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Pool Fuck Fun

"My African trip ends on a sexual high"

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“So, did you have a good time in Cape Town?” asked Maria, as she manoeuvred the Mercedes out of the airport car-park, narrowly avoiding being mown down by an enormous truck carrying a teetering load of timber that seemed to be secured with little more than string and a prayer.

“It was awesome,” I said, truthfully. What had seemed like an opportunity to spend a relaxing week in the company of an old friend from university had turned into something of a sex-fest, with much fucking and fun with individuals of both genders.  Even so, I’d been looking forward to seeing Maria and her stepson, Hansie, again. Since the eventful train journey from Johannesburg to Cape Town, during which I’d taken Hansie’s virginity, she’d texted me several times reminding me of my promise to spend my last night in South Africa with them in Jo’burg, rather than the hotel which I’d previously booked. To be honest, I didn’t need much persuading, especially when Maria offered to pick me up from the airport and drop me off back there the following morning in plenty of time for my flight back to the UK.

The journey to her house was, I have to admit, not without its stressful moments. After driving for a while through some nondescript industrial areas that could have been located anywhere in the world, we joined a dual carriageway and Maria put her foot down. I’d noticed in Cape Town that the local drivers took little notice of such elementary things as road markings and the rule about giving way to the right at roundabouts; but compared to the road-users of Jo’burg they were models of good behaviour. Time and again Maria had to brake when a rickety “bakkie” swerved in front of us, veering wildly across the carriageways with total disregard for any other vehicles, or such helpful courtesies as using its indicators. Maria smiled as she saw the look on my face.

“Half the time their brakes don’t work properly either,” she said, which wasn’t exactly comforting. She swerved to allow a brightly-painted Quantum minibus to come past, which seemed to be packed far beyond its recommended capacity with young black South Africans, who leaned out of the windows and cheered as their vehicle roared past Maria’s Mercedes, a trail of black smoke pouring from its exhaust. 

Having googled it beforehand, I knew that Maria’s house was in the suburb of Parkview, north of the city centre and close to Jo’burg Zoo, so when Maria turned off the main road and began to follow signs decorated with elephants I knew we couldn’t be far away. Parkview was clearly one of the more upmarket areas of the city, although it was hard to see much of the houses themselves as they were almost without exception surrounded by high, barbed-wire topped walls. As if that wasn’t enough, prominent signs outside each property warned of “24-hour Armed Response”; they’d certainly have put me off breaking in, even if I could’ve got over the barbed wire.

As if to offset the effect of the ugly walls, almost every suburban street was flanked with rows of large trees that were absolutely smothered in glorious blue flowers. Maria noticed me looking at them. “They’re jacarandas,” she said. “You picked the right time to come; in another 10 days they’ll be past their best.”

We pulled off the road outside one of the high-walled houses, access to which was through a steel security gate which Maria opened with a control on her key-ring. As she pulled up outside the house and we both got out, Hansie appeared from behind the building. He was soaking wet and wearing just a pair of swim shorts, having clearly just got out of the swimming-pool. He ran over with a smile.

“Hi Ma, hi Annie,” he said. “I heard the gates, so I knew it had to be you.”

He stood dripping by the car, his arms awkwardly hanging by his side. I could tell he wanted to give me a hug, but was thoughtful enough not to want to get me wet.

I laughed. “Don’t worry,” I said, putting out my arms. “I expect I’ll be in the pool too in a minute.” So we hugged tightly, and I did indeed have a big wet patch on the front of my t-shirt when we eventually let go of each other.

Maria laughed too. “Now you’re going to have to go and change,” she said. “I’m going to put my swimsuit on and go straight round to the pool, so I suggest you do the same. Hopefully the girl’s got some drinks ready.” 

“It’s okay, Ma, Patience did it before she left,” said Hansie. I wondered who she meant for a moment, but then realised that Maria undoubtedly employed at least one local black South African to do most of the housework, and probably the cooking too.

Maria showed me my room, and I wasted no time in stripping off all my clothes and putting on my skimpy little bikini. It always attracted attention, the two little triangles really only serving to provide a cursory covering for my nipples, and the thong-style bottoms allowing the firm cheeks of my bum to get all the sun they wanted. I knew Hansie would enjoy the view, and hoped Maria would like it too.

