Tina looked at me imploringly, I hugged her close to me and whispered, “I hope you haven’t forgotten already that you’re mine.”
“No, sweetheart, of course not, but…” she trailed off.
“What do we do? We speak to Diane and James; shall we invite them for Sunday lunch?” Tina nodded. “My instinct now is to sue both the venue and the stripper company, even if it’s for one pound, just to get an admission of liability. It makes it all public and shows you did nothing wrong. That covers all and anyone that they might send the picture to that isn’t close friends and family who we can tell.
“As for your husband, I think he knows, so they can send me my own copy if they like. Their timing couldn’t really have been worse given all we’ve spoken about over the last week. I think we can agree that they’ve picked on the wrong person.” She smiled and nodded.
“I’m curious who they are and why pick on you out of a hall of willing slappers? I bet a whole bunch of them did stuff their old man wouldn’t have approved of and possibly a whole lot worse. Of course, you had to be the best one there, so there is that.”
She smiled at that part, not so much my next bit, “What I would really like to do is find out who this ‘we’ is and slit their fucking throats. Which is why it’s best we get Diane and James round for lunch tomorrow to keep a level head on both of us.”
“Right,” Tina was on a mission, “get up, we need to go shopping, I think a nice leg of lamb, I can make a chocolate mousse for pudding.” Then she stopped and looked at me, “What do we tell the girls?”
“We tell them the truth, Diane and James are coming for lunch and we would like them to join us. Then we tell them all together, Claire with them gives us three legal minds; Chelle, you and me gives us three number crunchers. There is no lack of brains, I’m sure we can do something.”
On the way to the shops, Tina called Diane and told her something had come up from the night out and we would like her and James for lunch to discuss a few things. She promised they would be there and we continued to the shops. We bought--I say we, Tina bought, I carried--a shoulder of lamb which she had the butcher bone and butterfly, we had herbs and accompaniments at home; she also got ingredients for her world famous mousse, the secret recipe of which was handed down, mother to daughter…maybe too dramatic, but it’s a damn good mousse. When we got home the girls were both there and in high spirits as ever, but they picked up on the mood hanging over us. We told them not to worry but asked they join us for lunch the next day where we would explain and of course, they agreed. This didn’t lighten the mood at all as Tina set about preparing food for tomorrow. Claire joined her and Michelle sat down on the sofa cuddling up to me.
“What’s going on, Dad?”
“Is your sister working on your mother?” Michelle looked around the room for some help or inspiration before answering me.
“We’re both worried. Everything was fine yesterday before we went out, you were both still out after Claire got home and when you got back, well, you may as well have had signs around your neck saying the sky is falling.”
“Did we look that bad? And you didn’t answer me.”
“Yes, you did and yes, she is,” she replied.
“Go and tell her to back off, we promise to tell you and we will, but you will have to be patient.” Michelle jumped up and walked into the kitchen; a few minutes later she was back at my side.
“I told Claire; mum had already told her the same. You know if there’s anything we can do…” she trailed off, probably thinking similar to most of us the first time we say that to a parent.
I put my arm around her, “I know and to be honest, that’s what tomorrow will be about. And yes, I do expect you and Claire to help in any way you can but thank you for offering.”
For some reason, the mood in the house never really picked up again that afternoon or evening. Tina had a few texts from her friends and every time, she jumped and looked worried. They were all checking up on her and asking if she was alright after what had happened the night before; the rumour mill had started and she had got some texts from friends who were not even there. I think the most surprising was when I got a call from Steve checking up on her and in his usual subtle way asked if anyone was in need of some education. I closed asking him to keep it to himself and to ask the person who told him to do likewise; he promised he would but in return made me promise to call him if we needed anything. Not saying he isn’t smart, because he is, but it was nice to know I had some brawn in my corner along with the brains.
Tina was drained from everything that had happened on Friday and before recovering properly, we were hit with that text; it just about wiped her out and by ten that night she was fast asleep on my lap. Both girls looked worried when I said goodnight to them and made to carry her to bed, and I tried to reassure them that everything was going to be fine. I’m not sure I convinced them. Tina woke up on the way upstairs so I told her she couldn’t put on any weight if she was planning on making this a regular thing. This got a weak smile from her and I think she was about to apologise when she looked into my eyes and just lay her head on my shoulder.
