Saturday couldn’t come fast enough for Leslie after Jacob’s previous tease of the next event. During the week, she talked with Beth, who apologized to her again, this time directly, about her outburst in the coffee shop. Leslie made sure to let her know that she didn’t have any hard feelings over it and that she understood her angst.
“I just wish you trusted us enough to tell us what is going on,” Bethany lamented during the call.
“I do, I do. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to explain it all yet, is all,” Leslie explained. “All I can say is that I’m fine, and you don’t need to be worried.”
“I wish I could completely take your word on that, Leslie,” Beth commented.
After their conversation, Leslie felt slightly better, feeling her relationship with Beth had largely been patched up, but she was still anxious over Beth’s attitude. But Leslie could understand it. If she were in Beth’s shoes, and Beth had suddenly shown up wearing the outfit she did and doing the things she had, she probably would be acting the same way. But she wasn’t ready to tell her friends everything. Not yet, anyway.
Soon enough it was Saturday, and Leslie once again arrived an hour before her actual pre-hour started, walking into the staff room at around 1 p.m. She slipped off her clothes and put on her choker and sandals as was becoming second nature at this point.
As this was another event happening elsewhere, Scarlet wasn’t around, so she had to use applicators to put her makeup on herself. But as this was now the fourth time she had gone through this process, she had gotten increasingly efficient at it. She finished so early that she had nearly a half hour to spare before their actual scheduled time to leave.
She returned to the staff room, which was quiet and empty, and walked in front of a mirror mounted on the wall. She looked at her reflection. The makeup on her made her skin look smoother than normal, but not so made up that it looked fake. Her eyeliner and lipstick made her eyes and lips pop out.
Her hand moved up to the only thing she was currently wearing: her leather choker. She had grown accustomed to the feel of it around her neck. It was never uncomfortable, and most of the time she barely noticed it. But it was almost impossible not to notice during moments like this.
Is this really who I am now? She pondered now that she had time to think. She took a step back, letting the question settle. A year ago—a month ago—she wouldn’t have recognized the woman staring back at her. That Leslie wore T-shirts and jeans, kept her hair simple, and rarely did more than swipe on a bit of mascara. That Leslie had lived a careful and quiet life.
And now?
She was standing naked in a rich man's mansion, about to ride in a car to a stranger's house, and ready to perform whatever requests were asked of her, completely exposed for everyone to see. There were no secrets and no hiding as a pet. And yet, she enjoyed the thrill of it.
But was this newfound confidence hers, or was it an illusion? A continuing fever that she was riding the high on that would eventually crash down around her?
She ran her finger along her choker. It was a symbol of the exchange she made: she gave up control and independence in exchange for stability and excitement.
But that led to perhaps a deeper and even more disturbing question for Leslie: did she even miss those things? The answer wasn’t as clear as she thought it should be.
There were moments—like now—when she felt like two versions of herself were struggling inside her. The old Leslie whispered that this wasn’t her, that she was playing a role that didn’t belong to her. But the new Leslie, the one who had discovered a spark of boldness and excitement in this life, told her to stop overthinking and embrace the change.
Leslie’s thoughts were interrupted, however, when Jacob entered the room, wearing a similar polo shirt and khaki shorts as he did during their previous car trip.
“Ready ahead of schedule?” he asked with a faint smile. “Impressive.”
Leslie turned to face Jacob and shrugged. “What can I say? I’m getting better at this.”
Jacob studied her for a moment, then crossed the room to stand in front of her. “You seem thoughtful,” he observed.
“Just thinking about today,” Leslie remarked with a slight sigh.
Jacob didn’t press her. Instead, he rested a hand lightly on her shoulder. “I think you’ll find today’s event... stimulating.”
Leslie glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “Stimulating how?”
“You’ll see,” Jacob said with a grin, the kind that made it clear he wasn’t going to elaborate.
Leslie could still feel that both she and Jacob were emotionally guarded around each other, despite the openness her role required. Leslie felt there was a bit of a shield that he was keeping up, but she also felt it wasn’t her place to prod or ask about it.
Soon enough it was time to leave. As she stepped out of the entrance of the mansion, the driver pulled around a dark blue Lexus LC convertible, with the top already down. Leslie’s mouth hung open as she looked over at Jacob, who had a big grin.
“I told you last time I hoped to take you out in my convertible someday, didn’t I?”
“Are—are you sure it’ll be okay?”
“I’ve got a route pre-loaded that avoids any major city and keeps us on two-lane roads as much as possible. We should be fine,” he smiled over. “Well, if you will,” he added, motioning towards the car.
The driver opened the door for Leslie, allowing her to take a seat in the leather chair, before doing the same for Jacob.
“Good thing it’s warm out. I think even with the wind blowing past you’re not gonna get too cool with these temperatures,” Jacob smirked as he looked over.
Leslie found herself slightly blushing and her heart racing. Was she really going to go on a car ride in a convertible, top-down, wearing nothing but the choker around her neck? “Y-yeah.”
“Although if you do start to get chilly, let you know. I want the experience to be fun and pleasant, after all,” he added.
“I will,” Leslie breathlessly answered, still anxious about the coming trip.
With that, Jacob pulled out of the carport, and down the driveway to the main road. Leslie let her hair up so it blew in the wind behind her, resulting in Jacob glancing over and giving her a smirk. Leslie felt exhilarated. The wind blew past her skin, giving her occasional goosebumps, while her nipples became hard, as much from the thrill as the wind.
