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Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Four: Chapters 13-16

"Franz visits Mac and Grace and brings his new lady friend"

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Author's Notes

"Grace starts to feel like herself again but is delighted that Mac has asked Franz to visit to cheer her up. I hope my prolonged absence hasn't caused readers to lose interest in Mac and Grace. Now that I am back, more of the story will be available soon. Thanks for you patience."

Chapter Thirteen

Grace looked at her watch and felt her mild annoyance become full-fledged irritation. Her online meeting with several vendors vying for an opportunity to do business with Stewart Enterprises had run far longer than expected, and there was no way she’d make it to the airport on time. She picked up her phone and texted Mac.

Just go without me. Please apologize to Franz. This meeting is running over.

No worries, darling. Randall and I will pick him up from LaGuardia and meet you back here.

Not LaGuardia, JFK!

Oh, good catch! Though I’m sure Randall has his flight info. See you soon.

Perhaps it was better that she wasn’t trying to rush out the door. Once she was finished with the meeting, she could freshen up and change. Then she would be relaxed and ready to greet Franz Huber, her honorary father, and his lady friend. She suppressed a slight giggle at the term and decided the term girlfriend sounded less archaic. She took herself off mute and rejoined the conversation. But in the back of her mind, she was deciding between the navy tea-length dress and the cream-colored slacks with the matching cashmere sweater.

When the meeting concluded, she hurried upstairs to get ready. A quick text from Mac had her selecting a completely different outfit. She raised an eyebrow, then shrugged, tucking away her judgmental thoughts and chastising herself. If her guests were dressed casually, the last thing she wanted to do was make them uncomfortable. That was no way to welcome cherished guests into her home. She chose a pair of black Levi jeans, a white sleeveless blouse, and a long, gray cardigan. She picked some black flats to go with the outfit, swiped a fresh coat of mascara over her lashes, and let her long, red locks fall free from the confines of the bun she’d worn all day. A peek in the mirror had her smiling at the intended effect of loose curls.

Swapping the professional-looking studs in her ears for a pair of black, dangly earrings, she spritzed her favorite cologne behind her ears and checked the time. “Plenty of time before they arrive,” she said out loud to Merlin, who sat on the bench, blinking his approval. He hopped down and padded out of the bedroom, leaving Grace alone.

Her phone buzzed in her back pocket.

Traffic on I-678 is backed up due to an accident. It will take longer than expected to get home. I’ll keep you posted. Love you!

Love you, too!

Grace paced a bit, wondering if a glass of wine would help her feel less nervous. She bit her bottom lip as she glanced at the nightstand drawer. The kids were with Claudette, the dinner was fully prepared and would be served by Jazmyn, and their guests were running late. There were better ways to relax than wine.

Raising an eyebrow, she locked the bedroom door, grabbed her vibrator, and shimmied out of her jeans. She selected her favorite setting on the wand and pressed the head against her clit. She closed her eyes and leaned back in the vanity chair, relaxing and enjoying the feeling. Ah, yes, better than wine!

She teased a finger into her wetness and moved it in and out slowly, creating delicious sensations. She continued to toy with her drenched hole as her body moved in an erotic rhythm. This was precisely what she needed.

Realizing her time was limited, Grace nudged the speed to the highest setting. The delightful buzzing had her so aroused. Her hips rocked, her arousal building slowly at first, then barreling toward release. Bucking wildly, she cried out as the orgasm shook her entire being.

For a moment or two, she sat still, enjoying the afterglow of her climax. Sighing, she checked her watch and then cleaned herself up quickly. She needed to head to the kitchen to ensure everything was ready for her guests.

On her way down the stairs, she saw Bentley.

“Is everything okay, Grace?” he asked. “You look flush.”

Grace blushed. “Yes, I’m fine. I just want everything to be perfect for Franz when he arrives with his…with Nadja.”

“It will be lovely, my dear. Everything is all set. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Admittedly, I’m a bit nervous about meeting Nadja. I want to make a good impression.” It wasn’t a lie, she thought.

Bentley smiled. “My dear, it’s likely that Nadja is just as concerned about making a good impression. After all, Franz is bringing her to gain your approval, don’t you think?”

Grace nodded. “I suppose. But it seems weird to me that anyone should seek my approval. I don’t know, Bentley. Every once in a while, I feel like I’m asleep and that I will wake up, and this fairytale life will have all been just the most fabulous dream.”

Bentley flicked Grace on the arm.

