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They Called Her Betty Big Titties

"The boys at work thought Betty was prude. They had no idea how wild she was..."

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Author's Notes

"A pure fantasy inspired by someone I worked with once upon a time..."

Betty was professional, intelligent, a good manager, and all-around great at her job. Everyone at the office respected her work ethic and her ability to get things done. She was seen as a rising star in the company.

But none of that stopped them from nicknaming her Betty Big Titties.

An office isn't that different from a locker room. Nobody said it to her face, but it was the nickname that men gave her behind her back. It was appropriate. She was about 5'6" with long dark hair, sexy hazel eyes, and a rack that made sweaters and low cut tops look profane.

It didn't matter how good she was at her job or that she always came off as a bit innocent. Men were inclined to make lewd comments behind her back. Even executives occasionally mumbled a comment beneath their breath when she strolled by in heels and a tailored dress or blouse that showed off her amazing body.

As far as I know, nobody got further than making comments. Plenty of men had discreetly tried to ask her out. Some were even indiscreet. But she politely rejected them all. She did her best not to hurt their feelings, but that didn't stop some guys from calling her prude. They also made more lewd comments about her. I supposed it helped them get past their hurt feelings.

I was as drawn to Betty as any other man in the office. We didn't interact often, but when we did I found her funny and engaging. But I can't pretend I was only interested in her intellect. Like every other guy, I thought she was sexy as hell. Her hair and makeup were always perfect and she dressed incredibly.

I've always done alright with women. I'd even developed a reputation as a ladies' man around the office—mostly because I was one of the few single guys and I typically had an attractive date for after-hours functions. Still, I had no desire to add my name to the list of rejected guys.

For the most part, I tried to avoid dating anyone at work. It seemed like a risky situation that could lead to office drama that I didn't need or want. It's one thing to have a meaningless fling with a co-worker who is okay with a purely sexual relationship. But it's completely different to have an actual relationship. That can lead to emotions and hurt feelings. And Betty's professional manner and polite personality led me to believe she was the type of good girl who was looking for more than a fuck buddy at work. If she had wanted that, she could have had her way with any of the married senior executives who drove sports cars and kept apartments for their mistresses.

I'd worked in the same office with Betty for a long time before we ever ended up on a project together. It was the first time I really had an opportunity to get to know her. We spent a lot of hours together in meetings or working late in one of our offices. That's when I first realized that maybe I'd misjudged her.

Betty was just as sharp as I'd imagined, but she wasn't as purely professional as I had thought. She had a quick wit and wasn't afraid to make an off-color comment once she felt comfortable around me. At times, she even bordered on being flirtatious. She'd touch my arm or over-laugh at a joke. She'd even make the occasional crass, sexual remark when it was just the two of us.

I knew I was falling hard for her. I also knew I didn't have the confidence to do a thing about it. I had no desire to ruin whatever connection we had by asking her out. And I didn't want to be like all the other bitter guys in the office who were rejected by her. I felt like a college kid. For the first time in years, I was unable to act the way I wanted around a woman. In any other situation, I would have taken my shot without thinking twice about it. But if I got rejected in a bar or at a party, I typically didn't have to come in and then face the woman the next day at work.

Instead of asking her out, I just made excuses to stay close to her. I ordered lunch in during our meetings. I went to every organized office happy hour—although Betty never showed up. Every month, our Human Resources department organized some sort of party under the guise of "team building." It was typically a chance to blow off steam, socialize, network, and consume appetizers and free booze. Every October it was a Halloween party.

Betty was dressed in a conservative gray skirt suit with a blazer and a black camisole with a lace top. It wouldn't be low-cut on most women, but even a turtleneck would probably be unable to conceal her cleavage.

"Are you going to the Halloween party next week?" I asked Betty late one evening.

She shook her head.

"I never really go to those things," she said. "I don't want to spend my free time with my co-workers. Plus, I imagine people drinking too much and acting like jackasses."

I nodded.

"That does happen sometimes," I said.

