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The Hotel Receptionist

"When a hotel receptionist says 'If you need anything, don't hesitate to call', she means it."

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I’d arrived later than expected. As I dragged the useless suitcase through the revolving doors, I could hear my heels clicking on the floor.

She glanced up at me, her long hair hung over her face like a veil until she straightened. I watched as it hung straight down, perfectly framing her face. She was certainly pretty. She looked young, in her early twenties at most, I figured. Her brown eyes sparkled as she smiled and welcomed me to the hotel.

“Here you go, Ms McDonald,” she smiled as she handed me the key. “If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know. I’ll be here all night.”

I smiled a thank you, my eyes were drawn down from her face to her cleavage. The top couple of buttons on her dark red blouse were undone and I could see the valley between two quite delicious looking breasts. I was obviously not being as subtle as normal because I suddenly felt her looking at me and realised I’d be caught. We both blushed in a moment of mutual understanding.

“I.. um.. well thank you, Joanne,” I finally managed to utter, the name tag on her jacket lapel providing a fig leaf of an excuse for me looking at her chest.

"Anything at all,” she repeated as I trundled off to the lifts, still dragging the suitcase with one wonky wheel behind me.

As the lift doors closed, I leant back against the mirrored wall and groaned. “Fuck,” I thought to myself, inwardly cursing myself at the poor impression I’d made on a rather delicious looking young woman.

I ran my eyes over my reflection, critiquing myself. I didn’t look my best. It had been a long train journey straight after work and I had spent the journey working on the presentation I was giving at a conference tomorrow morning. My clothes looked crumpled and my hair was lifeless and sticking up on one side, the result of resting my head in one hand as I worked at my laptop on the journey down.

Following a swipe of the keycard, I pushed the bedroom door open and stumbled in. Case dumped on the bed, heels gratefully kicked off, I padded around the bedroom in my stockinged feet, feeling better already. The hotel room was much like any other and within two minutes, I had the kettle on and the bath running, a generous dollop of the complimentary bath soak creating a mountain of bubbles I was already looking forward to soaking under. The water pressure was more efficient than the kettle and the bath was ready by the time I’d made myself a cup of tea.

My clothes lay in a crumpled heap on the floor as I slid beneath the bubbles. Fifteen minutes later, having drunk my cup of tea, I lay in the bath, my fingers almost unconsciously sliding down over my neatly trimmed mound. As my eyes closed, the receptionist, Joanne came into my mind.

My back arched as my fingers parted my lips. Imagining unbuttoning Joanne’s blouse, her large firm breasts encased in a lovely pink lace bra with a little bow in the centre. She stood before me, head bowed, eyes looking up at me as my thumbs traced the outline of her nipples through the lace. Her skin had an olive complexion and I could see the nipples were much darker as my thumbs eased the edges of the bra cups down with every sweep.

She stood there, biting her bottom lip and moaning softly as she let me play with her. As I reached behind her and unclasped the bra, I felt the weight of her breasts as my hands moved under the cups, cupping her. Her nipples hardening as my fingers ran lightly over her globes. I heard her gasp as my thumbs and first fingers pinched and twisted both nipples at the same time. She raised her head to me and I brought my lips down onto hers. My tongue pushing into her mouth as I lay in the bath with my eyes closed, my middle finger pushed deep inside me, curled around, stroking the sensitive pad inside me.

I pressed my feet against the end of the bath, giving myself some leverage as I ground my fingers deeper inside me. My thoughts returned to the receptionist. In my mind, she was now pushed back against the reception desk, her black skirt pulled up around her waist. As my fingers moved in and out of me, the rhythm building, I slide my hands up her legs, gripping the waistband of her cheap cotton panties and as I drag them down her thighs, I could see the damp patch. She looks at me, blushing, knowing I can see how wet she is.

I grip her knees and spread her open, a dewdrop visible on the lips of her smooth bald pussy as I lower my head and lap at her with the flat of my tongue. She groans, I moan and shudder in the bath, the water splashing over the sides as I can’t hold back. The urge to orgasm overwhelming me. No need to tease or build or hold back. I curl two fingers inside me, my thumb stroking my clit as I shudder and cum.

Afterwards, as I lie in the water, letting the aftershocks ripple through me, I slowly slide my fingers out. Letting them traverse slowly over my body. Touching all those sensitive spots that send shivers through me. Finally, when the water has cooled, I stand and climb out. I wrap a towel around my hair and pad over to the bedroom to make another cup of tea. A trail of wet footprints marking my path.

