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Five Days: Tuesday

"Jack comes back to help Maggie with more chores, and Maggie puts on a show for Jack"

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Author's Notes

"The second installment of the Five Days series is here. I was really tempted to break this into two separate chapters, but ultimately decided it would be more fun do it this way. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy it. As always, thanks for the likes, favorites, and amazing comments!"


Maggie smiled, turning off the 7:00 a.m. alarm that had drawn her from her slumber. Sunlight streamed in through her window. Birds could be heard chirping outside. Jack was coming over in a little under an hour. Throwing off her covers and hopping out of bed, Maggie sighed contentedly. She had barely woken up, but already it felt like a perfect day was in the making.

Maggie thought about her previous night's rest. It was so relaxing. So comforting. Over and over again, that catchy little tune from the device Jack had given her permeated her dreams, soothing her and making her feel warm and comfortable. When she woke up, she genuinely felt more rested than she had in ages. Maybe that little invention of Jack’s was really doing something. She made a mental note to thank Jack for giving it to her.

Stripping out of the nightgown she’d slipped on before bed, Maggie padded into the bathroom and started the water for her shower. As she cleansed her body under the refreshing water, the tune from Jack’s device consumed her thoughts. She found herself remembering the lyrics she’d made up the day before.

Spend more time with Jack. Show some skin for Jack.

As she thought fondly about the lyrics she’d already crafted, a new verse popped into her mind:

Be flirty with Jack.

Maggie thought to herself, "There's a naughty little idea now." Be flirty with Jack. Wouldn’t that be a bit of a thrill? She pictured herself getting a little flirty with the boy. Nothing too serious, of course. She was a married woman, after all. But there’s no harm in teasing him—just a smidge. Maybe she could make a little comment on how attractive he looked. Maybe some subtle innuendo. A little wink here and there. Yes, she realized that a little flirting would be the perfect harmless fun.

Be flirty with Jack. Show some skin for Jack. Spend more time with Jack.

By the time Maggie finished her shower, she was singing all three lines to the little tune and looking forward to Jack's arrival even more. She couldn’t wait to spend more time with him. She couldn’t wait to show a little skin and see his reaction. She really couldn’t wait to start getting a little flirty.

Moving into her closet, Maggie dug around, looking for a flirty outfit for the day—something to show some skin for Jack. She settled on a cute tank top that showed off her midriff and a skirt that, while somewhat plain, showed off a ton of legs. After slipping on a pair of panties and her skirt, Maggie opened her dresser’s bra drawer and then stopped.

Be flirty with Jack.

Did she want to wear a bra today? She probably should wear a bra under the tank top. That was the safe thing to do. If she didn’t, she might inadvertently put on a little show for Jack.

Be flirty with Jack.

Or maybe she wanted to put on a little show for Jack. Of course, it wouldn't be too explicit, but Jack was an attractive young man, and it was evident that he found Maggie attractive.

Be flirty with Jack.

Maggie made up her mind. No bra today. It would be so much fun to tease Jack a bit, and maybe give him a thrill. Closing her bra drawer, she grabbed the tank top and slipped it on. Looking in the mirror, she could clearly see the outline of her nipples through the ribbed material. Perfect.

Maggie slipped into a pair of flats and headed toward the kitchen. On her way there, she casually noted that the device’s third light was now glowing brightly. It must be working, she thought as she stepped into the kitchen. She checked the time. It was about 20 minutes before Jack arrived—just enough time to whip up a little something special. As she worked, she could hear the device’s tune playing from the next room over, and she hummed along cheerfully.

Jack’s hand barely struck the door when Maggie swung it open. Maggie gave the boy a sultry smile, which only widened when she noticed his eyes flick down to her tits. She looked him up and down before speaking.

"Well, hello, handsome,” she began. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Jack dragged his eyes back up to meet hers. "Hi, Mrs. Harris,” he began. “How are you today?”

“Better, now that you’re here,” she flirted. “Why don’t you come on in, Jack? I made you something special for breakfast.”

“Thanks so much, Mrs. Harris,” he said, stepping into the home.

Maggie closed the door and led Jack into the kitchen. His eyes went wide when he saw the meal that Maggie had prepared for them. There were pancakes, toast, eggs, sausage, and even bacon.

“Wow, Mrs. Harris,” Jack beamed. “This is incredible.”

“Well, then, have a seat and dig in, stud,” Maggie purred. “A big, strong guy like you needs a nutritious meal to prepare for the workout I’m going to give you.”

Throughout breakfast, Maggie made conversation with Jack, being sure to take opportunities to flirt. As the meal progressed, Jack really seemed to be warming up to Maggie’s flirtation, even going so far as to tentatively flirt back a few times. Every time he did, it sent tingles straight up Maggie’s spine. Even at 38 years old, she could still get the attention of such a hot young stud. By the time breakfast was finished, Maggie’s panties were absolutely drenched.

“Alright, young man,” she said with a wink as she grabbed his empty plate. “Why don't you start working in the garage, and I'll help in a few minutes?”

