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The New Intern - Part 2- Spoilt For Choice

"Jodie discovers not all Dommes are the same"

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Jodie stood in front of the photocopier and took a breath. She ran her hand through her brunette hair. She’d had it cut into a pixie bob the evening before and was still getting used to the feeling of cool air on the back of her neck. It had been a week since she had been offered the intern position at Burke and Hare Associates. Jodie had been slightly disappointed that her boss, Marie Gallagher had shown no further interest in her beyond a professional approach to her work and career development. She had been hoping for a repeat performance of when Marie had used her as a sexual plaything during the interview.

The receptionist, Denise, on the other hand, seemed to find a suggestive comment about her every time she passed the reception desk and had taken to calling her ‘FT’ but wouldn’t elaborate why despite Jodie’s protestations that her initials were JS. 

Jodie looked at the message scrawled in black marker on the post-it note stuck on top of the folder.

‘FT, MG wants these copied and distributed by 5pm!’

As she fed the originals into the tray and waited for the stapled collated copies to be spewed out the other end, the door of the copier room opened and Jodie turned to see her boss, Marie standing there. 

“Have you got those sheets copied, Jodie?”

She took the few steps necessary and scooped the pile of copied sheets up from the copier tray. She paused, and reached across and plucked the post-it note from the top of the folder. Jodie watched Marie grin as she read the note.


Jodie bit her lip and nodded.

“Denise keeps calling me that but won’t say why.”

Marie stepped closer, her breath brushed against Jodie’s neck.

“She knows what you are.” Marie’s voice purred seductively in Jodie’s ear. “She saw you after your interview.”

Jodie moaned softly as she felt Marie’s breath on her neck and Marie’s scent in her nostrils.

“She knows you’re just a fuck toy.”

Marie’s fingers traced the curve of Jodie’s hip through her skirt. The cheap polyester material stretched across her ass.

“What knickers are you wearing, Jodie?”

Jodie’s face blushed as she whispered, “Yellow hipster panties.” 

Marie stepped back and held her hand out.

“Give them to me.” She paused. “Now!”

Jodie nodded and went to leave the room but Marie put her hand out and stopped her.

“I said Now.”

Jodie stared at her boss. She looked so professional in her navy trouser suit and white silk blouse, it was hard to believe how unprofessionally she behaved.

“Don’t make me ask you again, Jodie.” 

With a sigh, Jodie hiked up her skirt and slipped her hands underneath. As she pulled her panties down, she cringed inwardly, knowing Marie would see the damp patch that she had caused in Jodie’s panties.

Marie took the offered scrap of damp lemon lace and placed it inside the manila folder she was carrying.

“Thank you, Jodie. I’ll see you in my office at five this evening for a review of your work so far.’

Jodie watched the door close behind her as she tugged her skirt back down. She glanced at the clock. Almost four hours working with no panties on, knowing what was coming. Jodie was under no illusions what the work review would consist of and as she thought about it, she could feel a drip of excitement on her inner thigh.

At five o’clock, she knocked on the heavy wooden door of Marie’s office.

“Come in.”

Jodie closed the door behind her and turned to face Marie sitting behind her desk. She felt her boss running her eyes over her and the knowledge that Marie knew she wasn’t wearing any panties caused a flutter in her stomach.

“Strip for me, fucktoy. There’s a chair beside the door for you to leave your clothes on.”

Marie placed her hands under her chin and watched, her elbows on the desk and head in her hands, her eyes fixed on Jodie.

Jodie swallowed and lowered her eyes. Her fingers shook slightly as she unbuttoned her white blouse. She tugged the blouse out of the waistband of the skirt and slid it off her arms and carefully folded it and placed it on the chair. 

Marie remained motionless, her eyes watched everything. Jodie reached her arms behind her back and unclasped the strap of her plain white utilitarian bra. As she lowered her arms and revealed her breasts, Marie licked her lips. Marie hadn’t seen Jodie’s breasts before and she watched attentively as the combination of the cool air and Jodie’s excitement caused the marshmallow pink tips to swell and harden.

Jodie bit her lip after laying the bra on top of her blouse. With a tug of the zip, the black skirt crumpled around her ankles. 

“You can leave the hold-ups on.”

Jodie nodded and once the skirt was folded on top of the rest of her clothes, she stood, exposed, her hands behind her back.

Marie took her time to appreciate the naked girl in front of her. Last time, she’d been in a rush of sexual frenzy and had fingered her and used her face, but this time, she wanted to go slower, and appreciate her new toy.

