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Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning...

Thirty demands for a re-match later, Danny and I went to bed. Sandra was passed out on the couch so I spread a blanket over her and left her to sleep it off. Danny watched, all the while complaining that I didn't have to do this, while I folded the bedspread and one of the blankets from his side of the bed onto mine. Maybe I didn't have to, but I didn't want to be accused of being a 'smotherer' again. I didn't even fuss though I knew Danny had turned my apartment's thermostat down when he thought I wasn't looking.

I lay down far enough away that my 'heat sensors' wouldn't make me gravitate towards Danny but at least I had more covers. I felt Danny slide to the middle, perhaps waiting for a goodnight kiss, but I just turned onto my side. I gotta admit I was still miffed when I thought about it. If he didn't like cuddling/sleeping with me, I'd just ignore him! After a few seconds, I felt the bed move as Danny returned to his side of the bed. I felt satisfaction at beating Danny earlier at his own game yet, at the same time, I was conflicted at the thought that a guy wouldn't like sleeping with me unless sex was involved.


It was cramped in the front bucket seat but with the seat pushed back as far as it would go, Allen was able to share the space with me. My side was pushed uncomfortably against the door but the rest of me was feeling no pain because of what Allen was managing to do in even so tight a space.

Shifting slightly as Allen's hand left my covered boob to slide behind me. I held still as he fumbled slightly with the clasp of my bra. With my bra undone, his mouth left mine as my blouse and bra were pushed out of the way to bare my breasts and hard nipples for his grasping hand and sucking mouth. I had so many feelings going through me as one hand squeezed that boob and his mouth was sucking on my other boob. I knew it wouldn't be long before his hand would slide down my body to touch me between my legs. True to my prediction, it wasn't long before I was opening my thighs to give his exploring hand room to massage my already moist pussy through my jeans. This was as far as I'd let Allen go on our last date. Tonight though, when I felt him fumble with the snap of my jeans, I didn't say no.

I was still a virgin but I'd let a couple of other boys on other dates touch me inside my jeans. I'd never let a boy go so far on what was our first and now second date. Maybe I was getting a rep in high school as being easy? If I was, I was beyond caring as I felt my jeans being pushed down my hips far enough to allow Allen's hand to slide under my panties and over my mound. Damn, I was wet as his fingers began to play inside my slit and over my clit.

I groaned as Allen sucked harder on my tit while the fingers of his hand circled wetly over and around my clit. Each touch sent stomach-tightening shivers through my body. His mouth left my rock-hard and aching nipple. My groans changed to moans as his mouth found mine and his tongue pushed to play with mine.

Then his mouth was next to my ear. "Have you ever had a guy go down on you," he asked. I shook my head and whispered, 'No'.

I grasped his wrist and weakly whispered 'no' again when I felt him trying to push and pull my jeans over the swell of my ass cheeks.

"It's okay," Allen told me. "I'll keep my pants on." This had been a condition I'd given Allen before we made out on our first date.

Although I'd only been dating for less than a year, I had the internet. At our table in our school's cafeteria, my girlfriends and I would surf the web and, of course, we checked out porn. So, I knew that men 'ate pussy' just like girls 'sucked cock'. I'd given blow jobs but I'd never let a guy take my jeans down far enough for one of them to use his mouth on me. OMG, I was nervous as Allen began trying to push my jeans down again. But I couldn't seem to muster the will to object as kisses and hot breath on my neck continued.

One of the girls in my circle of friends had whispered excitedly over a school lunch that she'd let a boyfriend 'eat my pussy' the night before. She'd said it was incredible. To say I was curious was an understatement. The excitement of discovering what it would feel like had my hips lifting up to make it easier to slip my tight jeans over the swell of my ass cheeks.

