Thursday, February 1
It proved an undesirable coincidence that today, I planned to discuss secrets and their effects on mental health with my psychology students, and today, I was meeting him for the first time.
I began my lecture with, “Everyone in this room has a secret.”
“Even you?” A cheeky young male student asked me.
I hesitated before answering, avoiding eye contact with him, fearing I’d reveal too much. “Eyes are the window to the soul,” as the saying goes, and I didn’t want to give my students even the tiniest glimpse into mine.
“Yes, even me,” I replied, but struggled to keep a calm, even tone.
My legs started to quiver, so I paced while continuing. “Today, we explore sexual secrets. For women, sexual secrets are usually sexual victimization, emotional cheating, pornography, use of sex toys, and interest in BDSM.” My voice cracked on those last four words — nerves rattling my usual steady composure.
At first, thoughts of spanking only mildly intruded upon my planned lecture. But that soon changed. I became preoccupied — and wet — with what awaited me later that night.
As I continued my teaching, I grew panicky, worrying that the more astute students might notice the change in my behavior around this topic. After all, I’d taught them to pay attention to people’s facial expressions and body language. What was mine revealing?
Around halfway through the class hour, I moved behind the podium to discreetly tug my panties out of my snatch’s sodden crevices — a desperate attempt to feel more comfortable. I looked down upon my breasts. Were my hardening nipples protruding through the flimsy fabric of my blouse?
My anxiety spiraled out of control, affecting all my senses. The clock’s moving hands loudly ticked in my ears, further disrupting my lecture.
Its torturous ticks seemed to slow to a snail’s pace. In my twisted mind, the ticks became snaps — snaps of leather against my flesh. I reached for a tissue to dab the beads of sweat from my brow. Millions of spider legs skittered across my flesh as I pictured myself naked and waiting for a strike by the unknown silhouette.
Tick! Tick! Tick!
Snap! Snap! Snap!
I violently shuddered.
Oh no, I’m showing myself!
My eyes darted from student to student, checking for signs they’d discovered my secret.
I dabbed at another wet bead on my face and decided not to push my luck. “Let’s call it quits for today, shall we? Read the next three chapters before the next class and come prepared for discussion.”
I fanned myself with a notepad while the students shuffled out of the auditorium.
Looking back at the uncooperative clock, I murmured foul words I didn’t usually speak. Two more hours remained before it was time to meet him.
I sat in my small electric car about ten feet from his driveway, trying, yet failing, to talk myself into turning around and forgetting the whole thing. What I was about to do wasn’t something I normally did. But then again, I’d found I wasn’t normal, was I?
I didn’t know the man I would soon become intimately acquainted with. Deep inside, however, I knew I would regret it if I gave up this opportunity. And so, at precisely seven o'clock, I found myself on his doorstep.
As he opened the front door, my eyes shot to his belt — sleek, black leather with an intimidating brass buckle. To most, it was a boring accessory with a singular purpose. Yet, to me, it was an extension of the man — another appendage capable of fulfilling the desires I’d kept sequestered in the dark crevices of my mind.
Something else caught my eye about his belt. Oddly, there were holes in the leather just a few inches from the buckle. What is their purpose? I wondered.
He moved closer, and his towering presence stole my attention from his belt. I guess he could have been of shorter stature, but somehow, I knew he’d be tall. Silly as it may be, in my mind, height would accompany dominance.
He wasn’t particularly handsome, what with his hawkish nose and eyes set so deep his brows seemed to cast a shadow on his high cheekbones. But none of that mattered. It wasn’t as if we were going to date. No, that’s not why I was there.
As I sat on his comfortable couch, he chatted as if we were old friends — asking about my day while soft classical music played in the background.
Luxurious rugs blanketed wooden floors. Original artworks hung from polished plaster walls that reflected soft light through an open-plan living area. His sophisticated taste was evident. I guess I’d expected his home to be a little more uncivilized.
I had met him online on one of those sites decent people shouldn’t know about. I’d told him I desired to experience a belting. Nothing more. I’d grown weary and even detested my self-analysis around this subject and decided I must undergo a belting to truly understand my fetish.
His instructions had been simple: arrive precisely at seven o’clock on Thursday evening, wearing a comfortable dress of my choosing. Oh, and leave my knickers (his word for my panties) at home.
Once we reached a lull in our conversation, he asked if I was ready to begin. I nodded, and he led me down a hallway to a door, then, with his hand on the brass knob, turned to face me.
“I am ‘Sir’. Inside this room, you are my submissive. Don’t speak unless spoken to or for using your safe word: ‘stop.’ Understand?”
