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The Convict Discipline House

"Two granny-aged prison inmates are disciplined by the teenage supervisors"

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Mary and Betty walked up the path to the front door, both dreading what was going to happen to them over the next couple of hours. Mary was sixty-four-years-old and Betty was sixty-six-years-old and both were partway through their prison sentences. Most of the prisoners worked at the prison for just a very low nominal wage which they used to buy special items, but Mary and Betty very were two of the lucky ones offered employment at the local factory owned by Mrs Carson. 

Mrs Carson was forty-two-years-old and owned almost the whole town and lived in a mansion on the outskirts with its huge grounds. She also owned the factory and with a constant eye for making a profit, she approached the authorities and suggested she employed several of the prison inmates to work in the factory and she would meet the wage bill. She pointed out how that would save the local authorities some money, and as she had expected, they were eager to take up her offer.

Mrs Carson had a strict authoritarian demeanour and interviewed each prisoner to make it clear that if they were allowed to work in the factory, there were strict rules they had to comply with, and if they failed to do so, then they would be liable to a discipline regime that was much tougher than the simple loss of privileges that they would suffer at the prison. However, because the pay was so much higher, Mary and Betty, along with several other inmates, readily agreed.

Mary and Betty joined the other prisoners on the bus that took them to the factory on their first day and were surprised to find that the supervisors were teenagers. They were told by the other inmates that, as it was summer holiday time, the usual supervisors were working elsewhere, and the teenage prefects who attended the local sixth form college took over. Mary and Betty smirked at each other thinking that the teenagers would hardly have the experience to supervise them closely and they, therefore, thought they wouldn’t have to work very hard at all and still get the higher pay. They also reckoned that they should be able to find things that they would be able to steal and take back to the prison and sell to other inmates, which would supplement their income. 

The teenage supervisors all wore a green and white check short-sleeved gingham dress with bare legs, which made it a uniform and although similar to what girls wore at college, but it gave them the edge in terms of authority over the inmates just like a uniform was supposed to do.

During the first morning, Mary and Betty had to admit they were surprised at how hard all of the other inmates worked, and how worried they seemed whenever one of the teenage supervisors was in sight. There was no joking about but just focus on the work that they had to do, which was rather different to the work ethic by those inmates that carried out their work inside the prison. Mary and Betty couldn’t understand why the other inmates were being so obedient, and even when they tried to engage other inmates in conversation, they were given short shrift and told to stop talking and concentrate on their work.

During the late morning, Mary and Betty both secreted a small screwdriver in the inside pocket of their dresses, knowing that they would get quite a price for them when they got back to the prison. They took them as soon as they saw them, just in case they disappeared during the afternoon, reckoning they were safe enough hidden away in their dresses.

However, when they made their way to the canteen, they hadn’t realised that they would be searched and, were immediately worried that when they were, the items they had stolen would be found on them. What surprised them even more was that the search was going to be carried out by the teenagers who stopped each of the inmates ahead of them as they walked towards the canteen and ordered, “Okay, ladies, stop and put your hands upon your heads, please. I just need to pat you down.”

Mary and Betty both looked on anxiously as they joined what was effectively a queue and saw that everyone was going to be patted down before they walked into the canteen. It was then that both Mary and Betty realised they should’ve waited a while before trying to steal and, as they got closer to the front of the queue, they both got more and more tense as they could see that the teenage girls were actually quite experienced in searching for stolen items, and they had little doubt that they were going to be caught. As they moved closer to the teenage supervisors so they both remembered the stories they had heard from other inmates about how they would be disciplined if they didn’t work hard enough, and disciplined more severely if they did something like steal, and all of a sudden they were regretting what they have done but couldn’t find a way of dropping the screwdrivers without being caught anyway.

Suddenly it was their turn to be searched and both were ordered to put their hands on their heads and two teenage girls were patting them down and as they both felt the screwdrivers, they looked at each other and then at Mary and Betty and one of the teenagers said sternly, “Right, ladies, step over to that wall and remain standing with your noses pressed against the wall because you are going to have to be dealt with for stealing.”

