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The New Intern - Part 4

"Jodie's past comes back to haunt her when Marie extracts her revenge"

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The whole weekend, Jodie couldn’t settle. She tossed and turned in bed on Sunday night, unable to sleep. Finally, in desperation, she pulled her vibrator out from under the mattress and lay back. She let the images of Marie and Zoe wash over her; Marie tracing the damp patch in her knickers, Marie using her face, Zoe seducing her, Marie ordering her to kneel, Zoe forcing her onto her knees and using her face. Zoe and Marie, Marie and Zoe. Their face, bodies, pussies merged together until she couldn't tell who she was tasting, who she was licking, who she was fucking. She arched her back and with a whimpered cry, she came. She slumped back on the bed. It was a rather unsatisfying orgasm, but it did the job and she was soon fast asleep.

Monday morning, she’d convinced herself that she was going to get fired. When she entered the offices, Densie sat behind the reception desk with a smug look on her face. Jodie felt like going up to her and telling her Marie knew and she could kiss her own ass from now on but then sighed. What was the point? She’d be gloating soon enough. They all would when they heard she was nothing but a homewrecking slut.

She booted up her computer and was surprised to find the usual list of emails from Marie giving her instructions on what needed doing. As usual, everything needed to be done urgently.

One of the tasks was a lot of photocopying and she figured that at least she could hide out in the copier room while she gathered her thoughts. When the copier machine spat out the final pages, she gathered the files together and stepped out into the corridor.

She wasn’t looking where she was going and bumped into a young woman who was coming down the hallway with Densie. The files fell from her hands and she automatically dropped to her knees.

“I’m so sorry,” Jodie apologised as she scrabbled to pick up the pages.

“Oh my god, Fucktoy… I mean Jodie. What are you doing here?”

Jodie looked up and froze.


Jodie picked up the last few pages and stood up. What the hell was Annabelle Peyton-Jones doing here?

“Oh wow, Jodie. I didn’t realise you were working here. Who’d you sleep with to get the job?”

She snorted with laughter as if that was the funniest joke in the world. Densie just smirked and Jodie could feel her cheeks flush.

“I… um... I’ve been here a few weeks. But what are you doing here?”

“Well, that’s the oddest thing.” Annabelle leant in closer and whispered conspiratorally. “I was headhunted.”

Jodie’s mouth dropped open.

“I know,” Annabelle continued. “I got a call this morning. Asking if I was interested in a position. Well, how could I say no. I mean, how many people get the chance to work with THE Marie Gallagher?”

Densie coughed and pointed at her watch. “Ms Peyton-Jones, we need to get on with the tour. I’m sure you can catch up with FT later.”

Annabelle nodded and turned to go, then turned back.

“We must catch up for a coffee. Ciao.”

Jodie watched her go. There was a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach. Memories of Annabelle calling her a fucktoy and telling her to kneel and crawl under the table in the library study rooms came into her head. She watched the tall blonde woman walking away. Her ass looked so good in the charcoal grey skirt she wore. Her jacket draped over her arm. Jodie could see the outline of the bra through Annabelle’s thin white blouse.

Marie would like Annabelle, Jodie thought. They were both posh girls who liked using her. Thought of Marie and Annabelle both using her at once suddenly filled her head and she slumped into her seat as her legs gave way.

It had to be Marie who’d phoned Annabelle. Marie must be planning something, Jodie reckoned. Maybe it’s a coincidence, she tried to reason with herself, but deep down, she knew.

She sat at her desk, trying to imagine what was going on in Marie’s office. Her stomach did another knot twist as she remembered how she’d told Marie everything that Annabelle had done to her at university. Despite herself, she squirmed in her seat as she reminisced about Annabelle telling her what a needy little fucking slut she was as she pushed Jodie down to the floor. How Annabelle told her she was such a good fucktoy she didn't need to get a job, she just needed a pussy to worship. How Annabelle had told Jodie… “Smyth, get your fucking arse in here, now!”

Marie’s dulcet tones cut through her reverie, and Jodie snapped back to the present. She stood up, brushed down her skirt and walked purposefully into Marie’s office.

Marie watched her walk in and then closed the door behind her. Jodie stood, noting that Annabelle looked very relaxed and comfortable sitting on the spare chair by the side of the desk. Marie sat down again behind her desk, leaning back in her leather chair and swivelling slowly from side to side.

"We were just talking about you, Jodie.”

Jodie kept her face impassive. She’d thought as much.

“It’s such a coincidence that you and Annabelle know each other from university.”

Jodie could see the piles of intern applications scattered across Marie’s desk. Coincidence, my arse, thought Jodie. You’ve trawled through the application forms, searching for an Annabelle who was at the same university, doing the same course I did at the same time. Instead of saying all this, Jodie merely cocked her head a little to one side and nodded.

