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Spanks For Pranks - Lisa & Kailee - Pt. 1

"A unique 'counseling' service uncovers some hidden desires!"

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Author's Notes

"The beginning of a new series that will introduce unrelated characters with new chapters. Stay tuned! NOTE: This story would have been in the 'Spanking' category but for the suggestion of incestuous thoughts that would violate the AUP."

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Young. My name is Shelley. What can I do for you today?”

“Hello, Shelley. I’m here to learn more about your service. I have a frustrating high school senior at home that I’m at my wits end over!”

“Why don’t we start by you telling me a little more about...” Shelley paused, looking for a name.


“About Kailee. Then I can tailor my description of what we do to your needs.”

Lisa Young’s account of her dealings with her daughter wasn’t all that different than most parents of a coming-of-age girl, though perhaps somewhat more extreme. Kailee was a beautiful girl who fed on the attention showered on her by literally all the boys. Lately, she dressed more provocatively, doing things behind her mother’s back and lying constantly. The last episode had her coming home late and drunk with disheveled clothes.

“And what does Mr. Young have to say about all this?”

“We’re separated, possibly heading for divorce and I suspect that’s at least partly to blame for Kailee’s acting out, though a psychologist wasn’t any help. In fact, she’s the one who sent me here.”

“I see. Well, our company was started by a psychologist who, unsuccessful with similar issues, sought a different solution. She thought corporal punishment had gotten a bad reputation that stemmed from improper application of the technique. She believes that lasting and sometimes severe pain delivered to that very resilient part of our body can have a positive effect. We believe the punishment will eventually be remembered and alter one’s decisions.”


“Yes. We rarely, if ever, see success after a single session. The threat of it happening again only becomes real if it does happen again. Potential clients have suggested one extreme session as an alternative, but we know it doesn’t work, so we don’t do it.”

“So, how does this work? How do we get started?”

“We can do the paperwork later, but we usually get started right after a specific episode, so the punishment is linked to the behavior.”

“The drunken episode was just last night.”

“Oh! So, she’s at school now? Yes? You can bring her right here after school if you want!”

“That’s less than an hour from now.”

“Okay, but we shouldn’t miss this opportunity. May I ask a few more questions? I recommend a simple over-the-knee spanking for Kailee by one of our female disciplinarians. Do we have your permission to bare her bottom if necessary?”

“Oh? Is that necessary?”

“Yes, it usually is. It’s not only more painful, but the humiliation is often remembered longer than the pain, particularly for pretty young girls. I’m sorry; I should have asked in the beginning. She is at the age of consent?”

“Yes, she’s eighteen. You said a female disciplinarian?”

“Yes, for young adults, especially girls, we don’t want there to be anything even remotely sexual about it. The adults are another story …”


“Oh yes,” Shelley giggled, “We have quite a few adults who come to us. Most are just trying to get their life, budgets, relationships, etc., under control and feel some discipline may help. With our young adults, we usually start with just the hand and advance to other implements in later sessions, but sometimes, a small leather paddle is needed for the first time. Are you okay with that?”

“Oh. Um. Yeah, sure,” Lisa said, having a hard time taking it all in and feeling something else unexpected from this strange conversation.

“Good. One more thing before we get to the paperwork. Would you prefer to be in the room with Kailee when she’s being spanked or watch via video feed?”

“Do I have to see it at all?”

“Oh, yes! We insist on it the first time. We want you to see that it’s all above board, but we also think you should see her reaction to the punishment.”

“Well, um, if I have to, I’ll watch it on video. She’ll think it’s all weird enough without seeing me watching.”

“That’s fine. Most do it that way. Now, I’ll have you sit at this computer to fill in the necessary forms, consents, disclaimers, etc. Please … please read the documents and understand them. Don’t just click ‘okay’ like we all do so often. There’ll be some of the questions I’ve already asked you because we need your written permission. I asked them now to get the disciplinarian lined up.”