Before getting into bed Tina wanted another shower and asked me to hold her; we stood beneath the steaming spray for five minutes with her back to me and holding onto my hands around her waist. Without too much said we got out, dried off and climbed into bed with Tina spooning into me again. I checked if she needed to say anything before we went to sleep and she said that she was fine and within a minute of turning the light out I heard her breathing hit the soft regular pattern indicating she was off. It took me a good while longer to fall asleep; firstly, I hadn’t been hit so hard emotionally as I was in a support role, secondly, I had questions and concerns running around sending my head all over the place.
What was this all about? Who had taken the picture? Who had sent it? What could be done to stop them, stop them harassing Tina, but also anyone else? And on and on.
When I woke up that Sunday, Tina was in her usual position, but she was awake and looking at me. The first thing I saw was her beautiful face as it curled into one of her heart-warming smiles. I leant forward and gave her a quick kiss on the nose and asked if she wanted breakfast.
“Can we talk first?”
“Breakfast in bed with a side of talking?” I responded to which she nodded. I got up, splash and dash, quick rinse of the mouth and wandered off to the kitchen. When I returned with the tray with our breakfasts on, Tina had obviously got up; I could see she had run a brush through her hair and as we sat in bed and ate and talked about how we thought the day would pan out. Of course, we were nervous; neither of us had been in a situation like this before, but I was confident that with our family and good legal support we would weather it without issue.
The morning dragged, Tina spent most of it in the kitchen getting the meal prepared and in the oven. I took advantage of the fine weather and started to tidy up the garden after the winter; most of my morning was taken up with mowing the lawn and pruning the roses. Once I was done, I went and grabbed a shower and got into some semi-civilised clothes, that is clean shorts and a polo shirt. Tina and the girls had all plumped for light sundresses and it turned out that Diane and James had similar thoughts.
Damn! Can Tina cook or can she? Lunch was exquisite; the lamb had been slowly roasted with mint sprigs and served with roast potatoes which had been cooked in a mix of lard and juices from the lamb, cauliflower cheese and leeks. We all had soft drinks as we knew there was going to be some in-depth talking afterwards. The meal was rounded off with coffees and promises of Tina’s chocolate mousse.
Once the table had been mostly cleared and the coffee served, I slid a pound coin over the table to Diane. While keeping my finger on it I said, “I would like to employ your firm to give us advice and if necessary represent our interests as solicitors and barristers in the situation we plan to discuss now and any resulting action from it. I do expect as our legal representatives that everything discussed during this session will remain confidential unless you deem it legally warranted to break the confidentiality. I put the same request upon everyone that remains and witness the conversations.” I looked at the girls as I finished talking to Diane.
Both of them nodded and said that of course they would, Diane took the offered pound and went to her bag. She pulled out a receipt book and recorder which she started and put on the table. She accepted us as clients for the discussion and anything further for the fee of one pound for the duration of all action, finishing by writing a receipt for the fee. Although this was a formality to employ them it was required to keep everything legitimate, including their confidence, as this was a personal situation, much the same as when had moved in the past. Had it been through the firm, we keep them on a retainer so there would be no need to go through this. I was so pleased that I had offered to help finance them when they were starting up.
Tina recounted the events of Friday night, but this time from when Diane had picked her up with the limo, she explained about the signup and waivers and releases they had to sign. She missed out the part about Black Band but did tell about the wristbands, right up to the point when that lovely person had held her head, the reactions to this and them subsequently being asked to leave. Both James and Diane asked pertinent questions; through this, Michelle and Claire sat in stunned silence though both reached out and held Tina’s hands. We took a break then for the girls to get their heads around the story so far and to ask anything they had to,
Michelle had a look on her face that said she was working through something, so I gave her time to speak up, “So, if I understand it right, his cock just happened to be at the right height and right angle to slip into your mouth? Sorry, mum, but that’s bullshit!”
