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Candy On Candy - 3. Bodies

"There were tables all around, several occupied by two or more guys. A girl was sitting on a guy's knee, chatting him up with her arm on his shoulder. Then she led him off to another area."

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I was already eighteen when I got to college, and as you know, I'd been enjoying sex for a couple years. There were the parties - me and other girls and whatever guys came along.

Shirly and I met at a fraternity party, coming out of the basement area where couples went to engage in whatever. I had a sticky belly to show for it; so she knew I was no puritan. (One might have asked how puritan the puritans were.) And I was pretty sure Shirley's date had put his cock in her.

By the bar, she pulled me aside. "I've noticed what a sexy body you have," she said. I learned that Shirley, who was a junior and lived off campus, had been "dancing" at Bodies since she was freshman. "Maybe you would like to work there, too," she suggested. "It's good money."

Bodies was a few miles from the school and featured student girls and older ladies. (Bodies is not the real name of the club, so don't bother looking it up.)

I told her I had no idea what a stripper actually does. "I suppose you just take off your clothes in front of a bunch of guys."

"No, No, No. --- Why don't you come to the club and watch?"

"You're smacking me. It's for guys," I replied in shock.

"Well, then, get a guy to bring you. What about that guy who left that mess on you?" she suggested, pointing at two spots on my clothes. She gave me her phone number on a beer-spotted napkin.

We chatted for a while until Marvin came back from the crowded bar with a gin and tonic for me, mostly gin. I guess he figured he had to get me drunk if he was going to fuck me. It was a first date, after all. But I never let a first date get in the way of getting fucked. A few moments later I said goodbye to Shirley and followed him up to his room at the frat.

"Mind if we join you, Gary?" he said to his roommate and the girl with him. Her top was already bare and Gary's hand was between her legs.

"Sure. Why not," he answered.

The girl protested, "Shawn!!!!!" but we came in and landed on Marvin's bed, where he spent a grand total of two minutes undressing me. The other girl - I never did learn her name - watched in amazement as he pulled his pants down, crawled over me, and entered me.

This was not going to be the most amazing sex I ever had, so I watched the other two. Gary took her pants and panties off and did a good job of eating her pussy while Marvin fucked me. Come on Marvin, pick up some pointers here. Her tongued climax and Marvin's seemed to coincide. Marvin pulled out and we both watched Gary climb up over her and slide his cock into her ever-so-ready cunt. The girl was ample to say the least, but it didn't seem to matter when she turned the tables. She pushed him off, laid him on his back, climbed on, and began to ride him.

"Let's get another soad," I suggested to Marvin. Gary released inside the girl while we were getting dressed.

In a slightly less noisy corner downstairs, I told Marvin, "I want to go to Bodies. You need to take me."

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope, my friend Shirley is dancing Sunday night. I want to watch her." My friend of one hour, haha.

"I've never been," Marvin protested.

"You can tell the other guys all about it. Bring as much cash as you can scrape together."

When we arrived Sunday night, Marvin was asked for a cover charge, and we went into the dimly lit club. It took a while for my eyes to adjust. There were tables all around, several occupied by two or more guys. A girl was sitting on a guy's knee, chatting him up with her arm on his shoulder. As we were looking around, she got up and led him off to another area.

There were two platforms with half-naked women dancing in front of men seated at the edge. I watched a man put a dollar bill in the lady's waistband, which seemed to be enough for her to lower her sequined short-shorts to the floor. A very skimpy thong was underneath.

I looked around for Shirley and saw her sitting with two other girls at a corner table. She spotted us at the same moment and came over to meet us. "Hi, Candy. This must be Marvin."

"Marvin, this is my friend Shirley."

"Why don't you sit at that stage over there? I'm up next."

The now naked dancer was gathering up dollar bills and her clothing, obviously finished.

"We don't serve alcohol, so we can take it all off," Shirley horse whispered in Marvin's ear.

"Boys and girls, now the unbelievably erotic Melody is going to show you what she's got ... If you're nice to her." I figured out that Melody was Shirley's stage name.

Melody took the short flight of steps onto the stage after the other dancer came down. For the first song, she climbed up a pole that was attached to the stage and spun around and around, making sure the guys could see her panties.

When she got off the pole, I watched her work around the stage, stopping at the two other guys sitting there. I could see why it is called striptease; she worked each guy once with all her clothes on, exposing all but the nipple of one breast or the other, and collecting a dollar bill.