After flicking down the switch on the kettle, I slip on the white towelling robe provided by the hotel. I feel cocooned in the fluffy whiteness as I lie down on the bed.


I wake up, slightly disorientated, realising I must have nodded off. My mouth is dry and I go to get myself a glass of water. However, the water from the tap in the bathroom is a bit warm and tasteless. I remember seeing the ice machine at the end of the corridor when I was coming in so I grab an empty glass and go to collect some ice.

It is only when I am standing in the corridor, as the door clicks shut behind me, that I realise I left the keycard inside. I turn quickly, trying the door handle in a desperate attempt to get back in before the security system clicks into place but it is too late. The door remains closed. The blank white door seemingly impassive to my pleas and silent curses.

I look up and down the corridor. It is thankfully empty. I pull the dressing gown more tightly around me. I don’t really want to head over to the lifts and go down to Reception. There are bound to be other guests coming in. I realise I have absolutely no idea what time it is. The hotel sounds empty so I think it must be quite late.

I see a door opposite marked ‘Service Stairs’ and suppose this will lead down to Reception without running across too many guests using the public lifts. I push open the door and slowly creep down the stairs in my bare feet.

At the ground floor, I push open the door a little and scan the corridor. As I hoped, it has brought me down behind the reception desks, away from the public thoroughfares. I slip out and quietly walk towards the desk, then stop.

I can see Joanne sitting at the desk. From this view, I can see her back, and see her watching a film on her computer screen. I can make out the two women on the screen, a blonde and a brunette, both naked and the brunette is draped over the kitchen table while the blonde takes her from behind with a strap-on. Joanne is wearing headphones so doesn’t hear me as I slowly approach. As I get closer I can see she has a hand inside her knickers. Her skirt is pulled up around her waist and by the way her thighs quiver, opening and closing, she is getting close.

My eyes move between Joanne and the computer screen. Almost subconsciously, my own hand slides inside my dressing gown and cups my left breast. My nipple is rock hard. My fingers trail around the areola as I watch this young woman masturbating to lesbian porn whilst working the night shift.

As the action intensifies on screen, the blonde is now tugging the other girl's hair, using it like reins as she pounds the strap-on in and out of her, the speed with which Joanne plunges her hand in and out also speeds up. I can see she glances up every so often to scan the reception area, presumably checking she is alone but she doesn’t think to look behind her.

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I can feel my own pussy clench as I watch it all. As the brunette slumps on the bed, exhausted, Joanne stiffens on her chair, legs locked straight out, her head thrown back as she sighs audibly.

As she removes her fingers from under her skirt, I can see her fingers glistening and before she can raise them to her lips to suck them clean, I step forward and grab her wrist.

She turns to look, her eyes startled, blushing bright red as she realises she has been caught. I look into her big brown eyes as I raise her fingers to my lips and suck first one then the other finger clean. She tastes delicious, sweet with a tangy undertone.

She opens her mouth to speak but I put my finger to her lips.

“You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you, Joanne?” I whisper. Running my finger along her cheek and down her neck, circling her breast over her blouse, letting the tip trace the outline of her nipple. It’s hard, I can feel it swelling as I look at her. Watching her. Her eyes not leaving mine as her chest heaves, trying to keep her breathing under control.

I unbutton the next button on her blouse as I lick my lips. Her white lacy bra now showing. Her tits are nice and firm, the hollow between them, dark and inviting.

“What do you want?” she whispers.

“Actually, I’d come down here as I was locked out.” I paused, smiling. “Now, however, I think you know exactly what I want.”

Joanne blushed again, looking around.

“We can’t do it here. What if someone comes?”

I place my foot on the seat of her chair, my big toe stroking her stockinged thigh.

“That didn’t seem to bother you a minute ago.”

She lowers her eyes and nods in resigned agreement. Then she reaches for the phone and dials a number.

“George, I need to deal with a guest who is locked out of her room. Can you cover the desk for ten minutes.”

She hangs up, picks up a swipe card and whispers “Follow me, Ma’am.”

I follow her to the lift, grinning as I watch her ass sway. She doesn’t speak in the lift, giving me the time to appraise her properly. She had what was often described as an hour-glass figure. Big boobs and a big ass and a tight little waist. She wasn’t a stick-thin supermodel and was carrying a little bit of weight but it didn’t show in her face yet. Voluptuous was the word that came to mind.

“This one?” she double checks as we stand in front of my door. When I nod, she opens and steps inside. I follow, letting the door close behind me.