The interior of the car was dark but there was enough moonlight for me to watch as Allen somehow folded his legs enough to kneel on the floor before my seat. My stomach muscles clenched hard as hands grasped the sides of my jeans. I stopped thinking as my jeans and panties were pulled down my thighs to and past my knees. My blouse undone. My boobs uncovered. My jeans barely on around my ankles. I'd never been so naked with a boy. Would I 'look' okay 'down there'. Would I smell bad? I'd had a shower before my date but...

Allen placed his hands on my knees and my legs seemed to slowly open by themselves. God! I've never felt so exposed. No one had ever seen my naked pussy like this. I was slightly embarrassed, but at the same time, it felt so good to be so bad. I didn't have nearly the thick tuft of hair on my mound and pussy lips that other girls I'd seen changing in the locker room before and after gym class seemed to have. My hair being a light blonde made it seem even less. If Allen didn't like how I looked down there, he sure didn't seem disappointed!

Once my legs were as open as they'd go... If I thought my stomach muscles were tight, what I'd felt before was nothing compared to how tight my muscles clenched when Allen's thumb moved up my slit to press and rub on my clit. I could barely draw a breath. The breaths I could draw into my lungs were short and made me sound like a panting dog in the silence of the car. Thumbs on my labia pulled my lips open. My pussy lips being pulled and manipulated felt, but... OH, FUCK...

What really felt good was when Allen dipped his head and for the first time, I felt a mouth and tongue pressed to my slit. I thought fingers had felt wonderful but they didn't compare to a wet, hot tongue rasping across my clit. If a tongue felt so good, would, should, I even try to stop Allen if he wanted to go all the way? I had a condom in my purse. So many sensations had me gasping and arching my back. I wasn't even thinking as I pushed my pussy up against Allen's mouth while my hands went to the back of his head to pull him to me. My thighs were shaking as I opened myself wider. My back and neck began to bow as my legs reversed to clamp around Allen's head... OMG! I knew I was going to have an orgasm and, Oh, Fuck! I wanted to...



I let out a long groan as I felt the bed shift and Danny reached over to shut off the radio alarm. That was when I realized the hem of my Hello Kitty nightshirt was around my belly button while my hand was under my panties and...

I snatched my hand away and pulled my nightgown down. What the HELL was wrong with me?! During my period my sex drive usually hovered somewhere around zero. Not this time, though! I'd had two erotic dreams in as many nights! Thankfully, in the dark, Danny couldn't see my hot, flushed face as I quickly wiped my pussy wet fingers off on the sheet.

Speaking of Danny, where was he? He should have moved over to my side of the bed for at least a quick morning kiss, maybe even a little cuddle time, by now! I waited while rubbing my eyes open. The expected body never materialized. Instead, I heard Danny whisper a soft, 'Good Morning' and what sounded suspiciously like a long kiss before there was a loud, surprised, "What the Hell?" followed by giggling and, "Jesus, stop grabbing at me!"

Danny's violent movements pulled the blankets half off the bed and caused the mattress to bounce. Rising up onto my elbows, in the gloom I saw what looked like a WWE wrestling match as Danny escaped from Sandra's grasping hands and rolled off the bed to hit the floor. He popped up quickly and moved away from the bed's side. Even in the dim light coming through the window, he looked wide-eyed with shock. Sandra was still giggling.

Immediately knowing what had happened, I wanted to giggle, too. Instead, I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and asked, "What the hell, Danny?"

"I thought she was you!"

"And?" I asked.

"And he was very, very amorous until he squeezed my tit," Sandra answered for Danny. "And a very good kisser, too."

"Ohh... Okay," I said as understanding dawned. Danny had known the difference between Sandra's small, barely even B cups and my much larger Double-D cups immediately. Though I wanted to break down and laugh, I kept my voice as neutral as I could, "He is a good kisser."

Sunrise was coming earlier as Summer approached and in the gradually lessening gloom, Sandra looked at Danny's crotch, "He's got a very nice cock, too. At least from what my hand was telling me. I bet he's a good lover if he knows how to use that." Sandra nodded towards the very noticeable bulge in Danny's underwear.

