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I Thought I Would Like It - Pt. 1

"Two friends from childhood discover they have something unexpected in common."

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Author's Notes

"This was a fun story to write, coming together very quickly. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!!"

I had a fantastic childhood growing up in a neighborhood with over a dozen kids my age. Never lacking a friend to play a game, go for a bike ride, or explore the woods, it was idyllic. There was a pretty even count of girls and boys, and as such, we also got into all the naughty games children will inevitably play.

As we got older and our differing interests developed, we made new friends who shared those interests, and the group fractured into smaller groups of like-minded friends. College separated us even further, being scattered among various schools near and far. As one who couldn’t afford to go to school out of town, let alone out of state; I was left behind attending a state school with a nearby campus I could commute to from my parent’s home.

When still in that utopian group of kids, there was one girl with whom my friendship was a bit stronger. We were too young to call it a romantic interest, but given the chance, we always seemed to gravitate toward each other. This continued through high school to the extent that we’d share a seat on the bus or occasionally sit together in the cafeteria, just friends who shared a youthful past.

Looking back, Sherry was always a cute girl with an angelic face framed by wavy, light brown hair. I imagine being something of a tomboy brought us that little bit closer, but as her female attributes developed, that aspect of her personality disappeared. She retained the cute face, with big brown eyes, a small button nose, and a small mouth with full lips between dimpled cheeks. She had a slim body, with just enough curves to entice that included small, pert breasts and a perfectly round bottom.

I was walking through the student commons, looking for a place to sit and study for a while, when I saw a girl who looked familiar from a distance sitting alone at a table by the windows. She had her head in a book, but a loud commotion in the room had her lifting her gaze to see what was up. It was Sherry!

Walking towards her, she looked right at me with some recognition but seemed to remember as I sat down.

“Sherry!” I said as she gave me her cute smile.

“Chris! What are you doing here?” she asked, as neither of us knew the other was attending this school.

“Same as you, I imagine. I’m a student here!”

Our conversation flowed easily as it had in the past, but even a few months of college had matured us both. We shared our goals insofar as school is concerned, and we were happy that we seemed to be in the same boat, staying at this school for our bachelor’s degrees. We spent a little time talking about our old neighborhood friends, admitting we had little idea what they were doing. We parted for classes with a promise to meet again.

And we did, often. I heard her call my name in the hall the following day, and we walked together to our next classes. We met in the commons for breakfast, afternoon study sessions, and other impromptu times. We even went on a couple of dates within the first few weeks of our reunion, though they ended with a tame kiss, my strict upbringing to treat women with respect to blame.

We’d agreed to meet for breakfast in the commons, and I arrived fashionably late but found Sherry leaving. She looked like she’d been crying and wouldn’t look me in the eye when I kept her from going.

“Sherry? What’s wrong?” I asked with genuine concern.

“Nothing. It’s nothing,” she said, avoiding the issue.

“You’ve been crying! You are crying,” I added when I saw a couple of tears roll down her dimpled cheek. Getting no response, I said, “Sherry, we’re friends, good friends, and you can tell me anything. Please? I’d like to help!”

“I … I can’t, Chris,” and with that, she walked around me and disappeared.

I spent the whole morning worrying about her, even wondering if somehow I’d done something to hurt or offend her, but I couldn’t imagine what. I discovered she mattered more to me than I had admitted to myself and promised I’d try again to get through to her.

Walking between buildings that afternoon, I found her sitting by herself on a bench. She gave me a small smile, but any smile on her face was beautiful, and it seemed to welcome me. I sat down without saying a word, allowing her to decide where the conversation would go.

“I’m sorry I put you off, Chris. It’s embarrassing, but I’ll tell you if you really want to know and promise not to judge,” she said, turning on the bench to face me.

“Yes, I promise, and I want to help if I can.”

“I appreciate that, but I don’t see how you can help. You see, I was in pain,” she started but paused to gauge my reaction. Seeing concern growing on my face, she continued. “My bottom hurt, really hurt, because my stepdad, he… he spanked me!”

“Oh, Sherry! Really? You’re nineteen, like me, and your dad still spanks you?”

“My stepdad, and yes, he thought I was doing something I wasn’t, but I couldn’t convince him, so he put me over his knee and spanked me on my bare bottom! Really hard! It hurt so much, Chris!”

“I’m so sorry! I guess there’s nothing I can do, is there? I’ll rub your bottom to make it feel better if you want?” I offered jokingly, but I had to admit the thought of my hands on her perfect little rump was more than arousing. Thankfully, she laughed.

