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The Governor's Meeting - Chapter 1 - Awakening

"School Governor Sarah is caned by the Headmistress."

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Author's Notes

"As a mother and a psychologist, Sarah Lonsdale has strong feelings on the subject of spanking and corporal punishment. Yet the journey she was about to embark on would challenge everything she thought she knew – especially about herself!"

I was running late! I’d been dreaming and tossing and turning well into the night and, as a consequence, had overslept. I didn’t want to be late for this particular meeting – I sensed I was already on the wrong side of Mrs Dickinson, the school Headmistress.

My name is Sarah Lonsdale, and I am the newest school Governor. I attended my first meeting last night and it didn’t go according to plan. Well, not my plan anyway.

I moved here recently, with my seventeen-year-old daughter. I’m a clinical psychologist by profession and have been for all my adult life. Not to brag, but I’m pretty good at my job. And as my daughter was going to be attending the private girls' school, I thought I’d put myself forward for the newly vacant Governor’s post. I had a good CV…

It seemed like a good CV wasn’t necessarily going to get me very far. Not at this school, anyway. At the meeting last night, I’d raised the contentious subject of corporal punishment. The school had been a strong proponent of CP for its long and distinguished history. I wasn’t, and I let my views be known. It didn’t go down very well.

I wasn’t quite shouted down, but it was pretty close. Both the current and former Headmistresses were on the Board, and both were fairly vocal in their opposition.

‘To appreciate the value of corporal punishment, you have to see the effect it has on the pupils.’ Janet Dickinson, the current Headmistress, was clearly passionate in her views.

‘But at what cost?’ I argued.

‘There isn’t any lasting harm – the students are usually very appreciative in the long run.’


An exasperated sigh.

‘Mrs Lonsdale – Sarah – Have you yourself ever experienced corporal punishment?’

I paused.

‘No, I haven’t,’ I admitted.

‘Then you won’t understand. To fully appreciate corporal punishment, you need to experience it!’

‘I hope you’re not suggesting I should be caned?’ I said it partly in jest, partly indignantly.

‘Mrs Lonsdale…?’ It was the other one – Sheila, I think she was called. I was good with names.

‘Yes, Sheila?’

‘I prefer Mrs Vero, if you don’t mind…’

‘Oh – of course – Mrs Vero.’ Putting me in my place. She was the retired Headmistress – but now Senior Governor, or something like that.

‘I’ve been looking at your CV…’

‘Oh yes…?’

‘It says here, that you believe in “experiential” learning?’

A longer pause this time. Bugger. I could see where this was going…

‘Yes, that’s right, I do.’

This time the pause really dragged out as everyone in the room – there must have been sixteen of us – realised the import of what Mrs Vero was saying.

‘I really don’t think, Mrs Lonsdale, that you are qualified to speak with authority on this subject until you have practised what you preach.’

There was a rumble of agreement around the room.

‘Mrs Lonsdale…?’

‘Yes, Janet – Mrs Dickinson?’ Best to stick to surnames, I thought, before I dug an even bigger hole for myself.

‘If it would help – if you would like – I would be prepared to arrange a private session for you. Not at the school, but at my home, where it would be private and remain confidential. I’m sure no-one here would discuss it outside of this room.’

Her tone was very friendly – engaging even. Only I couldn’t really believe what she was suggesting.

‘Mrs Dickinson, I’m forty-seven years old. I hardly think it appropriate for you to – to – to…’

‘Cane you? Mrs Lonsdale, at this school, all teachers and other responsible adults – which includes members of the Board, are also subject to the school rules, and the school code. Which means they are subject to being caned. The students know this, so it is more acceptable to them. The fact is, however, that adults are very rarely caned by me - none in the last eighteen months I believe - as they have all been impeccably behaved. But it does, on rare occasions, happen. I have caned many adults – I would not consider it at all inappropriate to cane a forty-seven-year-old woman.’

I was incredulous. Flabbergasted. Here I was, arguing against corporal punishment, when the teachers and board members were subject to the same rules. Which presumably meant was subject to those rules!

