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Eve Goes For Promotion - Chapter 3 – Eve Answers To Kate

"Kate teaches Eve she was wrong in the way that she submitted to Jessica"

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Half an hour later Eve got off the bus and walked the short distance to her house, opened the front door, and was faced with the welcoming smile on Kate’s face. Kate was Eve’s girlfriend and was thirty-three.

Wonderful, thought Eve, who turned and faced Kate when she closed the door, put her arms around her neck and kissed her gently on the lips, eagerly opened her mouth as Kate pressed her tongue against her lips, moaned as Kate hugged her close, came up for breath and smiled to Kate saying, “My bottom is so sore, you have to take me, Kate, please.”

Kate’s eyes narrowed as the smile changed to a questioningly look, and asked, “Did Jessica spank you again, Eve?”

Eve pursed her lips, answering, “Well ,yes, she did.” Eve watched Kate’s face take on her cross look and added, “Sorry, Kate.”

Kate was far from happy. “Sorry? Sorry? No, Eve, that’s not good enough. We spoke about this just this morning. Don’t you remember?”

Eve did remember. Eve had told Kate this morning about the competition for promotion telling her that Jessica discovered a lie she had told and that one thing led to another and, finally, the spanking. Kate had been furious. Eve had explained that it was just a spanking though with no sex afterwards. Kate had told Eve it wasn’t worth it, that she was too submissive, and that she was better than Jessica and deserved the promotion and should go for it. Eve had agreed and had promised Kate she would fight back.

“So what happened, Eve?” Jessica demanded.

Eve sighed, and scrunched up her face, “I tried Kate, really I did, it’s just so hard and Jessica kept testing me and testing me and I cracked, I suppose.”

Kate asked testily, “Nothing to do with still finding her attractive and deciding being spanked was better than going for the promotion?”

Eve blushed, and said quietly, “I guess. Sorry, Kate.”

Kate put her hands on her hips and said, “Well, I think you need an incentive to go for that promotion, and it will take more than just a spanking, young lady.”

Eve asked, “What kind of incentive, Kate?” Eve knew her bottom was already stinging, but wasn’t going to mind another spanking followed by love-making.

Kate remained firm. “Really Eve? I gave you my advice last night but you ignored me, so maybe you will listen to me with a really stinging bottom.”

Eve loved it when Kate talked tough, and wanted to hug and kiss her again, and even though her bottom still stung from Jessica’s spanking would really love it if Kate spanked her again

and they made love all night. Eve smiled at Kate and said with a smirk, ‘I’m a naughty girl so deal with me,’ but saw Kate didn’t respond with a smile but remained with her very cross-looking face.

Kate said testily. “Now get into the living room, young lady.”

Eve wanted to kiss Kate there and then. She was just so sexy when mad, but, as always, did as she was told, and went into the living room.

Once in the living room Eve turned to Kate and licked her lips with some trepidation.

Kate snapped at her with, “So, you allowed Jessica to use you as a doormat?”

Eve replied earnestly, “I said I would try harder Kate, and I will.”

Kate was adamant. “This should help you. Now get undressed”

Eve winced, but knew Kate was in one of her, ‘Obey me or else,’ moods and got undressed.

Kate smiled as Eve pulled her top over her head and folded it and put it on a chair, and stood in her bra and skirt. Kate found Eve so attractive and even Eve relaxed when she saw Kate’s admiring glances as she unhooked her bra and slid the straps down her arms, catching her bra and placing it neatly on her top. She then unzipped her skirt and pushed it down, catching her knickers and pushing them down as well, stepped out of them, scooped them up knowing her full breasts were swaying just as Kate liked and her shaved pussy was nicely on show, and placed her skirt and knickers, neatly folded, with her top and bra. Eve, as always, was a stickler for tidiness, spanking or no spanking. Eve also loved it when she was dominated by her friend, who always insisted on her being naked when spanking her.

“Hands on your head and stay still,” Kate ordered.

Eve immediately obeyed.

Jessica went to the side cabinet and took out a wooden-backed hairbrush and cane, both of which Kate had used regularly on Eve’s bare bottom. Eve winced as she knew that she hated both implements, but loved the stinging pain they caused, and, above all, never questioned Kate’s right to use them on her.

Kate placed both implements on the dining table and, still angry, walked over to Eve, then went behind her, and asked in a very demanding tone, “Did you enjoy having Jessica spank you?”

