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An Act Of Kindness

"A couple does a favour for a stranger which leads to some intriguing possibilities"

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Author's Notes

"There's at least one more chapter to this story, perhaps more, we'll have to see where it goes!"

This whole adventure started about six months ago when I was driving home from work. I had stopped to fill up and on my way back to my car I noticed a young woman sitting in her car who was obviously upset. I went over and tapped on her window and asked if she was OK. She explained that there was something wrong with her car and that she didn’t know what she should do. She was sobbing breathlessly as she tried to describe what was happening when I stopped her and said, “I don’t know anything about cars but my husband does. How about I call him and see if he can help.” 

“Oh, would you? You don’t mind?” she said hopefully. 

“Not at all,” I answered, “We only live a few minutes away, he can be here in a flash.” I went back to my car, moved it over beside hers, and called Tim on my cell.

 “I’m at the gas station up the block and I need help, could you come to have a look?” I explained. He asked what the problem was and I said, “You’ll see when you get here.”

 “OK, be there in a few,” he said and he hung up. I went back over to where the woman was and told her that Tim would be there shortly.

 “While we wait, can I get you something?” I asked.

 “I’d kill for a Diet Coke!” she said and I went inside the store. When I came out with our drinks, Tim was just pulling in, I waved him over.

 Tim parked beside my car and asked, “What’s up?”

“This is my husband, Tim,” I said to the lady, “And you are?”

“Gail,” she replied as she reached out to shake Tim’s hand and then mine. “What’s your name?” she asked me.

“I’m Janet,” I answered. “Gail says her car is making funny noises and has no power, especially when she steps on the gas,” I told Tim.

“Well, let’s have a look,” he said. “Can you pop the hood?” Gail pulled the lever and Tim looked inside. “Everything looks OK,” he said. “Nothing appears disconnected or broken. Start it up.” Gail started it and Tim listened for a moment or so. “Seems to be idling fine, you mind if I take it for a spin?”

 “Sure,” said Gail as she got out. At 5’ 9” and 145lbs, I’m no shrinking violet but it was then I noticed how tall she was, nearly as tall as Tim’s 6’ 1”. I also noticed that, although she was a bit on the heavy side, she did have a nice shape and she was absolutely stacked. Tim got in, backed out, and drove out of the parking lot. He didn’t get a half-mile up the street when he turned around and came back. He pulled in, turned off the ignition, and got out.

 “I think you have a bad ignition coil,” he said.

“Whatever that is,” laughed Gail. Tim popped the hood and showed her. 

“These little things on top are what send the electricity to the spark plug to ignite the fuel. I think one is not working,” he explained. Gail’s breast was rubbing against Tim’s arm as he spoke.

“You say so,” she said. “Is that hard to fix?”

“Not if you have the parts, it’s a half-hour job. The problem is the parts stores are all closed around here. Tell you what, I’ll call my buddy Aaron, he has a garage, he might have something.” Tim took my phone and moved away to make the call. I started some small talk with Gail as he did.

 “Where are you from?” I asked.

“Virginia Beach,” she said, “My husband’s in the Navy, stationed in Oceana. He’s away on deployment and I was heading up to spend a few days with my folks. They live up near Lexington.”

 “That’s a good three hours from here,” I said, “Not much chance of you getting there tonight.”

 “I guess not,” she said, “Is there a decent motel close that’s not too expensive?”

 “Why don’t you stay the night with us?” I offered. “We’ve got plenty of room and no plans for tonight. Soon as your car is fixed tomorrow you can head out to your folks.”

 “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose,” she said.

 Just then Tim came back over. “Aaron doesn’t have anything. The best he can do is get the part first thing.”

 “Looks like you are stuck,” I said to Gail “Tim do you mind if she stays with us?”

 “Glad to have you!” Tim said. “We have an in-law suite, you can crash there.”