I let the dressing gown slide from my shoulders to pool in a crumpled heap on the floor by my feet. Naked, I approach the receptionist, standing, frozen to the spot.

Taking her face in my hands, I press my lips to hers. My tongue traces the outline of her lips as I press my body against her. I stare into her eyes, watching her as I force my tongue into her wet willing mouth.

She tastes of spearmint and lipstick as my mouth covers hers. My hands drop to unfasten the remaining buttons. Pulling the red cotton out of her black skirt. Unpeeling her like an orange, revealing her soft inviting core. The blouse hangs open as the zip is quickly pulled down. She holds still as I push the fabric over her ass cheeks to let it fall.

I can feel her tights haven’t been pulled back up since I interrupted her fingering session so I break the kiss to lean back and check. The sight of the tights and panties pulled down slightly, the tuft of dark matted pubic hair on display makes my own neatly trimmed pussy drip.

I look at her and softly whisper, "Kneel.”

Wordlessly, she complies. Lowering herself down, resting her ass on the backs of her calves as she looks up at me. I slowly walk around her, my eyes taking in the curve of her back, the bra strap fastener straining to constrain her breasts, her round ass globes sheathed in the black tights.

I return in front of her and sit on the edge of the bed. Her eyes flit between my face and my knees, pressed tightly together. I hear her sigh as I open my legs for her.

I curl my finger towards her, beckoning her to come closer. Like a well-trained dog, she begins to crawl towards me, her breasts and hips swaying. Her full red lips glisten, her big brown eyes watching me, never breaking eye contact as I feel her hair brush against my inner thighs.

“Good girl,” I whisper as I feel her nose brush my slick lips before arching my back and groaning a low guttural sigh of pleasure as she slowly licks my slit with the flat of her tongue. Her thumbs open me up, her eyes sparkle as her tongue traces my swirls, following the path from my wet entrance to my hooded clit.

She pushes upwards with her tongue, my clit growing, peeking out of its hood as she laps and licks and sucks at it. I feel it swell, every lick of her hot wet tongue sending pulses through me, directly into the centre of my being.

Then she is in me. She’s rolled her tongue into a little tube and is pushing it into me like a tiny cock. I can feel her lick my wet velvet walls as she pushes her nose against my clit. Her head moves from side to side as she tongue fucks me. Her nose rubbing over and pressing my clit, her mouth chewing my labia as she fucks me with her tongue.

My hands are on my tits, pulling, pinching my nipples, rolling them, squeezing, caressing as she kneels there, ravishing my cunt. I try to hold back, to control it but it is no good. Every press and curl and flick of her tongue is sending me higher, ever closer. My breathing is ragged, lungs panting to draw in the oxygen I need as all sensations are focussed on the nerve endings between my legs.

Suddenly it is empty... I open my eyes, mouth ready to protest. Then I feel them, her two fingers crossed like a corkscrew as she slowly screws them into me, fingering me. My walls clamp around her, squeezing the digits as she pushes them into me, screwing me.

I slump down onto the bed, lying on my back, hips lifted off the bed, groaning and moaning as she fucks me.

Her mouth wrapped around my clit, suckling it. The tip of her tongue flicking the pearl as her lips caress its base. And all the while, her fingers piston in and out of me, taking me higher with every thrust.

I can hear the rhythmic squelch squelch squelch as she fucks me. Her mouth sucking my clit in a matching rhythm. My thighs clamped around her head, my back arched, my lungs constrict as I close my eyes and squeal… “Fuck Fuck FUCK FUCKKK FUCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!”

Shuddering and writhing on the bed, spasming as her tongue and fingers continue to fuck me, feeling my juices squirting out, smearing all over her face, my body shakes, obscenities spewing from my mouth as my lungs feel like they will burst.

At last, she slows and stops. I can feel her face sliding over my mound as she begins to lick me clean. I lie there, shuddering, whimpering as her talented tongue scoops up every drop of my goo from my lips and mound and thighs. As I lift my head from the bed, I can see her sucking her fingers.

She stands up, pulling her skirt up around her waist and tucking her blouse back in.

“I need to go now and get back to my desk,” she offers by way of an apology.

“Ae you working tomorrow night?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” she responds, smiling. “From 8 pm to 8 am for the next 4 nights.”

“Good, I will see you tomorrow then.”

I watch the door close behind her before sprawling back on the bed. This conference is going to be so much fun.




Written by deviantsusie
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