‘So, the adults are subjected to the same punishment as the students, if they - misbehave?’ I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation. Misbehave indeed!

‘Oh no – the adults have stricter punishments as they are supposed to be more responsible people. For example, the girls are caned over their knickers. When teachers – or other adults are punished, it is on the bare bottom, and the number of strokes is doubled. Twelve instead of six, for example.’

Huh – I guess that made a kind of sense.

‘So – would you like me to arrange a session for you – It’s Sarah, isn’t it? There would be no record of it, and I would try and make it as comfortable as possible – I wouldn’t, perhaps, use the same force…’

I could feel everyone looking at me. If ever there was the definition of a deafening silence…

My heart was thumping. This was ridiculous. There was no way I wanted to be caned. How could I get out of this? Why were there butterflies in my tummy? Did I want to get out of this? For some reason, I thought my knickers might be getting damp.

‘Um, I’m not sure it’s strictly necessary – at this stage. Maybe – maybe, um. Could I perhaps think about it?’ I waffled.

There was another pause. God, this was painfully embarrassing! My knickers were definitely damp, and I couldn’t work out why…

‘Well, I’ll tell you what, Sarah, why don’t you come into the school, tomorrow afternoon straight after lunch. There are nearly always a couple of students waiting outside my office by that time – we could continue our discussion then and you could see exactly what a punishment involves?'

The butterflies in my stomach were doing backflips. Was I relieved? Disappointed? What the hell was going on with me! I felt confused, and – conflicted!

‘Um, yes, sure. What time?’

‘Half-past One. Don’t be late! Now, shall we crack on with the agenda, or we’ll be late for the school play!’

Ah yes, the School Play! An annual event that was a major feature of the school year. It wasn’t really my thing but was, of course, obligatory for the school governors to attend. I’d asked my friend Lisa to attend with me, for company. Being the sort of school it was, we were able to have a glass of wine at the makeshift bar before it started. And after the meeting I’d just had, I needed one!

Unfortunately, I had one too many! Less than thirty minutes into the first act, Lisa and I were making so much noise, talking and giggling, that, having been asked to quieten down twice, we were asked to leave. The glacial stare I got from Mrs Dickinson as we departed left me feeling like a naughty schoolgirl. The satisfied smile on Mrs Vero’s face, on the other hand, made me think I’d really blotted my copybook. Oh well, I’d straighten it out tomorrow with a few apologies!


Like I said at the beginning, I didn’t get very much sleep that night. I had a vivid dream where Mrs Dickinson and Mrs Vero (even in my dream, I daren’t think of them as Janet and Sheila) were taking turns to spank me. It was the school play and I was naked on the stage in front of the audience, bent over a vaulting horse. The parents in the audience were applauding as I was spanked and…

And that was when I first woke up, panting and with my snatch sticky and sodden. My state of arousal was off the chart, and I had no idea what was happening to me. I slipped my hand into my pussy, homing straight in on my clit. I stroked myself, whilst thinking of being caned on my bare bottom. Until tonight, I’d never thought about being caned before – certainly not in a sexual way. Why was I so turned on...?

I started dreaming again, only this time I was awake and it was the Governors' Board that was witnessing me being publicly caned by the two dominant women. I started to masturbate furiously, stroking my clit with one hand, whilst the other was pumping three fingers in and out of my wet cunt. Suddenly, I was coming, crying out into the night, my orgasm more powerful than anything I’d experienced before…

I fell asleep, but my night continued to be disturbed by erotic dreams involving discipline and visions of the two Headmistresses. I finally achieved a dreamless slumber in the early hours, but subsequently did not wake up until late into the morning. My daughter had already gone to school, and I was going to be late for my appointment with Mrs Dickinson.


I arrived at the Headmistress’s outer office out of breath. The secretary, Alex Young, whom I’d met before, was sitting calmly at her desk, and two girls, who looked about seventeen or eighteen, were waiting anxiously. I checked my watch. 1:35 pm. Bugger.