 “Oh, thanks, you guys. You have restored my faith in humanity.” She gushed and gave both Tim and me a hug. “Just let me call my folks so they don’t worry.” She dug her phone out of her purse and Tim called Aaron back to see if he would tow Gail’s car to his garage.

 By the time Gail got through her call Aaron’s flatbed truck was just pulling up. It only took a few minutes to get Gail’s car loaded up and she got in my car for the drive to our house. Along the way, the small talk continued. “So what do you do?” she asked.

“I’m a nurse at a senior’s home. Tim is a lawyer, works in the prosecutor’s office in Williamsburg. You?” I asked.

 “I own a lingerie shop,” she said, “and I do a little modeling.”

 I looked at her with one raised eyebrow, “I thought models were these skinny little stick figure things.”

“I get that a lot!” she laughed. “I model plus-sized lingerie. Somebody has to model the naughty nightclothes and underthings for us big girls too y’know!” She reached into her purse and extracted a business card. “Here’s our store,” she said, “You should check us out online, we stock all sizes.” I took the card and tucked it up under the visor. I turned onto our street and Gail said, “Nice neighborhood.”

“We like it,” I said. “We got a good deal on our house. The previous owner was a hoarder and after she died, her family decided to just sell the house rather than fix it up. We paid $170,000 for it, put about $30,000 into repairs, and just about tripled its value. Three more years and the mortgage is paid off.”

“Sweet!” exclaimed Gail, “I could see me living around here but Andre wouldn’t much like the commute.” I pulled into the driveway and Tim was right behind us.

“I’ll get Gail sorted if you start dinner,” I called as he got out of his car. “We’re having BBQ and fresh veggies.” 

“Sounds great,” said Gail as she grabbed her bag from the trunk. “I’m famished.” I showed her into the house and led her to the bedroom she’d be using.

“You have your washroom here, there’s towels and stuff in the closet. I’ll leave you to it while I get out of these work clothes. Come on up to the back deck when you’re ready.”

“OK, thanks,” she said, and I went to my own room to change. I went out to the deck a few minutes later I walked out onto the deck where Tim was just starting up the BBQ and he and Gail both had beers.

“Where’s mine?” I asked.

“In the fridge,” said Tim. “The BBQ is ready, could you grab the steaks?”

I went in and fetched the plate with the steaks that had been marinating all day and grabbed a beer and some BBQ sauce from the fridge. Tim and Gail were chatting, Gail had taken a seat in one of the deck chairs and was laid back with her eyes closed as they talked. I have always known that Tim has a weakness for large breasts so I was not surprised to see him staring at Gail’s ample chest.

Gail is a tall woman, nearly six feet with a very athletic build and massive breasts. She is a very attractive, strawberry blonde with her hair cut to frame her round face very nicely and carries her weight well with curves in all the right places. At 5’ 9” and 145 lbs, I’m no shrinking violet but next to Gail I felt quite small and a bit intimidated.

At one point when Gail had gotten up to go to the washroom, I tossed a napkin to Tim and told him to wipe the drool off his chin. He just laughed and tried to wave me off but I knew by the way he had been looking at her and by the lump in his shorts that he was entertaining thoughts about Gail that a man wouldn’t ordinarily share with his wife. Later that evening after Gail had gone to bed, I decided that since he was all tuned up and ready, I would help ease his frustration and get myself some hard cock in the bargain. It was a real win-win situation for sure. 

I went into our bedroom and dug in my lingerie drawer for something clingy and revealing and to pick out a toy for the evening’s activities. I love to have Tim fuck me with a dildo or vibrator while he goes down on me. He came into our bedroom after conducting his nightly walk around to make sure everything was secure, something he picked up during his service in the Air Force, just as I was coming out of our bathroom.

“Everything good?” I asked.

“Yup, all locked… WOW!” he said, “You look fabulous!”

“I figured I better go the extra mile tonight after what you’ve been fantasizing about all evening,” I said with a sly smile.

“I’m married,” he said, with his own grin, “I’m not dead.” We both laughed.

