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A Light On The Horizon - Part 1

"Alone during quarantine, Liam encounters a mysterious young woman."

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When Liam saw the woman step from the woods, he thought he was hallucinating. Leaning forward in his chair on the porch, he stared in astonishment at the approaching figure.

His shock lasted only a few seconds before he was on his feet, shouting, "Stay where you are!"

The woman froze at the sound of his voice. He waited for her to respond, but she stayed silent.

"Are you sick?" he demanded. "There ain't any help for you here!"

She was still far enough away that he couldn't make out her features, but he clearly saw her lift her hands, as if to protest her innocence. "I'm not sick!" she called back. "I've come from..." Her voice trailed off while she looked over her shoulder at the woods.

Liam had lived in these parts all his life; he knew that beyond those woods were mountains, rolling green now that May had arrived. "Why are you here?" he finally asked.

"My grandmother died." The woman's voice broke mid-sentence. 

"Was she sick?" 

"No! Why do you keep asking things like that?"

Releasing a heavy sigh, Liam stepped off the porch. There was no sense in trying to carry on a conversation by shouting. The woman took his movement as an invitation to come closer. She walked through tall grass, which he was responsible for maintaining, but he hadn't bothered to mow it in weeks. Didn't seem a point to it, really. Not now.

It took her little time to reach the footpath leading past the cottage and toward the main house. When she stood ten feet from him, he got a better look at her. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, and her cheeks were a bit flushed. He didn't suspect fever, though. No, her eyes were too bright and alert, and she had too much energy. Liam guessed the woman was about his age, in her mid-twenties. It was so rare to encounter a stranger that he couldn't help but gape at her.

"Haven't you heard?" he asked, unable to keep the suspicion from his tone. "We're under quarantine. A horrible virus broke out late last year. Wherever you're from, you need to go on back."

His words seemed to chase the blush from her face. Clearly alarmed, she tugged at a button on her faded blouse. Her jeans were patched at the knees, and her hiking boots had seen far better days. 

"I haven't heard anything about it," she said. "It was just me and my grandmother; we lived in a house on the other side of that ridge." 

Liam had heard talk of a tiny, close-knit community back in those mountains. Completely self-sufficient, they never ventured out of that hollow. Folks figured the group had died out or moved on years ago, but here was one of them now, standing before him. 

"What's your name?" he asked, sounding more brusque than intended.

"Celeste," she replied with a hint of a smile, as if she hoped they might become friends. "What's yours?"

"Liam. How'd your grandmother die, Celeste?"

Her expression grew pained. "In her sleep. She was fine the evening before, when we wished each other good night, but yesterday morning, I went into her room and found she'd passed." Celeste stared down at the ground, her shoulders rising and falling with silent sobs. "I didn't know what to do. If my mother was still around, she could have helped me with the burial, but I was afraid that on my own..." She made a choked sound, then reluctantly continued. "I left Grandma on the bed, covered with her favorite quilt. I couldn't stay there, so I thought I'd try to get help."

Despite himself, Liam felt a pang of sympathy. This woman had been sheltered from the entire world, and now she was all alone in it. Another sigh escaped him. "I'm not supposed to let you in here. Hell, I ain't been into town in months. My own family..." Now he was the one getting choked up. 

Celeste pointed at the main house. "Who lives there?"

"No one right now," he answered, his voice thick with unshed tears. "The Halls own it, but they were vacationing in the South Pacific when quarantine went into effect. That ain't their primary house, anyway."

Celeste didn't bother to hide her surprise. "But the place is so big!"

Liam snickered. "Yeah, well, they have lots of money, so they can afford more than one. They come up here a lot in the summer, and sometimes in the winter for skiing." A brief silence fell before he made his decision. "This little cottage behind me is where I stay. Mr. and Mrs. Hall hired me to take care of their property year-round." His smile was sheepish when he added, "Obviously, I've been letting down on the job. But everything's being rationed now: food, gasoline, electricity. Seems a waste to be mowing a damn lawn when I'm the only person to see it. And now you." 

She looked around helplessly. "You mentioned a town. Should I go there?"

"No. I hate to say it, but what happened to your grandmother, well, it's happened to many. Except they died from this illness, not natural causes. If you come down with it, the clinic in town can't help you. You'd have to make your way to the hospital in the nearest city, and it's not much better than a morgue." Seeing her stricken expression, he rushed on. "I mean, maybe it's better now. Or maybe it will be soon. No one from town has told me the situation's improved; no one from my family's come out this way. I just see the National Guard delivering food and essentials at the end of the main driveway. Everybody's been warned not to approach them."

Celeste clasped her hands together, wringing them the way she would a wet rag. "I can't go back home, Liam. I just can't."

