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The Pet: Part 1 - The Interview

"About to run out of money, Leslie decides to respond to a mysterious job posting"

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Author's Notes

"This is the first part of a story series that I am excited to get started! This first part isn't very "exciting" but it does set up the rest of the series, so I hope you enjoy it!"

Leslie had been staring at her budget sheet for the past few hours. There was no mistake: she was in trouble. She had just finished her second year of college, and her loans were starting to get out of control. Worse, she had no money to pay for her apartment after the next month. Just to pile on, her car had just broken down, meaning she was going to have to somehow scrounge up money to get a new one while also having no reliable way of getting around.

She needed a job—and a job that paid well. Just going down to the local McDonald's wasn’t going to cut it, especially if she needed to build up a money reserve for when classes started again in the fall.

She pulled up Google on her computer and started searching for opportunities in her area. Most of them were what she expected. Delivery driver wanted, as if her lack of a car at the moment would allow for that. Clerical work, but minimum wage. Office assistant, but they wanted someone who already had a degree.

She finally wandered onto Craigslist, looking for what might possibly be listed there. Then something caught her eye: private erotic entertainer.

Leslie leaned back in her chair and let out a sigh. She had been trying to avoid going down a route like that, but it was looking more and more likely she was going to have to do something along those lines. But private? What exactly did that mean? And “erotic entertainer” was also pretty vague. The ad was cryptic, saying it was “well paid” and offered a “trial period.” An erotic entertainer position with a trial period? What did that even mean? In any case, there was a contact to request an interview and additional information.

“What the hell, I guess?” Leslie sighed to herself as she filled out the required information, including a full body photo of herself, which she had to dig up from her computer hard drive. She looked for the sexiest photo she had and landed on one with her in a tank top, showing a bit of her B-cup cleavage, and a shorter pair of jean shorts. In addition, it also showed off her brown eyes, straight brown hair, and slightly tanned skin.

It was barely five minutes later before she noticed a notification saying she had gotten a response. They wanted to meet with her at 11 a.m. in a suburb outside of Washington, nearly a two and half hour drive away, the next morning and were even willing to pick her up, given her lack of transportation. She emailed back, saying she agreed. She received another quick response simply saying to make sure to bring identification, but nothing about what to wear.

Leslie figured if they wanted her to really dress up, they would have said so, but given it was a job interview and for “that” kind of job, they were probably going to want her to wear something that showed herself off.

The next morning, Leslie showered and went the extra mile with her makeup. She ended up putting on the same tank top and pair of jean shorts she was wearing in her photo and waited for her ride to arrive. At about 8:30 in the morning, a black Lexus with tinted windows pulled up. Seconds later, her cell phone rang.

“I’m here to pick Leslie,” the man on the other side of the call remarked simply.

“Yep, I see you. I’ll be right out,” she responded before hanging up. She then exited her apartment, making sure to lock it, and walked down to the car. The driver exited and walked around to the rear passenger side door and opened it.

“Oh, thank you!” Leslie remarked before getting in, eliciting only a slight nod of acknowledgment from the driver, who then returned to the driver’s seat.

Leslie looked around the inside of the car. She didn’t think she’d ever been inside a car this nice before. She wasn’t sure what—if anything—she should say to the driver, and he certainly wasn’t making any effort to make conversation either.

Leslie spent the two and a half hour car ride browsing on her phone and running through possible interview questions and their responses in her head. The car finally stopped at a nondescript building on the outskirts of the suburb they had arrived in. The driver once again exited the car and walked around to Leslie's door and opened it.

“Ah, thank you again,” Leslie thanked as she slid out of the car.

“They are waiting for you inside,” the driver remarked, motioning towards what looked like a boarded-up door at the entrance. “I will return you home once you are finished here.”

“I see, thank you,” Leslie acknowledged once again, receiving another slight nod from the driver. She then walked towards the building. What kind of work would conduct an interview here? It looked pretty dodgy. But they took the effort of driving her two and a half hours each way, so surely it was worth it for them. She wasn’t about to become some victim of a kidnapping ring, was she?

She opened the door and stepped inside, and was surprised to find that, instead of a run-down, dusty interior to match the outside, it was actually pretty clean and fancy-looking. Maybe the outside was just a front to keep people from snooping? She walked up to what looked like the front desk.

“Hi, I’m Leslie. I’m here for an interview,” she commented to the woman behind the counter.