Then she stopped in front of us. By then, her top consisted only of a very fancy, very skinny bra. She bent over in front of Marvin and pulled her top edge open enough for him to see her breasts down to the nipples. He quickly caught on to slip in a dollar bill when she pulled open the waistband of her shorts. Then the bra came off, and she wiggled her tits in front of me. Before I knew it, she pulled my head toward her and buried my face between her tits. She collected another dollar from Marvin when she gave him the same treat.

By the start of the third song, she was down to only a thong. She came around to Marvin again and got him to add to the collection of dollar bills in her waistband before she threw them all on the deck. She exhibited her covered sex from front and back to both of us. Then, kneeling with her butt a few inches from Marvin's face she pulled the cloth aside and rubbed her pussy for a second.

She stood facing us and dropped the last swatch of clothing, the thong, to the stage. After dancing around to the other guys, she came back and knelt facing us. Leaning over the edge, she rested one hand on Marvin's leg and one on mine. "Oh my, somebody's excited," she exclaimed in mock surprise as she grabbed the bulge in Marvin's pants.

"I wonder if you're the only one," she added as she slid her hand up my skirt to feel my panties. "Oh yes," she exclaimed again. I was totally embarrassed to find myself soaked just watching another girl strip. "I hope you both want a dance in back. It's only $10 for each song." Marvin nodded.

When Melody's set was over, she gathered the money and her clothes and wandered through a door that the girls were using. "Wait here," she had told us.

It seemed like forever, but Marvin was happy to watch the next dancer – Auburn. Melody finally appeared in a different outfit. "I need to change after all that exercise. Come."

We followed her to a section with large, plush sofas. There was some sort of a bouncer sitting at the entry; I saw her hand him something - money, I later surmised. Melody led us to a quiet corner. "Sit next to each other."

Except for a black thong, her clothes came off early in the first song. "We need to keep this on in case something happens to the guy," she explained to me. Marvin and I got another face full of Melody's tits. Then she sat on Marvin's lap and started grinding. Marvin, breathing heavily, reached from behind to grope both boobs. Melody reached over to my leg and found my panties. Soon I was breathing heavily, too.

"We're not supposed to let the clients touch the girls, but I took care of that," she told us.

Before things went too far - and, as I learned later, to preserve the man's desire for more "dances" - Melody got up. But now she moved over to sit on my legs, facing me. Sensing my hesitancy, she pulled my hands up to her tits. I'd never held another girl's tits before, but hers felt nice. Cool and firm. Her nipples had definitely popped. Unceremoniously, she tore my blouse out of my waistband and pushed everything up, including my bra. We played with each other's chests until she moved a hand down between my legs. She was rubbing my panties when the song ended.

"Another song?" she asked Marvin. He nodded eagerly and watched, bug-eyed, as Melody pulled my panties aside and started on my clit. It wasn't long before there were two slender fingers in my vagina and a thumb on my clit. I couldn't believe I was so exposed and so close to cumming in such a public place. One of the guys at the stage was watching from afar. I pulled my skirt down over my pussy when Melody got up, but not fast enough to prevent Mr. Gawker from getting a quick peek.

Now she was facing Marvin on his legs. She grabbed his bulge and started rubbing. He must have figured it was no holds barred and reached between Melody's legs. She didn't object when he rubbed the outside of her thong. She didn't stop him when he reached through the leg hole to rub her bare pussy. And shoulder to shoulder with him, I watched two of his fingers disappear inside her.

She pulled the thong back and stood up when the song ended. "More?"

"Yes," Marvin croaked.

Back on my lap, she wasted no time taking my hand and putting it between her legs, as she pulled her thong aside with the other hand. "Do me like he did," she commanded. If feeling another girl's titties was shocking enough, having my hand on her pussy was over the top. Her shaved labia were silky smooth to the touch. And in between, her clit was a well-lubricated lump - bigger than mine, but not so it stuck out. She sighed quietly and rocked back and forth as I slid my finger over and around it.

"Inside," she begged.

I knew what one girl's vagina, mine, felt like, but this was different. Hot. Fully aroused and open inside. Ridges on the roof. I finger fucked her with my two middle fingers, and following her lead, pressed on her clit with my thumb.

"I'm gonna cum if we keep this up," she said, and then stood up on shaky legs to move over to Marvin.

She sat on his legs again and unzipped him. "Take it out," she ordered. When it was available, she began stroking it. "How much money do you have?"

He looked in his wallet. "One fifty," he answered.

"With the dances so far, that will do," she said. Then she picked up the small purse that she had left on the end table. I don't know why I hadn't figured it out already, but it was clear what was happening when she discreetly removed a condom and started unwrapping it. She unrolled it over his dick and stuffed the wrapper into the purse. Then she turned to face away between his legs and pulled that thong aside once again. I don't think I've ever seen a cock go in from this close, but I watched everything.