By that point, the evening had grown late enough for the cicadas to start their noisy racket. Mosquitoes were now eager for a feast. Giving the woman a last look up and down, Liam said, "I might regret this, but I'll let you come inside. You can have some food and a shower, and get some rest. Tomorrow, maybe we can figure out a plan for you."

Her relief was almost palpable. "Thank you so much! I promise I won't be any trouble."

Liam wasn't so sure about that, yet he opened the door and gestured her forward. The cottage windows were open to let in the breeze, and when Celeste stepped inside the front room, loose strands of her hair brushed against her face while she briefly inspected her surroundings. Standing next to her, Liam ran a hand through his own dark curls. He was in desperate need of a haircut, but that couldn't be helped. His shaving routine was sporadic at best, and he was now sporting an unkempt beard. 

Breathing in, he caught the woman's scent. He detected the odor of sweat; the warmth of the day seemed to cling to her. But for someone who'd hiked over the mountains, she was in good shape. When she turned to him, he saw her eyes were a lovely light brown. 

"I'd better take off my boots," she said. 

He watched her sit on a small bench near the door. As she removed her shoes, his gaze lingered on her body. She was thin and small-breasted but not at all malnourished. Furtively, he sneaked a glance down her blouse. Though he wasn't able to see much, the act itself caused a stirring in his groin. 

"I'm afraid I don't have much to offer you to eat." He spoke too quickly, sounding guilty for something she knew nothing about. "I have tuna fish and canned peaches I got from the main house. The last delivery had some dry rice and beans, but I haven't gotten around to cooking them yet."

"I've never had tuna fish, but I'm sure I'll like it," Celeste said with another sweet smile. "I've caught plenty of trout in the creek near our cabin."

"Is that right?" He scratched at his neck. "You mentioned your mama went away. Where is she?"

Again, the woman's face darkened as she averted her eyes. "Don't know. She left months ago."

Liam sensed he wouldn't be able to get any more information from her about that. "Well, do you have any neighbors? Anyone else left back there besides you and your grandmother?"

Celeste put her boots neatly beside the door, then stood upright. "There used to be, but not any longer. It's been many years since the men have been around. And the other women, well, they left one by one, like Mama." Her face grew pinched with fresh grief. "Grandma said my time to leave would arrive soon enough. Until then, she'd watch over me."

"Maybe the others left for towns and cities." Liam found himself desperate to soothe this woman he hardly knew. "How old are you, Celeste?"

She thought for a moment, as if she hadn't considered her age in some time. "I was born twenty-four winters ago."

His brow furrowed in confusion. It was a strange way to phrase her answer, but then again, she wasn't exactly normal. "Well, come on into the kitchen. You should drink some water while I'm fixing something to eat."

The kitchen was tiny, and it felt especially cramped with a second person inside it. Celeste sat at the table which seated only two. When Liam handed her a glass, she gulped from it thirstily. 

As they shared the humble meal he'd prepared, darkness began descending outside the window. Celeste wanted to know about the virus, and Liam explained the best he could. "It's a respiratory illness, like the flu, I guess. Something doctors haven't seen before. Ain't any cure for it. Took a little while for it to reach these parts, but when it did..." He stared down at the table, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat. "Anyway, being out here alone, I never did catch it. I'm not exactly sure what the fatality rate is for those infected; I just know it's really high. And you?" Liam studied her with something like awe. "You've been isolated pretty much your whole life. There are plenty of illnesses besides this one that pose a threat to you."

Celeste merely shrugged. "I've never been sick. Grandma said that was something I don't need to worry about."

Liam thought that her grandmother had been misinformed at best and delusional at worst, but he wasn't about to say that out loud. After they finished eating, Celeste was quick to help him wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen. It was strange, standing by her side at the sink, taking plates and glasses from her so he could dry them. Outside, the crickets and cicadas formed a deafening chorus. 

Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm sure you'd like a shower. While you take one, I can head up to the main house and see if Mrs. Hall has some clothes that will fit you."

Celeste beamed as she thanked him. He led her to the bathroom, with its wall sink and shower stall. "The water's tepid at best," he warned, "but it'll get you clean." He set out a towel for her. 

Before Liam could leave the room, Celeste slipped her arms around him. He froze, unsure of how to respond. 

"I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found you," she whispered.

Finally, he raised a trembling hand and stroked her hair. Of course, she couldn't know how long it had been since he'd held a woman. She couldn't fathom how hungry he was for that contact. 

It was only when Liam started growing hard that he disentangled himself from her embrace. "I'll, uh, be back in a bit." 