Eve thought about the question, and answered, “Well, she spanks very hard and I do get feelings I suppose.”

Kate decided to liven Eve up, brought back her hand, and landed a solid spank on Eve’s bare bottom.

“What feelings?” Kate demanded landing a second spank on Eve’s bare bottom.

Eve gasped as she replied, “She hurts me, that’s all.”

“ I see,” then added, “ So does she feel you?” Kate ran her fingers between Eve’s thighs and cupped her pussy in her hand. “Like this?”

Eve gasped, “No, she doesn’t do that.”

Kate squeezed Eve’s pussy a couple of times as only Kate could and Eve gasped as she knew she was getting aroused. Kate walked in front of Eve, her face inches from Eve’s, took a nipple in one hand and squeezed. “Does she do this, Eve?”

Eve gasped again. “No, Kate, Jessica didn’t do that either.”

“Come with me,” Kate snapped, pinching Eve’s ear lobe between the fingernails of her thumb and one finger making her follow.

Eve kept her hands on her head as best she could as Kate walked over to a dining chair, sat down with Eve’s ear still firmly in her grip enjoying Eve saying, ‘ow,’ at every step. In one motion Kate sat and pulled on Eve’s ear forcing her across her lap and only letting go when Eve’s hands hit the floor to balance herself.

“That hurt,” Eve bemoaned, her ear stinging.

“Good,” Kate snapped as she rubbed Eve’s bare bottom. Kate added sternly, “No hand today, Eve, but straight to the hairbrush I think.”

Eve preferred a hand spanking to warm her up but knew Kate was going to teach her a lesson this time and didn’t have time to complain as Kate gave Eve the first very hard spank right in the middle of her right bottom cheek, quickly followed with another on her bare left bottom cheek. Spank after spank followed, not so hard, but enough to make Eve gasp. Harder would follow, both Kate and Eve knew.

Eve didn’t count the spanks as she was controlled by Kate, but Kate did count, maybe not every spank but close enough, and after thirty-six or so persistently harder and harder spanks, Kate stopped, rubbing Eve’s now warm and reddened bottom.

Eve enjoyed the respite and as Kate’s hands rubbed the backs of her thighs so Eve parted her legs, and Kate rubbed her inner thighs and brushed her fingers along Eve’s damp pussy lips.

Kate asked sternly, “You said that Jessica didn’t stroke your pussy, Eve?”

Eve recalled the disappointment. “No, she didn’t, Kate.”

Kate said, “So, it was more an, erm, punishment.”

Eve just got out a, “Yes,” when Kate spanked her again with the hairbrush, giving Eve a dozen more spanks alternately on one bare bottom cheek and then the other, before stopping.

Kate asked firmly, “You said that Jessica didn’t do this, Eve?”

Eve breathed deeply as Kate took a nipple between her fingers and gently squeezed, sensual, loving, yes a little hard, but then Eve loved her nipples being squeezed as her nipples were very sensitive so if Kate squeezed too hard it would hurt, but Kate knew that and never squeezed too hard.

Eve replied, “No, Kate, she just spanked me.”

Kate asked in a questioning tone, “What Eve, she didn’t stroke your thighs the way you


Eve was looking at Kate’s upside-down legs as she answered, “No, Kate, I promise.”

Kate scoffed, “Oh I believe you all right. I bet Jessica just gave you a spanking thinking that would humiliate you.”

Eve knew that was true, particularly that first spanking when their assistants watched. That was awful, Eve recalled, and humiliating. However, what was nice, for Eve, was that Jessica was so in charge and dominant.

Kate then asked, “So, Eve, do you like just being disciplined?”

Eve was about to answer but felt the movement in Kate’s thigh and knew the hairbrush was again being aimed at her bottom and next second she felt the hard wood thwack down on her bottom, her legs kicked, and her tummy dug into Kate’s thighs as the pain spread across her bottom. There was no time to recover as spank again followed spank, repetitively persistently hard spanks that were intended to hurt, and did hurt. Eve kicked more and more but kept in place as she knew better than to try to get off Kate’s lap. It would be unacceptable and there would be no lovemaking afterwards if she did.

Kate gave Eve three dozen more spanks before stopping and again rubbing Eve’s bottom and the tops of her thighs and as Eve parted her legs again rubbed her inner thighs and her pussy.