I went out onto the patio at the rear of the house. Hansie was back in the pool, and Maria was already relaxing on one of the sun-loungers. What’s more, she was topless, wearing just a bright red pair of bikini bottoms. She got up with a smile when she saw me coming.

“You look lovely, Annie,” she said. “That’s a pretty bikini. But I hope you don’t mind me taking my top off. I prefer to sunbathe like this at home.”

Judging by the lack of tan-lines, she spent quite a lot of time occupied in this enjoyable activity. Her breasts were quite a lot bigger than mine, but still firm, and topped with large dark areolae and nipples. I couldn’t help admiring her slim, well-toned body. She looked more like Hansie’s older sister than his step-mother. No wonder he’d been happy for her to suck his cock, and do whatever other sexy games she’d indulged him in. She’d said that he’d played with her tits, and I’d deduced this included sucking her nipples, judging by his expert tongue-work on mine.

“I’ll do the same if that’s okay then,” I said. “My friend’s place had a cocktail pool, and we’d usually sunbathe topless, so it’d be a shame to spoil my tan. And Hansie’s seen them before anyway.”

I slipped off my bikini top. I still had a few light tan-lines from when we’d gone to the beach (Janet had warned me that topless sunbathing sometimes attracted the wrong sort of attention) but otherwise I was a nice golden-brown colour all over my top half.

“You’ve got lovely breasts,” said Maria. “I bet Hansie enjoyed playing with them.” With a smile, she put out her hand and gently stroked my left boob. To my slight embarrassment my nipple immediately became hard when her fingers brushed over it. Maria noticed this, and let her finger linger around the pink bud. My heart was thumping with excitement and I bit my lip, letting her see how much I was enjoying her touch.

Suddenly I noticed Hansie standing next to us. He seemed a little bit unsure how to react to the sight of his step-mother playing with my perky little cherry. His eyes were flicking backwards and forwards between Maria’s large boobs and my smaller ones, as if unable to decide which pair he preferred.

Maria had noticed it too. “Really, bokkie, anyone would think you’d never seen a pair of bare breasts,” she scolded. “It’s not as if you’ve never seen mine before – or Annie’s, for that matter.”

Hansie blushed at this. “Come in the pool, Annie, it’s lovely,” he said.

“Sure,” I laughed. “Last one in’s a sissy!”

I ran towards the pool and leapt in, Hansie a few seconds behind me. It was cool and refreshing, and we raced each other up and down a few times, until I decided he was much too quick for me.

“You win, I need a rest,” I said, getting out and joining Maria on the sun-loungers with a cold drink. I patted myself dry and put on some sun-cream; the sun was already hot and I didn’t want to spoil my tan by having it all peel off on the last day.

Hansie soon joined us, and stood beside us while we sipped our drinks. He kept looking at my tits in my skimpy bikini, and I couldn’t help noticing there was a bit of a swelling developing in his swim-shorts.

Maria smiled; she’d obviously noticed it too. “Hansie’s pleased to see you again,” she said.

“Oh, ma!” said Hansie, embarrassed. But the bulge in his shorts was definitely getting bigger.

“What do you think, Annie?” smiled Maria. “Shall we have a look? It can’t be much fun for it, squashed into his shorts like that.”

She reached over and, before he could protest, pulled down the front of his swim-shorts. His erect penis sprang out, just as I remembered it, the thick circumcised helmet already firm and shiny.

I was a bit surprised by how quickly and blatantly Maria had moved the situation from a little light teasing to full-on cock-play with her step-son. But I was glad to let her take the lead, and see where things went. She reached over and took hold of the shaft, giving it a little stroke. It twitched and swelled to an even greater size in her hand.

“I think Hansie’s definitely been missing you,” she said.  “Though I think he enjoyed those pictures you sent him on your phone, judging by the sounds coming from his bedroom.”

