After seeing the last patient of the day, Luke said a quick goodbye to Graham and then retreated to his office. It had been a little over a week since he'd sent Celeste home with Liam, and since he'd confessed to Vanessa what he'd done. Now, he made every effort to avoid the nurse when they weren't working together to treat a patient.
Sinking into the chair behind his desk, Luke removed his respirator and glanced around the office. Since he'd begun sleeping on the couch in here again, the space had taken on the appearance of an untidy college dorm room. He realized it reflected the disorganized state of his mind, for he'd been despondent over his rift with Vanessa.
In the after-hours quiet of the clinic, he allowed his mind to drift back to that recent Saturday. Of course, Vanessa had seen right through him. As soon as Liam and Celeste had left for the Hall place, Luke followed Vanessa to the office where he now sat. She remained standing while he slumped on the couch.
And then he'd told his colleague and lover the truth: he'd had sex with Celeste, which had led to another episode in which their patient had fallen unconscious. As he spoke, he kept his head down, unable to meet Vanessa's hard stare.
She was silent for an interminable moment, her arms folded over her chest. Finally, she blurted out, "What is it with this woman? First Liam, and now you!"
When Luke tried to respond, she held up a hand to stop him. Her fair skin had grown mottled, betraying her barely contained fury. Luke noticed she was shaking from the force of her rage.
"I don't want to hear your excuses." Beneath Vanessa's anger, her eyes were wide with pain and disbelief. "You know, Luke, I chose to work here at the clinic because I respected your integrity. You never had a god complex like so many other doctors do; you never behaved as if you believed you had all the answers."
"I know I don't." His voice was just above a whisper.
"Yeah? Well, you sure as hell acted like you did when it came to Celeste! I told you it was a bad idea for you to take her to your house, but you wouldn't hear it." Vanessa jabbed a finger at him, the gesture almost violent.
"I'm sorry I didn't listen." Luke stood and took a step toward her, but she merely moved to put more distance between them.
"It's too late for that." Vanessa drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. The glare she fixed on Luke made his self-hatred grow hot, like a flame threatening to consume him. "I realize you and I hadn't made any kind of commitment to each other," she continued. "I guess it was just fucking to you."
"Vanessa, that's not true—"
She acted as if she didn't hear a word he spoke. "So I understand if you feel you don't owe me a damn thing, Luke. But you owed something to your patient."
That truth, so bitterly uttered, stung like a slap to the face. Vanessa turned away, as if she could no longer stand the sight of him. He watched her draw her shoulders back and straighten her spine. It was that gesture, more than her intense anger, which made him fear they were completely through. Growing panic caused him to break into a sour sweat that dampened his shirt. Though he hadn't expected her to forgive his betrayal, he never considered he might lose her as a colleague. Without her, the clinic was all but done.
In the oppressive silence of Luke's office, Vanessa remained still. Even her trembling had subsided. "I thought you were a better man," she finally said.
Luke sat back down on the couch, not trusting his legs to support him. Helplessly, he watched her open the office door. Just before she left, he told her, "So did I."
Since that day, Luke had suffered in silent misery. It gutted him to know that he'd lost Vanessa's friendship, and even her respect. He could only be grateful that she hadn't submitted her resignation. They still worked side by side, addressing each other only when necessary. Of course, Graham must have noticed, but he wisely steered clear of his colleagues' personal issues.
As Luke now sat in his office, he realized he needed to eat, since he'd skipped lunch. But his appetite remained poor, all the more so since his fallout with Vanessa. Instead of venturing into the break room to microwave a cup of noodles, he remained at his desk. Daylight slowly waned outside the window, the sky deepening to a lovely shade of violet.
He was staring out that window when someone knocked on the door. The sound made him start, for he'd figured he was alone in the building. "Come in," he called. It must be Graham, he told himself.
But it was Vanessa who opened the door and stepped into his office. Her auburn hair was in its customary braid, and her scrubs were only slightly wrinkled after a day's work. Immediately, Luke braced himself for bad news. Was she here to berate him further? Or had she decided to quit? The thought of that made him sick to his stomach.
Standing before his desk, Vanessa removed her mask. Luke froze, afraid to so much as breathe in her presence. His gaze darted around the room in an attempt to avoid meeting her eyes.