Marie stood up and walked around the desk and rested her ass against it, her arms out behind her, supporting her weight on her hands and letting Jodie notice the bulge in her crotch created by the strap-on she’d put on earlier. Marie’s green eyes bored into Jodie. The young girl swallowed as her eyes flittered between Marie’s eyes and the bulge.

Marie curled her finger, beckoning the girl to come closer. Hesitantly, Jodie stepped forward. Marie stood up and ran her fingers up the girl’s arms and held her by the shoulders.

“You’re such a delicious little fucktoy.”

Marie lowered her head and ran her tongue around the girl’s left breast. Her tongue swirled in ever-decreasing circles, zeroing in on the hard proud pink nipple. Marie’s fingers gripped Jodie’s arse, pulling the girl closer. Marie moved her mouth greedily from one nipple to the other, sucking, licking, nipping and kissing as she pulled the girl onto her crotch. She ground against the girl, grinding the bulge against the girl’s mound.

Marie turned Jodie around, forcing Jodie’s ass to rub against her concealed girlcock. Marie’s fingers teased both breasts, twisting, rolling and tugging the hard, pert, sensitive nipples. Marie ran her face against Jodie’s hair, inhaling her scent as her lips brushed Jodie’s neck.

“Face down on the table, fucktoy.” Marie whispered. “And spread your legs.”

Jodie immediately complied. Her hard nipples were pressed against the wood laminate. The coldness sending a shiver through her. She rested her left cheek on the desk, watching Marie out of the corner of her eye.

When Marie kicked her ankle and growled “I said spread them, fuck toy,” she shuffled her ankles wider apart as a blush spread up her neck.

She watched Marie unbutton her trousers and slide the fabric down to her knees. The girlcock sprang free, large, purple and shiny. Jodie bit her bottom lip. The way Marie kept calling her ‘Fucktoy’ made Jodie’s pussy drip and she squirmed as she lay draped across Marie’s desk.

Marie ran her fingers through Jodie’s hair before tugging it hard.

“I preferred your hair longer. It made it easier to use it like reins.”

“Yes Miss,” Jodie whimpered before crying out as Marie slammed the girlcock into her.

Marie rode her like a bitch in heat. She heard and felt Marie’s hips slapping against her arse as she was taken. Every thrust of Marie’s girlcock into her pussy sent shockwaves through Jodie. It was so graphic. Marie’s running commentary; telling Jodie she was a dirty little fucktoy, a needy little cum slut and a fucking whore just made the juices flow more copiously. Jodie could feel the squelch squelch squelch as Maries fucked her… Harder... Faster… Deeper.

“Please,” she gasped.

“Please what, fucktoy?” Marie growled.

“Please… please may I cum?” Jodie whimpered.

"Not until I say so, you needy little cum slut." 

Josie gritted her teeth, her fingers clawed the far edge of the desk, desperately trying to hold off the inevitable as Marie pounded her. 

"Now, you fucking whore!" 

The release exploded inside her as she faintly heard Marie howl in the distance. 

Finally, the spasms stopped and she felt the fuzziness clear. Jodie lay there, her pulse thumping in her head. She realised Marie was no longer on top of her and as she looked around, she saw Marie had removed the girlcock and was refastening her trousers.

“And you’re back,” Marie giggled. “You blacked out.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Jodie slowly slid off the table, her legs wobbled and she sank to kneel on the floor.

“I won’t be here tomorrow,” Marie announced as she put her coat on. “You will need to finalise the running order for next Thursday’s meeting and also type up the draft minutes you took yesterday.”

She paused at the door and looked at her young intern, kneeling naked on her office floor. 

“See you Friday.” 

And with that, she was gone. Jodie dropped her head. She felt used. Marie had never so much as kissed her, let alone held her afterwards. She really was just a fuck toy.


Jodie was having an enjoyable morning without the pressure that Marie seemed to create just by being there. The whole floor was calmer and she had virtually finished everything she was expected to do that day and it was only lunchtime. She was just considering heading out to grab a sandwich from the deli downstairs when an attractive woman headed down the corridor towards Marie’s office.

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Jodie called out. “Ms Gallagher isn’t here today. Perhaps I can help you?”

The woman stopped, paused, then turned and smiled at Jodie. She was tall, lean, expensively dressed and with a haircut that didn’t need to scream money but rather whispered it subtly in your ear.

“Oh, she isn’t? That’s such a shame. I was rather hoping I could take her to lunch.”

The accent was American. It was soft and friendly and suited her face. Jodie gazed into warm brown eyes and felt herself blush involuntarily. The woman tucked a strand of long brunette hair back behind her ear as she approached Jodie’s desk.