The photos had been of Janet and I sunbathing naked by the cocktail pool; I wasn’t surprised he’d enjoyed them. The sight of his cock was starting to get me all tingly as well. I took hold of his shorts and pulled them right down, dragging them off over his feet to leave him totally naked.  His penis was sticking up at 45 degrees, bouncing gently. 

“Go on, Annie,” said Maria. “When it gets like this, it needs a bit of attention. Why don’t you suck it?”

I had a better idea. “Come on, let’s both play with it,” I suggested. “Why don’t you lie down, Hansie?”

He did as he was told, lying on his back on one of the sun-loungers, his cock across his stomach. We both knelt down on either side of and began to lick it up and down, our tongues wetting it with our saliva. I watched as Maria ran her tongue over the smooth helmet. A small squirt of pre-cum spurted out of the end, and our tongues became tangled as we both licked it up.

“Let me suck his balls, you can have the rest,” I said. I leant over and took the whole of his tight ball-sack into my mouth, sucking very gently on his firm testicles and sliding them around in my warm mouth. His pubic hairs tickled my face, but I didn’t mind that. I glanced up and saw Maria open her mouth and engulf her step-son’s cock-head and the top half of his shaft in her mouth. She began to slurp and suck on it vigorously, and several dribbles of frothy saliva ran out of her mouth and down his shaft.

Her large breasts were swinging to and fro as her head bobbed up and down. I cupped one in my hand and stroked my fingers over her nipple. I felt it go hard under my touch.

Maria let his cock slip out of her mouth.

“I expect you two are going to want to fuck in a minute,” she said. “I’ll leave you to it. Or you can go inside if you like.”

“Not bloody likely,” I said. “I do want to fuck, but I want to do it here. Fucking outside is so much better. And you mustn’t go, Maria. You have to stay and watch. Let Hansie show you what a great fuck he is.”

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“Oh God, yes please,” she murmured.

Quickly, I pulled off my bikini bottoms. Settling down on the patio, I grabbed a couple of cushions from the loungers and put one under my head and one under my bum, to stop it rubbing against the tiles if Hansie’s fucking got too vigorous. I raised my knees, then parted my legs, showing Hansie where I wanted him. The tiles of the patio were hot under my back, but not as hot as my soaking wet cunt, aching to be filled. Hansie knelt down between my thighs, his erect cock bobbing in front of him, then eased forward until the knob head was pressed against my vulva. He must have learnt something about taking things slowly, because he teased me for a few moments by rubbing his knob against my slit, coating the helmet in my sticky juices.

Then he eased forward, my pussy lips parted, and his thick cock slipped into me.

“Oh God, yes, fuck me hard,” I moaned. I was wet and horny, and it felt so good being screwed in the open air. I squeezed my vaginal muscles tight around his cock, and matched his thrusts with my own, to make sure he went as deep as possible. I looked across at Maria; she had her fingers down the front of her bikini and I could tell that they had slipped inside her pussy. She was obviously very turned-on by the sight of her step-son fucking me.

It felt wrong that she was being left out. “Come here,” I said. “And take off your bikini bottoms. I want to taste you.”

As Hansie continued to fuck me, Maria undid the tie on her bikini and the last slip of material dropped to the ground.  Her pubic area was completely smooth and hairless, and her labia were already puffy and aroused. She straddled me and parted her pussy lips with her fingers, showing me the pink moist flesh of her vulva.  A dribble of juice ran out and dripped onto my chin. I pulled her down and began to lap vigorously at her, licking the warm flesh and sticking my tongue right into her vagina. I wriggled my tongue around and she gasped with pleasure.

“Oh God, that’s it,” she panted, pressing her body against my face and smearing her juices all over me.

All this time Hansie was fucking me energetically. I heard him start to moan and his thrusts came faster. He was clearly getting close to the point of no return.

“Pull out and come on me, babe!” I gasped. “We want to see.”

Maria rolled off me, and we both watched as Hansie pulled out his cock at just the right moment, pointed it up my body, and ejaculated. A great rope of semen shot out and splattered over my tummy. A second helping went even further, landing across my left breast. His cock shot five or six more loads onto me, before the last few globules dripped off the end into my navel.