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A few minutes later, he was walking through the main house, which had once been forbidden territory. The Halls had given him a key in case an emergency arose when they weren't there, and he'd made use of it several times in the past few months. Now, he bounded up the stairs to the master bedroom. The quiet unnerved him, and he found himself jumping at shadows. Swearing under his breath, he rushed to the walk-in closet. 

Mrs. Hall was more voluptuous than Celeste, so all the clothes would be too big, but they were better than nothing. He selected a summer dress, and a couple of blouses and pairs of slacks. Scanning the closet, he grabbed a belt and a pair of sneakers, then went in search of undergarments. 

The bras were far too large to be of use, and Liam figured the panties would be uncomfortably baggy, yet he snatched up several pairs. He chose one of Mr. Hall's undershirts for Celeste to use as a makeshift nightgown. Looking down at the items in his arms, Liam realized his employers would order him off the property if they found out what he was doing.

But they wouldn't find out, he told himself. Because they were living it up on a tropical island. He'd have this stuff returned long before they got back.

Liam was surprised to find Celeste waiting for him when he stepped into the cottage. Her long hair was damp from the shower, and though she had the towel wrapped snugly around her, he tried to avoid looking at her body. 

Thrusting the clothing in her direction, he said, "Most of this stuff isn't going to fit, but at least it's clean."

Again, she thanked him, and he showed her to his bedroom. It was large enough only for a twin bed, nightstand, and dresser. "You can sleep here," he told her, keeping his stare fixed on the floor. "I'll stay in the front room."

"You can sleep here, too," Celeste insisted.

"That bed won't comfortably hold both of us."

Her smile verged on a grin. "I don't take up a lot of space."

Before Liam could argue, she began sorting through the clothing he'd brought. He pointed out the undershirt for her to wear to bed. Mr. Hall was well over six feet tall, so the shirt would do a good job of covering her thighs.

But it turned out that Celeste wasn't at all modest. Liam's mouth dropped open in shock when she let the towel drop from her slender frame. All it took was a glimpse of her breasts, with their pale nipples, and the thatch of hair between her legs, to make his dick harden. He had to suppress a moan of longing, for even the fine, dark hair on her calves and under her arms couldn't dampen his arousal.

Seemingly oblivious to the effect she had on him, Celeste pulled on the undershirt. He noticed she didn't bother with any panties. Instead, she retrieved the towel from the floor, again smiling as she went to hang it up in the bathroom. Liam stared after her, utterly speechless.

Finally, he managed to speak when she returned. "I really should sleep in the other room."

"I'll sleep better with you here." Celeste gingerly took a step closer. "This is my first night away from home."

Liam gazed at her upturned face. Already, he feared he'd never be able to tell this woman no.  

Once she'd climbed into his bed, he retreated to the bathroom. Maybe if he jerked off before joining her, he'd be able to chase away his desire. But the thought of doing that while she was nearby filled him with guilt. 

So, a short time later, he slid into the bed next to her. Celeste was right; she took up little space. Still, a twin bed offered barely enough room for him alone, and he was now pressed against her. Both of them lay on their sides, and Liam offered her his only pillow. He'd have to grab another from the main house tomorrow.

It was indescribably strange, sharing a bed with a stranger. He'd had a few girlfriends in the past; one relationship lasted for the better part of a year. But he'd never spent an entire night with any of those women. The Halls didn't allow him to invite guests onto their property. He had to smile when he realized he'd now broken just about every rule his employers had made.

Liam forced his eyes closed, willing sleep to come. Unlike him, Celeste seemed perfectly at ease in the bed. He heard her steady breathing and figured she'd already drifted off.

But then she nestled even nearer, with her back pressed to his front. There was no place for him to retreat; if he tried to inch away, he'd fall off the damn bed. She continued wriggling, as if trying to get comfortable, and while doing so, her ass was working against his stiffening cock. A sigh escaped his lips, for he couldn't deny the pleasure of the sensation. 

Celeste must have heard the sound, for she turned to face him. When she spoke, her warm breath wafted over his skin. "Am I keeping you awake, Liam?"

"I'm alright," he quickly replied. He was in a T-shirt and boxers, and the thin fabric of his clothing provided only the flimsiest of barriers. 

Beneath the sheet and bedspread covering them, Celeste moved her hand to rest it on his hip. Immediately, he was aware of just how close her fingers were to his erection. She threw her leg over his. He swore he could feel the heat of her sex. 

In the darkness, her mouth found his. He expected her kiss to be clumsy, revealing her inexperience. But it wasn't like that at all. No, she started out sweet but insistent, her lips guiding his open. A loud moan emerged from his throat as their tongues met. His dick grew achingly hard, and as if sensing his need, Celeste began sliding against him. Her own moans competed with his.