“Um, yeah,’ Jodie stammered, running fingers through her hair. “She told me yesterday she wouldn’t be in today.”

“Well then, if the cat’s away, there’s nothing to stop me taking you to lunch instead.”

The woman stepped forward, hand outstretched.

“I’m Zoe, by the way.”

She took Jodie’s hand and stroked her thumb over Jodie’s fingers.

“And you are?” She tilted her head in a quizzical expression.

“I’m... I’m Jodie.” Jodie finally managed to stutter.

“Grab your coat then, Jodie. You’ve pulled.” She giggled as she turned and swept out of the office.

Over lunch, in a little Italian bistro which happened to be in the basement of the hotel Zoe was staying in, Jodie found herself having the nicest time in as long as she could remember.

Zoe, she found out, was in town for a few days and was an old friend of Marie’s from college. As Jodie found herself gazing into the woman’s eyes, her thoughts drifted off, imagining herself kissing the dark red lipstick coated lips as she moved her mouth to form the words.

“Have you worked for Marie for long?” Zoe questioned as she broke a breadstick in half. “Is she still the boss from hell?” 

As Jodie struggled to answer diplomatically, she almost choked on her glass of Chianti as she felt Zoe’s foot brush against her calf.

“Only since last week.” Jodie blushed. “I’ve just started.”

Zoe traced her toe across the back of Jodie’s knee, causing the girl to inhale sharply but spread her legs wider at the same time. Zoe gave a smile and licked her lips at the girl’s gesture.

Jodie found it harder and harder to concentrate. Her lunch was barely touched as she struggled to retain her composure as Zoe’s foot reached higher. The stockinged toe dragged across the top of Jodie’s hold up and touched her bare flesh. Jodie couldn’t stop the soft moan escaping her mouth.

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Zoe leaned back in her chair, to allow her foot to stretch further, the big toe dragged across the crotch of Jodie’s panties and Zoe’s tongue flickered over her bottom lip as she felt the dampness leaking into them.

“So, do you have lots of work to do at the office this afternoon?"

Zoe grinned as Jodie shook her head. 

"Good, we can have some more wine then." 

She emptied the bottle into Jodie's glass and signaled the waiter for another. 

As the waiter filled her glass, Zoe reached across and took Jodie's hand between her own. She softly ran her thumbs over Jodie's fingers as she gazed down at them.

“Jodie, this might seem a little forward, but I was wondering,” Zoe paused, biting her bottom lip, then glanced up into Jodie’s eyes. “I have this overwhelming desire to kiss you.”

Jodie gulped. She was so used to being taken, that she’d never had someone ask permission in advance. Zoe lifted her head and slid out of her chair and, with one hand on the back of Jodie’s chair for support, she pressed her mouth to Jodie’s lips.

The kiss was sensual, their lips moved in time, tongues playfully flickered before Zoe withdrew and sat back in her chair. 

She lifted her glass and took a swift drink. 

"I was also wondering if you’d like to take this bottle and come upstairs to my room?” 

Zoe smiled expectantly as Jodie stared, flustered, before finally whispering "I'd love to." 

Zoe scooped up the bottle and glasses and thanked the waiter as they headed for the lift, both of them giggling at the naughtiness of it all. 

Zoe slid the keycard over the lock and opened it with her ass. She held the door open with her foot for Jodie before quickly depositing the bottle and glasses on the dressing table. Once her hands were free, she turned and took Jodie into her arms. One hand stroked her hair while the other slid up and down Jodie’s back.

Jodie melted into the kiss. She had longed for Marie to kiss her, even once, and now, here was Zoe, seducing her, kissing her, taking her to lunch and playing footsie with her. 

Zoe felt the girl’s defenses crumble as they kissed. Zoe’s hand crept around and caressed Jodie’s left breast through her blouse. Rewarded by another moan, she went further, circling the hardening nipple that swelled inside her bra.

As Jodie stood, eyes closed, savouring the kiss, Zoe’s fingers deftly unbuttoned her blouse and tugged it down her arms. It hit the ground a few seconds before her skirt as it was unzipped and crumpled around Jodie’s ankles. Zoe broke the kiss and gently guided Jodie back until the back of her knees hit the bed. One more gentle push and she was flat on her back, looking up as Zoe stripped down to a delicious set of red silk and lace bra and matching thong.

