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Return To The Convict Discipline House

"Two granny-aged prison inmates are disciplined again by the teenage supervisors"

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Author's Notes

"This is a follow on Chapter 2 to my story 'The Convict Discipline House' from March 2021."

Mary and Betty had settled into prison life and were used to working hard in the factory owned by Mrs Carson.  

Mary had just turned sixty-five and Betty was sixty-six and both remained thankful to Mrs Carson, who was forty-two, that she let them work for her and so they got a rather higher wage than most of the other prisoners. 

The additional wages, though, led Mary and Betty to be increasingly overconfident about their importance in prison. They didn't show that to the prison guards, most of whom were very strict teenage girls aged between sixteen and nineteen, but nevertheless authoritative in their demeanour. They did however stand aloof from so many of the prisoners and saw themselves as more important than most of them. 

Things came to head when Mary and Betty were queueing to take a shower. The prisoners had to get undressed first, and then stand in the queue waiting for a showerhead to come free. Today, though, Mary and Betty jumped the queue claiming, as they put it, "Age before beauty," and then added, "Actually, age and beauty before ugliness, so stand aside, all you ugly women." 

Mary and Betty were laughing as they took the two available shower heads, but the women who were ahead of them were clearly annoyed and tried to pull them back. Mary first and then Betty automatically pushed back and each one elbowed one of the other women in the chest. A fight soon ensued. 

Within just a few moments, three of the teenage guards shouted, "Stop fighting. Now." 

Almost all of the women then pointed aggressively at Mary and Betty and said the fight was because they jumped the queue. 

The senior guard, Officer Lucas, agreed and she replied, "I know, ladies, because it has been caught on CCTV." She looked at Mary and Betty, smirking because clearly, they didn't know they were filmed when in the showers. 

Mary and Betty looked at each other and then at Officer Lucas. They knew that they were in no position to argue and had to show total respect towards the teenage guards, thinking how authoritative they looked in their green and white check gingham dresses. All the teenage officers looked so authoritative, each with their hair tied back in a bun, their bare arms as well as their bare legs on show, all of which made them look sexy to some of the prisoners, including Mary and Betty. Of course, both Mary and Betty often fingered themselves to huge orgasms picturing themselves across the laps of those teenage officers. Although both hated being spanked, they did find authoritative teenage girls such a turn-on. 

Officer Lucas glared at the two granny-aged women and ordered, "Both of you, go and collect your clothes, but don't put them on." 

Mary and Betty saw the smiles on the faces of the other women and dreaded the punishments they now expected to receive. They expected to be taken to the Discipline House and didn't know that punishments were also carried out in the prison itself, but presumably, they were because they were being told not to get dressed. They were going to find it humiliating walking along the corridors holding their clothes, but it was their own fault, they told themselves. 

They were both blushing as they went back out of the showers and into the changing rooms and went to the lockers and got out their clothes. They both then turned and looked at the teenage officer and saw that she was smirking and was also holding a plastic bag which she threw on the floor and ordered, "Put your clothes in there, you two very naughty women." 

Mary and Betty immediately did as they were told because they were in trouble and knew that whatever punishment they were going to get was going to be particularly painful, and so didn't want to add to their problems. They both put their clothes into the plastic bag and picked it up expecting that one of them would be told to carry the bag.  

However, Officer Lucas held out her hand and demanded, "Give me the bag and then both of you turn round and put your hands behind your backs so I can cuff them." 

Still knowing they had to obey Officer Lucas, they handed the bag to her although she immediately dropped it on the floor and unclipped one of the pairs of handcuffs that were attached to her belt. Mary was the first to turn around and put her arms behind her back and felt the cuffs being secured to each wrist. The same then happened to Betty. 

As soon as she had cuffed both women, Officer Lucas picked up the plastic bag full of clothes and instructed, "Follow me, and no dawdling." 

The two now contrite women were led out of the changing room and into the corridor and immediately saw other prisoners walking past them, laughing. They could hear how they were being referred to as, oldies, with references to their turkey necks, large drooping granny breasts, fleshy tummies, and fleshy thighs. It was as though everyone knew them, or at least had heard of them because they were also being referred to as those cranky old bags, wrinkly frumps, battle axes, and the like. 

