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Teacher's Pet

"Aubrey teaches Geoff a lesson after class."

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It was the first day of a new semester, and I was already late to my first class. Thankfully, it was a lecture-style class so with any luck I’d be able to sneak into the lecture hall and quietly sit down in the back with no one the wiser. Even if I was noticed for being tardy, it wasn’t uncommon on the first day, I’m sure I’d get a pass. I jogged up to the big wooden door to my class and took a second to catch my breath before slowly opening the door and letting myself in. The professor was mid-lecture, and either didn’t notice, or ignored me entirely. Close to a hundred students filled out a generous portion of the lecture hall, and I quickly found a seat a few rows from the back to claim as my own.

Looking around at the other students reminded me I forgot to pick up the textbook, so I could not follow along with their exact location. I pulled a notebook out of my bag and clicked my pencil a few times to push out some lead, then voraciously took notes to catch up. A cute little brunette sat off to one corner of the room, a teacher’s assistant by the looks of it. I felt a little ashamed of myself because I kept glancing over at her for a better look. Her button-up hugged her curvy frame in the most appealing way and reminded me a lot of the girl I was seeing. Like a nerdy, bookish version of her anyway.

The first fifteen or twenty minutes of note taking went well, but my eyes kept drifting to the cute TA. She reminded me so much of Aubrey, my self-proclaimed cum buddy, that I couldn’t shake a feeling of attraction to her. This made me feel like crap because I was effectively taken and shouldn’t be looking at other girls. Try as I might, my thoughts kept drifting to Aubrey and my eyes kept drifting to the sexy TA off in the corner. Soon I lost focus of the lecture entirely and before I knew it class was over. Students stood up and most of them filed out of the lecture hall while several went down to the podium to speak with the professor. 

I decided it was worthwhile to meet the TA under the pretense of my lack of textbook. With any luck, I’d get a good look at her and find something that turned me off, and I’d be able to focus the rest of the semester without any further distractions. I packed up my notebook and made my way down to speak with her. Two other students had things to discuss with her, so I pulled out my phone and waited till she was finished. “Can I help you with something?” she asked once her last student left. I looked up and now, close up and in better light, I realized why I was so taken with her.

“Aubrey?” I asked.

“The one and only,” she smiled. She had donned a tight, businessy button-up and pencil skirt that was way more formal than I was used to seeing her in. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a pair of glasses I didn’t know she needed. She wore a more professional face of makeup as well, with dark lips and thicker lashes. All in all she pulled off a hot teacher look that I very much enjoyed, but looked nothing like the Aubrey I knew.

“You’re a TA?”

“Will Aubrey be able to answer your question? I have another lecture I need to prepare for on the East side of campus,” the professor asked over my shoulder.

“Yes, I think so. Thanks professor, great lecture,” I said, giving him a thumbs up.

“The part of it you attended anyway,” he replied. I tried to flash a disarming smile, but he wasn’t amused.

“Won’t happen again sir, sorry.”

“See that it doesn’t.” And with that, the professor left Aubrey and I alone in the big empty lecture hall.

“I didn’t know you were interested in underwater basket weaving,” Aubrey joked.

“It was the only elective left,” I replied, looking her up and down. “How are you a TA?”

“I took some AP classes in High School that pushed me ahead a year or two on a few subjects. Honestly, Professor Burress is such a codger that the administration wants a friendly face next to him to avoid drop outs. They are giving me credit for the class and I get to interface with the other professors in the department, which may help me later.”

“Wow, I had no idea.” My eyes kept taking her in. Now that I knew who she was, I felt less bad about staring.

“What is it?” she asked, looking down at herself and adjusting her clothes.

“Nothing. Just, like… you pull off the sexy teacher thing very well.”

“Oh?” she smiled, and if I didn’t know better I’d say she even blushed a little. “You better mind your manners, mister.”

“Will I be able to earn any extra credit this semester, or are you going to be playing things by the book?” I teased.