Zoe crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees, prowling towards Jodie like a panther on the prowl. Her eyes bored into Jodie’s and Jodie felt her pussy drip into her knickers. Zoe lowered her head and dragged her tongue up Jodie’s stocking covered leg. Her hair brushed Jodie’s thigh and she arched her back and moaned in appreciation as this virtual stranger seduced her. Jodie’s legs opened wider to accommodate Zoe as the American moved her mouth from one inner thigh to the other, teasing, kissing and licking as she neared the triangle of damp white cotton covering Jodie’s mound.

Just when Jodie thought Zoe was going to lick her damp panties, she instead crawled up the bed and kissed Jodie on the mouth. 

“You tease,” Jodie giggled, but Zoe just grinned and whispered, “Not until you beg.”

Zoe then kissed Jodie’s neck as her fingers tugged the bra strap off Jodie’s shoulder. Her breast was scooped out of the cup and Zoe ran her tongue around the firm globe, tongue tip tracing the dimpled areola as the marshmallow pink nipple swelled. Jodie couldn’t help comparing Zoe’s tenderness to how Marie had pawed at her breast yesterday and whimpered in pleasure as she felt Zoe’s teeth tug at her nipple.

Her nipples were always so sensitive and they felt hot-wired to her clit as Zoe tugged and kissed and nibbled first one nipple then the other. Jodie felt Zoe’s fingers tugging at her knicker elastic and pulling them down over her ass cheeks. She raised her hips off the bed to help and Zoe stopped the assault on her breasts to tug her panties down her legs.

Zoe sat back, her ass rested on her ankles as she knelt between Jodie’s spread thighs. One hand reached down to stroke the triangle of dark curls while the other dropped the damp cotton on the floor.

Not breaking eye contact, Zoe leaned forward and dragged the flat of her tongue along Jodie’s slit, scooping up her honeyed juices and tasting the flavour on her tongue. The tip of her tongue pushed Jodie’s clit hood back and teased the pearl from its nest.

Jodie’s back arched and a low guttural wail escaped her mouth. Zoe grinned as she circled the girl’s clit. She watched her breasts rise and fall as the shallow pants signaled her getting closer. Zoe pursed her lips and blew her breath over Jodie’s quivering clit. 

“Please,” the girl whimpered. “Oh fuck, please.”

Zoe rolled her tongue into a tube and pushed it between the girl’s wet velvet walls. Her nose rubbed Jodie’s clit as she humped the girl with her face. Zoe’s hands pressed on Jodie’s thighs, spreading them open wider as she fucked the girl with her face.

Zoe alternated her tongue between pussy and clit. Sher licked, slurped and flicked, bringing Jodie closer and closer before suddenly stopping. She raised her head and watched as Jodie’s eyes flicked open and a look of frustration crept across her face.

“Fuck, please,” she begged. “Don’t stop. Please.”

"I love it when you beg.”

Zoe ran her tongue over her lips, scooping an errant drop of Jodie’s pussy cream from her face. 

“Beg some more.” She grinned at Jodie, her lips glistening with Jodie’s cum juices like lip gloss.

Jodie’s eyes flickered, the need etched across her face.

“Please let me cum,” Jodie begged. “I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?” Zoe giggled. “Are you quite sure you know what that means?”

“Yesssss,” Jodie hissed. “Please, I need to cum.”

Zoe reached down and slid her own lace panties down her legs, pushing them off her legs with her knees. She turned and straddled Jodie’s face, lowering her wet pussy down onto the girl.

“Such a needy little cum slut.” 

Zoe ground her pussy over Jodie’s mouth and face. Jodie gripped Zoe’s hips and pulled her down onto her face, greedily lapping and licking at the woman’s dripping wet pussy. She loved the musky sweet honey flavour that was being smeared over her lips and tongue. She rubbed her face all over Zoe’s lips, smearing juices over her nose and cheeks. Her tongue flickered constantly as she slurped and sucked at Zoe’s plump labia.

She felt Zoe’s finger dragged across her clit and let a muffled groan into Zoe’s pussy. Jodie humped her pussy upwards, trying to signal Zoe to finish her off, but Zoe just swirled her finger around and around Jodie’s clit. Ever decreasing circles edging Jodie, making the girl thrash against her pussy.

Zoe gasped, her breathing ragged as Jodie’s tongue flickered over her clit and pushed inside her wet velvet walls. Her juices were smeared over the girl’s face, the smell of sex filled the room. As Zoe’s pussy clenched around Jodie’s tongue and she felt her orgasm build, she slapped her fingers against Jodie’s clit. The muffled squeal in her pussy pushed her over the edge and she spasmed on Jodie’s face.

