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Pam And Mrs Vaughan: Chapter 4

"Pam attends Mrs Vaughan for a second spanking"

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At exactly nine o'clock Pam arrived at Mrs Vaughan's front door and rang the doorbell. As requested, she was in what looked very much like a summer school dress, being short-sleeved, blue and white check; a white belt, white ankle socks, and shoes. 

Although Pam was forty-two, she knew that she felt like the sixteen-year-old schoolgirl that she was role-playing and that she was just coming back from school having sat a double detention and received both a spanking and the cane. 

Mrs Vaughan opened the door. She was sixty-four and Pam was shocked to find that she was wearing a dress that was exactly the same as one that her own mum had. Here she was, role-playing the daughter, and now faced with someone who could quite easily have been taken for her own mum. The dress was a summer dress, sleeveless, light blue with a flowery pattern, the hem just above the knee, and had bare legs and open-toed slip-on shoes. Mrs Vaughan had a stern look on her face as she stood back from the open door and pointed to Pam to come inside. 

Once Pam was in the hallway, Mrs Vaughan said, still with a stern look on her face, "You will address me as Mum at all times. Now go through to the dining area and stand by the dining chair that I have turned into the room." 

Pam did as she was told, still trying to get over the fact that Mrs Vaughan looked so much like her mum, albeit her face was clearly different and distinguishable, but otherwise she looked so similar. 

Mrs Vaughan followed Pam into the room and went and sat down on the chair and glared up at her. She ordered, "Give me the punishment letter, young lady." 

Pam was holding the letter and gave it to Mrs Vaughan, who quickly read it. Of course, she already knew what it said, having spoken with Rachel earlier in the day. After appearing to speed-read it, she looked up and glared again at Pam and demanded, "What did you do so wrong to earn a double detention?" 

Pam had the answer ready. "I was rude to one of the teachers, twice on separate days. She gave me a detention both times." 

Mrs Vaughan replied angrily, "It is really so bad of you. Rudeness certainly does deserve a detention, twice, and that must be why you were sent to the headmistress. I see from the punishment letter that you were both spanked and caned. Good on them. I also definitely agree that you should get another spanking now from me." 

Pam was swallowing hard, having some difficulty focusing thinking how she was pretty much going to be spanked by her own mother given the clothes that Mrs Vaughan was wearing. She replied, "Sorry, Mum." 

Mrs Vaughan said, sounding irritated, "Enough of your meaningless apologies, young lady. You know that when you are in for a spanking, you must be undressed. So, get all your clothes off right now." 

Pam knew that was also part of the role-play because Jess had told her that before leaving the house earlier today. She therefore quickly kicked off her shoes, unzipped her dress and pushed it down towards the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepped out of them, scooped them up, and put them on another chair. She then put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, slid it down her arms, caught it, and put that on top of her other clothes. She then stood and looked towards Mrs Vaughan, waiting for instructions. 

Mrs Vaughan did instruct, "Put your hands on top of your head, young lady. Do not expect any sympathy from me as you so do deserve this spanking. You are a naughty girl and will be treated like one and dealt with like one." 

Pam again said, "Sorry." 

Mrs Vaughan looked really annoyed. She said in a very stern tone of voice, "That is two things you have done wrong. Firstly, you have given me another meaningless apology. Secondly, you did not address me with the correct respect and call me Mum." 

Pam was aghast but knew that Mrs Vaughan, Mum, was correct. What she couldn't quite understand, though, was how being scolded like this was making her just as aroused as she had been when being punished by Jess earlier today. She knew she had fantasised for years about being spanked and caned and was so thankful that she had lived out that fantasy today. She had even been looking forward to coming here tonight, and all the time she thought those thoughts her vulva quivered with excitement. So, whilst she couldn't understand why she was getting aroused, she was, just as she had fantasised about being. 

Mrs Vaughan saw the wincing look on Pam's face and then said, "I see that as well as being spanked and caned, your legs must have been smacked. Is that correct?" 

Pam again winced as she replied, "Yes, Mum, that is correct." 

With that reply, Mrs Vaughan clasped hold of Pam's arm and steered her so that she was now standing sideways onto her and then leant forward and rubbed her hand up and down the back of Pam's leg. 

Having helped Jess and Rachel with their project, Mrs Vaughan knew that some adults relished being on the receiving end of a thrashing because they found it sexually arousing. As she leaned forward, she noticed Pam's pussy hair mound was glistening which she knew would be with her sex juice. She had already seen that Pam's nipples were taut. There was no doubt in her mind that Pam was exactly one of those adults who relished being thrashed so she had no qualms about pulling her arm back and smacking the back of Pam's leg really hard, not just once but six times. 