Kate asked, “What do you prefer Eve, just a spanking, or this as well?”

“Oh this as well Kate, you know that.” Eve sniffed as she spoke and felt the tears on her face and knew her eyes would be red as she looked out through partially blurred vision. Yes, she much preferred Kate’s tender touch as she relaxed again and accepted Kate’s fingers as they explored her pussy, edging inside, increasing the wetness and the sensual well-being as Kate found her clit and flicked it, and Eve in return gasped with erotic delight.

“Sure you don’t just want pain, Eve?” Kate was teasing now and both knew it, except Kate was in charge, and as always Eve could not be at all sure of what Kate had in mind for her. Kate took her fingers gently from Eve’s pussy, rubbed her bottom again, lifted the hairbrush, and gave Eve a dozen more spanks, enjoying Eve’s shrieks of pain as her own pussy quivered so delightfully.

Afterward, Kate commanded, “Up, Eve, and bend over for the cane.”

Eve eased herself up and glanced at Kate trying to read her face but she couldn’t. Kate's face remained frozen, not letting out what she had in mind. Eve turned to face the chair and bent over, grasping the seat, presenting her very spankable bottom to her friend, and like all spankable bottoms, hers was very canable as well.

Kate tapped Eve’s bottom. “Do you think Jessica would cane you hard, Eve?”

Eve spoke to the floor and Kate’s upside-down legs. “I don’t know Kate. I doubt she would as

there aren’t any canes at the office.”

Kate said, “Yes, Eve, but I have several, don’t I?”

“Yes, Kate.” Eve gulped as she thought of the cupboard full of canes and straps and whips that Kate had, and regularly used on her to get them both aroused.

Eve was breathless, and, anticipating the cane, parted her legs and dropped her tummy so her bottom stuck upwards and was presented just how Kate liked it with her pussy lips on show. Eve surrendered every vestige of resistance, trusting Kate.

Kate was smiling at the sight of her friend's unprotected and kissable and lickable pussy, and ran the cane up and down Eve’s bottom, teasing her, and lightly tapped her bottom and the tops of her legs.

Eve knew those taps would turn to hard strokes at any moment as Kate continued tapping and then put the cane between Eve’s thighs and rubbed the cane up and down one thigh and then the other, lightly tapping Eve’s inner thighs. Eve relaxed, enjoying Kate teasing her. Eve then gasped as Kate tapped the cane upwards onto her pussy making her go up on tiptoes. Eve trusted Kate, totally, so wasn’t scared of a harder stroke, but enjoyed the half dozen soft taps that made her try to go higher and higher on tiptoes as her pussy flooded with sex nectar and she almost came.

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Kate was exhilarated as her own pussy quivered in delight at Eve’s attempts to escape the upward flicking of the cane, both knowing that wouldn’t happen.

“Does Jessica play with you like this, Eve?” Kate was again teasing Eve as she must by now know Jessica did none of these things. Jessica just punished her and made her cry to make her remember not to cross her, and to show her who was in charge. So, as much as Eve found Jessica attractive and domineering, so she knew what she really loved was those same things from Kate but given lovingly, hard, painfully, making her bottom too uncomfortable to sit on, but given with love and because Kate loved making Eve cry as much as Eve loved being made to cry, both knowing each would be in the others’ arms afterward.

Eve now understood that Jessica was just bullying her and probably didn’t even realise her feelings for her, and probably wasn’t even interested in those feelings, but just wanted to humiliate Eve, dominate her, and make sure she got herself promoted. How come she had needed Kate to show her just how awful Jessica was, and what an unfeeling bully she was.

Kate saw Eve was struggling with the realisation Jessica only wanted to win and decided now was the right time to ‘incentivise,’ her. She pulled her arm back, looked directly at Eve’s bare beautifully formed and nicely reddened and bruised bottom, then arced her arm downwards making the delightful whooshing sound that set her pussy buzzing knowing the pain Eve would suffer just as soon as the whoosh turned to a thwacking sound.

Eve heard the whoosh and was surprised. Kate always warned her before the first stroke telling her to take a breath in and out to be ready for the cane. In a panic, Eve tensed her bottom just as the whoosh turned to a thwack and the pain spread across her bottom and she shrieked with the pain. Eve was about to say something but Kate beat her to it.