"What about you?" she asked. "I assume you'll be there? With one of the lovely ladies you apparently bring to everything?"

I almost blushed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb," she responded. "You have quite the reputation around here. You always show up at the party with a new girl. They're all pretty. And they're rarely around for more than a couple of months. I hear things," she said with a smile.

"Really? What sorts of things?" I asked.

"Oh, more than people think," she said with a mischievous grin.

I immediately wondered if she knew about her office nickname. It seemed likely that she had overheard it. It was a miracle that someone hadn't been fired for sexual harassment.

"I think my reputation is mostly urban legend," I said. "You know how it is when you get a bunch of bored, married guys. They're just looking for something juicy to excite them."

"So you don't date beautiful women?" Betty asked.

I shrugged.

"Well, that's a letdown," she said.

"Why's that?"

"It means I'll never get to act out my schoolgirl fantasy of being your girlfriend," she said.

I didn't know how to respond.

"Wait. Why's that? That's not true," I stammered.

"But you said you don't date beautiful women," she responded. "Wait! Are you saying that I'm not beautiful and that makes me your type?"

"You are definitely my type," I said quickly. "I mean, you are..."

She cut me off with a vivacious laugh.

"Relax," she said. "I've never seen you squirm like that. I'm just fucking with you."

"Oh," I said.

She winked at me.

"You're supposed to say ‘I WISH you were fucking with me,'" she said. "You're really bad at flirtatious banter. I honestly expected more from the office ladies' man!"

"Yeah, right," I said. "And you'd walk out that door and make a new best friend in human resources. I'd be packing my desk by the end of the day."

She laughed again.

"I'm not that type of person," she said. "Besides, we're friends, right? I'd have to be a real bitch to do that."

We talked a little bit more and went back to working. We were getting ready to leave for the day when she changed the subject back to the party.

"You know, I typically hate subjecting a date to office functions. But I think I will come to the party. I'm curious to see if your reputation is for real," she said.

I wanted to suggest we just go together and she leave her date at home. But I already had a date. Besides, just learning that she might be in a relationship had caused my heart to sink a bit. We finished up work for the day and each headed our separate ways.

I worked closely with Betty for the rest of the week. We were mostly focused on the project, but when we took a break she would playfully prod me again.

"What kind of costume are you wearing?" she asked. "Will you be a pimp and bring one of your girls?"

I was getting more comfortable with her new willingness to tease me.

"I was thinking I would be the principal and bring a naughty student with me," I said.

On Friday, everyone cut out early to get ready for the party. I threw together some clothes around the house and greased my hair to look like a 1950's businessman straight out of Mad Men. It was lazy and easy.

My date was Rita. She couldn't be more different than Betty. She was tall and wispy with long blond hair, a tight ass, and high little tits.

Rita had the typical vapid personality of most girls who work in HR. She was a bit of a partier and loved to socialize. She was the perfect type of girl for an office fling because she wasn't interested in anything serious.

She dressed in a silky red blouse that had the top few buttons open and a tight red pencil skirt that hugged her hips and ass. She had on red heels, red stockings, and a headband with red devil ears. I could see her black bra through her thin blouse. She carried a little pitchfork and said she was dressed as a devil. We'd gone out a few times, but I hadn't managed to fuck her yet. But she'd been teasing me all week and I knew it was going to happen.

As soon as we got to the party we hit the bar. After two glasses of wine, Rita was draped all over me. I made small talk with some friends and then did my duty kissing up to upper management. We'd been there an hour and I'd almost forgotten that Betty was supposed to be at the party. I was absolutely focused on getting Rita's panties off and her legs wrapped around me.

Rita wandered off to talk to some of her friends. There was a line at the main bathroom, so I slipped away and wandered down a dark hallway to get some air. That's where I bumped into Betty.

"What are you doing back here?" I asked.

"There was a line at the bathroom up front," she said. "I went for the one in the back. I thought you were going to be a principal! Now don't I look silly."