Lisa’s head was swimming with the whole affair, and she thought of leaving several times. The apprehension at submitting Kailee to this whole process was understandable and expected, but something else was gnawing at her that she couldn’t put her finger on.

Shelley returned just as she clicked the final ‘OK’ button.

“Good! Now for some instructions for when you return with Kailee in a little while. Do NOT tell Kailee what’s going to happen. We suggest you call it another form of counseling. When you arrive, we’ll take you straight to a private room where you’ll meet Tina, the disciplinarian. You’ll tell her about last night’s episode in as much detail as possible, including all of Kailee’s comments and reactions. She’ll remind Kailee of them during her punishment. You’ll then have to tell Kailee that you know what we do here and you’ve agreed to the treatment. This will likely freak her out a bit, and you’ll need to assure her that she’s safe but that she needs to learn to behave better. Tina will take her to the punishment room and …”

“What’s that like? … the room?”

“It’ll look like a typical bedroom. Is that okay? We have other types of rooms, but we feel the spanking is best given in the privacy of their bedroom, which is what we’d recommend if you decide to take on her punishment yourself. Okay? Good. You’ll stay in that private room, and as soon as Tina turns the lights on, you’ll see the room on the viewing screen. It’ll probably take fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on Kailee’s reaction. We may have to cancel the session if she reacts too strongly. When she’s done, Tina will bring her back to you, and you’re free to go. I suggest you try to read the ‘After the Punishment’ brochure before that so you know what to expect and how to react. Any questions?”

“Wow. I never imagined it would be this complicated!”

“It isn’t, really. We just want to cover all the bases so you know what to expect. Basically, you’ll tell Tina what she’s done. Tina will give her a good, hard spanking and remind her frequently why she’s being spanked, and then you’ll take Kailee home with a stinging, red bottom.”

Lisa left, still unsure of herself, still questioning whether to go ahead with it or not. She made her final decision based on that old axiom that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. She’d tried reasoning, screaming, grounding, and denial of privileges, but nothing changed, and Kailee continued to get away with everything.

Kailee wasn’t expecting her mother to pick her up, so Lisa had to honk her horn to get her attention. She could see the attitude in how she walked and got in the car.

“Mom, I told you I was going to Sean’s house after school!” she protested.

“Not after last night, you’re not, young lady!”

“I said I was sorry!”

“Oh? Did you? Was that before or after you threw up from all the alcohol you drank? Besides, I have something else planned for you this afternoon.”

“Jeez, Mom! What now?”

“It’s a different type of counseling, and don’t give me any lip about it. YOU’RE GOING!” she said with enough emphasis to reduce Kailee’s reaction to a frustrated sigh.

Walking in the door, she noticed the simple ‘SFP’ logo and a stylized red hand were the only identifying marks and understood why. She could only imagine what Kailee would say or do if they were walking into a building with ‘Spanks For Pranks’ on the door.

As expected, they were taken to a small room with a desk, a few chairs, and a large TV screen mounted to the wall. Kailee was surprisingly subdued; the mystery of what she was doing there made her nervous and unusually quiet. Tina arrived a few minutes later.

“Hello, Mrs. Young! I’m Tina, and as Shelley told you earlier, I’ll be taking care of Kailee today.”

Tina was a young woman, dressed fashionably with a trim, athletic body. Her straight, shoulder-length blonde hair framed a pretty face that looked friendly but firm. All these attributes were intended to gain the confidence of younger clients like Kailee. Lisa noticed her muscular arms and absently wondered whether she worked out or just gave a lot of spankings.

“Hi, Kailee. We’re going to spend some time together today,” she said, offering her hand and getting a reserved reaction from Kailee. “Why don’t we all sit, and you tell me about last night, Mrs. Young.”

“Oh geez, Mom! What did you tell them?” Kailee started.