“Ah yes, Leslie. Do you have your ID?” The woman flatly requested after lifting her eyes up to look at her.

“Ah, yes, here.” Leslie dug into her purse and pulled out her driver's license and handed it to the woman.

“Thank you. Can you fill these out, please? Once you are finished, we can proceed to the interview,” the lady noted as she handed Leslie a clipboard with several sheets of paper on it, as well as a pen.

Leslie took the clipboard, found a seat, and started filling out the paperwork. The first page seemed normal enough—general personal and health information, contact information, and so on.

The second page she found a bit more—spicy. A list of questions about activities she was willing or not willing to do. Some of them were pretty normal, like serving and preparing drinks or waiting on guests. Then they started to get a bit more explicit: appear at functions with limited or no clothing, erotic entertainment, then a series of sexual acts ranging from hand jobs to full-on sex. She checked everything but penetrative intercourse. She didn’t want to make a lack of willingness kill her chances immediately if she could help it, but that last one was a bit more than she was willing to commit to at the moment.

The third page dealt with sexually transmitted diseases: did she have any? When was the last time she was tested? She figured this was probably required considering it was a job doing erotic entertainment, so she put down that she wasn’t aware of any that she had, but she also wasn’t tested.

Having finished the paper work, Leslie got up and handed the clipboard back to the woman, who then handed her back her drivers license.

“This way,” the woman then stated, standing up and carrying the clipboard down a short hallway. Eventually she arrived at a door farther down the hallway and opened it. “Please,” she motioned for Leslie to go inside.

Leslie found a couch and a couple of chairs sitting in a pretty white and spartan room. She did notice a camera on the ceiling that was pointing at the couch.

“Please make yourself comfortable on the couch. I will be right back,” the lady requested before exiting the room. Leslie walked a small lap around the room in an attempt to shake off some of her nervousness before sitting down on the couch.

After a few minutes, the woman returned with a man who Leslie figured was in his late twenties or middle thirties.

The woman then reached out to shake hands. “Hello, Leslie, thank you for taking the time to meet with us. My name is Andrea. I am the executive secretary at Fempet.” Leslie returned the hand shake. “And this is Joey, our human resources director.” She motioned at the man, who also shook her hand.

The pair then sat down in a pair of chairs before Joey started speaking. “We looked over your application and noticed one thing. You didn’t mark having penetrative sexual intercourse as something you would be willing to do. While that is acceptable for some of our clients, the spot we are filling today requires that to be an option. Now, this offer includes a trial period, so we are willing to allow you to complete the trial period without first committing to this requirement, but to be able to be offered the full position, you will need to agree to it before a final contract can be signed. If you are sure you never would, then, well, unfortunately, I believe we are finished here. However, if you want to conduct the trial period and then decide, we can continue.”

Leslie digested this information. So is this a sugar daddy situation? Or an escort situation? I go meet up guys and get paid to have sex? I guess she should have figured it was like that when she saw the ad for erotic entertainment.

“I’ll agree to keep my options open then,” she finally declared. “I just didn’t want to commit to that before I knew what I was getting into.”

“That’s understandable,” Joey acknowledged. “So how this interview will work is we will ask you some questions about why you are interested in this position, what your comfort level with certain activities is, and we will ask that you undress for us so we can fully judge what you are offering. If you pass the first round of evaluations, the background check, and drug and STI tests, we will pass all of this information on to the client. This should get completed within the next couple of days.

“If the client is interested, we will contact you to set up an interview where he will meet with you. He is likely going to want to evaluate you as well and may have additional questions. If he agrees to a trial run with you, we will relay his first assignment to you as soon as possible.”

“Okay,” Leslie replied, as she tried to take this all in. This was a lot to digest, and they hadn’t even gotten to what the job even was!

“So, let’s run through a few questions. You are twenty years old?” Joey inquired.

“Yeah.” Leslie nodded.

“And you attend college? Does that normally include evening or weekend classes?”

“Uh, it hasn’t so far, no.” Leslie tried to sit up straight and concentrate on the questions she was being asked so as to not say anything unnecessary.

“Do you have any jobs or other commitments—boyfriends, club meetings, so on—that would render you unavailable on nights and/or weekends?”

“Uh, not really. Just school work really, but I’m sure I can work around that.”

“Excellent. We will still test you for them just in case, but you have no STIs?”

“Nope, I’m clean.”

“Any major illnesses? Cancer? Heart disease? High blood pressure? Anything that might cause problems in a high stress or high activity level situation?”