Betty was dressed as a schoolgirl. It didn't look all that innocent, but she wasn't quite naughty enough to be inappropriate at work. Still, I realized every man in the building had probably noticed her already except me.

She had on a knee-length plaid pleated skirt and white stockings with black buckle shoes. Her hair was pulled to the side in pigtails. Her silky white blouse hugged her tits. Her blouse was open enough to show the top of a lacy red bra or camisole.

We stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"Now who is going to give me a spanking?" she asked playfully. "There's no principal here to bend me over his knee."

"Did you come alone?" I asked.

"No. You met my date. You were actually talking to him over by the bar earlier."

I thought back to a generically handsome blonde guy who'd ordered a gin and tonic. We'd talked for a couple of minutes. He seemed about as intelligent as a rock.

"Seems a bit beneath you," I said.

"Are you able to criticize?" she asked with an arched brow. "It looks like you're the one who went to human resources to make a friend. Trying to get me in trouble?"

I shook my head.

"But really," I said. "That's the type of guy you are into?"

I knew I sounded whiny. Alcohol was causing me to say things I'd normally keep to myself. I'd always pictured Betty with a suave, intelligent, successful guy.

"He's pretty to look at," she said. "Low maintenance. Drama free. And when I get bored I can move on without feeling the least bit guilty. I'm focused on my career. I don't need more than that right now. What about you? Rita is friendly and all. But she can't be that interesting. Is that really your type?"

I shook my head again.

"Do you like my costume?" she asked.

I looked at her dark pigtails and her open blouse. I nodded.

"It would have been better if you were the principal."

"Yeah, right," I answered. "We'd have a laugh for minute, and then you'd go home with your model boy toy and I'd go home with Rita."

"Yeah," she said. "Of course. What else would you expect to happen? You'd really give me a spanking?"

She winked at me.

I gently pushed her body against the wall. I held my hand next to her and leaned in.

"You tease so much it's almost cruel, Betty," I said.

She placed her hands on my chest, but not to push me away.

"Cruel?" she asked coyly. "I thought it was just naughty. Someone probably needs to teach me a lesson."

"I think so," I said. I was becoming extremely aroused.

"Maybe my date," she said. "Do you like the idea of that? Him bending me over? Giving me a spanking for being a very bad girl?"

I shook my head.

"Not even a little?" she said. "Don't you want to think about it a minute? Get a picture in your head?"

I shook my head again.

"Your date is dressed as the devil, isn't she? It seems like your hands will be full punishing her tonight."

"I'd rather it were you," I said.

"You'd rather punish me? Or please me?" she taunted. "You talk big now, but you haven't shown the slightest interest in months. I think you're the only guy in the building who hasn't chased me. I guess I know why now. You prefer skinny little blond girls. You ought to try going out with a grownup sometime, though."

"I don't prefer skinny little blond girls," I protested. It sounded angrier than I intended. "Rita is just...interesting. And interested in me."

"And so you thought you'd go out with her and have a little fun?" she asked.

"No. It's not like that," I said.

"So you're not going to fuck her tonight?" she asked.

She ran her hand down my chest and over my belt. It brushed my cock. Her big hazel eyes were locked on mine. Our lips were dangerously close.

"I bet you fuck her tonight," she whispered.

She ran her hand against my cock again. It was quickly growing hard. She squeezed it gently through my trousers.

"I bet you fuck her tonight. And you think of me," she whispered.

I didn't know how to respond. We stood frozen. Barely breathing.

"I'm going to fuck my date tonight," she whispered. She started stroking me through my pants. "And I MIGHT think about you. And how hard you are right now."

I couldn't hold out any longer. I kissed Betty for the first time.

Her big tits crushed into my chest as our lips touched. My tongue slid into her mouth. I put one hand on her curvy hip and moved it up until I could cup her right breast. She moaned and arched her back. She rubbed my cock faster.

"Let's get out of here," I said.

She shook her head.

"No," she said. "I came with a date. I'm not that type of girl. That would be a real bitch move."