I nodded, suddenly nervous by the abrupt change in his demeanor and the stern edge that now sharpened his refined English accent.
He continued, “On the other side of this door is another world — a unique world of our creation. And while you have a safe word, use it, and we’re finished. You’ll leave, and we won’t see one other again.”
I gulped. The finality in that statement scared me. Could I handle what he was about to do to me?
Once the door shut behind us, his face changed. He’d abandoned the gentleman back in the hallway. A different side of him was about to hurt me. I didn’t know how much. And that thrilled me the most.
Plush crimson drapes covered two of the walls. Precisely what they covered piqued my interest, but he led me to another wall lined with an oversized couch with rolled upholstered arms.
I stood still, unsure what to do next, and he walked up behind me. His warm breath raised the tiny hairs on my neck. “Bend over,” he ordered.
Oh my, it’s happening…
I bent at the waist and allowed my arms to dangle in front of me before deciding to grasp my ankles for support. I saw his feet moving around me. He circled like a hawk who’d seen a tiny bird in a bush below.
He dragged the hem of my dress up my thighs and over my bottom and then placed it around my upper body. Exposed, I waited. And waited. I peeked through my legs and saw him crouched behind me. The weight of his gaze on my bottom almost threw me over. My face scrunched, and my cheeks clenched for the strike. It never came.
“Rise. Bend over the arm of the couch,” he ordered.
As instructed, I draped my body over a thick arm that lifted my bottom. I tasted blood as I bit my lip, anxious for what would come next. He made no move to remove his belt; instead, he adjusted my hips and scooted me forward, then backward, as if I were some sort of prop. Doubts crept in. Insecurity erased the erotic pictures previously occupying my mind.
Am I not suiting him? This is a mistake!
I was planning my escape, and then his voice broke my cowardly train of thought. “That’s all for today,” he casually remarked, as if he’d commented on the weather.
Wait… what?
I opened my mouth to protest, and he shot a finger to his lips, reminding me not to speak unless asked. He repeated, “I said, ‘That’s all. For today.’”
I’m not sure how I drove home. Confused. Rejected. Angry. Tears clouded my vision, endlessly streaming until I collapsed in bed and then awoke the next day.
The sun peeking through my blinds failed to brighten my brooding mood. My mind was a tortured mess for the next several days, much like the sticky mess between my legs. I refused to bring myself relief, convinced I had somehow caused him to reject me. Yet, he didn’t entirely reject me, telling me to return the following week.
My brain, trained to unearth the “whys” behind actions, hitched to “why” he abruptly ended our arranged session.
Over the next week, I tried to remove myself from the equation and focus on the man. Had he simply lost his nerve? No, that wasn’t the answer. Replaying the scene in my head, he’d remained unwavering and confident, never hesitating, even when he ended our session.
I entertained the notion that he was a sociopath. Hadn’t he exhibited the classic pull-and-push behavior with his target?
But, with my hurt feelings and shame over my fetish, I kept reverting to the notion that it was something I’d done wrong. I had caused his rejection.
I agonized over every detail of our encounter. What was it about me that didn’t suit him? How would the next session differ if I couldn’t figure that out?
A tangled string of emotions and thoughts crippled me at times.
I don’t need him. Yes, you do!
He’s crazy! He has the answers.
I’m crazy! No, just curious.
Why go back?
By the sixth night since I’d last seen him, I awoke with the sheets clinging to my wet skin. As much as a part of me never wanted to see him again after he’d rudely dismissed me, a more prominent part couldn’t live with the what-ifs. I wanted — no needed — him to whip me, now more than ever.
Thursday, February 8
An internal battle still raged over my return, yet I found myself standing on his doorstep again.
He greeted me with a warm smile, wearing the same black belt secured within its loops and a clean, white shirt stretched taut around his biceps and across his shoulders. Was he intentionally trying to unravel me further, showing off his strength? I shivered, thinking about his muscular swing slicing the air with the belt, before hitting its target — me.
A hungry pack of nerves feasted on my stomach as he led me back to his couch. Was he letting me down gently? Would this be the moment he explained why it wouldn’t work? That I wasn’t, somehow, fit for his attention?
He was charming, however. Wrapping me in a kind gaze, he asked how I’d been since our last session. He made me feel like the center of his universe. All of the pain and the agonizing doubts of the previous week vanished from me like frost in the morning sun. I felt special, sophisticated, and appreciated. I said nothing of my torment.

“Shall we?” Smiling, he gestured with his eyes in the direction of the room.