“Cum for me, you needy little slut,” Zoe screamed as her pussy exploded. As cum juices flooded Jodie’s face, the girl spasmed. Her legs opened and closed around Zoe’s hand as she bucked and jerked like a marionette. Her screams were muffled by Zoe’s pussy as the two women came, writhing and spasming on the bed.

Zoe rolled off Jodie and lay, giggling. She looked over and watched Jodie gasping, watched the aftershocks rippling through Jodie’s body. She leaned over and kissed Jodie softly on the lips.

“Mmmm,” she murmured. “I love tasting my cum on another girl’s mouth.”

Jodie blushed and grinned. Her eyes gazed lovingly into Zoe’s smoldering brown eyes.

“You’re amazing. Do you know that?”

Zoe grinned. “Mmmhmmm, and you said you’d do anything for me if I let you come.”

Jodie sighed happily. “I did, and I meant it.”

Zoe shook her head slowly and smiled. She dipped a finger between her legs and scooped some of her cum onto her finger. She brought her hand up, holding it in front of Jodie, then slowly dabbed it on Jodie’s neck like perfume.

“Your new scent. I’m marking you. You’re mine now.’

She scooped some more of her cum up and drew with the cum juice over Jodie’s left breast. Three connected lines, then a circle traced slowly around Jodie’s hard pointed nipple followed by a swirling line. When she had finished, she sat back, smiling.

“There we go. Zoe.” She raised an eyebrow. “Not quite a tattoo but it will do for now.”

Jodie smiled. This woman was unbelievable. She’d just waltzed in and stolen her heart. The only cloud was that she was only visiting. 

She slapped Jodie on the ass. “Come on now, you need to get back to work before you get fired.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Jodie muttered as she slowly dragged her body off the bed. 

“No, don’t call me Ma’am, that makes me sound so ancient. You may call me Mistress.”

Jodie nodded. “Yes, Mistress,” she whispered.

“Good girl.” Zoe lay back on the bed and watched Jodie getting dressed.

“I want you tomorrow night, Jodie. There’s a bar on the ground floor of the hotel. I’ll see you there at eight? I presume that is ok?”

Jodie paused, mid-way through buttoning her blouse. “It should be, Mistress. Unless Marie dumps something last minute on me.”

“Good.” Zoe climbed off the bed and strolled naked to her handbag on the dressing table. She pulled a card out of her purse.

“Here’s my card. My mobile number is on it. Text me if you are running late.”

Jodie looked at the card. Professor Zoe Nardini. BA MSc PhD, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, University of Glasgow.

“Glasgow?” Jodie questioned. “That’s only forty minutes by train? Why the hotel?”

“Oh, my darling little slut,” Zoe giggled as she kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about such things.”

She wrapped the fluffy white dressing gown around her and guided Jodie to the door. “Text me tomorrow if you are running late. Otherwise, I’ll see you in the bar downstairs at eight tomorrow evening. Don’t forget.”

Jodie swallowed, conflicted. She wasn’t entirely sure what was going on or what game Zoe was playing. She felt a sense of unease as she gazed into Zoe’s eyes. 

She nodded and finally managed to whisper, “OK.”

“Good girl.” Zoe smiled and kissed her one last soft kiss. Her fingers wrapped themselves through Jodie’s hair and Jodie felt her insides melting all over again.

Finally, Zoe broke the kiss, waved goodbye and shut the door. Jodie sighed, turned and headed back to the office.

Nothing much seemed to have happened while she’d been gone. There were a couple of emails to reply to and a few bits of filing to do. She was about to head home when she remembered she had to leave a spreadsheet of figures on Marie’s desk. She let herself in and had just deposited the manilla folder on her desk when she spotted something in one of the photo frames on her desk. She remembered Marie indicating them during the interview to say she was married. She looked closer at the photograph as a chill wrapped itself around her heart. She grabbed the silver frame and brought the photograph closer.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “It can’t be.”

But it was. There was Marie, and there was Zoe. Holding glasses of wine, their heads together as they smiled for the camera. Jodie put her hand over her mouth as everything came crashing down. A hundred questions ran through her mind. What was Marie going to say if she found out that Jodie had slept with her wife? The image of Zoe smiling, whispering “You’re mine now” came back into her head. Did she know about Jodie and Marie? Was this a game? Were Zoe and Marie in this together?

Jodie just knew she had to get out of here. She left the office and grabbed her coat. As she hurried her way down the stairs, all she could think about was what was she going to say to Marie tomorrow.


Written by deviantsusie
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