"And making out with another guy isn't?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"I have my limits."

We kissed again. We were obviously both into one another. I held her hand against my rigid cock and moved it up and down. Then I went for my zipper.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "Don't."

"I just want to feel your hand on me," I said.

"But I won't be able to stop myself," she said.

"You don't have to," I answered.

"Please," she said. "Not now."

I nodded. I didn't want to push things. We kissed again. My zipper was still down. After a minute, I felt her hand sliding into my pants. She wrapped it firmly around my cock.

"Oh," she moaned. "It feels big. I want it so bad."

"Let's get out of here," I offered again.

"No," she said breathlessly.

I leaned into her and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her hand squeeze my rigid cock. My tongue slid easily into her mouth. She started tugging my dick.

I pulled back and opened a button on her blouse. Her lacy red bra looked ready to pop open and spill those big titties.

I reached for the cup of her bra. I wanted to taste her hard nipples. But she pushed me away and shook her head. I started to protest, but she squeezed my dick harder and kept jacking me off.

"Let me suck on your titty," I demanded.

But Betty just shook her head.

"How about I suck on something instead?"

She dropped to her knees in the hallway. Then she gently pulled my cock through my fly. It stood erect just inches above her incredible tits.

He pumped the base with her hand and guided the head toward her tongue. She licked the shaft up and down until it glistened with her saliva. She slapped the head against her cleavage and left little wet spots on her orbs. And then she took me in her mouth.

I gasped and whimpered like an animal as Betty Big Titties sucked my dick in the hallway of our office. I knew at any moment that we could be discovered. And I didn't care. My eyes were locked on her as she sucked my pipe. Her titties jiggled back and forth as she bobbed her head along my shaft. I barely recognized my own voice.

"Oh, please," I pleaded. "Suck it, Betty. Suck my cock."

I whimpered with delight. She brought me right to the edge, and then backed off.

"No!" I shouted.

Betty flashed a wicked grin.

"You want me to finish?" she asked.

I nodded my head.

"But what about my date?" she teased. "Maybe I should get back to him?"

"Just fucking finish it," I blurted out.

She wrapped her hand tight around the base and started tugging me.

"You want me to finish it?" she teased. "You want me to suck your big cock until you cum?"

I couldn't respond. I just grunted and nodded my head. I couldn't remember the last time I was so desperate to climax.

Betty swirled her tongue around my cock head and stroked my shaft. I grunted and groaned. And then I unloaded. My hot cum erupted into her mouth. Some dribbled down her chin and splashed on those sexy tits. Betty sucked me dry.

When it was over, she stood up, put my cock away, and zipped me up. She buttoned her blouse. And then she kissed me. Without another word, she walked away.

It took me a moment to catch a breath and process what had just happened. I wanted to rush after her. But I also didn't want to charge into a room full of people with my cock still semi-erect and obvious. By the time I was able to follow, Betty was back on the arm of her date and whispering into his ear. They headed toward the door.

As much as I wanted to give chase, I knew there was no upside in it. I was likely to scare her off and ruin what had just happened. If I wanted things to go farther, I would have to wait. But in the meantime, I needed to get off again. I couldn't go more than ten seconds without thinking about what had just happened. And my appetite was far from sated.

I considered going to the bathroom or my car to jack off. But then I saw Rita coming towards me and I knew what needed to be done.

I took her arm and started guiding her down the dark hallway away from the party.

"Where are we going?" she asked playfully.

"Someplace where we can be alone," I said.

"And then what's going to happen?" she asked.

"We'll see," I responded.

"You know, " she said. "As your HR representative, I'm obligated to tell you that fooling around at the office is a punishable offense. Up to and including termination," she said with a wink.

I took her arm and guided her into a dark conference room. I pushed the door shut behind us.

"Well, you better hope nobody reports us," I said.

I pushed Rita's long, lean body against the wall and leaned into her. She didn't have Betty's curves, but she was sexy in different ways. I ran my hand up her tight thigh and squeezed her firm ass cheek. We kissed one another hungrily.