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“Well, I think I’ll just remind you of that fact,” I replied as I knelt down in front of him and started undoing his belt buckle. I opened his fly, undid the button, and pulled his semi-erect cock out of his underwear. I noticed there was a small wet spot just under the waistband where the pre-come had seeped out of his erection earlier in the evening. “I thought so,” I said as I licked the head of his cock, savoring the taste of him. “I knew you were getting turned on staring at Gail. As I’ve always said though, I don’t care where you get your appetite as long as you come home for supper!” and I slipped his now hard member between my lips.

He groaned softly and put his hand on top of my head to guide me slowly down onto his length. He never pushes me down onto his cock but he always pushes my head back just before he comes to give me a chance to decide if I’m going to take his load in my mouth or not. Sometimes I will but sometimes I need to feel him erupt inside me.

I only stayed down there a few minutes before I stood up, kissed him hard, and then told him, “I want you to do everything to me that you were thinking about doing to her.” Tim reached his hands down to my ass and picked me up, turning and laying me on our bed.

“OK then,” he said, “whatever the lady wants,” as he pushed my nightgown up my legs, paused as I lifted my ass, and then continued until the filmy material was bunched around my waist. He put his hands under my ass as his head moved between my legs and he began licking and kissing my pussy lips and clit, using his tongue and lips expertly to get my juices flowing.

He had read my mind because he reached up and mumbled, “Pass me that toy you took out earlier.” I reached up under the pillow and passed him my longest, thickest dildo, the one that fills me all the way up. It’s made of translucent silicone, about ten inches long and nearly two inches thick. The head is shaped almost exactly like the end of Tim’s cock which is why I bought it in the first place and it is veined like the real thing.

Tim rubbed the end of it around my pussy lips to lubricate it a little then ran the length of it up and down along my cunt, rubbing it along my clit sending a shiver of pleasure through my core. He then positioned the head of the toy against my opening and, using his fingers to open me up a little, began pushing it gently but firmly causing it to slowly slip inside me. This fake cock is large enough that my pussy seems to resist it at first but once the head entered my opening with a little pop Tim had no trouble sliding it in further.

I was fully lubricated by this time and he returned his oral attentions to my clit as he began fucking me slowly with the monster cock. I placed my hands on Tim’s head, guiding him to where I needed to be sucked, and began grinding my pelvis against his face. My hips started thrusting almost involuntarily as he quickened the pace with the dildo. It only took a few thrusts for our movements to be timed perfectly and as he drove the toy into my pussy he began to hum, vibrating my clit with his lips and tongue.

I could feel my orgasm building and, knowing I would be flooding his face very shortly, I whispered, “I hope you’re ready to be soaked!”

He locked his mouth onto me and started driving the dildo all the way in and then pulling it out so it made a soft ‘plop’ as the head of it cleared my cunt. A few more thrusts and I climaxed, sending a small gush of fluid from my pussy into and onto his mouth. He continued servicing me, sending waves of pleasure through my core until I was completely spent. I used my hands to draw him up over my body, trembling as he stopped to kiss his way slowly along my belly and my breasts, popping each nipple into his mouth for a quick suck and flick of his tongue.

His head finally drew up beside mine and he kissed my neck, making me shiver again; my neck seems to be more sensitive after my orgasm than during our lovemaking. He finally kissed my lips, allowing me to taste my own juices that lingered on his face. As we kissed, he continued to move the big tool in and out of me slowly, ensuring my climax was complete. We lay there for a bit while I recovered. Once I had regained some composure, I rolled onto my side and looked at him.

“So that’s what you would like to do to Gail, is it?” I asked.

“That, and a few other things,” he replied, smiling.

Oh, really!” I laughed. “I would think she would be happy with what you just did, never mind anything else. So tell me, what else is it you want to favor her with.”

“Are you sure you’ve recovered enough?” he asked. I took his hand and moved it back to my pussy, using my fingers to guide his inside me.