“What was that for?” she asked, frowning, stunned by his uncharacteristic action.

“You’re not dreaming, Grace. You are the lady of the house and know how to host guests. Stop doubting yourself and your right to be here, living happily ever after. You’ve breathed life into this house from the moment you stepped inside. You didn’t fall into this life; you earned your place here.

“Loving McKinley Stewart wasn’t an easy task in the beginning, I would surmise. But you took a man who showed very little emotion and couldn’t see past his laptop and turned him into a loving husband and a doting father. You did that when nobody could or even bothered to try.”

Grace surprised them both by throwing her arms around him and hugging him.


“You’re more than welcome.”


Chapter Fourteen

Grace heard the door open as she fussed with the flowers she had asked the gardener, Javier, to cut fresh for her table centerpiece.

“There’s my darling wife,” Mac said in a sing-song voice. “Come greet our guests.”

“Liebling! Ich habe dich vermisst, meine Tochter!“ Franz said as he embraced Grace.

“I’ve missed you too, Papa,” she answered, her heart swelling with happiness that Franz called her daughter.

“Please, let me introduce my good friend Nadja. Nadja, this is my Grace,” Franz said.

Nadja stood tall and slender with hazel eyes and a silver/white bob that framed her lovely face. Grace, sensing the apprehension behind her smile, hugged Nadja. “Welcome to our home. We’re so pleased that you’ve come to visit us.”

“Thank you for inviting me to accompany Franz. He speaks so warmly of you. I appreciate your kindness,” Nadja responded formally.

Bentley was right; this poor woman was very nervous. Grace felt herself relax a bit, determined to help her guest do likewise.

“I’m just so happy that we finally get to meet you. Come, let’s show you to your room. We can stop in to see Claudette on the way up so you can meet the littles. We can take a full tour of the house after supper.”

Grace took Nadja by the hand and headed to the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder at Mac and said, “Why don’t you and Franz use the elevator to take the bags up and then meet us on the second floor?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Mac acknowledged.

Mac helped Franz take the suitcases into the room the housekeeper, Sophia, had prepared. He was suddenly grateful that Bentley had selected a fourth-floor room, creating enough cushion between their guests and his room with Grace on the sixth level. He felt a tingling in his loins at the thought of his randy wife trying to be quiet later tonight.

“If there is anything Bentley or Sophia forgot to provide, you only need to ask. Grace added fresh flowers, a fruit basket, and some wine. But don’t hesitate to let us know if you need or want anything.”

“You’re a kind and wonderful host. We’ll be quite comfortable here, I assure you.”

“Grace wanted everything to be perfect. She’s so happy that you are here. She… I think it’s been harder this time around with the baby, knowing that her parents aren’t alive to meet her children. It helps that you’ve stepped into the role of father for her. I’m grateful for that.”

“It’s no secret that I wanted you to be my son-in-law. And when it became apparent that you and Johanna weren’t a good match, I was disappointed. So, if I can be a father figure to Grace and claim you as mine in the process, then I’m a happy man.”

Mac grinned. “Do you want some time to unpack?”

“No, we can wait until later. I’m anxious to meet my granddaughter.”

Mac grinned and placed a hand on Franz’s shoulder. “Let’s head down then, shall we?”

“Thank you again, Mac, for agreeing to let me bring Nadja,” Franz commented as they descended the stairs. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had feelings like this. I thought maybe I was too old to find love again. But then, when your dad found Addie, I figured maybe it wasn’t too late after all.”

“I’m glad you brought her. Now I can tell you what you told me a few years ago.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Don’t fuck it up, Franz.”

Franz raised an eyebrow and then let out a belly laugh. “Touché, McKinley.”

When they entered the room, Franz stopped in his tracks. Nadja held little DJ on her lap, and Grace was nursing the baby. The two women were chatting like old friends. If he had any doubts that Grace would make Nadja feel at home or that Nadja would fit right in, this scene quelled them. He felt his eyes get a bit misty.

Intuitively, Grace looked up and flashed a broad smile. “Sorry to have delayed dinner. Mimi decided she needed her meal first. But she’s just finished up. Come, say hello, Opa.”

Franz approached the chair where Grace held the baby; her eyes closed in sleepy contentment with a full belly.

Grace gently coaxed a burp from Mimi and then offered her to Franz to hold. “No worries, this one is not prone to spitting up. But here’s a cloth just in case.”