“I wasn’t speaking to you, Kailee,” Tina remarked firmly. “You’ll find you’ll be far better off here if you pay attention and do what you’re told!” she added, getting a small smile from Lisa.

Lisa told the whole story of the prior night, including all Kailee’s smart comments and protests at her mom’s reaction to her drunken, late arrival with clothes skewed, suggesting the boys had their fun with her.

“It wasn’t that bad! I just …”

“Kailee!” Tina barked. “You’ll get a chance to scream your head off if you want when we’re alone together! Mrs. Young?” she finished, expecting her to give Kailee her send-off.

“Kailee, I want you to know that I know exactly what they do here, and I’ve agreed to the course of action they’ve recommended.”

“What does that mean!?” Kailee started to object but was again silenced by Tina.

“Come with me, Kailee,” she said. Kailee walked away with her, looking back at her mom with an uncharacteristic look of fear.

A few moments later, the TV screen showed the two of them entering the room, Tina sitting in a chair whose purpose was plain, and Kailee standing before her. Tina began by repeating what she’d heard about Kailee’s prior night, scolding her on each point. Kailee tried to interrupt, but Tina wasn’t having it.

After reviewing the whole scene several times, she finally got around to discussing punishment.

“So, what has your mom done when you acted like this? How has she punished you?”

“I get grounded all the time!” she started indignantly. “Sometimes I’m not allowed to do fun things at school, but I hate it when she takes my phone away!”

“Would you say that any of those punishments have been effective? Have you changed your behavior even a little?”

“No,” Kailee admitted sheepishly, “But …”

“No, so we must try a different sort of punishment if we’re going to get you to improve your behavior.”

“What’re you gonna do to me?” she asked, defiantly but with a dash of fear in her voice.

“I’m going to give you a spanking, Kailee!” she said and waited for that to sink in, not surprised the statement had rendered her suddenly speechless. “I’m going to take you over my knee and give you a long, hard spanking! On your bare bottom if necessary!” she added, with Kailee’s increasingly stunned reaction expected.

Lisa watched with rapt attention as Kailee moved to Tina’s side and laid across her knee. She was surprised that she felt little sympathy for her as Tina’s left arm wrapped around her waist and raised her hand, ready to begin.

“Are you ready, Kailee?” Tina asked.

“Yes,” Kailee replied in her pouting voice.

Only the sound of that first spank startled Lisa. Her eyes were glued to the screen as she watched her daughter’s cute, little rump take spank after spank while its owner yelped with each swat, twisting within Tina’s firm grasp to evade her spanking hand. Noticing the tight leggings that revealed the perfect shape of her youthful bottom, she wondered when she’d have them taken down. ‘She’ll wish she hadn’t worn thong panties today!’ she thought to herself with satisfaction.

As if on cue, Tina grasped the waist of her skin-tight pants, and Kailee reached back, placing her hand in the way.

“Do you have to?” she asked in her tiny pleading voice.

“Yes, Kailee,” Tina replied in a tone that brooked no argument, and Kailee pulled her hand away. With her leggings now around her knees, the spanks had a crisper quality to them as flesh met flesh.

Spanking in groups of thirty or so, she stopped for brief rests, though it seemed more for Kailee’s benefit than a tired arm. On the contrary, Tina’s arm, like a machine, never seemed to tire in the least, and the spanking continued along with the girl’s cries of abuse.

Eventually, her spirit broken, Kailee accepted her punishment with muted ‘Ows’ and ‘Ohs’ between the spanks. Lisa hardly paid attention to the near-constant scolding from Tina; her attention focused on the increasingly red cheeks of her naughty daughter, but she did notice when Kailee started crying. Still an occasional ‘Ow!’, but mostly just taking her well-deserved spanking. Figuring that the crying represented an acceptance of fault, Lisa figured the spanking would end soon, but she was wrong.

“Ohh, my panties too?” Kailee cried as Tina pulled the almost-nothing panties down as well. She remembered Shelley’s comment about the humiliation being as much a deterrent as the pain and realized that while her bottom was no less protected now than before, the embarrassment of such exposure would have precisely that effect on her vain daughter.