“Sounds good. I can’t wait to see you again soon, Mrs. Harris.” Jack smiled, sending tingles throughout her body.

As soon as Jack was in the garage, Maggie put away everything as quickly as she could and nearly ran back to her room. Diving onto her bed, her fingers slipped under her skirt and began furiously stroking her pussy. How could Jack be so damn sexy? As she worked her clit, Maggie groaned and thrashed in the bed. All she could think about was Jack. His big, strong arms wrapped around her. His muscular body pressed into hers. His hard cock splitting her open. Maggie let out a groan, coming hard as she imagined fucking Jack right there in her bed.

As Maggie came down from her orgasm, she realized two things. The first was that she was going to need a new pair of panties already. The second was that, in her haste to get herself off, she had forgotten to shut her bedroom door. At first, Maggie’s eyes went wide. What if Jack had come in? What if he’d seen her frigging herself off? What if he heard her?

Spend more time with Jack. Show some skin for Jack. Be flirty with Jack.

Maggie’s expression changed to a smile. What if Jack had seen her? Wouldn’t that have been a flirty little thrill? Maggie's arousal began to rise just thinking about letting Jack watch her get off. It wasn’t like she’d ever really do that, but wouldn't it be hot if she did? That would sure be an enjoyable way to spend more time with Jack.

Doing her best to get her mind back on track, Maggie switched into a fresh pair of panties and headed out to the garage, where Jack was hard at work. She admired Jack’s young, muscular body as he went about sorting clutter and hoisting boxes onto shelves. A few moments later, Jack noticed Maggie had come in and smiled at her.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Harris,” Jack said as he grabbed a box of paint off the shelf. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Well, I definitely saw you,” Maggie replied, “and I liked what I saw. Keep up the excellent work, young man.”

“For sure,” Jack said. “Hey, Mrs. Harris. It’s kind of warm in your garage. Would you complain if I took off my shirt while I worked?”

“Are you kidding?” she laughed. “Knock yourself out. I know I’d love the view if you did.”

“I thought you might.” Jack smiled, sending another shiver up Maggie’s spine. Pulling his shirt up and over his head, Jack tossed it over the lawn mower’s handle and went back to work as Maggie drank in the boy’s muscular torso.

Organizing the garage turned out to be a great chore, Maggie decided, working alongside the boy as the catchy tune from his device revolved around her mind. It was a relaxing way for her to spend more time with Jack, for sure. It also gave her plenty of opportunities to flirt with Jack, which she absolutely loved.

She even got to show some skin for Jack, which was probably her favorite part. When they started working together, she kept noticing Jack’s eyes roaming over her form. Deciding to play it up a little, she did her best to innocently jut out her chest, really putting her tits on full display. Jack definitely seemed to enjoy that, so Maggie kept it up. As she continued to do so, she began flirting with him.

“Do you like what you see?” she found herself asking at one point, to which Jack nodded vigorously. She grinned and winked. "Well, be a good boy, and maybe I'll let you see a little more."

Later on, Maggie caught Jack checking her out again. That boy really loved her tits, she thought to herself.

Show some skin for Jack.

An idea popped into her head. It would be so naughty, but also so hot.

Show some skin for Jack.

The boy had really worked hard, and she did say that she'd let him see more if he did.

Show some skin for Jack.

Maggie decided it was time to give him a little thrill.

“You really have been a good boy, Jack, working so hard out here in my garage,” she purred.

“You think so, Mrs. Harris?” Jack asked. “So, does that mean I get to see a little more, like you said?”

Maggie gave Jack a toothy grin. “Okay, but you have to promise not to say anything to Mr. Harris,” she said.”

"Scout's honor,” Jack said, smiling.

Maggie glanced over to the garage window to make sure the coast was clear. Looking back at Jack, she smiled, grabbing the hem of her tank top and pulling it up to flash her tits at the young man.

“Oh wow,” Jack said in awe. “Those are incredible.”

Maggie held her top up for a few moments, really letting Jack see her boobs, before pulling it back down and smoothing it out. A warm feeling of pride and arousal flooded her body. Her eyes met Jack's, and for a moment, she gave serious thought to pulling her top all the way off and inviting Jack to step up and have a grab. It was super tempting, but getting physical was a line she wasn’t ready to cross, no matter how badly she wanted to. Instead, she winked at Jack again and told him to get back to work, and maybe she’d give him another little show later.

It was nearly lunchtime when Jack and Maggie finally had the garage sorted. Maggie had expected it to take longer, especially after she started flashing her tits at Jack every few minutes. With just a few things that needed to be put in their place, Maggie told Jack to finish up and come inside when he was done, and she would have lunch ready for him.

Stepping into the house, Maggie found herself humming the little tune once more as she made her way to the kitchen. As she walked through the dining room, Maggie observed that the gadget's fourth light had come on. As she prepared their sandwiches for lunch, Maggie continued humming the tune as she sang her lyrics in her mind.

Spend more time with Jack. Show some skin for Jack. Be flirty with Jack.

A delightfully wicked smile grew on Maggie’s lips as she thought up a new line to the tune.