“Extra credit?” she asked, giving me a sly smirk as she caught on. “I think there’s a good chance you’ll need extra credit to get that grade up.”

“I’m listening,” I said, holding back a smile to maintain the charade. She stood up from her desk and slowly clicked a circle around me in her high heels. As she approached the lectern next to me she plucked a ruler from it and patted her hand a few times before continuing her circle around me.

“What to do, what to do?” she said, giving me an up and down appraisal with her eyes. She stepped closer, almost close enough for her breasts to touch my chest. Her nostrils flared. She leaned in and took a whiff of the cologne at my neck. “You smell good,” she said and her voice broke character for a moment. She gave me a devilish smirk and leaned forward to lick my neck, sending an electrifying pulse down my spine. “Taste good, too.”

Oh man, this girl really knows how to rev me up. “Better be careful or I’m gonna bend you over this desk and start earning that extra credit,” I teased.

“If anyone is getting bent over, it’s you, Geoffery. I’m the one giving grades,” she said, putting an air of authority into her voice again.

I cringed. “Geoffery?”

“Mister… Geoff,” she corrected. A smile pulled at her cheeks as she realized she didn’t know my last name.

“Hart,” I offered.

“I’m the one giving grades, mister Hart. You’ll be doing as I say if you want to improve yours.”

“Understood, professor. I won’t be so silly next time,” I laughed. Then I remembered why I came up here in the first place. “Oh, do you have a textbook I can borrow? Actually, never mind. I can find one at the library till I get mine,” I said, dropping the charade.

“Mister Hart, you forgot your textbook?” she asked, straightening her back which had the lovely effect of pushing her triple D’s forward and straining the buttons of her top.

“I didn’t know I needed it today, I’ve been kind of a mess,” I said. 

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” she chided, walking a circle around me once more, tapping her palm with the ruler she held. “What am I going to do with you?” she asked, still in character. I heard the brief swish of a ruler swiping through the air and then felt it smack my butt with a disappointing pat. She wound up and tried to spank me again, but the ruler was too small and my jeans too thick for it to make a satisfying noise. She grumbled under her breath and smacked me with her palm, which had a much better effect. 

“It won’t happen again, professor. I promise,” I smiled, putting myself back into character.

“I have an extra textbook I could give you, but I’m sure you know how expensive they are.”

“Yes, professor, I do.”

“A young college student like you probably can’t afford the textbook which is why you don’t have it today. Is that right?”

“Yes, professor,” I smirked. She walked another quiet circle around me, patting the ruler to her palm.

“Are you open to other methods of payment, Mister Hart?”

“Very open, professor,” I said, wondering what naughty things she would do to me tonight in the privacy of our dorms in exchange for a textbook. I hadn’t known her long, but Aubrey was always full of surprises. 

“Take off your clothes,” she instructed. I blinked at her. She slapped the ruler in her palm. “Now.”

“Here?” I asked. The lecture hall was empty, but the sounds of students just outside the doors echoed toward us.

“You do want that textbook, don’t you Mister Hart?” she asked, staying in character.

“I do, I just…” Was she testing me? Playing a prank? Maybe if I called her bluff, she’d finally break character and stop me. I reached up and undid my first button, then the second, and the third, all the while staring into her bespectacled eyes waiting for her to crack. She smiled and bit her lower lip, watching as I undid all the buttons on my shirt. I glanced over my shoulder again, assuring myself we were alone, and took my shirt off. Her eyes raked down my body before they met mine. She glanced down at my pants, then back to my eyes. When I didn’t start unbuttoning them, she glanced again, more obviously this time.

She wasn’t bluffing.

I took a deep breath and unbuttoned my pants, kicking off my shoes before letting the weight of my belt drop my pants to the floor. She gave me a wicked grin and nodded her approval. “I love a man that goes commando,” she said. The air conditioning felt nice on my nethers, though I hoped it wouldn’t make me look small. I glanced over my shoulder again, checking for the umpteenth time that no one else could see us. Her eyes took in every detail of my naked body and my heart raced with the thrill of getting caught. Then I almost had a heart attack when I heard the latch to the lecture hall door clank behind me. 