More than up to the challenge, Tina spanked harder and faster without respite, and soon Kailee’s will was broken completely, sobbing loudly as her tears pooled on the floor beneath her. It was a finale that saw Kailee’s naked bottom absorb more than a hundred spanks in rapid succession.

Tina helped her up and hugged her, getting none in return. It seemed that Kailee had some attitude left even after having her bare bottom soundly spanked. Her pouting face was priceless as she rubbed her tiny hiney. She pulled her panties and leggings carefully over her sore and crimson-red bottom and left the room with Tina. Moments later, they were back with Lisa.

“Kailee?” Tina prompted.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” she said with little feeling.

Tina gave Lisa a wink, telling her this was only the beginning, and mom and daughter left.

“I can’t believe you did that to me!” Kailee said with what little ire she had left.

“Welcome to my world!” Lisa replied, encouraged to see a flash of understanding on her face for what she regularly put her mother through. Remembering the recommendations, Lisa added, “I won’t hesitate to take you back there again if you give me a reason, Kailee!”

The rest of the ride home and the entire evening were spent without a single word. Lisa half expected some anger or an attempt at retribution from the punished girl and considered the whole process a success when it didn’t happen.

In bed that night, Lisa couldn’t shake the image of Kailee’s beautiful body draped over Tina’s knee, taking an endless and continuous barrage of smacks to her naked bottom. More surprising than the daydream on a loop was what she felt between her legs. A faint stirring at first grew into a need to be touched, and she couldn’t believe how wet she was when she succumbed to the desire and slipped her hand inside her panties. Just touching her slippery pink folds made the need more urgent, and with two fingers pumping her dripping pussy, she thumbed her clit to the best orgasm she’d had since her husband left.

‘What am I doing?’ she asked herself, not wanting to believe that seeing her daughter getting a long, hard spanking turned her on. Eventually, she fell into a fitful sleep.

Kailee’s behavior improved marginally. She was more polite when everything was calm but argumentative the minute Lisa had anything to say about it. Still, it wasn’t severe enough for another trip to SFP.

Night after night, though, Lisa was plagued by the same vision of Kailee getting her spanking. To make matters worse, the scene had escalated gradually until Kailee was naked over the knee of a male spanker, and she appeared to be enjoying it. The only thing that made it stop and allow her to sleep was fingering herself to another climax, leaving her questioning her maternal suitability.

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One day, she returned home more than an hour early from an appointment. Not seeing Kailee working on her homework, she went looking for her. As she approached her daughter’s bedroom, she heard sensuous moans and sighs and opened the door to find her on her back with a boy’s head between her legs. Startled by her sudden appearance, the boy hightailed it out of the house, leaving Kailee naked from the waist down, trying to find words to explain. Knowing she’d do something sooner or later, Lisa didn’t show her anger, but at her suggestion, Kailee jumped up to get back to her homework.

That night’s unavoidable masturbatory session took on greater meaning as she would see that Kailee got spanked considerably more severely than the first time. ‘Why am I doing this?’ she asked herself repeatedly as two hands worked her pussy to the most explosive climax yet. She questioned her motivation, wondering if she was just getting revenge on her daughter for putting her through this anguish. She resolved it for the time being, thumbing her clit to another frenzied climax, and managed to sleep, having promised herself she’d take Kailee to SFP again tomorrow.

Expecting that she’d try to avoid her if she picked her up after school, she went to the office and pulled her out of classes early. Kailee’s face fell when she saw her mother, knowing she would get another spanking.

Following the same process as last time, Tina took Kailee to the punishment room, and after a similar round of scolding and explanations, she was ready to take the girl over her knee again. She suspected her mom would bring her here today, so she wore jeans for extra protection, but Tina saw right through that and pulled them down...

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Written by 2bespanked
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