Kate said, sounding sarcastic, “Oh dear, Eve, did you want me to warn you? Well, Jessica wouldn’t have done, would she? Jessica would be more intent on the pain in your backside.”

Eve sobbed, “OK, Kate, you have made your point. I prefer to be disciplined and loved, and not just disciplined. I know that now for sure.”

“Good girl, but you don’t get away that easily.” Kate tapped Eve’s bottom lightly with the cane as she made Eve wait.

Eve sniffed as the cane was again lightly tapped against her bottom. After what seemed an age, Kate announced, “You need a reminder, Eve, so tomorrow when you go to work the one thing on your mind will be how to beat Jessica at her own game.”

Eve was telling herself she had to do as Kate told her, as Kate feather-dusted her bottom with the cane. She knew she should turn the tables on Jessica, and tried to convince herself that she would resist her, but she just wasn’t sure she could get the better of the dominant Jessica.

Kate knew that Eve hadn’t decided yet, and said emphatically, “OK, Eve, I’m going to cane you until you understand what you have to do tomorrow.”

Eve sighed with relief as at least the anticipation of the caning was going to turn to reality, although realised there was no mention of the number of strokes which she supposed might even be up to what she decides to do tomorrow.

Kate then said, “As I cane you, Eve, think on this.”

Eve froze. There was more.

Kate explained, “If tomorrow you come home and show me your bottom, as you will, and if your bottom is red or lined or shows any sign of being disciplined, I will ask Jessica over, and you will demand she canes you herself with twelve strokes on your bare bottom and in front of me. Understood?”

Eve knew what she should do, but Jessica was so dominant and maybe now thought she had the right to spank her. What then, she wondered? Would Kate really let Jessica cane her in her own home? Surely not, or would she?

Kate watched Eve have another discussion with herself and the longer the ‘discussion’ went on she reckoned the less likely Eve would agree. It was time to ‘help’ Eve decide. Kate pulled her arm back and smiled.

Eve heard the whoosh and thwack almost together followed by the inevitable spread of pain across her bottom. Eve shrieked followed by a moaning, “Oww.”

“Have you decided yet, Eve?” Kate was still smiling and fully intent on ensuring Eve gave her the only answer possible.

Eve was still unsure. “Please Kate, what if Jessica forces me tomorrow. Please, Kate.”

Eve listened for the answer. Instead, she heard the whoosh, knew the thwack would follow which it did, and that was followed again by the pain. Ohhh the pain.

Kate pulled her arm back and landed the next stroke and waited for the yelps and leg bending to end before she demanded, “I’m waiting, Eve. What have you decided?”

Eve sobbed as she heard the whoosh, the thwack, and felt the pain of yet another stroke. She bent her legs, held onto the seat of the chair for all she was worth, disbelieving, but losing the will to argue. Kate was right, damn her, and was making it difficult for Eve, but rightly so.

Kate was enforcing her point to Eve’s breaking point. Nice friendly good mannered obliging and everyone’s friend, Eve now had to be so different tomorrow. She had to be hard and unyielding. Well, so far as Jessica was concerned anyway.

Kate didn’t wait long before pulling her arm back and landed the next stroke, and saw Eve’s knees bend again as she yelped and cried and wiggled her bottom as she often did to try to fend off the pain although that never worked, of course. Eve did stay in place, though, and Kate knew she had the power to cane her so many more times if necessary.

Eve knew to stay in place as she looked at Kate’s legs as the muscles tensed as she slashed the cane downwards time after time, a no-nonsense caning, with none of the gentle caressing of stroking her inner thighs or pussy that Kate usually did between strokes. Eve wasn’t enjoying being caned like this anywhere near as usual, but knew Kate was teaching her rather than making loving gestures she knew aroused her.

Eve had her eyes closed as she said frantically, “Okay, Kate. I agree.”

Kate smiled with satisfaction as she watched Eve crying, her breasts heaving much to Kate’s delight, and Kate chuckled as she knew she had given a well-earned and, she reckoned, a well-learned lesson.

Eve took longer than usual to recover, but then the caning had been harder than Eve was accustomed to, and was intended to hurt, and was without the loving care that was usually given. However, she totally surrendered. “I’ll be tough Kate, I promise I will.”

Kate wasn’t finished yet and landed another hard stroke of the cane.

Eve heard the whoosh, the thwack, felt the searing pain, and Kate asked sternly, “You sure?”