As they kept on walking with their hands securely cuffed behind their backs leaving their fully naked bodies on show, including their very hairy mounds, both women felt more and more humiliated as they were seen by so many fellow prisoners. Mind you, even though they were getting all of those derogatory comments, they knew that they had good figures for women their age and were pretty sure that a lot of the women were making comments because they were jealous. Maybe not the younger prisoners, who like the officers were still teenagers, or maybe in their early twenties, but they reckoned that everybody else was jealous of them, and rightly so. 

Still naked, Mary and Betty were led to the basement car park and had to get into a police van and were driven to the Discipline House where punishments were regularly given by the teenage police officers. Once at the house, which was still on the grounds of Mrs Carson's estate, they were both let out of the van and led into the house and into the large punishment room where there were about a dozen teenage girls who were here for the day from sixth form college with a view to training to be prison guards. 

Mary and Betty were led towards the front of the room where there were two high-backed chairs on a slightly raised stage, and two more teenage girls were already seated on those chairs, dressed in the guard's uniform of a short-sleeved green and white check short-sleeved gingham dress. Both had their legs bare, and it was quite normal for that to happen in case the prisoner being punished wet the prison guard's tights. 

Mary noticed Mrs Carson was in the room, standing, with her hands held behind her back. What she could see was that Mrs Carson had one palm of each hand gently rubbing her bottom. She didn't know, but Mrs Carson did know, that just thirty minutes earlier, she had been lying across the lap of one of the senior teenage guards, having her bare bottom severely spanked. After that, she was tied to the caning table and received thirty-six extremely hard cane strokes. That was why she was now rubbing her bottom and was unable to sit down, but she did want to watch as Mary and Betty received their punishments. 

It wasn't commonly known, but one reason that Mrs Carson gave over so much of her estate to the prison was that she relished being punished herself. She was never naughty or lawbreaking but loved the fact that the experienced teenage prison guards could deal with her so well, in a way that turned her on. She loved to submit to authoritative teenage girls and, just like the prisoners, she found the punishment very hard to cope with, and was always reduced to tears. Afterwards, though, just like today, she fingered herself to three huge orgasms and knew that after watching Mary and Betty being punished, she would give herself several more orgasms.  

Mrs Carson felt the quivers flying around her vagina as she watched the two granny-aged women being led to the two seated teenage prison guards and bent across their laps. Those quivers intensified as she watched the teenage girls spank the bare bottoms of the two granny-aged prisoners and saw how after the non-stop spanks continued to land for several minutes that they were struggling to cope with the spanks, as expected. 

Mary and Betty remembered how they had come here once before and how humiliating it was to be disciplined in front of so many teenage girls. Once again, as they were led across the room and passed so many girls, they heard the derogatory comments about their turkey necks, large drooping granny breasts, fleshy tummies and fleshy thighs. However, they had heard those comments before and knew that it really meant that those teenage girls were jealous of them, at least that was what they told themselves and believed. 

What suddenly shocked them, though, was when they realised that the two teenage police officers were the identical twins who were so well known for giving really severe thrashings to the prisoners. As well as being identical twin girls, they were of course wearing the same clothes as each other because they were in uniform. They even wore their long shoulder-length hair in an identical bun which made it impossible to distinguish between the two girls. What they knew, though, was that it didn't matter which of the girl's laps they went across, because it was so well known that both girls gave very hard thrashings.  

The twins also made it a spectacle for those watching them by making degrading comments to the prisoners they were spanking and caning, which encouraged the comments from those watching, always loud enough for those being spanked and caned to hear. It added to the humiliation, and degradation, on top of the pain. 

As both Mary and Betty lay across the teenage girl's laps and felt their bottoms being rubbed in circles, they knew that they were going to find the punishment hard to deal with, but equally knew it was their own fault for trying to jump the queue at the showers and starting the fight. They should have known better but had joked to themselves that they wanted to be punished again because they found submitting to the teenage girls so sexy, such a turn-on, and something that gave them, at least afterwards, huge orgasms. 

Of course, as always, the reality of knowing the punishment was about to start was not so sexy because of the pain that they were going to suffer. However, what they knew was that with all the pain they would suffer came so much pleasure afterwards. They just had to get through the humiliation of being spanked in front of the teenage girl audience and spanked and caned by teenage girls. 