Franz held the child close and felt his heart melt. “I doubt very much that Johanna and Sal will give me grandchildren. So, it gives me great pleasure to know that you and Mac have honored me by choosing to make me an Opa.”

Grace noticed the loving look in Nadja’s eyes as she watched Franz cradle the child and asked, “Nadja, do you have any children or grandchildren?”

“Nein. I never married. I was too busy with my job as a professor. I figured I’d missed out on love, but then I met Franz.”

“He’s a charmer, that’s for sure. I was instantly smitten with him.”

Nadja frowned, making Grace laugh.

“Oh, not in a romantic way. But I trusted Franz from the moment I met him. Trust was something that didn’t come easily for me back then. But I knew he was family; I felt it in my soul. And when I asked him to walk me down the aisle when I married Mac, he became my father. I know my dad would approve.”

Nadja’s face relaxed into an easy smile. “He feels the same way about you, Grace.”

Claudette entered the room and announced that Jazmyn was ready to serve their dinner. She rolled the cart carrying supper for her and DJ into the little dining area Grace had created and helped DJ climb into his booster chair. Then she took Mimi, who had fallen fast asleep, and laid her in the bassinet near the table. “Shoo, the lot of you! Your supper awaits! I’ve got the children. Enjoy your meal and some adult time, Grace. I’ll put the children to bed tonight and keep the monitor with me. I’ll enjoy some old movies on your giant screen until later, so please, take your time.”

“Merci, Claudette.”


Chapter Fifteen

After giving their guests a few moments to freshen up, they ate in the formal dining room, and dinner was terrific. Claudette had prepared Caesar salads, roasted veal chops, and root vegetables in a light mushroom sauce. When the main course was finished, they enjoyed chocolate cream puffs and French vanilla ice cream with tea and coffee for dessert.

“How do you eat sumptuous meals like this and keep such a lovely figure?” Nadja asked Grace as Jazmyn cleared the dessert plates.

“Oh, goodness, we don’t eat like this every night, just when we have treasured guests. I’d weigh five hundred pounds if I let Claudette feed me how she wanted,” Grace chuckled.

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Mac looked over at his wife and studied her body. It was a lovely figure indeed, albeit a bit slim still from her recent bout with anxiety and depression. But things improved tremendously after he convinced her to see a therapist, and she had put a few pounds back on. Supporting her decision to return to work had made things better as well.

Grace caught Mac staring at her and shot him a chastising glance. He gave her a goofy grin as if he were the high school senior caught checking out his hot chemistry teacher. She shook her head and laughed, not seeing Franz taking it all in.

Franz was delighted to see that Grace seemed much like her old self. He’d been worried when Mac contacted him, asking him to visit. The combination of postpartum depression, the fact that her attackers had avoided trial by taking their own lives, and the untimely demise of the owner of a firm looking to be acquired by Stewart Enterprises had taken their toll on Grace, and she’d been struggling both physically and emotionally.

Franz was brought out of his reverie when he heard Nadja ask Grace, “How did you lose all your baby weight so quickly?”

Mac and Franz froze momentarily, waiting to hear Grace’s response.

“I’m afraid it was not a healthy way to shed the pregnancy pounds,” Grace offered. “I was dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety and didn’t eat. Fortunately, my darling husband persuaded me to seek professional help, and I’m doing much better. Of course, I didn’t let that stop him from inviting Franz here to cheer me up.”

Mac tried to feign ignorance but laughed when he realized there was no pulling the wool over his very astute wife’s eyes. “Guilty as charged. I guess I’m not as sneaky as I thought I was.”

“I loved that you cared enough to try to be sneaky,” Grace said demurely.

“I’m complicit as well, Liebling. But I must say, it is good to see that you are smiling and feeling like yourself again.”

“Working has helped a great deal. I had to let go of the guilt I felt that I didn’t want to give up my job and be a stay-at-home mom.”

“That guilt was my fault,” Mac said, grimacing. “But once we sorted that out, I must admit, I love having Grace back in action. Even part-time, she makes a huge difference.”

“I’m inching my way back to full-time, but with breaks to nurse Mimi and play with DJ.”

“It sounds like a lovely compromise,” Nadja interjected. “I’d still love to see the rest of your house if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, I’d love to give you the full tour!”

While Grace took Nadja on a tour of the house, Mac and Franz went to the bar on the lower level and enjoyed some Crown Royal black with a splash of water over ice. Franz frowned when he saw a young man step into view. Mac turned to see Ryder, who maintained their pool, spa, and fitness area.