Her heart fluttered with every oncoming car, at least at first. Would they notice her as they shot by? What about people they might pass on the road, such as someone coming out of a store or sitting on their front deck? But as the car trip continued, she started worrying less and less about it.
“Can I ask where we’re going? Is it to another owner’s place?” she asked, talking loudly over the wind so Jacob could hear her.
“Yes. Miles Ashford. His pet is Sophie. I think you’ll find both of them interesting. They have a house right on the Potomac River that we’re going to.”
“Stimulating. Interesting. You are definitely hyping this visit up. What exactly do I have to look forward to, anyway?” Leslie inquired.
Jacob let out a laugh. “That would be spoiling the surprise though, wouldn’t it?”
Leslie chuckled a bit. Jacob loved his surprises. She wondered what it was about him that made him always want to keep what was coming a surprise for her, especially for someone who, she felt, probably disliked surprises himself. Or maybe that was why. Was he uncomfortable with surprises in his own life, so he enjoyed them vicariously through someone else? It was an interesting thought to consider.
About an hour into the trip, the road became winding, cutting through a dense forest. Jacob glanced at Leslie, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“You seem awfully relaxed,” he teased.
“Well, you’re the one doing all the driving,” Leslie grinned back at him.
“True,” Jacob admitted. “But there’s a rule for passengers on long drives: you have to keep the driver entertained.”
Leslie raised an eyebrow. “Entertained how?”
“What about a game? Something like ‘would you rather.’”
Leslie was intrigued. Jacob was choosing a game that would perhaps let her prod more deeply into this life, or at least his thinking. She wondered if this was intentional.
“Okay, would you rather plan every event down to the smallest detail or have everything be completely spontaneous?” Leslie asked.
Jacob chuckled. “You should already know me well enough to know the answer to that one. I’m a stickler for planning. Being spontaneous is good now and then, but most of the time—yes, I would plan every detail.”
“That sounds about right,” Leslie laughed.
“Would you rather perform in front of a small, intimate audience or a huge crowd?” Jacob asked in return.
“I think I’d like an intimate audience better. I think big crowds are a bit impersonal. I think you even saw it at the last event. I kind of zeroed in on one or two of the guests when interacting with them. I mean, getting to know them all was nice, but I feel the close, intimate connections are better.”
“I did notice. You and Johnathan seemed to hit it off right away.”
Leslie blushed, remembering her moment with the man. “Yeah,” she acknowledged simply. “Okay, next question: Would you rather know exactly what your future holds or never know and be surprised?”
“That’s a tough one,” Jacob admitted. “I love to plan things because I typically don’t like unpleasant surprises in my work. I suppose it would make life a lot easier if I knew everything that was coming. But then what fun are events like the one we are going to if there is no mystery surrounding it? But on balance, I think I’d still like to know. It’s a hard choice and reality is somewhere in between, but there is a reason why I like stability.”
“I see, I see,” Leslie remarked. This added fuel to her supposition that surprising her was a vehicle for him to get a sense of surprise while not being the surprised one.
It was now Jacob’s turn to ask again. “Would you rather try something completely new every time or perfect the same act over and over?”
“I think I’d like to try something new,” Leslie quickly answered. “There is something to perfecting something, but once you do, then what? At least trying new things keeps you entertained and on your toes, even if you’re kind of flailing around while trying to do it.”
“Hmm, that's a good answer. I’ll have to keep it in mind,” Jacob smirked over at her.
Leslie thought for a second before asking her next question. “Would you rather always be completely understood or completely mysterious to others?”
Jacob glanced over at her with a smile. “I feel like this one is specifically directed at me for a reason,” he laughed.
“Maybe. What do you say?” Leslie smirked back at him.
“It would be nice to be completely understood. But there are also times when being mysterious is the better option.”
“Is there a time you think you might stop being so mysterious?” Leslie asked, somewhat surprised by her direct boldness in asking.
Jacob glanced over at her once again. “I don’t know. Emily—my pet before you—and I shared a lot of things. But even with her, I could never share everything.”
Leslie took that as a prompt to stop prodding, perhaps. She knew Emily had been his pet for five years. She figured there was no way he would start spilling things out to her after one month when he hadn’t even shared everything with a pet of five years.
The car then passed a sign for an upcoming scenic overlook.
“Wanna take a short break and look at the scenery?” Jacob asked.
Leslie looked over at him with a bit of surprise. “Do you really think it will be alright?
“Probably,” he simply responded.
“Uh, whatever you’d like,” Leslie answered nervously.
The car soon pulled into the overlook. It was a small area to pull off the road, with a small sign explaining the view of the valley below. Leslie opened the door and stepped out. Her heart was racing, feeling the warm air gently blow against her skin. Now, away from the car, she truly felt naked. There was now nothing in the way of a passing motorist seeing her in all of her glory. She looked down and started reading the sign, just to give her mind something to do but worry.
Jacob soon walked up to join her. “You seem to be bolder every time I see you,” he chuckled.
“Believe me, I feel anything but bold right now,” she remarked with a nervous laugh.
“Still, it takes bravery to stand there like that.” He then put a hand on her shoulder as if to give her some encouragement.
Leslie’s heart almost seemed to skip a beat. Jacob rarely actually touched her, especially while she was naked. It seemed like an intentional avoidance on his part to keep the owner/pet separation, so it seemed notable to her that he would so blatantly break that trend here. Nevertheless, his reassurance did comfort her.
“Well, are you ready to go?” Jacob then asked after a few moments.