Only when she broke the kiss did he rasp out, "What are you doing?"

The woman didn't answer. Instead, she sat up in the bed. As if tethered to her, Liam did the same. Celeste pulled off her shirt and cast it aside, then started impatiently tugging at his boxers. Liam quickly stripped naked, unable to resist what she so readily offered.

Celeste settled on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. The kiss she gave him was hard and demanding. "Take me," she murmured against his lips.

Breathing far too fast, Liam reached between them. Overwhelmed with wanting, he grew exasperated while fumbling in the darkness, but he finally managed to position his tip at her entrance. 

She sank down, effortlessly taking him inside her. This sheltered woman was no virgin, he realized. Had her story been nothing but a lie?

Liam no longer cared about the truth. Not when he was buried within her hot, slick walls. Celeste began rocking her hips, riding him at a leisurely pace even as her cries grew louder. Weaving his fingers through her hair, Liam guided her mouth to his for another kiss. The urge to thrust became fierce, but their current position made it next to impossible.

So, he hooked his arms under her legs and held her aloft. He was strong from all his work outdoors, and Celeste's petite frame offered no challenge. She happily allowed him to bounce her up and down along his length. 

"Ah, fuck yes!" he growled. Hot lust had him breaking into a sweat. He could smell Celeste's arousal; it was easy to hear how wet she was at that moment.

When he rolled them both over so that he lay on top of her, she quickly wrapped her legs around him. Liam gave in to the instinctive urge to thrust hard and fast, claiming her like a man possessed. She cried out, leading him to worry he'd hurt her. But then he felt her body tauten seconds before she surrendered to a fierce shudder.

The tightening of her muscles around him was more than he could bear. Dangerously close to his own climax, he knew he needed to pull out. Yet Celeste continued holding him fast as her orgasm stretched on.

His rational mind did little to combat his need. "Celeste," he panted. "My God, I'm..."

With a helpless groan, he came inside her. The bliss of that release, so deeply craved, left his thoughts hazy. It was only after he was fully spent, and he'd collapsed upon the woman in his bed, that clarity settled over him. 

"I'm sorry," he sputtered, carefully withdrawing. "I shouldn't have..."

Celeste shushed him with a tender kiss. He watched as she left his bed and padded on bare feet to the bathroom. Her fair skin seemed to glow in the darkness. 

Slumping against the bed, Liam swept a hand over his face. It had all happened so fast, leaving his reason at a disadvantage. And hadn't he wanted her almost from the moment they'd met?

When she returned to his room, and his bed, he feared she might be angry, or full of regret. Instead, Celeste gave him an affectionate hug. Then she turned onto her side once more, seeming ready for sleep.

Liam stared at her back, his mind racing. Though still bewildered, he dared to slip an arm around her waist, and she nestled into his embrace. 

She wasn't angry or regretful, he realized. She was... content. Satisfied.

He decided he would be, too. And tomorrow, he'd search for condoms in the main house.

Sleep soon washed over Liam like a warm wave. He didn't wake until early the following morning, and it took several moments for the memories of last night to come flooding back.

Opening his eyes, he found that he was alone in the bed. Quickly sitting up, he looked around the room but saw no sign of Celeste.

At first, he feared it had all been a cruel dream, one that taunted him in his loneliness. But then he spotted the nightshirt at the end of the bed. Leaping up, he rushed into the bathroom and saw the towel Celeste had used. Her dirty clothes were still neatly folded in a pile on the floor.

In the front room, Liam discovered that her boots remained by the door. Panic bloomed in his chest while he covered the small area of the cottage, calling out her name. Finally returning to his room, he sank down on the bed. His mind reeled, trying to make sense of everything.

It was then that he heard it: soft, even breathing. 

His pulse racing, he knelt on the floor and peered under the bed. She was there, naked and curled into a tight ball. 

"Celeste!" he shouted, but his voice didn't rouse her.

In desperation, Liam dragged her out. Her lips were slightly parted, and he could see her eyes moving quickly beneath her closed lids. Giving her a shake, he yelled her name again. 

No response.

Liam pressed a hand to her forehead. Her skin was cool to the touch; she didn't have a fever. But maybe she was sick with some other illness than the one currently causing so much devastation. 

After several more attempts to wake the woman, Liam gave her face a slap. There wasn't much force in it, but the act still made him ashamed. And it accomplished nothing, for Celeste remained in her stupor.

"Please," he whispered, "please wake up." His pleas were equally useless. The grim realization settled upon him that he would have to seek help.

He could only pray that the clinic in town was still open, that the doctor there was still alive.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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