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A Quickie At The Zoo

"Geoff and Aubrey have a great time at the zoo."

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“Can I have the last sip?” Aubrey asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes and a smile that could have convinced me to do anything. Treason, murder, convert to Scientology, literally anything.

“Of course,” I said, handing her the blue slushie we’d been sharing. She took it and wrapped her lips around the straw to suck out the last few slurps of sugary blue deliciousness. That alone shouldn’t have been enough to rile me up, but I knew what her mouth could do and a majority of our relationship thus far had been sexual in nature so my mind wandered to dirty places. A toucan cawed at us. Aubrey cawed back.

“Zoos are weird,” she said, dodging a swarm of kids plodding toward us.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Like, we put a bunch of creatures that don’t belong here in cages so we can learn about them. We have the internet. And cameras. What can I learn at a zoo that I can’t learn anywhere else?”

I pondered that for a moment. “The smells?”

She laughed. “Well, I’m glad I know what toucans smell like. I don’t know how I could live with myself otherwise.”
We exited the aviary and made our way toward the gorilla enclosure. A small cave bridged the two together and as we rounded a corner she quickly flipped up the back of her skirt to show me her booty and the thong it had for lunch. She loved to tease. Every chance she got, she’d send my mind into the gutter. Innuendos, quick flashes, exploratory touches, anything to make my blood pump down south. It was like a hobby for her, like she wanted to find out how much I could handle before I gave in to my manly urges.

I loved it.

Her skirt fell back into place just as an elderly couple came into view. She glanced at me over her shoulder and gave me a wide-eyed smile that said ‘that was a close one’. Her lips and teeth were blue from the slushie. “Did you blow a Smurf?” I laughed. The elderly woman scoffed as she passed us.

“Would you be jealous if I did?” Aubrey asked, wiggling her tongue to show off the blue.

“Only a lot.”

“Papa Smurf really knows how to treat a lady, what can I say?”

“Ew, he’s old.”

“He aged like wine,” she said with a wink and a click of her tongue. We both laughed.

A mighty Silverback gorilla peered out at us from behind a pane of thick, finger-smudged glass. It looked bored, but majestic.

According to the placard next to the window, his name was George. I read the information underneath George’s bio.

“It says here that my man George gets to mate with several females at a time. They just kinda hang out as part of his harem and take care of his babies.” I reached out and put my fist on the glass, as if for a fist-bump. “Atta boy.”

“If George can handle that many women, he must be a real stallion. Most of the guys I’ve met can barely handle me.”

“You’re a lot to handle.”

Aubrey turned to me with a disgusted scowl on her face. “Did you just call me fat?”

“What? No, of course not. I was just… I meant that-”

Her scowl turned into a laugh. She punked me. “Okay, ha ha, good one,” I said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would work that well.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you, I was worried is all.”

She stepped forward and cupped my face with both hands. “I know, you’re just too cute when you’re uncomfortable. I can’t help it.”

I looked into her eyes, and my embarrassment faded. She gave me a kiss as an olive branch. This woman played me like a piano to whatever tune she saw fit. I was in so far over my head with her; I considered myself lucky that she found me so entertaining. I’d never met such an amazing woman in all my life.

We meandered through the primate section, reading placards and playing with the chimps that interacted with us. Aubrey showed one of them a video of a guy doing a magic trick on her phone, and the chimp actually reacted to it. It jumped up and down, did a quick circle around the enclosure and came back to watch the video again. She played it again, and the chimp hooted once again in excitement. It was fascinating. Many of the other primates kept to themselves in a stoic, almost forlorn kind of way. I wondered if they were shy or depressed or what. Eventually, we walked by a cave with a warning sign that read: CAUTION: EXHIBIT CONTAINS SEXUAL PRACTICE THAT MAY BE INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN. 

“Sounds saucy. Let’s look,” Aubrey said, charging forward. Inside the cave was a cage filled with bonobos, a type of chimp that looked like every other chimp as far as I could tell. What made these chimps stand out was that over half of them were engaging in some kind of overt sexual practice. “Are they on ecstasy or something?” I asked. Aubrey stood next to a wall placard and read aloud.

“Bonobos are unique in the animal kingdom for their sociosexual behavior. Anything from greetings to conflict resolution and boredom are valid reasons in bonobo society to engage in some sexual practice. Bonobos do not discriminate between age or gender and are the only non-human animal that engages in the act of ‘French’ kissing. They also engage in manual stimulation, oral stimulation, and genital on genital stimulation in addition to oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse.”