“Uh, yeah, I think so,” she acknowledged. However, soon after she turned around to head back to the car, another car drove by on the road, the passenger looking out the window. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Leslie felt her eyes meet the passenger’s eyes: the bright blue eyes of a young woman, her dark blond hair waving in the wind.
Leslie froze and her breath hitched and she felt like her skin was electrified. There was no doubt that the woman had seen her in her entirety. Then, as quickly as the car had appeared, it vanished around the next corner.
Jacob glanced back at her. “Leslie, you okay?” he asked, perhaps seeing her deer-in-a-headlight look.
Leslie then shook out of her trance. “Uh, yeah, I’m okay. I just, uh, didn’t actually expect that to happen.”
Jacob let out a chuckle. “Speaking of unexpected surprises, I suppose. How did it make you feel?”
Leslie pondered his inquiry as she got back into the car. “I think I was both terrified and yet thrilled at the same time."
Jacob started the car again and looked over at her. “Thrill and terror are kind of two sides of the same coin, though, are they not?” He then pulled the car out of the overlook and sped down the road once again.
Jacob’s comment made her think. Thrill and Terror being similar did make a lot of sense. A lot of people even get a thrill from feeling terror. Isn’t that what gives activities like bungee jumping or even roller coasters their allure? Maybe that was a part of what she was feeling, not just now, but from this entire job.
Leslie continued to ponder it. She didn’t feel terror, though, most of the time on the job. Maybe at some point when she was truly facing the unknown, such as when she met all of Jacob’s guests at the previous event. But the fear wore off over time. Perhaps the thrill from terror was only part of what she felt, in certain situations, before she had become accustomed to it. Still, it was an interesting thought to consider.
Eventually, Jacob pulled into a circle in front of a two-story white house with columns in the front. It reminded Leslie of those old southern plantation houses, although she was pretty sure this house was not nearly that old.
Outside the front door stood two individuals: the first was a tall, thin man, likely around the same age as Jacob, in his mid-to late-forties, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a pretty straightforward buttoned-up navy blue suit with a matching blue tie.
Next to him stood his pet: a naked woman in her mid-twenties with long, silky auburn hair done in a fishtail braid, striking green eyes, and an hourglass figure with 34D breasts. In addition to a black choker, she had two lacy red ribbons tied around her wrists.
“That would be Miles Ashford and his pet Sophie,” Jacob remarked before getting out of the car and letting the valet take over. Leslie similarly exited, taking her place next to Jacob’s side as they approached the waiting pair.
“Mr. Henderson, it is a pleasure to meet you again after so long,” Miles said with a rather proper and refined tone.
“Miles,” Jacob greeted with a handshake. “How is the art world doing? Have you somehow managed a way to wrangle the Mona Lisa yet?”
Miles managed a slight grin but didn’t laugh. “It is going quite well. And you? I hear the biotech industry has been booming.”
“It’s going well enough,” Jacob chuckled. “Anyway, I’d like to introduce my new pet to you: Leslie.” He motioned his arm for Leslie to move forward, which she did.
“It is very pleasant to meet you, Leslie,” Miles politely remarked, taking her hand and giving it a gentle kiss, before lowering it again. “I’d like to introduce you to Sophie.” He then motioned to the woman next to him.
“Nice to meet you,” Sophie greeted, offering a hand to shake to Leslie.
“A pleasure to meet you as well,” Leslie reciprocated, shaking her hand.
“Sophie has been my pet for seven years now,” Miles continued. “She’s been an integral part of my life and work, both as a companion and as a collaborator in my creative endeavors.”
Sophie gave a soft smile as Leslie glanced over and their eyes met. The brilliant green pupils showed an as-of-yet unmatched confidence for a pet. There was no doubt, no nervousness. She was exactly where she wanted to be. Leslie couldn’t help but feel a little bit intimidated.
“Shall we go inside? We’ve prepared refreshments, and the other guests will be arriving shortly. I believe tonight’s gathering will be quite memorable,” Miles continued, pulling Leslie away from the study and admiration of her counterpart.
Miles led the group through the house, which impressed Leslie greatly even when compared to Jacob’s mansion, and into an enclosed patio, with a wicker seating set and a wall lined with a sliding door and tall windows with a clear view of the Potomac River, maybe 150 feet away.
“Can I get you anything?” Sophie asked both Jacob and Leslie as they sat down on a loveseat together.
“I’ll just have a brandy, thank you,” Jacob answered.
“I’ll have a soda. Uh, Dr. Pepper if you have it but anything is fine,” Leslie smiled.
Sophie gave a slight smile. “I’ll be right back,” she cheerfully replied.
“So what do you think?” Jacob leaned over and softly asked.
“Sophie seems so poised and confident. I’m kind of intimidated,” Leslie honestly answered.
Jacob let out a short chuckle. “Don’t worry. Sophie is one of the most well-respected pets out there. Not just because she knows what she’s doing, but because she does her best to make events comfortable for less experienced pets as well.”
Leslie let out a small sigh of relief. That was comforting to hear. Shortly, Sophie returned and offered small glasses to each of them.
“Thank you,” Leslie smiled in appreciation.
“Let me know if you need anything else,” Sophie acknowledged, before sitting in a seat opposite Leslie.
Leslie took a small sip of her drink. It indeed was Dr. Pepper. Somehow the familiar and sugary taste was an additional comfort.
Miles was about to take his seat when there was the faint sound of tires on gravel. “Ah, it appears our guests have arrived,” he smiled. He didn’t even need to request Sophie’s attendance. She had already stood up and was ready to take her owner’s side in greeting the latest guests.