As the spanking started, both granny-aged women stayed obediently across the teenage girl's laps, even as the pain started to intensify, and their bottoms were stinging. They knew that the spanking would last for several minutes, not just from their own experience here, but from talking about punishments with several of the other prisoners. Most prisoners simply hated being thrashed and tried to behave so that they didn't earn any of the punishments. Indeed, that was the majority of the prisoners. 

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However, Mary and Betty were among the small group of prisoners who relished being punished. They loved the humiliation of being across the lap of a teenage girl looking at her upside-down legs as their bottoms would be spanked, relishing how their vision blurred after a while. They didn't actually enjoy the spanking itself, but willingly suffered it because they knew that they would be sexually aroused later on. 

There were even a few prisoners, although not Mary or Betty, who actually enjoyed being thrashed and the ongoing intensified pain as each spank landed and then as each stroke of the cane bit into their bottoms, often cumming during the thrashing. That was in addition to the orgasms they also gave themselves afterwards. 

Mary and Betty quickly realised that the spanking that the twin police officers were giving them was much harder than what the other officers had given them. Even so, as each spank landed, they focused on the teenage girl's bare legs, seeing how their calf muscles tensed which was the normal indication that the girl's hand was about to land yet another very hard spank. At least, they looked at the girl's legs until their own vision started to blur, which today was rather quicker than usual. 

Even as their vision blurred, they both heard the encouraging comments being made by the watching teenage girls. 'Spank them harder,' was heard from several of the girls, whilst others happily called out, 'Make those bottom cheeks wobble,' and, 'Make sure those granny-aged women learn a very pain-filled lesson.' 

Mary and Betty had heard that the twin police officers were always encouraged by those watching, and it did lead them to spank the naughty bottoms on their laps much harder. What was also understood, was that both twin girls got aroused by giving a really hard thrashing and several of the prisoners they spoke to had told them about seeing the teenage girl's very damp knickers.  

After a while, both women dissolved into their normal crying even before the twin girls changed from spanking alternate bottom cheeks to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again. Mary and Betty both found this even more difficult to cope with, but they made sure that they stayed across the teenage girls' laps because if they didn't, they knew that the punishment would be even harder. 

As always happened, the spanking seemed to last forever and got more painful as the spanks landed on the backs of their legs. It was standard, however, and had to happen, so at least it was expected even though it did cause even more tears to run down both of their faces. However, they both enjoyed looking at their tear-stained faces afterwards and that helped them get aroused. 

All of a sudden, the spanking stopped and one of the twins ordered, "Right, you granny-aged prisoners, get up so we can cane your very naughty bottoms." 

Mary and Betty pushed themselves off the teenage police officers' laps and stood up, knowing that they mustn't rub their bottoms. They were never told not to, but it was a standing instruction that if they did then extra cane strokes would be added. Well, they both thought that the thirty-six strokes that they were due to get were more than enough of a problem to deal with and didn't want any extras. 

Once both prisoners were standing, one of the twin police officers ordered, "Both of you bend over the caning table so we can secure you in place." 

Knowing what was going to happen, they both went to one of the tables and although their vision was still blurred, they knew that there were cuffs to secure their wrists, two more cuffs for their ankles forcing them to place their legs wide apart, two straps which would secure their thighs, and a leather strap that would secure their waists. As well as ensuring that no prisoners could avoid the strokes of the cane, being secured in place also meant that the prisoners were aware that there was no escape whatsoever and they were helpless in every way. 

Mary and Betty bent over the caning tables and stretched their arms forward, and watched as the teenage police officers secured their wrists in the leather cuffs. They couldn't see them after that but felt their ankles being secured knowing that their legs were well apart, and then the straps were tightly secured around their thighs and finally the leather strap was tied tightly around their waists. Both pulled lightly at the wrist cuffs almost as an automatic reaction, but immediately knew their already stinging bottoms would have no protection whatsoever, nor should it, against every single stroke of the cane. 

Just a few moments later both Mary and Betty felt a cane being rubbed from side to side across their bottoms and then a couple of light taps. They then heard a swish and felt the cane bite into their bottoms. That first stroke was the worst they had ever experienced, and they knew it was only going to get far far worse. 

Each stroke then proceeded to land and each time both Mary and Betty yelped with the ever-increasing stinging pain. They knew that their bottoms wouldn't just sting, but the welts would be raised and very painful to sit on, and the one thing no prisoner was ever given after a caning was a thick cushion to sit on. Instead, they were expected to sit on the hard wooden chairs that was the standard throughout the prison. The only soft place to sit would be on their beds.  