My instinct, foolish as it seemed, was to run. When I tried, I was rewarded with a face plant onto the podium floor thanks to my pants being around my ankles. The door swung open, and I had no choice but to scramble awkwardly under her small desk to avoid being seen. Aubrey stood behind the desk, almost acting like a shield even though the portion facing the audience was covered with wood.

“Uhh, is this theater D?” a nervous voice asked at the top of the lecture hall. 

“I’m sorry, this is lecture hall D. Theater D is in the east quad.”

“Are you sure? The map says this is theater D.”

“With all due respect, the sign on the door you just entered explicitly says ‘Lecture Hall D’ on it.” Over my thumping heart I heard the faint sound of paper crinkling, as if the guy was turning over a map in his hand.

“Can you show me on this map where I am?” the voice asked.

“Now’s not a good time, I’m, uh…” Aubrey hesitated, and somehow I felt her looking down toward me. “I’m preparing for my next class, so please leave.”

“It’ll only take a second,” the voice said, and I heard footsteps draw near. Aubrey kicked my clothes under the desk and quickly sat in the chair, rolling it forward to put her legs underneath the desk and presumably hide me further. As her knees went toward me, I lightly pushed them to either side, spreading them away from my face so I could fit between her legs under the tiny desk. I dragged my clothes under the desk with me and held as still as I could, holding out all hope that this stranger wasn’t going to see me naked. 

“Okay, so I’m here, right?” the voice asked, and I heard a thump on the top of the desk as he placed the map on it. Aubrey adjusted the map and slid further forward, all but suffocating me in the compact space as her knees, thighs and part of the chair closed in around me. 

“No, you’re here,” she said. “You need to go down this hallway and hang a left when you see the statue of the fat guy with the mustache. From there, cross the grass, walk passed the fountain and enter the second door after the gym. You should find the theaters there.”

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“Ohhhh, wow, I feel stupid now. Thank you,” he said, and I heard the paper crumple as he picked it back up. Once my eyes had adjusted to the relative darkness while trapped under the desk, I was rewarded with a blatant view up Aubrey’s skirt. Her panties were tight and left nothing to the imagination. “So, like, you’re a teacher here?” the voice asked.

“An assistant, yes,” she said, offering no further conversation. The tone in her voice suggested he should leave, but he wasn’t catching on.

“That’s cool. You like it?”

“Yes. If you don’t mind, I need to prepare for my next class.”

“Sure, no problem. Could I, like, walk with you there?” Oh god, was he trying to flirt?

“It’s here. Besides, you have to get to theater D, remember?”

“Right, yeah, I suppose. Well, thanks,” he said, and I saw her thighs relax as the sound of his footsteps walked away. I waited a moment, staring between her legs until I thought the guy was almost gone. To tease her a bit, I blew a hot breath on her inner thigh. My face was right there, it was hard to resist. Then I gently flicked my tongue out and licked it, which got a surprised jolt out of her that made me smile. I kissed up her inner thigh and as I heard the door to the lecture hall open and close, I pulled her panties aside and gave her deliciously soft lips a kiss.

“You naughty, naughty boy,” she moaned, pushing the chair back a little to give me more room, but not moving enough to let me out from under the desk. I bunched the fabric of her panties to one side and slowly licked her lips, teasing her for a while. Her hand moved under the desk and lightly played with my hair. I wrapped my mouth gently around the flesh of her thigh and sucked on it, then turned my head and did the other. Her hips shifted and she let out a soft moan which encouraged me to wiggle my tongue between her lips to gently caress her clit.

The door opened once again.

“Say, could I, like, buy you a coffee sometime or something?” the voice from before asked.

“No!” Aubrey blurted out, her thighs tightening again.


“No, thank you. Get to class,” she said, instinctively scooting the chair in to hide. That also caused her hips to lift and my tongue to slip inside her as she moved forward. I didn’t mind, and from the sound of her squeak she didn’t either.