Moments later, both now distraught women had their noses pressed against the wall and were deeply regretting what they had done and could now see that the teenagers were much more experienced at dealing with the inmates than either of them had imagined. They didn’t know how long they were in the naughty spot position, but they were suddenly shaken out of the reverie with the order, “Hands down and hold them out in front of you, you naughty granny-aged women.”

Both Mary and Betty immediately obeyed, and within moments both had their hands secured in handcuffs with chains on them, and they were being led as though they were pet dogs by two of the teenagers. They both also noticed how they were getting looks from the other inmates, which told them that they knew they were both in for something quite awful, and that got them both more and more worried. Once outside, they were led to a waiting bus and were secured to their seats by their handcuffs.

Once on the bus, Mary and Betty were told by the supervisor that they were being taken to a house a little way away from the factory and it was also owned by Mrs Carson, and used by the teenage supervisors to discipline disobedient inmates and that they should fear the worst about the severity of the punishment they were going to receive.

Mary and Betty were both still in handcuffs as they were led off the bus and up the pathway to the front door. The house was clearly not the mansion in which Mrs Carson lived, but was still a substantial house in a road comprising other houses of a similar nature which were well spaced out. As they got to the front door, it was opened by yet another teenage prefect with a nametag, Emma, on her dress, and reckoned she looked all of seventeen-years-old.

The handcuffs were removed as Mary and Betty stood in the hallway, and the teenage supervisor then made to leave but first made the comment with a stern look on her face, “You have certainly underestimated our ability to find the stolen goods, and I have no doubt that you will regret what is about to happen to you, but I’m confident you will suffer the pain and humiliation that you fully deserve.” She then left the house and walked back to the bus.

Emma then ordered, “Right, you naughty ladies, into the front room.”

Mary and Betty cringed at the comment but obeyed because they knew who was in charge, and it wasn’t them. After all, it had been made clear to them that it was for them to obey whatever instructions they were given, without fail and without question, and they must not forget their place as inmates of the prison, put there because they committed a crime, and now brought here because they have committed yet another crime and the teenage supervisors were both judge and jury.

Mary and Betty were led through to the front room and were surprised at just how many teenage girls were there. Only the supervisors wore the standard uniform whilst the rest were in clothes commonly worn by teenage girls like tight cropped vest tops and tight shorts or a miniskirt, and with bare legs, because, after all, it was the middle of summer. Hence the girls were suntanned and Mary and Betty immediately remembered how they were once able to sunbathe until they became inmates and their lives had changed.

Emma let the two women look around the room momentarily, knowing the watching teenage girls were making derogatory remarks already, before ordering, “Right, you naughty granny-aged women, get undressed for your punishment.”

Mary and Betty grimaced again but knew that they had no choice as here they were, standing in the middle of a room otherwise occupied by at least a dozen teenage girls, and they were the ones being told to get undressed. Humiliated but immediately obeying, they both unzipped their dresses and slipped them down their arms and passed their waists down to the floor, and then eased themselves down, stumbling slightly, but both managing to scoop up their dresses from the floor. They looked around for somewhere to put their clothes but heard Emma order, “Leave them on the floor as that’s where your clothes belong.”

Because of that instruction, when both Mary and Betty put their hands behind their backs and unclipped their bras and slid them down their arms and caught them, they simply let the bras fall to the floor as well. They then eased their thumbs into their knickers and pushed them down to the floor and stepped out of them, and when they stood back up, fully naked, they knew that their clothes were simply lying on the floor as though they didn’t matter. After all, they were just lowly thieving inmates being watched by their superiors in every way.

As the two increasingly distraught women stood back up, they heard derogatory comments from several of the teenage girls about their fleshy arms and legs and tummies, and their lined faces and turkey necks, and as they looked around the room, they saw the smirks on the teenage girls' faces and listened to their giggles. Of course, had this been a public place, both Mary and Betty would have given these girls a real tongue lashing, but, to be fair, it was the teenage girls who were in charge, and not only was there nothing to be gained by any retorts, both women realised it was only likely to cause an even more severe punishment than they already expected.

A second supervisor, whose name tag showed her name was Lucy and who looked to be sixteen-years-old, came into the living room and, ignoring the two naughty inmates, Emma said to her, “I think naughty spot time.”

Lucy replied, “Agreed,” and turning to the two inmates, ordered in an authoritative tone, “Go to the wall over there and press your noses against it and stay there until we tell you otherwise. Your hands must be on top of your heads.”