‘Hello Alex, I have an appointment with Mrs Dickinson at half-past one. I’m a few minutes late, I’m sorry.’

I gave her a lop-sided smile, trying to indicate that we were on the same side. It didn't work, and I got a stony face in response.

‘Mrs Dickinson has been expecting you. You will have to wait now, until these girls have been dealt with. Please take a seat.’

I did as I was asked. Talk about a frosty greeting!

From my chair, I watched Alex walk across her office to the door on the far side. She knocked, and put her head around the door.

‘Mrs Lonsdale has arrived, Headmistress.’

‘Has she indeed! Well, I will deal with her shortly. Show the first young lady in please!’

Alex returned to her desk and motioned the first girl to proceed. She was looking nervous, but resolute.

The girl knocked on the door and entered. I could hear mumbled conversation behind the door, and then there was a pause. And then, very distinctly, I heard a swoosh, a thump and a cry of pain. I could feel my jaw dropping open slightly as, after a few seconds, the sounds were repeated. I started to feel very hot, knowing what was happening, and wondering what the girl was feeling. I had a desperate urge to put my fingers in my panties, as last night’s dreams forced their way from my subconscious…

Alex was looking at me. Did I just moan? God, I hope not.

I heard six strokes in total, then there was a wait of a few minutes and the girl emerged in tears, rubbing her bottom. She made her way to Alex’s desk and Alex motioned the other girl to go in. I watched, fascinated, as Alex recorded the punishment in a big black book.

I couldn't explain my arousal. As I heard the second girl being caned, I crossed my legs and squeezed. I wasn't used to this. I was used to being in control and, right now, my body was betraying me. Last night’s dreams continued to intrude on my thoughts as I listened.

Then it was over, and the second girl emerged, again crying, with swollen eyes. As she finished reporting her punishment to Alex, two more girls turned up and gave paper slips to Alex. She took the slips and motioned the girls to sit. They perched next to me on adjacent chairs, looking at me curiously.

The office door opened and Mrs Dickinson stood there, looking a lot more imposing today than she did last night. She looked across to me.

‘Mrs Lonsdale. So glad you could join us. Please come into my office.’

I was already feeling on the defensive. Mrs Dickinson’s tone demonstrated that she was displeased with me. Remembering her glacial stare, I wasn't sure whether she was angry about last night, or because I was late this morning. I remembered that, unlike the girls who went before me, I was not here to be caned and felt almost disappointed. Almost.

Swallowing, I followed the Headmistress into her office and, deciding it was best to get my story in first, I started to speak.

‘Look, I’m very sorry, Mrs Dickinson. I know I was a bit tiddly last night. I know it wasn’t very good and wanted to apologise. It was wrong, and I hope you’ll accept my apology. But I couldn’t stop thinking about your offer. And – and I decided I’d like to take you up on it!’

Christ, I didn’t know I was going to say that! I was intimidated by the Headmistress and I’d just let my mouth start gabbling. Janet Dickinson had that effect on me. Bloody hell!

‘I don’t think a private caning is appropriate right now. I have to say that I am displeased with you, Mrs Lonsdale. Very displeased! Last night, your behaviour was unacceptable. You were drunk! You were noisy, inconsiderate and selfish! If you had been a teacher at this school, right now you would be bending over this desk awaiting punishment, which you fully deserve!’

I swallowed. I was a bit shocked at her words, but could feel myself turning red with shame. I was being given a dressing down and I knew I'd earned it. I looked at my feet.

‘You – you think I deserve to be caned?’

‘Absolutely, Mrs Lonsdale! However, as you have only just joined us, and have not yet signed a copy of the rules and standards of conduct, you are, regretfully, not yet subject to them.’

‘I – I haven’t signed them?’

‘No, Mrs Lonsdale – believe me, I checked. An omission that can be put right this afternoon!’

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She was annoyed. Very annoyed.

‘So, - if I had signed, you would be punishing me right now, as a member of your staff?’

She looked at me.