Eve felt the cane tapped on her bottom but was now determined to do what Kate demanded. “Yes,” Eve said firmly.

Kate said a very satisfied, “Good. Well, you have tasted what discipline will be like in the future if you have lied to me.”

Eve thought the caning was over, but before she could say anything she saw Kate’s leg muscle tense, gasped as she heard the whoosh, the thwack, and felt another tidal wave of pain as she bent her legs, and wiggled her bottom and hissed in and out through clenched teeth. How many more, she asked herself as the tears rolled down her face.

Kate decided she had caned Eve enough and put the cane down and knew it was time for her to help Eve to recover, as she always did.

Eve felt Kate next to her and ‘ahh’ed,’ as she felt Kate’s warm hand on her bottom, rubbing in circles, and soothing her. Kate’s fingers explored Eve’s stinging bottom and legs, arousing her, like usual, in command but making sure Eve’s pussy became wetter and wetter.

Kate heard Eve sob deep sobs as she covered Eve’s pussy with her hand, pressing, edging one

finger inside, bent down until her lips brushed Eve’s ear, and whispered, “Are you ready Eve?”

“Yes, please,” Eve sobbed, struggling to speak clearly to Kate, but it made her happy, and sent a shiver of sex through her pussy.

Kate lightly slapped Eve’s bottom and as Eve stood so she took hold of her ear lobe, between her fingernails, squeezed, closed her eyes in excitement when Eve gasped in pain, turned her around so they faced each other and with a wicked smirk forced Eve to her knees as Kate parted her legs and Eve knew to kiss her friend's thighs, in the front and the inner thighs, edging her face upwards, under Kate’s short skirt, to her already knickerless pussy, where Eve knew to kiss and lick her friend until she was ready. Kate had to decide how long Eve must please her and Eve obeyed her, submissively.

Kate squeezed Eve’s ear again and, although painful, Eve was overjoyed as Kate led her upstairs and to their bedroom, pulling her ear back to make her stop, forcing Eve to turn around to face Kate and Eve didn’t resist when Kate pressed her shoulders forcing her back on the bed, sitting down but knowing she must sidle up the bed and watch Kate on all fours approach her, put her hands on either side of her face, bend down and kiss Eve fully on the lips, and gently force her tongue inside Eve’s welcoming mouth. Eve so enjoyed having her tongue teased by the forceful Kate. As they kissed they looked deeply into each other's eyes before caressing the other, licking and sucking each other's breasts, their taut nipples, working downwards to the other's stomach, further to the other's thighs, still kissing and licking and sucking, enjoying the other's gasps of delight, even Eve’s gasps of pain as Kate pinched and squeezed her breasts and ran her nails across her sore welted bottom, and squeezed her wet pussy. Eve cried out but loved the pain, and Kate knew it.

Eve did none of those things to Kate, but was gentle, as Kate liked it. Both found the other's pussy, both wet and waiting, demanding attention from the other's tongue as each licked and sucked and drew gasps of erotic passion from the other, and the first of wave after wave of orgasm.

Afterwards, they lay exhausted, spent, in each other's arms, from time to time giving each other a gentle kiss on her breast neck or cheek, and occasionally caressing the other's pussy, until sleep overcame them both.

The morning came and Kate and Eve got showered and dressed. Over breakfast, Kate reminded Eve of her promise and to add emphasis left the cane on the table as they ate. Eve glanced at the cane and knew Kate would use it again if there were any new marks on her bottom, both hoping Eve would keep to her word and do her best to overturn Jessica’s commanding position in the race for promotion.

Eve didn’t want another caning like yesterday and Kate didn’t want to give Eve another such caning, but both knew that was exactly what would happen if Eve fell back into her submissive ways with Jessica. Neither wanted that now that Eve really did understand the difference between being disciplined by a girlfriend who wanted to enjoy the punishment and what came afterwards and not just giving discipline for the pain alone. The giving and receiving of pain was blatantly sexual, maybe not always with sex afterwards but as close to sex as anything there was, and Eve knew Kate felt the same way. So, making her mind focus solely on the task ahead, and to thank Kate for educating her on what she must do starting today,

Eve made a mental note that she must beat Jessica and get that promotion. It would take a few days, she told herself, and Kate agreed, but today was the start.

Written by Peter242
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