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A Candid Train Ride IV

"The halfway way point of my trip. It only gets more spicy."

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Author's Notes

"Part 4 in a series. “Unexpected Travel Companions.” I think you could enjoy most of it standalone but it’s probably best enjoyed in order."

My layover was only going to be about sixteen hours. Approaching the end of the line, I packed up my bags and scanned the sleeper car for anything I might have left. We finally stopped; the rain was pouring down in sheets. Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I picked up my suitcase and joined the other passengers in filing out of the train and onto the platform of the station.

I took a shuttle to my nearby hotel. After checking into the room, I went out to eat at a local place across the street. It was rainy outside, but the people went about their evening, business as usual in the Pacific Northwest.

After dinner, I decided to keep it simple and hit up the hotel bar before attempting to get some sleep in a real room. I would be boarding a new train tomorrow and off to see more sights. After three days onboard a train, I had become used to the sounds and motions of riding the rails. Even after a few hours on the ground, I was still getting used to terra firma.

The hotel bar was average, several people were drinking inside, and a hockey game was playing on the main tv. I ordered myself a rum and coke and watched for a minute before exiting to the covered patio to have a cigarette. The moist air was clean, and relaxing. The drum of the rain on the roof was loud. Water splashed off the nearby parking lot.

I noticed a young woman, maybe early thirties sitting at a small table on a stool. She was wearing a blue skirt, and a white button-up shirt, her blond hair wrapped in a bun behind her head as she nursed a drink. I recognized her as one of the attendants from the train. She was still wearing part of her uniform, but the vest, name tag, and tie had been ditched. She was very pretty, wearing a modest amount of makeup. I didn’t notice a ring.

“Hey,” I politely acknowledged her, passing by to find another table under the patio.

She smiled at me in return, then resumed looking out into the heavy rain.

“It’s really coming down!” I went with the weather for small talk.

“Yeah, it is,” she turned to face me, and continued, “It hardly ever rains like this where I’m from.”

“Where’s that?” I asked.


“Wyoming here, doesn’t rain a lot there either.” I tried to be friendly, “You just got off the train?”

“Yeah I did,” she replied with a smile.

“I thought I recognized you from the crew.” I lit up a cigarette. She pulled one out of her little purse and did the same.

“Heh, yep, Leanne!” she raised her glass toward me.

“Ben,” I said, “nice to meet you.”

“224?” she asked me, “your cabin number?”

What an attentive woman.

“Yeah, that was me,” I smiled.

She blushed, and tried not to snicker, “You really ought to keep it down next time!”

Her face looked like she was about ready to lose it with laughter, “The couple next to you complained about you, said it sounded like two godless animals in there one night.”

I turned bright red, remembering the glare I received the morning after Heather and my lusty hookup. The disgust on the elderly couple's faces was hard to forget. I didn’t know what to say.

Leanne tried to ease my discomfort, “Nothing wrong with having a good time with your girlfriend.”

“Actually,” my hand went to the back of my head cupping it, “Just someone I met on the train.”

We finished our drinks together and made idle chit-chat while I finished my drink.

Leanne got up, “Rum and coke?” she asked as she stood up, “I’ll get you another.”

“Yeah, that’s perfect, thank you!” I said, warmly.

She disappeared back into the bar for a few minutes; I watched her nice figure as she walked out of sight. Her uniform was decidedly sexy.

She returned with the drinks, sitting at my table and we talked about her work. The crew on passenger trains work long hours, share cramped quarters, and deal with rude people all day, but I learned that Leanne enjoys the adventure and travel that her job provides. She offered other tales of the hanky-panky that people get up to on trains.

“Just last night, I caught a couple fooling around under the blankets,” she told me, “I’ve also caught a girl giving a blowjob in one of the handicapped restrooms,” Leanne leaned over the table toward me as she spoke.

“If having sex on a plane is the Mile-High Club, what do you call having sex on a train?” I asked, genuinely curious.

She laughed, “The Click-ity, Clack-ity Club, or The Mile-Long Club,” she answered, amused by my question.

“Are you a member too?” I asked, now flirting.

“Heh, no. My friend Beth, though, tries to sleep with someone on every ride.”

Leanne was twirling her bangs around her finger, her olive-green eyes looking at me. I noticed her blouse seemed unbuttoned one more. I snuck a glance at her cleavage.

“Are you seeing anyone?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t have much time with my work schedule.  Guys get sick of me being gone all the time,” Leanne answered, shifting in her seat.

“That’s shitty, you’d probably be worth waiting on!” I was feeling bolder now. I’d done pretty well at the bat over the last couple of days.

A waitress came out; it was my turn to buy a round. I asked Leanne where she would be going next; turns out we would be buddies on the same train tomorrow. We continued to flirt, and I told her about my work. The conversation was going well and it was getting late. It was about time to move this somewhere else.

“My roommate is the worst, I’m dreading going up to my hotel room,” she hinted, giving me an opening.