Make contact with Jack.

Now, wouldn’t that be hot? Maggie thought about the new line in her head. Make contact with Jack. Maggie shivered as she imagined running her hands up and down Jack’s toned, young body. Touching those strong arms. That handsome face. Running her fingers through his hair. She considered how much she’d wanted Jack to touch her in the garage. Would it really hurt to let his hands wrap around her waist? To let his fingers trace across her chest?

Make contact with Jack.

The more she thought about it, the better the idea felt. It wasn't like a few innocent touches would be that bad. She wasn’t going to make out with him, cheat on her husband, or anything like that. Her husband probably wouldn’t understand, but it wasn’t like he had to know. She found herself trapped here, yearning for a man's touch, while he was frequently out of town for work. It was a nice, innocent way for her to get what she wanted.

When Jack came in from the garage, Maggie was ready. Strutting up to Jack, Maggie reached out, giving him a great big hug. He was still shirtless, much to her delight, as her hands roamed up and down his back.

“Mmmm, Jack,” she said softly into his ear as the two hugged. “Thank you so much for getting that garage straightened out. It really was a big chore.”

As they separated from their hug, Maggie placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder, guiding him to his seat at the table.

“Now, have a seat, young man, and enjoy a well-earned lunch while I help you relax.”

As Jack took his seat and began eating his sandwich, Maggie stood behind him and gently kneaded his shoulders. By the time he finished his meal, Maggie was giving him a full-blown back massage, delighting in the feeling of his muscles under her fingers. Jack was powerful and handsome, she thought to herself. So sexy.

“Mmmh, Mrs. Harris,” Jack said with a contented sigh, “what’s my next chore for the day?”

“Such a thoughtful boy,” Maggie purred, slowly easing off the massage, letting her fingers slip over his shoulders and down across his chest. "I have a small task and then another big chore, if you're up for it. The small thing is to put together a shelving unit in my laundry room. The bigger chore is that I wanted to sort our storage room in the basement. Would you be interested in helping with either of those?”

“For you, Mrs. Harris,” Jack said as the woman ran her hands up and down his torso, “I’d do anything.”

A million naughty ideas flooded Maggie’s mind at Jack’s offer. “Oh, really?” she asked him. “Anything?”

“Anything at all.” Jack smiled, turning to look at the older woman.

“Well, then, let’s get into the laundry room.” Maggie smiled, removing her hands from Jack long enough for him to rise to his feet. Taking him by the hand, she led him down the hall, all the while singing her song in her mind.

Spend more time with Jack. Show some skin for Jack. Be flirty with Jack. Make contact with Jack.

Maggie showed Jack the existing shelving in the laundry room, where the clothes baskets were hanging, and then guided him to the new shelving's intended location. Jack started unpacking the new shelves from the box, and before long, he and Maggie were well on their way to getting the shelving unit assembled.

Maggie was sure to give Jack lots of encouragement as he worked. She told him what a good job he was doing and how sexy he looked doing it. She joked with Jack, flashing her tits at the young man again and again. From time to time, she would run her hands along his chest and back. Jack seemed to love the attention, and Maggie definitely loved seeing his reaction.

“Well, there it is,” Jack said triumphantly, once the new shelving unit was mounted to the wall. “What do you think?”

Show some skin for Jack.

“I think,” she smiled, “that you deserve a little reward for a job well done.”

Maggie grabbed the hem of her tank top once again, pulling it up and over her head. She smiled as Jack’s eyes once again went straight to her tits.

“You’ve been shirtless all day,” she cooed, tossing her shirt in one of the baskets behind her. “I think it’s only fair that I do the same. What do you think about that?”

“I think I like it,” Jack said, still staring at her breasts. “You’re beautiful, Mrs. Harris.”

A warmth radiated through Maggie’s body. “Thank you, Jack,” she smiled, reaching out to take his hand. “Now let’s get down to the basement. If we make good progress down there, maybe I’ll give you another little treat.”

Maggie hummed her little tune all the way down to the basement's main room. There were a couple old sofas with boxes piled on them, a TV on the wall, and piles of seasonal decorations scattered throughout the room.

“This used to be a little lounge for Mr. Harris and I,” Maggie explained. “But over the years, we’ve piled more and more junk in here. I want to get all of this sorted and moved into the storage room so we can have a fun little place to snuggle up again. Does that sound good?”

“Snuggling with you definitely sounds good,” Jack grinned.

Maggie laughed. “I meant the chore, silly,” she said playfully. “And if you do a good job with all this,” she said, gesturing to the messy room, “I’ll be sure to give you a little more of this.”

Maggie took Jack’s hand and pulled it to her tit. She smiled as Jack’s eyes went wide. At first, his hand didn’t move, but gradually he came to life, giving her breast a little squeeze and letting his fingers drag along her nipple. She closed her eyes, letting the boy play with her for a bit. It felt so good, and it was such a great way to make contact with Jack. She could let this go on all day.

After a minute, Maggie was getting seriously turned on. Worried that she’d let things go too far if she got any more worked up, she...

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Written by ThePenisMightier
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