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Spanks For Pranks - Lisa - Pt. 2

"Kailee's tattling to her daddy has surprising results!"

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Author's Notes

"Enjoy this conclusion to Lisa's story!"

Lisa sat in the coffee shop trying to read a book but couldn’t focus on it. The remnants of her last spanking, just three days ago, had faded from her bottom but not from her mind. She felt like she’d taken her punishment for her perceived responsibility for screwing up her marriage to James with the second visit to ‘Spanks For Pranks,’ when Jeff lit into her with the hairbrush. It hurt so much, but she’d egged him on, feeling she had a price to pay, and the result was a black and blue bruised butt.

The following two visits were just for the spanking. She felt addicted to the whole thing, stripping down to her bare bottom, lying across his lap, and the exquisite pain from his hand or paddle. The last time he’d bent her over the end of the sofa to be paddled, whispering so the mic couldn’t hear him when he commented on her dripping wet pussy.

Thinking of the future, she wondered how she’d go on when she could no longer go to SPF. It was expensive, and sooner or later, James would question where the money he provided was going. A melancholy mood set in as she thought of James. She still loved and missed him terribly but couldn’t see a way forward after their last discussion, which only highlighted that nothing had changed. Had something changed now? Could she do a better job than she had? She’d accepted that her spoiled and bratty behavior had significantly contributed to their problems, so would that acceptance help her control it? Could she do without the things her entitled attitude told her she had to have? The thought of those expenses brought her back to the spanking.

It all seemed so hopeless. Maybe she could reconcile with James, and perhaps she could control her childish behavior, but what about this new addiction? Her sex life had always been good with him, maybe not over-the-top exciting, but they enjoyed it. Would that continue, or would she feel like she was missing something, the sore red bottom she’d come to crave?

By late afternoon, she decided she’d had enough coffee and headed home. Not that there was anything to go home to. Even Kailee would be at a sleepover, so her new-found ‘buddy’ wouldn’t be there, and she’d be alone. That thought reminded her of how Kailee had reminded her about her plans, seeming overly concerned that Mom remembered she’d be gone all night.

The drive home was short, but even so, the same thoughts rattled around in her brain offering no conclusion, no way out. As she pulled into her street, she was surprised to see James’s car parked in front of the house. She wasn’t expecting him and could only imagine another fight of some sort ensuing. Remembering the SFP charges, she hoped he hadn’t come to complain about the money she was spending.

He greeted her with a ‘Hi, honey’ and a kiss at the door. That was a better start than she was used to, but she was still on guard as they walked into the kitchen.

“What brings you here?” she asked, her wariness showing.

“Can we talk?” he asked in return, with a calm, almost pleading look.

“Sure. Would you like something to drink?”

He asked for a cup of tea, reminding her of one of those tiny things that she liked about him. She made a pot using the loose tea he liked best, prepared two cups, offered him one, and sat at the table with hers. He sat in the chair next to her, not on the other side as he had been recently.

She looked at him with ‘So?’ painted on her face.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately,” he said, waiting for that to sink in before continuing. “I miss you,” he added, and she waited for the ‘but’ that never came.

“I miss you too, Jimmy,” she said feeling like tears might come and held them back.

“Kailee called me a couple of days ago,” he started, but thankfully, he didn’t see her worry about what Kailee might have told him. She wasn’t prepared to answer questions about Kailee and SFP. Her silence prompted him to continue.

“She told me you two have been getting along much better over the past month.”

“We are. It’s been nice, a real relief,” she responded, still wary.

“She said you’d both changed after some special counseling.” Lisa was afraid her nervousness must be showing. “She sounded really happy, Lisa! When I asked her what the difference was, she said that you’d come to understand each other better and made some compromises that were working really well.”

“I’m glad she felt good enough to tell you. She’s been great. I actually miss her right now. She’s at a sleepover.” She could feel the tears coming, but whether they were happy tears or concern about where this conversation was leading, she couldn’t tell.

“Yeah, she told me,” he said, touching her shoulder. “Lisa, do you think maybe we could understand each other better now too?”

His sincerity opened the floodgates, and she cried openly. All her self-blame came to the fore as she tried to decide how to respond.

“Oh, Jimmy! I’m so sorry! I really am! I was such a spoiled brat to you, and you – you didn’t deserve that!”

She fell into the arms he held open for her and sobbed on his shoulder. He stroked her hair and shoulder as he provided the comfort she remembered in good times. It felt so good to be held like that again.

“I suppose so, but I could have been more understanding, and I’m sorry, too, Lisa! What do you think? Can we try again?”