“Uh, not that I’m aware of.” Leslie felt grilled, and these were still the basic questions.

“Do you have any experience in erotic entertainment before? Escort? Strip club? Being someone’s sugar baby? Etcetera?”

“N-No. I don’t.” Leslie answered nervously.

The man seemed to sense her unease at having no relevant experience. “It’s alright. That’s not a prerequisite requirement,” Joey reassured her. “However, you are sexually experienced?”

“Y-Yes. I’ve, uh, had a couple boyfriends, yes.” Leslie was trying to take an account of everything she had done, in case they asked.

Joey let out a slight laugh. “That’s good, that’s good. Do you have any experience in customer service? Waitressing? Bartending? Jobs of that nature?”

“Uh, I worked as a waitress in high school for a couple years.” Leslie confidently answered. This was getting into territory she was more comfortable with.

“Excellent. Honestly, that experience is probably more important than the other.” Joey reassured her. “Okay, I’m going to ask you some questions about how comfortable you might be if put in certain situations. I know you have checked you are willing to do these on our sheet, but I would still like to gauge your reaction.”

“Okay,” Lesie acknowledged, again feeling a bit of anxiety creep in. Indeed, while she had checked many of them, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it.

“What do you or would you feel about being naked in front of strangers?”

Leslie gulped. “I mean, I’ve never really done anything like that, but I’m sure I could get used to it.”

Joey and Andrea jotted some notes on the pads in front of them. “That is okay. We can see what your reaction is later when we have you remove your clothes. So, no kinks like exhibitionism?”

“Uh, not that I’m really aware of,” Leslie testified. She felt like she might have already flunked out but was willing to persevere.

“What would you do if a customer decided to grab your ass while at work?”

“I would probably tell him off. If it were the restaurant I worked in, I would probably go to the manager and ask that they get booted.” Once again, Leslie spoke with more confidence. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was she had little tolerance for people getting away with shit like that.

“I see, I see,” the pair jotted down more notes. “What about performing sexual actions with vetted strangers? What I mean is people who this agency or your client has approved but you may not know personally ahead of time. I know you didn’t check penetrative intercourse, but you still checked other sexual acts on your application.”

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“I-I mean, I feel like if you guys have approved them, then they should be pretty good and clear, so I would definitely be open to doing things with them,” Leslie lied. The idea of messing around with strangers freaked her out quite a bit, but she knew if she said that, the interview definitely would be over.

“Excellent,” Joey said as he wrote more notes down. “Your feelings about having pictures or videos of you taken while naked and/or engaged in sexual acts that may be shared with this agency or clients of this agency?”

“I, uh, again, I think if it is kept private within the agency, I would be fine with that.” Leslie again felt a pit in her stomach giving that answer, but she was determined to at least get to the second step of the process. The alternatives didn’t seem much better.

“We already know we are tabling the discussion about sexual intercourse for now, so we will skip that question.” Joey appeared to comment to himself, looking down at the sheet. “Would you be willing to accompany your client on trips to fulfill your obligations with him?”

“Uh, I guess if they were over the weekend or during the summer. It might be harder to do during the week while I’m taking classes, though.” Leslie hoped this answer didn’t doom her as well.

The pair jotted down more notes. “Would you be willing to ... experiment with sexual kinks you may not be comfortable with or familiar with? This may include BDSM, food play, spanking, bondage, temperature play, voyeurism, and so on.”

That list was long and intimidating to Leslie. But there didn’t seem to be anything there that was absolutely out of the question. “Ye-yeah. I think all of those are fine to do.”

The pair jotted down more notes. “So Leslie, what drove you to contact us and apply for this position?”

Leslie gulped. She didn’t want to sound desperate, but it was going to be hard to not sound that way without lying.

“Well, to be honest, I saw this as a good opportunity to make good money and explore my sexual horizons and limits.” Leslie felt satisfied with this answer. It was largely true, even if not the whole truth.

“I see, I see.” Joey jotted down even more notes. "So, Leslie, what I would like for you to do now is stand up and undress for us.”

Leslie felt the pit sink deeper in her stomach. This was the part she knew where she would find out if she was truly okay with doing this, and it was likely something they were going to pay close attention to as well.