“Annabelle was just telling me how well-trained you were. I obviously haven’t been able to exert that sort of control but she assures me you were quite the submissive.”

Jodie blushed, her gaze switching from Marie to Annabelle and back again. The two women just sat and stared impassively at her. Finally Marie spoke.

“Strip for us.”

Jodie stared at Marie in disbelief. Her mouth opened. “Maire, Ms Gallagher, please. You can’t make me do this.”

“Look, Smyth. I spoke to HR and they told me I can’t fire you for sleeping with my wife. So as long as you want to stay here, I’m stuck with you.”

“Fucktoy!” Jodie’s attention was so focused on Maire that she flinched when Annabelle barked her name. Her pet name. Jodie slowly turned to face her.

“Yes, Miss?” The response was automatic, Pavlovian really. Annabelle merely indicated the floor in front of Jodie. The months fell away as Jodie lowered herself onto her knees. She felt she was back in the library. Back in study group with Annabelle using her as a masturbatory aid.

“Good girl,” Annabelle whispered and despite herself, Jodie felt a swelling of pride in her chest. “Now crawl!”

Jodie glanced at Marie, who sat impassively watching, her chin resting on her hand, as if watching a tv show she only had a passing interest in. Jodie turned to face Annabelle and began to crawl.

As Jodie crawled, Annabelle spread her legs wider. The sheer black hold-ups framed her white lace panties perfectly.

“You’re such a good little fucktoy, aren’t you, Jodie?”

Jodie just nodded. Her eyes gazed up at Annabelle. She loved the praise Annabelle used to lavish on her after she’d been a good girl in the library or after she’d been used in the bathroom or after she’d been fucked in Annabelle's apartment. Annabelle had told her once that she was her ‘dirty little secret’ and that her boyfriend wasn’t to know about how she used Jodie as her fucktoy. She fleetingly wondered if her boyfriend still didn’t know.

She stopped crawling when her face was inches from Annabelle’s panties. She could smell her arousal. She could feel her own excitement building. Her panties were getting damp as she knelt on the office floor.

“You know what to do, fucktoy, don’t you?”

It wasn’t a question, it was merely a statement. Jodie nodded and slid her fingers up Annabelle’s thighs, under her skirt. As her fingers rose higher, the skirt bunched up around Annabelle’s hips. Her fingers hooked in the lace waistband and she slowly unpeeled them as Annabelle lifted her ass slightly off the chair. Jodie carefully slid them down her stockinged legs and slipped them over her heels. She folded and placed them on the floor and then leant in and ran her tongue along Annabelle’s smooth wet slit.

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Annabelle had always liked her pussy waxed smooth and Jodie’s tongue slithered over the puffy swollen lips as Annabelle arched her back and moaned softly. She was soaked already and Jodie wondered if Marie had already fucked her before calling Jodie in.

Jodie worshipped Annabelle’s pussy the way she’d been trained. She dragged the flat of her tongue along the dripping slit from perineum to clit. Each long languid lick was finished with a flick of the clit with the tip of her tongue.

Annabelle whispered what a good little fucktoy she was as Jodie pressed her tongue against her pussy. She could taste Annabelle’s flavour on her tongue as the memories came flooding back. She began to hump Annabelle with her face as she French-kissed her pussy. Her nose ground against Annabelle’s clit as she devoured her, just like she did back at university when they raced against the clock. Back when she had to make Annabelle cum before the rest of their classmates joined them. Back when making Annabelle cum was the most important thing in her life.

Annabelle’s fingers raked through Jodie’s hair. She pushed Jodie’s face in deeper, grinding against her with her pussy as she humped Jodie’s face, as she used her like a masturbatory aid. Jodie knew Annabelle was getting close. She recognised the signs. She could taste the changes in Annabelle’s pussy as her tongue swirled inside her.

She licked and lapped, the old need to serve flooding her senses. She felt Annabelle’s fingers tighten in her hair. Tugging on her, pulling her in. She rode Annabelle’s pussy, humping it with her face. She gazed up as she tongues her. She watched Annabelle throw her head back and stiffen. She howled at the same instant her cum splattered onto Jodie's face.

Jodie swirled her tongue around and over Annabelle’s pussy, desperately trying to lick up every drip. At last, Annabelle slumped back onto her seat.

“Mmmm good girl,” she whispered, patting the top of Jodie’s head. Jodie felt her panties dampen.

Annabelle gazed down at her. “Now strip like you were told, you little bitch.”

Jodie nodded a ‘yes Miss’ and quickly unbuttoned her blouse and tugged it out of her skirt. With the skirt unzipped both skirt and panties slid down her thighs. Once the bra was discarded, she knelt, naked save for the stockings.

“Stand up.”