“Chelle!” I admonished. I knew this whole thing was getting under my skin; I have always hated being in unfair situations or seeing anyone else in such. If any of those involved walked into the room now, I don’t think I could be held responsible. Claire looked like she was about to jump up and lay into her sister. I held her wrist to tell her to do the opposite of what was going on inside me and remain calm. I understood what Michelle had meant; Claire seemed to think she was blaming Tina.
Tina knew me and saw it in my eyes; reaching across and putting her hand on mine, she said, “Love, this is why we brought the four people closest to us together. Let them help us, let them point out things we might miss. What do you mean, Michelle?”
“Think about, the way you describe it, even hard it would have been waving about. Even screaming like you were, the chances of it just happening to be in the right spot at the right moment is unbelievable. Is there any video from the night? Have you questioned the others at the table? I don’t doubt mum,” she said putting her arm around her, “but my guess would be that cock boy DID see what was going on and took his chance. Fucking silly chance, 'cos if it was me, I would have bitten it off.” Claire nodded; she was in complete agreement with Michelle on this point. I don’t know where my daughters got their fire from, but it was burning bright as day on both their faces.
Claire and Tina relaxed a little. I turned to Diane, “You said about releases, presumably for video or pictures, can you get hold of a copies?”
“Added to my list of things to do for Monday,” Diane smiled back.
“If it shows that the stripper did see what he was doing and was active in putting it in, then we should have him arrested and sued personally for sexual assault. The white wristband is a loud and proud ‘No’ so there should be no confusion,” said Claire. “Failing that, we can sue him for not taking care of his and other people's health and safety along with the managers of both the venue and troupe personally.
“Finally, sorry, but can we also get a court order to pass over the details of the girl that caused this and have her arrested and sued for sexually assaulting mum?”
James deferred to Diane, who agreed that it was a good approach as it puts maximum pressure on them as individuals as well as organisations. On her way home yesterday, Diane had stopped at the police station to report the assault and get the ball rolling, nothing heavy, just to get a file opened ready for evidence on Monday. She then looked at Tina and said, “Sorry, if that’s what you want to do, I can get it all dropped if you don’t.”
“If it wasn’t an accident, I want the book thrown at him and at that bitch. Any changes we can make to law and good practice will be good for everyone too, so yes, I’m happy to hit everyone.” Any shred of sympathy that I may have had for the stripper when Diane had told me about him writhing in pain, disappeared in a puff of smoke.
We resumed with the reason for bringing them together, telling them about the texts and letting everyone see them. The stunned silence around the table was telling in itself, given the people sat there; no one knew what to say to start. This was broken by a ping from Tina’s phone; all eyes turned to her as she opened it. I saw her slump a little before she slid it over to me, I read it and passed it to Diane and it went around the table.
Youll look even better with my cock in your mouth. Keep you’re diary clear ill be in touch
“Shit,” said James, “their grammar is appalling!”
Diane gave James a frosty look and started, “And then somehow they will get a picture of that and next it will be something more and so on until you are at their beck and call. They have one flaw in their plan.” Everyone looked at Diane expectantly.
She looked around the table as if we had two heads each; with a sigh she said, “Their biggest hook is to tell Luke.”
“But I know.”
“And therein lies the flaw.” She looked so exasperated, James was quietly smirking and the girls rolled their eyes.
“Look, I’m sorry, I’m pissed off, pissed off about what happened Friday, pissed off that Tina is now getting threats. So sorry if I’m a bit slow on the uptake, but my brain is occupied with hurting people.”
Tina took my hand and smiled at me while Diane continued. “Obviously there is the threat to send the picture to everyone Tina knows. Not knowing what they have access to, this could be anywhere from an idle threat to everyone including clients and colleagues. It’s not the end of the world but it would obviously be pretty embarrassing. The jungle drums have been at work and it appears to have spread about what happened, but seeing the picture is a whole different ball game, I can assure you. Girls, what did you think?”