Mary and Betty now felt the humiliation of standing with their noses pressed against the wall as they heard the constant chatter from the teenage girls with continuing remarks about their fleshy bottom cheeks and how they were soon going to be turned so red and with welts from the cane painted across them. The two women were thinking how they would’ve found it quite funny if they were watching two women like them about to be disciplined, but it certainly wasn’t funny at all being the two women actually facing the discipline of these haughty teenage girls.

As Mary and Betty stared at the white wall just an inch of their eyes and continued to hear the derogatory chat, they also started to hear the swish of canes. 

Mary knew that she was used to being caned, although she had never discussed that with Betty. She loved to be spanked and caned both before and after sex with her girlfriend, even at her age. So, in a strangely erotic but perverse way, she was actually looking forward to being spanked and caned but felt sorry for Betty, who she supposed hated the prospect.

In fact, Betty had rather more than a fantasy herself about being both spanked and caned as she too had experience of both because when she was married, her husband, John, liked her to be dominant and to both spank and cane him. She knew that John coped reasonably well when she disciplined him, although he always preferred it when he asked her to discipline him. Once she had discovered John’s liking for being disciplined, she imposed various rules, including timekeeping and jobs around the house, and whenever he failed to do something, she told him to fetch her the cane, order him to remove his trousers and underpants, then have him bend across her lap for quite a long spanking, followed by a normal six strokes of the cane. 

There was a notable difference between John asking to be disciplined and Betty deciding he needed to be. When he asked to be disciplined he already had an erection and stayed turned-on to give her the most huge orgasm after his punishment. On the other hand, when she decided he needed to be disciplined there was no erection and he wasn’t turned on by the end of the punishment, but Betty never minded that because she saw it as being a disciplinary punishment rather than foreplay to sex, and, anyway, gave herself wonderful orgasms whilst John was dealing with the unwanted pain. 

Betty was trying to assess as she stared at the blank wall whether she was turned on or not by the fact this time it was her who was going to be disciplined, and not by her own choice either. She didn’t suppose it was so different being on the receiving end compared to being the one giving the punishment, although with John, she always tried to make sure that although painful, it was never more of a punishment than he could take, whilst now she wasn’t so sure that these teenage supervisors would stop then, but might instead make the punishment one that she could not reasonably take. Either way, she doubted Mary was looking forward to the spanking, anyway.

Emma and Lucy let the two granny-aged women worry about the punishment for a while before they both went and sat on high-backed chairs and then Emma ordered, “Right, you naughty women, come here and get across our laps.” 

As they turned, Mary saw that Emma was looking at her.

Lucy ordered, glaring at Betty, “You too, you naughty granny-aged woman.”

The time had arrived for both Mary and Betty as they looked at the two authoritative teenage supervisors in their short-sleeved dresses with the hems having risen right up so that their tummies were going to be lying across the two teenage girls’ bare thighs as they had their bottoms spanked. They didn’t dally, though, because without realising the feelings of the other, they were both turned on by the prospect of being spanked, although were worried that this was not going to be anything like the playful or sexual spankings they had received or given in the past, but a real discipline punishment. 

Moments later, both Mary and Betty were across the teenage girl’s laps, with an upside-down view of everybody in the room, and having to listen to the continuing derogatory comments and encouragement from the watching girls to make sure it was a really hard spanking. Mary and Betty both saw the calf muscles of the two teenage girls tense and knew that the first spank was on the way and, when it did land, it stung. As the spanking proceeded, they both realised that whilst being spanked or giving a spanking as part of sexual foreplay the build-up was slow; this wasn’t because the spanks landed with quite a pace and increasing intensity and were clearly designed, as both of them had thought, to be very much a punishment.

The two supervisors proceeded to spank alternate bottom cheeks, doing so for several minutes, turning each bottom cheek deeper and deeper shades of red. Afterwards, they changed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times and then the other bottom cheek several times, and so the bottom cheeks started to glow red. Then they did the same to the backs of each leg and enjoyed seeing how the naughty woman on her lap squirmed around but didn’t try to get up, no doubt for fear of an even harder spanking.  