“Yes. I’d like that. I’ll try really hard, Jimmy, but I’m not sure I can change everything overnight! The temper tantrums, the spending, always being late, you know! I’ll try, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to control it all.”

“You’re probably right, so we’ll need a different way to deal with that when it happens.”

‘What do you mean?’ was written all over her face, and a tiny voice at the back of her brain wondered, ‘Could he?’

“Come with me, baby,” he said, standing up and taking her hand.

She let him lead her, happy he seemed to be heading for the bedroom. The months they’d been apart built an urgency in this moment, and she never wanted him more than she did right now. She promised herself to give like she’d never given before.

Entering the bedroom, he sat at the end of the bed and had her stand before him, holding her hands. She dared not speak for fear of misunderstanding the moment and waited for him to clarify his wishes.

“It seems to me that had we done something different when you acted like a child, perhaps things wouldn’t have escalated with us just getting mad. Maybe when you acted like a child, you needed to be treated like one.”

‘Oh my God!’ she thought. He couldn’t be talking about what she thought, but what else could it be? How could he know?’

“James? What are you talking about?” she asked with trepidation.

“I’m talking about something I probably should have done a long time ago,” he said, letting the mystery hang there for a little longer. “I’m talking about taking you over my knee and spanking you like the naughty little girl you are!”

Her trembling lip warned of the tears that started and became full-blown sobbing.

“I’m sorry, James! I’m so, so sorry!” she cried.

“I’m going to pull your pants down, Lisa,” he instructed and reached for the snap on her jeans. With her zipper down, he took hold of the tight pants at her waist and tugged them down over her shapely hips, leaving them banded about her knees. Lisa bent down and pulled them off, discarding them in a pile.

“You agree then? You need to be punished?” he asked, finally seeing the huge gamble paying off.

After what Kailee had told him, he hadn’t been sure, but he did some online research to find stories of women who’d behaved much like Lisa, benefited from, and maybe had even subconsciously wanted punishment. Spanking seemed to be the preferred method, and considering what Kailee had discovered, it seemed Lisa was one of these women.

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He decided, as a father who reluctantly deals with discipline. ‘I don’t really want to hurt her, but it must be done.’ Many of the accounts he’d read continued the practice as both parties benefited from it, enjoying it even and adding it as a prelude to sex, though he doubted that would be the case with Lisa; until now, that is.

Offering no resistance to him pulling her pants down, completing the job herself by taking them off had him thinking differently. Seeing her now in just her T-shirt and panties, expecting – no, wanting him to spank her was creating a welcome tightness in his pants.

“Yes, I deserve to be spanked for the way I treated you! Take me over your knee and spank me! Hard!” she pled.

Though she wanted this more than anything right now, it was again a punishment for her part in separating them. She wanted it to hurt. She wanted James to ‘deal’ with her, punish her for her mistakes, and there were so many to make up for.

He took her arm as though guiding her into place, but it was her putting herself across his knee. She positioned herself as she had several times over Jeff’s knee and waited for it to begin. Though she viewed it as another punishment, her pussy seemed to have other ideas as it prepared itself for less painful activities.

“Are you ready, Lisa?” he asked, his hand resting on her cheek.

Another time, faced with his wife’s gorgeous ass, he wouldn’t think of hurting it, wanting only to caress it, squeeze it, kiss it and even lick it, though that was something he had not tried with her. He stroked it now, smoothing the appropriately pink little girl panties she wore.

“Yes, James! Spank me!”

He lifted his hand and brought it down a little harder than he thought he should initially. Getting no reaction at all from her, he spanked again but harder, getting no reaction at all. Each time he’d step up the intensity, she hardly seemed to notice. Finally, what he thought was very hard got a reaction.

“Ooo!” she cooed, her pussy betraying her. It felt so good being over Jimmy’s knee, but it was up to him to make it a punishment. “Ow! Oh, yeah!” she cried with the next. “Harder, James! Don’t hold back!” she encouraged.

He didn’t think he was holding back, but shocked at her resilience, he gave her three of the hardest yet on each cheek in rapid succession, figuring he’d make up in quantity what he seemed to lack in quality.

“Ow! Ow-ow-ow! I’m sorry, James!” she cried, finally feeling like she was being spanked.

As hard as they came now, she was still getting so wet, the fact that it was her Jimmy making it all the sweeter. Feeling the bulge in his pants poking her belly didn’t hurt either, as she imagined being over his knee more frequently.