Claire looked uncomfortable, so Michelle spoke up, “Of course we were shocked by what happened, but when dad showed us the picture it was surreal. Just seeing mum with a cock in her mouth,” she quickly realised what she said and shot Tina a glance who just shook her head gently, “it was weird. Had it been anyone else, it would possibly have been quite hot, but it was mum. On top of that, we knew it wasn’t dad, my brain had issues trying to put it all together.”
Claire joined in, “We had the advantage of knowing what had happened, imagining what someone who didn’t would think isn’t difficult and that is without any text to add context to it. It’s pretty shitty.”
“Pretty!!” Tina squeezed my hand to calm me.
“One thing I’m wondering,” said Michelle, “how did they get mum’s number? Not knowing this, the next question is who can we trust? Argumentatively, we shouldn’t be trusting Diane and James, no offence.”
Before they could say anything, Tina said, “My mobile is my work one, I know I should keep them separate, but I’ve seen your dad juggling two of them and frankly it looked like a pain in a backside. The number is freely available on the company website and a search of my name will take you there. So, it could be anyone who can recognise me from the picture.”
“Which doesn’t mean that James and I couldn’t be involved, but you’re a mathematician, Michelle, you can do the cost-benefit analysis. I fully understand if your parents would like us to step away, I hope they won’t” Both Tina and I shook our heads and she continued, “If we are being honest, we could probably discount everyone that knows your parents with any depth. Everyone who was with us on Friday was telling your mum it would be fine once she had explained to Luke, that’s what people think about your parents, no secrets and absolute love and support. If we were to tell anyone that knows them to any extent that someone is trying to do that with a photo from that incident, they would laugh.”
It was James who spoke next, “In my experience, Diane is right, however, suing both the venue and the people that hired it for the show makes it what happened on Friday a matter of public record so even if the picture gets out, which it probably will and someone comments about it, then you can refer them to the case record. It’s not perfect because it doesn’t stop them releasing the picture.
“We can do it as a joint action, sue them both at the same time under the same suit, this stops having to repeat yourself more than the dozen times the defence will in court. The disadvantage is, damages are likely to be less, but it shouldn’t be the primary objective of the case, any decent amount will just be a bonus. The important thing is to get the story out there, it reduces the impact of them sending the picture out. Diane has already started to gather information about the organisations and who the best person to contact is, the strippers have nothing to do with that American company, just a British copy-cat, though they appear to have been successful so far.”
Tina spoke up at this point. “Actually, I think the impact of the picture is secondary regarding them, the most important thing is to try and stop it happening to someone else. About the picture, I’m lucky that I was confident enough,” she looked at me, “finally, to share everything with Luke and beyond that with you. Yes, it will be embarrassing having that picture floating about, but the most important thing is protecting others.” Damn I was proud how she was handling this; the final realisation that I meant what I had been saying all these years seemed to have given her an armour and confidence to meet this head on.
Once we got all the discussion about the known entities out of the way, talk turned to finding out who the blackmailers were. For some reason at that point, we all pussyfooted around actually calling it blackmail. Diane said she would try to get a trace on the number but expected it to be a pay-as-you-go. That they had left the number open hinted at least they didn’t care, but there was potential they might further down the line expect some sort of two-way interaction either via phone or text. Realistically as far as dealing with them we agreed that beyond the trace, there was little more we could do. James suggested reporting it to the police, but Tina said that they would not do anything, as all it was at that time was a vague threat and no demands. She had a look about her that warmed my heart; I readily agreed reading a lot between the lines, but it looked to me like Tina was spoiling for a fight. There might not have been anything to read, but I always had fun putting two and two together and getting five.
Diane had already started thinking about a draft complaint which would be submitted to three organisations on Monday – the local council, who licence that sorts of events, the venue and the Wolves in the Fold – the name of the stripper company. They also asked Claire if she would like to help; she jumped at this to help her mum and for the experience. They also wanted to get the paperwork in place to file the suits by Thursday to try and get ahead of the bank holiday weekend and reduce delays. With some idea of who had to do what, we ended the meeting. James and I went to the kitchen to make some coffee and the girls adjourned to the living room.