“You’re telling me Bob the bonobo walks up to Frank the bonobo and says ‘Howdy Frank, how’s the missus?’ and then jerks him off?”

“Thanks for the handy ‘ol chum. Mind if I pop in for a spot of tea and to give the missus a finga’?” Aubrey said in a horrible British accent.

“Why are they Cockney all of a sudden?” I laughed.

“’Ow should I bloody know, they’re the ones talkin’!” she said, laughing.

“I do believe you still owe me a few quid, ‘ol boy. We can either settle this with fisticuffs or a snog and some anal, your pick!” I joined in, and we both laughed so hard tears came to our eyes. A couple pushing a stroller meandered into the bonobo cave and gave us bewildered looks as we excused ourselves. From then on we gave each animal we encountered a new accent and conversed for them. The hippos sounded like hillbillies, the Giraffes like valley girls, and the meerkats like New Yorkers. People around us either chuckled and shook their heads or thought we were crazy and went off in a different direction. 

Eventually, we had explored everything we wanted to explore, apart from the small aquarium at the back of the zoo, so we made our way over. Aubrey was excited to see the jellyfish, so we decided they would be our grand finale as we left for the day. Benches made of shells and fountains that looked like fish spitting water decorated the otherwise austere building. Inside was dark and quiet. We withheld our color commentary to be respectful. Not that there were many people to offend, it was more or less empty. Several of the exhibits were under renovation and we were a week late to watch the octopus babies hatch, so there wasn’t much to look at.  

Many of the tanks were in rough shape, the once colorful coral had turned sad and muted. Even the water was cloudy, which made it difficult to look at any of the tank’s inhabitants in any detail. Overall, we were disappointed we saved it for last. So very underwhelming. To the zoo’s credit, they had work in progress signs all over and some areas were even roped off because of heavy construction. “Oh, no!” Aubrey said, walking over to a roped-off area.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Look,” she said, pointing at a sign above a hallway that read ‘Jellyfish Cove’. The hallway was roped off, and a sign told us the area was under renovation. Our grand finale for the evening was a bust.

“Aw, shoot. I’m sorry,” I said. She folded her arms and stuck out her lip in an exaggerated pout.

“Hmph!” she grunted, stomping one foot in disapproval. The dimples in her cheeks tightened as she held back a smile.

“You’re so damn cute sometimes I can barely stand it.”

“I waaanted to seee the jellieees!” she whined, leaning on me like a tired toddler.

“I know pumpkin, but they’re getting a new home so we’ll just have to come back and drink blue slushies again sometime,” I said in a fatherly tone, patting her head.

“Fuck it, I’m going in,” she said. Without hesitation, she ducked under the velvet rope and went down the hall to Jellyfish Cove.

“Aubrey? Aubrey!” I whispered. I checked to make sure no one was watching us, then checked all the corners for cameras. “Aubrey, we can’t!” I hissed as she rounded a corner and left my sight. I ducked under the rope and hustled after her. Never a dull moment when she was around. That’s one of my favorite things about her, the extra spice she brings to life. She pushes me out of my comfort zone and usually I come out the other side having grown a little, one way or another. Getting banned from our local zoo didn’t seem like it would be one of those times. I rounded the corner and chased after her. 

What I found took my breath away. 

The remodel on Jellyfish Cove was almost complete. Glass encased the room in every direction. Even the floor and ceiling were glass. Beyond the glass was crystal clear water and a menagerie of brightly colored fluorescent fish, flora and, of course, jellies. Aubrey stood in the center of the room, gawking at the magnificent display around us. All manner of colors, bright as a neon sign, floated and swam around us. Everything glowed, illuminated by black lights spaced around the area. 

Aubrey smiled at me and her teeth shone bright white, brighter than anything else in the room. Her bra and thong glowed pink underneath her clothes, the fabric of which was too sheer to block them entirely. It almost made it look like she was wearing a bikini, and I wasn’t complaining one bit about that. “Your teeth are so white!” she said as I walked up to her. “Eyes too.”

“Yours as well,” I replied. “I’m glad to see you wore matching underwear.”

She looked down. “Well, will ya look at that,” she laughed.  

I smiled down at her and she took both of my hands into hers, pulling us close and lifting up on her tiptoes to bring her face to mine for a kiss. She made me go the last inch. Our lips touched, delicate and affectionate. As they parted, she stared up at me with a new hunger in her eyes, a look made even more intense because of the effect of the black light. She took my hands around her waist and set them on her round, firm booty, then lifted her hands to the back of my neck to pull me down for another kiss.