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It was clear that the watching teenage girls were all friends of Lucy and Emma and were invited specifically to watch them deal with the two naughty granny-aged inmates. Lucy and Emma also encouraged their friends to make the derogatory comments which continued to flow, pointing out how the two granny-aged women’s drooping breasts were swaying from side to side as they were squirming around on Lucy and Emma’s laps as they were trying, but failing, to cope with the increasingly intense spanking.

Betty was also wondering more and more just why John had wanted to be spanked given the pain, and yet he was so turned on by it. Was she missing something, she wondered?

Mary knew that the spanking was far more intense than any that she had been given before and it was getting more intense still. She gasped and kicked her legs and squirmed around on the teenager’s lap now not hearing the giggles and encouragement from the watching teenagers as she was so focused on needing to deal with the ever-intensifying stinging, and not understanding how these teenage girls could spank so hard. She also felt sorry for Betty, who would have no idea what a spanking would be like.

Of course, neither of them knew about the training sessions given to them by Mrs Carson, which, for Mrs Carson, were twofold. First of all, she wanted to make sure that the teenage supervisors were able to give a sufficiently hard spanking and caning to any misbehaving inmates as she needed them to work hard to earn her more money. However, secondly, she was turned on by watching the teenage girl’s spank and cane the quite often granny and grandpa-aged inmates. There was a camera in the living room at the discipline house, and so whenever punishments were being given, Mrs Carson was sitting in her bedroom in her mansion watching them taking place, with her hand between her thighs and her fingers rubbing her wetter and wetter pussy lips as she eased her fingers inside her sex juice-filled vagina and was flicking her taut clit giving herself orgasm after orgasm. 

Mary and Betty, on the other hand, were continuing to struggle with the spanking, which had now changed its focus to the backs of their legs. They both now knew that the teenage girl spanking them was very experienced at giving a spanking which they were doing relentlessly. Every now and again, they would stop and rub, just briefly, the warmed and reddened bare bottom cheeks and the backs of the legs as well as ease their hands down the inside of the thighs of the naughty woman across their laps and, once or twice, brush their fingers along their pussies. Mary and Betty both knew that whilst they struggled with the pain, they were both still getting aroused by the spanking, evidenced by their sex juice dribbling down the inside of their thighs, and, no doubt, the girls discovered that which was even more humiliating for the two of them.

Emma and Lucy smiled at each other as they both felt the sex juice wet pussies of the granny-aged woman they were spanking, and, nodding to each other, set about spanking even harder and faster. 

Once Emma and Lucy were happy with the deep red glowing colour they had turned the granny-aged women’s bottom cheeks and the backs of their legs, they stopped, looked at each other, winked, and then Emma ordered, “Okay, you naughty women, get up so we can give you the cane. Be quick about it.”

Betty and Mary reacted as quickly as they could to the order from the authoritative teenager and although they did struggle to get up as their bottoms were stinging so intensely, they managed it, though, and moments later were standing up and clutching their bottoms to try and deal with the stinging. That was a mistake, though, they soon found out.

Emma said loudly and in a very stern tone and voice, “No one said you could rub, you naughty women. That adds several strokes to your caning.”

Mary and Betty both gasped as they realised that they had done something they shouldn’t have done, and immediately held their hands in front of themselves to stop themselves from rubbing again. They both looked towards the teenagers but realised that they could just see their blurred outlines because their eyes were filled with tears already, and whilst already regretting that they had stolen the screwdrivers, were now regretting rubbing their bottoms and wondered what else they would do to break the rules before their punishment was over. 

As they watched Emma and Lucy stand up, and whilst they were sniffing back tears, Mary and Betty also realised that the flutters in their vaginas were flying again at the thought of being caned. They knew the pain would be far, far worse than being spanked, and never did quite understand why pain caused sexual arousal, but it did, and they were thankful for that because at least the finger sex they would give themselves afterwards, once again, was worth looking forward to, not to mention the further orgasms they would give themselves once they went to bed for the night.

Even Betty now had these thoughts because her fluttering vagina now told her how come John got his erections when suffering the pain.

A few moments later, Emma ordered, “Now bend over and grab the seats of those chairs. Make sure your legs are well apart and your tummy is lowered and your bottom is pushed upwards, you naughty women.”