“You okay?”

“Go to class!”

The door shut once more and I couldn’t help but laugh. She moaned as the vibrations of my voice tickled her, then she gripped my hair tighter and said, “Hush, you. You’ve got a grade to fix.” Something about her commitment to that teacher character was an enormous turn on, even as goofy as it was. I rested my chin on her chair and kept lapping my tongue up and down between her legs, venturing inside her every so often for a quick taste. Her hips squirmed and writhed with my licks, and her soft moans grew louder. Her fingernails scratched the back of my head softly, almost like she were petting a dog. If my tongue ventured too far from where she wanted it, she’d shift her hips and push my head with her hand to compensate.

Still stuck under the desk, my muscles were cramping. I’m a pretty tall guy and it wasn’t much space to hide in, especially with her legs sharing the room with me. I didn’t want to complain and ruin the moment though, so instead I sped up the motions of my tongue to show her clit I meant business. She immediately vocalized her approval of this change of pace, which gave me a second wind to fight through my discomfort. I turned my head and pushed her knees apart to give myself more room, licking and gently sucking on her clit, swirling my tongue in furious circles all to bring her over the edge.

Her passionate moaning went silent, and for a second I thought I lost her. Then her thighs clamped around my head and her hips lifted into my face, all but smothering me as she let out a long moan. Her hand left the back of my head and I heard her moan muffle, like she had clamped her fingers over her mouth to stay quiet. Her thighs quivered around my ears and right as I was about to try to wrench my head free to breathe, she relaxed her grip on my head with her thighs and squirmed around in her chair. I took a quick breath in through my nose and nuzzled forward, chasing her with my tongue to continue the barrage of ecstasy.

The muffled moan turned to a muffled squeal and her heels shot up next to my shoulders and pushed against the inside of the desk. Cramped and sore, I didn’t have the reflexes to pull her back. She huffed and puffed with a big grin on her face as I crawled out from under the desk, still buck naked. As I stood up, I laughed and almost fell back to the floor. My legs had fallen asleep under the desk and I could barely hold myself up. My palm landed on the desk to support my weight and prevent me from falling over, then I sat on top of the desk till my legs returned to normal.

“Are you okay?” she asked, a bead of sweat dripping down her cheek.

“My legs fell asleep,” I explained. She looked down and grinned.

“He’s awake though.”

I looked down and discovered I was rock hard. Not surprising, given what I had just done. I just didn’t really notice thanks to my legs. Aubrey rolled forward on her chair and slid between my legs. At first I wanted to protest. We were still in the lecture hall, and I was totally naked. It would be very hard to explain the situation if anyone showed up. Once I felt her warm lips wrap around the tip of my cock, however, I was willing to risk it. Her head slowly bobbed in my lap and I moaned as her mouth enveloped my cock so effortlessly, so eagerly it was like she had been waiting all along. 

Then the pins and needles set in.

At first it was subtle and Aubrey’s blowjob was enough of a distraction to make me not care. Then it sunk in further, growing in intensity as the blood returned to my toes and I couldn’t help but groan out as I endured the sensation. “Feeos oood?” she mumbled around my cock.

“Pins and needles,” I groaned, laughing a little. She gave me a concerned coo and sucked harder as if to help distract me, then lightly massaged my thighs with her hands, trying to help the blood return to normal. It felt like it lasted longer than it actually did, but once my legs returned to normal, I could fully enjoy the feeling of her mouth. She bobbed up and down for a bit, wiggling her tongue along the belly of my cock in the most tantalizing way. My legs returned to normal, and I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in the wonderful sensations of her oral affections. 

Then the sensation stopped. I opened my eyes and saw Aubrey leaning over the desk, skirt lifted and legs spread. She bounced her eyebrows at me. “You still gotta earn that grade, mister.”

“I don’t have an A yet?” I smiled, hopping off the desk and lining up my slick hard cock between her legs.