Leslie turned to look as the pair turned the corner and disappeared into the house. She could hear the front door open, and then close. She tried to strain her ear to get any sound of conversation outside.
Jacob then stood up, to prepare himself to greet the new visitors. Leslie turned to look at him, initially unsure of what he was doing, and then soon realized. She promptly stood up and took her side next to Jacob in preparation to greet the guests.
Leslie didn’t even have time to come up with something to say before her attention was drawn by the sound of the door opening and the voices of guests echoing through the house. Moments later, Miles appeared, leading a strikingly elegant woman and a shorter, almost mousy, man onto the patio.
“Allow me to introduce our esteemed guests, Olivia Harrington and Julian Devereaux,” Miles began the introduction. “Olivia, Julian, this is Mr. Jacob Henderson.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” Jacob smiled as he shook hands with the pair.
“And this is his pet, Leslie,” Miles continued.
“Nice to meet you,” Leslie also smiled, shaking their hands as well.
“Olivia and Julian are fellow artistic connoisseurs and have been my friends for many years,” Miles concluded the introductions.
Leslie evaluated the pair. Olivia was taller, perhaps even 5’9, and presented an immediately commanding presence. She had shoulder-length black hair, with silver streaks and hazel eyes. Her partner was perhaps an inch shorter with medium-length brown hair and blue eyes.
Jacob and Leslie soon took their previous seats, with Miles across from Jacob, and the two guests sitting in another pair of chairs between the two, nearest to the pets, facing the windowed wall.
Sophie once again took the guests’ drink requests, retrieving them promptly before sitting in her chair opposite Leslie.
The following hour or so revolved mostly around a discussion of art, something which Leslie had desperately little knowledge of—at least about the art that this group was interested in. Even Jacob appeared slightly uncomfortable and out of his element, although he handled himself a lot more expertly in the conversation than Leslie did. Still, Leslie couldn’t be anything but impressed with Miles, Olivia, Julian, and Sophie’s fluid discussion of the topic. They more than once reference Sophie’s “human performance art” and Leslie began to wonder if that was what she was here for, although she felt utterly unprepared for something like that.
Miles eventually rose, drawing everyone’s attention. “Shall we move to the gallery?” he asked, his voice inviting. “Sophie and I have prepared something special for tonight. I believe it will be... thought-provoking.”
Jacob stood and subtly motioned Leslie to do the same. The pair followed everyone else through the house and into another room on the other side of the residence. This room was nothing short of an art gallery of its own, with paintings and sculptures displayed throughout the room. Leslie couldn’t help but notice a portion of the exhibit that included a small collection of paintings of other pets, Sophie included, engaged in what looked like some sort of artistic performance.
Toward one side of the room, in front of another set of windows that overlooked the river, there was what appeared to be a small semi-circular stage. There were six seats intimately close to the stage, where Miles, after doing a brief tour of his collection for Jacob and Leslie, invited everyone to sit. The two guests took the center seats while Jacob took the next seat out and Leslie took the outermost seat.
As the group settled in, Leslie’s pulse quickened. She hadn’t attended many performances before, but even then there was something about this space—the intimacy of the setting, the artistry that surrounded them—that made her feel more exposed and vulnerable.
Miles then turned off the lights in the room and turned on a spotlight that shone on the stage before taking it, Sophie flanking him.
“Tonight’s performance is an exploration of trust and control—two elements that are at the heart of every meaningful relationship, whether personal or professional. We invite you to witness a dialogue—not through words, but through movement and sensation.”
With that, Miles took his seat next to the new guests, leaving Sophie on the stage alone.
“Leslie, may I invite you up here?” Sophie beckoned.
Leslie felt her heart racing. She glanced over at Jacob, who gave her a nod. She nervously stood up and stepped up onto the stage and faced the crowd next to Sophie. The spotlight was warm and bright, but well positioned to not hurt her sight.
“This performance,” Sophie began with a soft, yet confident voice, “is not about perfection. It’s about connection. Trust. Vulnerability.”
The light made it hard for Leslie to fully gauge the audience’s reaction, but it appeared they were already engrossed in what was about to happen.
Sophie walked over to a table next to the stage and selected a couple of bright red silk ribbons before turning. “May I?” she softly asked.
“Uh, Yeah,” Leslie assented, unsure about what was about to happen.
She motioned to have Leslie move a few steps back. She then raised Leslie’s left arm and tied the ribbon around a loop in one of the wood beams over their head and tied the ribbon so it was securely tied around Leslie’s wrist. She then took the other ribbon and did the same to Leslie’s other wrist.
This left Leslie with her arms raised and tied above her head, but her arms weren’t uncomfortably stretched, but the position did make Leslie feel even more exposed than she already was.
“Trust,” Sophie said softly, her voice soft, though the audience heard every word. “It starts here.”
Sophie then deliberately returned to the table and selected a black silk blindfold. She then stood behind Leslie and wrapped it around her eyes, securely tying it behind Leslie’s head.
“Trust,” Sophie said again, this time louder. “It is not given lightly, nor taken without care.”

Leslie was now blind, save the very soft glimmer of light that passed through the fabric from the spotlight. She could immediately feel her hearing become heightened as she heard Sophie’s bare feet step across the wood of the stage. Her heart raced as she thought she heard Leslie pick up a more solid object from the nearby table.