“You can come to my room instead,” I offered.

“Sure, let's go,” she said, standing to leave.

I led her through the bar to the elevator in the lobby, catching a whiff of her fragrance as the doors shut. She bit her lip, standing with an arm across her abdomen as we ascended to the fifth floor.

“After you,” I motioned once the elevator door opened, “just here on the right.”

My pervy gaze scanned her ass, looking for her panty lines. I couldn’t see any as she walked in front of me to the door to my room. I inserted the key card and opened the door.

The quiet hum of the air running in the hotel room greeted us. Leanne went to the window, looking at the city outside. It was still raining; the glass was speckled with water.

I settled in, removing my shoes, and setting my phone and wallet on the nightstand next to the queen-sized bed.

“Are you gonna show me what all that noise was about then?” Leanne’s voice was seductive, “What were you doing in that sleeper?”

She walked toward me next to the bed. I met her halfway, wrapping my arms around her waist. I tilted my head down to kiss her. She kissed me back, her lips tasting sweet against mine. I could feel her hands tugging at my belt, releasing the buckle. My cock grew inside my pants, feeling her knuckles brush against it. I unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her white bra underneath.

She kissed me again, our tongues swirling against each other. My hands roamed over her ass to find the snap of her skirt, undoing it. I lowered the zipper and felt the fabric fall down her legs. My hands caressed her ass, feeling the fabric of her peach-colored thong panties. She stepped out of her skirt and low-pump shoes, shedding her shirt to the floor. Her fingers played with the buttons of my shirt, undoing them so I could throw it off.

She knelt on the floor in front of me, pulling my pants down around my ankles. My boxer briefs were straining from the growing bulge beneath. Her fingers gripped the waistband so she could tug them down. A pearl of pre-cum adorned the head of my dick as it stood free. She used the crotch of her thumb and index finger to knead it down my shaft, her fingers expertly working my erection while she watched my dick fill the blood.

Once her hand found the base of my shaft, she gave me a couple of tugs before taking me into her mouth. She slurped on my head for a few moments.

“I feel like a skank,” she said, her tongue still flicking my helmet.

“Don’t, you’re hot,” I told her, the sensation heightening my arousal.

“I only just met you and I’ve already got your dick in my mouth,” her back arched, giving me a perfect view of her ass while she used her fingers to stroke my cock into her wet mouth.

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I grabbed the back of her head, pushing my shaft into her lips, “I like it.”

She started sucking me off hungrily, wet smacks coming from her mouth. I pushed her against the bed, restraining her while I fucked her face. She gagged when I hit the back of her throat, I let up to allow her to catch her breath. I could see drool running down her chin. She looked up at me, her eyes trying to veil her promiscuity, wanting to please me. I thrust into her mouth against her tongue, feeling her suck as my dick glided past her wet lips. She wasn’t as good as Heather, but she knew how to use her hands better.

She stopped, caressing the childish tattoo just above my knee. Forever a reminder of my friend receiving his first tattoo machine, and being excited to try it out one night. I offered my flesh out of brotherly love while we finished a bottle of Evan Williams in his garage.

“Is that a banana?... and a ghost?” she kissed my knee as she inquired, “Your arm tattoos are way better.”

I stood her up, removing her bra to attack her ample, natural breasts with my mouth. She gasped as I took a nipple into my mouth. I bent her over the edge of the bed; her arms went forward as she sprawled across the comforter. I smacked her ass sharply with my hand, watching the flesh jiggle. She let out a yelp as the pain radiated throughout her body.

“Mmm, I’ve been naughty,” she panted.

I smacked her again, on the other cheek. Her head lifted off of the blanket in response, her mouth open. I slipped an arm under her hips, pulling her knees out from under her; I lay down, my head resting near her hip. I took a mouth full of her butt cheek and sucked on it while a hand probed between her legs, slipping beneath her panties and across her gash.

“Ohh!” she cried out at my touch.

I slipped a finger inside her, looking for wet pussy juice. She was already very moist. I nibbled the flesh of her ass more, causing her to squirm. My finger found her G-spot and she spasmed in my arms.

“Fuck, that's amazing!” she whimpered.

I swirled my finger inside her until her pussy became a swamp. I let up, pulling her back to her knees and elbows facing me.

I stood with a knee on the bed and one foot on the floor as I pulled her mouth toward my dick again; she started sucking me without hesitation. I took her hair in my hand, her gyrating on my dick. I reached down her back and smacked her ass again; it rippled as she squeaked around the raging boner in her mouth.

I was fucking her face again, a soft “gak gak” coming from her mouth. I could feel myself getting close to coming and didn’t want to yet, so I pulled my dick from her mouth to hold off.

She almost spoiled my plan, gripping my throbbing member and tugging it as I pulled away. I barely held back and watched a fresh pearl of cum leak from the tip. I held my breath as I staved off a climax.

I pushed Leanne onto her back, sliding her panties off and discarding them. I roughly spread her legs apart with my hands, closing in to suck on her clit.