“Thank you, Chris,” she said, still chuckling, and I’m sure I was imagining it, but it looked as though she considered it, even for a moment. “I have to get to class. Meet me at Starbucks later?”

The invitation promised a more detailed description of what happened, which piqued my interest. I couldn’t shake the image of her bent over a knee, getting her beautiful backside spanked, and it kept me semi-hard all afternoon. Daydreaming during a boring lecture, I pictured her across my knee, fully clothed apart from her pants and panties pulled down to expose her ass.

I ran to the Starbucks just off campus and found a seat isolated from the usual crowd of students passing through after classes. Thankfully, the weather was so nice that everyone seemed to be taking their orders to go, and I remained alone in a corner.

Sherry walked in looking cute as ever, with no sign of the strife from earlier in the day. We exchanged pleasantries, how classes had gone, and a funny story or two. I told her about my boring lecture, leaving out my fantasy. Finally, she looked at me with a dead serious face.

“What happened, Sherry? Why did he spank you?”

“I was getting ready for school and rummaging around in my backpack when a pack of condoms spilled out on the kitchen table, right in front of my stepdad,” she started again, gauging my reaction before continuing.

That she was carrying a pack of condoms surprised me, too, though if I’d thought about it even a minute, I would have to admit I knew nothing about her sexuality or how active she might be.

“He was furious, accusing me of sleeping around and all that paranoid ‘dad’ stuff. I denied it, of course, but he didn’t believe me.”

“And then he spanked you?” She nodded. “Has he done that before?”

“No. Never. It really hurt, Chris, right at the beginning.”

I didn’t know what to say, but she looked so sad, so I offered her my open arms, and she sat in my lap, wrapping her arms around me as well. It was the closest we’d ever been, and I enjoyed holding her and feeling her body close to mine. I stroked her hair and placed my other hand on her bare knee below her short skirt.

“Does it still hurt?” I asked softly.

“Only a little when I touch it,” she said, placing the image of her rubbing her bottom in my head.

“Chris, there’s something else. Do you promise not to make fun of me or think I’m weird if I tell you?”

“Of course! What is it?” I asked as she sat up to look me in the eye.

“I kind of … goaded him into it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“He was just mad at me and yelling and stuff. I yelled back at him that I hadn’t done anything, and when he called me a liar, I said, ‘What’re you gonna do? Spank me?” She paused again, always waiting for my reaction. I didn’t understand, and it probably showed, so she continued. “Then he pulled me down over his knee, lifted my skirt, pulled my panties down, and spanked me! Really hard! It hurt right away!”

“Sherry, you said you goaded him into it. Like you wanted him to do it?” I asked, still confused. With her head down, she looked up at me and nodded. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I thought I would… I would like it!”

“What, like getting spanked?” I asked with disbelief, but not for the reason she would think.

“I can’t explain it. I’m just really intrigued, turned on even, by spanking. I still think I’d like it if it wasn’t done so harshly!”

“I can’t believe you like getting spanked!” I said and got an angry look.

“Chris, you promised you wouldn’t …” she started, but I interrupted.

“No, you don’t understand. I’m the same way!” I confessed.

“What?” she said, her now the skeptical one.

“I like spanking too! At least, I think I do! I’ve read stories, looked at pictures and videos on the internet, and even rewound spanking scenes on TV to play them over and over again!”

“Oh my God! Really!?” she asked, and I nodded. “Which do you like better? Giving or getting?” she asked excitedly.

“I could do either, but I think I’d like getting spanked more,” I answered honestly.

“Me too!” she cried, threw her arms around me, and kissed me lightly at first, but a second kiss was long and passionate. She pulled away, looking quite serious, and asked, “Would you like to spank me?”

“I’d love to!” I replied and kissed her back.

“Not today. I’m still …” she started and rubbed her bottom. I smiled, and she laughed and jumped off my lap. “Wanna see it? My bottom?” and before I could reply, she turned her back to me and pulled her skirt up, revealing a naked bottom, still showing signs of her stepdad’s handiwork.

“You’ve been sitting here this whole time, on my lap, without panties?!” She giggled and sat back on my lap.

“Yup! I’m so naughty! I deserve a spanking, don’t I!?” she replied, and with her arms around my neck, she pulled me in for another tongue-tangling kiss.

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I found the apartments she directed me to and walked through the parking lot to find the entrance and elevator. On the ride up, my nerves increased along with my excitement. One doesn’t approach the realization of long-held fantasies without worrying whether the reality will hold up. I’d never been in any spanking situation, and in the vast majority of my dreams, I was the one with the spanked bottom.