She bent over and reached between her legs to position his shaft. Her whole pussy was in clear view to both of us. Her love hole glistened in anticipation. She held the tip there and eased down, engulfing it in her vagina. I couldn't help but play with my own sex as she rode him, not in an up-and-down motion, but more like she was just doing a lap dance. Melvin's quickening groans and attempts to push up told me he was finishing. Melody slid the condom off with a Kleenex, tied a knot in it, and shoved it into her purse.

"One-fifty," she requested and took all Marvin's money, but she gave some back. "For a soda. Give your keys to Candy," she told Marvin. "You're coming with me, but I have to dance once more and get dressed. So find a table."

Then she told me, "Boris (not his real name) wants to give you a job interview. Go through that door and meet him in his office on the left."

She had already told me what a job interview entailed, but I wanted the money. "I'll drop your car off at the frat," I told Marvin. Then I gritted my teeth and left them.

Inside the staff-only area, the door to an office was open. A man with a half-empty glass of beer, three empty glasses, and a beer belly to match sat behind his desk watching girls undress, shower, and change into their dance outfits through his door. He had a splotchy beard and was missing a tooth. I went past to find a toilet. With the flimsy door closed, I peed and then slathered my clit and love hole with KY. I wasn't going to be dry with this disgusting excuse for a male.

"Come around here," he commanded as I entered his office. "You must be Candy. Let me see you strip."

I tried to give as exotic a performance as I could. Eventually, I was naked, standing there facing him.

"You'll have to shave it." I nodded. "I get a quarter of your take," he added. "And I have my needs, which all the girls take care of whenever I want." He unzipped his fly and took out what turned out to be a pretty nice size cock. "Like now. Come."

I moved close, turned around, and eased myself down. What kind of STD was I in for? The fucking lasted a few minutes and then it was over. His cum leaked out of my pussy as I dressed.

I dropped Marvin's car off and went to my dorm. I curled up in a ball in bed and tried to forget Boris and focus on the events with Shirley/Melody.


I called Shirley the next day. Tongue in cheek, we agreed I needed more training. Fact of the matter is, we both knew I longed to explore the new world she had introduced me to that Sunday night. I headed to her apartment the next Wednesday.

When I got there, Shirley was dressed in yet another short skirt with lots of sequins and incredibly high heels. She put on a CD with some highly explicit lyrics. "Sit," she said. I plopped down in the chair at the kitchen table and took a handful of dollar bills she gave me. "OK. You're the guy! I'll show you some stuff but you'll have to learn the pole yourself." She hopped up on the table and started dancing erotically in front of me.

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"You don't take anything off right in front of a guy unless he puts a dollar down," and she pointed at the edge of the table. I got the hint and put down one of her dollars.

As soon as the second song played, she unclipped her bra and let it hang over her breasts. She danced some more 'til she flipped it onto the floor. Then she moved in really close, I mean REALLY close, and once again, my face ended up between her boobs. She rubbed them up and down, there, for a few seconds, and then backed away. She reached down and, using her fingers, stretched open her garter. I already knew I was supposed to put the money in there.

"Guys know what to do." I picked the dollar off the table and slipped it in. As soon as that happened, she danced close again and reached down to my crotch. "OK, OK, pretend you have a cock," but she actually had her hand flat against my pussy for a few seconds. The coolness in my panties and the tightness in my belly told me I was getting wet. Again, she stopped and stood really close, pulling the waistband of her bikini bottom open enough to be enticing. It was time for another dollar bill. I reached up and put one in. She threw her dollar bills on the table and slipped off the bikini bottom. Now she was dancing in just a tiny little thong.

When the third song started, Shirley turned away and got on her knees in front of me.

"This'll get him hard if he isn't already." She rubbed her pussy thru the thong, then pulled the fabric aside and even rubbed her finger between her lips. When I reached out, she moved away.

"Don't let them touch you up there on the stage." My next dollar went into the strap of her thong.

Some of this was a repeat of Sunday night's visit, but I welcomed the refresher and the lustful feelings I was having.

Back on her knees, she pulled the thong down to her ankles and now was totally naked from the calves up. Somehow the heels stayed on as she wiggled her fanny and hot spot in my face. Then she pulled the thong back up, stood up, bent over to me, rubbed her boobs on my face again and whispered, "Would you like a private dance? --- As you know, it's $10 per song at Bodies." (I understand the prices are a lot higher these days.) It was time to learn the art of lap dancing.