“I think I’m ready for just about anything you have to offer,” I said slyly, knowing he wanted to fuck me hard. I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if he wanted to fuck both my holes, using a vibrator on my pussy while he pushed his cock into my ass.

Tim rolled me onto my belly and pulled my hips up with his strong hands, exposing my snatch to his rock-hard cock. He opened my lips slightly with his fingers and slid right in, burying himself to the hilt. “Hmmm, even after fucking you with that monster dildo you’re still nice and snug for my cock,” he panted as he started thrusting.

I pushed my ass up a little higher and reached under the pillow where I had stashed my vibrator. It isn’t as long or as thick as either the big dildo or Tim’s cock but it is perfectly curved so I can reach my g-spot at will. I turned it on and started rubbing it against Tim’s balls as he thrust into me.

“Stop for a sec,” I panted and I slid the vibrator into my pussy alongside Tim’s cock. “OK,” I said, “now go.” And he started fucking me again. The sensations of both Tim and my toy inside me were incredible and I could feel my second climax of the night building. I forgot all about Gail being in the next room as I started moaning more loudly as Tim increased his pace.

Suddenly Tim pulled his cock out of me and placed the tip against my asshole. We had only done anal a few times before and Tim had always let me control the pace until he was completely inside my back door. As soon as I felt his cock at my ass I pushed back slowly, feeling every vein and ripple as he filled me from behind. Once he was fully inserted, I nodded as my signal for him to start reaming my asshole and he obliged by pounding himself into me as hard as he could.

My body was shaking so hard I lost my grip on the vibrator and it fell out of me onto the bed, Tim was grunting every time he pumped and soon I was moaning in time. It was only a minute or so later when he pushed himself into me and let out a long loud groan and I felt his sperm flood my backside. His cock pulsed as he shot several jets of cum into me, and he reached around and started massaging my clit with his fingers, using his arms to keep himself fully impaled in my bum.

“Come on, baby, fuck me some more!” I cried and he started thrusting himself into my anus anew. “Yeah, like that! Is that what you want to do to Gail?” I mumbled as my second orgasm of the night began to build. On those rare occasions I am lucky enough to come twice in one session, my second orgasm usually takes much longer to build but not this night. It only took a few seconds of Tim pounding my ass and muttering how he wants to fuck Gail as hard as he is me and I was ready to come again.

This time I screamed as I came, not just gushing but squirting as my pussy clenched and Tim’s fingers continued to work my clit. I finally collapsed onto my stomach but Tim stayed inside me, not allowing his seed to spill from my hole. We lay still for a moment, enjoying the feeling as our orgasms faded; Tim slowly pulled himself out of my ass and rolled me over, hugging, squeezing, and kissing me as he told me how hot it was to describe what he would do to another woman.

“Do you think you could watch me do that to Gail?” he asked as he was catching his breath.

“You bet!” I answered. “As long as there was enough left for me afterward.”

“You think you might like to join in?” he asked more quietly.

“Maybe,” I said. “I expect that if I was to watch you have sex with her, I would probably get lost in the moment and jump right in.” We had never discussed threesome or group sex before and it’s unlikely that we ever would have had Tim not have such an obvious reaction to looking at Gail’s body earlier that day. “In fact, I’m not sure I could hold off joining in no matter who was fucking right in front of me. I can’t even watch porn without fingering myself, I don’t think I could watch the real thing and not try it myself.”

“Me neither,” he said, “but I’m not sure I could deal with you having sex with another man.”

“Kind of a double standard, don’t you think?” I asked, sitting up.

“Maybe, but that’s how I feel,” he answered. “Would you rather I lied to you about it?”

“No, that would be bad all around I think,” I said as I lay back down beside him. "It will likely never happen though but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk and fantasize about it,” I said as I snuggled into his arms. Presently our breathing slowed and we drifted off to sleep.

Like I said, that was six months ago and now Tim and I are on our way to Gail’s house for a weekend at the beach.

More to follow in Part II…

Written by CaressofSteel
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