“I’d say you’ve got a D right now,” she replied. Thanks to our oral pre-game, I slid between her legs with no trouble at all. Her back stiffened, and she took in a quick breath. “Maybe a D+.” 

I moved the tip of my cock in and out of her a few times, then slowly pushed it deeper and deeper until my hips rested against her firm booty. My cock flexed inside her as I pressed my hips into her thighs, pushing her against the desk to get deeper still. We both moaned in unison, then laughed. “You gonna earn that A, baby?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at me from behind her sexy glasses. 

“I’m gonna try,” I said, giving her booty a playful smack and then gripping her hips with both hands to pump my length into her. She spread her fingers out on the desk and braced against my pumps. She felt so tight and wet from her orgasm I couldn’t help but moan a little louder than I intended. She, too, was vocal. Her previous orgasm heightened the sensation of my cock inside her and together we made much more of a racket than I would have liked. At any moment someone could walk in and see me balls deep inside my crazy hot girlfr… no, she wasn’t prepared to use that word. Cum buddy was what she preferred. At any moment someone could walk in and see me balls deep inside my crazy hot cum buddy, and who knows what discipline we’d receive if that happened.

Worth it.

I dug my fingers into her hips and worked my throbbing cock inside her with long, steady pumps. She lowered her forehead to the top of the desk and wrapped her fingers over the top to keep steady. She felt incredible. I’d been inside her before, but her post-orgasm tightness and having her bent over the teacher’s desk like this gave us both unfamiliar sensations that we couldn’t keep to ourselves. Each time my swollen balls bumped against her sensitive clit she let out a grunt of satisfaction and as I buried my entire length inside her, I huffed and moaned. Sweat from my forehead dripped down to her luscious booty, which encouraged me to smack it just for fun.

My insatiable cum buddy looked over her shoulder at me and smiled, seductively licking her teeth to egg me on. I gave her booty another smack and pumped harder, thrusting my cock deep inside her with each pump. I spanked her again, and she flashed me a wicked grin that scrunched up her nose in a way that almost put me over the edge by itself. I slid both hands around her hips to cup the crease between her hip and thigh for extra leverage, then pounded my way to the finish line. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, then she held on tight to the edge of the desk and let me go to town.

As my thrusting increased, my lungs protested the extra effort and my breath came out in labored huffs. I licked my lips and could still taste her on them, delicious and sweet. By now she was practically screaming in pleasure, enduring my thrusts and riding out her own waves of pleasure as my cock swelled and hardened in preparation for my orgasm. I smelled our sweat mixing with sex and watched her booty bounce against my hips with each of my thrusts. An electric tingle started in my balls and quickly spread to my fingers and toes. My legs wobbled, threatening to buckle from exertion, but I was at the point of no return. I refused to stop.

My head rocked back and I let out a thunderous moan, slamming my cock inside her a few final times before burying it as deep as I could get it and blasting my warm sperm inside her. She moaned as my cock twitched and throbbed, pumping her full of cum to where it leaked out of her and dripped down my aching balls. I gasped for air and placed my hands on the desk, huffing and puffing over her while my balls emptied between her legs. We both stayed still for a moment. I strained my ears to hear if anyone was coming to investigate. Someone had to have heard that. 

She curled her lips to the side of her face and blew a stray hair out of her eyes. She let out a long, content sigh and turned to rest her cheek on the desk. I pulled my tired cock out of her and collapsed into her chair, still naked as the day I was born. My sexy cum buddy stood up, stretched her back, and adjusted her panties to slow the wave of my sperm that would slide out of her for the rest of the day. She fixed her skirt, adjusted her blouse, straightened her glasses and looked down at my dripping cock. I should have been getting dressed too, but I was too tired. If someone caught me, oh well.

Aubrey stepped forward and gently dropped to her knees, bending over and taking my glistening cock into her mouth to lick it clean off our cum cocktail. She delicately licked up and down the shaft, sucking on my balls and giving the tip a loving kiss before she licked her lips clean and grabbed my clothes from under her desk. 

“A+. Class dismissed.”

Written by VivicaSnow
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