The teenage girls watching the caning continued to call out encouragement to the twin police officers, who clearly reacted because the strokes certainly seemed to both women to be getting harder and harder. Mary and Betty knew that would be as much because they were being caned on top of an already spanked bottom, and with so many strokes landing they would be crisscrossing each other which meant the pain and difficulty with sitting would last much longer. 

Mary and Betty knew that to help themselves get through the caning it was best to try to keep count of the strokes. It didn't help very much, but what they did was look at the caning table just inches from their faces and count to themselves as each stroke landed.  Of course, they didn't expect any gaps in the caning because it wasn't necessary with so many strokes to build up any pressure in the prisoner's minds. The pain just intensified like never before. 

What did help them both was when they realised that they had now received thirty strokes which should mean that there were only six left. Then, as each of those landed, they knew that the cane strokes were soon to end, and, at least after a little while, they had the quivers flying around their vaginas to look forward to. 

When the caning suddenly stopped Mary and Betty realised that they were both crying, which didn't surprise either of them because the twin police officers were well known for reducing every prisoner they punished to tears. They continued to cry even as they felt the ankle cuffs being released, followed by the thigh straps and the waist strap, and finally the wrist cuffs. Throughout, they could also hear more derogatory comments coming from the teenage girls watching, now referring to the women's very red and welted bottoms as well as their tear-stained faces. 

As humiliating as it was, at least Mary and Betty knew that the punishment was over. They, albeit with some difficulty, managed to push themselves upwards when told to do so, and once standing also followed the instruction to fold their arms in front of themselves so they weren't able to rub their bottoms. When they looked towards the twin police officers, their vision was still so blurred they couldn't make them out but were pretty sure that they would be smiling. 

The instruction was given, "You can now leave the punishment room, and you will be taken back to the prison." 

Both women felt their upper arms being clasped firmly and they were led back down the aisle, past the watching teenage girls who were still happily making derogatory comments and laughing and giggling, although both Mary and Betty still felt an element of jealousy from them because of the comments about their large breasts. Well, maybe the last laugh was on these teenage girls, they told themselves, as they sniffed back tears. 

As they passed by Mrs Carson Mary was pretty sure she said to the teenage police officer standing next to her, "Me next again once everyone has gone." Mary knew how to lip-read so knew that is what Mrs Carson said. Why not, she told herself given how aroused she felt herself right now. 

When outside the punishment room one of the police officers asked sternly, "Do you both need to go to the toilet? We don't want you wetting the seats in the van." Of course, the question was followed by a clear giggle.  

Mary and Betty both wanted to go to the toilet, but not to do what was suggested. They both knew that whilst they were unable to explain it still, they did get aroused by being punished, and so replied, "Yes, please. Ma'am." 

Moments later they were each inside a cubicle, although both were careful not to sit down. Instead, they leaned against the side of the cubicle and ran their fingers along their very wet pussy lips, easing their fingers inside their vaginas, flicking their very taut clits, and bringing themselves to a huge orgasm.  

Of course, they were pretty sure that the guards would be listening to them, with the downside being that they would be put on the list of those prisoners who got aroused by being punished. That didn't bode so well for the future, but right then neither of them were worried about that because they felt so pleased with their still throbbing vaginas and were pretty sure they would give themselves more orgasms once they were in bed. 

Having wiped their pussy hair dry, both Mary and Betty walked back out of the toilets into the corridor and were met with smiling faces which they could now see as their vision was less blurred, and the question, "Enjoy that, did you?" 

Mary and Betty didn't know whether the question related to the punishment or the fact they had just given themselves huge orgasms. However, they gave the expected answer of, "Not really." 

Judging from the comments that the teenage police officers gave, they both knew it was understood that it wasn't all bad for them, particularly judging from the discussion the two police officers had between themselves as they secured the wrists of Mary and Betty in cuffs again and led them back out towards the police van.  

Of course, they were both still naked and their bottoms were stinging horribly, but they were at peace with themselves and even smiled at each other as they were thinking that at least being punished took them away from the boredom of being in prison or working at the factory. They even started to wonder whether they would be brave enough to earn another punishment just like this one, or even worse, and actually hoped they would.  

Written by SusanHarper
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