‘For a school Governor, it would be unusual. But your behaviour was unacceptable, so yes, indeed I would! You would receive a very hard caning! And rightly so!’

My pussy was throbbing, and I could feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

‘Is it possible… I mean…’

I couldn’t get the words out.

‘What is it, Mrs Lonsdale? I am really not in the mood for you today!’

‘Well, couldn’t I sign the rules now? And, perhaps, backdate them? Wouldn’t that make me subject to the rules last night?’

Mrs Dickinson looked at me carefully.

‘Mrs Lonsdale, backdating a document is a very questionable practice, and arguably, would not be binding. I would never ask you to do such a thing.’

‘No, Mrs Dickinson, but if I volunteered to sign it, and agreed to abide by the terms – would that – be acceptable to you? Would that mean you could do - what you wanted to do?'

‘You do realise what you are asking? If you did that, you would be earning yourself a punishment here today, in this office. Make no mistake about that – I would have no hesitation in making that happen. It would not be a private demonstration like I offered last night. It would be a punishment caning that you thoroughly deserve! My secretary would be informed, and your details would be entered in the punishment book as a permanent record.'

I swallowed again. I was doing a lot of that today. I was nervous.

‘Yes, I realise that.’

‘And you wish to do this?’

‘Yes, Mrs Dickinson. I think – I think I should. I – I want to.’

Did I want to? I was so conflicted inside at the moment about what I wanted. There was no doubt that this was the right thing to do – but I still wasn’t sure about my motivations. Except that my pussy was involved…

Mrs Dickinson was silent whilst she considered. Then, when she spoke, I could tell the dynamic had changed.

‘Very well, Lonsdale, you will return to the outer office and wait there whilst my secretary prepares a copy of the school rules for you to retrospectively sign.’

Mrs Dickinson opened the door and practically marched me back into the outer office. She instructed me to take a seat and wait.

‘Alex, Mrs Lonsdale needs to sign a copy of the school rules. Can you print off a copy, and make sure it is dated the day before yesterday? She will then wait here until I call her in for punishment. You can start a page for her in the punishment book.’

Alex looked a little startled by the request, but immediately started to prepare a copy of the rules, looking uncertainly at me, and the two girls who were now waiting for their own moment of truth.

The two girls had very wide eyes as they listened to the exchange, and looked at me with astonishment.

‘Please sign here, Mrs Lonsdale.’

Shaking slightly, and still wondering what I was doing, I took the pen proffered by Mrs Young and, after a moment’s hesitation, signed the document. There. It was done! The butterflies in my stomach started doing acrobatics again. Alex carefully pointed out to me that the document was dated the day before yesterday. As if I didn’t know…

Then her attitude towards me also became more official.

‘Now, Mrs Lonsdale, if you would wait over there. As you are to be punished, there is no talking whilst you wait. You will be able to spend the time reflecting on why you are here. The two girls will be going in before you.

As I sat there waiting, I started to feel that I may have made a huge mistake. I listened to each of the two girls as they went into the Headmistress’s office and received their punishments. It felt very different to when I was waiting before. This time, I myself was waiting to be caned. It concentrated the mind. Part of me felt slightly nauseous each time I heard a shriek or a cry from next door. Another part of me, however, - the part beneath my stomach - felt a tiny thrill each time I heard the cane strike home.

Alex kept glancing at me, clearly wondering. Not what I’d done – I think she knew that, but more, what had enticed me to essentially volunteer to be punished. She knew I was a new School Governor, and that this was an extremely unusual occurrence.

The wait seemed to go on forever. The second girl finally emerged from the study, still in tears. She reported to Mrs Young, who entered her punishment in the book.

After the girl had left, Mrs Young pointed to the door.

‘You can go in now, Mrs Lonsdale. Just knock and enter.’

I did as instructed. As I entered Mrs Dickinson’s study, she was sat behind her desk, studying some papers.

‘Right, Lonsdale. You are here to be punished for your rudeness and for your selfish and inconsiderate actions last night at the school play. Do you understand what you did wrong?