“I didn’t expect to see you still here, Ryder. I figured you finished hours ago,” Mac said.

“Oh, I did, sir. I’m not here to work; I’m here to pick up Jazmyn. She said she was almost ready to go, so I thought I’d just wait for her down here. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I’ll wait outside.”

“Nonsense, you’re welcome to wait here. Would you like a drink?” Mac asked.

“No, thank you, sir. I don’t like to drink when I drive. Especially not when I’ve got my best girl... er... um, I mean Jazmyn in the car.”

“Ryder, I know that you and Jazmyn are dating. Would you care for a Coke or another soft drink?”

Ryder smiled. “You’re kind to offer, sir. But I think I’ll pop up to the kitchen to see if I can help with the cleanup so Jaz and I can catch the late show at Regal E-Walk.”

“Tell Jazmyn she can leave whatever isn’t cleaned up for Sophia in the morning. I’m sure it won’t be an issue. Go have fun!”

“Are you sure?”

“Ryder, you and Jazmyn work hard and do a great job for us here. You deserve to go out and have a little fun. I insist.”

“Thank you so much, sir!”

Franz sipped his whiskey and raised an eyebrow.

“What? Do you disapprove of how I treat my staff?”

“On the contrary, I’m impressed with how much you have changed. There was a time, mein Freund, when you wouldn’t have given a thought to a young man anxious to take his best girl to the movies. You see people now. I saw a glimpse of it when I agreed to let you acquire my firm. And when I walked your bride down the aisle, I was confident she would bring out the best in you. I like being right. I like the man you’ve become. When you visited me in Vienna, I worried you’d started to forget what was important. But I can see you have your head on straight. I see it in how you recognize that your staff are people with their own lives and how our Grace has found her stride again.”

“I appreciate your kind words, Franz. I don’t always get things right, but I try my best. Especially where Gracie is concerned; she’s my world. I love my children, but their mother is the most important person in my life. I watched her eyes light up at dinner and knew asking you to come was right.”

As the men enjoyed their drinks and conversation, Grace showed Nadja through the brownstone, starting from the rooftop terrace.

“Your view is spectacular,” Nadja said, taking it all in. “It’s a little slice of paradise in the middle of the city.”

“Thanks. I enjoy being so close to Central Park, too. Let’s keep going. We’ll take the stairs; they lead to our sixth-floor residence, which includes our bedroom, bathroom, and nursery.”

“I like how your home is large vertically instead of sprawling horizontally. It’s an interesting layout. It’s so elegant yet different from Franz’s villa in Vienna.”

“It took some getting used to—the size, not the layout. I lived a very meager existence before I met my husband,” Grace admitted.

Nadja beamed. “Ah, that would explain why you are such a breath of fresh air compared to Johanna.”

Grace smirked. “Johanna and I couldn’t be more different. Yet, somehow, we have forged a friendship.”

“Even though she was your husband’s former lover?”

“He had sex with Johanna; it was never love,” Grace quipped. “I don’t worry about whoever might have been in Mac’s bed before me. He chose me. That’s all that matters. The past is the past.”

“You’re quite right,” Nadja agreed. “It’s clear that your husband is madly in love with you. The way he looks at you is something every woman should be so lucky to experience.”

They continued the tour to the fourth floor, where the library’s balcony overlooked the living room.

“This is my favorite room,” Grace shared. “I love spending time reading and sipping tea.”

Nadja picked up the framed photograph from the side table. “Are these your parents?”

Grace felt a little hitch in her throat. “Yes,” was all she could manage.

“Your mother was quite beautiful. You look like her. Yet, I can also see a bit of your father in you.”

Grace merely nodded. She was afraid she’d cry if she tried to speak at this moment.

Nadja returned the picture to the table and said, “Shall we continue?”

Eventually, they made their way to the second floor. Grace showed Nadja their offices and then made her way to the room that was once a media room.

“We still use this area to watch movies, but we rearranged things to accommodate a mini daycare area for Claudette or Sylvie to watch the children. It makes it quite convenient for me to take a break from work and come over here to nurse the baby, have some play time, or cuddle with DJ.”

After showing Nadja the kitchen, Grace led her downstairs to the bar, where their men waited.

“There’s my darling wife. I was starting to think you two had forgotten we were down here,” Mac teased.

“You have a lovely home,” Nadja said. “It suits you both.”