My eyes followed her nod, "He knows how to use it."

Danny grabbed the edge of a blanket and covered his hard-on, "Would the two of you stop talking about me as if I'm a stud horse!"

"Oh, please," Sandra laughed. "You think we don't know how guys talk about girls behind our backs?"

Danny stood still without replying, seemingly unable to decided what to do or say. Sandra took advantage of this and quickly left the bed to walk into the bathroom before he could go inside and lock the door again. Sandra was small compared to me, but she was definitely female, beautiful and naked. Danny couldn't help following her with his eyes.

"You can have your shower after we do our morning necessaries," I told Danny as I rolled out of bed and joined Sandra in the bathroom. I sat on the toilet to pee and saw, "Hey! That's my toothbrush!"

Sandra looked at me incredulously. "You've tongue kissed me after knowing where my mouth has been, what's been in my mouth, and now I can't use your toothbrush?"

I knew it didn't make sense but... I lowered my voice and nodded towards the other toothbrush, "Use Danny's. He'll never know."

We changed positions. I was quickly brushing my teeth when Danny knocked loudly on the door, "Hey! Girls aren't the only ones who need to pee in the morning!"

Sandra was through peeing and opened the door. They stood there staring at each other for a few heartbeats.

"Well," Danny asked.

"What," Sandra answered.

"Would you leave so I can use the toilet?"

I was about to move when Sandra shuffled to block me. "No," she told Danny. "We need to shower and if you get in here you'll lock the door and use all the hot water. You can pee while we're in the shower stall. The glass is glazed and we won't look."

I followed Sandra's lead and stripped off my nightshirt. Danny tried to look anywhere but at Sandra and me as we pinned up our hair and stepped into the shower. I adjusted the water temperature to 'Nice' and we left Danny to decide what to do. Of course, we peeked but could only see Danny's blurred back through the glazed glass.

Danny peed, brushed his teeth, and then leaned against the sink counter undecided what to do next. Undecided until Sandra opened the shower door and told him to get in here. Danny loudly objected.

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"You promised to loosen up if Viv beat you in chess," Sandra replied just as loud. "Keep your word! I'm not talking about us having a threesome in the shower! It's just a shower. I'll wash your back and you'll wash mine. That's it!"

Sandra shut the door and left Danny muttering something I couldn't make out. Looking up at me, she asked quietly, "Does he have any idea what a guy would have to pay to shower with us and we're doing it for free?"

I was about to answer when Danny slipped into the stall with us. Amazingly, Sandra was on her best behavior. Still, large though my shower was, with three of us soaping and moving there was plenty of wet, slippery skin sliding against someone else's wet, slippery skin. Danny's morning woody usually deflates after his morning piss. This morning, showering with two females, for some reason it stayed erect and proud. I was amazed when Sandra didn't even make a lewd comment.

Sandra was even good about where her hands went when she washed Danny's back and did nothing but lean into his soapy washcloth when he dutifully washed hers. I was miffed when nobody offered to wash my back! But as we all toweled off, Danny grumped for probably the thirty-second time, "I want a re-match!"

"Why? She'll just beat you again," Sandra replied for me. "Besides, a re-match won't negate the original bet. You owe us a threesome and you owe me my daily chance to grab your ass." Which she promptly did by grabbing Danny's tight, naked tushy.

I shrugged as Danny yelped and swatted Sandra's hand away, "She's right, you know. You promised to loosen up, you promised us a threesome and you promised that Sandra could grab your ass once a day."

"That wasn't what she was grabbing earlier!"

"So? You were pawing at my tits," Sandra said.

Danny looked at me and pleaded, "In the dark, I thought she was you."

"Speaking of earlier, when did you get into bed with us," I asked Sandra.

Sandra shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up on the couch and was lonely, so I climbed over you to get in the middle. Hey? What the hell were you dreaming about, anyway? I thought you were trying to kiss me as I moved onto the bed."