“Chris!” she shouted as I approached the door, clearly every bit as excited as I was.

“Hi, Sherry!” I replied, taking her in my arms for a long, passionate kiss. “You’re sure your sister is okay with us using her apartment? I mean, she won’t come home and …”

“Come home and find her little sister getting spanked on her bare bottom?” she interrupted with her beautiful smile. “She doesn’t get off work until five, so we have almost six hours, Mr. Billings!”

“Who’s Mr. Billings?”

“He was a math teacher I had a crush on. I had this fantasy about him where he kept me after class, and you can guess the rest,” she answered, her arms still around my neck.

“So, I’m Mr. Billings, and you’re naughty Sherry, who has done what?” I asked, wondering how far she’d planned out this scenario.

“I’m just naughty Sherry. You can make up the rest!” she said with a devious smile. “Do you like how I look?” she asked, pulling away and twirling to give me the full view.

Her face and hair were made up modestly, as always, letting her unbelievably cute face shine through. She wore a tight, white tank top that emphasized her perfect tits with enticingly erect nips. A short patterned skirt fell to mid-thigh but rose when she spun, revealing tight, white panties underneath that covered those delicious round cheeks.

“Perfectly spankable!” I declared, and she giggled.

She led me into a bedroom set up as an office, as her sister often worked from home. A desk and two chairs hardly seemed like a classroom, but I wasn’t going to be choosy. I stood behind the desk while Sherry sat in one of the chairs, pushed as far from the desk as possible with her knees about a foot apart, giving me a provocative upskirt view of her crotch.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Billings?” she asked to get the ball rolling.

“Yes, um, Sherry, I did, and will you close your legs, please?” I started trying to assume my authoritative role. “I don’t think you’re taking your studies seriously enough. You’re missing assignments and doing poorly on tests, but when you start disrupting my class, making it hard on your classmates, something needs to be done!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. … sir! I’ll try to do better!”

“You’ve told me that before, many times before, and nothing has changed. I’m going to be writing to your parents. Maybe they can get you back on track.”

“Oh, please, sir! Don’t do that! My Mom’s away so much, and my stepdad is so mean! I don’t know what he’ll do!”

“You leave me no choice.”

“Isn’t there some other way? What would you do if I was your daughter?” she asked, a glimmer of a smile showing through.

“If you were my daughter!? I’d turn you over my knee and give you a good spanking!” I said, barely managing a stern look.

“Oh. Um. Well. I’ll… I’ll let you spank me if you promise not to write my parents.”

“I can’t do that!” I started, surprising her as she thought her next move would be over my knee. “I’m not allowed to punish students in any way, let alone spank them!”

“Oh, please?” she pled and got up to shut the door. “Nobody has to know. I won’t tell them! Please, sir?”

“Well, um, you know I won’t go easy on you!”

“No, sir. Spank me as hard as you want!” she said, her desire showing through.

“And it won’t be just a few smacks, either!”

“School’s over, sir. I don’t have anywhere I have to be.”

I stood there dying to get started but delayed a little longer, trying to make it look like I was struggling with my decision, as any teacher in this fantastic scenario would. I walked from behind the desk to stand before her, gestured for her to stand up, and took the seat myself.

“It’ll be on your bare bottom before we’re through!” I warned and grasped her upper arm firmly.

“Oh. Um. Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

I startled her as I tugged her arm, dragging her down across my lap roughly. She squirmed a bit, trying to find the proper position, and with my help, she was bent across my right knee with her hands and feet on the floor.

I flipped up her skirt and was stunned by the sight of her gorgeous, tight little butt, her tiny panties dipping just enough into her cleft to accentuate her cheek’s perfect, almost spherical shape. I must have been staring and woke from my reverie by Sherry wiggling her ass.


“Right! Are you ready, Sherry?” I asked, trying to get back into my role.

“Yes. Yes, sir. Ow!” she cried with the first smack.

Again, I was distracted, but only briefly, by the way her cheek bounced and settled, ready for another. Spank followed spank as I established a steady pace smacking my naughty girl’s bewitching butt. Sherry told me I wasn’t doing it hard enough by lifting her hips, but her soft moans and sighs showed she was enjoying it even so.

“Ow! Sir, please!” she cried, staying in character while wanting for it to be harder still.

“Thank you for not spanking me so hard, sir,” she said when I took a short rest, smoothing out the fabric of her panties, enthralled with the feel of her beautiful bottom. “Ow! Ow-ow-ow-ow!” she cried as I resumed harder than before.