He couldn't hide his shock when she moved closer, and closer still, until she stood by his side. Looking down at his desk, he grew painfully tense while waiting for her to speak.
"We can't keep working together," she said, "if you're going to act like a kicked dog every time you see me."
Tentatively, Luke lifted his head to regard her. Opening his mouth, he struggled to respond. Finally, he managed, "I wanted to give you space. I know you're upset with me."
Vanessa let out an exasperated sigh. "So it's all my fault, is it? It has nothing to do with your guilty conscience?"
"Oh, it has plenty to do with that," he replied, unable to hold back a bitter laugh. "I fucking hate myself right now."
Extending a hand, she stroked his cheek. That caress made him immediately crave more, and he couldn't resist leaning into her touch.
"You've punished yourself enough, Luke." Vanessa's voice was soft, without a trace of her former anger. "What you did was wrong, but I know it never would have happened if things weren't so... insane right now. You've suffered a profound loss while trying to keep the clinic running. You're sleep-deprived, and still recovering from falling ill earlier this year. I forgive you, and you need to forgive yourself."
As Luke listened to her speak, tears burned behind his closed eyelids. Though he knew he didn't deserve such grace and compassion, he was deeply grateful for it.
"That being said..." Vanessa took hold of his chin, forcing him to look at her. "If you ever do something like this again, we're finished. In every sense of the word."
Luke covered her hand with his. "I will never betray you again, Vanessa. You have my word."
Her expression softened as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I want to be with you," she revealed. "But I won't share you with someone else. If you decide to return to my house, and my bed, you're making a commitment to me. Do you understand?"
"Absolutely." Luke pressed his lips against her palm, unable to contain the tide of emotion washing over him. "I was so afraid I'd lost you."
"You almost did. I'm willing to give you another chance because I know what kind of man you really are."
Luke was tempted to draw her to him. He wanted to hold her close and weep with relief. Before he had the chance to do so, Vanessa pulled him to his feet.
"I also know," she continued with a sly smile, "what a good fuck you are. And since I happen to be horny as hell, I'm going to take full advantage of your skills."

Luke's eyes widened at the sight of Vanessa tugging down her pants and underwear. With blatant hunger, he gazed upon the neatly trimmed curls covering her sex. So easily, he recalled the taste and smell of her. Those memories made his cock stiffen.
Vanessa planted her palms on his desk. The stance she'd chosen made her desire clear. In an instant, Luke was on his feet and standing behind her, but instead of whipping out his cock, he slid his hands beneath her top. When he cupped her breasts, she let out a needy moan.
"God, I've missed this!" she told him in a breathy voice.
"And I've missed you." Luke eased her back into a standing position so he could kiss her neck. All the while, he fondled her nipples. She began rocking against him, further stoking his lust. As he suckled her skin, his hand slipped between her thighs. Quickly, he discovered she was wet and ready for him.
Laughing low and soft, he teased Vanessa's clit. Her whimpers and pleas served to strengthen his erection until he ached to claim what he'd feared was forever lost. He soon had her practically dripping; the sound of his fingers moving over her slick flesh was clearly audible.
Finally, she lifted a hand to grasp his hair. "Fuck me," she demanded.
By the time Luke guided Vanessa back down onto the desk, he was trembling with his own need. Moments later, he slid deep inside her, and the pleasure was so intense that it made his jaw slacken. Though his hips immediately began their instinctual pumping, he tried to exercise some restraint rather than surrender to abject lust.
Vanessa's cries grew louder until they echoed off the walls. Dropping his gaze, Luke eagerly watched their coupling. The sight drove him to claim his lover's cunt at a more fervent pace, but the powerful rhythm only served to heighten her arousal.
Looking over her shoulder, she flashed a wicked grin. "Give it to me harder," she said through quickened breaths. "Unless that sweet, innocent woman sapped all your strength."
Luke gasped at her words. They conveyed a clear challenge, along with a trace of jealousy. But they held no cruelty. No, this banter was Vanessa's way of letting him know she'd truly forgiven him.
And that she wanted to be fucked senseless.
His grasp on her hips tightened until his fingertips dimpled her skin. "Oh, you're going to pay for that," he warned through his own grin.
Vanessa yelped when he buried himself inside her balls deep. Pinned between him and the desk, she clearly craved the pounding he now gave her. Turning her head to the side, she offered a glimpse of her profile. Those gorgeous lips were parted as if to scream, but no sound emerged from her throat.