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"This is naughty," she said. "We can get in a lot of trouble."

I nodded.

"I would definitely lose my job," she said. "I'm in HR."

I kissed her bare neck. I started opening her blouse. I leaned my body into her so she could feel my big, thick cock. I wanted her to beg for it.

Her lacy black bra clasped in the front. I opened it and took her firm little titty between my lips.

I put her hands on my crotch and she started rubbing my cock.

"Oh," she groaned. "It's so hard."

"You should feel it inside you," I growled.

Rita's eyes got big.

"Oh no," she said. "Not here. We can't do that here."

Without speaking, I spun her around so she was facing the wall. I swept her pale hair aside and started kissing her neck and nibbling at her ear.

Her skirt was impossibly tight, but I wiggle it up until her black satin panties were exposed. I started grinding my hard cock against her tiny little ass.

"You're making me so wet," she said. "Let's get out of here."

"I don't want to leave," I said. "I won't make it."

"We don't have to go far. We can get a room someplace. Or I can give you head while we drive."

"I don't want head," I said. "And I don't want to go anywhere. I want you to ask me to fuck you. Right here. Right now."

I slipped a hand in the waistband of Rita's panties and started massaging her clit. My other hand cupped her tit and twisted her firm nipple. I rubbed my cock against her ass.

"Take me home and fuck me," she pleaded. "You can do whatever you want to me."

"No," I said. "Here or nowhere."

"You don't mean that," she almost cried. "It's too risky."

"Here or nowhere," I repeated.

She tried to summon her confidence from earlier.

"And what if I say no?" she asked coyly. "You know you'll still come home and fuck me."

"No," I said. "Here or nowhere. I'll go to the bathroom, jack off, and then be pissed at you for the rest of the night until we both go home alone."

I curled my first two fingers up and inside her wet pussy. Rita gasped with delight.

"Fuck me," she whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"Fuck me. Please. Right here. Fuck me," she pleaded.

I grabbed her small hips and spun her around to the conference room table. I bent her over it. Her pale cheek rested on the polished mahogany. I opened my pants and dropped them past my ass enough to get my cock out. I spread Rita's legs and pushed her panties aside enough to get at her pussy. I twisted my hand in her blond hair. And then I buried my cock inside her.

Rita moaned and whimpered as I pounded her tight cunt. I buried myself in her again and again. At first, I thought about fucking Betty. But the sight of Rita writhing around on the table pushed those images aside. Soon I could only focus on her tight ass and sexy moans. She had to bite her own lip to keep from crying out as her pussy clenched and she started to cum.

I fucked her until she finished climaxing, then I stepped back to let her catch her breath. Rita stood up and came at me like a hungry animal. She pushed me back into one of the large leather chairs that circled the table. She straddled me on her knees and kissed me feverishly. Then she impaled herself on my cock and started riding me like a wild bull.

I sucked on her nipples as she rode my cock and moaned and groaned. She twisted and bucked her hips to rub my cock in different ways. It was my turn to moan and groan. Rita knew exactly how to get a man off. The two of us rocked in unison as we both approached orgasm. She came first. I followed by spraying my hot load into her wet pussy. She kept riding me until we were both finished.

An hour later and we were back at my place. Every stitch of our clothing was left in a trail from the front door to the bedroom. I fucked Rita nice and slow until she came again. And then we finished by her sucking me off. She knew what she was doing, but as soon as I felt her tongue on my cock I couldn't stop thinking about Betty again. I was still re-playing our hallway adventure when I drifted to sleep with Rita's naked body tangled around me.


I woke up early the next morning. Rita started stirring at the same time, but said she had a pounding headache. That didn't stop us from fucking nice and slow as the morning sunlight glistened on our sweaty bodies. Afterward, Rita went back to sleep. I put on some shorts and went into the living room to give her some peace and quiet to recover.

I was dozing off on the couch with the television on when I heard a quiet knock on my door. I got up expecting it to be a package delivery or some sort of salesman. I opened the door wearing nothing but athletic shorts.