“How you doing, bud?” James asked. I liked James; he wasn’t a big guy, about five-seven and pretty slim, but a conversational giant, which is a useful attribute for a barrister. His sense of humour was extremely dry, which a lot of people missed, but when on his wavelength he was a scream to be with. He also had this ability to switch from full-on party mode to total professional at the drop of a hat, a trait he shared with his wife. Unlike our wives, we didn’t talk about our bedroom life, though some of the stories Tina had told me were almost impossible to believe knowing him how I did.
“Angry is the overriding feeling, I really could do with a match this weekend. I can feel myself boiling inside, if I don’t vent soon, I’ll explode.”
“I know I don’t have to tell you, but don’t do anything daft.”
“Do broken limbs count as daft? Internal bleeding?” James just raised his eyebrow with the sort of look my parents might have given me and then laughed.
“Now, what’s this I hear about you threatening to spank my wife?”
I could feel my face going bright red as I stammered out a response. “Er, I was, it was, they were going on about how it was their fault and feeling guilty and--”
James stopped me, “It’s okay, Luke, I’m pulling your wire. Could you do me a favour?”
“Anything,” then thought, “within reason.”
“Could you threaten her with that again from time to time, specifically just before her coming home?”
“Erm oookaaay.” James still had me on the back foot; I could see the cogs spinning behind his eyes.
He looked around furtively, then leaned closer to me, “Diane was insatiable when she got home. She attacked me as soon as she got through the door, it’s been a few years since she’s been like that without any build-up. She did ask me to spank her, I couldn’t do that to her, but I did ask where the idea had come from.”
“Oh, look coffee’s ready,” I said, thankful for the distraction.
We had two trays set up with the coffee and teapot, milk and sugar, cups and biscuits. Just as I was about to pick up one, James looked at me and said, “Would you have done it?”
“Whoa! If you mean what you’ve just been saying, this is a far bigger conversation than two seconds before we join the others.”
“I know, but in principle.”
“James, I don’t answer things even in principle, without proper conversation, you should know me better.”
“I can respect that.”
“Thanks, let’s get this shit out of the way or at least get the balls rolling, then, maybe,” I paused to emphasise that, “we can talk about it with the girls.”
“Yes, sorry and thanks.”
“But, yes, I can threaten her from time to time.” I winked at him as we turned to leave the kitchen.
The atmosphere in the room was understandably more subdued than when we usually got together; I am sure beyond the facts there was the shock value from the picture. Michelle and Claire had been meeting up with their friends and catching up; several were making plans to get married, one was pregnant and most of the rest were either at university or out working. Diane hinted at what she had been doing for a lot of yesterday and the grin on James’ face told me it was what we had been talking about. They were thinking about going on holiday at some point before the schools broke for summer. Tina told us that Bev had been in touch, beyond the events of Friday, to remind us that the cul-de-sac party would be taking place as usual on the Spring bank holiday (last Monday in May). She had already invited Diane, who had agreed to file the paperwork to get the road closed for the day as she had previous years.
It was early evening when Diane and James decided it was time to get going; being the gentleman I am, I held Diane’s coat for her to put on. As I lifted it up onto her shoulders I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I hear you’ve been a very naughty girl, telling your husband about my threats? And that after fondling my wife naked in our bed and flashing me. What am I going to do with you?”
She looked like she nearly broke her neck as she turned her head to look at me. The initial shocked look on her face was replaced by a huge grin. I leant forward and kissed her cheek before shaking James’ hand, thanking them both again and wishing them goodnight. As we stood in the doorway to see our guests off our property, Tina put her arm around me and said, “What was that all about?”
Waving as they pulled out in their car, “James asked me about threatening Diane, so I told her she had been naughty to tell him about it.”
Tina sniggered, “Did he tell you what happened when she got home yesterday?”
“Uhuh, and hopefully they’ll be late for work tomorrow.” Tina slapped my back as we went back in.
Michelle and Claire were clearing everything up, we said our goodnights and left them to finish off. Once we had done our ablutions we crawled into bed and cuddled up.
“So?” Tina asked.
“Errmm I love you? Giz a kiss? Fart, give us a clue?”
Tina kissed me, “You’d better bloody love me, mister and no. I’m lady, I don’t fart or sweat. I want more details about what James said to you.”