I must have hit the right balance of pain and pleasure as she said ‘Ooo!’ as often as the seemingly authentic ‘Ow!’ I was still partially entranced by the sight of her bottom as it jiggled and bounced under my punishing hand, and her squirming and exclamations added to the whole experience. ‘I could get used to this!’ I thought, but I was still looking forward to the day we’d change places.

“No! Please, sir! Don’t pull my panties down!” she cried when she felt my fingers in the waist of her panties. She certainly had her role down better than I did.

“I told you I’d be spanking your bare bottom before we started. Do you want to stop and have me write that letter?”

“Ohhh, okay,” she relented, lifting her hips so I could slide her panties past her hips.

I groaned as her naked cheeks were finally visible with a dark pink blush. She looked back at me and smiled, proud of the reaction she’d caused. Leaving the panties at mid-thigh, I took a cheek in each hand and squeezed them, softly at first but gradually harder. Sherry lifted her hips again, pressing her buns into my appreciative hands, moaning softly as my fingers strayed into her cleft and lower. To say I was enthralled with the feel of this flawless example of female buttocks would be a gross understatement, and Sherry seemed to like my worship, writhing slowly, sensuously on my lap.

“Ooo! Ouch!” she cried when a spank landed on each bare cheek without warning. “Oh, God!” she cried out of character as this now proper spanking got underway.

After a flurry of spanks built the intensity back to where it was before, I wrapped my left arm around her waist and spanked with an alternating pattern and a few across both cheeks. I decided to build the sting up quickly so that afterward, it could be more playful, hopefully still with just enough pain for the pleasure.

“Oh! Ow! Ooo! Oh, yeah!” she exclaimed almost continuously.

I’d been hard as nails at first sight of her delicious butt, and now, holding her close to me, I could feel her tummy pressing down on me. Occasionally she’d jerk a certain way, and I could see by her smile that she felt it poking her side. This was so much more than I’d imagined, and I hoped she felt the same way.

“Almost done, Sherry,” I said as my hands wandered all over her bottom, dipping down between her thighs as well to sample the wetness I could now see.

“Yes, sir. Oh! You shouldn’t be touching me there, should you, sir?” she asked as my finger slid through her slippery slit.

“But it feels good, doesn’t it?” I asked as my fingers got more adventurous.

“Mmm, yes it … OW!” she yelped when my left hand spanked while my fingers were still exploring her cave. “Ooo, yeah! OH! OW!” Another couple of swats. Her legs started working, her panties down her legs and off, allowing her legs to spread wide for better access to her pussy. “Oh fuck, sir!”

“Such language!” I scolded as I spanked and fingered feverishly.

“Oh my G … Oh! Oh-oh-oh ah-ah-ahh-ahhh-ahmmm,” she panted as her orgasm overtook her, her body quivering in my lap. “Oh, Chris! That was so …” she started, at a loss for words.

“You were amazing, Sherry!” I said as I helped her up off my lap. She was still breathing heavily as she sat on my lap and kissed me long and deep as I stroked her bottom and her thigh.

“Take my shirt off,” she whispered close to my ear. It came off easily, and I couldn’t resist caressing one of her beautiful bare tits. Softly, in my ear, she said, “My turn,” and smiled devilishly as she stood from my lap.

“Take my skirt off!” she yelled indignantly, leaving me confused but silent. “Isn’t it enough that I’m almost naked already?” she accused as she slipped the short skirt off and stood before me, hands on hips.

Her naked beauty was as stunning as any, and I just sat there in speechless appreciation of her incredible body, her clean-shaven dewy pussy calling to me.

“I agreed to let you spank me, but I didn’t expect you to touch me like that! Sticking your fingers in me!” she said, adding, “Mr. Billings!” Suddenly, I hoped I knew where she was going with our little play.

“I’m sorry, Sherry. I thought you… that you liked it,” I offered as an excuse.

“That doesn’t matter! What do you think the principal would say if he found out?” she said, barely holding back a smile.

“Please, Sherry. Don’t do that. Can’t we talk about it?”

“Oh? Like you talked to me when I was over your knee having my bare bottom spanked so hard?”

I didn’t reply, not knowing how to play my part here.

“‘We’ didn’t talk! You did! And you were going to write a letter to my parents! Well, maybe I should write a letter to the principal!” she challenged with a huge smile. “Hm?”

“Sherry, there is an alternative,” I said, smiling too.

“Yeah! There is! Take your pants down!”


So, she does like it! And she seems ready to share the pain! I hope you enjoyed this story about two spanking buddies! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it and Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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