Mrs Vaughan looked up at Pam and said, sternly, "That is for one of your mistakes." 

Mrs Vaughan then leant further forward and rubbed the back of Pam's other leg and proceeded to land six very hard smacks on the back of that leg. Each time she heard Pam gasp but force herself to stay in position, just as a naughty girl should do. It again told her how submissive Pam was and how willing she was to be thrashed, clearly more severely than would have happened if this was the real thing rather than role-play. 

Pam felt the tears welling up in her eyes just as she had done when her legs were smacked earlier in the day. There was no question that it hurt, but she kept reminding herself how she wanted this to happen for so many years and therefore was so pleased it was happening right now. Even as her legs were stinging, she still felt as though she was getting aroused each time the punishment stopped. It was only whilst this smacking was happening that she had to focus on staying in position and so be ultra-obedient.  

Mrs Vaughan had enjoyed smacking Pam's legs and she knew that she was going to enjoy spanking her as well. She was pleased to see that Pam's eyes were filling with tears but knew that she was simply doing what Pam actually wanted, just like so many adults. So, she then happily ordered, "Now get across my lap, you very naughty girl. I need to give your bottom a thoroughly good spanking just as the punishment letter demands." 

Although Pam's eyes were blurred, she could still see the dress and how it was identical to the one her own real mum had. She found the thought of that so exciting, although she would never ask her own mum to actually spank her because for her this was something that had to be role-play, just like today. 

Pam stepped to the side of her mum, and then quickly eased herself down across her lap. Even through her blurred vision she saw that the dress had been raised well up her mum's thighs and so she was going to be lying across her bare skin. Of course, she knew there was every chance that she would dribble her sex juice at some stage after the spanking, and the last thing she wanted to do was stain the dress, so this made absolute sense to her. 

Once settled, Pam focused on the floor just a few inches from her face, but also saw Mum's toenail polish which was the same colour as the one her own mum used. So that intensified her feeling that she was being disciplined by her own mum.  

Once Pam was across her lap, Mrs Vaughan happily put her hand on her bare bottom and rubbed in circles, enjoying how she ran her fingers over the raised welts from the caning Pam had got earlier. She knew that a spanking just with her hand was going to be far more than Pam would be able to cope with given that she had been spanked and caned already today, as well as getting several dozen spanks with a hairbrush. Of course, a second spanking just a few hours after the first spanking was always going to hurt more which is why it was such a useful tool to reinforce the first punishment. 

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Pam lay obediently across her role-play mum's lap, enjoying how her bottom was being rubbed in circles. There was something so sexy about it, which of course couldn't happen if it was her real mum doing it. 

Mrs Vaughan raised her hand and brought her palm down on Pam's far bottom cheek, enjoying how her bottom surrendered to her hand, swirled around a bit, and stopped just as she landed the second spank on Pam's other bottom cheek and got the same reaction. She then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, enjoying each spank, particularly as she listened to Pam letting out louder and louder gasps and watched her squirm around on her lap. It was even more of a delight given Pam was the age her daughter would be if she had one. 

Above all, Mrs Vaughan registered how Pam stayed in position across her lap, again confirming a willingness to be thrashed and so confirming so much that she had discussed with Jess and Rachel when helping with their project. 

Mrs Vaughan was quite happy continuing to spank Pam's bare bottom with her hand even though it started to sting, as much as anything else because she knew that Pam's bottom would be stinging far far more than her hand. It was part of the benefit of being the one giving the spanking. She knew in her own mind that she would never want to be spanked herself, but she was now finding herself getting sexually aroused by giving the spanking. She smiled to herself thinking that her knickers were bound to be damp, just as she knew that Pam's pussy lips would now be damp. 

After several minutes, Mrs Vaughan changed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, quite often spanking the same spot on the same cheek several times in a row. She knew this would increase the intensity of each spank, and that was proven by the way that Pam was gasping even louder, tensing her arms and legs, and was shaking her head. Mrs Vaughan could also see that Pam's eyes were closed as she hissed in and out through clenched teeth. It was so exciting to see the reaction. 

After several more minutes, Mrs Vaughan changed again to spanking the backs of Pam's legs. She knew that that had happened also earlier today and given that her legs were more tender than her bottom cheeks, she knew that Pam would be struggling to cope. However, she was now certain that Pam would stay in position and take every last spank and saw no reason to stop the spanking yet. She knew that Pam was now crying but that only led to her spanking even harder, to make her cry even more. 