Yet again, he paused as he held the brass knob.
“I hope I don’t need to remind you of the rules.”
His kind eyes were gone. Those soft, comforting tones had sharpened to a cutting edge. I swallowed in nervous disbelief.
“Y-yes. Sir! The rules are crystal clear.”
He fixed me with his gaze as he opened the door, directing me to step inside.
“Stand on this spot and raise your skirt to your waist.”
Blushing, I complied. He paced around me slowly, gazing not at my naked crotch and buttocks but at my eyeline. The temptation to follow his gaze as he walked behind me was agonizing to resist. But I knew I must keep my eyes to the front.
“Bend over the arm of the couch, with your arms outstretched to your front.”
As I stooped to obey, I heard the sharp swish as he withdrew his belt. My cheeks clenched in anticipation of the first strike. Finally!
I was shocked when he pulled my hands behind my back and bound them with the belt. The helpless position he’d put me in left me fearful but intensely aroused. So, that’s the purpose of the holes near the buckle.
As I tested my leather restraint, he thrust not one but three fingers inside my pussy, then abruptly withdrew them.
I gasped at the unexpected yet electrifying intrusion. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched him rub my viscous arousal between his fingers before bringing them to his nose for several audible sniffs. He released a laborious exhalation, then lowered my dress back over my bottom.
“That’s all for today.” He unbound my hands.
I said nothing — couldn’t if I tried with my emotions balled up in my throat — as he walked me to the door, ushering me away with, “I’ll see you next week.”
I’d never felt so hollow. I was no longer a person but a void, a blank. I existed, barely, somewhere deep behind my eyes, floating, emotionless, watching myself unlock my car and drive home as though it was a low-fi movie.
That movie abruptly ended as I closed my front door. A wave of burning emotion jolted me back into my body.
“Fuck you! You, FUCK!”
Then, the angry tears flowed. Spinning in humiliation and frustration, I flipped between directing my emotions toward him and against myself. But it had to be me. What was it about me? Was I just a desperate, stupid fantasist? Why did I ever believe I was worthy of his punishment?
My skin ran hot and cold. I ransacked my wardrobe in search of my father’s old belt. It was one of the few things of his that I’d kept. I found it curled into a small box, its brass buckle dulled by neglect.
Pulling my dress up to expose my naked loins, I pitched myself across the end of my bed, gathering my duvet beneath my crotch to force my sorry, abandoned ass into the air. Then, I swung the belt as hard as I could.
My screams sounded empty. They weren’t screams of a beating; they were screams of frustration. My self-belting was hopeless. The painful blows it landed weren’t physical. It was my pathetic abandonment, my empty frustration, that hit me with each limp, lop-sided strike of the belt.
And that frustration had its epicenter: my sobbing pussy.
Throwing the belt to the floor, I spanked my cheeks with one hand while working my clit with the other, masturbating to the rhythm of my own deep, desperate sobs. After an edgy, buzzing orgasm, I slid to the floor at the foot of my bed, curled into a shivering ball, my disappointed ass naked but unseen.
I was almost desolate. Almost.
“I’ll see you next week — I’ll see you next week — I’ll see you next week.”
Replaying those words in my head on a loop, I tried to burn his clipped English vowels into my brain. It was the darker timbre of his English dialect: cold comfort. But I clung to it like a newborn baby.
Thursday, February 15
I shifted from foot to foot. Wrung my hands. Shivered.
When he opened the door, I begged. “Please don’t send me away!”
I was desperate and would agree to anything at that point as long as he didn’t reject me again.
He grabbed my chin and thrust my head back, leaning forward until our noses touched. His eyes searched mine. I did not attempt to avert my gaze and had no hope of hiding my emotions. Tears pooled in my eyes. Finally, he released me.
“There it is.”
His tone was soft and disarming.
He wasted no time, leading me by the arm straight into the room.
“Bend over,” he commanded, then manhandled me until I was positioned over the arm of the couch to his liking.
Leather hissed against woven fabric loops. In my mind’s eye, his belt was a snake, its potent bite about to be uncoiled.
I lay unraveling across the rolled arm of the couch, unable to move my eyes from that belt. Anticipation, laced with fear, tightened my chest and wrung thumps from my heart. My head swooned. I could barely breathe. My knees gave way. I’d have fallen to the ground had I been standing. Intense arousal ignited deep within me. My insides burned… burned!
He walked toward me slowly as if his feet were dragging through quicksand. Was he deriving some erotic pleasure from making me wait? Finally, he stood before me and whipped the belt against the ground. Snap! His eyes never left mine. I flinched.