“It was private.”
“Well, looks like Missy’s not coming out to play for a while then.”
“She bloody is if I say she is! Like I said, he asked about threatening her.”
“So, what was that at the door?”
“I was telling her off for telling him. Also, for teasing me and fondling you naked in bed.”
Tina laughed, “You know she’s a tease and you know you’re her favourite target. She knows it gets to you, but also that she’s totally safe with you. I think if it wasn’t for me and our friendship, she would see you as the ultimate challenge, you have frustrated her since we started going out and she got to know you.
“Do you know when she told me you were a keeper? It was right after complaining because she had been chatting to you without a top on and you only looked her in the eye.” Tina cracked up at this memory.
“You know the story of Diane fondling me, what you saw yesterday was her squeezing my leg, much the same as you had my ankle, to show she was there for me.”
I felt her squeeze my balls a little and knew what was coming next, “Now, sweetheart, you know I love you, but I own these and unless you spill, I’ll be putting them back in storage. What did you and James say?” Such a sweet smile too, how could I resist her?
“Well my love, if you carry on massaging them, you may have more than you can handle.” Tina burst out laughing before I continued. “About James, he did ask if I had threatened you both, he also told me how Diane had attacked him when he got home. I don’t know the detail you two got into, but he implied they didn’t stop most of the night. Then, just when I thought we were done, he asked pretty much the same as you did: would I?”
“Wow! I didn’t say anything about that to Diane.” Tina looked stunned. “I thought I was the secret kinky one.”
“You are. Your secret is still safe, I didn’t say you’d asked too. Also, his question came from a different place. He told me he couldn’t spank her, then asked if I could. I think it was, if the threat wound her up that much, what would an actual spanking do?”
Looking expectant, maybe excited she just said, “And?”
“And I told him the same as you, it’s a conversation that needs all four of us. He did try to push it by asking about in principle.”
“And you don’t do even in principle without a lot of the facts.”
“See? You do know me,” I replied with a smile.
“But you can tell me.”
I leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips and while distracted I reached between her legs and ran my fingers along her nether lips. I bought them up between us and rubbed them with my thumb.
“Is this something you actually want or is it enough to talk about it?”
“Attic time?” I nodded, “Talking is good, as you’ve seen it certainly gets the juices running thinking about it, more so getting it out in the open. I know the effect you have had on me the couple of times you’ve done it and it’s fricking awesome.
“Yesterday when you threatened us both, it triggered a thought about how I would feel watching you give that feeling to not anyone else, but to allow you to give it to my best friend.”
“The thought obviously works for you. Now take a step back and try and appraise how you would really feel.
“All four of us would be in the room, I’m sure James would want to witness it. Do I bend her over a table or over my knee?
“Either way, she would need her bum exposed to get maximum feel. Would she be bare bummed or wearing a thong or g-string?”
While I was talking to her I had been running my fingers back and forth over her lips, slowly rubbing her clitoris at times, dipping the tips of one or two fingers into her.
“Either way, there’s a good chance she would be exposed to me, all of her. When I’ve spanked you, you have been exposed to me. I’ve used that exposure to gauge how I’m doing.” I pushed two fingers right into her causing her to groan.
“How would you feel watching me gauge how I was doing with Diane?” Tina pushed my hand away; I thought I had gone too far, especially when she pushed me away onto my back.
That all changed when she threw a leg over me and straddling me, started to hump back and forth along my dick. Looking me in the eye, moving slowly along my length a few times, before stopping with my tip close to her entrance. Tina leant forward pinning my hands on the bed, rotating her hips slowly; I pushed up with mine and into her. With a whimper, she gripped my wrists harder and growled, “These only go where I say they can. If you gauge how you are doing with anyone other than me, you’d better have my fucking permission!”
I broke her grip and grasped her hips pulling her down onto me, but not letting her move beyond that. “But I don’t ask Missy, I tell her, so best make sure she doesn’t come out to play too soon.” I sat up and nipped at one of her nipples making her jump, I then kissed it and licked over the top and around the areola.