She stood up and pulled her tank top over her head and set it on the seat she had been sitting on, revealing a blue bra. She then stepped out of her shoes and set them aside, before pushing down her shorts and setting them on the seat as well, revealing a matching set of underwear. She unhooked her bra and set it on the pile, exposing her breasts, causing her heart to leap. She then slid her panties off, revealing a neatly trimmed bush. She then tried standing in front of them as tall and straight as she could, arms to her side.

“The client hiring you will very likely wish that you fully shave your pubic hair. Will that be a problem?” Joey inquired.

“Uh, no, that’s fine.” Leslie affirmed. It was taking all her power not to start to fidget with her hands or legs.

“Good. You will want to make sure you shave the morning of your second interview if you are invited.”

“Okay, got it.” Leslie nodded.

Andrea and Joey observed and took notes for a minute or two.

“Can you turn around, please?” Joey requested.

“Uh, sure.” Leslie complied. She heard additional notes being jotted down.

“Can you sit on the seat and spread your legs wide, please?” Joey then asked.

Leslie sat down on the edge of the couch facing the pair and opened her legs as wide as she could. She felt she was starting to blush hard, knowing these two people were closely examining her most private parts.

“Can you stand up again, face away from us, and bend over, looking back at us, please?” Joey instructed again.

Leslie stood back up and turned her back to them. She then bent over as if she were going to try to touch her toes, and looked back over her shoulders at Joey and did her best to smile. More jotting of notes.

“Okay, you can put your clothes back on, Leslie, thank you.” Joey appreciated with a smile.

Leslie let out as quiet of a sigh of relief as she could. She grabbed her clothes and started putting them on, although she tried not to rush doing so too much lest it looked like she was uncomfortable being naked in front of them.

“Andrea will now explain what we do here, and if you are still interested, we will take blood work for your drug and STI tests, okay?” Joey concluded.

“Uh, sure.” Leslie acknowledged with a nod, retaking her seat.

“So, the name of our agency gives a clue as to what type of services we offer: Fempet. In short, we act as a talent agency on behalf of clients who wish to hire people to serve as their ‘pets.’ Now, please do not confuse this with pet play, which is a kink where people dress up and act like actual animal pets. People hired for this position will act as hosts and entertainers for their clients, usually at events, although some clients may hire people to service them full time—some even living with their clients. While you are working as a pet, you will dress yourself as your client requests, although it is almost always the expectation that you will do most if not all of your work naked, aside from some items I will soon outline.”

Leslie gulped. This was starting to sound a bit heavy already. This sounded like more than just going to meet up with a client, sleeping with them, and going home.

“The cornerstone of this fantasy arrangement is that the ‘pet’ is in a sort of a CNC—consensual non-consensual—relationship with the client, where the client will request, demand, or order them to do things, which the pet must then perform. But none of these requests can be outside the scope of any pre-approved set of actions that you two have agreed upon. Clients will often put collars or chokers on their ‘pets’ and sometimes even lead them around on leashes, although this depends on the client and situation.”

Leslie was starting to get weirded out by the sound of all of this. It seemed like a very unusual arrangement to her.

“Many of the events you will entertain at, you will serve as a waitress, server, and so on. Essentially providing the needs and requests of the client and their guests. You may be joined by other ‘pets’ that other guests bring, and you would be expected to work together with them.”

“One of the further conceits of ‘pets’ is that most clients do not actually engage in sexual activity with them. Sometimes it may be requested that you do so with guests, but most clients prefer that ‘pets’ interact with each other or perform on their own to provide erotic entertainment. This can include activities up to and including engaging in sexual intercourse with another ‘pet’ in front of your client and their guests for their entertainment.”

Now Leslie understood why that part of the application was important to them. She figured maybe some clients would not ask their ‘pets’ to go that far, but apparently for this client, it was going to be an expectation.

“Also, just so you are aware, even though our agency name is Fempet, we do employ males as well as females. Indeed, we even employ a couple non-binary individuals as well.”

Well, I guess they are equal opportunity weird people, Leslie thought to herself.

“Do you have any questions?” Andrea queried.

“So before you asked what I would do if someone grabbed my ass? Is that … a problem here?” was the very first thing that came into Leslie’s head.

“Clients are made aware that while our hires fulfill the fantasy role of being pets, they are still people and should be respected as such. Clients are reminded to remind their guests of this fact as well. However, as you can guess, not all guests always abide by this. You should know that we make sure clients are aware of previously problematic guests, and if clients themselves become problematic, we can immediately revoke their contract, giving the worker an option to fulfill another position once open if they wish.