I wriggled with pleasure. I felt so dirty with all that jizz over me.

“Oh, bokkie, you always did come so hard,” murmured Maria. She bent over and began to lick Hansie’s cum off my body. I just lay there, enjoying the feel of her tongue on my skin. One rope of semen lay right across my left nipple, and Maria began to play with the hard little bud, nipping and sucking at it. That felt very good. She looked up at me and opened her mouth, showing me a pool of Hansie’s semen inside it. She closed her mouth and I saw her throat contract as she swallowed; the thick goo sliding down into her stomach. She smiled, then returned her attention to my rock-hard nipples. 

I could see Hansie watching. He was stroking his cock, which was still sticky with a mixture of my juices and his spunk, and it hardly seemed to have lost any of its stiffness. He seemed to be gazing with delight at his step-mother’s up-turned arse, which was jiggling in the air as Maria licked at my little tits. Suddenly, he lunged forward and grabbed Maria’s hip with his left hand, stilling holding his cock in his right.

“Sorry, Ma, but I want you so much,” he burst out, and with one swift movement pushed his erect penis right into his step-mother’s wet pussy from behind.

Maria’s face was, I must admit, a picture.

“Oh, fuck, Hansie, what are you..?” she gasped, her face still smeared with her step-son’s semen. “Oh God!”

“I’m fucking you, Ma, I’m fucking you. Oh shit, it’s so good!”

Maria looked at me.

“Fuck, Annie, what should I do?”

“Let him, of course. He has to. You both have to. You know you’ve always wanted it.”

“Oh shit, it feels so good. It shouldn’t, but it does.”

Her tits were swinging to and fro as Hansie rammed his cock into her. I pulled her down on top of me and kissed her on the lips, tasting the last remains of his tangy semen in her mouth.

Suddenly she rolled off me, and Hansie’s cock slipped out.

“Oh Ma, I’m sorry…” he began, thinking she’d changed her mind. But that wasn’t it at all. Instead, she rolled onto her back, spread her legs, and put her arms out to her step-son.

“Fuck me now, darling,” she said, looking at him with an expression of pure lust. “I want to hold you while you fuck me.”

“Oh, yes, Ma.”

In an instant he was on top of her, his cock pressed against her thigh. In his excitement he seemed to be having trouble finding her hole, so I helpfully took hold of his shaft and guided it to the right spot.

“Now, Hansie, you’re there,” I whispered, and with one thrust he was back inside her.  Maria put her arms around him and pulled him down against her.

“Oh, Hansie, I’ve wanted your cock inside me for so long,” she whispered. “Each time I stroked it for you, I wondered what it would be like to put it in my cunt, to fuck you. But I wanted another woman to be first so you’d always remember them, not me, not your mother.  But thanks to Annie, I can have you now.”

“I’ve wanted you so much too, Ma.”

He began to fuck her again, pulling almost right out each time before plunging back into her. She was so wet that it sounded as if he was fucking a juicy watermelon. Schlurp, schlup; schlurp, schlup; schlurp, schlup; as he thrust in and out. I could see her juices being forced out by his thick cock and running down her legs.

Maria put her hand between her thighs and began to rub at her clitoris. It was clear she wasn’t going to have any trouble reaching her own climax. Her legs began to shake as her fingers thrummed back and forth over her little rosebud. Then she threw her head back and let out a wail of delight as her orgasm fizzed through her whole body.

“Oh fuck, Ma, did you just come?”

“Yes, yes, oh yes,” she gasped. “Now you come, come inside me. Oh Annie, hold me.”

She reached out with her hand and I grasped it. Her hand was hot and sweaty with excitement, and she squeezed it hard as Hansie began to speed up his thrusts.

 “Oh fuck, Ma, fuck, oh fuck,” he muttered. “I’m cumming, Ma, I’m cumming!”

“Cum inside me, do it, do it!” yelled Maria in reply, so loudly that I hoped none of the neighbours could hear.

“Oh, I’m cumming!”

He thrust forward one last time, and his body went rigid as he shot his second load of spunk right up into his step-mother’s cunt. I imagined spurt after spurt of his semen splashing up inside her, filling her up. Eventually he came to a halt and collapsed on top of her, his cock still inside, and she hugged him tight. 