“Fuuu…” she moaned, as my tongue pressed into her. I sucked while my tongue tried to knock her clit straight off of her body like a home run.

“Shit… shit… fuck…” was all she was able to articulate, her legs clamping my head in place.

I lashed my tongue into her labia, taking over the work on her clit with my thumb.

She pulled the back of my head against her mound as I slayed her demon pussy with my mouth. I kept licking and sucking even after I felt her body tense up from an orgasm. Her pelvis rolled against my face; she squealed loudly. I reached up with my free hand to grope one of her tits. She had several consecutive orgasms against my face.

I sat up, looking at Leanne. Her face was flushed; she had pulled her hair out of the bun. Her eyes were closed as she came down from her climax. I kissed her thighs, watching her chest heave with each breath.

Giving her a moment to rest, I retrieved the box of condoms from my bag, placing them on the nightstand. I removed one, opened the package, and rolled it on. It felt tight around my swollen dick. I moved to position myself between her legs, aiming my manhood at her slit. She opened her eyes, looking at me in anticipation. She was so wet there was no resistance as I slid inside her. I could feel the ribs of the condom against her inner flesh.

“Yes, fuck me,” she begged as she felt her pussy fill up.

I was pacing myself at a steady rhythm, pinning down her upper arms with my hands. Each thrust caused her breasts to sway against her body. She cried out loudly.

“Your hard cock feels so good in my pussy!”

My pelvis was now smacking into hers, driving my manhood home. I smashed into her body, kissing her neck as she gasped loudly, her mouth gaping open in pleasure.

“You like getting fucked like this?” I groaned.

“I love it,” she nodded.

I nibbled on her ear lobe as she started to squirm again, close to another orgasm. I concentrated on fucking her deep. I gripped a handful of her hair and smashed against her. Her body was shuddering in pleasure as she gasped.

“That’s it, come on my fucking cock!” I commanded her.

Her head tipped back again, her back arching as she began to orgasm. A loud scream penetrated the air when she came. I could feel a warm wet spray against my pelvis; she was squirting. Her body trembled, losing control. I pulled out of her, rubbing her mound while she shook uncontrollably in front of me. Her moans were deafening.

She eventually grabbed my hand to stop me, too sensitive to continue. The bed was soaked; we were soaked. I got up to find a towel to clean up with.

When I came back, Leanne was back on earth. I wiped her down with the towel then cleaned myself up. My cock was still inside the condom; I removed it and lay on my back on the bed.

Leanne took me in her hands and ran her lips up my shaft to the tip. Her hands expertly stroked my shaft as she sucked on the head. The combination of her mouth and hands drove me to climax quickly.

I felt my cock twitch in her mouth; I was ready to come. Sensing my imminent ejaculation, she stopped sucking.

“Sorry, I hate the taste.” She pressed her soft tits against my shaft, stroking me against her skin as I loosed my seed onto her breasts. She watched with satisfaction while my balls drained out like a volcano, covering the back of her hand.

“Oh my god!” I gasped, pleasure coursing through my body.

I thought she would get up and leave after that. Get up, go to work and that would be all she wrote. Instead, she lay her head on my chest and went to sleep on me. I guess there were worse things. I dozed off shortly after, spent after our tryst.

A few hours later I woke up. Leanne was still next to me on the bed; she had rolled over on her side, facing away from me. It was getting light outside. I kissed her back, appreciating her company. My hand crept under the blankets and rested on her side.

She stirred, turning her head back toward me.

“Morning,” she said, yawning.

Leanne sat up, getting up to go into the bathroom. I snoozed while she was in there.

When she came back, I could smell coffee brewing in the little pot.

“The coffee sucks, but it will do until I get a real cup,” she said, walking across the room. She lay beside me on the bed, her arm resting in my lap as I looked into her face.

She pulled the blanket back, exposing my naked body. I watched as she leaned over my thigh to lick my flaccid dick. It twitched a little, coming back to life. I grew hard again inside her mouth; once she was satisfied with its rigidity, she took another condom from the nightstand. I gently played with her hair as she put it on. Her fingers expertly applied force over my shaft. I couldn’t have done it better.

Once I was wrapped up again, she straddled me, guiding me back inside of her. She rode me in cowgirl as we had a morning quickie. We thrust against each other, grunting as if were eating our last known meal in a while.

Once she came, and I filled up the condom with semen, she got dressed to leave. She had a lot of dolling up to do before going to work. I took a shower in a full-sized bathroom for the first time in days and dressed to go find breakfast.

I left the room, closing the door gently behind me. My neighbors were also leaving the room at the same time, and I looked at them. The same sour puss who was staring me down on the train was looking right at me.

“Look, it’s that same guy!” she said to her husband, “You’re going to hell if you keep fornicating like pigs!”

I was in disbelief. “You’ve gotta be putting me on!” I said out loud, though not to them in particular.

Written by Cactus469
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