“Ohh Luke,” almost dreamily, “Missy only comes out when I let her.”
I ran both hands up her sides, then over the top of her boobs as I bought them down and let my fingers brush over the edges of her light brown circles. I felt her shudder and lift herself a little.
I whispered, “Don’t move,” and she froze. I continued to the bottom of her boobs, caressing the underside side to side with my fingertips before bringing them back up through her cleavage and over the top again. I leant up a little and kissed both nipples then alternated between both, sucking them into my mouth, running my tongue over the top, gripping them with my teeth and rolling them around a little. No radio tuning, just gently twisting and tugging. I would kiss and lick across to the other nipple repeating the same; sometimes it would be straight across the middle, another going to the outside first before circling underneath with little bites.
While doing this I moved my hands to her legs and started massaging them, causing her to drop down again with a grunt. As my hands moved up her legs, she started spreading them further apart, opening herself up to me. When I felt my thumbs touch the gap between her thighs and pubic bone, I applied a little more pressure while circling them. By now Tina was whimpering and there were tiny shudders running through her.
Putting one hand on her hip, I pulled back a little and as I drove up again, I pushed my thumb against her clitoris. “Ooh Luke, ohh ohh, yes,” she whispered over and over. I continued circling her clitoris while taking long slow movements in and out of her.
I could sense she was building to her climax. I think a complete stranger could see it, it was unmistakable, her nipples were as hard as they usually get, her eyes were glazed over and there was a flush spreading over her chest. Then it happened; her knees slammed into my sides, she pushed her full weight onto me trying to get as much of me in her as possible as her pussy tightened up. Her back straightened, pulling off my mouth with a bit of a yelp, then the final “Oh my fucking god!” while sucking in a lung full of air through her clenched teeth. A few more after-quakes went through her before she collapsed onto my chest.
While she was lying there catching her breath, she whispered hoarsely in my ear, “Don’t get any ideas, after yesterday you’re going nowhere until you’ve finished.”
Smiling I started to thrust slowly; after a few minutes, Tina put her hand on one cheek and kissed the other before sitting up. She started by rotating her hips and then slowly moved against my movements building her pace until she was getting a couple of up and down strokes for each of mine. I held my hands up for her to lean hers against to support her. She had a determined look on her face, but again I could feel her building too; I gave her hands a quick squeeze to let her know I was getting close.
Next, I felt her pussy clamp down on me again as she tensed up; this triggered my own release, gripping her hips and driving upwards. As I came, the first thought that came to mind was just how beautiful Tina looked in her ecstasy. The second thought was some of the fiction I had read would have said I pumped rope after rope into her filling her with a gallon of my seed, but let’s be honest, that’s all just bollocks really.
“Oh, Luke, it feels like you filled me to overflowing,” which made me smile for a couple of reasons.
“I love you too.” Hugging her close, we fell asleep with her on my chest and me slowly softening inside her. It wasn’t going to be nice cleaning up tomorrow but being joined like this was the best way to go to sleep.
Over breakfast next day, Tina said, “Did you mean what you said last night?”
“Our attic time sort of fell apart, didn’t it?” Tina nodded with a grin spreading on her face. “Let’s continue then. Yes, I mean it every time I say I love you. Anything else, it doesn’t matter, you know my feelings about stuff said during sex. I stand by what I said, about the four of us being together, I think her bum would have to be bare to get full effect, as for the rest...” I paused.
“The idea is,” Tina started, “exhilarating?”
“Yes, that works. A massive turn on works too,” I said with a smile. “But the reality could and probably would be totally different. To be honest, I’d be bloody nervous to do any more than we already have. The fantasy in the bedroom and teasing Diane and getting her wound up for James are both fine.
“I don’t know how James would feel but I also think it would be different as he has said he couldn’t spank her. Let’s spin it around, you bent over the table with your arse hanging out, James with his hand in the middle of your back pinning you down, his other raised ready to strike.
“I would be having a couple of issues here, firstly and most importantly, someone about to hurt you. Okay, the intent is not malicious, in fact, the opposite, it is to turn you on and therein lies my second issue, another man turning you on. Not that I am automatically opposed to it, I have no issues with you getting turned on watching your stud of the month on TV or films. No issues getting worked up dancing when we are out. The problem would be bare flesh on bare flesh in a sexual way. Can you see?”