Soon, Sophie’s footsteps returned. There was a brief pause. Perhaps Sophie was displaying something to the audience. Then Leslie felt it: a small glass orb, cool but not cold, was gently pressed against her upper arm. The sensation raised goosebumps all over Leslie’s body as Sophie slowly moved the object down her arm, and across her clavicle.
“Control,” Sophie said, her tone steady. “It is not acting with force. It is knowing how to elicit the response that you want.”
Leslie let out a sharp breath as the object reached the center of her clavicle, before being pulled away.
“Are you ready to trust me completely?” Sophie then asked her.
“Yes,” Leslie softly but resolutely responded. The anticipation for where this was going to go started rising within her.
She could hear Sophie walk away, setting down the object she was holding before her steps marked her return. Leslie then got a sudden chill as she felt Sophie’s fingertips gently run down her sides. Not only that, but she could feel the soft fabric of the ribbons tied around Sophie’s wrists against her skin. Once Sophie’s fingers reached her waist, they gently moved behind her and started brushing their way up her back.
“Touch. It is sometimes so easy to ignore. Brushing against a fluffy blanket. The coarseness of a rough wall. But it is perhaps the most sensitive and sensual sense of all,” Sophie softly narrated as her fingertips continued making their way up Leslie’s back and under her hair, sending another small shiver through her body.
Sophie seemed to have an innate understanding of where to touch, where to linger, and where to pull back just before Leslie could fully process the sensation. Her fingertips moved up her back and then around Leslie’s neck, over her shoulders, and then down over her collarbone. The lack of sight made every touch feel more intense.
After what seemed like an eternity of teasing, Sophie moved to the table once again. Leslie thought she could hear the faint clink of glass as Sophie lifted something else off the table. She felt the sudden shift in the air as Sophie approached, the coolness of the object sending a chill through her even before it made contact.
Leslie gasped as Sophie gently pressed a chilled glass dildo against her upper arm. The sensation was sharp and startling at first but the slow, deliberate movement of the glass over her skin quickly became hypnotic. Sophie moved it deliberately, the coldness of the object stimulating every nerve ending it touched. She slowly slid it down her shoulder, just grazing Leslie’s breast with it before running it down her ribs.
Leslie’s muscles tightened in anticipation of what would come next, the coolness of the glass contrasting sharply with the warmth rising in her body. The cold object slowly made its way to Leslie’s stomach, which almost made her giggle, before slowly making its way down to her hips, and then her thighs. Leslie felt the chill in the air against her most sensitive parts.
Leslie gasped as the object was finally lifted from her skin. She thought she could still feel the entire trail it had taken from her arm to her thigh still emanating from her skin. Leslie let out a light gasp that kept her from noticing Sophie walking away and obtaining a new object.
Leslie braced herself for what it might be but was pleasantly surprised when she felt it, even letting out a slight giggle and laugh when she did: a fluffy fur-covered paddle. Sophie gently brushed the object across Leslie’s skin, giving a similar sensation to the fingertips, although perhaps not as “sharp” feeling.
Leslie felt her nipples tighten as the paddle was gently brushed across her breasts, and then down her sides and across her stomach again. She couldn’t help but smile as the sensation was almost ticklish. Once again, Sophie completed the use of this toy by brushing it inside Leslie’s thighs. Leslie almost felt a few tingles start to rise inside of her, despite not being touched down there yet.
Sophie then leaned in towards Leslie’s ear and spoke just loud enough for the audience to hear. “Are you ready for more?”
“Yes,” Leslie eagerly answered. She felt like her nerve endings were like razor blades now, ready to take on any sensation Sophie was ready to send her way next.
She could again hear Sophie walk away, putting down the object she was holding, and pick up a new one. Leslie waited in anticipation as there was another pause. Leslie thought perhaps Sophie was once again demonstrating the object to the audience. She had already surrendered to the rhythm of the performance, trusting Sophie’s lead as the night unfolded.
She listened as Sophie stepped behind her, a new soft sound filling the air. Leslie thought it sounded like the faint hiss of a flame, perhaps. Soon her supposition was confirmed as she felt several drops of wax drip onto her upper back. The sensation was hot and sudden, although not hot enough to burn. The sensation caused Leslie to take in a sharp breath as she felt the heat penetrate her skin.
However, before the heat lasted too long, Leslie felt another sensation as Sophie’s fingers glided over the wax, both cooling it down and dissipating the heat across the wider area. Sophie then soon dripped a few more drops of wax over the same area, before once again cooling it down with her fingers. The juxtaposition between the heat and cold made each sensation feel even more intense.
“Trust.” Sophie then remarked again as she walked around to Leslie’s front. She then felt a drizzle of wax drop onto one breast, and then the other. The heat was more concentrated and intense than on her back, but soon Sophie again started spreading the wax with her fingers, trailing it down to the tips of Leslie’s nipples. Her fingertips then glided from the underside of Leslie’s breasts over the top, dragging a trail of dissipating heat with them. Leslie gasped as she could feel the sharpness of the heat on her nipples, arousing her even further.
Leslie then felt something she didn’t expect: Sophie’s lips on hers. It was a short kiss, but one that conveyed feeling nonetheless.
Sophie walked back to the table, allowing Leslie to recover. She could still feel the heat from the wax radiating from her breasts.
Soon Leslie felt the next sensation: the tip of a feather, being run down the inside of her upper arm: another sensation that almost made her giggle from being ticklish.
“Feel every touch,” Sophie whispered. “Let the sensations guide you. There’s nothing else but this.”