"Oh my," Betty said. "I wasn't expecting so much bare flesh."

She flashed me a grin. I couldn't believe she was standing on my doorstep.

"How did you..." I started to ask.

"Google," she responded.

She was dressed in a low-cut tan and black sweater that buttoned down the front and clung tightly to those big titties. She was also wearing a short denim skirt and heeled boots. I had to concentrate to avoid pitching a tent in my shorts.

"I just thought it was a good idea to come by and talk," she said. "We have a good working relationship. And I don't want that to change. Things got a little out of hand last night. In an inappropriate way."

I nodded but didn't say anything.

"What I mean," she stammered, "is that I'm usually very in control at work. Disciplined. I don't do things like I did last night."

I could feel the sting of rejection.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "It didn't seem like your first time. You seemed to know exactly what you were doing."

The color rose in her cheeks and her eyes got big. Her temper was flaring up.

"I didn't mean I never do it," she responded angrily. "I mean I don't do it at work. I crossed a line that I didn't mean to cross."

"Okay," I said. "So you regret it. I'm glad that couldn't wait until Monday. Thanks for stopping by."

I started to step back inside and close the door.

"I didn't say I regret what happened," Betty responded. "I said I regret how it happened. In the fucking office at work party while we were both there with other people."

"So you rather it wouldn't have happened?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I just prefer that I would have sucked your cock at my place. Or your place. After we went out together. And when the night could end with us in bed fucking instead of me dropping my confused date at home and then tossing and turning alone all night and wishing you were there to fuck me."

"Is that really what happened?" All the anger had left my voice.

"That's exactly what happened," she said defiantly. "And then I got up this morning, showered, got dressed, and looked you up online like some stalker so I could come over here, apologize, and try to figure out if you were interested in me, or just interested in fucking me."

"Of course I'm interested in you," I said. "Every man at work is interested in you."

"No," she said. "They're interested in acting out some perverse fantasy with Betty Big Titties. That's all they're interested in."

"You know that they call you that?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I'm not a fucking idiot," she responded. "So which type of guy are you? I believe you when you say you're interested in me. But are you telling the truth? Or do you just want to fuck me and tell your friends?"

"I don't want to tell my friends anything about you," I said.

"And do you want to fuck me?" she asked.

"Very much," I said.

"Right now?"

"Yes," said. "Very much. But, we're still not alone."

I swung the door open. My clothes from last night were still on the floor leading to the bedroom. So was Rita's heels, stockings, and skirt.

"Oh my," Betty said for the second time. "And here I thought that maybe you were tossing and turning alone just like me."

I started stammering.

"I'm just kidding," she said. "You're a guy. I knew you'd try to fuck her. But I bet you were thinking about me."

Betty put her hand on my chest and pushed me back through the doorway.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I nodded.

"But she's still here," I said.

"Good," she answered. "Maybe she'll walk in on us and know you're off-limits from now on."

She pushed me toward the couch and I sat down hard. Once again, Betty dropped to her knees in front of me.

"But she works in human resources," I said. "What if she tries to get revenge and fire us or something?"

"I'll talk her out of it," she said.

She grabbed my pants and pulled them down. My hard cock sprung free.

"How?" I asked.

"I'll fuck her, too," she said with a wink.

She wrapped her hand around my cock and started tugging at the base. She leaned forward and licked the head.

"How do you know she'll go for that?" I said with a half-laugh.

"She a party girl looking for a good time," Betty said. "That's obvious. Plus," she continued, "I've fucked enough women to know who is interested. And that girl has hungry eyes."

I couldn't think of any other reason to protest. I sat stark naked on my leather couch while Betty Big Titties licked me up and down until I was rigid.

"Do you want to see them?" she finally asked.

I nodded enthusiastically.

Betty stood up and straddled me on the couch. She pushed her tight denim skirt up until it was round her waist. She had on little white silky panties with a floral print. She straddled me and rubbed her hot, satin-covered muff on my cock. Our eyes were locked together. She kissed several times.