Tina nodded, “I think, I fully get the first part, I think the only thing that would stop you stepping in to stop me getting hurt would be to protect the girls. Even in the situation you described, you’re thinking if anyone’s going to do it it’s going to be you.” I nodded.
“As for other men turning me on, there is an argument that what does it matter if you reap the rewards.” She put her finger on my lips, “An argument, not mine. The question has to be how far I would go and how far you would let me. Just like you like ogling your favourite actress, I agree about that and the dancing is nothing new, well mostly,” she winked and I knew what she was thinking. “To be honest, Luke, while the talk is a nice turn on, anything more is just too much.
“Having said that, the thought of being spanked in front of Diane and James is a turn on to think about. The reality is intriguing too, just them watching and I think they would have to be at my head, not my bum, you know, not see anything intimate.”
“Has this all come from our little session yesterday?”
She looked down at her coffee, “It was bloody hot thinking someone might have walked into the kitchen.”
“And if it had been the girls or your parents or my dad?” Tina just blushed and looked into her coffee cup. “Wow! I was right then; it was about being watched rather than who was watching?”
Tina nodded saying, “Of course I know I’d be totally uncomfortable afterwards if it was anyone like you listed, but in the throes? Yesterday, after my first panic, I really didn’t care, sorry, that sounds a bit, weird, I know. The reason I said about Diane and James, I would feel safe with them and knowing what they have done together I don’t think they would make it awkward either.”
“Maybe we could have a chat with them when we know better what is happening with this stripper stuff? After all, they both seem interested in the idea. Maybe it would be enough for James to try it with Diane.” Tina nodded and leaned over and kissed me; I grabbed her chin and held the kiss for longer than she planned but she sank into it with me.
While still holding her chin, I looked deep into her eyes for a few seconds before saying, “You know, Tina, I am so proud of you.” When she looked confused, I continued, “I always have been, you’ve brought two wonderful girls up,” it was my turn to put a finger on her lips. “Been the best mother and wife anyone could ask for and add to that been very successful in your work. All the time you have been the most beautiful woman I know and haven’t lost that personality or sense of humour that has always dragged people to you.
“You have had certain triggers in the past that have always broken through your armour, which I’ve never minded, I’ve always thought it was a privilege to protect you. I was expecting that this weekend after Friday, but you have been so strong and after the breakdown on Friday and processing time, you have brushed it off almost like it was nothing. I bet even Diane and Bev would have struggled to bounce back as fast.” With another kiss, I let go of her chin and sat back.
“I listened to what you said last week when we went for a walk. Especially your last line, it struck such a chord with me. How you reacted to Friday gave me the confidence not to worry, then on top of that, the girls were almost dismissive of the photo as not being a problem. This weekend I have come to understand exactly what you meant about them and me being your confidence. Once I understood, it was easy to apply, thank you.
“I think my work here may soon be done.”
Tina looked ready to spit fire as she slapped my arm. “Don’t you bloody dare talk like that!”
Laughing I grabbed her plate and cup and got up, kissing her cheek, “Wouldn’t dream of it, I’m going to be a pain in your arse 'til the day I die.”
“We’ve discussed this, you’re not going there, you can be a pain in my neck and until I die, remember, I’m going first, I couldn’t survive without you besides, the paperwork is too much.”
We cleared the table and got ready for work, looking forward to the four-day week. Tina had client appointments and was starting work on their end of year returns. I didn’t have anything pressing over the next few weeks, so my work was more about getting down to the shop floor, seeing how people were getting on and getting my hands dirty for a change.
I had just distributed my usual gifts of Easter chocolates to the staff ready to close down for the long weekend at lunchtime when I got a text from Tina:
Just got this –
“Happy Easter bitch be at the Courtyard off junction 6 in hour announce who you are and ask for a key to room 213, cum straight up and enter without knocking.
Tell anyone the picture goes outbe late the picture goes out mess us about the picture goes out”