The feather flicked to her armpits, and then down her side, and then over across her nipples. Suddenly, Leslie felt a different sensation: the coolness of a leather paddle. Sophie followed the same course with the leather as she had with the feather, giving Leslie drastically contrasting sensations.
Sophie alternated between the two instruments, running one across her stomach, then the other, before running one down the inside of her thighs then the other.
“You’re doing perfectly,” Sophie softly murmured. “Let go of everything except this moment. Feel every touch as it comes.” Leslie kept anticipating a new sensation, but none came. At least not yet.
“Breathe with me, Leslie,” Sophie whispered so close to Leslie’s ear that the warmth of her breath brushed against Leslie’s skin. “Let go of everything but this moment. Feel the rise and fall of your chest. Feel the pulse of your heart.”
Leslie closed her eyes, even though she already couldn’t see anything. She breathed in and tried to slow and control her breaths. She tried to steady her heartbeat, which was still racing.
“Good, you’re doing beautifully,” Sophie continued, her breath warm against Leslie’s cheek this time, a sensation that sent a subtle shiver down Leslie’s spine. “Every touch, every movement. Feel it. Absorb it.”
She could feel Sophie’s breath continue to move down her body until she could feel it directly over her right nipple.
“You’re mine at this moment,” Sophie continued to whisper. “You have given yourself to me. Let go. I will guide you through it.”
Leslie felt Sophie’s breath move so it was just over her other nipple. She wasn’t sure her nipples could get even more hard and erect, but they were trying their best to do so. Sophie’s lips were so alluringly close but also seemed infinitely far away at the same time.
Leslie let out a slight gasp of frustration as she felt Sophie pull away and move back to the table, retrieving another item or two. She could feel Sophie stand in front of her and lean in.
“Let go and feel everything,” Sophie remarked. Leslie then felt a pair of fingers slide up against her labia and then around her clit, causing Leslie to gasp. “Can you spread your legs?” Sophie then asked in the softest whisper yet. This time the question was meant solely for her and not meant to be heard by the audience. Leslie complied by subtly widening her stance.
Sophie’s fingers continued to gently and slowly explore Leslie’s most intimate areas, with her eventually slipping a finger, and then two inside. Leslie couldn’t help but gasp and wriggle, desperate to move her arms that were still tied up above her.
Leslie could feel herself get damp as Sophie continued to work on her, a slight squelching sound emanating from the area. Soon Sophie withdrew her fingers. Leslie wondered what she was doing, but the question was soon answered when Sophie’s fingers touched her lips.
“Open up,” Sophie gently requested.
Leslie opened her mouth slightly and Sophie inserted her two fingers, giving Leslie a taste of her own sweet juices, which she sucked off Sophie’s fingers as she pulled them out of her mouth. Soon Leslie felt a new sensation: the cold dildo from before, although not quite as bitterly cold, having been warmed over time by the room’s ambient air. Sophie pressed it up against Leslie’s labia, sending another wave of chills and goosebumps through her.
“Do you trust me?” Sophie asked her again.
“Yes,” Leslie once again answered with confidence.
Sophie slowly slid the cold, glass dildo into Leslie’s pussy. The sensation almost immediately drove her wild. She gasped and moaned as she could feel the chill fill her up from within. It was an intense feeling, and her muscles seemed to immediately react to it. Once again she tried to wriggle in reaction, but her ties prevented her from doing so.
At the same time, Sophie’s free hand started to explore Leslie’s breasts again, her nails rubbing against the skin to peel off the now-dried flakes of wax. She gently squeezed one breast, before Leslie felt her nipple get taken in by Sophie’s mouth, her tongue gently circling her areola and teasing the tip. Sophie then switched and did the same thing to her other breast and nipple, while simultaneously slowly moving the chilly glass dildo in and out of her.
Leslie thought her eyes might roll into the back of her head from the sensations, and sure enough, she felt herself tense up, her vagina muscles grasping at the glass object within it. She let out a moan as her legs tried to give out from the orgasm currently wrecking through her, but her ties prevented her from falling.
“That’s one,” Sophie whispered as Leslie let out a gasp. After what felt like an eternity of almost falling down but not being able to, she got her legs under her solidly once again. Sophie didn’t let up though as she continued to rhythmically fuck her with the glass dildo.
Just as Leslie thought she might get used to the chill of the glass, Sophie gently pulled it out, causing Leslie to let out a sigh. She heard Sophie set down the glass dildo somewhere and pick something else up. Soon Leslie felt another sensation: a hard, silicone dildo, heated just short of the point where it would be painful was then inserted into her pussy, suddenly warming the cavity that had previously been cooled.
The sudden shift in sensations drove Leslie wild once again. The heat was just as intense as the cold, except in the opposite direction, filling Leslie up with an almost uncomfortable but still indescribable warmth. Leslie could feel herself build again as Sophie continued to move the object in and out, the ridges and warmth of the silicon being a contrast in every way to the glass.
Leslie was desperate to touch herself somewhere, anywhere, but was at Sophie’s mercy. Soon, her legs started to give out again and another orgasm rocked through her, causing her to let out several more moans.
“That’s two,” Sophie softly said without slowing down the dildo she was pounding Leslie with. Leslie was starting to get tired. Her wrists started to hurt as well, having to bear her weight twice now when her legs tried to give way during her orgasms, but she also didn’t want this to stop.
She also thought she started to hear Sophie breathing and moaning as well. Was she getting herself off at the same time, or was this act enough to get her so aroused?