Luke knew the instant her orgasm began, for he noticed the tension in her shoulders. From there, it rippled through her, traveling downward until her muscles clenched around his cock. Even as he experienced the tightening in his chest that served as a warning he'd soon grow short of breath, he didn't slow his pace. Not until he'd drawn every shudder of bliss from Vanessa's body.
Finally, she slumped upon his desk, limp as a doll. Close to his own release, Luke pulled out. Placing one hand firmly on her lower back, he furiously stroked his cock with the other.
"Come," he heard Vanessa plead. "Come all over me!"
Luke groaned at her filthy request, all too willing to grant it. His semen, thick and milky, painted her right buttock, and then her left. Breathing hard, he took a moment to revel in the aftermath of his climax, and to appreciate the erotic scene before him.
It was with more than a little reluctance that he reached for some tissues to clean up the mess he'd made. Vanessa sighed with clear satisfaction as he wiped his cum from her skin. Once finished, he gently pulled her underwear and pants back up the strong legs he'd always loved to feel wrapped around him.
After putting away his cock and straightening his own clothes, Luke drew Vanessa into his arms. She readily embraced him, her palms soothing against his back.
"Thank you," Luke whispered. When she lifted her head, he planted a tender kiss on her mouth. That kiss quickly deepened, prompting his cock to twitch in an attempt to harden once more. He longed to carry Vanessa to that old couch; he wanted to explore every inch of her naked skin with his fingers, lips, and tongue.
Before he could give in to that temptation, the phone on his desk emitted a shrill ring. He considered not answering it, but Vanessa slipped from his arms and gestured for him to take the call.
"Luke," a familiar voice spoke in response to his greeting. "It's Geoff. I'm really glad I caught you before you left the office."
As Luke sat down at his desk, he glanced at Vanessa. She lingered nearby, her expression one of curiosity.
"Geoff, it's good to hear from you." He couldn't hide his surprise at receiving a call from the clinical pathologist. They knew each other well enough to be on a first-name basis, but their relationship was one of professional acquaintance.
"I wanted to talk to you about some blood samples you recently collected from a patient named Celeste, last name unknown."
Luke immediately sat up straighter in the chair. "Yes, she was brought to the clinic while unconscious. I wanted to order a CBC to rule out anything serious."
There was a long pause before Geoff spoke again. "Luke, her blood is... abnormal."
"What do you mean, abnormal?" Already, Luke's thoughts were drifting toward worst-case scenarios, and his stomach tightened from a surge of anxiety.
"I mean, we can't even type it here in the lab. Her blood type isn't one our tests can recognize." Geoff sounded utterly bewildered. "I've never seen anything like this."
A prickle of apprehension traveled along Luke's scalp. "Could the samples have become contaminated somehow? Maybe that's the problem."
"No." Geoff was surprisingly firm. "I'm telling you, Luke, this blood isn't..." His voice dropped, as if he feared being overheard. "It isn't human."
Luke placed a hand on his desk in a pathetic attempt to steady himself. Sensing his alarm, Vanessa drew closer. He looked up at her, his eyes wide.
"Are you still there?" Geoff asked.
"I'm here," Luke quickly replied. "I'm just trying to understand."
"Well, it's beyond my understanding. That's why I sent the samples to a more... specialized lab. I wanted to confer with other pathologists about this." Another pause, this one briefer. "Where did you say this patient is from?"
Luke climbed to his feet. Again, he felt that constriction in his chest. "I didn't say," he replied, choosing his words carefully. "We don't know much about her."
"But you know where she can be located?" Geoff pressed. "Because there are some officials who want to meet this woman."
"What kind of officials?" Luke demanded.
"Luke, I can't say; I can't get involved in this any more than I already am. Just find your patient and make sure she's at your clinic tomorrow morning. From there, she'll be transported to a high-security facility."
"Why the hell is that necessary?" Luke practically shouted.
"Stop asking questions," Geoff hissed, "and do what you're told."
Luke knew the call was over even before Geoff abruptly ended it. He stared at the phone in his hand as if it was a dangerous weapon.
"What's going on?" Vanessa asked quietly.
Scrambling for his keys, Luke fought back a rising flood of panic. "I have to find Celeste. Tonight."