that built over time, moving with an inevitability that could not be undone. They both felt it as he began to tense, his penis twitching as he once again tried to hold back the tide. She whispered in his ear, "cum for me". The words, so innocently said but laden with sexuality, tipped him over the edge. His hips bucked forward as he pushed himself as deep as possible, his back arching with the exertion and grinding against her taut behind. He flooded her with his warmth, triggering her own orgasm. Her fingers flew in a blur as they added to her climax, and she pressed herself against him as the pleasure tore through her in waves.

He held her in his arms as she came down from the climax, her sensitive skin puckering with goose pimples at his slightest touch. He rocked his hips gently back and forth, sending warm waves of pleasure through her as he laid gentle kisses on her hair, her ears and her neck. They lay like that until the sun had set and the lights from the villa reflected from the bay's waters.

She nestled against him, content for the moment to be held by him. She turned her head slightly to catch his eye.

"My name is Aphrodite." She whispered.

Written by Frustrated_writer
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