At Mrs Dickinson’s words, I felt shame and embarrassment wash over me again. My throat felt constricted. I nodded at her in agreement.

‘The response I expect is “Yes, Mrs Dickinson.”’

I took a deep breath.

‘Yes, Mrs Dickinson!’

The Headmistress gave me a stern look.

‘Now, for a first offence, a student would normally get six strokes of the cane. However, as I explained last night, you are an adult and will, therefore, be receiving twelve strokes. You were also five minutes late arriving today, however, so I have awarded you an additional three strokes. Fifteen strokes in total, Mrs Lonsdale.’

‘But, Janet, it was only five minutes! Surely that doesn’t need to count today? It’s not fair!’ The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Not smart!

‘How dare you use my first name! You will call me Mrs Dickinson at all times. And I remind you that this is not a private session. You broke the rules that you agreed to abide by, and you are here to be punished! That is what you just agreed to voluntarily, by signing that document out there.’

Oh God, she was livid! And I’d made it worse. I needed to learn to keep my mouth shut!

‘Three extra strokes for using my first name, and three for arguing. You will now receive twenty-one strokes! Do you understand? Are you learning yet?’

‘Yes, Mrs Dickinson.’ Yes, I did understand. I’d just volunteered to be thrashed by this woman, and I was making it worse.

‘Now, as mentioned before, the girls here are caned over their knickers. Prefects, and adults are caned on their bare bottoms. As this is your first time, I will be kind and allow you to have the first six strokes over your knickers, however, the remainder will be on your bare bottom.’

I took a deep breath. I was no longer feeling any sort of arousal. All I could think of, was why was I doing this?

‘Now, please remove your skirt and bend over the desk. Grip the far side with both hands.’

Still not quite believing what I had let myself in for, I removed my skirt and placed it on a chair. I was starting to shake with nerves and anticipation. Looking at Mrs Dickinson, I shuffled over to the desk and bent over, grasping the far side as instructed. It was a very submissive act. My bottom felt exposed, and very vulnerable.

I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear the Headmistress moving behind me. My anticipation grew and I could feel myself tensing up. I felt something tap my bottom, and knew it was about to start…

The rustle of clothes and I heard the swing, then;


‘Arghhh - fuck!’ I felt a searing pain across my buttocks. I couldn’t help it - I let go of the desk and, standing up, grabbed my bottom.

‘Get back over the desk, Lonsdale! That was only the first stroke!’

Christ, that hurt! Really hurt! It was stinging, and I could feel a raised welt on my flesh already! My vision started to blur as tears started to form in my eyes.

‘I won’t tell you again! Back over the desk – now!’

After a few seconds, I wiped my eyes, swallowed, took a deep breath, and leant back over the desk. I couldn’t believe how much that hurt! I really wasn’t sure I could do this! Tentatively, I reached over to the other side and grabbed hold again. Another deep breath!

‘Right, as you let go of the desk, you will receive that stroke again. And it’s another three for swearing, so it is now twenty-four strokes. They’re building up, Lonsdale – I’d be careful if I were you! Now, lower your knickers!’

‘You said I could have the first six over my knickers!’ The words were out before my brain was even aware. Christ, Sarah – keep your fucking mouth shut!

‘I’ve changed my mind, Lonsdale, because of your backchat. So, it’s now twenty-seven! And I’m getting fed up. Any more backchat and I will add another ten strokes!’

‘You can’t!’

‘Unfortunately for you, I can! So, it’s now thirty-seven strokes. Now get your knickers down!’

I was quiet as I suddenly realised that I had gone from twelve to thirty-seven strokes in only a couple of minutes, tripling my punishment. I didn't want to make it any worse. I very much wanted to cry.

I tugged my knickers down to my knees, and put my hands back across the desk. I now felt very exposed indeed – it was only a pair of knickers, but psychologically it seemed to make a huge difference. The Headmistress could not only see my bare bottom – embarrassing as that was, given I didn’t have the smallest bottom in the world – but I was also fairly sure my pussy was now on show.