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This time her tongue flicked into my mouth. I dug my fingers into her booty and pulled her in tight, using my tongue to play with hers. With one volleyball-toned cheek in each hand, I lifted her into the air, bringing her face closer to mine so I didn’t have to bend down because of our height difference. She giggled and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me for stability, pulled at my lower lip with her teeth, then wiggled her tongue back into my mouth to continue our fiery make-out session. 

I awkwardly shuffled forward and pressed her back to the glass of the aquarium, careful not to press too hard. She grinned and looked up at the glowing, floating jellies around us while I nuzzled into her neck and kissed my way down to her ample cleavage, pushed up and squeezed together because of our situation. I licked over the firm, voluptuous curves of her breasts and ground my hips into hers, pressing my swollen cock against her through my jersey shorts. Thankfully, it was a hot day, and I opted to wear them instead of jeans. 

She moaned softly and scratched the back of my head with one hand, pulling my face into her bosom. Her other hand ventured south, squeezing between our bodies and down inside the elastic waistband of my shorts. In no seconds flat she wrapped her fingers around my aching shaft and let out a satisfied coo. “Somebody is happy we snuck into Jellyfish Cove,” she purred.

I kissed the top of each breast and came up for air, resting my forehead on hers. “Sorry, you got me a little riled up.”

“Don’t apologize. Take advantage,” she said with a smirk. 

“You can’t be serious.”

“Can’t I?”

“Here? Now? In the middle of a closed-off exhibit?”

“The jellies and I won’t tell if you don’t,” she said, giving me a mischievous smirk that always made me do things I shouldn’t. This woman, I tell you. I honestly do not understand how she brings it out of me, how she gets my blood so hot with lust. She knew she had me wrapped around her little finger. One flash of those baby blues or triple D’s was all it took to make me risk things I otherwise never would. I swear, she could make me bang her in the Sistine Chapel and I’d come out the other side thinking it was a good idea.

Her glowing eyes locked onto mine, watching the gears turn in my head. “Put me down, I’ll get you started,” she said, relaxing her legs so I could put her down. After a moment’s hesitation, I did, and she dropped to her knees, taking my shorts with her. My cock sprung out like a jack-in-the-box and she gave a delighted little squeal. I checked the hallway over my shoulder, terrified of being caught, but the fear melted away as I felt her lips wrap around the tip of my cock and suck gently like a pacifier. 

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” I moaned, running my fingers through her hair as she took me deeper. I was already rock hard, penetrating her right now would be no problem. But we both knew a little lube went a long way, and saliva works great in a pinch. Besides, it's not like I would turn down a blowjob no matter how long she wanted to give it. A few seconds, a few hours, doesn’t matter to me. She wiggled her tongue under the belly of my cock and turned her face back and forth as if she were trying to touch her ear to her shoulder, creating a corkscrew motion with her mouth. 

I had to bite down on my fist to stay quiet.

She licked back up to my tip, slow and sensual, leaving a coating of saliva along the way. Her tongue circled around my tip a few times, then she slowly took me back into her mouth, deeper and deeper until her chin pressed against my swollen balls. I gently gripped the back of her head, using my other hand to brace against the glass wall while my knees threatened to buckle. Her tongue squirmed out of her mouth and tickled my balls, a feat I’m not sure how she managed so effortlessly. 

Once again, her warm mouth slid up my shaft, leaving a nice layer of saliva in its wake. She kissed the tip and licked her lips.

“Ready?” she asked, a glowing smile on her face. 

“Get up here,” I said, cupping under her arms and lifting her into the air. My hands switched once again to her booty long enough for me to pin her against the aquarium wall and pull her neon pink thong aside with one hand. The whites of her eyes glowed intensely. I put our foreheads together and lined my slick cock up underneath her, taking a moment to find what I was looking for and entering her with a single, desperate push. Her jaw dropped and her shoulders stiffened as she gasped.

My hand returned to her booty for support as I slowly worked my entire length into her, keeping it deep and only pulling back an inch or two at first. She smiled at me, then lifted her shirt, bunching it up underneath her armpits before pulling the cups of her bra down to let her enormous natural triple D’s free for me to gawk and fondle. I gave her a passionate kiss as if to say thank you, then pumped my hips in and out, retreating a little more each time. Before long I was pumping her from balls to tip, making sure she felt my entire length with each pass.