Mary had been caned in the past, although not very much. However, she knew how to bend over to present her bottom in a most submissive way, so moments later, she was positioned just like that and looked at the floor behind her and saw the teenage supervisor’s bare legs position themselves.

Betty had never been caned before but had looked at caning videos on the internet and had wondered if John wanted to be caned. Although that never happened, she did know how to present her bottom so that her bottom cheeks were stretched as were her pussy lips, and did so.

Emma and Lucy saw that both granny-aged women clearly knew how to position themselves, but made out that they were still not totally happy as they slipped the canes between Mary and Betty’s thighs and whisked the cane from side to side as Emma ordered, “Get your legs further apart.”

Mary and Betty immediately moved their feet further apart as they felt the stinging of the cane on their inner thighs. Then, as they had placed their feet further apart, so they felt two strokes of the cane right on their stretched pussy lips and they gasped both in shock and because of the sensation. Neither had experienced this before, but, as the cane was removed from between their legs and was rubbed from side to side across their bottom cheeks, they did think, albeit momentarily, that those strokes were highly charged and sensual.

Emma knew what the women were likely to be feeling with the strokes on their wet pussies, as she said in a stern tone, “Make sure you don’t let go of the chairs before we have finished with you because that will add more additional strokes.”

Mary and Betty forgot they had already earned extra strokes for rubbing their freshly spanked bottoms, and the next moment both women forgot about anything sexual about being caned and gasped as the first stroke landed on their bottoms. That stroke, Mary told herself immediately, was far harder than any that she had received to date, yet somehow the second stroke was harder and then the third stroke hurt even more. She clung onto the seat of the chair with all her strength, again remembering the threat of additional strokes if she let go. What she did not know was how many strokes they were going to get in the first place.

Betty struggled more than Mary as she had never been caned before and was aghast at how painful the strokes were. Maybe John was right not to want to be caned, she thought.

As the fourth stroke landed and both granny-aged women let out yet another yelp, they were aware of the continuing derogatory and humiliating remarks coming from the watching teenage girls. They heard particular phrases that included reference to, ‘Swinging breasts,’ ‘Raised welts,’ and ‘They need to be harder,’ and as the fifth stroke landed and they yelped again, so the comments changed to, ‘Do you think they regret it yet?’

When the sixth stroke landed, Mary and Betty really were regretting stealing. At the same time, Mary knew that whenever she was spanked or caned as foreplay, she unbelievably found it such a turn-on. At least, she found it a turn-on once the spanking and caning had finished rather than partway through, which, as usual, she just found so painful. 

Betty was just astounded that anyone could be turned on by being caned now she was experiencing it, yet so much was said about how erotic so many people found it. Were they mad, she wondered, or was it just her who didn’t understand? 

Whilst Mary and Betty hoped that six strokes were the tally for their first offence, the seventh stroke landing soon afterwards and they yelped once again. How many more, they wondered, as the eighth stroke landed and they were both letting out sobs and knew it wouldn’t be much longer before those sobs turned to continuous crying. The ninth stroke followed and once again they both yelped as they clung onto the seat of the chair and presumed that by now their knuckles were white with the strength that they needed to hold onto the seat of the chair, but they couldn’t see that because their eyes were so blurred. As the tenth stroke landed so they yelped again and felt the tears dribbling down their faces and swore to themselves would never try to steal anything ever again.

The eleventh stroke landed with an ever-increasing intensity and, as expected, both Mary and Betty let out more sobs. What they both knew, however, was rather than get any sympathy from the teenage supervisors, showing they were suffering was more likely to encourage them to cane even harder. They realised that it did as the twelfth stroke landed. Was that it, they both wondered, hopefully.

The thirteenth stroke landed straight afterwards almost like a double stroke which Mary and Betty both hoped was a good indicator that it was perhaps the last stroke, so twelve strokes plus one for rubbing their bottoms. Once again, the two granny-aged women were disappointed because immediately afterwards the fourteenth stroke landed, and, once again, they both let out loud yelps.  

There was then a gap and they were hopeful that it was over and although they were crying, they were distraught as they heard comments coming from around the room, including, ‘Maybe a few more should be given.’

Emma then said sternly, “Okay, you too granny-aged naughty women, get up but don’t rub your bottoms until you are told you can. Instead, put your hands on your heads to make sure that you don’t.”