"Do the honors," she said.

I slowly unbuttoned her sweater. She had on a white satin bra that looked like it could barely restrain those titties. Betty shrugged out of the sweater and tossed it aside. My heart was racing with anticipation. All the time, she kept gently grinding her wet panties against my throbbing cock. I thought I would cum before I ever got inside her.

I reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Her heavy titties spilled out in my face. Her nipples were hard and ready for my tongue. I sucked the left one and teased the right with my fingertips. Betty moaned softly. She rubbed her pussy harder against my dick. I felt like a high school kid dry humping his girlfriend.

Betty pulled my head away from her tits and kissed me deeply. Her tongue snaked around my mouth. Her pelvis continued grinding into me.

Then she slipped to the floor again in front of me. My hard cock was already glistening from her wet panties, but she licked it up and down again. She put the tip of my long cock between her plump lips. Then she squeezed her big titties around my shaft.

I couldn't prevent myself from groaning loudly as she bounced her jugs up and down my cock. It felt amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She'd bounce her globes up and down my shaft and then stop just long enough to lean down and polish my knob with her hot mouth. I knew it was only a matter of minutes until I'd cum down her throat again. I moaned louder.

I couldn't even pretend to be surprised when Rita came around the corner. I knew I was being loud. She was wearing the black panties and red satin blouse she'd worn the night before. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes looked like saucers.

Betty spoke before Rita could say a thing.

"This cock is too much for one woman," she said casually. "Why don't you get over here and help me, Rita?"

It was almost funny to watch the gears in Rita's pretty little head turn. She was expecting us to jump or act guilty as if she'd unexpectedly caught us doing something wrong. Instead, Betty's cool, confident demeanor and my utter indifference took her by surprise. You could see it in her pale blue eyes as she went from shocked to puzzled to somewhat curious. Finally, she shrugged and smiled.

"This doesn't feel right," she said. "But what the hell. Just like college, right?"

Part of me couldn't believe what was happening. But the other half had never doubted that Betty would pull it off. She could probably convince a prude to forget her morals. And Rita was a long way from a prude.

She plopped down on the couch next to me and leaned in close. Her nipples grazed my arm through the thin satin of her blouse. She started kissing my neck. She wrapped her tiny hand around the base of my cock and tugged at it haphazardly while Betty sucked on the head.

"Not like that," Betty told her. "Get down here with me."

Rita slid to the floor. Betty moved aside. I was about to protest, but she gave me a quick wink.

"Suck his cock," Betty said.

Rita opened her tiny mouth wide and took my cock inside it. Betty got behind her and started kissing the back of her neck at the same time. Rita almost gagged on my big dick as Betty's hands roamed her body. She cupped Rita's tits. Then she quickly unbuttoned Rita's blouse and helped her out of it.

"Get on your hands and knees," Betty instructed.

Rita obeyed. She got on all fours and kept bobbing, stretching her mouth over my engorged dick. Betty put her hands between Rita's tight thighs and started rubbing her beaver through Rita's black panties. Rita purred with a mouthful of my cock. She turned back to gaze at Betty.

"Don't stop," Betty said. "Focus on him."

Rita went back to sucking my pipe. Betty grabbed Rita's little panties and wiggled them off her tight ass. She put a hand between Rita's legs and rubbed her furry muff. Rita purred again. And then Betty slid her fingers in Rita's cunt.

Rita gasped as Betty slowly finger-fucked her. I couldn't take my eyes off the action. I put a hand on the back of Rita's head and pushed more of my cock into her mouth. She took it effortlessly. I started bucking my hips up to fuck her face. Betty continued to fuck her pussy.

Rita steadied herself with one hand and jacked the base of my cock with another. I started moaning loudly again. I watched her lips slide up and down my shaft. Then I watched Betty's tits bounce up and down as she rhythmically buried her fingers in Rita's cunt.