The order came from Marie, and Jodie complied instantly. She stood with her hands behind her back. She wasn't sure where to look so kept her eyes downcast as she gnawed her bottom lip.

“Annabelle, would you call someone who slept with your wife a slut or a whore?”

Annabelle paused, obviously giving the matter some thought.

“I wouldn’t call them a whore as whores do it for money. Sluts on the other hand, well, they’ll fuck anything, won’t they? No morals.”

Marie nodded and opened the lipstick she was holding. She twisted the base until the dark red lipstick rose into view. She carefully wrote SLUT in capital letters across Jodie’s tits. The dark red contrasted with Jodie’s pale flesh.

“You’ve been promoted, Jodie. You are now the office slut. I understand Densie has taken a shine to you. I hope you’ll be as helpful to her and everyone else as you are to us.”

Jodie looked up, horrified. The office slut? Densie? Anyone? Everyone?

Marie shrugged. “Of course, if you don’t want the job, you can always resign. I’m sure HR will understand if you feel you can’t work here anymore.”

Jodie shook her head. “No, I need this job. I said I’d do anything, and I meant it. Mean it.”

Marie smiled, nodded and unzipped her dress. Jodie heard a rustle of cloth behind her and glanced around to see Annabelle removing her skirt as well. Marie slid her panties down and Jodie gazed at her gorgeous bush. She wanted to taste her despite having Annabelle’s flavour still on her lips.

Marie sat and spread her legs.

“Assume the position.”

Jodie dropped to her knees. It was clear what she was now. She crawled between Marie’s legs and she kissed her way towards Marie's glistening pussy, alternated thighs as she inhaled Marie’s scent. Marie reached down and opened a drawer. She scrabbled inside, then handed Annabelle her girlcock.

“Give it to her.“

Marie closed her eyes and arched her back. She moaned as Jodie’s tongue flickered over her clit. Jodie could see Annabelle strapping the girlcock on. It was the big purple one. Marie had taken Jodie with it before and she shuddered at the memory of being split open by the thick plastic cock and how the veiny ridges rubbed and pleasured her as she’d been taken over Marie’s desk.

Annabelle knelt behind Jodie and squeezed Jodie’s arse cheeks, her nails dug in as Annabelle spread her open. Jodie tried to concentrate on pleasuring Marie but it was so hard with Annabelle sliding the head of the girlcock along her slit and tapping the head against her clit. Jodie had never been in a threesome before and found the myriad sensations overwhelming.

She was already soaked after servicing Annabelle and then when Marie had written SLUT on her tits, she thought she could probably have cum if she’d been ordered to. And now, the heady cocktail of Marie’s juices mixing with Annabelle’s from minutes earlier made Jodie drip.

Annabelle was rough. She lined up the head of the girlcock with Jodie’s entrance then slammed her hips forward. Jodie’s mouth opened to scream but the forward momentum pushed her face deep into Marie’s pussy and muffled her cry. Annabelle pulled right back until only the head of the girlcock remained inside, then slammed in again. Jodie’s nose rubbed Marie’s clit as her face was slammed into Marie again and again.

Marie wrapped her fingers in Jodie’s hair and gripped it like reins, holding her in place as Annabelle fucked her harder faster and deeper.

“I feel like you’re fucking me,” Marie gasped as Annabelle pounded Jodie. The little slut is slamming into me every time you fuck her. Annabelle laughed, ”Well at least she’s good for something.”

The women continued to disparage Jodie, telling her what a fucking slag she was as they used her as fuckmeat. Marie squirmed in her chair as Jodie’s face fucked her. When they came, it was like a chain reaction. Marie went rigid and bucked on Jodie’s face. The pounding in her pussy and Marie cumming in her face set Jodie off and as she spasmed, Annabelle came too, impaling Jodie one last time and holding her there,

Finally, Marie l pushed the chair back and Jodie lowered her face to the floor. Annabelle pulled the girlcock out and stood up. By the time Jodie had recovered enough to stand up and search for her clothes, both women were dressed and reapplying foundation and lipstick.

“You can go, slut. We’ll let you know when you’re needed.”

Jodie headed to the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face and then stared at her reflection. At least the SLUT was hidden under her blouse, she reasoned, though the list of people who knew was growing longer by the day. She shuddered at how casually Marie had told her she was the office slut.

As she walked down the corridor towards her desk, she was sure the atmosphere in the office had changed. There seemed to be a few whispered comments as she passed. When she got to her desk and opened her computer, there was an email from Marie welcoming Annabelle to the team. She skim-read it and then froze.

I also want to let you all know that Jodie Smyth has been promoted to Office FT and is in charge of company wellbeing. She will perform any task you need help with and will be very accommodating to your needs. Please make use of her.

She closed her eyes. Her words came back to haunt her. “I’d do anything to get this job.”

Written by deviantsusie
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