Mary and Betty struggled to push themselves up, but they did manage it and, making sure they didn’t earn any additional strokes by rubbing their bottoms they immediately placed their hands on top of their heads.

Emma then instructed, “Right, go back and press your noses against the wall keeping your hands on your heads until we release you.”

Mary and Betty were almost relieved to be sent back to face the wall because that hopefully meant that they weren’t going to get any more strokes of the cane. As they settled down, staring at the blank wall through their blurred eyes so they heard more comments about how nicely painted their bottoms were by the cane welts on top of the glowing red colour given to them when they were spanked. 

Mary and Betty both knew what their bottoms would look like when they could eventually get to look at their bottoms in the mirror, although for Betty, that was only by watching the films, whereas right now her bottom stung in a way she could never ever have imagined. 

Mary and Betty weren’t sure how long they had to stand there facing the wall listening to the continuing comments from the laughing and giggling teenage girls, but what they found was that the humiliation started to turn them on in a way that they had never expected. After all, they were the centre of attention and, although the comments were derogatory, they did start to enjoy how their bottoms stung, and began to imagine running their fingers along their wet pussy lips and deep into their vaginas. 

Eventually, Emma and Lucy went and stood behind both granny-aged women and leaned in so their breath was bouncing off their necks as Emma said sternly, “This is meant to be a lesson for you both. Next time you can expect a longer spanking and rather more strokes of the cane. Just remember that you are lucky that you are working at Mrs Carson’s factory, but that privilege can be taken away if you abuse it.”

Mary and Betty were assimilating the threat and, as they did, they felt a really hard smack on each bottom cheek given to them by the teenage girls which got them really worried that maybe their punishment wasn’t over, but were relieved when Emma ordered, “Ok naughty granny-aged women, get dressed and you will be taken back to the factory so that you can do more work this afternoon.”

It was with some relief that Mary and Betty both got dressed even though they had to do so in front of the still laughing and giggling teenage girls who sat and watched as they struggled to get their clothes back on. However, they did, and minutes later, they had their handcuffs placed again on their wrists and they were led out of the house to very sarcastic, “Cheerio ladies,” and, “You had better hope that we won’t see you again,”

The journey back was particularly uncomfortable because the driver seemed to find every bump in the road to go over, and each time when Mary and Betty landed back on the seats, they gasped with the pain. Still, at least they were on their way back to the factory, they told themselves, and were even once again getting erotic sensational feelings caused by their stinging bottoms, which in turn again sent flutters flying around their vaginas.

Back at the house, Mrs Carson telephoned Emma. She said, “Those two can clearly take a much harder spanking and caning and I have to say I found it so erotic to watch them. Make sure they break the rules again because I reckon that I could watch them time and time again because I had the most fantastic orgasms.”

Emma replied, “Were you satisfied enough, or would you like me to come over this evening, Mrs Carson?”

Mrs Carson replied, catching her breath, “Actually, Miss Emma, yes, please.”

Emma smiled to herself as she had to admit to enjoying giving Mrs Carson a spanking and what was normally several dozen strokes of the cane, and knew just how aroused Mrs Carson got by it, as she did herself. She already felt the flutters flying around her vagina as she pictured the forty-two-year-old Mrs Carson across her lap, as she had done so many times already.

Once back at the factory, Mary and Betty were released from the handcuffs and told by one of the supervisors, “If you need to use the toilets, do so now.”

Mary and Betty weren’t expecting that and eagerly accepted. They both went into separate cubicles, lifted the lid as that would be too solid for their sore stinging bottoms, and sat on the toilet seat even though they didn’t need to go to the toilet. Moments later, their hands were between their legs and their fingers were running up and down their very wet pussy lips as they eased their fingers deep inside their vaginas and also flicked their taut clits. It didn’t take long at all to achieve huge orgasms and even Betty realised it was because she had been spanked and caned. 

As Mary and Betty brought themselves to a second orgasm and then the third, they were now more relaxed albeit still with stinging bottoms, and as they walked back towards their workstations, they were both wondering whether they would risk breaking the rules again because they did hanker after being spanked and caned again. They would have to decide if they were brave enough.


Written by SusanHarper
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