Remembering my dream, I grabbed my nightshirt and left the bathroom. Pulling it over my head to hide my flaming red cheeks, I said I was going to make coffee. Sandra and Danny showed up soon fully dressed and ready to leave after a nutritious breakfast of Pop Tarts and coffee. As I poured coffee into two more cups, Sandra grinned, "Did you enjoy your first threesome, Danny?"

"I want a re-match," Danny growled.

Sandra was about to say something else when I nudged her and whispered, "Drop it."

Sandra nodded and we finished our coffee with small talk. As Sandra began to gather her stuff, she told Danny he could relax tonight. "I'm working. Hedge fund guy wants arm candy for a party," she explained. Handing me her empty cup, she told Danny to come along. "I'll give you a ride to work. Viv's tried to explain what it is you do all day, but I want to see it."

Giving in to the inevitable, Danny left with Sandra. Huh! I didn't even get a peck of a goodbye kiss from either of them!

An hour later I was downstairs in Danny's apartment to make sure the varnish was dry before the painters showed up when Danny called me. "Would you please call Sandra and tell her to leave," Danny pleaded. "She's teasing my co-workers and everyone is convinced I'm cheating on you!"

Over my laughter, Danny continued, "I told you the guy I work for knows my dad! If this gets back to Mom, that I'm cheating on you... Do you really want my mom showing up to get to the bottom of what's going on?"

THAT possibility stopped my laughter and I called Sandra to explain why she needed to leave, like now!

The varnish on Danny's floor was dry. It wasn't long before the painters showed up. There were three of them and Danny's apartment isn't large. They promised to have the job done in no time.

True to their word, the painters were done soon after lunch. I was hungry so as part of the bonus I'd promised that if they did a great job, I'd treat them at Coffee Clutch for sandwiches and pastries before giving them their cash bonus. They got their lunch and dessert. They left and, full of food, I slowly hauled myself up the stairs to check that all of Danny's windows were open to air out the paint fumes. Congratulating myself for a job well done, I laid down to take a nap.

That's when remembered visions of my sex dream intruded and I realized I was hungry for more than food.

I didn't stop to think about how rare it was I masturbated while on my period. I stripped off my clothes, closed my eyes and, though I had toys in my nightstand drawer, I used my fingers. Just as I'd done on my bed while living at home, as my body convulsed in orgasm, I buried my face in my pillow to muffle my groans while one orgasmic wave after another caused me to bounce on the bed. Afterwards, breathing heavily but much more relaxed, I reluctantly got up to wash and change my tampon. Still feeling vaguely unsatisfied, I laid back down. Unreasonable or not, I blamed Danny for this. Having a man in my bed who didn't even want to cuddle with me! I punched my pillow into submission and finally fell asleep.

I did wake up in time to go food shopping. Potato salad and stuff to make sandwiches. Danny arrived from work and complained that the paint smell was almost gone from his apartment and why couldn't his furniture be delivered tomorrow.

We were in my kitchen making sandwiches and I pointed the knife I was using to spread mustard onto bread at Danny and groused, "Two nights! Two more lousy nights you need to live with me and you act like it's torture."

"It is torture," Danny shot back. "Look at you!" I didn't need to look. I was wearing a simple, button-down blouse tucked into jeans. Sure, the buttons were strained over my big boobs but that was normal...

"You're my every wet dream come alive," Danny continued. "And I can't touch you 'cause you're on your period!"

"I never said you can't touch me," I shot back. "You're the one who doesn't want to cuddle!"

"Because you burn me up! Jeez, there's something like three blankets on your bed plus a bedspread and your idea of cuddling is to climb on top of me. I'm sweating because of the heat. You're naked and all over me, and I can't sleep because all I can think about is how much I want to..." Danny threw his hands up in frustration and stopped.

"How much you want to fuck me," I finished.

"NO! How much I want to make love to you."