I exploded. I'd lost track of how many different times I'd already given Rita a load of my cum. My load was still massive. Rita took every drop of it.

Betty started pounding her harder. Rita moaned and grunted as Betty brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Finally, she climaxed. She wailed with delight. She buried her face in the couch between my thighs as her body shuddered.

She turned to Betty when it was over. Her eyes were wild with lust. It was the same look she'd given me right before caving in to fucking me at work.

"Take off your skirt," she said in a husky voice.

Betty smiled and unzipped her skirt. It fell to the floor.

"Come to bed with me," Rita said.

She led the way down the hall with Betty's hand in her own. I quickly got up and followed. She stopped only long enough for Betty to shimmy out of her soaked panties. And then the two of them were in my bed rolling around. They kissed each other lips, necks, and tits. I stood by willing my dick to get hard again as the two women played with each other.

They ended up face to face on the bed. Their titties rubbed together as they kissed. Each woman had her hand in the other woman's slit.

It was obvious that Rita was no novice when it came to pleasing other women. Betty whimpered and moaned as Rita thumbed her clit and fingered her furry mound. I couldn't decide if I was more turned on or jealous. I wanted to be the one making Betty whimper.

I started stroking my cock.

Betty was close to cumming, but before it happened she pushed Rita away. Rita rolled onto her own back. Betty spread Rita's legs and got between them. Her face disappeared in Rita's thighs.

Rita writhed back and forth in the sheets. Betty fingered and licked Rita's snatch. Her round ass wiggled in the air. When Rita came for a second time, I knew I couldn't wait any longer.

As Rita squeezed her thighs around Betty's head, I climbed in the bed. I rubbed my hand over Betty's wet twat. She turned to face me and winked. Then turned back to Rita.

"Should I let him fuck me?" she asked.

Rita nodded.

Betty rested her head on Rita's tits as I held her hips. I slowly slid my cock into her tight pussy. She fit me like a glove.

We both gasped with pleasure as I slowly started fucking her. It was like everything in the past twenty-four hours had been building to that moment. Her big titties swung back and forth like pendulums as I pounded that pussy.

I loved the sound of her moaning my name.

"Fuck me. Please, fuck me hard," she pleaded.

I drove my cock into her with everything I had. Her knees started shaking as she cried out and came for the first time.

I rolled her over and threw both of her legs over my shoulders. Rita sucked on her big titties as I jackhammered her pussy again.

Betty was a screamer. And that only made me hornier. My balls slapped against her pussy as I buried my dick again and again. Her titties bounced wildly. It was like Rita was no longer in the room. It was just the two of us, and I was dying to get Betty off again before I came.

Her body started twisting and shaking and I knew she was close. I fucked her harder. Her pussy was so tight it felt like I was being milked. She gasped and cried out again as she came for a second time.

I pulled out and rolled onto my back. Rita started licking the pussy juice off my cock. Betty followed suit.

"I'm going to suck you until you cum," Betty said.

I shook my head.

"I want you riding my cock when I cum," I said.

She didn't put up an argument. Betty straddled me and impaled herself on my pole. She arched her back and let her titties bounce wildly as she rode me like a cowgirl. I knew at any moment I would cum inside her pussy.

I slapped her ass and she rode me harder. She rubbed her own clit frantically. I grabbed at her tits and twisted her nipples. It's impossible to say who started first. In a matter of minutes, we were both cumming. I shot my load up inside Betty as her pussy quivered from her own orgasm. We collapsed in a heap, with Rita there to kiss and touch us both.

We each had another go of getting Rita off after we'd recovered. Then she split and left me and Betty alone for the night. And we fucked until 5 in the morning.

"So what do you think Monday is going to be like?" she asked as we drifted to sleep.

"I think I'm going to get another blow job at the office," I said.

She laughed.

"I think maybe you're right, " she said with a kiss.

(From the author:  If you made it to the end and enjoyed the story, please take the time to submit a rating or even comment/message. It means a lot! Thanks)



Written by DallasWonderland
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