She got dressed again and led me to the "VIP dance room," which happened to be her sofa. "Sit on this sofa," which I did, letting her pull me down so my butt was at the edge. "And always wait for the next song to start."

Shirley stood in front of me, and as soon as the song started, quickly removed everything but the thong, including the heels. Shirley was a beautiful girl for sure. Much prettier than me. But my figure was nice - still is - and I never had trouble getting attention. Soon she was standing between my legs, rubbing her leg against the inside of my thighs ... and then against my panties. It was definitely working, and I let out a big sigh! God, I was wet.

She let me play with her tits but maneuvered to keep my hand from between her legs when I tried to grab her there. "You have to learn this trick, if you're following the rules with the guy."

Then she turned and sat on my lap. "Most guys make sure their cock is up on their belly pointed at their belly button," and she pressed against my tummy and started rubbing me there with her backside. But that's not all she did, and I'm sure this was not part of the lesson. She reached down between her legs and mine and found the crotch of my panties with her hand. She rubbed and rubbed until I was moaning with pleasure. "OK, I got carried away. Be gentle with their balls when you do this."

Soon the fabric moved aside, and I felt two fingers playing between my pussy lips. "You shaved!" she noted. My little clit was on fire and she knew how to excite it even more. Then, oh my god, those two fingers went into my vagina and started to fuck me. She turned around to make it less awkward. My orgasm started to build as I watched the fingers of her other hand shove inside her own sex.

Before I could really climax, Shirley hopped off and knelt on the floor between my legs. I don't remember whether her fingers stayed in my body as she maneuvered, but if they didn't, she'd put them back in and fucked me incredibly deeply as she sucked on my vulva - left side, right side, back and forth.

Then it was her tongue just above her fingers. Oh, Oh, Oh, my orgasm kept coming and coming as her fingers came out and her tongue lapped inside. She drank in my juices as I climaxed. Everything came to a screaming peak when I felt a wet middle finger slip into my asshole.

When she got up, I knew I had to please her, but she reminded me this was also training. "Now you do the lap dance," she said. "Don't wait for the song," she begged hoarsely. Was she as hot for this as I was?

This was new to me, but by now, I had a pretty good idea what to do. First, I dropped all my clothes on the chair I had been sitting in; she took off her thong as she sat in front of me. I did the boobs thing on her face and used my bare leg against her thigh and then her soaking wet pussy. Then I turned and sat on her lap, facing away as she had shown me. Her hands pulled at my boobs. My hand found her silky labia and gently stroked her there. I leaned to one side and turned my head back. We began kissing, gently at first, then passionately. Our tongues played as I twisted around to face her and took her lovely breasts in my hands. I pushed Shirley's naked body gently back onto the sofa. She loved it when I sucked on her nipples and played with her clit using two fingers. I remember her bump was larger than mine and oh so slippery.

And when she begged, "Fuck me. Fuck me," I shoved those two fingers in and began kissing her lower and lower until my mouth was wrapped around her mound and my tongue lapped away. I loved the way she tasted.

There was no holding back her orgasm, especially when my tongue found its way inside her. I knew she wanted a finger in her rear and that only made her moans more intense.

Then it was over. We wandered into her bedroom and climbed up on the bed. We lay there kissing and rubbing each other’s boobs and occasionally caressing each other's pussy.

We started to get aroused again. Then she surprised me. She reached under the bed and pulled out a wooden box. "This is really fun," she said. What was in it was another first for me: a double-ended dildo! She dribbled KY on both ends. We arranged ourselves on our knees at opposite corners of the bed. Shirley pulled one end into her pussy. With some effort at getting into a favorable position, I did likewise. It was fairly big around and felt good as we shoved our butts together and away repeatedly. But I didn't have an orgasm until we moved over with her sitting against the headboard and me propped up on my elbows with the dildo in us both. She was able to grab it in the middle and slide it to and fro, first into me and then into her until we were both chanting "Oh my god, Oh my god," with ecstasy.

A final round of 69 made us both sleepy. I woke up next to her as the sun came up. We were still naked. made love again, and washed each other erotically in the shower.

I finally broached the obvious question on my mind: "Does this mean I'm a lesbian?"

"You still want sex with guys, right?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Well then, you're like me, bisexual." That was a new term to me. But it fit. It still does.


At breakfast, Shirley told me more about the club. I asked her if she had gone somewhere with Marvin. "Yeah," she replied, "I think you'll find sex with him more interesting now."