Squirming a bit now, she loved the feeling of his left arm wrapped around her waist, holding her still, holding her close as he spanked her naughty bottom on and on. The fantastic sting was building now, and she was crying out more, which seemed to tame his hand briefly until she raised her hips and wiggled her ass as though teasing him, inviting him, begging him to give it to her good.

“I hope you realize this won’t be the last time this happens, Lisa,” he warned. “I won’t hesitate to yank your pants down and give you a few good swats to remind you to behave!” he added as he caressed her beautiful bottom again, taking a rest he felt they both needed.

“Yes, James. I know,” she replied demurely.

An ecstatic sigh accompanied his grasping the waist of her tiny panties and pulling them down. Wiggling her now-bare bottom, she worked the panties down her legs and off, crying, “Oh God!” as the spanking resumed on her naked cheeks.

Blurring the line between pain and pleasure, he now spanked as much for his pleasure as hers, delighting in the way her luscious body writhed in his lap. He’d get a few good ‘Ows’ from her with some burning swats on each cheek in turn and then lighten up with a flurry of spanks right at the fleshy junction of ass and thigh.

No matter what he did, she couldn’t deny the pleasure she was getting from this most unexpected spanking from the most unexpected person. Though what she felt was concentrated on her now-burning bottom, she knew her pussy had to be dripping wet and spread her legs to let James see.

If he was unsure how much she was enjoying it, seeing the glistening wet lips of her pretty pussy convinced him. Stopping frequently to slip his finger into her deliciously wet slit, he imagined her cumming on his lap, given the right combination of swats and sweets.

Alternating between ten good swats on a single red orb and dipping his finger into her honeypot, he had her on the edge.

“Oh lord, James!” she’d cry out each time he went from punishment to penetration. “Ha-ha-ha-ha. Oh God!” she screamed as a climax quickly overtook her and left her panting on his lap.

“Jeez, Lisa! You obviously like it, but I didn’t expect you to cum so fast!” he said, truly surprised, and caressed her bright red bottom and her back softly. “I think you’ve had enough for now,” he said once she’d calmed down and helped her to stand.

“No,” she said quietly, having decided while still on his lap. “No, that wasn’t a punishment spanking!”

She walked to the bathroom, retrieved something from her vanity, and brought it to James. He couldn’t believe she wanted him to use the wooden hairbrush she’d bought to spank herself. It still had the price tag as she hadn’t used it yet.

“Paddle my my bottom with it, James!” He looked doubtful, but she upped the ante when she peeled her shirt off, followed by her bra, leaving her naked. “Please? I deserve it. Fifty hard swats, okay?”

“Back over my knee, Lisa!” he ordered, beginning before she’d even settled in. “You need to learn that everything is not about you!” he scolded as he peppered each cheek with five swats at a time.

Remembering how easily she’d taken what he’d believed were rather hard spanks, he held nothing back now, and Lisa’s loud cries were proof that they hurt like she wanted. He continued the same pattern, spanking as hard as he dared and having a harder time holding his squirming, naughty little girl on his lap.

“Ohh, thank you, Ja … OWW!” she started having counted fifty swats, but he didn’t stop.

“Something else you need to learn, young lady! You don’t decide how you are to be punished!” he chided as he swatted each lower fleshy cheek ten times, then five times more before stopping, wondering whether he’d gone too far when blue bruises started to form.

“Thank, thank you, James!” she cried with flowing tears as she got off his lap and stood before him, rubbing her hot, stinging bottom. “I’m, I’m sor sorry,” she stuttered, “And I, I love you so much!”

“I love you too, baby!” he said as he stood and held her in his arms with her head on his shoulder.

“Do you forgive me?” she whispered.

“Yes, Lisa, I forgive you. Will you have me back?” he asked as he pulled her away to look into her eyes.

“I think I should be asking you that, but yes – yes, I’ll have you back as long as you keep your promise.”

“What promise is that?”

“You said if I acted up, you’d yank my pants down and spank me right then and there, but you need to give me a real spanking, too, later, over your knee, okay?”

“I promise,” he said, chuckling. She looked at him with questioning eyes, and he added, “Who’d have thought the answer to our problem was to spank you like a naughty little girl on your bare hiney!”

“Ooo, my hiney! I like that! And will you do it just because I want to have my hiney spanked?”

“You’re amazing! Yes, I’ll spank you anytime you want it. Is there anything else you’d like?”

“Yes. One more thing.”

“What’s that?” he asked, smiling and happier than he’d been in months.

“Take me to bed and make love to me! All night!”

“I thought you’d never ask.”


I hope you liked this happy ending to Lisa's story. Please 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it if you did and Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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