Pam knew that this spanking was far harder than the one that Jess had given her earlier today. Well, that was probably because it was a second spanking, and as much as it did hurt, she knew that she was relishing it. Why wouldn't she, she asked herself, given that this was exactly what she had wanted to experience for so many years? 

Now that she had found a Dom in Jess, and maybe Mrs Vaughan as well, Pam really did hope that she would be able to experience this time and again. What she also thought about was whether Dan would be able to experience being spanked again in exactly the same way. She knew that it would be far better to do this than for them to try and spank each other again, and knew that neither could switch their feelings around to being a Dom. She knew that some people could, but for her and Dan it just didn't feel right. 

Mrs Vaughan knew that eventually she would have to stop spanking when she was happy that Pam was crying uncontrollably and doubted that she would be able to sit down comfortably, or at all, for a long time. She knew that would be a constant reminder to Pam, which she supposed was a benefit to being a sub, because whilst her own hand might sting for a while, she was pretty sure that feeling wouldn't last for long. 

The time did come when Mrs Vaughan stopped spanking Pam, and just rubbed her bottom in circles and then up and down the backs of her legs. She smiled to herself when Pam parted her legs and slightly raised her bottom and knew that was an invitation to run her fingers up and down her pussy lips. 

When Pam felt her mum rub her legs and bottom, she reverted to thinking of Mrs Vaughan just as a Dom, and not as a mum. Therefore, she had no qualms about parting her legs and raising her bottom, inviting Mrs Vaughan to run her fingers along what were bound to be her very wet pussy lips and maybe even ease her fingers inside her vulva. She was actually delighted when that happened, and she started to let out erotic gasps that got louder and louder and longer and longer until she exploded in the most enormous orgasm. 

Mrs Vaughan was more than happy to give Pam finger sex on this occasion. It once again confirmed so many of the points she had discussed with Jess and Rachel. She also knew that Pam would give herself several more orgasms when she got home because that would be the quite natural thing to happen. She didn't know how Pam would react to her husband but thought it would definitely be of benefit to invite Pam back here again so that she could have that discussion, maybe whilst Pam was across her lap having her bottom spanked again. 

With the spanking over, Mrs Vaughan said more gently than before, "Okay, Pam, you can get up now. Your punishment is over." 

Pam took a few moments to recover but as soon as she did sufficiently, she pushed herself up from Mum's lap and stood facing her, albeit rubbing her bottom cheeks feverishly. She was also sniffing back tears and knew her face would be tear-stained just as it had been earlier today. She stood, obediently, and waited for instructions. 

Mrs Vaughan allowed Pam to rub her bottom as it was a quite natural reaction after a thrashing. It really didn't matter what age the person being thrashed was, whether sixteen or sixty, as the reaction was rightly the same. 

Once Pam had calmed down, Mrs Vaughan said, "If you enjoyed being thrashed as much as I enjoyed thrashing you, I will be very pleased to make another arrangement with you." 

That was exactly what Pam wanted to hear and she replied, "Yes, please, Mum." 

Mrs Vaughan smiled as she then said, "I know you were told that I would be telling you to go to bed as soon as you got home, but that won't be necessary, unless, of course, you want to do that in any case. It wouldn't be so unusual." 

Pam smiled, biting her lip, thinking about what had just been said, and thought it would be a lovely idea to go to bed early, maybe next time at six o'clock, and the thought was again making her turned on.  

Having made an arrangement to return in one week's time, Pam was very happy as she got dressed. Her bottom was stinging like it had never done so before, but then she had just had one of the best orgasms she had ever had as well. She even looked at herself briefly in the mirror in the hallway on her way out and loved being in what she now happily saw as her school dress and one that she would wear in future when coming here. 

As soon as Pam left the house Mrs Vaughan went and sat back down on the dining chair. She quickly yanked her dress up, eased her thumbs into the elastic of her knickers and pushed them down to the floor, leaving them there, sat back parting her legs, and ran her fingers along her very wet pussy lips. It didn't take very long at all for her to have her own huge orgasm, and then two more.  

Mrs Vaughan took a while to calm back down and knew that she was so happy with the way that the evening had gone. She was certainly looking forward to Pam returning next week and would be discussing what happened this evening in detail with both Jess and Rachel, exchanging with them their own experiences of having now dealt with both Dan and Pam. There was clearly a lot more that they could be adding to the project, based upon their actual experiences.  

Written by Peter242
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