“Would you ladies like a drink?” Mac asked.

“Actually, I’m a bit tired from the traveling,” Nadja replied. “Would you think me rude to ask for a raincheck?”

“Of course not. Shame on me for not realizing it was getting late. Claudette will have breakfast ready whenever you’d like in the morning.”

“Thank you, Mac,” Franz said, quickly downing the rest of his drink. “We will see you in the morning.”

As Franz and Nadja headed to their room, Grace said, “DJ is already asleep, but I’m going to feed Mimi once more before bed. Meet you up there?”

“Sounds good. I’ll be up in a bit.” He had a few things that needed tending to before retiring for the night.


Chapter Sixteen

When Franz and Nadja entered their room, she closed and locked the door. Then she turned to him and said, “I lied about being tired.”

Franz frowned. “Why?”

Nadja wiggled her eyebrows and began to unbutton her blouse.

“Ohhh,” Franz said as it dawned on him what Nadja wanted.

“Unless, of course, you’re too tired…”

Franz grinned wickedly. “Never too tired for you.”

They undressed hurriedly and climbed into bed. His hands roamed over her body as if he were discovering her for the first time.

“Mmm,” Nadja purred, touching him back. “Yesss.”

His hands cupped her breasts as he kissed her passionately. Her hands coaxed his manhood alive while the fingers of one hand moved down her body, dipped inside her, and found her sweet nectar. They teased each other until their need was too great to wait any longer. Nadja rolled on her side and parted her legs while Franz lay behind her, impaling her with his rigid shaft, thrusting into her like a randy college boy.

“Oh, God, yes!” Nadja cried as her first orgasm crested. “More. Please give me more.”

“Happy to oblige, Mein Liebhaber,” Franz growled passionately.

He continued to move in rhythm with her, pushing her over the edge a couple more times until his sac tightened and needed release.

“I’m going to fill you, my love. Take every inch and every drop.”

“Yes, Franz; fill me!”

Franz picked up the pace until he took her like a rutting bull. Then he cried out and felt himself let go, filling her with his semen.

As their guests enjoyed their afterglow, Mac took the elevator up to the bedroom he shared with the most beautiful woman in the world. It had taken longer than planned to finish up a few things before heading up, and it occurred to him that she might be asleep.

But when he entered their suite, he found her lying naked on their bed, with her hair loose and wild and mischief in her eyes.

“I was afraid you’d be asleep by now,” Mac said quietly as he joined her on the bed.

“My brain is tired, but my body is very much awake and needy,” she said seductively.

“I’m delighted to hear that. Let’s see if I can take care of that need.”

Mac slid down and planted soft, wet kisses on Grace’s inner thighs before drawing circles on her bare mound with his tongue. Her hips rocked as she tried to reposition herself so that his tongue would make contact with her hard little nub. But he was teasing her relentlessly.

“McKinley! I need…”

“Shhh, be patient, my sweet slut. I know what you need.”

He slid a single finger into her wetness and, finally, lapped at her clit like it was a dish of sweet cream. He was deliberately slow and steady and had her cumming in no time. When she climaxed, he devoured her greedily, sending her over again and again.

“Fuck me, Mac!” she begged.

He needed no further encouragement; he flipped her on her hands and knees, entering her from behind. “Is this what you need, baby?”

“Oh, God, yes!”

Mac gripped her hips, delighted to notice that her curves were returning, and entered her swiftly.

“Is this what my needy little wife needs? A good hard fuck?”

He plunged repeatedly into her as her fiery locks tossed about wildly. She turned to look at him, her blue eyes fierce and feral, and said, “God, yes! Take me hard!”

The feeling of her tightness as she clamped down on his cock sent his libido into overdrive as he took his sexy wife hard, fast, and deep.

When she came again, he could hold back no longer and filled her as they climaxed together. Their intense orgasms left them panting with wildly beating hearts. Mac collapsed on the bed and pulled Grace into his arms, nuzzling her neck.

“That was the perfect way to end the day. I just hope we weren’t too loud,” Grace sighed.

Mac laughed. “It’s a little late to worry about that now. But the littles aren’t stirring, so I’d guess we did okay.”

He kissed her temple and whispered in her ear, “It’s been a while since we’ve gone more than one round. Any interest?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she answered. “Let me just suck you hard again, baby.”

“You always know just what to say and do.”

Round two left them sated and drowsy. They cuddled close and drifted off to sleep.

Written by techgoddess
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