Shamefully, I realised that these last thoughts were once more making me aroused. An image from my dream popped into my head. Being caned on my bare bottom by the Headmistress. Well, that was no longer just a dream, was it…

This time, I felt the tap on my naked bottom. I tensed, knowing the fire was coming, then;


‘Owwwww!’ I cried out. Another searing pain on my buttocks. I held onto the desk with all my might, desperate not to let go.

Thwack! Another searing pain. God, how was I going to do this!


‘Arghhhhh!’ Crying now, the tears starting to cascade down my face.

Thwack! I felt the first sob travelling up from my core. I kept my fingers gripped onto the far side of the desk.

Thwack! My bottom was on fire. I was being steadily thrashed by the strict Headmistress standing behind me.

Thwack! I was sorry – so sorry for my rudeness, and my selfishness!

Thwack! I wanted to beg her forgiveness! She was only doing what was necessary to make me understand. I knew that, now.

Thwack! I would never be late again! Never!

Thwack! I’d lost count of the strokes. It didn’t matter – thirty-seven or a hundred, I deserved them all. I pushed my bottom back, wanting the pain now, encouraging the Headmistress…

Mrs Dickinson noticed when Sarah pushed her bottom back and pursed her lips. She recognised the gesture for what it was, and knew she could increase the power of her already hard cane strokes.


‘Arghhh.’ Caning me harder now…

As my caning continued, I hung onto the desk, sobbing, crying out after every stroke. Tears flowed. There was no arousal any more – only an awareness that I deserved what I was getting, and that I was grateful, so grateful, for her thoughtfulness.

In the outer office, Alex listened to the thirty-seven strokes being delivered with awe. An adult hadn’t been caned for so long, she’d forgotten what it was like. The new Governor had clearly earned the displeasure of the Headmistress, and she wasn’t being given any quarter. Alex had been cross with Mrs Lonsdale for her behaviour last night, but could only respect her decision to volunteer for such a thrashing.

Inside the Headmistress’s office, my caning was nearly complete.


There was a pause.

‘That was the last one, Lonsdale. When you are ready, you may stand up and sort yourself out.’

I was unable to move. I was still gripping the desk, my bottom on fire, unable to see through the tears. My chest was heaving with the sobs. I didn’t understand why she’d stopped.

‘Mrs Lonsdale?’ Headmistress talking to me.

‘Mrs Lonsdale, it’s over. That was the last one. You may get up.’

Finally, I understood. It was over! It was really over!

Eventually, my sobs died down, and, shakily, I stood up. I avoided looking at the Headmistress. I was still ashamed. I put my hands on my bottom and could feel that it was hot, swollen and ridged. With shock, I ran my fingers along the raised welts, which were throbbing. I became aware that I was standing in front of the Headmistress, with very red eyes and my pussy on display. It didn't really seem to matter. Very carefully, I pulled my panties gently back into place and turned to put my skirt back on.

I realised I had survived! I had just been thoroughly thrashed, and my bottom was hot and sore and felt twice the size it normally did. But I felt liberated, with a sense of pride that I'd managed to get through thirty-seven strokes of the cane. Yes, I cried and sobbed, but who wouldn’t? Maybe it didn't matter after you'd survived the first few. You are crying and sobbing and it didn't really get any worse.

And, unbelievably, I realised that my pussy was wet.

I turned towards the Headmistress, who was looking at me over her glasses, and felt a rush of warmth towards her. I realised I wanted to thank her.

‘Thank you, Mrs Dickinson, for my punishment. I guess I – needed it…’

Mrs Dickinson smiled. ‘Well, Mrs Lonsdale, you did deserve it. And now you know what it feels like - that was quite a thrashing you took! So, no need to arrange a private session!’

I hesitated, not sure how to ask the next question.

‘Mrs Dickinson, may I ask you something?’

‘Please do, Mrs Lonsdale!’

‘How else could I get punished at the school?’


Sarah Lonsdale has only just started her journey of discovery. There is much she still has to learn about herself. Let me know if you'd like to find out too...


Written by TheShyThespian
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