“Clients should not tolerate behavior such as this, and indeed, no one other than your client can order you to do anything, and technically, if another owner or guest asks you to do something, you may seek permission from your owner before doing it. Also, many clients have executive secretaries or assistants that you can report any problems to if the need arises. You may also report any issues directly to us, although an executive assistant may be the most immediately available person to contact in a situation, aside from the client themselves.”

“So, what would an average night working as one of these pets be like? Arrive, get naked, put a collar on, and serve drinks to people?” Leslie inquired, trying to figure out exactly what this was about.

“That may be a bit simplistic of a description, but essentially correct. Doing things like providing refreshments while collared and naked is typically the minimum expectation. Clients may request any number of additional activities, from the silly—one client I heard of enjoyed watching his female pet play multiplayer online video games naked, having her reference the fact that she was naked in the public voice and text chats—to the more ... erotic. I believe we already talked about requests for pets to engage in sexual activities, including intercourse, as entertainment.”

Leslie almost let out a laugh at the video game example but was able to hold it in. “So, let’s say I agree to intercourse. I’m assuming that means birth control? Any preferred type?”

“In the vast majority of cases, yes, you will wish to use some form of birth control, of which we will allow you to decide. I believe you put on your application that you are already on a form of birth control. That is good. Requests for intercourse will most likely include having the male ejaculate inside of the female, so yes, you will want protection. Pregnancy can be a cause for termination unless the client allows for it. Indeed, we have had a couple of clients ask their hires about whether they wished to get pregnant intentionally, so, again, it is mostly between you and the client, but the vast majority of the time you will want to be on some form of birth control.”

“What is the pay rate here?” Leslie finally asked perhaps the most pertinent question to her.

“That depends on the client and the event. Single events can range from $400 an hour for some events—that is our contractual minimum regardless of what activities are required—to $20,000 or even more for a weekend. For trips that last longer, clients have been known to negotiate goods as compensation, including paying for education, cars, and even homes. Even if you only do a single four-hour event every other week at $400 an hour and nothing more, you will be looking at making $41,600 a year. And trust me, most of these arrangements offer money that will total well into the six digits yearly. This does not include our share, of course, which is negotiated separately with the client.”

Getting college paid for by spending a week naked on some tropical island for an old rich guy and some of his friends? While not exactly her cup of tea, it actually didn’t sound like that bad of a deal to Leslie.

Andrea continued. “As you can surmise by these price tags, these are extremely well-off clients—clients that do not want themselves, or their guests—revealed as being part of these events. So if you hadn’t already figured it out by this point, a non-disclosure agreement would be part of this arrangement.”

Leslie nodded her head. That was understandable no matter what form the erotic entertainment took.

“If you are still interested, we can go ahead and take the blood work for your drug and STI tests. We will also submit your information for a background check. We will complete these tests along with our evaluation of your application and interview over the next couple of days. Hopefully, within three days you will hear back from us one way or another. If we wish to conduct a second interview, it will likely be within two days of your hearing back from us. I believe we already went over what is likely to occur during that interview.”

“I believe so, yes.” Leslie confirmed.

“Okay, then, let’s head back to our lab, and we’ll take a couple vials of blood, and you will be free to go.” Andrea concluded with a smile.

Leslie followed Andrea to a room two doors further down the hall, where she sat in a chair. A middle-aged female medical technician arrived and asked if Leslie usually found it difficult for people to draw blood, to which Leslie said she didn’t think so. The tech then stuck her with a needle until she found a blood vessel and drew two vials of blood.

“You are free to go. Make sure to check out with Andrea on your way out,” she cheerfully said.

“Thank you,” Andrea affirmed with a nod. She then walked down the hall back to the front desk.

“I’m on my way out, now,” Leslie advised Andrea.

“Thank you. Hopefully we will contact you within a couple days. The driver will be around shortly to drive you home.”

And with that, Leslie left the building. The driver soon pulled around and repeated the actions from earlier that day.

On the ride home, Leslie started to evaluate the situation. Yeah, it sounds a bit weird, but it was also a lot of money. And after all, she would probably get used to the unusual “kink” parts of the job anyway. She might have to get used to the sex part, but since when was she afraid of a little bit of sex?

She was concerned, however, that some of her answers might give them pause, but she figured that was water under the bridge now. They would either ask for a second interview or they wouldn’t.

After the long drive back, the driver dropped her off back home.

Written by JourneyYoung
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