“Oh, baby, thank you,” she whispered. “That was so good.”

“It was good for me too, Ma,” replied Hansie. He slowly pulled out, his cock coated in a mixture of Maria’s cunt juices and his sticky ejaculate.

“Let me clean you up,” I offered. Carefully, I put his cock in my mouth, knowing it would be sensitive after his ejaculation, and sucked on it gently. I saw him wince slightly.

“Don’t stop, it’s so nice,” he gasped.

The mixture of cum and cunt juice was delicious. Once his cock was as clean as I could get it, I let it slip out of my mouth and went down between Maria’s legs, parting her puffy aroused labia with my fingers. I could see a frothy mixture of juices all over her pink interior folds, and a dribble of white liquid oozing out of her vagina. The scent of sex was gloriously fresh and I breathed in deeply, allowing it to fill my nostrils. Finally, I pressed my face right up against the warm cleft and inserted my tongue as deep as I could inside her sticky cavern, licking round inside.

Eventually I emerged, juices still dripping off my tongue. Maria grinned at the sight.

“Oh God, Annie, you’re covered in it, all over your face. Now come and kiss me, I want to taste it too.”

I did as she asked, opening my mouth so she could put her tongue inside and share the delicious cocktail of sexual secretions. She put her arms around me and pulled me onto her, our breasts pressed together, nipples still hard with arousal.

Eventually we separated; hot, sticky and satisfied (for now). Hansie was watching us from his sun-lounger, his cock still semi-erect.

“Hansie, bokkie, will you go and make sure Patience got the food ready for the braai too?” Maria asked. As he went inside, she leant over and whispered to me.

“Was that wrong, Annie? Should I have let him carry on? It was so good, and I really needed it, but what about Hansie? I don’t want him to get fixated on me.”

I was pretty confident I knew the answer to this.

“It was totally the right thing,” I assured her. “You both needed it. All those times you played together, it was fun for both of you, but you had to finish it with a proper fuck, even just one. Now he’s had you, he can move on, and so can you. He’ll be off to uni soon, and meeting other girls to fuck, but now you don’t need to worry.”

She squeezed me tightly. “Thank you, that’s what I thought too. You know, that night on the train, when I realised Hansie wasn’t coming back, I played with myself so many times in the night, imagining what the two of you were doing. I wondered if you’d suck him, because I know he likes that, and then what his penis would look like when he fucked you properly.”

One thing was bothering me slightly. Maria would be able to draw a line under what had happened, but what about Hansie? What was in his mind now? Would he be wanted to fuck his step-mother again?

“Wait here,” I said. “I think I need to have a word with him too.”

I padded naked into the house. I could hear noises, and followed them through into the kitchen, which was bigger than the entire ground floor of my London flat. Hansie was in one corner, rootling about in the largest refrigerator I’d ever seen. I went over, put my arms around him, and nibbled at his neck. My hands went down and found his cock, and I stroked and fondled it.

“Was it good, babe, fucking your Ma at last?” I whispered.

“Oh fuck, Annie, I know I shouldn’t’ve, but I couldn’t help it. Seeing her eating my cum off you. I just had to. Is she upset now? I’d have stopped if she’d said.”

I smiled. He sounded so confused. But I was sure he just needed reassuring, as she had.

“No, Hansie, she loved it too. She told me. She needed it as much as you. She was right to stop you fucking her before, but just this once, it was the best thing for both of you. You just can’t do it again, that’s all. You’re not a virgin any more, and you’re a bloody good fuck, and any girl who takes you to bed is going to have a great time. But no more with your Ma, okay? It’s time to move on.”

He hugged me. “Thank you, Annie, I’m so glad I met you, and you were my first. I’ll never forget it, ever.”

I thought for a moment he was going to burst into tears, so I kissed him and squeezed his penis. 

“Yeah, well, I’m not leaving till the morning,” I reminded him. “And I don’t suppose your cock’s completely exhausted yet.” 

And it wasn’t.



Written by naughtyannie
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