I arched my neck to lick her cleavage again, sucking the tender flesh as close to her nipple as I could get. Given the angle, it was difficult. At least until she saw what I was doing and lifted her breast for me, waiting for me to get her nipple into my mouth and begin sucking before her hand returned to my shoulder for stability. I practically growled into her luscious breast, sucking hard on her perky pink nipple as I pinned her to the wall with my thrusts, each one causing her breasts to jiggle in my face. 

She moaned as I released her nipple and shifted my affection to the other. I didn’t want it to feel ignored, after all. Once again she lifted her breast, allowing me to grip her nipple with my lips and suck while my hips fired like a piston. With her legs wrapped around me and her hands on my shoulders, I didn’t need both hands holding her up anymore. I let go of her booty with my left hand and brought it up to her chest, kneading and squeezing it hungrily. “You feel so good baby,” she moaned. I grunted in response.

It didn’t take long for the familiar tingle of an orgasm to tickle my balls. If I had my way I’d have kept plowing her for an hour, but my cock wasn’t about to allow that. Plus, the longer I held out, the better of a chance we had of getting caught. It was for the best that I was almost at the point of no return. I suckled and fondled her magnificent chest a while longer, huffing and puffing through my nose the whole time. My thighs and butt grew sore. She didn’t weigh much, but it still took a lot of energy to pin her to the wall and pump my cock into her like that. Too much longer and I would gas out.

I redoubled my efforts. My steady, rhythmic pumping turned to hard, desperate thrusts. The sound of my balls smacking her booty almost made me slow down, I didn’t want to get caught. Then again, if I didn’t finish soon, I might not get to at all. Noise be damned, I powered through. The familiar tingle turned to warmth. The warmth swelled to an overwhelming pressure that I knew I couldn’t hold back much longer. My cock grew rock hard, ready to blow. I hit the point of no return.

“Don’t stop, I’m almost there!” she moaned. 

Every muscle in my body went rigid apart from my pumping hips. I grit my teeth and held out for a fraction of a second longer. Then I exploded. When I say exploded, I mean an eruption of cum like I had never experienced before. My cock bucked and twitched, shooting load after load of my thick warm sperm between her legs. My hips fired like a machine gun for a few seconds, and her nails dug into my shoulders to tell me that was what she wanted. Explosions of euphoria wracked my brain, and I lost focus in my vision.

My once steady pumping turned sporadic and uneven, then slowed. “Keep going, I’m so close!” she cried. I wanted to, I really did. My legs had other plans. Both knees buckled, and I was too tired to try to correct myself. I fell backward with Aubrey still clung to me. We landed hard. She grunted as her knees hit the glass floor and I had the wind knocked out of me. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I gasped, my voice almost a whisper.

“Good,” she said, then pinned my shoulders to the ground with her palms and started bouncing her hips on my cock like her life depended on it. The sensitivity of my cock was through the roof after my orgasm. I squirmed underneath her, both satisfied and tortured by my pleasure. She stared down at me, chewing on her lower lip, breasts jiggling with each of her motions as she took things into her own hands. I admired that about her. She was going to cum whether I liked it or not. 

My generous load made fantastic lube. She bounced up and down my shaft effortlessly, and somehow I was still rock hard. It didn’t take long for her to reach her climax. Her jaw slowly dropped and her moans silenced as it took hold. She arched her back, pushing those wondrous breasts into the air as her thighs shuddered around me. She worked her hips up and down my tender cock and squeezed my shoulders so hard I thought she might draw blood. All at once, she collapsed forward, pressing her breasts to my chest and shoving her tongue in my mouth as she grunted desperately.

I realized that was her way of staying quiet. 

After a few seconds, her hips relaxed and she laid on top of me, quiet and still with my cock still inside her. My heart hammered in my chest. I gasped for air, staring up at the serene, peaceful jellyfish around us. Everything was quiet all of a sudden. Like the calm after a storm. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her cheek. “We should probably get out of here,” I whispered. She gave a satisfied grunt in response.

Despite us both agreeing now would be a great time to leave, we laid there for a moment longer. Eventually, I softened enough that I naturally fell out of her and that was our cue to skidaddle. We stood up. My shorts, her skirt and the floor looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. Bright white splatters were all over thanks to the blacklight illuminating my sperm. “Oops. We probably should have thought of that.” I said. 

We quickly and quietly made our way out of the aquarium. 


Written by VivicaSnow
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