He dragged the loop of leather up from my ankle to the back of my calf, then on to the valley behind my knee, then to my thigh until it rested on my ass cheek. I closed my eyes and pressed my face into a cushion, bracing for the first strike. How long had I waited for this moment? My heart was wild, fluttering. My muscles clenched then relaxed, over and over…
Relief struck first. The relief of restitution. Then, a pain coursed across my right cheek before the leather bit again at my left. I gasped but held my cries. Turning my head, I watched him, so focused on my belting. He struck me in quick succession, then abruptly stopped and ran his fingers over my flesh. His touch cooled my heated skin.
Snap! Snap! Snap!
I tried to float above the searing pain, drifting back behind my eyes, closing them to withdraw deeper, then letting them fall open so that I could watch the movie of my punishment from a hazy distance.
Snap! Snap!
Curiously, I found myself more focused on the man than the belt. The determination marking his face caught my eye.
“You’re taking this well. Perfectly.”
His words snapped me back into my body.
I gripped the rolled edge of the couch cushion before me, keeping my hands from flying back to cover my ass. Tears pooled behind my clenched lids and spilled heavy drops onto the leather.
Snap! Snap! Snap!
My screams started — low, forceful screams, as though I were exorcising… something.
We fell into a rhythm between his strikes and my screams. I ached between my legs… how I ached!
The pinpoint pain began to blossom across my bottom. I no longer knew where the belt bit. My stomach coiled with the leather.
Sobs muffled my screams and pulled bolts of energy from my lungs down to my burning pussy.
He paused, his fingers drifting across the welts on my hot flesh. They ran lightly down the crack of my bottom to test the wetness of my pussy. Perhaps I moved back towards him; perhaps I sucked his fingers in, but my pussy was greedy for his touch. I writhed my buttocks to work his fingers deeper.
Working my pussy with the fingers of one hand, he spanked me with the palm of the other, directing his blows to the flesh that had best escaped his belt. My lips parted, screams became deep, urgent moans, pleas for him to continue. His fingers withdrew onto my clit.
As my hips rotated in one direction, his fingers worked in the other — his spanks set the momentum of the spinning top that was my ass. I began to shake. Small, faltering shakes at first, building into a body quake that shook the couch to its legs. I screamed through my orgasm; ecstasy vibrated through every nerve.
My eyes found his, and I swear his eyes pierced my soul.
Once my spasms stopped, he placed a tender, reassuring hand on my back before guiding me to lay on my tummy along the couch.
I heard him retrieve something from a refrigerator, then shuddered as he pressed cool towels against my cheeks.
He smeared soothing lotion across my tender flesh. It felt like an anointing, a baptism, a form of worship.
We left the room. With a gentle touch to my shoulders, he guided me to a long, gilded mirror in the bathroom, gave me a hand mirror, and turned me around. Lifting my dress, he bunched it over my waist so I could see his work.
There was an even, pink glow across my bottom, like a figure of eight on its side. Then, there were deeper red hazes. I swallowed hard, transfixed by the beauty of my beaten cheeks.
He adjusted my dress and led me to the sitting room, helping me lower my sore bottom gingerly onto the cool couch.
“I’ll get us some tea.”
My hands shook so badly that I feared the tea would spill. Quickly, I replaced the cup on the saucer. He moved closer and lifted the cup to my lips. The hot liquid was an elixir to my parched mouth. I delighted in his gentle care.
“Is something wrong with me — needing this?”
He chuckled before answering. “To say yes would be to say something was wrong with me, too. But, no, there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Then wh- why did you send me away the first two times?” Finally, I’d asked my burning question.
He raised the cup to my lips once again, and his expression turned serious.
“You weren’t ready. You were desperate but not abandoned to your fate. You were a beautiful, noble mare on the cusp of being broken. But you fought against your reins, hoping you might escape submission. You needed to become hopeless because freedom, for you, lies beyond hope.”
Our eyes remained locked as he placed the cup back onto its saucer.
His gaze was magnetic. I couldn’t pull my eyes away or my lips apart. How had I not thought him handsome before? His voice, his accent, was oxygen, feeding me, easing away the crippling tensions of my defiance. He ran his palm over my cheek until his powerful fingers caressed the side of my neck while his thumb brushed the corner of my mouth. My lips teased apart at his touch.
“Do you feel the freedom now?”
Blinking, without losing his gaze, I curled my neck and took his thumb deep into my mouth, abandoned to my submission.
“Good girl.”