A minute or two later, Sophie once again quickly swapped out the warm silicone dildo for the cold, glass one, causing Leslie to gasp once again from the sudden change in texture and temperature. She couldn’t help but let out almost constant moans which were a mix of both a desire for this to end but also for it to continue until she couldn't stand it anymore.
“Do you want me to stop or keep going?” Sophie softly asked.
“Keep—keep going…” Leslie was able to get out between moans. She had already decided she was going to let Sophie take this to whatever destination she intended.
Leslie then felt Sophie’s lips and tongue on her breasts and nipples once again. Then she felt a new sensation: Sophie biting on her nipple, first gently, and then with more intensity. Leslie gave out another gasp as Sophie flicked her nipple with the tip of her tongue as she held it between her teeth.
Leslie felt herself start to lose control again and braced herself. A third orgasm seized her, and she once again gasped, both from the intense feeling of the orgasm and her growing fatigue. Even when it finally let her go, she could feel her legs shaking.
“That’s three. I’m so close. Cum with me one more time, Leslie,” Sophie breathed, her breaths becoming more urgent.
Leslie could feel Sophie increase the rhythm of the cold, glass dildo within her as she quickly built up towards yet another orgasm. The gaps between her orgasms kept getting shorter and she was wondering if she would even have time to recover between them.
The pair breathed and moaned together, before suddenly Sophie’s breath hitched, and she started to moan. Leslie could barely get the thought into her head that she must have orgasmed before her fourth hit her.
After the pair’s orgasms finally passed, Sophie finally, mercifully, withdrew the dildo from Leslie, allowing her to at least temporarily get her legs steady under herself once again.
Suddenly Leslie heard light applause. The show was finally over. Leslie was exhausted, her legs barely able to keep her up, sweat beading on her skin.
She barely noticed Sophie walking behind her when she felt the ties on her wrists loosen. Sophie held onto her wrists and slowly helped Leslie lower them to her sides. Leslie was only beginning to notice just how much her arm muscles were aching from the experience.
“Take it easy,” Sophie advised as she helped steady Leslie with one arm while she used her other hand to untie the blindfold and pull it off. Leslie almost felt like she was blinded as light suddenly hit her eyes once again.
“Here, there are a couple of steps. Be careful,” Sophie continued as she helped Leslie step off the stage and take her seat in her chair.
Leslie’s breaths were deep and unsteady, her chest rising and falling as she processed the intensity of the performance. She could feel her whole body still shaking from the experience.
“Thank you,” Sophie said quietly, her voice carrying a sincerity that only Leslie could truly feel. “For your trust. For sharing this moment with me.”
Leslie gave a weak smile in return. “Thank you,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Miles stood and stepped onto the stage, drawing the group’s attention. “What we witnessed tonight was a testament to the beauty of connection. The interplay of trust and control, vulnerability and strength—it was not just a performance, but a dialogue. My thanks to Sophie and Leslie for sharing such an intimate, evocative moment with us.”
The small group murmured their agreement, their applause light but heartfelt.
As Miles, Sophie, and the guests started to chat, Jacob leaned over toward Leslie. “Take your time. If you need anything, just let someone know, okay?”
“I could use some water,” Leslie got out, leaning her head back in the chair.
“Sure, I’ll go get some quick,” Jacob remarked, getting up.
It was an extraordinary experience, but she was starting to feel it now that it was over. But if someone asked her if she would do it again, she thought her answer would probably be yes.
Soon enough, Jacob returned with a glass of ice water, which Leslie completely downed within seconds.
The room was filled with the quiet hum of conversation as the other guests spoke among themselves. Occasionally, Leslie caught snippets of words—praise for the performance, admiration for the artistry—but it felt distant, like background noise to her still-racing thoughts.
Her mind replayed the evening in flashes: Sophie’s soothing voice, the sharp contrasts of sensation, the warmth of the spotlight on her skin. It was overwhelming to process, yet she couldn’t deny the strange sense of accomplishment that it brought her. She had stepped into something entirely unknown, had trusted Sophie completely, and had an experience that she would never forget as a result.
Jacob brought her another glass of water, which she half-finished, setting the rest down next to her in case she wanted to drink more. She spent several minutes just recovering. The shaking in her legs subsided. The aching in her arms got less intense. The adrenaline that she was pumped full of ebbed. The afterglow of four orgasms started to fill her with a bit of warmth.
“I’ll be back in a moment. Take this time to center yourself,” Jacob soon remarked, before rising and moving toward the other guests. Leslie watched as he joined the other guests before laying her head back and closing her eyes, letting her body continue to recover.
However, soon the faint sound of footsteps drew her attention, and when she opened her eyes, Sophie was settling into the chair beside her.
“How are you feeling?” Sophie asked with a gentle smile.
“A little... drained,” she admitted, a small smile slipping from her lips. “But good. I think. It’s hard to describe.”
Sophie nodded with understanding. “That’s normal. It’s a lot to take in—physically, emotionally, even mentally. But you handled it wonderfully.”
Leslie blushed at the compliment. “It was an amazing experience. Although I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through the intensity at the end. I just decided to let you do whatever you wanted until the end.”
“And that’s the intent of the performance. For you to trust me. It doesn’t work as well if you try to fight back. You have to surrender yourself completely. And you did.”
“I was so nervous at first,” Leslie confessed. “But once it started, it was like... I don’t know. Like I was just in it, completely. I didn’t have time to think about anything else.”
“That’s the beauty of surrender,” Sophie said softly. “It’s not about giving up control. It’s about trusting someone enough to guide you, to let yourself be fully present in the moment. You did that tonight, and it showed.”