Next time Marvin came to my dorm room, that was confirmed. He started sucking my tits, then worked his way down. I pictured him between Shirley's legs as his tongue lapped my clit. He fucked me first with his fingers and then with his tongue. His fingers went back in to finish off my screaming orgasm as he incredibly licked my butt hole. I got on my knees and let him have me from behind 'til his hot juices erupted deep inside me.

He flopped back on my bed, his cock, still partly engorged and wet with our juices, flopped to one side. I picked it up and started licking it, first on the shaft and then on the tip. I'd never given him a blow job before - he hadn't earned it - but I owed him a special treat that night. He got completely hard as I took him in my mouth and started sucking and bobbing.

"I'm gonna cum," he exclaimed. Round two for him was delivered deep in my mouth.


A couple of Mondays later, I started working. Thankfully, Boris didn't come around that often - there was plenty of variety to keep him satisfied.

I got pretty good at lap dances and managed not to kill myself on the pole. You made more money and had more dances with a guy, especially if you were generous with the contact you allowed. After I got over my initial fear of the bouncer (by having the guys tip him) and the rules, I would let men suck on my tits and rub my thong between the legs. You weren't supposed to be completely naked in the private area and that was fine with me; sometimes a wet spot appeared near a man's zipper; we girls viewed that as a risk even though we were all on BC.

Shirly had told me the good money came from letting guys fuck you, but you had to be really careful, and frankly, have an arrangement with the bouncer - sometimes sex, but usually just money. I didn't think I wanted to do that and let the idea pass.

But there was this one guy, I'll call him Pete, who'd been there often and looked for me. He was obviously married if noted where he had taken off his ring. I would rub Pete's cock with my hand thru his pants and even let his fingers inside my thong. Actually, I was enjoying it as much as he was. I'd get really wet and lately his fingers didn't just play on the outside of my pussy.

I learned that guys loved it if you reached into their pants and played with their bare cocks; sometimes they would come on my fingers, and I would have to wipe them off on their undershirts. It had been a while since I'd seen him, and I looked forward to trying that on him the next time he danced with me. But lo and behold, he had a condom on! "I use it to keep my clothes clean," he said.

"You're so prepared!" I chuckled. But he wasn't prepared for the thought that came over me! Suddenly, I wanted him even if it got me fired - I hadn't made that arrangement with the bouncer. I supposed I could take care of that later. "Do you want to fuck me?" He was surprised, but said, "God, that would be unreal." I made up a price, $100.

I turned around, facing away - a good laptop position - and sat on his legs. Fortunately, the bouncer had stepped away. "Take it out for me," and I felt him working the zipper and the waistband of his jockeys. When I was sure nobody was looking, I reached between my legs pulled my thong aside, and pulled his cock into position.

It felt great sliding in - you get tired of almost getting there all night even if you do appreciate the limits - but the limits were out the window this time. I continued the lap dance motions with him inside me for a couple of songs until we were both moaning quietly and I could tell he was cumming. When he finally popped out, I adjusted the thong and turned around. The condom was full. I slid it off, tied a knot, slid it into my purse wrapped in a Kleenex and helped him zip up.

I bought a burner phone. The next time he came in, I gave him the number. "Let me know if you, you know, want to get together somewhere else." A couple weeks later there was a text; his wife was away and could I come over. I dressed real sexy but wore a long overcoat so I wouldn't be too obvious as I walked into his apartment building and up the stairs. A couple feet inside the door we started kissing passionately - we'd never really kissed at the club - and simultaneously undressed each other, leaving a pile of clothes right there.

He had his hand in my pussy and I was rubbing his cock as our four-legged monster waddled over to the sofa. He pushed me down on the seat and knelt. "I want to eat you."

I wasn't sure that was a good idea, but I let him. Soon my orgasm came. I was getting crazy, I know, but I muttered, "You can fuck me bare this time," and he did! I'd swear a whole lot more came out of him than had filled that condom at the club. When I traded places with him and knelt to give him a restoration BJ, a big glob ran down my leg. We fucked three times before I went home - the last time I needed help from KY - and he handed me $300 without my even having set a price.

We continued meeting in more private locations, and I will say, he knew how to please a girl. He always made sure I came.

Eventually, I admitted to myself that I was a whore, though I still considered this particular relationship more personal. The other big spenders were not personal at all, just business and always with condoms. And I guess that's why I stopped working at the club in less than a year; it was harder and harder to respect myself. I kept seeing Pete for a few more months but wouldn't accept money anymore. It all ended when I needed to transfer to a state school for money reasons. That was a good thing because I met my future husband there. There were things he didn't need to know about me.

Written by MapleCandy
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