For a guy that's stupid and inexperienced about girls, that was exactly the right thing to say. I closed the distance between us and kissed him. My arms went around his neck as his arms went around my waist. Both of us pulled each other close as our kiss deepened. Taking his hand in mine, I placed it on my boob. As he began to mold my boob, I broke our kiss long enough to say, "I never said I didn't want you to touch me."

"I missed this," I continued between kisses. "I missed you touching me... I missed you coming up behind me... Reaching around to squeeze my boobs."

Danny tried to say something, but I kissed him and ordered, "Just shut up before you say something stupid that pisses me off." Danny didn't argue. He was busy grabbing my ass and tits. Our make-out session continued until I finally pulled away and began leading him out of the kitchen. I had a small chair in my living room and I pushed until he got the idea and sat down. Straddling his legs, I slowly unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it free from my jeans. Danny continued to sit still and watch as I reached behind to unhook my bra. As I leaned over him to resume our kiss, his hands pushed my bra up and out of the way. For several minutes Danny alternated between kissing me and sucking on my hard nipples.

I reached over and snagged a throw pillow from the couch. Dropping it on the floor before the chair, I slid off Danny's legs and onto my knees. Looking up into Danny's eyes, without a word I began to undo his belt. It was Danny who reached to stop me. "You don't have to..."

"I told you to shut the hell up before you said something stupid," I told him as I un-snapped the button of his jeans. I also told you before that I never do anything I don't want to do."

"But, you said you don't like to do anything while on your period."

"That's usually true," I replied as I worked his zipper open. "And I never want sex during my time."

Danny was erect as I freed his hard shaft from his jeans. I leaned forward and Danny seemed to stop breathing. "But, Danny, there's more to me than just a pussy," I quietly informed him before licking his shaft from his balls to the tip. With enthusiasm, I began giving the cock in front of me the best tongue bath I could. Not wanting to take the chance of getting cum on my blouse, I stopped sucking Danny long enough to take off my blouse and bra. Danny took that time to push his jeans to his feet and took off his t-shirt.

As I continued to suck Danny's cock, I alternated between licking, sucking and stroking. When I knew Danny was close to cumming, I removed my mouth so I could fast stroke the entire length of his now saliva-slick shaft. I had my mouth close to the tip ready to catch his cum but the first, hot cum stream hit my nose instead. I put my lips quickly around the head of his cock and caught the rest of Danny's cum in my mouth. All the while, Danny's hands on the back of my head pulled my mouth down until I was about to choke on the cock tip trying to force its way into my throat.

Danny finally let go as I milked the shaft for the last drop of his cum. Taking my mouth away, I tilted my head back and let Danny watch my tongue play with his cum before I swallowed. The taste of his cum was still strong as I used a finger to slide some cum stuck to the side of my nose into my mouth.

Danny laughed and said I'd missed some. Leaning forwards, he used his fingertip to push more cum to my mouth. That was a greatly daring thing for Danny to do. I was happy he was finally loosening up around me. Twice more he fed me his cum before I sucked his finger clean and stood up. I asked Danny to finish making the sandwiches as I picked up my blouse and bra and left to wash my face.

I washed, brushed my teeth, gargled, and dressed. Back in the kitchen I told Danny what I'd done and let him smell my breath before kissing him. I would have liked to have kissed him while his cum was still on my face but I hadn't wanted to press my luck. I liked that Danny didn't hesitate to pull me close with strong hands on my ass.

With Danny's stomach full and his balls drained, I decided it was a good time to give him the news that we needed to go clothes shopping. Our last trip had been interrupted by his wanting to buy a computer. Of course, Danny objected. He never seemed to want to go shopping.

"But you need something to wear this weekend," I told Danny as I finished my potato salad.

"Oh, crap..." Danny said before asking sweetly with heavy suspicion coloring his words. "Olivia? Why do I need something to wear this weekend?"

"Oh! Did I forget to mention we're having Sunday dinner with my parents," I replied equally sweetly with heavy innocence coloring my words.

Written by campusvamp
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