Leslie chuckled. “Have—have you ever been on the receiving end of something like this?”
Sophie gave another slight smile. “As a matter of fact, I have. There was another pet, Audrey, who did performances very similar to this. I submitted to her for several performances. I always enjoyed it. But then I became curious about what it would be like to be the one orchestrating it, so I trained with her. Now I help give that experience to other pets like you.”
“Well, thank you. It was quite an experience I have to say,” Leslie remarked with a laugh.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Sophie replied with a giggle.
Jacob returned to Leslie’s side a few moments later. “How are you feeling now?” he asked.
“Tired,” Leslie admitted with a small laugh, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “But good. I think I’m still processing everything.”
Miles then approached and offered his hand to Jacob. “Thank you for joining us tonight. It was a pleasure to see both of you here.”
Jacob shook his hand firmly. “The pleasure was ours, Miles.”
Miles then turned to Leslie. “And Leslie, thank you for being part of tonight’s performance. You made it one to remember. I do hope to see you here again someday.”
Leslie smiled up at him. “I wouldn’t mind that either.”
Soon, the guests started to prepare to leave. Leslie felt like she recovered enough to at least bid the two other guests farewell, before finally saying goodbye to Miles and Sophie.
“I hope to see you around again,” Sophie smiled at Leslie as they stood outside the house, Jacob’s car having been brought around.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I’d like to find out what more you can do,” Leslie said with a smirk.
“You may regret you said that,” Sophie returned with a slight grin. Sophie then approached Leslie and hugged her. “Have a safe trip back.”
“Thank you.”
With that, Jacob and Leslie sat in the car, and the long return trip began. The ride back was quieter than the drive there, the hum of the engine filling the silence as Leslie leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. She felt the passing breeze flow over her, taking in the heightened sensations of her skin that she still felt.
“How did you enjoy tonight?” Jacob asked. Leslie didn’t open her eyes to see whether he had glanced over toward her or not.
“It was fun. Letting Sophie do whatever she wanted was… sensual, especially since I did trust her. I knew she knew what she was doing.”
“That’s good. Do you like the concept of submitting? Is that something you’d be interested in more? What about being the one in control, like Sophie was?”
Leslie pondered the question, and Jacob patiently waited for her answer. “I feel like right now, I’m still learning. I’m okay with being submissive like that. To trust someone else experienced like Sophie. But I think that is part of it too: she’s been doing this a long time. I had no reason to doubt her, so that made it easier for me to trust and submit to her. It would be different if it was someone I couldn’t trust, you know?”
“That’s understandable,” Jacob acknowledged.
“I still felt in control, even though I wasn’t, if that makes sense.”
“It does make sense. Would you ever want to experience a situation where you felt out of control?”
Leslie gave a slight chuckle. “I guess that goes back to the idea of feeling terror and thrill being two sides of the same coin, right? I’m afraid to say yes, I would want to experience that. On the other hand, I kind of do want to feel that thrill of just going wherever the waves take me.”
“Leslie, it may take a while, and I respect you enough that I want your full consent if I set it up. But I think you may enjoy being put in a situation where you feel that loss of control. But I don’t want to arrange it unless you are sure you want to do it.”
Leslie finally opened her eyes and looked over at him. “Is that one of the upcoming events you have planned?”
“No, not yet. But it can be, again, with your consent.”
Leslie gave it a brief thought, her heart beginning to race at the thought. “Okay, do it.”
“Very well. I will see what I can get arranged. Just let me know if you change your mind, okay?”
“Okay, I will.”
The thought of being in a situation where she was out of control was both frightening and compelling to her. She wondered what Jacob might have in mind.
“As for your next event. It’s still a bit tentative but it appears like it will happen. So far you’ve been the inexperienced pet when you’ve interacted. However, for the next event, held at my mansion, we will be welcoming both a first-time owner and his pet. I believe it will be her first event as a pet, so part of your role will be to get her to feel comfortable and acclimated, much like Lucie did for you during your first event.”
A new pet? Leslie suddenly got a bit nervous again. She had always taken the lead from the other pets she was around but now she was going to be in a position to take the lead for someone less experienced than her.
“I’ll try to do my best,” Leslie nodded.
“I’m sure you will do fine,” Jacob smirked over.
The rest of the car trip was uneventful, arriving back at his mansion after dark.
“You’ve already hit your daily limit, so once you’re ready to go, you may. If you’d like anything to eat, just let Stephanie or myself know, okay?”
“Okay, thanks,” Leslie nodded. She was still reluctant to take up any offers for her to eat there after work. She still wanted to try to keep a line between her work and non-work time if she could.
She walked to the staff locker room and removed her shoes and choker before stepping into the shower, where she let the hot water soothe her remaining sore muscles. The hot water reminded her a bit of the hot wax used on her earlier in the night, although the wax was hotter and much more localized in its heat. She felt she was particularly aroused when it was used on her breasts and especially when Sophie had rubbed some onto her nipples. She wouldn’t be opposed to that experience again, or anything else from that evening, for that matter.
She soon left the shower and returned to the locker, putting her normal clothes on. She spotted Stephanie in the staff room and let her know that dinner wasn’t needed before exiting into the dark evening.
Leslie grabbed a meal at Wendy’s, chomping on the delicious hamburger once she returned home. She then slid off her clothes, climbing into her bed naked, something she had started doing more often. She closed her eyes as she felt the texture of the sheets rub against her skin. Leslie replayed the events of the evening in her head, until they started turning into a distant blur, before finally falling asleep.